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The A.P. Rights in Land & Pattadar Pass Books Act, 1971
& Rules, 1989

- Project Director, CMRO

O/o CCLA, A.P.

1 Act 26 1971  AP (Telangana Area) Record of Rights in Land
Regulation, 1358 – for preparation & maintenance of
ROR in Telangana
 No corresponding enactment in Andhra Area
 Fresh enactment is suggested by Revenue
Consultative Committee uniformly across the entire
 Preparation and Maintenance of Record of Rights
duly giving opportunity to affected party for
rectification by application to authorized officer
2 Amendment 11 1980  Issue of Pattadar Passbook to remove hardship to
the farmers; Agriculture – Credit – to secure loans on
basis of entries in the passbooks; Registrations,
Loans etc. to be entered.
3 Amendment 1 1989  Section 6A – Government is authorized to issue
Pattadar Passbook which shall be presumed to be
true until unless otherwise proved.
 Sada Bainama Cases – Regularization of
Unregistered Alienations.

4 Amendment 24 1989  To remove certain difficulties

 Definition of “owner”
 To remove “occupant” from issue of Pattadar
Passbook 6(A) (1)
 Eligibility for loan on Crop – Sec. 6(C) (1)
 6(G)(1) – Cut off date for providing loans
 6D(2) – Small & Marginal Farmers removed from the
category of Land Less persons
5 Amendment 9 1994  To overcome difficulties faced by credit lending
 Issue of Title Deed to enable them to use the same
for creation of equitable mortgage on their lands – to
Owner Pattadar
 Appeal to RDO on orders given under Sec. 5-A
 To protect credit agencies that any charge not
entered in the pass book will not have priority
 To make pattadar responsible for getting necessary
entries made in transactions of Registration in Title
Deed cum Pattadar Passbook
 Recover loans as “Arrears of Land Revenue”
 Revision powers conferred on the District Collector
against the orders passed under Sec. 3, 5, 5-A or 5-B
6 Amendment 16 2001  Completion of ROR exercise in District Gazette in
addition to State Gazette Under Sec. 3(2)
 No loan shall be granted unless Pattadar Passbook
is produced
7 Amendment 20 2011  Revision powers shall also be vested with RDO to
take up enquiries either suo motu or on application
in case of any irregularity in issue of Pattadar Pass
Books and Title Deeds. (Section 5-B)
8 Amendment 10 2016  Single book instead of 2 books by merging Title Deed
and Pattadar Passbook
 Pattadar Passbook not mandatory. All transactions
based on electronically maintained I-B record only.
However, mandatory to issue when farmers asks for
 Registrations based on electronically maintained I-B
record only
 Credit agencies shall issue loans based on
electronically maintained I-B record only
9 Amendment 30 2018  Auto Mutation policy – Provisional Mutation at Sub
Registrar level – sale deed, gift deed & partition deed
 Post enquiry – Auto appeal to RDO
10 Amendment 8 2019  Bhudhaar – Unique identification Number – single
source of truth on land information
 To provide legal status to Bhudhaar

 SECTION – 1: Short title, extent and

commencement –

 The Andhra Pradesh Rights in Land and

Pattadar Pass Books Act, 1971
 Whole State of A.P.
 As notified by Government from time to
• 2(1) – Bhudhaar
• 2(1-a) – Bhudhaar Card
• 2(1-b) – e-Bhudhaar Card
• 2(1-c) – m-Bhudhaar Card
• 2(1-d) – Permanent Bhudhaar
• 2(1-e) – Temporary Bhudhaar
• 2 (1-f) – Certified Copy or extract – as given under Section 76 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872
• 76. Certified copies of public documents.—Every public officer having the custody of a public document, which any
person has a right to inspect, shall give that person on demand a copy of it on payment of the legal fees therefor,
together with a certificate written at the foot of such copy that it is a true copy of such document or part thereof, as the
case may be, and such certificate shall be dated and subscribed by such officer with his name and his official title, and
shall be sealed, whenever such officer is authorized by law to make use of a seal; and such copies so certified shall be
called certified copies.
• Explanation.—Any officer who, by the ordinary course of official duty, is authorized to deliver such copies, shall be
deemed to have the custody of such documents within the meaning of this section.
• 2 – Collector – means the Collector of a district and includes “Joint Collector”
• 2-a – Commissioner – CCLA
• 3 - Land – other than non – Agriculture
• 4-a – Tahsildar
• 6- Occupant – actual possession of a land other than tenant or a unusufrutuary mortagee
• 7 – Pattadar – who holds land directly under Government under a patta whose name is
registered in the land revenue accounts if the Government as pattadar and who is liable to pay
land revenue
• 9- Record of Rights
• 10 – Recording Authority –
• 11 – Tenant – a lessee under a tenancy agreement, express or implied or a person who is or
is deemed to be a tenant under any law for the time being in force
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14]
• Sec. 3: (1) As soon as may be after the commencement of this Act in any area, there shall be [prepared and
brought up-to-date from time to time by the recording authority] in such manner, and thereafter maintained in
such form as may be prescribed, a record of rights in all lands in every village in that area and such record of rights
shall contain the following particulars, namely:
• (a) the names of all persons who are owners, Pattadars, mortgagees, occupants or tenants of lands;
• (b) the nature and extent of the respective rights or interest of such persons and the conditions or liabilities if any,
attaching thereto;
• (c) the rent, revenue or other amount, if any, payable by, or to any of such persons;
• (d) such other particulars as may be prescribed.

• (2) When in respect of any village the preparation of the record of rights referred to in sub-section (1) is completed;
the fact of such completion shall be notified in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette [or the District Gazette] and in such
other manner as may be prescribed.
• (3) Any person affected by an entry in such record of rights may, within a period of one year from date of the
notification referred to in sub-section (2), apply, for rectification of the entry to such officer as may be prescribed.
The said officer may, after such inquiry as may be prescribed, give his decision on such application and direct the
rectification of the record of rights in accordance with such decision which shall subject to the provisions of Section
9, be final
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 1 – Title, extent & commencement – The A.P. Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Book Rules, 1989

• 2 – Definitions –
• Mortgage – means the transferee of a mortgage as defined in the Transfer of Property ACT, 1882
• Khatadar – means any person having a khata number or account number to pay Land Revenue.
Every person in actual possession of land other than a tenant or a usufructuary mortgagee shall
pay land revenue on it into a khatha number assigned to him
• Record of Rights – in respect of owners title of land and in respect of other rights and interests in

3 – FORM OF RECORD OF RIGHTS – The Record of Rights shall be prepared initially in FORM – I
and subsequently maintained in FORM – I-B for every separate Revenue Village.
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 4. Procedure for preparation of Record of Rights and updating of the Record of Rights:
• i) The record of rights in Lands in the village shall be prepared in the manner hereinafter provided.
• (ii) The Commissioner shall issue whenever necessary a notification to make the Record of Rights upto date for the
entire State or such area or areas and from such date or dates by notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. The said
notification shall also be published in two daily newspapers circulating in the State of which at least one shall be in the
Telugu language.


• 5. The Recording Authority shall as soon as may be after the commencement of the Act for the first time and whenever a
notification has been issued by the Commissioner to make the Record of Rights up to date in the area in which a village
is situate cause to be published separate notices:-
• [(a) (i) declaring his intention of preparing a record of rights in lands in the village for the first time, or declaring the
intention consequent on the issue of a notification by the Commissioner to make the record of rights up to date in the
village by updating the registry of holdings and by splitting up of joint patters etc.]
• (ii) declaring his intention consequent on the issue of a notification by the Commissioner to make the record of
rights up to date in the village;
• (iii) by updating the registry of holdings by splitting up of joint pattas etc.;
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• (b) calling upon all persons claiming any interest in any land in the village to furnish either through the village assistant concerned or
• (i) a statement in writing in duplicate in Form 1-A showing the particulars of the lands in which an interest is claimed; and
• (ii) the nature of such interest on or before a specified date to be indicated in the notice not being earlier than fifteen days from the
date of publication thereof; and
• (iii) if a person has interest in lands in more than one village in a Mandal or in more than one Mandal in a District, he shall file his
claim in Form I-A in triplicate giving the particulars of all the lands in which an interest is claimed Mandalwise and village wise and
where a person has interest in lands in only one village, he shall append a certificate to the claim in Form I-A that he does not have
interest in lands in any other village in the District;
• (c) declaring also his intention to hold an enquiry in respect of the above matter in the village on a date to be specified in the notice in
this behalf not being earlier than twenty-two days from the date of publication of the notice and calling upon all persons interested to
appear before him at the said enquiry on the date so specified.

