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27K u.


The invaders came with-

out warning, from
beyond our solar sys-
tem. With advanced
technology far beyond

our wildest dreams, they

easily defeated our
remote outposts on the
edge of space...

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T_he hdm'ewmlds of the vast '

Kaldurqn Em'pife u ppwéri

fpl rdtqdevoted to conquest

pnd expdnsion-

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0511 BY mama have ”figmemrks of SAME-Amt—n WAS FUN.
_J_I:"£3 f hey were a
race bred

, ‘5 for war, whose

l .. ‘ " Ining Empire I
mm 5&1, new no equa
*°‘ "«ah
‘ Ill ferocity or
tactical bril-
I|ance. Millenia

§ ago, they alone

had mastered
the arcane
technologies of

genetic manip-
ulation, pro-
ducing annies
of super-
human cloned
warriors at
//1 , f.
17 ’/ - ’
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weapon! was
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cfrrrr‘rmrf am”:
By Hm effams’
Prdzer’nfrf fear
{inrfas ffi an
Imam Goren" 80mm (75. 35 tons] 55.2? ~n ‘ ‘J

Primary ”soldier" unit of the Empke ihe60mg;was constrqud on 7

a we||~amrored, mediumweghi frame. Primary weapons in a

rapid fire aurorannon, shoulder rarkeis egg

bazoolro _ ;- .

, r
Mrmorusron Maonmc (aimrmrur (vufl‘fi'ru

w fusion

for superiorgI

plants ohm
“3 form of
“primitive ther
in its moth
‘ ’ 1” Irensatmosphencmterdrctian fighter, armed with twin ion
cannon, fusion missiles and a spinal mounted 230

megawatt pulse cannon. Provided air support for Medusa


.‘* " H “l. Stir finer lei“ ':,. ‘l ’ f ., 7 .

73'- tieʼrdfiriér'swai dvmrrggze-

- - enamels lʼ
ed‘Secandlger'rtuatietl i '

red, light heavyframe with twin beam can-

nan on the forearms and binary energy45dier

arrays lhe large shoulder mounted ECM pads

were especially effective in confusing the target-

ing systems of Defense Force units.

Pwrmnv Drrcnsc Forces
, lthough well protected by compo ' y _ L or (“ill Visa :

nhancerrfent helmets, the PDF's c . “lugthrowers were "

1 tgenerally ineffective against the Emp a"rmorod-‘=titons.

G u l


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was all we
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\ “The in the new armada, the Arosoi wos

§' u symbotb? hopefor the desperate people of

~4he world.
\ .'
flown-(ass 8mm"?
‘. :. ‘d on the Argus-(lass, the Adamantr 4 . ‘
\ and hangar facilities with increased propellant, finest u.
~ armament. Thyhips'would protect the carriers ‘

Il’ missions. __/

r -;“N
' ' - "


in ’ . ‘

{A K V'\ n “4-

\ ",/_/

sing captured alien mecha-tech, we have

U built our own fleet to repel their assault—

Although terminally shy and somewhat c

outside of u cockpit, he soon become one of

the best oces of the Empire War, with 0 record

of thirty-six confirmed kills.

7'A fleet
by a force
of the best
‘and bright-
‘est pilots,
mecha- —

jocks and N
techs our
world can
raise. Most ‘
are young
and barely
but they

7 =
th ‘
last hope...
Acack team ol best andtest
Mia all.
pislot available. ltw riots

hwo made the Rapier 0 vi the

viat on of hum
mna i.ty
FINAL 55” 6

Inmm Goncou ”Warts" ms ' _


_ .

Personal cammmil‘trmha allmpaddfighugadk . *

Lars Kandrax, tlwlgatlnglmpendmofflpsm

-ʼ - .

Rom MPERIAL hccs ' ' . ‘w

$13 318333533333? "that 3.33323: 33533333, an“?
1..- ‘ ‘ I] l i

ow the battle is joined—a desperate

world and its young, untested
heroes, standing alone against an alien
u '
The final result of Project

Phoenix, Lt. Donchoi Yuh’s

distinctive orange andwhite

mecha clashed with

Kandrax’s Xanithes on

numerous occasions.

\ ‘

, ' _. ' .' r“
-‘c. ant was one of

ships in the Defense

1 Forces. Her e crew was often the

spearhead A the PDF counterattack.

ham [to ll, Flight (mdr. North Frozen,

f (aptain' Henry Antares, lt.(ig) Moriko Lim
_ and ace lt.- Donchoi Yuh.

