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Earthing Design

recommendations for
Soltec Tracker

Change control
Revision Date Section involved Issued Reviewed Approved
0B 02/05/22 First issue J.C.C. P.N.R. J.B.
Earthing Design recommendations for Rev: 0B
Soltec Tracker Date: 02-05-2022
2 di/of 23


1 Objective................................................................................................................ 3

Soltec Energías Renovables S.L.

Earthing Design recommendations for Rev: 0B
Soltec Tracker Date: 02-05-2022
3 di/of 23

1 Objective
In the following pages the Earthing Design recommendations for Soltec Tracker it is presented.

Soltec Energías Renovables S.L.

Earthing Design
Recommendations for
Soltec Trackers

Change Control
Revision Date Sección afectada Issued Revised Approved
1 2020/08/12 All V.M.Valero V.M.Valero L.A.Fraga
2 2021/02/04 All F. Pardo V.M.Valero L.A. Fraga
3 2021/06/11 4,7 D. Costa A.M.Balsalobre L.A. Fraga
4 2022/03/07 All F. J. Torrano D. Costa M. García
Earthing Design Recommendations Rev.: 3
for Soltec Trackers Date: 2021/06/11
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1 Objective................................................................................................................ 4
2 Definitions.............................................................................................................. 4
3 Standard Scope of Supply ....................................................................................... 5
3.1 Motor Pile Bonding Conductor ........................................................................ 5
3.2 Simple Piles ..................................................................................................... 7
4 Soltec Proposals to Connect Trackers to PPES ......................................................... 8
4.1 E-1 proposal: Trackers as Earthing Components .............................................. 8
4.1.1 Bonding conductor for adjacent trackers in the same N-S row .................. 9
4.1.2 Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker ...................................... 10
4.1.3 Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker with String Box .............. 11
4.2 E-2 proposal: Equipotentiality between trackers without using the tracker
structure ................................................................................................................. 12
4.3 E-3 proposal: Every tracker connected directly to PPES ................................. 13
5 Recommendations for Bonding and Earthing Insulated Conductors Out of Soitec’s
Supply Scope ............................................................................................................... 14
6 Other devices in Soltec Tracker System to be connected to the PPES .................... 15
7 Effects due to earth leakage current through trackers .......................................... 15
7.1 Reverse currents through earth ground......................................................... 15
7.2 Accelerated corrosion ................................................................................... 16
7.3 Eddy currents by natural events .................................................................... 17
7.4 Dangers for human safety and health ............................................................ 17
7.4.1 Threshold for AC .................................................................................... 18
7.4.2 Threshold for DC .................................................................................... 19

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Figures Chart
Figure 1. Motor Pile Bonding Conductor for Soltec Single Axis Tracker......................................... 5
Figure 2. Dimensions of Motor Pile Bonding Conductor for Soltec SF7 Tracker. Measurement in
mm. ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Real picture of Main Bonding Conductor for Soltec SF7 Tracker .................................... 7
Figure 4 – Bonding conductor for adjacent trackers in the same N-S row .................................... 9
Figure 5 – Example of Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker ....................................... 10
Figure 6 – Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker with String Box ................................. 11
Figure 7 – Copper cable along group of trackers in a N-S row and connected to PPES at both
endings ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 8 - Every tracker (rotational axis &motor pile) is connected directly with PPES ............... 13
Figure 9. Conventional time/current zones of effects of AC currents (15 Hz to 100 Hz) on persons
for a current path corresponding to left hand to feet (see Table 3) ............................................ 19
Figure 10. Conventional time/current zones of effects of DC currents on persons for a longitudinal
upward current path (see Table 4) .............................................................................................. 20

Tables Chart
Table 1. Technical Specifications of Main Bonding Conductor ...................................................... 7
Table 2. Technical Specifications Recommended for Bonding and Earthing Insulated Conductors
External to Scope of Supply of Soltec .......................................................................................... 14
Table 3 Time/current zones for AC 15 Hz to 100 Hz for hand to feet pathway- Summary of zones
of Figure 9.................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 4 Time/current zones for direct current for hand to feet pathway- Summary of zones of
Figure 10 ...................................................................................................................................... 20