• (2) The notice referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be Form II and shall be published in the District Gazette of the District in which the village is
situate and also in the following manner namely-
• (a) by affixture in the chavidi or if there is no chavidi, in any other conspicuous place in the village;
• (b) by affixture on the notice boards of the Gram Panchayat Office, Primary Co-operative Agricultural Credit Society or School, if any, in
the village;
• (c) by beat of tom tom in the village;
• (d) by affixture on the notice board of the office of the Mandal Revenue Officer having jurisdiction over the village; and
• (e) by affixture on the notice board of the office of the Mandal Praja Parishad in which the village is situated.
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• Receipt of Claims & Method of enquiry:
• 6. (1) The Recording Authority shall arrange for the receipt of the statement of claims submitted in response to the notice referred to in
Rule 5 and shall also arrange for acknowledging the statement of claim on the duplicate, triplicate copy of claims statement and shall,
on the date specified in the notice in this behalf, proceed to and hold an inquiry in the village. A Register shall be maintained in Form
No. II-A for the claims received in response to the notice in the Form No. II.
• (2) During the enquiry referred to in sub-rule (1) the Recording Authority shall:
• (a) receive further statements of claims in writing that may be submitted to him;
• (b) hear any oral representation made in respect of any claim and make a summary record of such representation; and
• (c) examine the relevant registers, records and accounts already maintained in respect of the lands in the village for the purpose of
collection of land revenue or otherwise.

• Adjournment of enquiry:

• 7. (1) The Recording Authority holding an enquiry under Rule 6 may, if he so thinks fit, adjourn the enquiry to a later date or dates.
• (2) Every such adjourned enquiry shall be held in the village and the date or dates to which the enquiry is adjourned shall be
announced in public by the Recording Authority himself at the time of adjournment on the day on which the enquiry could not be taken
up or finished.
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 8. Power of Recording Authority: -

During the course of the enquiry referred to in Rule 6 above the Recording Authority may, if he considers it

(a) summon the attendance of any person for the purpose of examining him;

(b) require any person to produce any document believed to be in his possession; and

(c) Enter upon, inspect and measure or cause to be measured any Agricultural Land.

*9. Disposal of Claims:-

After due completion of enquiry, referred to in Rule 6 of the Recording Authority shall pass orders in respect of —

(i) all cases requiring change of Registry necessitated by the “death of registered holder” i.e.,
succession by heirship, if succession is not disputed. With regard to the entry of the names of the
heirs, the names of all the heirs entitled to shares in the property should be registered;
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• (ii) all cases requiring change of “registry necessitated by sale, gift”, etc., through registered documents, if
there is no dispute. In all cases of absolute transfer of title, the Registry of a holding should be altered to
correspond with the transfer of its ownership. Where the Registered holder is not a party to a registered
transaction, the registered holder should be enquired. The parties involved in a transfer should be connected
by a complete chain of registered documents.
• Unregistered documents are not admissible as evidence in this enquiry to prove the ownership or title of the
property. Where the chain is- not complete, no transfer of registry shall be done. Such cases shall be referred
to the Mandal Revenue- Officer, for disposal after confirmation of the Record of Rights- for the villages;
• (iii) All cases requiring splitting of joint pattas which do not involve any dispute. joint pattas held by a
Hindu Joint Family shall not be split up unless the family request for it in writing. The Recording Authority shall
enquire the joint Pattadars and after enquiry, by order, determine the share of land of each pattadar in the joint
holding. The shares of the land shall be sub-divided in due course and the cost of sub-division recovered from
the pattadars in proportion of their shares. After the confirmation of the Record of Rights, a person excepting a
Hindu Joint Family in a village shall have- only one patta for all his lands in the village as far as, it is
practicable. Joint Patter cases in which there is a dispute shall be referred to the Mandal Revenue Officer
after confirmation of the Records of Rights for the village;
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• (iv) No order shall be passed for the change of Registry or splitting of joint pattas, unless the recording authority is
satisfied that the change of Registry or splitting of joint patta is not in contravention of any of the provisions of: (1)The
Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973 (Act 1 of 1973); (2) The
Andhra Pradesh Assigned Land (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977 (9 of 1977);(3)The Andhra Pradesh
Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959 (1 of 1959);
• [(b)(i)After due completion of enquiry referred to in Rule 6 the Recording Authority shall also pass orders for registering
the names of claimants in respect of all cases of claims of] [tenancy, mortgage and occupancy] where there is no dispute
• (iii) In respect of cases falling under Rule 9(1)(a)(ii) if the chain is not complete, the Mandal Revenue Officer can
consider other evidence such as statements of respective ryots, kist receipts etc., and take decision. One month's
time shall be allowed for filing objections if any, and an enquiry be held in respect of the same. Thereupon, transfer
of registry shall be ordered unless the objection is found to be valid.
• (iv) No order shall be passed by the Mandal Revenue Officer for the change of registry, splitting of joint pattas,
recording the names of Tenants and Mortgagees in possession, unless he is satisfied that the change so ordered is not
in contravention of any of the provisions of the Acts referred to in Rules 9 (1)(a)(iv) [x x x].

• (2) After the passing of the orders under sub-rule 1(a) or 1(b), the Recording Authority shall prepare or cause to be
prepared a Draft Record of Rights/Draft Record of Rights made up-to-date in land in the Village in Form I and such
draft Record of Rights shall be kept in the custody of Village Assistant in the Office.
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 10. Publication of Record of Rights: -
• (1) The Recording Authority shall thereafter cause to be published a notice to the effect:
• (a) (i) that the Draft Record of Rights has been prepared for the village for the first time; or
• (ii) that the Draft Record of Rights made up-to-date has been prepared for the village;
• (b) that the said record has been kept in the custody of the Village Assistant of the village that it may be inspected of all reasonable times by any
• (c) that all persons claiming to rectify any omission or error in the said record should furnish a statement in writing relating to their claims on or
before a date to be specified in the notice in this behalf not later than fifteen days from the date of publication thereof; and
• (d) declaring his intention to hold a Grama Sabha to read out the Draft Record of Rights or Draft Record of Rights made up-to-date on a date to be
specified in the notice in this behalf not later than twenty-two days from the date of publication thereof and calling upon all residents of the village to
attend the Grama Sabha and make claims and objections;
• (e) declaring his intention to hold an inquiry, into claims and objections received under Clauses (c) and (d) above at the village on a date to be
specified in the notice in this behalf not later than forty days from the date of publication thereof and calling upon all persons interested to appear
before him at such enquiry.

• (2) The notice referred to in sub-rule (1) above, shall be in Form III and shall be published in the manner specified in Clauses (a) to (e) of sub-rule (2)
of Rule 5.
• (3) Any oral claims and objections received at the Gram Sabha shall be reduced to writing by the Recording Authority and the same shall be
considered at the proposed enquiry.
• (4) All claims and objections to the entries in the Draft Record of Rights published shall be submitted in duplicate in Form III-(A). The receipt of the
claim/objection shall be acknowledged in the duplicated copy. A register shall be maintained in Form III-B for the claims and objections received in
Form III-A in response to the notice in Form III
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
11. Disposal of Objections after Publication: -
• (1) The Recording Authority shall receive the statement submitted in respect of any claim of rectification or error or
omission in the Draft Record of Rights or Draft Record of Rights made up-to-date published and shall arrange for
immediate sub-division work wherever felt necessary before the date specified for enquiry. He shall proceed to the
village on the dates specified in the notice and hold an enquiry into all the claims received.
• (2) The provisions of Rules 7 and 8 shall apply to the enquiry referred to in sub-rule (1) above.
• (3) On the completion of the enquiry, the recording authority shall determine whether or not the Draft Record of
Rights required to be altered in the consequence of any such claim for rectification of an error or omission in the
said record and make a summary order accordingly:
• Provided that no such order altering the Draft Record of Rights shall be made adversely affecting the rights of any
person whose name has been entered in the Draft Record of Rights as having an interest in the land in respect of
the entry relating to which the alteration is proposed without giving a reasonable opportunity of making a
representation in this behalf.
• (4) The Recording Authority shall not pass any order under sub-rule (3) above without obtaining the orders of the
Special Deputy Tahsildar appointed for the purpose of the Mandal Revenue Officer concerned.
• (5) The orders referred to in the above sub-rules shall not be contravention of any of the provisions of the Acts
referred to in Rule 9(1)(a)(iv
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 12. Alteration in Draft Record of Rights: - (1) If, at any time, before the completion of the
enquiry referred to in Rule 11 above, the Recording Authority has reasons to believe that any entry made
in the Draft Record of Rights requires to be altered in any manner he may make such alteration:

• Provided that no such alteration shall be made without giving any person whose name is entered in the
Draft Record of Rights as having any interest in the land in respect of the entry relating to which the
alteration is proposed of making a representation in that behalf.
• (2) Recording Authority shall pass orders under the sub-rule (1) above only after obtaining the orders of
the Special Deputy Tahsildar appointed for the purpose, or the Mandal Revenue Officer concerned.