Empire and its unstoppable legions of

skilled mecha warriors.
And the outcome? That depends on you.
tough; T5 E ‘

24 0 Skills p. 26 0 Master Skills List p. 27 0 How Skills Work p. 31 0 Skill Difficulties and Modifiers
Lifepath p. 20 0 Statistics p.
p. 310 Professional Characters p. 32 0 Professions List p. 33 0 Professional Lifepath Appendix p. 34 0 Rookie Characters p. 35
0 Rookie Templates p.36-38 0 Equipment p.40 0 Weapons p.40 0 Armor p.45 0 Other Equipment p. 46

Rules for constructing all variations of mecha from
the classic humanoid Mekton, to the obscure and
dangerous Mechabeasts. Also featured are rules
for building Starships and Roadstrikers to round
out your campaign options.

Mecha Construction p. 52 0 Concept p. 52 0 Frame p. 54 0 Servos p. 54 0 Armor p. 56 0 Subassemblies p. 57 0weapons p. 0 58

Options p. 60 0 Wheels and Treads p. 61 0 Final Weight p. 61 0 Propulsion Systems p. 62 0 Transformation p. 64 0 Powerplant

p.64 0 Mekton Statistics p. 65 0 Mecha Rider Construction p.73 0 Starship Construction p.74 0 Roadstriker Construction p.80


Blazing mecha-guns, screaming missiles an-
, flashing beam sabers all combine with ease of pla
Ill“;' to create a flexible and quick combat syste
{l 1'|
. designed to simulate the best in anime action.
sit f
TheBasicsp. 88TheCameboard p. 89 0 Facing&AttackArc p.89 0 LineofSight p. 90 CombatSummary p. 91 0 CombatActions

p. 93 0 Movement p. 93 0 Mektons‘in Space p. 94 0 Attack p. 95 0 Defensive Action p. 100 Other Actions p. 100 0 Knockback p. 100
0 Out of Scale Combat p. 101 0 Resolving Damage p. 102 0 Amer Protection p. 102 0 Damage Results p. 103 0 Emergency Eiectian

p. 105 0 The 6 Factor p. 105 0 Raadstriker Combat p. 106 Starship Combat p. 108 - Combat Flow Charts p. 109-111

is\""'it,“ ʼ
ʼ wnRLns
Referee Sectionp. 114 0 Mekton Medical p. 114 0 Experience p. 116 0 Anime Abilities p. 117 0 Aliens p. 118 0Running & Playing
Anime p. 120 0 Cinematic Roleplaying p. 122 0 Mekton Sans Mecha p. 124 - Plat Building Blocks p. 124 0 Anime For The Player
p. 126 0 Anime For The Referee p. 127 0 The Cast & Crew p. 128 0 Anime NPCs p. 130 0 Telling An Anime Story p. 133

and political Intrigue; and I-Shr, with itʼs galaxy
ll? “ll ' .. spanning Empire and a science fiction edge.
lush-i ff "
140 0Algolian Space p. 143 0 Algalian Wildlife p. 145 0 Algalian Mecha
Algal p. 138 0 Algalian Historyp. 139 0 Background p.
p. 147 ' Imperial Star p. 148 0 Worlds Of The Empire p. 148 0 History Of The Empire p. 149 0 The Empire Today p. 151 0 Key
Organizations Of The Empire p.152 0 Imperial Star Mecha p.155-156 0 Blank Forms p.157-160
Introduction A

elcome to Mekton
Zeta, the anime
—machines shaped like a man, capable
of fantastic speeds and maneuverabili-
In these pages you will find alien inva-
sions, galactic civil wars, genocidal con-
mecha rolepla ing ty—combining the best elements of flicts, and a good old-fashioned love story.
game. Within t ese both tanks and jet fighters. Seems like a lot, doesn’t it? Well it is. All

pages you will discover a new And yet these machines are only a this and more the ”genre” of anime.

world of aming: roleplaying in small part of the overall story. They pro- All of them combine to make one hell
the worI s of lapanese anima- vide the action and the firepower, but of a gaming setting. Where else can you
tion, also known as anime. the heart and soul still comes from the duel with energy weapons on the deck of
With Mekton Zeta, you'll enter: people inside. The machine may be a spaceship that is crumbling into space
0 A world where a 16-year-old kid can powerful, but the pilot makes it danger- debris around you? It's a world where you
steal a top-secret military prototype, be ous. With the right pilot and a strong can find that your deepest love is your
allowed to keep it, and go on to win the enough machine, the combination is most hated enemy; a place where your
war for the good guys. often enough to topple empires. And own background may be the key to end-
a A universe where princesses can (and that's what Mekton Zeta is all about. ing a war, or ensuring total victory for one
often do) fall in love with very com- in most roleplaying games it’s of the combatants over the other.
mon commoners. enough for the characters to just survive. In short, your characters are not
o A place where your enemies always
As long as a character is well fed and can wallflowers. You are the movers and the
come back to haunt you, and where love ”adventure" another day, that is often shakers, and it's your decisions that can
is so deep that people die for it.
reward enough. Not so with Mekton spell victory or disaster for your home
All this... and giant robots too! Zeta. Anime is epic, so any game that and loved ones. It's up to you. You will
Mekton Zeta is based on the attempts to simulate it must be epic as stand above all in victory, or hang lone-
“mecha” tradition of anime, a tradition well, right? Mekton Zeta is not about ly in defeat.

where commonplace war machines have greed; it’s about honor, duty, and smash- Your destiny is in your own hands
been replaced by ”giant robots" ing the other guy’s mecha. and in the weapons of your mecha.


