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Ecological Grade 7

Interactions and

Footprint Ecosystems

As discussed last week, each person’s ecological footprint contributes to multiple
global issues. In this assignment, you will explore and analyze how your own
ecological footprint impacts the ecosystems surrounding you and the
environment. This will allow you to see how you impact the environment and think
of ways to reduce the consequences of your actions.

Your task
1. Using an online calculator (link below), you will determine how many earths
would be needed if everyone had the same ecological footprint as you.
2. You will analyze the impacts that your lifestyle has on the environments and
ecosystems surrounding you with a written explanation (500 - 700 words) by
answering the following questions
How many earths would be needed if everyone lived the same lifestyle as you?
What are the two biggest factors that contribute to your ecological footprint?
What are the consequences of those factors? (you may need to look at
resources to answer this )
How can you minimize the effects these factors have on the environment?
3. Finally, you will pick one of the factors identified in the questions above and
visually represent how you can lessen the consequences of that action. Visual
representations can be anything that shows your understanding of how to
positively impact the environment. Ex: drawing, video, animation etc.

You will have two periods to work on this during class time. The assignment is due a
week after today.

The Laptop cart will be provided to access online materials
Online Calculator:
Library - visited permission during classwork time
Textbook - available in the classroom
Ecological Footprint

Excellent Proficiant Adequate Limited

Questions are Questions are

Questions are all
somewhat somewhat
completed with
Written Part: completed with completed but
Questions are thorough lack thorough
responses that Questions were
responses that responses that
answered and well show a complete not completed.
show a complete show a complete
thought out understanding of
understanding of understanding of
environmental environmental
impacts. impacts.

The proposal The proposal The proposal The proposal

demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
Written Part: exemplary competent developing beginning
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
Proposal to lesson
ecosystems and ecosystems and ecosystems and ecosystems and
ecoclogical footprint the impacts of the impacts of the impacts of the impacts of
human activities human activities human activities human activities
on them. on them. on them. on them.

Visual Visual Visual
representation is
representation is representation is representation is
completed and
completed but completed but not completed
shows moderate shows little or shows no
Visual Representation purposeful
consideration for consideration for consideration
consideration for
changes that changes that for changes that
changes that
positively impact positively impact positively impact
positively impact
the environment. the environment. the environment.
the environment.
Grade 7
Ecological Science
Interactions and
Footprint Ecosystems

General and Specific Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Outcomes
1. Investigate and describe relationships between humans and their
environments, and identify related issues and scientific questions
identify examples of human impacts on ecosystems, and investigate and
analyze the link between these impacts and the human wants and needs
that give rise to them
analyze personal and public decisions that involve consideration of
environmental impacts, and identify needs for scientific knowledge that
can inform those decisions
2. Describe the relationships among knowledge, decisions and actions in
maintaining life-supporting environments
identify intended and unintended consequences of human activities
within local and global environments

Skills Outcomes
Identify science-related issues

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