TransformationWeek Worksheets Day4

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Transformation Week

Day 4: Productivity Mindset

Ok. Let’s get real. Day One was on clarity. Day Two was on energy. Day Three on necessity. 

But you can grow in all those areas and still not dramatically advance your life or career if you don’t
learn to master PRODUCTIVITY.

How do we do it? We don’t start by thinking of a to-do list. We think about the VISION we have
for our lives and we allow ourselves to be motivated to achieve that vision. We think of the PEOPLE
we want to serve and that demands we be productive. Our desire to add value forces us to be
focused and productive. In other words, our mindset is as important as our to-do list. Often, we don’t
think about just doing random things, we think about fulfilling promises and dreams.
Everything else comes down to using our High Performance Planner to stay on track, and the
energy secrets from High Performance Habits to stay alert and energized.

Please also join our HPX community by sharing with us and others:

1. Fill out the attached journal sheets and share your lessons and goals with us on social

media using #TransformationWeek and #HPXLIFE. 

2. Subscribe and download all the episodes of The Brendon Show podcast for the

full audio of each day’s training on his podcast for you free!

3. Learn the productivity habits in the attached excerpt from High Performance Habits!

Thanks again for joining us in Transformation Week and congratulations for your continued
commitment to personal and professional development. Enjoy today’s training!

Brendon and Denise

#transformationweek #hpxlife

As Brendon mentioned in today’s video, most of the tactics he follows on a daily basis to be more effective comes down to using his

High Performance Planner every morning and night. (It also includes the ideas of clarity, energy and necessity you’ve learned Days 1-3).

But the biggest advantage is having a productive mindset—the kind of thinking that inspires you to serve others, show up as your best,
and get things done that matter to you swiftly. So fill out the following prompts and make it a practice to revisit these kinds of ideas more
often so that you stay motivated, focused, and yes, productive.

If I could become more excellent at certain skills or areas my life, and it would help me advance more quickly, those skills or focal points would be….

The things that really work for me in staying productive are…

The things that prevent me from being productive that I need to better deal with include…


A new idea or service that I provide to the people around me Someone who needs me to be my A game right now is…
or to my coworkers or clients that would motivate me to (Think of someone who needs you to be your best, 

be more productive is… even if that’s a future person like a customer, etc)

The action steps I need to take to start delivering that value as soon as The reason it’s important for me to stay focused for
possible are… this person these next few months is…


What is your”why”for being a more productive person?
 The daily habits I need to start following to be more
What do you want to achieve this next 12 months that will require
 productive include…
you to be amazing?

I need to give myself permission to want more for myself and my The weekly habits I need to start following are…
family, so I need to start telling myself the following more often…

© 2019 All rights reserved

Do not duplicate or teach from without permission.
Want more training
on this topic?

Go download
Season 4 of
The Brendon Show podcast!

As part of Transformation Week, I have chosen to

leave up Season 4 of my podcast, which is the
entire audiobook of my best-selling book 

High Performance Habits!

Just go to Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen

to your podcasts and download all of Season 4.
Each episode is a single chapter from the book,
so be sure to download all episodes so you have
the complete book.

We hope you realize what a huge value this is!

Hundreds of thousands of people would have

bought the audiobook on Audible or another
platform, but I chose to gave it away free. This was
the first time an author who had a book on the
best-seller list ever did this kind of thing. It cost
me over a million dollars in royalties. But I really
believe that if I can give people access to more
content like this, then they can live the high
performance experience and become happier,
more fulfilled, and more capable of making their
difference in this world. So I hope you’ll go
download all the episodes and share it and enjoy!

© 2019 HPXLIFE. All rights reserved.

Like this?
Join 2000 people dedicated to their
personal development at HPA!

Can you imagine this Transformation Week is just the free training from Brendon?!

Want even more? Need to go deeper on your personal development this year?

Then join us at High Performance Academy, Brendon’s 4-day personal development seminar!]
Our next event is March 2019 in Phoenix!

Held just once in 2019, this life-transforming event is recognized as the only science-backed
personal development seminar in the world for increasing high-performance in every area
of your life. You’ll learn to master your psychology, physiology, productivity, and people skills
so that you can reach your highest potential in life faster.

Get dates and early bird ticket pricing here or via the button below.


© 2019 HPXLIFE. All rights reserved.

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