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1 Objective
The main goal of this document is to detail the Soltec scope in the PV Plant Earthing System and
which are the different choices that Soltec Engineering Department recommend to clients to
connect the tracker to the PV Plant Earthing System (henceforth PPES). All the arguments
described in this report are based on Soltec operative experiences and in international

2 Definitions
In this point it is explained of the acronyms and the most important definitions of the current
EPC: Engineering, Procurement and Construction.
Drive System: It is one of the most important set of devices in the Soltec Single Axis Tracker. It
converts the electrical energy into mechanical energy to provide the required Torque for the
Tracker to move fully loaded with PV modules. It is assembled in the centre of the Tracker’s
structure between two pieces of torque tubes (rotating part) and over the Motor Pile (fixed part).
The Drive Unit Assembly is divided into two main components: DC GearMotor and Slewing Drive.
Motor Piles: it is the structural and vertical element, anchored on the ground, where on the top
it is installed the Drive System, all the elements to the torque tube. There is one Motor Pile for
every Soltec Single Axis Tracker.
Simple Piles: it is the structural and vertical element, anchored on the ground, which are
electrically insulated to the torque tube, because it is used a plastic rotation bushing to fix the
torque tube with the simple pile. There is more than one simple pile for every Soltec Single Axis
Tracker, and its exact number depends on the design specifications of every tracker.
Bonding: it is a method by which all electrically conductive materials and metallic surfaces of
equipment and structures, not normally intended to be energized, are effectively interconnected
together via a low impedance conductive means and path in order to avoid any appreciable
potential difference between any separate points.
Bonding conductor: A reliable conductor to ensure the required electrical conductivity between
metal parts required to be electrically connected.” Its primary function is to provide a low
impedance electrically conductive connection between separate enclosures, conduits, raceways,
structures, or equipment frames. In addition, it must be properly sized to effectively carry all
current likely to be imposed on it.
Grounding: it is a term, used rather exclusively in USA, to indicate a direct or indirect connection
to the planet Earth or to some conducting body that serves in place of the Earth. The
connection(s) to Earth are done by metallic means intended to be employed as a designated
grounding electrode.
Earthing System: it is related to the all the bonding and grounding connections in a specific
installation. In this document, this installation is the PV Plant. The main goal of the Earthing
System is to avoid dangerous voltage gradients for the human life. For example, these defaults
voltage could be produced by metallic parts which normally are not connected to active
conductors, but accidentally are energized. Other important function of Earthing System is
getting a direct path to Earth for default currents and for lighting.

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3 Standard Scope of Supply

The Soltec Single Axis Trackers, as individual and independent product meet the requirement of
right bonding connections, proof by the certification of the two most important global regulations
in Solar Trackers:
a. IEC 62817 - Photovoltaic systems – Design qualification of solar trackers.
b. UL 3703 - Outline of Investigation of Solar Trackers.
With the standard scope of supply of every Soltec Trackers it is satisfied the previous
certifications. In addition, in this standard scope of supply there is one essential material which
are not allowed to remove, to maintain the Soltec warranty covers. This material is the Motor Pile
Bonding Conductor, or also named as Main Bonding Conductor, described in the next point.
On the other hand, in this document Soltec provides some basic recommendations to install the
PPES to the tracker, and which will be explained deeply in next points. However, Soltec is not
responsible in the performance of the design, construction, and operation of the PPES. This task
is made by EPC company which is fully responsible for every PPES subject of study.

3.1 Motor Pile Bonding Conductor

As it was mentioned before, in both certifications IEC 62817 and UL 3703 of Solar Trackers, the
Soltec Single Axis Tracker provides the bonding conductor which is connected from the Motor
Pile to the torque tube. See the conductor coloured in green in the following picture:

Figure 1. Motor Pile Bonding Conductor for Soltec Single Axis Tracker

With this conductor, it is guaranteed an easy path to the earth in case of failure current flows
from the Tracker Control Box (TCB). The clear example of the origin of some failure current is with
the activation of Surge Protection Devices (SPD) installed in TCB for the RS-485 communication,
in case of wired of hybrid communications.

