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| rest cope 02114010 MAY/JUNE 2018 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION? COMMUNICATION STUDIES Paper 1 IT hour 30 minutes 04 JUNE 2018 .) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 45 items divided into two sections, A and B. Section A, based on a communication extract, consists of 7 questions. The extract, which is NOT included in the question booklet, will be read to you twice but you will be allowed two minutes to look at the questions before the extract is read to you. Section B consists of 38 questions. Answer each question based on the information given. In addition to the test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. (On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item Which of the following is an advantage of the questionnaire as a data collection method? (A) Ease of administration ‘Sample Answer : (B) _Immediacy of feedback - (C)_ Openness of discussion eC®OO (D) Opportunity for clarification ©© ‘The best answer to this item is “Ease of administration”, so (A) has been shaded. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice, When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou ‘cannot answer an item, go on to the next one, You may return to that item later, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARETOLD TO DO So. Copyright © 2017 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved, SECTION A Mtems1-7 Instructions: Listen carefully to the extract Which of the following BEST captures the ‘main concern conveyed in the extract (A) The durability of the living room furnishings (B) The pride that can result from preserving family heirlooms (© The decline and exhaustion which is a consequence of living (D) The dreams and aspirations of the family who inhabited the room 2, The expression “indestructible contradio- tions” as used in the extract BEST suggests that the (A) room was a contradictory place to be (B) room and its furnishings were indestructible (©) changes in the room over the years could not be contradicted (D) difference between the room's appearance and reality could not be ignored 3. Which of the following literary devices are MAINLY used in the extract? (A) Metaphor and paradox (B) Metaphor and contrast (©) Personification and paradox (D) Contrast and personification DO NOT WAIT FOR THE EXAMINER TO TELL YOU TO GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. ns your teacher reads it and then answer Items 1-7. ‘Mama is perhaps the only member of the family to remember the furnishings as they ‘were at some time in the past because she (A) is the most observant member of the family (B) _ is the only one to clean and care for them (©) _ might have selected and arranged them in the room () _ isthe only one who knows how the family’s fortune had declined ‘The pervading mood of the room in the extract is one of (A) decline and hope (B) decay and decline (©) optimism mixed with despair (D) disappointment mixed with hope The expression “show itself under acres of crocheted doities and couch covers” is an example of (A) irony B) hyperbole (©) comparison (D) juxtaposition The writer's attitude towards the room indicates a sense of (A) muted admiration (B) concemed despair (C) triumphal optimism (D) careless indifference GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION B toms 8-11 Instructions: Read the following scenario carefully and then answer Items 8-11. ‘A news report indicates that citizens have been buying foreign used cars rather than new ones. ‘Your sixth-form class has decided to conduct research to find out which cars people prefer. 8. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate method for collecting the data? (A) Inquiry (B) Checklist (©)__ Discussion QD)) Questionnaire 9. Which of the following does NOT reflect how an interview might be administered for this research? (A)__ Sending an email to a manager ‘Taking note of certified vehicles (© Talking with a contact over the phone (@) _ Discussing preferences with the consumers 02114010/CAPE 2018 10. nu. Which of the following is a reliable secondary source of data for the research? (A) Licensing officers. Newspaper articles © Consumers buying the cars (D) Managers of car sales companies Government records of motor vehicles ‘ownership can save the researchers time and effort as they (A) canbe located online (B) canbe copied and studied later (C) _are signed by licensing officers give precise data on what occured GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 2. 13. tems 12-15 Instructions: Read the following scenario carcfully and then answer Items 12-15. ‘At a recent mectng with the principal of Mansfield High School, the Ministry of Education ea reer cheek ofthe most recent census documents hows that some senior students ofthe rho! have been irregularly attending classes. The ministry decided to hire a research company to investigate the likely reasons for the students" irregular attendance. Which ofthe following must the research 14. -_Iftheresearch company only collected dats coma ini ome, ses ot (A) Accuracy of the census documents L Validity Acomey ater dome, A ho el Thesremgemmbstmeponinn =e mma to ieee are (A) Tonly a ee oe as a method of collecting data, which of the a pees eee NSS ae Nat te bier Ue ee observed student attendance? CQ) irertyyesing te beavour of participants (A) ae were 5 estes lke thei © behaviour while being observed ath 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ems 16-18 Instructions: Rend the following dialogue carefully and then answer Items 16-18, Paul: Samantha: Bryan: Ss Paul: ‘Samantha: Bryan: 10 Good morning everyone. How are you today? mi no like it, ‘Mi good Paul, although mi foot bottam a hat mi. ‘Mi no feel good because Paul eva a try chat hoity toity, speaky spokey to wi an Bryan, I donot understand. We are all educated so we should be speaking Caribbean Standard English and not some broken language. ‘Yes mi educated but when mi a chat to mi fren dem mi no afi use Caribbean ‘Standard English, aftarawl mi naa do interview. Creole English. 