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Homework for ASTE599 Segment 1

Problem Set 1
(due 9/4/12)

1. Show that the following statements are valid:

(a) The eccentricity for the lunar Hohmann transfer

trajectory is e  0.97.
(b) The eccentricity of a transfers that has higher
energy than the Hohmann transfer is

for any radial velocity vr at the lunar distance.

2. A sightseeing space shuttle is sent on a round trip

to the moon from a low earth orbit.

(a) Use the Michielsen Chart to obtain the deflection

angle  by the lunar flyby for a direct outward leg
of 3 days and a direct return to a low earth orbit of
3 days.
(b) Should the craft pass in front of or behind the
(c) What is the radial distance of closest approach to
the moon?

3. Apollo 17 performed a maneuver to leave its
initial free-return translunar trajectory to provide
an opportunity for a more precise landing on the
lunar surface. The point of closest approach where
the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) maneuver was to
be performed was rp/M = 1849 km. (Note that the
subscript “M” refers to the moon.) Apollo 17
passed in front of the moon.

(a) Use the Michielsen chart to determine the distance

of the hyperbolic asymptote from the moon and
the eccentricity of the hyperbolic approach
trajectory for a direct outward transfer of 3.4 days.
(b) Assuming the initial circular earth parking orbit
had an altitude of 200 km, determine (estimate)
the v needed to reach the moon.
(c) Assume that the spacecraft performed an
impulsive LOI maneuver to insert from its flyby
hyperbolic trajectory into a lunar orbit having a
perilune altitude of 111 km and apolune altitude
of 314 km without rotating the line of apsides.
Determine the v at the LOI point if this point is
the perilune position.
(d) Assume that the astronauts performed a maneuver
to move the spacecraft into a circular orbit with
altitude 111 km and compute the (impulsive) v
for that maneuver.

4. Apollo 13 had the same translunar trajectory as
Apollo 17. But Apollo 13 experienced a major
failure en route to the moon after leaving the free-
return trajectory and before arriving at the moon.

(a) If all of Apollo 13’s rockets had then been

inoperable, determine its orbit after the flyby of
the moon and the fate of the three astronauts,
Lovell, Haise, and Swigert. In particular, how
close would the spacecraft have come to the earth
and how far would the spacecraft have travelled
from the earth? If the orbit is closed, what is the
period of that orbit? It is not necessary to consider
subsequent gravity assists from the moon or
collision with the moon.
(b) Fortunately, the astronauts were able to use the
propulsion systems of the Lunar Module (LM) to
perform trajectory correction maneuvers (TCMs)
to return safely to the earth. The first of the
TCMs returned the spacecraft, consisting of the
Command Module (CM) and the Lunar Module,
to a free-return trajectory. For mass data, use the
value of the mass of the CM as 28,945 kg and the
mass of the LM as 15,235 kg. The LM propulsion
systems used nitrogen tetroxide as the oxidizer
and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH)
hypergolic as the propellant. We learned in
ASTE580 that the specific impulse for this

combination is 277 s. For this first recovery TCM,
the v = 0.0115 km/s. Compute the amount of
propellant used in this maneuver.

5. Gravity Assist v (denoted as vGA) Problems:

(a) Compute the vGA from the flyby of the moon for
the example displayed in the Michielsen Chart.
(b) Consider the Apollo free-return trajectories with a
3-day outward trajectory from the parking orbit
about the earth to the moon and a 3-day direct
return trajectory from the moon to the earth.
Compute the vGA from the hyperbolic trajectory
about the moon.

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