• (3) The orders referred to in the above sub-rules not be in contravention of any of the provisions of the
Acts referred to in Rules 9(1)(a)(iv)
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 13. Confirmation of “Draft Record of Rights”: -
• (1) After the completion of enquiry referred to in Rule 11 above, the Recording Authority shall confirm the
Draft Record of Rights in the village or the Record of Rights brought up-to-date subject to the alterations if
any made in pursuance of the orders passed in Rule 11 or Rule 12, and the Draft Record of Rights or the
Record of Rights made up-to-date so confirmed shall be the Record of Rights in lands in the village.
• (2) The Mandal Revenue Officer, the Revenue Divisional Officer, and the Deputy Collector (Record of
Rights) the District Revenue Officer, the Collector of the District, [and any officer designated by the
Collector for this purpose] in exercise of their general powers of supervision, shall be competent, suo
motu, to test and revise the entries in the confirmed Record of Rights provided that no revision shall be
made without giving any person whose name is entered in the Record of Rights, as having any interest in
the land in respect of the entry relating to which the alteration is proposed of making a representation in
that behalf. Before making any revision, an Officer shall obtain the approval of his immediate superior
officer. IT the entry, in the Record of Rights was made or confirmed by an Officer of the same rank.
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• 14. Gazette Notification & Subsequent activities: -

• (1) The fact of completion of the preparation of the Record of Rights for the first time or the fact of completion
of the Record of Rights made upto date in any village shall be notified in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette or the
District Gazette as in Form IV.
• (2) The notification referred to in sub-rule (1) shall also be published in the manner specified in sub-rule (2) of
Rule 5.

• (3) Within fifteen days of the confirmation of the Record of Rights prepared for the first time or the Record of
Rights made up-to-date, the Recording Authority shall hold a Gram Sabha at which the confirmed Record of
Rights ,hall be read out for the information of those present.

• (4) The new sub-divisions, as shown in the confirmed Record of Rights shall be measured and mapped in the
concerned records as per the procedure laid down and the fee shall be recoverable from the concerned ryots
as arrears of land revenue. The extent noted in respect of each part of survey number of each sub-division on
the Record of Rights Register, shall be subject to correction, wherever necessary after the completion of
measurement of the new sub-division.
PART – I- Preparation & Updating of ROR in all lands
[Sec. 3] and [Rules 1 to 14] (Contd.)
• [14A. (1) After the publication of the notification in Form IV, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall arrange to recast the
information in Form-I into Form I-B and authenticate the entries in respect of each person. If for any reason the
confirmation of the Record of Rights in any village under sub-rule (1) of Rule 13 or the issue of notification as in Form
IV, in respect of any village is held up, then the Collector may, by a special order, authorize the Mandal Revenue
Officer in whose jurisdiction the village is situated to get the register in Form I-B prepared for the village excluding
the Survey numbers/sub-division numbers for which claims in Form III-A are received. The register in Form I-B so
prepared, shall be test checked and shall also be read out in a Grama Sabha, the entries in the register shall be
authenticated by the Mandal Revenue Officer].
• (2) After the preparation of the register in Form I-B, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall arrange to get the Title deed
and Pass Books prepared with reference to the entries in Form I-B and deliver the same to the persons concerned in
a Gram Sabha [convened with a previous notice in Form IV-A of at least seven days. The notice shall be published
as per Clauses (a) to (e) of sub-rule (2) of Rule 5.]
• (3) On receipt of an application from any person for a Title deed and Passbook for any land in any capacity such as
pattadar, owner, mortgagee, tenant etc., the Mandal Revenue Officer shall cause an enquiry to be made whether the
applicants name is recorded in the Register of Record of Rights in land, prepared in Form I and Form I-B and if he is
satisfied that the applicant is eligible will issue to him a Title deed and Passbook. If the applicant is not eligible for
a Title deed and Passbook, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall inform the decision to him
PART – II – Rectification in ROR Entries
(Sec. 3(3) & Rule 15 to 17)
• Sec. 3(3) - Any person affected by an entry in such record of rights may, within a period of one year from date of the notification referred to in sub-
section (2), apply, for rectification of the entry to such officer as may be prescribed. The said officer may, after such inquiry as may be prescribed,
give his decision on such application and direct the rectification of the record of rights in accordance with such decision which shall subject to the
provisions of Section 9, be final
• Rectification of Entries in Record of Rights: -15. (1) Every application for the rectification of an entry in a Record of Rights made under
sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Act shall be to the Mandal Revenue Officer of the Mandal in which the village is situated.
• (2) Every application made under sub-rule (1) above, shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the entry from the Record of Rights which is sought
to be rectified and the grounds for such rectification.
• (3) The Mandal Revenue Officer, may within a period of one year as provided in sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Act on his own accord initiate
proceedings for correction of any mistake in the Record of Rights which he discovers himself or which is reported to him by any other Revenue
• 16. Disposal of Rectification Claims: - (1) On receipt of an application for the rectification under Rule 15, read with sub-section (3) of Section
3 of the Act, within a period of one year from the date of notification of the Record of Rights prepared for the first time or Record of Rights made up-
to-date in the village under sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Act, the Officer referred to in Rule 15 shall hold an enquiry after giving notice thereof
• (a) the person making the application;
• (b) any person referred to in the application as having right or interest or as not having such right or interest in the lands to which the entry relates;
• (c) any person whose name has been entered in the Record of Rights as having interest in the land; and
• (d) any other person known or believed to be having an interest in the land to which the entry relates.

• (2) The notice referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be in Form V

PART – II – Rectification in ROR Entries
(Sec. 3(3) & Rule 15 to 17)
• 17. Powers of Enquiring Authority: -
• (1) During the enquiry referred to in Rule 16 above, the said Officer shall take into account any written
representation received or any oral representation made by any person referred to in Rule 16, or any other
persons having interest in the matter and may:
• (a) summon the attendance of any person for the purpose of examining him;
• (b) require any person to produce any document; or
• (c) enter upon, inspect and measure or cause to be measured any land.

• (2) On the completion of the enquiry referred to in Rule 16, the said Officer shall give his decision on the
application for rectification of an entry and direct such rectification of the Record of Rights as may be required
in accordance with such decision to be made. The decision shall be intimated to all the persons referred to in
sub-rule (1) of Rule 16.
• (3) All applications for the rectification of an entry shall be disposed of by the Mandal Revenue Officer, within a
period of 90 days from the date of filing an application.
• (4) The orders referred to in the above sub-rules shall not be in contravention of any of the provisions of the
Acts referred to in Rule 9(1)(iv)
PART – III - Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
(Sec. 4&5 r/w Rules 18 to 21)
• [4. Acquisition of rights to be intimated. - (1) Any person acquiring by succession, survivorship, inheritance, partition,
Government patta, decree of a Court or otherwise any right as owner, pattadar, mortgagee, occupant or tenant of a land and
any person acquiring any right as occupant of a land by any other method shall intimate in writing his acquisition of such
right, to the Mandal Revenue Officer within ninety days from the date of such acquisition, and the said Mandal Revenue
Officer shall give or send a written acknowledgement of the receipt of such intimation to the person making it:

• Provided that where the person acquiring the right is a minor or otherwise disqualified, his guardian or other persons having
charge of his property shall intimate the fact of such acquisition to the Mandal Revenue Officer.

• (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act 16 of 1908) every registering officer
appointed under the Act and registering a document relating to a transaction in land, such as sale, mortgage, gift, lease or
otherwise shall intimate the Mandal Revenue Officer of the Mandal in which the property is situate of such transaction.

• Explanation I. - The right mentioned above shall include a mortgage without possession and a right determined by Civil

• Explanation II. - A person in whose favour a mortgage is discharged or extinguished, or a lease is determined, acquires a
right within the meaning of this section

• (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (2), the Revenue Officer responsible for preparation of Village
Records shall intimate to Tahsildar the acquisition of rights in land by any person in his jurisdiction within 15 days from the
date of knowledge in the format as maybe prescribed.
PART – III - Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
(Sec. 4&5 r/w Rules 18 to 21) -Contd
• 5. [Amendment and updating of Record of Rights]. - (1) On receipt of intimation of the fact of acquisition of
any right referred to in Section 4, the [Mandal Revenue Officer] shall determine as to whether, and if so in what
manner, the record of rights may be amended in consequence therefor and shall carryout the amendment in the
record of rights in accordance with such determination:
• Provided that no order refusing to make an amendment in accordance with the intimation shall be passed
unless the person making such intimation has been given an opportunity of making his representation in that
• [Provided further that when the registration is approved by the Registering Officer, the name of the claimant
shall be mutated in lieu of name of the executants on real time basis provisionally in electronically maintained
data duly assigning notional subdivision number as may be prescribed pending enquiry by the Tahsildar;
• Provided also that the provisional mutation shall be confirmed by the Tahsildar electronically by following due
procedure under sub-section (3) within thirty days of the registration. The aggrieved person may file an appeal
to the Revenue Divisional Officer within a period of fifteen days from the date of order of the Tahsildar and
decision of the appellate authority thereon shall subject to the provisions of Section 9 be, final.].
• (2) Where the [Mandal Revenue Officer] has reason to believe that an acquisition of any right of a description to
which Section 4 applies has taken place and of which an intimation has not been made to him under that
Section and where he considers that an amendment has to be effected in the record of rights, the [Mandal
Revenue Officer] shall carry out the said amendment in the record of right
PART – III - Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
(Sec. 4&5 r/w Rules 18 to 21)-Contd.
• (3)The [Mandal Revenue Officer] shall, before carrying out any amendment in the record of rights under sub-
section (1) or sub-section (2) issue a notice in writing to all persons whose names are entered in the record of
rights and who are interested in or affected by the amendment and to any other persons whom he has reason
to believe to be interested therein or affected thereby to show cause within the period specified therein as to
why the amendment should not be carried out. A copy of the amendment and the notice aforesaid shall also be
published in such manner as may be prescribed. The [Mandal Revenue Officer] shall consider every objection
made in that behalf and after making such enquiry as may be prescribed pass such order in relation thereto as
he deems fit.