16. accuses Paul of speaking “hoity toity” in line 3, Bryan is suggesting that Paul is using language to (A) assert authority (B) show sophistication (©) make social commentary (D) discriminate against others 17. Which of the following factors would affect dialectal varieties used by the various speakers in the scenario? 1 Audience IL Occasion IIL Purpose (A) Land Ionly (B) Land IT only (C) Wand Mil only (D)) 1, and It wl 02114010/CAPE 2018 18, ‘Tru Samantha, plus mi naa speak no broken language. I am speaking Caribbean Which of the speakers advocate using Tanguage as identification? (A) Paul and Bryan (B) Paul and Samantha (C) Samantha and Bryan (D) Paul, Samantha and Bryan GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Items 1920 Instructions: Select the most appropriate answer for Items 19-20. 19, Which of the following Creole features is evident in the structure “tangle up with his ‘words and his feelings"? (A) Repetition (B) Serial verbs (©) Unmarked tense (D) —_Reduplication O2114010/CAPR 218, 20. ‘When a speaker changes his language use between Caribbean Standard English and Creole English during a conversation he is said to be (A) code switching (B) creole switching (C) dialect switching (D) language switching GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Gemeeions feat he Gulag sonar coreule sat tet anew Some 32 Matic: eel pat et tee we gong eo eile” Gece oe oe eee g nigh se ee ee wee Sn ee ee om ‘banter: segiioe 2 1 Marx but wie x ene prem ge Lome el yon me ies Bones mt me BEE Be ont sraing paps. a ine fe wk md Gone hE Bo. DB Wart tetlowng atm nmegege 23 eke eileen: omeies So need whe taerpe” Se pesage ee mmoude w eerwer LCase a Se oe of Gandent Coscia tae soe BCom Pen ate wet oe C) “Se iexioor se pestis Se “ia's tow I res wie cd peoud Ez 5 ie he daige Leguage i aed fe he Wao of te tulowag wn fae Scene pepe Means seam pcan, gigas Baap? i Leming 4 (hy the tera sek untene Vinge a pop quessrag ad doe hy Sam tora 8 Soom 0 te vas Gurmicnng ad persetng woe (Oj ie wer te frown “wey tiple Cope ek pipe hie teal ON Mixctin wie aa," ean yt perinas, yor GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE DIAN AIIM isms 25-27 Instructions: Select the most appropriate answer for Items 25-27. 25, Which of the following statements BEST explains the meaning of the term ‘lingua franca’? (A) Allanguage which is derived from French and used by African slaves (B) Any language which is native to Astican peoples who have been transplanted (©) A common language used in dialogue by persons with different native languages ©) Any language which is foreign to ‘ speaker Who moves to a new speech community 26. 27. ‘An English Creole may be defined as a language (A) with limited linguistic functions (B) _used by the poorest people in the society (© only understood by some persons in the society (D) developed from contact between ‘European and African languages In which of the following expressions is the process of reduplication evident? (A) Stepsister @®) — Eye-water (© — Awaa gwaan @) — Chaka-chaka house : Bi GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a Instructions: The following conversation about a funeral service took place between these ‘wo persons in a shoe store in Jamaica. Read it carefully and then answer Items 28-30. Percy: can’t believe that Mavis gone, but I'm really giad she had a great funeral Mildred: The kids and grandkids came from foreign for the funeral? Perey: ‘Yes, Ma'am. One of them talk so nice, like the people in the television shows. But the other one! Poor Mavis must be spinning in her grave. 5 Mildred: What you mean? Perey: Well, I couldn’tunderstand ating he was saying during the eulogy he was giving. All I could hear was “I and I this’ and ‘I and I that’. He should know that people don’t talk so in church. 28. What does Percy's statement “He should 30. know that people don’t talk so in church” suggests? Which of the following technological devices might NOT help to enhance the delivery ofthe eulogy? (A) Mavis? grandson is disrespectful @®) camera in church (B)~ Microphone (B) Perey docs not like Mavis" (C) Musical accompaniment drums erentcaa! (DB) Aprojected slide presentation ©) coments erica tothe choice of code. (D) Christians speak differently from others. 29. From Percy's statements, what are the two varieties of language MOST likely spoken by Mavis" grandchildren? @ samsian English and English Gest () Rastafarian English and English Creole (©) Television Englishand Rastafarian English (D) Standard English and Rastafarian English } GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE : | t 021 14010/CAPE 2018, 31. 