If you have never played Now comes the hard part. With your old characters will come out
Mekton before, you can pretty much every edition come changes, and this under-skilled (as a rule characters in
skip this and go straight to the next is no exception. There are many Mekton 2 will be more skilled than their
section. However, if you have been changes from Mekton II to Mekton Z, forerunners). The best way to update
a long-time player (or are at least and we wanted to take a page here experienced characters is to give
familiar with the rules in Mekton II) and let you know what was going on. them their 5 skill points per 3 years
please keep reading. Firstly, this is still an InterlockTM of age over 16 (see ”Professionals”,
Mekton has, in one form or anoth- System game. We use the same dice, pg. 32) Vlfiththese extra points, your
er, been on the market for over ten and for the most parts task resolution characters should be up to par.
years. Original white-box Mekton was remains unchanged. All we have really Finally, there are the mecha.
0 released in 1984 (and we all know done is streamline things in order to While most of the gross rules
what year it is now). Over the years facilitate quicker and more enjoyable changes have been in updating how
many things have changed; systems play. You will still need your trusty D65 the mecha fight, their build rules
have been modified, contents juggled, and D105, of course. have been slightly changed. The
and emphasis changed. We’ve gone Secondly, and perhaps the most end result is that mecha are going
from a wargame to a roleplaying important question: Will all of my to be a bit lighter and a little less
game, back to a wargame, and have material for Mekton ll be usable with expensive than their predecessors.
bounced just about everywhere in Mekton Z? The answer to that ques- The biggest change is that mecha no
between. With Mekton Zeta, we take tion is an unqualified maybe. If you are longer have an APT, but now have a
a new direction—anime roleplaying; willing to do a little bit of conversion ”Maneuver Pool" to give better mecha
a direction that we're very proud of. you should be able to update all of an edge in combat.
We think that you'll enjoy the game your mecha and characters to the new But enough talking. It’s time to
all the more because of it. edition. However, it is very likely that build (and crunch) some mecha!

Page 17
I t’s been a long, hard road. But
they say whatever doesn’t kill you
just makes you stronger.
From the back spaceport alleys of
Loriel, you’ve fought your way up the
ladder. You leamed how to read by
scrounging old techtapes and poring
over the old manuals your father left
you before he shipped out for the
last time. An old, nearly blind mecha-
jock taught you how to manhandle a
cargo-loader around the landing
bays; it was your first shot at piloting
a mecha by yourself, and it got you a
job on a longhaul Ettarran freighter.
From there you took whatever jobs
they’d give you, until that day when
the defense squad lost a man and
you took his place in a emergency.
You proved to be one hell of a
mechajock—or at least good enough
to get back alive.
Eventually you managed to worm
your way into a military billet; your
skills soon boosted you to the top of
your unit—the youngest squadron
leader in the history of the EDF.
Those abilities got you through the
Archipelago War in one piece, and
combined with your rep for being a
fair and feartess commander, got you
nominated to command this multina-
tional force of young, untested
Now it’s their tum. And you plan to
make it just as hard on them as it
was on you. Because flrat’s how you
get good. Real good.
Before you can be a mechajock,
you have to be somebody. And in
Mekton Zeta, that’s Hie whole key to
CHARACTER Cannon, creating a real
person, not just a guy driving a giant
robot suit.
Characters A

1. Generate Basic Lifepath to
age 16. (p20)
2. Generate Stats (p.24—25)
- 3. Select Starting Skills (p.26-3i) 3

. 4. Select Character Age/Type

A. Professional (p.32-35)
Select Prolession(s)
Generate add’l Lifepath
B. Rookie (p.35-38)
Select Template
5. Purchase Equipment (p.40-49) ,

sd how do you use BACKGROUND you love and hate, your personal tri-
Lifepath? First, umphs and failures. By working with its
sir-Ce all Makton 2' t's the first and most critical step to multi-layered charts, it doesn’t take much
characters. automati- Icreating a truly anime character. imagination to expand a result of ”enemy
cally start their Without it, you might as well be pilot who hates you” into a full blown tale
“lives" at the age of