• (4) Every order passed under this section shall be communicated the person concerned.
• (5) Against every order of the [Mandal Revenue Officer] either making an amendment in the record of rights or
refusing to make such an amendment, [an appeal shall lie to the Revenue Divisional Officer or such authority
as may be prescribed], within a period of sixty days from the date of communication of the said order and the
decision of the appellate authority thereon shall subject to the provisions of Section 9, be final.
• [(6) The Mandal Revenue Officer shall have the power to correct clerical errors, if any, in the Pass Books.
PART – III - Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
(Sec. 4&5 r/w Rules 18 to 21)-Contd.
• 18. Maintenance of Record of Rights: - (1) Maintenance of Record of Rights includes
• (a) correction of entries in pursuance of orders passed under Rule 17 above; and
• (b) incorporation of all mutations in the respective entries in pursuance of orders passed under Section 5 of the Act.

• [(2) The intimation of acquisition of rights under Section 4(1) by any individual shall be in Form VI-A either at a citizen Service Centre (eg.
MeeSeva Centre) or Online (as and when the facility is available). An acknowledgment shall be given to the individual. Registering Officer
of Registration Department shall send intimation to the Tahsildar under Section 4(2) electronically by transferring the data to the
electronically maintained Record of Rights on real time basis. The intimation by the Revenue Officer responsible for preparation of village
Records as per Section 4(3) shall in Form VI-D.]
• (3)(a) The [Mandal Revenue Officer] shall maintain for every village a separate. Register containing the abstract of the intimations received
under Section 4 of the Act. The orders passed under sub-sections (3) and (5) of Section 5 of the Act, either making an amendment or
refusing to make such an amendment shall be maintained in Form VII.
• (b) Before any order is passed by the [Mandal Revenue Officer] either making an amendment in the Record of Rights or refusing to make
such an amendment, the procedure prescribed in Section 5 of the Act shall be followed.
• (c) Orders on all intimations shall be passed within a period of six months from the date of receipt of an intimation.
• [(d) If the order is as per the request made in the intimation or where no order is passed within the stipulated period, the draft amendment
to From-I-B, copy of which was enclosed to the notice in Form VIII shall become final automatically in the electronically maintained
Record of Rights.
• (e) If the order is in variance to the draft amendment to Form I-B, the draft shall be suitably modified in the electronically maintained
Record of Rights as per the order.]

• (4) Discharge letters from the credit agencies shall be acknowledged by the Mandal Revenue Officer and treated as intimation of
acquisition/loss of right under Section 4, if it contains all the details prescribed in Form VI-A
PART – III - Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
(Sec. 4&5 r/w Rules 18 to 21)-Contd.
• 19. Issue of Notices: - [(1) The notice referred to in sub-section (3) of Section 5 of the Act shall be in Form VIII generated
electronically. A copy of the draft amendment to From I-B, generated electronically, as per the intimation received shall be enclosed to
the notice. While preparing the draft amendment to From I-B, the Procedure for notation of new sub-divisions notionally given in Para
15 of BSO-34A, extracted alongwith illustration in the Annexure, shall be followed.]
• (2) Such notice together with a copy of the amendment shall also be published in the manner specified in Clauses (a) to (e) of sub-rule
(2) of Rule 5

• 20. Powers of Updation Authority: - (1) During the enquiry referred to in sub-section (3) of Sec. 5 of the Act, the [Mandal
Revenue Officer] shall take into account the representations or objections written or oral made in this behalf by the persons referred to
therein to whom the notice has been given or by any other person interested in the matter and may, if he considers necessary-
• (a) summon the attendance of any person for the purpose of examining him;
• (b) require the production of any document; or
• (c) enter upon, inspect and measure or cause to be measured any land.

• (2) In taking a decision on the intimation of acquisition of right, the [Mandal Revenue Officer] shall be guided by the
principles/procedures laid down in Rule 9 above
PART – III - Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
(Sec. 4&5 r/w Rules 18 to 21)-Contd.
• RULE 21 - Appeal Procedure: -

• 21. (1) An appeal against every order of the [Mandal Revenue Officer] either making an amendment in the
Record of Rights or refusing to make such amendment shall lie under sub-section (5) of Section 5 of the
Act, to the Revenue Divisional Officer/Sub-Collector/Assistant Collector or such authority as may be
notified by the Commissioner.
• (2) Every appeal referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be in writing and shall set forth concisely the grounds
thereof within a period of sixty days from the date of communication of the order and shall be accompanied
by a copy of the order appealed against.

• (3) Every appeal referred to in sub-rule (2) above, shall bear a Court-fee stamp of rupees five only
PART IV – Regularization of certain alienations or transfers of
land: Sec. 5A r/w Rules 22
• 5-A: Regularization of certain alienations or transfers of land
• 1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, the Registration Act, 1908 or any other law for the time being in
force, [where a person is an occupant] by virtue of an alienation or transfer made or effected otherwise than by registered document, the alienee or the
transferee may, within such period as may be prescribed, apply to the Mandal Revenue Officer for a certificate declaring that such alienation or transfer is
• (2) On receipt of such application, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall after making such enquiry as may be prescribed require the alienee or the
transferee to deposit in the office of the Mandal Revenue Officer an amount equal to the registration fees and the stamp duty that would have been
payable had the alienation or transfer been effected by a registered document in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 as fixed by
the registering officer on a reference made to him by the Mandal Revenue Officer on the basis of the value of the property arrived at in such manner as
may be prescribed:
• Provided that the Mandal Revenue Officer shall not require the alienee or the transferee to deposit the amount under this sub-section unless he is
satisfied that the alienation or transfer is not in contravention of the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings)
Act, 1973, the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959 and the Andhra
Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977.
• (3) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall be deemed to validate any alienation where such alienation is in contravention of the
provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973, the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the
Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959 and the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977.
• (4) The Mandal Revenue Officer on deposit of an amount specified in sub-section (2), shall issue a certificate to the alienee or the transferee declaring
that the alienation or transfer is valid from the date of issue of certificate and such certificate shall, notwithstanding anything in the Registration Act, 1908
be evidence of such alienation or transfer as against the alienor or transferor or any person claiming interest under him.
• (5) The recording authority, shall on the production of the certificate issued under sub-section (2) make an entry in the pass book to the effect that the
person whose name has been recorded as an occupant is the owner of the property.]
PART IV – Regularization of certain alienations or transfers
of land: Sec. 5A r/w Rules 22
• 22. Regularisation of certain alienation or transfers of land:- (1) The Mandal Revenue Officer shall
issue a general Notification in Form No. IX, calling for applications from the persons who are recorded as
occupants in Adangal/Pahani Patrika or ir. Record of Rights prepared earlier by virtue of an alienation or
transfer made or effected otherwise than by registered document for declaring such alienation as valid.
Such notification shall be published in the District Gazette in which the village is situated and also in the
following manner, namely-
• (i) by affixture in the chavadi or if there is no chavadi, in any other conspicuous place of the village;
• (ii) by affixture on the notice boards of the Gram Panchayat office, Primary Agricultural Co-operative
Society and school if any;
• (iii) by beat of tom tom in the village;
• (iv) by affixture on the notice board of the Mandal Revenue Officer having jurisdiction over the village; and
• (v) by affixture on the notice board of office of the Mandal Praja Parishad in which the village is situated.
PART IV – Regularization of certain alienations or
transfers of land: Sec. 5A r/w Rules 22
• [(2) The alienee or transferee shall.file application in Form 'X' on or before 31-3-2008 on the notification issued under sub-rule (1), to the Mandal Revenue
• Provided, that:
• (a) the Alienation/Transfer took place before 31-12-2000 and not Agricultural Lands located in Urban areas covered by Mandal Head Quarters, District and
State Head Quarters and Municipalities, Municipal Corporations and Urban Agglomerations;
• (b) the Alienation/Transfer is regarding Agricultural land in Rural Areas; and
• (c) the Transferee/Alienee is a Small/Marginal Farmer.