32. -10- Items 31-33 Instructions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer Items 31-33. ‘Ten students from McIntosh High in Jamaica are visiting Cuba to improve their knowledge of Spanish and Cuban culture. They are being hosted by students from José Mart{ High. When the students retum to school in Jamaica, they will be required to write a report on their experience. Which of the following contexts of communication BEST describes the interaction between the two groups of students? (A) Public (B) Intercultural (©) Interpersonal @) Organizational In which of the following genres will the Feport MOST likely be written? I Narrative U. — Exposition 1 Argument (A) Land Monly (B) Land iit only (©) Mand Ii only @) 1LMand mT 33. While in Cuba the students attended a seminar, The guest speaker noticed that many of the visitors seemed restless during his presentation, even though he was speaking audibly. Which of the following was NOT likely responsible for their restlessness? (A) He was speaking too fast. (B) He was speaking in a monotone. (©) He was using many unfamiliar words. (D) He complemented his speech with projected slides. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE eile ; ems 34-37 Instructions: Read the following scenario carefully and then answer Items 34-37. 34, 35. During assembly, Sally, a fifth-form student, gives the following speech on the topic “Why I am proud to be from the Caribbean”. While she is giving her presentation, some students keep covering their mouths and snickering. However, Sally does not notice this because her eyes are glued to the paper from which she is reading. “A pleasant good moming. How are you, friends and family? Let me see the hands of those who are having a good time. Come on; let me sec the hands of those who are having a good time. ‘Wave your hands and say, “Yeah, yeah!” Okay. I am proud to be from the Caribbean because my parents are of Aftican descent. The Caribbean is mostly black country; therefore, most of the people are black. I am one of them. My father black, my mother black and my brother black. We all black.” ‘At which stage of the communication "36, process does Sally generate ideas for her speech? (A) Decoding Interpreting Conceptualizing (©) — Giving feedback 37. Which of the following BEST explains why some students were “covering their mouths and snickering”? (A) -PheyidemmrerWitrsatty. (B)" The presentation was to0 boring. (© hope any at Sally Fence of words. By Thy were amused by Sally's choice of words. (0211401 0/CAPE 2018 Which of the following messages is being sent by Sally's lack of eye contact? She ie nanos @ Steis wel repae, (©) She articulate enough. (B)Shedidenoghereach Which of the following BEST describes the type of discourse in Sally's speech? It is argumentative, (B) _It is mainly expository. (C)__Itis mainly conversational. (D) It is a mixture of narrative and argument. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 38, 39, -12- ‘Items 38-40 ‘Instructions: Study the following scenario carefully and then answer Items 38-40. very profound! tis saying that young ‘men need to think for themselves and not blindly follow the established ‘opinions of others. ‘What barrier to the communication process is highlighted in the response of Barry's father in Frame 27 (A) The singer's voice (B), The beat of the song P Tetrncricihy ‘The loudness of the music Instead of the words used in Frame 2, what nonverbal behaviour could Barry's father have used to convey the same message? GF Shake his heaa ©) Tumoffthe radio, © Hum under his breath, ©) Raise his brows quizzically. aonranininape ame 40. Barry, how could you listen to this? don’t ‘understand 2 word! Banry’s use of “cool” in Frame 5 is an * example of @ sx Jargon © Giatect ©) profinity GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -13- Items 41-42 refer to the following situation. Instructions: Read the following situation carefully and then answer Items 41-42, ‘There is an election campaign being run for a recently vacant parliamentary seat, Candidates are waling and able to use every means at their disposal to win the widespread support of the voting public. 41. Which of the following features of non- 42. Which of the following verbal verbal communication would candidates communication elements can help the be LEAST likely to display when giving candidates to effectively get their message speeches to supporters in a public space? to the voting population? (A) Waving hands in the air (A) Statistics and sarcasm (B) Shouting at the audience (B) Party slogans and emotive (©) Embracing a close family member language (D) Smiling at the women in the audi- (© Rhetorical questions and party ence symbols (D) Public service announcements and flyers GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0211401 0/CAPE 2018 43, 44, -14- Items 43-45 Instructions: Select the most appropriate answer for Items 43-45. A student’s expository essay should 45. ‘typically aim to (A) affect the emotions 8 recount experiences enlighten and instruct the reader (D) present the writer’s personal ‘viewpoint Which of the following would be the ‘MAIN organizational strategy used in an expository essay on the topic “Types of Luxury Vehicles”? Description (B) Classification (C) Chronological onter (D) Comparison and contrast END OF TEST Which ofthe followingelementsistypically ‘NOT used in exposition? & © ©) Emotive language Facts and statistics Information from experts Details supporting main points IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02114010/CAPE 2018 i | i

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