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Creating a Standardized Schedule for USMLE

sms (C has just been upgraded to reflect all 01 05,07,9,11,until 16,20(prn) 21 talk time-oc's; calendar
appended-(admin) as well)

here is the massive kaplan- see below- to supplement your brs comps...if you'd like

"wha" 1.a-si 1 2. sub ped 3. 17 c-e sequ'd cvses

4. 1hr 5. sca no 4.181 6. 69.78% 7.sms 8. tal ti disc

"whn:" 9 jan-all (ie dte nos are exmplrs obvsly; as our nxt ta is 12 31); for

10. 01 11. 02 12. 03 13. 06:01 14. 11:01 (SAT) vs

17:46 (MWTH)

15. 2300 "whr" 16. 516 17 858

"who's:" 19 hc 20 sg


9 10 13


--sta's 1 2 1st cvs of 17

---proceeds in 4 intrvls

----to do 1 cvs at a time for each 4

-----until 15

9 11 14 (-20min) for 8

-20 sends 7 to 19, as reminder

--sta disc phase A

---plan to proceed at 14 via incoming to 17


9 11 14 for 8, per se

-19 reports to 20, for each of the 3's


---and can explicate the valid basis for

attainment of each 5

---and has done MIMS-level -prep

for st james-sob's, for enough high

expected nbme mc's no / ens no-ratio

CVSes? (de facto salivational-

"pelvis perineum's")-as per 01 05

-9'-prn case exemplars'-pod for attacking

cvses, ahts ctlactings and even clonidines,

at a pelvis perineum-level

----how many of the above expected cvs's are at

pelvis perineum level?

---side not. what is your end of brs test sca no?

----has its errors been rectified into ltm>

sms2 (sdtized extraction from std 12 31.txt; i.e., there is no sms1 if it is not a SAT, or a MWTH)

C1 (20 must be alert for this category

on "ct dte nos" i.e., see '9 spl') (please use microsoft edge

to open the a-si no pdfs, and thus more freely copy and paste, and "ct annotate")
not. updated in 12 31.txt as well as 21


wha 12 31.txt

whn 9 spl (for jan-all): is dte nos (this mth) 4th,7th,10th,13th,16th,19th, for ct a-si nos (e.g.,

a-si 2 to a-si's7)

whr 21 dropbox

per se

9 spl 14 (-60mins) the next 1 3 workup (w ct pdf) has been updated in 12 31.txt w/in 21 ct

-20 sends 7 to 19, as reminder for 19 to do 60-min- (bigpicture at 12')-overview exam now-overview

of 1 3 workup (w ct pdf)

spl concurrent wkup.

wha hc sj rctif i.e., ct a-si tabular must also created by

who hc for this new

sub-what a-si no.


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