• Explanation:
• 1. Small Farmer means a person having agricultural land up to 2.5 Acres of Wet or 5 Acres of dry Land.
• 2. Marginal farmer means a person having Agricultural land up to 1.25 Acres of Wet or 2.5 Acres of dry Land.
• Provided that it shall not apply to the alienation's or transfers made in contravention of the provisions of the Acts specified in the proviso to sub-section (2) of
Sec. 5-A of the A.P. Rights in Land 'and Pattadar Pass Book Act, 1971].
• (3) On receipt of the application under sub-section (2) of Section 5-A of the Act, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall issue notice to the alienor or transferor in
Form No. XI specifying therein the date on which and the time at which he proposes to enquire into the application. He shall also cause to issue a notice in
Form No. XII to all other persons believed to be interested in the land specifying therein, date, time and place at which he proposes to enquire into the
application. Only unregistered documents shall be considered under Section 5-A of the Act.
• (4) On the day so appointed or any other day to which enquiry may be adjourned by him, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall after hearing the parties and on
examining their documents and witnesses, if any, and after taking such further evidence as he may consider necessary to satisfy himself that the alienation or
transfer is not in contravention of any of the provisions of the Acts referred to in Rule 9(i)(a)(iv) complete the enquiry.
PART IV – Regularization of certain alienations or
transfers of land: Sec. 5A r/w Rules 22
• (5) (i) After completion of the enquiry under sub-rule (4) above, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall require the alienee or the transferee under
Section 5(A) of the Act, to deposit through a challan in the treasury an amount equal to the registration fees and stamp duty that would have
been payable had the alienation or transfer been effected by a registered document in accordance with the provisions of the Indian
Registration Act, 1908 as fixed by the registering officer on a reference made to him by the Mandal Revenue Officer in Form No. XIII-A, on
the basis of the value of the property arrived, within the time fixed by the Mandal Revenue Officer, not exceeding one month from the date of
the communication and receipt of the order:
• Provided that in case the Mandal Revenue Officer considers it expedient he may grant further extension of time.
• (ii) On the deposit of the amounts through a challan in the treasury as under Cl. (i), the Mandal Revenue Officer shall issue a certificate in
Form No. XIII-B as required under sub-section (4) of Sec. 5-A of the Act to the alienee or the transferee declaring that alienation or
transfer is valid from the date of issue of certificate.
• (iii) A copy of every such certificate shall be communicated in Form XIII-C by the Mandal Revenue Officer to the Sub-Registrar having
jurisdiction over the area in which the land in respect of which the Certificate has been granted is situate and the Sub-Registrar shall file
the certificate in the relevant registration records and index them after ensuring collection of registration fee and stamp duty from the party
under Clause (1).

• (6) The Recording Authority shall on production of the certificate issued under sub-section (4) of Section 5-A of the Act make an entry in the
Record of Rights in Forms 1 and 1B to the effect that the person whose name has been recorded as an occupant is the owner of the
property from the date of the issue of the said certificate. The Recording Authority and the Mandal Revenue Officer shall make necessary
entries in the Record of Rights in land in Forms 1 and 1B under proper attestation and referencing to files of the Mandal Revenue Officer.
• (7) Thereafter a [title deed and pass book] shall be issued to the occupant in the category of owner-pattadar
• SEC. 5B - (1) An Appeal shall lie against an order passed by the Tahsildar under sub-section (4) of Section 5-A, to
the Revenue Divisional Officer, within thirty days of the date of communication of the order and the Revenue
Divisional Officer shall, after due enquiry pass such order on the appeal as he deems fit.
• (2) The Revenue Divisional Officer may suo motu call for record of a case or proceedings from the Recording
Authority and inspect it in order to satisfy himself that the order or decision passed or the proceedings taken is
regular, legal and proper and make suitable order in that behalf:
• Provided that no order or decision affecting the rights of the parties shall be made unless the concerned parties are
given a notice and hearing and such order, shall, subject to revision under Section 9, be final
• RULE – 22A –
• 22A. (1) An appeal against every order of the Mandal Revenue Officer under sub-section (4) of Section 5-A of the
Act shall lie to the Revenue Divisional Officer/Sub-Collector/Assistant-Collector.
• (2) Every appeal referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be in writing and shall set forth concisely the grounds thereof within
a period of sixty days, from the date of communication of order and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order
appealed against.
• (3) Every appeal referred to in sub-rule (1) above shall bear a Court-fee stamp of rupees five only.
• (4) Every appeal shall be disposed of within a period of six months from the date of filing the appeal.
SEC. 6A R/W Rule 26 & 27
• 6A- (1) Every Owner, Pattadar, Mortgagee, or tenant of any land shall apply for the issue of a pass book to the Mandal Revenue Officer on
payment of such fee as may be
• prescribed. [The owner-pattadar shall apply for the issue of a title deed in addition to a pass-book.]
• [Provided that an occupant of an inam land is also eligible to apply for the issue of a [pass book and title deed] as an occupant:]
• [Provided further that] where no application is made under this sub-section the Mandal Revenue Officer may suo motu issue a Pass Book after
following the procedure prescribed under sub-section (2) and collect the fee prescribed therefor.
• (2) On making such application, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall cause an enquiry to be made in such manner as may be prescribed and
shall issue a [title deed and pass book] in accordance with the Record of Rights with such particulars and in such form as may be prescribed:
• Provided that no such [title deed and pass book] shall be issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer unless the Record of Rights have been
brought Part date.
• (3) The entries in the [title deed and pass book] may be corrected either suo motu or on an application made to the Mandal Revenue Officer in
the manner prescribed.
• (4) The Government may prescribe by rules the manner in which the [title deed and pass book] may be issued to all owners, pattadars,
mortgagees or tenants and to such other person in accordance with the record of rights.
• [(5) The title deed issued under sub-section (1) and duly certified by the Mandal Revenue Officer, or such other authority as may be
prescribed, shall be the title deed in respect of an owner-pattadar and it shall have the same evidentiary value with regard to the title for the
purpose of creation of equitable mortgage under the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Central Act 4 of 1882) as a document
registered in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act 16 of 1908) as under the law
SEC. 6A R/W Rule 26 & 27 (Contd.)
• RULE 26. (1) With reference to Form 1-B prepared under Rule 14-A, title deeds-cum-pattadar pass books shall be prepared
taking a village as a Unit.
• (2) The title deed-cum-pattadar pass book shall be prepared in respect of pattadars and owners and it shall have the same
evidentiary value with regard to the title for the purpose of creation of equitable mortgage under the provisions of the Transfer of
property Act, 1882 as a registered document registered by a Registered of Assurances.
• (3) It shall not be compulsory for the pattadar and owners to obtain title deed-cum-pattadar pass books. It will be optional as per
discretion of the Pattadar/Owner. The Registration authority under the Registration Act, 1908 shall not insist for production of title
deed-cum-pattadar pass book for any transaction in respect of the land. Similarly, no credit agency shall insist for production of
title deed-cum-pattadar pass book for the purpose of sanction or discharge of loan.
• (4) The format of title deed-cum-pattadar pass book shall in Form 14.
• (5) The title deed-cum-pattadar pass book shall be issued electronically in Telugu (e-title deed-cum-pattadar pass book). Every
entry in the title deed-cum-pass book shall be presumed to be correct and true unless the country is proved.
• (6) The title deed-cum-pattadar pass book may contain such other details and proforma to be prescribed from time to time by the
• (7) The e-title deed-cum-pattadar pass book alongwith photograph of the pattadar owner shall be digitally signed by the Tahsildar.
• (8) Proper record in respect of issue of the title deed-cum-pattadar pass books shall be maintained by the Tahsildar
SEC. 6A R/W Rule 26 & 27 (Contd.)

• Rule 27 – Whenever a Court decree about acquisition of title by purchase of land through deeds on plain
paper or by oral purchase is received from Court or presented to the Tahsildar for implementing and
incorporating changes in the Record of Rights and title deed cum pass book, based on Court decree only
after collection of stamp duty and registration fee on the sale price of the land or market value of the land
whichever is hgher.

• If the person seeking execution of Court decree claims that he had already paid proper and adequate
stamp duty in the Court and produces certificate issued by the Court to this effect and other evidence to
the satisfaction of Tahsildar, the Tahsildar shall collect only registration fee and incorporate changes in the
Record of Rights, titledeed cum pass books.
• If the decree is received or produced by or before a Registration Officer or other officers, these officers
shall immediately send these decrees to the concerned Tahsildar for necessary action.
• 6. Presumption of correctness of entries in record of rights. - Every entry in record of rights shall be presumed to be true until the contrary is proved or until it is otherwise
amended in accordance with the provisions of this Act. [the Credit agency shall enter the details in electronically maintained Record of Rights to claim priority]

• 6B- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act 16 of 1908), every pass book holder presenting a document of title deed before a registering
officer appointed under the said Act, on or after coming into force of the Andhra Pradesh Record of Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books (Amendment) Act, 1994 relating to a
transaction in land, such as purchase or sale, mortgage, gift, lease or otherwise shall get the necessary entries in respect of such transaction recorded in the title deed and pass book
by such registering officer.

• (2) Every pass book holder acquiring a right by succession, survivorship, inheritance, partition, Government patta, Court decree or otherwise shall get necessary entries in respect of
such right recorded in the title deed and in the pass book by the Mandal Revenue Officer.]