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In addition, with this conductor is reinforced the equipotential bonding between the Motor Pile
and the Torque Tube of the tracker through the slewing drive.
This main bonding conductor is part of the standard scope of supply of Soltec for this type of
tracker. In addition, the installation of this bonding conductor is mandatory to maintain the Soltec
warranty covers.
The bonding conductor used for Soltec in this case it is a tinned copper braid, material type CU-
ETP. It is made up of 99.9% Cu, characterized by its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity,
and good resistance to corrosion. In addition, with its flat geometry flexible connections are made
possible, which allow to easily compensate for misalignments between elements that must be
connected to each other and allow excellent attenuation of induced vibrations. On the other
hand, with equal section, this copper braid accepts a higher current density with respect to the
cable or a copper bar.
Then, the dimensions of the equipotential bonding conductor elements are shown in the
following figure:

Figure 2. Dimensions of Motor Pile Bonding Conductor for Soltec SF7 Tracker. Measurement in mm.

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The technical specifications of this conductor are following:

Technical Specifications of Main Bonding Conductor

Type of conductor Tinned copper braid
Material CU-ETP
Reference standard UNE-EN 13602:2014 Copper and copper
for its manufacturing alloys - Drawn, round copper wire for the
manufacture of electrical conductors.
Cross Section 25mm²
Number of carriers 36
Number of wires 800 (±2%)
Diameter of wires 0.2mm
Width 23mm (+0mm; -2mm)
Thickness 2mm (± 0.5mm)
Weight 0.245 kg/m²
Table 1. Technical Specifications of Main Bonding Conductor

As example, it is showed a real picture of the main bonding conductor:

Figure 3. Real picture of Main Bonding Conductor for Soltec SF7 Tracker

3.2 Simple Piles

On the other hand, simple piles are electrically insulated to the torque tube. This is because there
is a bushing made of isolating material (plastic), which is fixing the pile to the torque tube. So, as
it is not necessary an electrical bonding between the torque tube and the simple piles, the
equipotentiality of the installation should be ensured by a correct design of the PPES by the EPC

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4 Soltec Proposals to Connect Trackers to PPES

In this point it is developed the common cases that the trackers could be connected to the PPES.
As it was mentioned in previous points, the responsible of the design, construction, and operation
of PPES is the EPC company. Usually, they choose some of the next proposals, being the most
common scheme the first one (Trackers as Earthing Components), because of the installation
costs. However, this election is done under the responsibility of EPC company.
There is one general rule for the connection between Tracker and the PPES:
The electrical connection must be in the torque tube. It is not allowed the connection of the PPES
in any pile (motor or simples) of the tracker.
In addition, considering any proposal to connect trackers to PPES, described in this document or
not, if exists problems due to earth leakage current, Soltec will not have the responsibility, so it
could affect to warranty covers.

4.1 E-1 proposal: Trackers as Earthing Components

The first proposal (E-1) is based into use the structures of the N-S groups of Trackers (rows) as
Earthing Devices.
• Definition: For every N-S Trackers row, it is linked every tracker torque tube to its adjacent
tracker torque tube. For that, it could be used a conductor (see further details in Point
4.1.1 and 5).
In addition, usually at least at one ending of a N-S row of trackers must be connected to
the PPES. However, it could be connected to PPES in the beginning and in the end of this
group of trackers. This kind of decisions of design of PPES are taken by EPC.
In this schematic, all the trackers in the same N-S row have a very close electrical potential
between its torque tube and its Motor Piles. However, the earthing leakage currents in
the PPES are flowing through all these parts of the structure of the trackers.

The advantages and disadvantages of this proposal are the following:

• Advantages: Easier to install and lower cost.
• Disadvantages: Using tracker structure like earthing conductor entails that would exist a
significant risk to people, electrical and electronic devices, and tracker structure due to
the flow of earth leakage currents to ground.

