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We all live in a technological and scientific age. We become familiar with new
technology and its upgrades every day. Nothing in our lives has been left touched by
science and technology, which has become an integral part of it. Banks are in a
similar situation. Twenty years ago, banks did not have rapid clearance systems or
CBS. They employed a manual file management system, so in the event of an
emergency, the files get disappeared. The bank’s facilities were overcrowded.
Customers had to wait in line for a very long time for even a small transaction.
Payment clearance takes even longer than ten days. There was nothing that
happened in real time. However, technology is what has significantly altered the
banking industry. Information is now stored digitally and banks are connected to

To the advantage of the customer, the electronic revolution has made it possible to
offer convenience and flexibility in banking operations. Customers no longer have
access to large paper bank accounts and account registers thanks to e-banking.

Thus, this study will help us to understand the role of information technology in
enhancing banking services at SBI. The study will help in understanding the
behavioural aspect of customers towards SBI services. The study will also help the
SBI to know about the customers needs, wants and preferences.

 To understand the role of IT in enhancing banking services at SBI.
 To identify various e-banking services/products adopted by SBI.
 To understand how SBI has overcome COVID situation through digitalization.
 To determine the technology used by customer of SBI bank.
 To evaluate the satisfaction level of customers of SBI due to IT and


Research Type
The primary goal of this research is, to understand the role of IT in Enhancing
Banking services at SBI and secondary goal is, to evaluate the satisfaction level of
customer of SBI due to IT and digitalization. So, the type of research will be both
survey and exploratory in nature.

 SURVEY: - We will conduct survey to collect the data regarding, customer

views and their feedbacks.
 EXPLORATORY: - As we will collect data of only few people from the
population which only provide us with the view of a sample from which we
cannot come to the conclusion for the whole population.

Research Approach
The methods of collecting information is divided into two different sections, namely
primary data and secondary data. We will collect data with the help of both the
sources i.e., primary source of data and secondary source of data. We will gather
relevant data using the right tools and data collection techniques i.e., use of
questionnaire for collecting primary data and talking to our family members for
getting more details. On the other hand, secondary source of data collection is
research papers from Google Scholars and Internet, Newspaper and Articles through
internet. We'll tabulate and analyze the acquired data to draw conclusions that make

Sampling Plan
The respondents will be the Banasthali Vidhyapith residents, and the data will be
gathered using a purposeful sampling technique. Data will also be gathered through
references provided by family, friends, and friends of friends. For our questionnaire
to be filled out, we will personally approach people for our campus, which will enable
us to get the desired outcomes. In the study data will be collected by 50 people of
different age comprising of men and women from banasthali.

Variables Under Study

 Dependent Variable- Usage of Online Banking
 Independent Variables- Usefulness, Ease of use, Compatibility and
Information Quality
Methods/Tools of Data Collection
Data gathering is an essential component of every research project. Primary data
and Secondary data are the two distinct parts of the information gathering process.

 PRIMARY DATA: - Primary data is information that is gathered for the first
time, whereas secondary data is information that has already been gathered
or collected by others. As opposed to secondary data, which is the
interpretation and analysis of primary data, primary data’s most significant
qualities are that they are original and first-hand. Primary data are facts
gathered by original or first-hand study.
 SECONDARY DATA: - On the other hand, it is the information that has
already been gathered in the past by another party. We use questionnaires to
gather primary data for our research and chat with family members to elicit
more information as our primary and secondary data collection sources. On
the other hand, research papers from the Internet and Google Scholar, as well
as Articles from Newspapers, serve as secondary source of data collection.

The research design used for this study is a well-structured questionnaire. There are
numerous types of inquiries, fact-finding, and surveys included. For the purpose of
choosing samples of the 50 population, the “basic random sampling approach” will
be used. It was necessary to prepare a thorough questionnaire that could cover all
potential ground for conducting a structured inquiry on customer perception. The
main reason we chose the “questionnaire” as a tool for data collection is that it can
be completed quickly, and since our research is focused on how customers perceive
the banking services offered by SBI BANK, it makes it simple for us to understand
their perspective. This allows for quick responses and a quick conclusion. Each facet
of our topic is covered in the questionnaire.

Area of Research
The area of research will be campus of Banasthali Vidyapith.

Methods of Data Presentation/Analysis

 50 people in total, men and women from Banasthali Vidyapith, representing a
range of ages. We will distribute our questionnaire before it is ready to our
professors and a select group of friends. There are 15 questions in the
questionnaire. This includes 4-5 questions on the personal information of
those who will fill out our questionnaire (age, gender, occupation, education
related details, name, email). We will learn from the responses of the 50
people about their opinions and comments regarding the financial services
they received from SBI Bank, which will aid us in our research.
 Following Statistical Tools such as percentage analysis, measure of central
tendency, bar graph, piechart, correlation and regression will be applied to
draw the conclusions.

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