• [6C. Recording of grant of loans and encumbrances etc., in the pass book and punishment or contravention thereof. - [(1 ) Every loan granted by any credit agency [on the
security of the land, or crop], every encumbrance of land for the grant of a loan and every repayment of such loan shall be recorded in the pass book by the concerned officer or
authority under attestation by a competent officer of the credit agency, and also made an entry of the discharge after the repayment of the loan:]

• [Provided that after three months from the date of publication of the notification under sub-section (2) of Section 3, [in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette or in the District Gazette], no loan
shall be granted by any credit agency to a owner-pattadar without the production of the title deed and pass book and to others without the production of their pass books.]

• (2) Any [title deed and pass book] holder approaching a credit agency of a loan without getting necessary entries relating to alienations transfers of his land or any encumbrance or
charge thereon subsequent to the issue of the [title deed and pass book], duly entered therein shall be deemed to have committed an offence under Section 420 of the Indian Penal
Code and shall be punished for such offence.

• [(3) Every loan referred to in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have been secured by a charge on the land or interests of the borrower. If any loan referred to in sub-sec. (1) remains
un-recovered, then the credit agency shall request the Collector to recover the loan. On receipt of such request from a credit agency by the Collector, every loan referred to in sub-
section (1) shall be liable to be recovered as arrears of land revenue by the Revenue Department and the amount recovered shall be paid to the credit agency. The recovery under
the Revenue Recovery Act shall be without prejudice to other modes of recovery available to a credit agency.]]

• [6D. Registering authority to make entries in the Pass Book. - (1) It shall be obligatory on the part of any
person having interest or right in land to produce the [title deed and pass book] before the registering
authority appointed, under the Registration Act, 1908 along with the documents he proposes to get
registered and it shall be obligatory on the part of such registering authority [to verify the Webland data
maintained electronically and] to make entry of every transaction of sale, gift, purchase, mortgage, lease or
exchange in such [title deed and pass book] at the appropriate place or places under his signature and
official seal.]
• (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Registration Act, 1908, the registering authority shall not
register any document relating to a transaction of the nature referred to in sub-section (1) without the
production of the [title deed and pass book] by both the parties to the transaction:
• [Provided that in the case of landless person including a tenant or a mortgagee who becomes owner of land
for the first time by purchase of land through a registered sale deed, the registering authority shall obtain a
declaration from him in the form prescribed and send the same to Mandal Revenue Officer to enable him to
issue a pattadar pass book in the owner category to such purchaser in the manner prescribed
Sec. 7 r/w Rules 24 & 25
• Sec. 7 - Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, the record of rights shall be open to the inspection of
the public at reasonable hours of any charge and certified copies thereof or certified extracts therefrom shall be
given to all persons including the credit agencies] applying for the same on payment of such fees as may be
• Rule 24. Custody and inspection of the Record of Rights and furnishing of copies thereof and extracts therefrom :
(1) The record of rights in Forms 1 and 1-B shall be prepared [in triplicate and also electronically]. Two copies have
to be kept in the Revenue Mandal Office, one of which is to be kept in the personal custody of the Mandal Revenue
Officer. The third copy should be kept in the custody of the Village Assistant of the village.
• (2) The Record of Rights shall be open for inspection of the public free of charge during office hours on all working
• Rule 25. (1) The fees payable for granting certified copies or certified extracts from the record of rights shall be as
follows:- [Fees] for every copy of the extract given for a survey or sub-division Rs.2/- (Rupees two only).
• (2) The fees referred to in sub-rule (1) above, shall be in the shape of Court-fee stamp.
• (3) Every application for copies/extracts shall be made to the Village Assistant/Mandal Revenue Officer.
• (4) Every copy or extract from the Record of Rights shall be attested by the Mandal Revenue Officer
Sec. 9 r/w Rule 23
• 9. Revision. - The Collector may either suo motu or on an application made to him, call for and examine the record of any
Recording Authority, Mandal Revenue Officer or Revenue Divisional Officer under Sections 3, 5, 5A or 5B, in respect of any record
of rights prepared or maintained to satisfy himself as to the regularity, correctness, legality or propriety of any decision taken, order
passed or proceedings made in respect thereof and if it appears to the Collector that any such decision, order or proceedings
should be modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for reconsideration, he may pass orders accordingly:
• Provided that no such order adversely affecting any person shall be passed under this Section unless he had an opportunity of
making a representation.

• RULE 23. (1) Every revision shall be in writing and set forth concisely the grounds thereof and shall be accompanied by a copy of
the order or proceeding against which revision is sought. The revision petition shall bear a Court-fee stamp of rupees five only.
• (2) In case, a suo motu revision is initiated, the grounds on which the revision is [initiated] shall be communicated to the person or
persons likely to be adversely affected.
• (3) In case it appears to the Collector on examination that any such record, order or proceeding should be amended modified,
annulled, reversed or remitted for reconsideration, the Collector may pass orders accordingly, after giving sufficient opportunity to
the party or parties likely to be adversely affected to make written or oral representation before issue of orders.
• (4) The orders under revision shall be final and there shall be no further review by the Collector
• Sec. 8 – Bar of Suits

• Sec. 10 – Powers of recording

• Sec. 10 A – Corrections to be incorporated in Village Revenue Records
• Sec. 11 – Power to make rules

• Sec. 12 – Act does not apply to Government Lands


• Rule 28 – Powers of CPC Sec. 10

• Rule 29 – Service of any notice

• Rule 30 – Brought into Village Records

• Rule 31 – Duplicate Titledeed cum Pattadar Passbook

• Rule 32 – Court Case details to be maintained in Form XVIII

• Rule 33 – CCLA is competenet to issue instructions from time to time
Right acquiring :
• Succession
• Inheritance
• Partition

• Gift
• Sale
• Decree of Court etc.,

Documents Require Registration
• Gift Deed

• Transfer of Right in Land

• Lease of Immovable Property

• Transfer on account of a decree of a court or any award

Documents do not require Registration

• Will

• Succession by heirship

• Partition Deed
• D. Form Patta
A.P. Rights in Land &
Pattadar Passbooks
Act, 1971 & Rules, 1980

• The presentation is about “The A.P. Rights in Land & Pattadar
Passbooks Act, 1971 & Rules, 1980”.
• This PPT gives overview of the above said act & rules as on 07.11.2021.
• The presentation is made into 12 Parts:
I. Evolution
II. Important Definitions
III. Preparation & Updation of ROR
IV. Rectification in ROR Entries
V. Amendment & Updating of Record of Rights
VI. Regularization of certain alienations or transfers of land
VII. ROR Appeal
VIII. Issue of Title Deed cum PPB
IX. Presumptions over ROR
X. Inspection of Record of Rights
XI. Revision
XII. Miscellaneous
• The original Act came into force as Act No. 26 of 1971 and it is
amended 9 times till date.

1 Act 26 1971  AP (Telangana Area) Record of Rights in Land

Regulation, 1358. Fresh enactment is suggested by
Revenue Consultative Committee uniformly across
the entire state
2 Amendment 11 1980  Issue of Pattadar Passbook to remove hardship to
the farmers; Agriculture – Credit – to secure loans
on basis of entries in the passbooks; Registrations,
Loans etc. to be entered
3 Amendment 1 1989  Section 6A – Government is authorized to issue
Pattadar Passbook which shall be presumed to be
true until unless otherwise proved.
 Sada Bainama Cases – Regularization of
Unregistered Alienations.

4 Amendment 24 1989  Definition of “owner”

 To remove “occupant” from issue of Pattadar
Passbook 6(A) (1)
 Eligibility for loan on Crop – Sec. 6(C) (1)
5 Amendment 9 1994  To overcome difficulties faced by credit lending
 Issue of Title Deed to enable them to use the same for
creation of equitable mortgage on their lands – to
Owner Pattadar
 Appeal to RDO on orders given under Sec. 5-A
 To protect credit agencies that any charge not
entered in the pass book will not have priority
 To make pattadar responsible for getting necessary
entries made in transactions of Registration in Title
Deed cum Pattadar Passbook
 Recover loans as “Arrears of Land Revenue”
 Revision powers conferred on the District Collector
against the orders passed under Sec. 3, 5, 5-A or 5-B

6 Amendment 16 2001  Completion of ROR exercise in District Gazette in

addition to State Gazette Under Sec. 3(2)
 No loan shall be granted unless Pattadar Passbook is
7 Amendment 20 2011  Revision powers shall also be vested with RDO to take
up enquiries either suo motu or on application in case
of any irregularity in issue of Pattadar Pass Books and
Title Deeds. (Section 5-B)
8 Amendment 10 2016  Merging Title Deed and Pattadar Passbook
 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D - Presumptions
 Credit agencies shall issue loans based on
electronically maintained I-B record only
9 Amendment 30 2018  Auto Mutation policy – Provisional Mutation at Sub
Registrar level – sale deed, gift deed & partition deed
 Post enquiry – Auto appeal to RDO
10 Amendment 8 2019  Bhudhaar – Unique identification Number – single
source of truth on land information
 To provide legal status to Bhudhaar
“Collector” means the Collector of a district and includes “Joint Collector”; Sec.2(2)

“Land” means land which is used or is capable of being used for purposes of
agriculture, including horticulture but does not include land used exclusively for non-
agricultural purposes;
 * Sec.2(4) – This Act does not apply to lands belonging to State & Central Government (Sec.

