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Professor(a): Gilmar Borges Junior

Turma: 1001,1002,1003,1004 e 1005 Data: ____/_____/2021 PESO: 10,0

● Responder a avaliação com caneta esferográfica azul ou preta;

● Não rasurar;
● Não esqueça de colocar seu nome e turma;
● Não deixar nenhuma questão em branco.


A Complete the text. Use the verbs in parentheses in the present continuous. (2,0)

From the top of the hill I can see the village in the valley: the houses, the streets, the
school, everything.
The children __________________ (play) in the school yard. Mr. Gardner
________________ (to talk) to a friend. Some ladies ______________________ (walk) to
the church. Some people ___________________ (run) around the lake. The Taylors
______________________ (open) their store now and Mrs. Swanson is certainly buying
bread for breakfast.
It is 8:00 now and the sun _____________________ (shine) brightly.
I am here on the top of the hill.
I ______________________ (think) about my life.

B Underline the correct alternative. (2,0)

1. The children (is have – are having) breakfast now.

2. Dad (is working – working) on a new project.
3. We (are not studying – are studing) Portuguese at this moment.
4. I (are writeing – am writing) a letter.
5. Jennifer (is try – is trying) to help you.

Have faith in yourself.

C Write the verbs in the simple present. (2,0)

1. Riding: _________________________ 6. Working: _______________ ________

2. Taking: _________________________ 7. Doing: _____________________ ____
3. Running: _________________ ______ 8. Swimming: ______________________
4. Lying: __________________________ 9. Playing: ____________________ ____
5. Walking: ________________________ 10. Getting: ________________________

D Write the verbs in the present continuous. (2,0)

1. To love: ________________________ 6. To make: _______________________

2. To have: _______________________ 7. To do: _________________________
3. To work: _______________________ 8. To cut: _________________________
4. To swim: _______________________ 9. To write: ______________________ _
5. To play: ________________________ 10. To listen: ______________ ________

E Mark the correct alternative. (2,0) games. You.........................the piano.

a) Am playing. a) Am playing.
b) Is playing. b) Is playing.
c) Are playing. c) Are playing. We...........................the guitar.

a) Am playing. a) Am playing.
b) Is playing. b) Is playing.
c) Are playing. c) Are playing.
a) Am playing. a) Am playing.
b) Is playing. b) Is playing.
c) Are playing. c) Are playing.
a) Am playing. a) Am playing.
b) Is playing. b) Is playing.
c) Are playing. c) Are playing.

Have faith in yourself.

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