playing a wargame with giant walk- of the old friend who betrayed you, jeal-
~16, Lifepath is ing tanks. The world you’re going to ously murdered the lover you both want-
designedto chart be joining—the anime world—has as ed, and changed sides as the start of a bit-
your'life up to your many hard knocks, bitter betrayals, ter grudge match that isn’t going to end
16th birthday. tragic romances and intense vendet- until one of you lies dead in a smoking
.where your adven- tas as any hard-boiled action vid or crater on the battlefield.
tqring will begin, .
film noir classic. But even the events of your Lifepath
For a job like this, you’re going to are just the bare bones of the character’s
Begin py'reading the need a special tool, something to previous life. You’ll also need to work with
charts and following- help you get the mindset of the your Mekton Zeta Referee to determine
‘the instructions that
are in their headers. genre— the intense passions and just what all of these events mean to make

' ' Most ofthese'will complex backgrounds that make a coherent tale of all your Lifepath entries.
offer a series of anime something really unique. Example: ”Parents killed in the war”
choicesto select,
' '

For this, you‘re going to need could mean anything from the fact that
You_ may roll (on LIFEPATH. a bomb was dropped on their house in
1010] or choose

the middle of the night, to the fact that

whatever entry you
i“ like on these charts {4 lIFEPATH A —‘7 47"Z they were working with the military on a
top secret project, and the enemy sent
and move on as assassins to kill them. The more inventive
directed. ,If a chart The Lifepath is a series of random you are with your Lifepath, the more
indicates only “roll charts that help determine your charac- ”feel ” you will get for your character.
|‘|D"I(:)", then the ter’s background and the status of his Referees should feel free to modify
selection. 4must be friends and family. But it’s more than that. the charts (or their results) for their par
rolled 'for.
Lifepath is a way of recreating the com— ticular game world, as they always have
plex mental landscape of a typical anime the right of final approval on all charac-
character. It gives you tasty clues on what ter backgrounds.
Characters A

This Is a measure of how well off and well con- What‘s so special about your parent(s)? Roll
nected you are. This will also determine your start- 1010 or choose:
ing cash (¥) and the social status of your family.
1-2 Both parents are really deep cover spies
1.0. 1.0. S_O_QIAI._§IAT_I.L$ M25 for the other side.
Siave/ Poor 200¥ 3-4 Your parents were involved In a top secret

Servant/ Poor 300¥ mllltary project. and are on the run from
Laborer/L. Middle Class 400¥ the government.
Worker/L. Middle Class 500¥ Your parents will simply no longer have
Worker/Middle Class 600¥ anything to do with you.
Executive/Middle Class 700¥ Your parents both simply vanished. Their

Vice Pres. /Upper Middle Class 800¥ house was left empty. and you a non-entity.
Noble/Wealthy 900¥ Your parents are spies, and are living in the

High Noble/Wealthy 1000¥ enemy's country.

60 TO A2 so TO B


To determine your family's standing, roll 1D10:
To determine your family's situation, roll 1010:
1-6: Family status Is good, even if parents are
14 Something has happened to one or more missing or dead. GO TO E (next page).
parents. GO TO A3.

7-10: Family standing ls bad, and you risk losing
everything. GO TO C.
Both parents are alive and well. GO TO B.

There Is something special about your par-


ents. GO TO A4.

What‘s the problem? Roll 1010 or choose one:

1: Family lost all titles and lands through

betrayal of a family member.
A3: PARENTAL FATE 2: Family lost all titles and lands through bad

To find out what happened to your parent(s), roll management.

1010 or choose: Family was exiled from homeland; you have
returned under an alias.
Your parent(s) died In the war.

Family was Imprisoned. and you alone

Your parent(s) died In an accident. escaped.
Your parent(s) were murdered. Family vanished, and you are the only
Your parent(s) have amnesia, and don't remaining member.
remember you. Family was murdered and you alone sur-
You never knew your parents.

Your parent(s) are missing. Family lost everything when fortunes col-
Your parents are In hiding to protect you. lapsed; they live homeless on the streets.
Your parent(s) defected to the other side. Family has vanished.

.v ‘r
You were raised by other relatives. You have no Family was lost in the war.
Idea about your parents' standing. Family was destroyed in an accldent(?).
10 You grew up on the streets. Those not crippled for life were killed.
GO TOB GO TO D (next page)
Characters A

—4_—4; TABLES Arm—4“-

II G___:

While unlikely, it is possible that you may have

V—V_V_A—A‘ .‘-_A_A—A—A—A—
Your goal in life, as far as your family‘s crisis goes,
is to (choose or roll 1010): already made a life-long enemy from your early
years. Roll 1010. On a 10, you have made an
enemy. Roll below to determine the nature of the
1-2 clear your name.

enemy. Roll 1010 or choose; this enemy is
3-4 live It down and forget it.
1-4 an old friend.
5-6 hunt them down and make them pay! 5 a relative.
7-8 get whatʼs rightfully yours. 6 an official in the government.
9-10 save, it possible, your remaining family. 7 a stranger to you.
8 an ex-lover.
9-10 someone on “the other side."
This hatred started when...
E: SIBLINGS he caused the death of your loved one.

