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By Mohammed Alshaboti Supervisor: Dr\ Adel Ali

About 6lowpan 6LowPAN implementations BLIP
Blip IPv6 stack

IETF 6LowPAN header format TinyOS-2.1.1 installation Test Blip UDPEcho Program (Demo) More Demos

About 6LowPAN
The 6lowpan group has defined encapsulation and header compression mechanisms that allow IPv6 packets to be sent to and received from over IEEE 802.15.4 based networks. This enable embedded devices to participate in the Internet of Things.

6LowPAN implementations
There are 3 well known implementations

BLIP (Berkeley IP)

Included as a core part of TinyOS-2.1.1
(you need to install tinyos-2.1.1 if you want to use blip)

Tested on micaz, telosb and epic platforms.

Blip IPv6 stack IPv6

Consists of three layers:
1. Transport : TCP/UDP/ICMP 2. Network: Blip uses Hydro routing protocol 3. 6lowpan(layer 2.5): compresses high-level headers and breaks large packets into multiple link-layer fragments .

IETF 6LowPAN header format

IPv6 header is 40 bytes 802.15.4 MTU is 127 bytes

DSP: understand whats coming. HC1: Network layer compression and its LSB denotes if HC2 will be used or not. HC2: Transport layer compression IP: Hop limit UDP: UDP header compressed

IETF 6LowPAN header format (Cont..)

DSP (1 byte)
00xxxxxx Not-lowpan frame 01xxxxxx LowPAN IPv6 address header
01xxxx01 Uncompressed 01xxxx10 Full compressed and follow by HC1 field

10xxxxxx LowPAN mesh header 11xxxxxx LowPAN fragmentation header

IPv6 header is compressed to 2byte (HC1,Hop limit)


IETF 6LowPAN header format (Cont..)

DSP : Compressed LowPAN IPv6 header HC1: Src & Dest add local, next header = UDP IP: Hop limit UDP: 8-byte header (uncompressed)


Normally HC1 indicates 1 in its last bit if there is HC2 HC2: UDP/TCP/ICMP compression

IPv6 IPv6 header compressed


6LowPAN-Compressed/Compressed UDP LowPAN-

DSP: Compressed IPv6 HC1: Src & Dest add local, next header= UDP IP: Hop limit UDP: HC2+3 bytes header (compressed) Source port and destination port with the range of 0xF0B0-0xF0BF (4 bit)

TinyOSTinyOS-2.1.1 installation steps using ubuntu-11. ubuntu-11.04

Open Terminal to edit sources.list file
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

add this line at the end of the file opened

deb karmic main

karmic for all type of ubuntu distribution. Install aptitude package

sudo apt-get install uptitude

Install autoconf package

sudo apt-get install autoconf2.13

Then type this command to install TinyOS-2.1.1

sudo aptitude install tinyos-2.1.1


TinyOSTinyOS-2.1.1 configuration
Edit add
$TOSROOT/ file sudo gedit /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/ /tinyos.jar to the end of CLASSPATH to be : CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.j ar

Also edit user bash file as following:

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

and add this line to the end of the file

source /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/

Maybe you will need to change the owner of the tinyos-2.1.1 folder
sudo chown R username:group /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/

Test Blip
Add an 802.15.4 interface to the device (Edge router). 2. Upload your program image on the motes (node router) 3. Compile and run the routing driver (on pc/laptop). 4. Communicate with motes via IPV6


Blip network items


1- Upload blip Interface on edge router

cd $TOSROOT/apps/IPBaseStation $ make telosb blip install (for telosb mote) $ make micaz blip install mib520, /dev/ttyUSB0 (for micaz mote)


2- Upload program image on node routers

cd $TOSROOT/apps/UPDEcho make micaz blip install,ID mib520,/dev/ttyUSB0 make telosb blip install,ID


3- Compile and run routing driver on PC/labtop PC/labtop

Build it first (for one time):
cd $TOSROOT/support/sdk/c/sf ./bootstrap ./configure make cd $TOSROOT/support/sdk/c/blip ./ ./configure make While you are still in the $TOSROOT/support/sdk/c/blip

directory run routing driver

sudo driver/ip-driver /dev/ttyUSB1 micaz


Compile and run routing driver (Cont..)

Router driver loads its configuration from $TOSROOT/support/sdk/c/blip/serial_tun.conf. You can change channel # and IPv6 prefix fec0:: used.


4-Test connection
ping6 fec0::ID

fec0::/10 This is a site-local prefix offered by IPv6. The prefix fec0:: is coming from serial_tun.conf file and the suffix is coming from Node Id.

UDPECho Demo


UDPEcho program
interface UDP { command error_t bind(uint16_t port); command error_t sendto(struct sockaddr_in6 *dest, void *payload, uint16_t len); event void recvfrom(struct sockaddr_in6 *src, void *payload, uint16_t len, struct ip_metadata *meta); } bind command to open a port and start listening directly. sendto command to send a message and recvfrom event fire when there is new message received. Wire UDP interface to UdpSocketC component.


UDPEcho program (cont..) file: #include <ip.h> module SimpleUDPEchoP { uses { interface Boot; interface SplitControl as RadioControl; interface UDP as Echo; interface Leds; } } implementation { event void Boot.booted() { call RadioControl.start(); call Echo.bind(7); // open port on port 7 and start listening }


UDPEcho program (cont..)

event void RadioControl.startDone(error_t e) { } event void RadioControl.stopDone(error_t e) { } event void Echo.recvfrom(struct sockaddr_in6 *from, void *data, uint16_t len, struct ip_metadata *meta) { call Echo.sendto(from, data, len); // return the same message payload to the sender call Leds.led0Toggle(); } } // end implementation


UDPEcho program (cont..) file: configuration SimpleUDPEchoC { } implementation { components MainC, LedsC; components SimpleUDPEchoP; UDPEchoP.Boot -> MainC; UDPEchoP.Leds -> LedsC; components IPDispatchC; UDPEchoP.RadioControl -> IPDispatchC; components new UdpSocketC() as Echo; UDPEchoP.Echo -> Echo; }


UDPEcho program (cont..)

Makefile file: COMPONENT=SimpleUDPEchoC CFLAGS += -DCC2420_DEF_CHANNEL=15 CFLAGS += -DRF230_DEF_CHANNEL=15 CFLAGS += -DIEEE154FRAMES_ENABLED include $(MAKERULES) Note:If you change channel in $TOSROOT/support/sdk/c/blip/serial_tun.conf file you should change it here also.


UDPEcho program (cont..)

Usage: 1. Install IPBaseStation into edge router (mote) 2. Install SimpleUDPEcho in another mote 3. Run routing driver 4. Open terminal and connect with SimpleUDPEcho
nc6 u fec0::4 7

assuming you installed SimpleUDPecho on node 4 and 7 is the port number


More Demos


TCPEcho Demo
Use tcp to build http server
TelosB mote fec0::1

Micaz mote fec0::2


UDPUDP-base shell Demo

Send shell command to specific mote
My own shell command univ


Further Reading : utorial ng_TinyOS_2.1.1 blip 6LowPAN tutorial . Evaluating 6lowPAN implementations in WSNs byRicardo Silva, Jorge S Silva and Fernando Boavida, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra Installation of blip under Ubuntu 10.04.pdf

Thank You! Terima kasih


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