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Umeme notifies its esteemed customers of the following applicable Electricity End-User Retail Tariffs for the second quarter
of 2022, as determined by the Electricity Regulatory Authority:

Customer Category Time of Use Resultant Tariff for

Quarter Two 2022
shs/ kWh
First 15 kWh in a month 250
Domestic Consumers - CODE 10.1 Units between 16-80 kWh 747.5
Low Voltage single phase supplied at 240 volts Units between 81-150 kWh 412.0
Units above 150 kWh 747.5
Peak 768.0
Commercial Consumers - CODE 10.2 Shoulder 584.6
Three phase low voltage load not exceeding 100 Amperes supplied at 415 volts Off- Peak 356.9
Average 580.6
Peak 609.7
Medium Industrial Consumers - CODE 20 Shoulder 443.6
Low voltage supplied at 415 volts, with maximum demand up to 500kVA Off- Peak 231.3
Average 439.1
Peak 472.5
Large Industrial Consumers - CODE 30 Shoulder 355.6
High voltage 11,000 volts or 33,000 volts with maximum demand exceeding 500 kVA but up to 1,500 kVA and consuming within Off- Peak 231.1
‘’Block 1’’ Average 355.0
Peak 456.4
Large Industrial Consumers - CODE 30 Shoulder 343.5
High voltage 11,000 volts or 33,000 volts with maximum demand exceeding 500 kVA but up to 1,500 kVA and consuming within Off- Peak 223.2
‘’Block 2*’’ Average 343.5
Peak 395.7
Extra Large Industrial Consumers - CODE 40 Shoulder 301.1
High voltage 11,000 volts or 33,000 volts with maximum demand exceeding 1,500 kVA and dealing in manufacturing and Off- Peak 214.7
consuming with in ‘’Block 1’’ Average 300.2
Peak 356.2
Extra Large Industrial Consumers - CODE 40 Shoulder 271.0
High voltage 11,000 volts or 33,000 volts with Average demand exceeding 1,500 kVA and dealing in manufacturing and Off- Peak 193.2
consuming with in ‘’Block 2*’’ Average 271.0
Street Lighting - CODE 50 Average 370.0


1. The schedule of electricity end user retail tariffs shall be applicable to all consumer bills raised based on meter readings taken from April 2022 to June
2022 for customers on the postpaid billing system. The tariffs shall apply to electricity purchases from April 2022 to June 2022 for customers on the Yaka
prepaid system.

2. Only domestic customers whose consumption does not exceed 100 units per month based on their six months running average shall qualify to purchase the
first 15 units charged at a lifeline tariff of UGX 250 per kWh.

3. Other charges such as fixed monthly charges, maximum demand charges, inspection fees, new connection charges, reconnection fees and penalties for
power theft, remain unchanged.

4. The Block 2* (Declining Block) Tariff of Large and Extra-Large Industrial Consumers shall be applicable to energy consumed above the threshold
determined by the Electricity Regulatory Authority for the respective consumers. Umeme advised the customers of their respective thresholds for Block
2 tariffs.

5. The Electricity end user retail tariff shall apply to the estimated unbilled consumption resulting from either power theft or any instance leading to unbilled
consumption from April 2022 to June 2022.

Umeme Ltd is regulated by the Electricity Regulatory Authority

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