“Occupant” means a person in actual possession of land, other than a tenant or a

usufructuary mortgagee. Sec.2(6)

“Owner” means a person who has permanent and heritable rights of possession on
the land which can be alienated and includes the holder of a patta issued to him
as a landless poor person; Sec. 2 (6-a)

“Pattadar” includes every person who holds land directly under the Government
under a patta whose name is registered in the land revenue accounts of the
Government as pattadar and who is liable to pay land revenue. Sec.2(7)
“Tenant” – a lessee under a tenancy agreement, express or implied or a person who
is or is deemed to be a tenant under any law for the time being in force 2(11)

“Record of Rights” means records prepared and maintained under the provisions,
or for the purposes of ROR Act; Sec.2(9) - Record of Rights – in respect of owners'
title of land and in respect of other rights and interests in land – Rule 2(g)

“Recording Authority” means such officer of the Revenue Department as may be

notified by the Collector [or the Commissioner] to be the recording authority for the
purposes of the Act; - Sec.2(11)

Mortgage – means the transferee of a mortgage as defined in the Transfer of

Property ACT, 1882 – Rule 2(e)

Khatadar – means any person having a khata number or account number to pay
Land Revenue. Every person in actual possession of land other than a tenant or a
usufructuary mortgagee shall pay land revenue on it into a khatha number
assigned to him – Rule 2(f)
The provisions for preparation & updation of Record of Rights are envisaged under Sec. 3 R/W Rules 1 to
14 of the A.P. Rights in Land & Pattadar Passbooks Act, 1971.

3(1) - “There shall be [prepared and brought up-to-date from time to time by the recording authority] in
such manner, and thereafter maintained in such form as may be prescribed, a record of rights in all lands
in every village in that area and such record of rights” shall contain the following particulars, namely:
• (a) the names of all persons who are owners, Pattadars, mortgagees, occupants or tenants of lands;
• (b) the nature and extent of the respective rights or interest of such persons and the conditions or
liabilities if any, attaching thereto;
• (c) the rent, revenue or other amount, if any, payable by, or to any of such persons;
• (d) such other particulars as may be prescribed.

3(2) - When in respect of any village the preparation of the record of rights referred to in sub-section (1)
is completed; the fact of such completion shall be notified in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette [or the
District Gazette] and in such other manner as may be prescribed.

3(3) Any person affected by an entry in such record of rights may, within a period of one year from
date of the notification referred to in sub-section (2), apply, for rectification of the entry to such officer
as may be prescribed. The said officer may, after such inquiry as may be prescribed, give his decision
on such application and direct the rectification of the record of rights in accordance with such
decision which shall subject to the provisions of Section 9, be final
The activity of Recording Authority in preparation/updation of
ROR can be broadly categorized into three stages:
1. Issue of FORM II Notification
2. Publication of Draft ROR
3. Publication of Final ROR
Commissioner issues notification for taking up of in the
preparation.- Rule 4(ii)
Carried out by Recording Authority.
Recording Authority is appointed for every village. Sec.2(10)
Same Officer may be appointed as Recording Authority for
more than one village.
1. Issue of FORM II Notification:
Issues notification in Form-II calling for applications. Rule 5(2)
Receives applications in Form-IA. Rule 5 (1) (iii)
The details of land for which Rights are claimed are to be
incorporated in the application.
Only such lands pertaining to which the claimant is already pattadar
as per revenue records and the lands pertaining to which he
acquired the right, but mutations are not carried out are to be
The applications are entered in a Register in Form-IIA. Rule6(1)
Conducts the required enquiry.
Summons the persons required, calls for documents and inspects the
land if necessary. -Rule 6(8)
Finaly passes the order. -Rule 9
 Receives the certificates in Form-XIIIB issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer
accepting the claims relating to acquiring of Right over the land through unregistered
documents or by other means. (The procedure followed by the MRO will be discussed
separately)- Rule 22 (5) (ii)
 The Recording Authority prepares the draft Record of Rights in Form-I. Rule 3 & 9
 The important Columns in Form-I are:

name of the
Name of the
Suvery No. Patta No. owner with
Pattadar with Extent held Name(s) of
Particulars and Sub- Extent (or) Khata father/
father/ husban's by owner occupants
division No. No. husband's

Column No. 2 3 6 7 8 9 15
Entries in Column No.2, 3, 6 & 7 are entered as they are in the
Pahani/Adangal existing before ROR record is prepared.
There may be one or more persons recorded as pattadars in Column
The extent of land shown in Column No.3 belongs to the persons
recorded in Column No.7.
The Patta No./Khata No. is the patta No. existing prior to preparation
ROR record for the land as per Choufasla/10 (1) Account.
The name (s) of the persons who have been decided to be rightful
owners as per orders passed in claims in Form-IA have to be entered in
Column No.8. The name (s) of the persons to whom XIIIB certificates are
issued by MRO are also entered in Column No.8.
The extent for which the person shown in Column No.8 is entitled as
owner is recorded in Column No.9. The some of extents in Column No.9
shall be equal to the extent shown in Column No.3
The persons in occupation of the land shown in Column.No.9 are
entered in Column No.15.
Illustration – 1:
Name of the name of the
Suvery No. Patta No.
Extent in Pattadar with owner with Extent held Name(s) of
and Sub- (or) Khata
acres father/ husband’s father/ by owner occupants
division No. No.
name husband's name
2 3 6 7 8 9 15
63/4 4.34 43 A A 0.67 A
B X 1.12 C
Y 1.07 Y
Z 1. 48 Z

Illustration – 2:
Name of the name of the
Suvery No. Patta No.
Extent in Pattadar with owner with Extent held Name(s) of
and Sub- (or) Khata
acres father/ husban's father/ by owner occupants
division No. No.
name husband's name

2 3 6 7 8 9 15
103/5 6.02 12 X A 1.00 A
B 1.50 B
C 1.75 C
D 2.77 D
• 2. Publication of Draft ROR:
The Recording Authority publishes as regards to preparation Draft ROR in
Form-III. Rule 10 (2)

Objections are called for.

Objections are filled within 22 days in Form-IIIA. Rule 10 (4)

The objections are entered in the register in Form-IIIB. Rule 10(4)

Holds necessary enquiry on the objections. Rule 11

Makes relevant charges. Rule 11 (3)

• 3. Publication of Final ROR:
The list of owners as found in Col.No.9 of draft ROR is prepared in
alphabetical order.

Issues Khata Nos. to all such owners.

Prepares the final ROR in Form-I.

The same is published in Form-IV. Sec.3 (2), Rule 14 (1)

Notices are called for in Form-V for rectifications on the entries in final
ROR prepared in Form-I. Sec.3 (3), Rule 16 (2)
 Illustration - I
name of the
Name of the
Suvery No. Patta No. owner with
Extent in Pattadar with Extent held Name(s) of
and Sub- (or) father/
acres father/ husban's by owner occupants
division Khata No. husband's
No. name
2 3 6 7 8 9 15
63/4A 0.67 12 A A 0.67 A
63/4AA 1.12 209 X X 1.12 C
63/4E 1.07 312 Y Y 1.07 Y
63/4EE 1. 48 410 Z Z 1. 48 Z

 Illustration - II
name of the
Name of the
Suvery No. Patta No. owner with
Extent in Pattadar with Extent held Name(s) of
and Sub- (or) father/
acres father/ husban's by owner occupants
division Khata No. husband's
No. name
2 3 6 7 8 9 15
103/5A 1.00 12 A A 1.00 A
103/5AA 1.50 29 B B 1.50 B
103/5E 1.75 34 C C 1.75 C
103/5EE 2.77 42 D D 2.77 D 19
 It must be ensured that the clear transfer of property is there to the claimant from the registered holder
of the land.

 The Recording Authority is simply making entries in ROR record as per the title already in possession by
the claimant.

 The Recording Authority is not the Adjudication Authority.

 The claimant must be in physical possession over the land.

 If it is by succession, the joint statement by all the legal heir shall be recorded.

 The claimant thus to possess undisputed title and unambiguous possession of the land. If a civil suit is
pending, the claims shall not be disposed of. Unregistered documents and all disputed cases shall be
referred to Tahsildar concerned.

