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1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.

 Jesus: leader who came to be known as Christ and was believed or be a

 Apostle: close follower of Jesus.
 Paul: Apostle who payed a key roll in the spread of Christianity
throughout the Roman Empire.
 Diaspora: moving away of the Jews from their homeland in Palestine.
 Constantine: Roman emperor who ended persecution of Christians.
 Bishop: head of all the churches in one area.
 Peter: first apostle who helped spread Christianity through Syria and
 Pope: head of the Christians Church.

3. What did Jesus emphasize in his early teachings? God’s personal relationship to
each human being.

4. Why did the early Christians face persecution from the Romans? Christians refused
to worship Roman gods, this refusal was seen as opposition to Roman rule.

5. What was the importance of the Nicene Creed? It defined the basic beliefs of the

8. Why do you think Roman leaders so opposed the rise of a new religion among their
subjects? This was because when a citizen chose to believe in Christianity the Roman
leaders felt an opposition or a refusal to follow their rules. Therefore, Roman leaders
would lose their power if the multiple Christians decided to overthrow them.

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