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4.1.1 Bonding conductor for adjacent trackers in the same N-S row

Next there is an image about this conductor, which is out of the Standard Scope of Supply of

Figure 4 – Bonding conductor for adjacent trackers in the same N-S row

This bonding conductor, out of the scope of Soltec, shall comply the following basic features:
• It shall be an insulated copper conductor. It is not allowed a bare conductor.
• In both sides, it shall be installed a copper tube crimping lug. The stud diameter of it
must be 10mm or 12mm. Keep in mind that the bolts used in both sides are a M10
size. The fixing is carried out in the same bolts used for the PV mounting rail of the
• The length of this conductor is determined by the distance between the torque tubes
of two adjacent trackers of the same N-S row, which are determined by the specific
PV Plant Layout. In addition, it must be guaranteed enough length to create a small
curve in the cable routing, avoiding negative mechanical efforts due to considering a
too short conductor.
In next Point 5, it is explained some other technical specifications recommended for an insulated
conductor which may be supplied for this bonding conductor. Although EPC selects the final
specifications of this conductor, it must be followed the previous basic features to maintain the
warranty covers of Soltec Trackers.

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4.1.2 Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker

Next there is an image about this conductor, which is represented in red, and which is out of the
Standard Scope of Supply of Soltec:

Figure 5 – Example of Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker

Additionally, regarding the conductor which is used to connect the tracker to the PPES, it must
comply these basic requirements:
• It shall be an insulated copper conductor. It is not allowed a bare conductor.
• The point of connection with the tracker must be a bolt of the PV mounting rail of
the tracker. Then, the electrical connection is made in the torque tube. It is not
allowed any electrical connection in the Soltec tracker pile with the PPES, or in
general, with any external devices of Soltec scope.
• Related the connection in the previous point in the tracker, it shall be done with a
copper tube crimping lug. The stud diameter of it must be 10mm or 12mm. Keep in
mind that the bolts used in both sides are a M10 size. The fixing is carried out in the
same bolts used for the PV mounting rail of the tracker.
In next Point 5, it is explained some other technical specifications recommended for an
insulated conductor which may be supplied for this earthing conductor. Although EPC selects
the final specifications of this conductor, it must be followed the previous basic features to
maintain the warranty covers of Soltec Trackers.

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4.1.3 Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker with String Box

Next there is an image about this conductor, and it is included the installation of a String Box,
although it is applicable for every any other external electrical cabinets, as for instance a String

Figure 6 – Earthing Connection in the Ending of a Tracker with String Box

It shall comply the following requirement about any external electrical cabinet installed in every
pile of Soltec Tracker: It must be insulated the enclosure of the electrical cabinet from the pile.
That is, it must not be electrical equipotentiality between Soltec tracker pile and the electrical
The earthing conductor to the string box and the earthing conductor to the tracker are
independent, and these conductors must be connected separately to the PPES. In addition, this
last conductor shall follow the same basic requirements of connection explained for the previous
Point 4.1.2.

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4.2 E-2 proposal: Equipotentiality between trackers without using the tracker structure

The second proposal (E-2) is based into use copper cables to ensure the equipotentiality between
• Definition: First, it is used a buried copper cable from the first to the last N-S trackers row.
Next, the connection between every tracker and the PPES is in at only one point of the
torque tube, in some of the M10 bolts used for the PV mounting rail. This connection is
carried out considering the same requirements described for the Point 4.1.2.
Additionally, every Motor Pile preserves its standard Main Bonding Conductor, so it still
has direct connection to the earth through the Motor Pile.
Finally, this N-S trackers row is connected to the PPES in at least one point. However, it
could be connected to PPES in the beginning and in the end of this group of trackers. This
kind of decisions of design of PPES are taken by EPC.

Figure 7 – Copper cable along group of trackers in a N-S row and connected to PPES at both endings

The advantages and disadvantages of this proposal are the following:

• Advantages: Direct bonding between trackers without using its structure as
earthing device. It has been reduced the probability to a risk to people electrical
and electronic devices, and tracker structure, due to the flow of earth leakage
currents are mainly through the copper conductor used for the equipotential
• Disadvantages: More complex and expensive than E-1 proposal

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4.3 E-3 proposal: Every tracker connected directly to PPES

The third proposal (E-3) is based into connect every tracker directly with the PPES:
• Definition: Every tracker has its own connection to PPES by the motor pile and optionally
could use a bare copper cable along the rotational axis, which will be connected too to
PPES. This solution would need an earth ground mesh inside every PV plant subfield.