You may have up to 7 brothers/sisters. Roll 1010; you caused the death of their loved one.
1-7 indicates the number of siblings you have. one caused the other a major humiliation.
white 8-10 Indicates that you are an only child. one caused the other a physical disability.
one deserted or betrayed the other.
one caused the other imprisonment or exile.
Roll 1010 for gender: odd=maie, even=female.
Roll 1010 for age relative to you:
1-5 Older
i you were romantic rivals.
one foiled a plan of the other.
: it's a mystery to you. (Referee decides, but

6-9 Younger you have no idea why they hate you.)

10 Twin
Whoʼs mad at whom? Choose or roll 1010:
For each brother/sister choose or roll 1010 for I 14 They hate you.
his/her feelings about you.: 5-7 You hate them.
1-2 They dislike you. 8-10 The feeling's mutual.

aI 4mm“
They like you.
Neutral i
' l if you were to meet face to face, the injured party
would most likely (choose or roll one)
7-8 They hero worship you. §
1-2 go into a rage and try to kill the other.
They hate you.
34 avoid the other person.

GO TOF 5-6 cause the other Injury in an indirect way.
78 Ignore the other person.
' 9-10 verbally attack the other person.

Most of your friends are from your school days, but
some can be more than just simple students. Roll
106: This Is how many friends you have. For each

friend. roll 1010: even=maie, odd=female.

Roll another 010: The friend is In your first sixteen years you have had a few
loves come and go. various crushes, dates and the
an old school pal.

like. The following charts are for a truly serious

someone who grew up with you. romance. something that you will carry with you
a teacher or mentor. for the years to come. Roll 1010 or choose:
an ex-Iover.
like a younger brother/sister to you. 1-3 You are currently involved In a romance.
like a foster parent to you. 00 TO H1.
like a big brother/sister to you. 4-7 You are uninvolved. GO TO H2.
a partner or co-worker.

You are recovering from a tragedy in your

romantic past. GO TO H3.
Characters A

o - '


You are currently Involved with a lover. lie/she is

\, _A_A—A—A—A—
the first true deep love In your young life. But as Use the following charts to help you decide what your
usual, things are rarely prefect. Roll 1D10: character Iook/ acts like. You should only roll on these
: Your lover's friend/relatives hate you! charts if you (or your Referee) is deterrnlning Infor-
Your friends/family hate your lover. mation about a friend/lover/enemy. Otherwise you

One of you has a romantic rival. should always choose all of the Information for your
You are currently separated in some way. character. Roll 1010 (or choose) for each column on

You constantly fight (but making up is funl). the table.
One of you is insanely jealous.
You think your lover ls seeing someone else! HARM


Red Blue
8-10 Everything Is going smoothly (for now).
Blue Long, straight Green
GOTOI Green Short. w/ bangs Silver/Grey

Blonde Swept over one eye Ruby
Black Short. straight Brown/Black
HIDWNI Orange Long, curly Amber
Purple Long w/bangs Gold
H2: ON THE PROWL Silver/white Short, curly Violet

You may not have found the right person yet, but Brown Wild Always
that doesn't mean you can‘t keep looking! Roll

1010 or choose.
1-2 You will date anything that moves. Shy 8: secretive

34 You are waiting for the right one. Angst-ridden. antisocial, violent
5—6 You don't have time to waste on Arrogant, proud & aloof
romance. Moody. rash & headstrong
7-8 You just don't want to get serious. Friendly, outgoing

Sex? Romance? What’s that? Picky, fussy. nervous
Stable & serious
GO TOI Silly & fluftheaded
Sneaky & deceptive

0 Intellectual, detached



H3: A TRAGIC LOVE AFFAIR Money 6 Vengeance


You did have happiness once, but it was ripped out of Honor 7 Love

your life. Cruel fate simply plunged a knife Into the Your word 8 Power
heart of your happiness! (This result usually precedes Honesty 9 Having a good time
a 2 on the Personality Trait chart.) To see what hap- Knowledge 10 Friendship
pened to your love, roll 1010 on the chart below.
ALU D P 55 S

They were killed In a military action.
1 A weapon 6 A recording
They were killed In an accident.
2 A tool 1 A musical instrument
They mysteriously vanished.
3 A piece of clothing 8 A piece of jewelry
They died in a suspicious accident.
4 A photograph 9 A toy
They left you with no explanation, with orders
5 A book or diary 10 A letter
never to seek them out.
They were kldnaped or Imprisoned. PER ON YOU VALUE M0 T IN THE
They committed suicide or want insane. A parent 6 A pet
Society kept you apart. A brother or sister 7 A teacher or mentor
They defected to the other side. A lover 8 A public figure
10 A rival cut you out of the action. A friend 9 A personal hero
Yourself 10 No one
Characters A