 No order shall be passed for the change of Registry or splitting of joint pattas, unless the recording authority is
satisfied that the change of Registry or splitting of joint patta is not in contravention of any of the provisions
of: (1)The Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973 (Act 1 of 1973); (2) The
Andhra Pradesh Assigned Land (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977 (9 of 1977);(3)The Andhra Pradesh
Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959 (1 of 1959)
Documents Require Registration
•Gift Deed
•Transfer of Right in Land
•Lease of Immovable Property
•Transfer on account of a decree of a court or any
Documents do not require Registration
•Succession by heirship
•Partition Deed
•D. Form Patta
• The provisions pertaining to Rectification of ROR is given in Sec. 3(3) and
Rules 15 to 17
• Sec. 3(3) - Any person affected by an entry in such record of rights may,
within a period of one year from date of the notification referred to in sub-
section (2), apply, for rectification of the entry to such officer as may be
prescribed. The said officer may, after such inquiry as may be prescribed,
give his decision on such application and direct the rectification of the
record of rights in accordance with such decision which shall subject to the
provisions of Section 9, be final.
• Application (accompanied by certified copy of entry from the ROR) shall
be made to MRO. MRO to initiate correction based on enquiry.
• MRO issues notice in FORM V.
• Powers to summon, produce any documents and enter upon, inspect &
measure any land
• To dispose application within period of 90 days from date of application.
• The decision to be intimated to all the persons concerned.
• The provisions dealing with Amendment & updating of ROR is given
under Sec. 4 & 5 R/W Rules 18 to 21
• INTIMATION - Any person acquiring a right by
• succession, survivorship, inheritance, partition, Government patta,
decree of a Court
• any right as owner, pattadar, mortgagee, occupant or tenant of
a land and any person acquiring any right as occupant of a land
• Within 90 days of such acquisition
• Every registration officer shall communicate
• The Revenue Officer responsible for preparation of Village Records
shall intimate to Tahsildar the acquisition of rights in land by any
person in his jurisdiction within 15 days from the date of knowledge

• Make amendment giving reasonable opportunity to all the parties
• Registration officer – provisional mutation
• Confirm within 30 days of Registration
• Appeal to RDO within 15 days of disposal
• Provision of Sec. 9 – shall be final
• Suo Motu – Sec. 5(2)

• Principles of Natural Justice – Opportunity
• Order to be communicated to all
• Appeal to RDO within 60 Days – subject to provision of sec. 9 shall be final
• Power to correct clerical errors
• The provisions dealing with Amendment & updating of ROR is given under
Sec. 5-A R/W Rule 22.
The Mandal Revenue Officer is competent.
He publishes a notification in Form-IX calling for claims for regularization.
Form-IX and Form-II are independently and separately.
Claims are received in Form-X.
The claims are entered in the register.
Notice to be issued to the alienor or transferor in Form-XI.
General notice to whom so ever apply is issued in Form-XII.
Conducts enquiry, ensures physical possession and passes order.
No claim is entitled if the claim is in contravention of the specific acts.
It must be ensured that the transaction has taken place on the date of
transaction being claimed.
No claim is decided if civil suit is pending.
Addresses in Form-XIIIA to furnish value of stamp duty and registration fee.

Stamp duty and registration fee as prevailed as on the date of transaction are
to be obtained.

The stamp duty and registration fee to be informed to the claimant.

Once stamp duty and registration fee are remitted, a certificate in Form-XIIIB to
be issued.

One copy of XIIIB is sent to the Recording Authority.

Particulars of regularization to the intimated to the Sub-Registrar concerned in

• The provisions for ROR Appeal is given under SEC. 5B R/W Rule 22-A –
• (1) An Appeal shall lie against an order passed by the Tahsildar under sub-section (4) of Section 5-
A, to the Revenue Divisional Officer, within thirty days of the date of communication of the order
and the Revenue Divisional Officer shall, after due enquiry pass such order on the appeal as he
deems fit.
• (2) The Revenue Divisional Officer may suo motu call for record of a case or proceedings from the
Recording Authority and inspect it in order to satisfy himself that the order or decision passed or the
proceedings taken is regular, legal and proper and make suitable order in that behalf:
• Provided that no order or decision affecting the rights of the parties shall be made unless the
concerned parties are given a notice and hearing and such order, shall, subject to revision under
Section 9, be final
• RULE – 22A –
• 22A. (1) An appeal against every order of the Mandal Revenue Officer under sub-section (4) of
Section 5-A of the Act shall lie to the Revenue Divisional Officer/Sub-Collector/Assistant-Collector.
• (2) Every appeal referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be in writing and shall set forth concisely the
grounds thereof within a period of sixty days, from the date of communication of order and shall be
accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against.
• (3) Every appeal referred to in sub-rule (1) above shall bear a Court-fee stamp of rupees five only.
• (4) Every appeal shall be disposed of within a period of six months from the date of filing the appeal
• The provisions for ROR Appeal is given under Sec. 6A R/W Rule 26 and 27
• Every Owner, Pattadar, Mortgagee, or tenant of any land shall apply
• Occupant of Inam land
• On application or suo motu following due procedure
• Same evidentiary value with regard to the title for the purpose of creation of
equitable mortgage under the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882
(Central Act 4 of 1882) as a document registered in accordance with the provisions
of the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act 16 of 1908) as under the law
• Format, Fee as prescribed in the Act & Rules
• Proper record of issue shall be maintained
• Court decree about acquisition of title by purchase of land through deeds on plain
paper or by oral purchase is received from collect - registration fee & stamp duty on
sale price of land or market value of land whichever is higher
• Registration officer shall communicate such decrees immediately to Tahsildar
• Shall be presumed to be true until unless proved otherwise – Sec. 6
• 6B- every pass book holder presenting a document of title deed
before a registering officer - shall get the necessary entries in
respect of such transaction recorded in the title deed and pass
book by such registering officer;
• Every pass book holder acquiring a right by succession,
survivorship, inheritance, partition, Government patta, Court
decree or otherwise shall get necessary entries in respect of such
right recorded in the title deed and in the pass book by the
Mandal Revenue Officer
• 6C - Recording of grant of loans and encumbrances etc., in the
pass book and punishment or contravention thereof.
• 6D - Registering authority to make entries in the Pass Book
[Sec. 7 R/w Rules 24 & 25]
• Sec. 7 - Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, the record of rights shall be open to the
inspection of the public at reasonable hours of any charge and certified copies thereof or certified
extracts therefrom shall be given to all persons including the credit agencies] applying for the same
on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
• Rule 24. Custody and inspection of the Record of Rights and furnishing of copies thereof and
extracts therefrom : (1) The record of rights in Forms 1 and 1-B shall be prepared [in triplicate and
also electronically]. Two copies have to be kept in the Revenue Mandal Office, one of which is to
be kept in the personal custody of the Mandal Revenue Officer. The third copy should be kept in the
custody of the Village Assistant of the village.
• (2) The Record of Rights shall be open for inspection of the public free of charge during office hours
on all working days.
• Rule 25. (1) The fees payable for granting certified copies or certified extracts from the record of
rights shall be as follows:- [Fees] for every copy of the extract given for a survey or sub-division Rs.2/-
(Rupees two only).
• (2) The fees referred to in sub-rule (1) above, shall be in the shape of Court-fee stamp.
• (3) Every application for copies/extracts shall be made to the Village Assistant/Mandal Revenue
• (4) Every copy or extract from the Record of Rights shall be attested by the Mandal Revenue Officer
• 9. Revision. - The Collector may either suo motu or on an application made to him, call for and
examine the record of any Recording Authority, Mandal Revenue Officer or Revenue Divisional
Officer under Sections 3, 5, 5A or 5B, in respect of any record of rights prepared or maintained
to satisfy himself as to the regularity, correctness, legality or propriety of any decision taken,
order passed or proceedings made in respect thereof and if it appears to the Collector that
any such decision, order or proceedings should be modified, annulled or reversed or remitted
for reconsideration, he may pass orders accordingly:
• Provided that no such order adversely affecting any person shall be passed under this Section
unless he had an opportunity of making a representation.

• RULE 23. (1) Every revision shall be in writing and set forth concisely the grounds thereof and
shall be accompanied by a copy of the order or proceeding against which revision is sought.
The revision petition shall bear a Court-fee stamp of rupees five only.
• (2) In case, a suo motu revision is initiated, the grounds on which the revision is [initiated] shall
be communicated to the person or persons likely to be adversely affected.
• (3) In case it appears to the Collector on examination that any such record, order or
proceeding should be amended modified, annulled, reversed or remitted for reconsideration,
the Collector may pass orders accordingly, after giving sufficient opportunity to the party or
parties likely to be adversely affected to make written or oral representation before issue of
• (4) The orders under revision shall be final and there shall be no further review by the Collector
• Sec. 8 – Bar of Suits
• Sec. 10 – Powers of recording
• Sec. 10 A – Corrections to be incorporated in Village Revenue Records
• Sec. 11 – Power to make rules
• Sec. 12 – Act does not apply to Government Lands
• Rule 28 – Powers of CPC Sec. 10
• Rule 29 – Service of any notice
• Rule 30 – Brought into Village Records
• Rule 31 – Duplicate Title deed cum Pattadar Passbook
• Rule 32 – Court Case details to be maintained in Form XVIII
• Rule 33 – CCLA is competent to issue instructions from time to time

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