Figure 8 - Every tracker (rotational axis &motor pile) is connected directly with PPES

The advantages and disadvantages of this proposal are the following:

• Advantages: Every tracker is totally isolated to others. Also, as an optional design, if in
addition to connect every tracker to earth ground network a bare copper cable is fixed
to rotational axis (like was explained in E-2), risk to people, equipment, and structure due
to all current leakage to ground will circulate by the structure will reduce considerably.
• Disadvantages: More complex and expensive than E-2 proposal

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5 Recommendations for Bonding and Earthing Insulated

Conductors Out of Soitec’s Supply Scope
Next it is showed the technical specifications of an insulated conductor recommended for the
bonding and earthing cables which are out of Soitec’s Supply Scope. This point only serves as a
recommendation, the technical specifications of these cables are decided by EPC.

Technical Specifications Recommended for Bonding and Earthing Insulated Conductors External to Scope of Supply of Soltec
Product Specification Value
A. Cooper Insulated Type of Conductor Flexible cooper class 5 according to IEC 60228.
Cable Section ≥ 25 mm²
Example: Operating Voltage ≥ 450 / 750 V
Outdoor UV Resistant
Maximum Operating ≥ 90ºC
Insulation Material Examples: XLPE, EPR, among other thermostable materials. It could be
recommended other materials which meet the previous requirements
Examples of Cables RV-K; RZ1-K.
Green-Yellow is the References In all of them, the user should check all the previous specifications, especially
standard colour for
the UV Resistant property.
protective conductors
according IEC 60446. It Signalling elements In case the cable sheet is not Green-Yellow, as for example:
could be recommended (Only for those RV-K: the standard colour is black. In this case, it could be used in both
other sheet colour, but in cables whose colour extremes heat shrink tubing or special electrical tape in green and in yellow
this case, it is necessary to of sheet is different colour. Both alternatives should have UV protection and should be valid for
include green-yellow than green-yellow) outdoor applications.
signalling elements with UV
RZ1-K: the standard colour is green. In this case, it must be used one of
protection (see more
previous alternatives described for RV-K, but in this case, it only be necessary
details on the right)
the yellow units.

B. Two units of Copper Type of Terminal Copper Tube Crimping Lugs

Example: Material Electrolytic copper tube Cu-OF CW008A conform to UNE EN 13600:2013. It is
also recommended other electrolytic copper with similar specifications.

Rated Section Cable ≥ 25mm² (according to the cable section)

Stud Diameter 10 or 12mm
Operating Valid for outdoor applications. Valid for flexible cooper cables.
2 units without insulated Conditions Maximum Allowed Ambient Temperature ≥ 110ºC
It is highly recommended that the terminals have passed the salted fog test
Image of the cable terminal
during at least 500h according EN 60068-2-11 or other similar standard, or at
is not binding
least, having the confirmation of the manufacturer that can pass this test.

Table 2. Technical Specifications Recommended for Bonding and Earthing Insulated Conductors External to Scope of Supply of

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6 Other devices in Soltec Tracker System to be connected to the

For the earthing of Communication Cabinets, Soltec TMS Rack, and in general for other devices
which could be part of the Soltec Tracker System, it must follow all the advices, requirements and
features described in its appropriate Installation Manual.
Nevertheless, there is one basic rule which must be satisfied for the earthing connection of every
electrical cabinet in the Soltec Tracker System to the PPES: the earthing connection must be single
and directly to the PPES. That is, for every individual electrical cabinet, the connection to the PPES
must not be in two or more electrical points. In that case, there will be earth leakage current
flows through the earth conductor of this electrical cabinet, which could suppose malfunction,
devices breakdown and/or damages for the users. Also, the connection to the PPES must be
directly to the PPES, having an individual connection line, not shared with any other equipment.

7 Effects due to earth leakage current through trackers

Effects due to earth leakage current through trackers depend on some factors in a PV plant, for
instance: designing of the PPES, status of the equipotential bonding of the PPES, equipment
installed, maintenance operations, years of operation, previous defaults in the installation, etc…
The performance of the PPES concerns directly to the operation of the electronic and electrical
devices, and to the tracker structure. So, if the quality of the PPES is low, there will be permanent
and significant earth leakage current flowing through PPES. And at the same time, this current
will be passing through earthing conductors of the Soltec electrical and electronic devices, so they
could be damaged. In addition, if the PPES is connected directly to the torque tube of the Soltec
trackers, as it was described in the E-1 proposal, the Soltec tracker structure will be negatively
affected by this earth leakage currents. The most important events of are:
• Reverse currents through earth ground.
• Eddy currents by natural events.
• Accelerated corrosion.
• Dangers for human safety and health.