0 Determines how
much damage a character can take
° ML]: A measure of how well you
stand up under pressure and how charis-
before being killed. For more on Hits, Kills matic you are. A high Cool denotes
and other types of damage, as well as sophistication and a great leadership
specific values for the damage your char- potential. Most skills that deal with
acter will be able to take, see below. willpower and social interaction will also
use Cool.
SECONDARY Boov EMEAIHLIEME]; This stat represents
how well you relate to other living things—a
DETERMINING HITS: The chart measure of likability and sympathetic emo-
below assumes a humanoid crea- ‘

tions. You may need to be Cool for troops

ture of about the same size, num- to follow you, but you need Empathy for
ber of limbs and toughness as a them to like fighting for you.
human being:
0 INTELLIGENCE IIN! I: How smart you
BOD 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10

are. This stat also helps determine how
Head 4H SH 6H 7H 8H
aving gone through the
Torso 8H 10H 12H l4H 16H
many skill points your character will
Lifepath, you now have a de- receive. Most scientific skills will work
Limbs 6H 7H 9H 10H 12H
tailed background for your with your Intelligence. Intelligence has
character—what your life up to this The following information is also one substat—Education (see below).
point has been like, who's on your determined by your Body Type:
side and even who's pitted against EDUCATION
you. Your character’s personality and BOD Stun Lift Throw Dmg EV Education is the only substat in
quirks are set. You probably have a 2 4 20 6m -2 Mekton Zeta. It measures how well
clear picture of what you look, dress 3-4 S 40 12m -1 you have been educated and how
and act like, and you also know about 5-7 6 60 20m 0 much common sense you have, and
the events that have shaped your 8-9 7 90 26m +1 is used as a General Knowledge skill
character’s life. 10 8 120 30m +2 (more on skills later, on pg. 26)
All you need now is a way to fit based on your Intelligence. A level of
the character Into the rest of the uni- OSTUN: You will need to roll this +1 is equal to grade school (literacy),
verse, a way to determine how good number or less on 1010 whenever +2 is equal to high school, +3 is
he is at what he does. the rules call for a Stun roll.
equal to a college education, and +4
In other words, your character is aMasters or Doctorate. At +7, you
needs some STATS. OLIFT: How many kilograms of
are an extremely well educated per-
We use a set of statistics to define weight your character can lift.
son and are asked to play Trivial
the physical and mental capacities of Pursuit a lot. At +9 and above, you
your character in game terms. In Mekton OTHROW: How far your character
can throw an object in meters. know too much for your own good.
Zeta there are nine (9) such stats: Education is called a ”substat"
Attractiveness, Body Type, Cool, because while it functions as a skill, it
ODMG: Damage. A modifier to the
Empathy, Intelligence, Luck, is bought with character points (just
damage dice done by your charac-
Movement Allow-ante, Reflexes and ter in hand-to-hand or melee com- like any other Stat) and is used to
Technical Ability. Some of these Stats bat. help determine the number of Skill
will help with making skill rolls, while Points your character will receive.

others will provide secondary infonna- 0EV: Encumbrance Value. Divide the
tion about your character (such as how total weight of all items you are car-
much you can lift, how far you can run, rying by this number, and subtract 0 It's that intangible
how well educated you are, etc.) the result (rounded down) from ”something” that occasionally throws the

0 western: HOW 9°°d

looking you are. This stat will be occa-
your character’s MA. All weights in
Mekton Z are listed in kilograms.
balance of events in your favor. Your Luck
represents a certain number of points you
may use for each game session to influ-
sionally used with social interaction skills. ence the outcome of an event. To use it,
;U*m579- Characters A
you may add any or all of the Luck you o A combination of
have in the game to an important die roll. agility and hand-to-eye coordination. if
Remember: Luck replenishes itself at the you are a combat-oriented character, STAT GENERATION
end of each game session, if you run out high Reflexes are a must, as just about METHODS
during game play, you're out of Luck. any physical skill will use them. - RANDOM CHARACTERS: Roll
1010 for each statistic (don’t for-
NCE A get Education). Re-roll ali l’s—this
0 : ° Your has the possibility of rolling all 2’s,
How far (in meters) your feet can carry character's ability to create, modify, and
and thus giving you a very unde-
you in a pinch. This stat is also used to repair technology. This stat will be used sirable character. So, if the total
determine how fast your character can with all skills that involve the repair and number of character points (the
jump (from a standing or running start): function of machinery. A must for tech- total of all your rolled statistics) is
0 Egg; Your character’s MA x 3 meters nicians and engineers. below 40 (an average of 4 in all
determines how fast he can run on the stats) you may re roll your charac-
ground at top speed. If you are walking ter. After ail, the heroes of anima-
or trying to seem circumspect, then that tion are never mediocre!
speed is divided by 3 (plain old MA). - CONCEPT CHARACTEIQ: Roll
0 Mil How far (in meters) your charac- 10010. The total the number

