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Effective Resuscitation Team f * Successful teams not only have medical expertise and mastery of resuscitation skills, but they also demonstrate effective communication and team dynamics. + Whether you are a team member or a team leader during a resuscitation attempt, you should understand not only your role but also the role of other team members. This awareness will help you anticipate: What actions will be performed next D How to communicate and work as a member or leader of the team Effective Resuscitation | + Successful teams not only have medical expertise and mastery of resuscitation skills, but they also demonstrate effective communication and team dynamics. + Whether you are a team member or a team leader during a resuscitation attempt, you should understand not only your role but also the role of other team members. This awareness will help you anticipate: O What actions will be performed next CT How to communicate and work as a member or leader of the team Te. ler Organizes the group Monitors individual performance of team members Backs up team members Models excellent team behavior Trains and coaches Facilitates understanding Focuses on comprehensive patient care eM SS Team member must be proficient in performing the skills authorized by their scope of practice. It is essential to the success of the resuscitation attempt that team members are: O Clear about role assignments O Prepared to fulfill their role responsibilities 0 Well practiced in resuscitation skills O Knowledgeable about the algorithms O Committed to success gE [Effective Team Dynami iS en @P oo Sf Closed loop communication Clear messages Clear roles and responsibilities Knowing one’s limitation Knowledge sharing Constructive intervention Reevaluation and summarizing Mutual respect Closed Loop Communication + Team leader gives a message, order, or assignment to a team member + By receiving a clear response and eye contact, the team leader confirms that the team member heard and understood the message | + The team leader listens for confirmation of task performance from the team member assigning another task ced | og Clear Messages + Clear messages consist of concise communication spoken with distinctive speech in a controlled tone of voice + All healthcare providers should deliver messages and orders in a calm and direct manner without yelling or shouting. Only one person should talk at any time + Unclear communication can lead to unnecessary delays in treatment or to medication errors Clear roles and responsibilities + Each team member's role is unique and critical to the effective performance of the team. When roles are unclear, team performances suffers. * Signs of unclear roles include: 0 Performing the same task more than once C1 Missing essential tasks O Freelancing of team members Roles and Responsibilities Suggested locations of team leader and members during resuscitation: Airway by [x A : V7 \\ mA eo pA Monitor\ Compressor r% * Defibrillator 2 r IWIO\Meds g amy Patient al we A” Observer\Recorder Y ( Knowing one’s limitation + During the stress of an attempted resuscitation, do not practice or explore a new skill. If you need extra help, request it early and inform the team leader + Not only should everyone on the team know their own limitations and capabilities, but the team leader should also be aware of them 4 Knowledge sharing * Sharing information is a critical component of effective team performances. Team leader may become trapped in a specific treatment or diagnostic approach (fixation) + When resuscitative efforts are ineffective, go back to the basics and talk to the team * Team members should inform the team leader of any changes in the patient's condition to ensure that decisions are made with all available information Constructive intervention + During a resuscitation attempt the team leader or a team member may need to intervene if an action that is about to occur may be inappropriate at the time. + Although constructive intervention is necessary, it should be tactful. Team leader should avoid confrontation with team members. Instead, conduct a debriefing afterward if constructive criticism is needed. Reevaluation and Summarizing + An essential role of the team leader is monitoring and reevaluating O The patient's status O Interventions that have been performed C0 Assessment findings * Agood practice is for the team leader to summarize this information out loud in a periodic update to the team. Review the status of the resuscitation attempt and announce the plan for the next steps. Mutual respect * The best teams are composed of members who share a mutual respect for each other and work together in a collegial, supportive manner. * To have a high-performing team, everyone must abandon ego and respect each other during the resuscitation attempt, regarding of any additional training or experience that the team leader or member may have.

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