7.1 Reverse currents through earth ground

Permanents leakage currents which can provoke adverse electrical effects in connected
electronic equipment, like:
• Earth potential higher than usual (it could make voltage oscillations in all connected
electronic equipment destroying equipment or disturbing communication signals).
• Trigger residual-current device.

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How it can be reduced it?

• Making independent trackers earth ground (don´t using tracker structure totally or
partially like earth conductor and reducing) and controlling residual voltage in PPES.
This will do that leakage currents circulate by earth copper instead of searching an
easy way to circulate than steel tracker structure.

7.2 Accelerated corrosion

Other negative consequence due to earth leakage currents circulating through trackers is that
natural corrosion is accelerated:

How does it happen?

Tracker structure is made by galvanised steel, which consist in a steel totally covered by a zinc
layer. In this case, zinc is an anode which suffer corrosion instead of steel protecting it (which is
the cathode in this galvanised cage), although if zinc and steel are not joined (for example because
a manufacturing or a mechanical defect), steel will be exposed to corrosion effect too.
This corrosion effect can be accelerated if an electric current is circulating by the metallic part as
the Faraday’s electrochemical law exposes, establishing a relationship between corrosion velocity
(grams/seconds) and circulating current (amperes):
• m: corrosion velocity (g/s)
• I: Current intensity (A)
• M: Corroded material atomic mass (Steel: 56g/mol* – Zn: 65,38g/mol)
• F: Faraday constant (96485,3365 C/mol)
• z: Corroded material valence (Fe: 2,3 – Zn: 2)
* Steel with low carbon content atomic mass – this value can be affected by % carbon.

So, with this theorical formula, it is proven that an earth leakage current will accelerate natural
corrosion effect in zinc protective layer and will be worst if steel structure is not protected (due
to a defect because a problem during mounting, maintenance, or accident) because steel will

How it can be reduced?

- Minimizing to the maximum leakages currents which will circulate by trackers (don’t
using tracker structure like earth conductor).

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7.3 Eddy currents by natural events

If a lightning hit near or inside a PV plant, the electrical field which generates (Ē≤300.000 V/m),
could induce a current in the PPES, and that eddy current could damage or destroy electronic
Also, if the lightning hits directly to a tracker, that current could be transmitted between wired
equipment and/or structures which are connected (if trackers are used like earthing conductor,
as in the proposal E-1) damaging that equipment or even destroying it.
Regarding this effect, it is important to remark that electrical and electronic devices supplied by
AC power grid, usually include an Surge Protection Devices (SPD) to protect this AC input line
against transient overvoltage. In case of overvoltage detection in this SPD, it will be diverged to
the earth circuit the generated overcurrent due to this overvoltage. Consequently, it is better for
the useful life of the Soltec structure that it is not used as earthing conductor.

How it can be reduced?

- It´s not possible to avoid lightings, only can minimize its negative effects using lighting
rods and SPD (SPD is a dispositive which will divert high current levels to earth ground
instead of sending them by electrical or communications cables and they are installed
in every Gateway Cabinets and Tracker Control Box- To install lighting rods will be
EPC responsibility).
- What must be done is don´t use tracker structure like earth conductor, minimizing
effects in equipment and dissipating its effects designing a good PPES which will stop
lots of destructive effects in electronic equipment.

7.4 Dangers for human safety and health

IEC 60479-1:2018 standard considerate that for a given current path through the human body,
the danger to persons depends mainly on the magnitude and duration of the current flow. The
standard define that the value of body impedance depends on a number of factor and, in
particular, on current path, touch voltage, duration of current flow, frequency, degree of
moisture of the skin, surface is contact, pressure exert and temperature.
Knowledge of the effects of current is essential. Principally the risk of ventricular fibrillation is
considered to be the main mechanism of death of fatal electrical accidents.
Accident with direct current is much less frequent than would be expected from the number of
DC applications, and fatal electrical accidents occur only under very unfavorable conditions. The
threshold DC of ventricular fibrillation is considerably higher than for AC.
According to IEC 60479-1:2018 standard, the time/current zones specified in the following.