jump in a turn is equal to your MA of character points that you can

ter can
divided by 4 (do not round decimals). spend. Place the points into stats
as you wish (including
0 unning lump; A character may per-
Education). As above, a roll of less
form a running jump of a distance equal
than 40 character points will
to their running distance divided by 4. allow you to re-roll the character.
Example: With an MA of 6, I can mn Unless your referee says other-
18 meters per tum, jump 1.5 meters wise, this is the standard method
(6/4=i.5), and perform a running jump of for Player Character creation.
4.5 meters (i8/4=4.5). '
best used for NPCs and

STABILITY pre—generated PCs. You will be

This is a Difficulty Number assigned a pool of character points
which represents how hard a person and these will be used to build the
is to sway, confuse, frighten or oth-
character. The number of points a
erwise befuddle. Stabilng is mual to character receives depends on his
the har ct r’s OOL times 2.5 DETERMINING place in the game universe:
rounded down. For example, a PC STATISTICS 0 Major Character: 80 points
The heavy hitters. This is either
with a COOL of 2 would have a Each statistic must have a numeri-
Stability of S, which is essentially an the main bad guy, or a very hero-
cal value, from two (2) to ten (10), ic character. This should be
instant success in terms of skill rolls.
with two being the lowest possible reserved for NPCs.
However, someone with a COOL of
value and ten being the highest; this Minor Characters: 75 points.
6 (Average) would have a Stability of
makes six (6) the average. Good villains. Not too powerful,
15, (equal to an Average Difficulty but far from weak. A villain's top
Number); a character with a COOL Stats are ”purchased" by using a
henchmen, or a powerful PC/NPC.
of 10 would have a Stability of 25, pool of points for each character. How Primary Character: 70 points
which is Very Difficult to overcome. many points you get to purchase stats This is the majority of PCs and
Stability applies to interro- with is determined by one of three NPCs that will be in a game. They
gation, Intimidation, Leadership methods (sidebar). are the military officers, compe-
and Seduction (but NOT Persua- tent civilians, and general bad
While stats are the basic numerical
guys of a campaign.
sion, which is countered by Human building blocks of the Mekton Zeta char- Secondary Character: 65 points
Perception Skill).
acter, they don't really address the ques- This is a good point spread for
The character who is actively
tion of what your character knows. characters fresh out of the Lifepath:
using his skill rolls his Stat+Skill family, friends and lower enemies.
+l D10 vs. the subject's Stability. Naturally high Reflexes won't mean a lot
0 Average joe: 60 points
Example: [eff is trying to seduce if, for example, you don’t have any
The guy on the street.
Rachelle. His EMP is 7 and his Seduction knowledge of how to fight, use a 0 Basic NPC: 55 points
is +2. He rolls a 5 for a total of 74. weapon, or even do simple acrobatics. To A low-level ”grunt” of an NPC.
Rachelle has an 8 Cool, so her Stability achieve higher levels of competence than Good for the faceless masses.
is 20. [eff gets slapped in the face. what comes from natural ability, your
character will need to learn some SKILLS.

Page 25
Bharacters A


are grouped into categories, groups. At +3 you can win most debates
each one relating to one of your
characterʼs stats. During a game,
Attractiveness Skills and convince your girlfriend that the
blonde you were with was your sister. At
a skill is most commonly added to its 0 This is the skill of +5 you are a smooth talker of a profes-
related stat. They are purchased with knowing proper grooming, hair styling, sional caliber. At +8 or better you are
points, much like stats are. etc. to maximize your physical appear- capable of swaying large crowds to your
ance. Use of this skill allows the players to viewpoint
Each character begins with a increase their physical attractiveness, and 0 i T r 0 s [H]: Characters
number of starting skill points equal thus the chances of successful with this skill are especially toughened
to the sum of her Intelligence and Relationships or Persuasion. A good look- against interrogation, torture and mind
Education plus ten (10). ing person would be a +2. A fashion control drugs. A successful use of this skill
model might have +5 or 6. At +8 or bet- will increase the difficulty rating of any
Example: An lNTof8 and an EDU of ter, you could be a major fashion model, interrogation by one level. When you are
5 grants 23 points (8+5+10) with which film star, or trendsetter. Youʼre always drugged, this skill adds to your
to buy starting ski/Is, together and you know it. Stun/Shock save roll.
Armed with your skill points, it's 0 Wardrobe g Style: The skill of 0 Streetwise: The knowledge of the