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7.4.1 Threshold for AC

The time/current zones and the current boundaries for the different physiological effects of the
pathway hand to feet are given in Table 3 and Figure 9.

Zones Boundaries Physiological effects

AC-1 Up to 0.5mA (curve a) Perception possible but usually no startled reaction
AC-2 0.5mA up to (curve b) Perception and involuntary muscular contractions likely but
usually no harmful electrical physiological effects.
AC-3 Curve b and above Strong involuntary muscular contractions. Difficulty in
breathing. Reversible disturbance of heart function.
Immobilization may occur. Effects increasing with current
magnitude. Usually, no organic damage to be expected.
AC-4* Above curve c1 Patho-physiological effects may occur such as cardiac arrest,
breathing arrest, and burns or other cellular damage.
Probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing with current
magnitude and time.
AC-4.1 Probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing up to
c1-c2 about 5 %.
AC-4.2 Probability of ventricular fibrillation up to about 50 %.
c2-c3 AC-4.3 Probability of ventricular fibrillation above 50 %
Beyond curve c3

* For durations of current flow below 200 ms, ventricular fibrillation is only initiated within the
vulnerable period if the relevant thresholds are surpassed. As regards ventricular fibrillation,
Figure 9. Relates to the effects of current which flows in the path left hands to feet. For other
current paths, the heart current factor has to be considered.
Table 3 Time/current zones for AC 15 Hz to 100 Hz for hand to feet pathway- Summary of zones of Figure

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Figure 9. Conventional time/current zones of effects of AC currents (15 Hz to 100 Hz) on persons for a
current path corresponding to left hand to feet (see Table 3)

The threshold depends on several parameter, such as the area the body in contact with an
electrode (contact area), the conditions of contact (dry, wet, pressure, temperature), duration
and pathway of current flow. And also, on the physiological characteristics of the individual
(anatomy of the body, state of cardiac function, etc.).

7.4.2 Threshold for DC

The time/current zones and the current boundaries for the different physiological effects of the
pathway hand to feet are given in Table 4 and Figure 10.

Zones Boundaries Physiological effects

DC-1 Up to 2mA (curve a) Slight pricking sensation possible when making, breaking or rapidly
altering current flow.
DC-2 2mA up to (curve b) Involuntary muscular contractions likely especially when making,
breaking or rapidly altering current flow but usually no harmful
electrical physiological effects.
DC-3 Curve b and above Strong involuntary muscular reactions and reversible disturbance
of formation and conduction of impulses in the heart may occur,
increasing with current magnitude and time. Usually, no organic
damage to be expected.
DC-4* Above curve c1 Patho-physiological effects may occur such as cardiac arrest,
breathing arrest, and burns or other cellular damage. Probability of
ventricular fibrillation increasing with current magnitude and time.

Earthing Design Recommendations Rev.: 3
for Soltec Trackers Date: 2021/06/11
Page 20 / 20

AC-4.1 Probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing up to about

c1-c2 5 %.
AC-4.2 Probability of ventricular fibrillation up to about 50 %.
c2-c3 AC-4.3 Probability of ventricular fibrillation above 50 %
Beyond curve c3

* For durations of current flow below 200 ms, ventricular fibrillation is only initiated within the vulnerable
period if the relevant thresholds are surpassed. As regards ventricular fibrillation, Figure 10. Relates to
the effects of current which flows in the path left hands to feet. For other current paths, the heart current
factor has to be considered.
Table 4 Time/current zones for direct current for hand to feet pathway- Summary of zones of Figure 10

Figure 10. Conventional time/current zones of effects of DC currents on persons for a longitudinal upward
current path (see Table 4)

These thresholds depend on several parameter, such as the contact the contact area, the
conditions of contact (dryness, wetness, pressure, temperature), the duration of current flow and
on the physiological characteristics of the individual. The threshold of reaction was found to be
about 2 mA.

How it can be reduced?

- Minimizing the path of earth leakage currents to the tracker structure.
- Preventing water-wet condition of the skin.
- Using appropriate personal protective equipment.


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