now time to determine your charac- knowing the right clothes to wear, seamy side of life—where to get illegal
terʼs starting skills. Keep in mind that when to wear them, and how to look and contraband things, how to talk to
at this point your character is only cool, even in a spacesuit. Any anime the criminal element and avoid bad sit-
16, and as such will not have had hero worthy of the genre knows how uations in bad neighborhoods. With a
much of an opportunity to ”master" to pick a cape for the right effect. With +2 or better, you can get hot items. A
many skills. a +2 or better, you are good at picking +5 or higher would allow you to set up
clothes off the rack. At +6 your friends a hit on someone, know a few mob-
0 Start by choosing from the skills ask you for wardrobe tips, and you sters who might owe you favors, and
on pages 26-31. Next, determine never buy anything ”off the rack.” At be able to call in muscle when you
what level you wish each skill to be +9 you are one of those rare people need it. At +8 or higher you could
at. Skill levels range from +1 (you whose personal style influences major become a major crimelord yourself and
are somewhat acquainted with the fashion trends. skip the middlemen.
topic) to +10 (a master's level of
Cool Skills Empathy Skills
- Interrogation [H]: The required skill 0 Acting: The skill of impersonating

0 if the desired level of skill is +5 or of drawing information from other another person for stage, film, or dis-
less, you must spend one point per people and forcing secrets out into the guise purposes. At +2 you are skilled but
level (For example: it costs 5 points for open. A +2 or better will allow you to nothing great. At +6 you can land a job
a skill of +5 or 3 points for a skill of +3). infallibly discover if your boyfriend is on any prime-time TV show. At +8 or
lying to you. At + 5 you are capable of better you can make a living and
0 if the level is greater than +5, it will grilling the toughest characters. Mike become famous.
cost 2 points for each level above Wallace (of 60 Minutes fame) is a per- 0 umafl ngcgptjgn: The skill of detect-
five. (For example, a skill of +8 would fect example of +9; he can make the ing lies, evasions, moods and emotional
cost five points for the first five levels, most powerful people squirm. clues from others. At +2 you can usually
then 6 more points (3 times 2) for the 0 ntimidate |H|: The skill of getting tell when you are not getting the whole
remaining three levels up to +8. people to do what you want them to by truth. At +6 you can detect subtle eva-
force of personality or physical coercion. sions and mood swings. At +8 you can
0 if a skill is a Hard skill to learn (sig- At +3 you can frighten almost any typi- not only detect subtle emotional clues,
nified by an ”H" next to its title), it cal citizen, politician, or low level thug. but you can usually tell what the subject

may not be purchased at a level At +6 you can intimidate Sylvester is hiding in a general way.
greater than five by a starting char- Stallone or any moderate tough guy. At 0 The skill of eliciting infor-
acter. (To raise a Hard skill to a higher +9 you could intimidate Arnold mation from an interview subject. The
level than this, see the section on Schwartzenegger (maybe). information will be of a more non-specif-
Professionals, pg. 32). However, its 0 liensuastonifiafllalls [H]: The ability ic and personal nature rather than infor-
cost will still be one point per level, up to talk others into doing what you want. mational (separating this Skill from
to the level 5 limit. This may be used individually or in large Intenʼogattʼon). At +3 the subject will usu-

Page 28
Characters A
i ally tell you only information relating to reasoning seen in most TV shows (”The

what he is well known for. At +6 the sub- killer was left handed because the knife
ject will tell you anecdotes about the past had a special handle"). Sherlock Holmes MASTER SKILL LIST
and pontificate about favorite philoso- is a good example of someone with a
phies and interests. At +9 or greater, he Attractiveggss:
+10 Awareness. Note: Awareness is an
Personal Grooming
tells you everything-including personal important skill for just about everyone. it Wardrobe 61 Style
information about his illegitimate son, you do not have this skill, you may use CM
the time he stole a cookie at age four, only your intelligence if the Referee calls Interrogation (H)
and the fact that no one ever loved him.
Intimidate (H)
for an Awareness roll.
Persuasion and Fast Talk (H)
' Mania; The skill of leading and 0 The required skill Resist Torture/Drugs (H)
convincing people to follow you. A skill of for writing songs, stories or articles. A skill Streetwise
+2 can manage a small office successfully of +4 gives your character the ability to Empathy;
and be respected for it. With a +4 you can produce a salable work. A skill of +8 or Human Perception
lead a small band of troops into battle and better produces work of such a high cal- Interview
not get shot in the back. With +8 or bet- iber that the author may have a strong Leadership
ter you are capable of leading battlefleets literary following and not a little critical Seduction
and entire armies. Note: This skill can be acclaim. mtglliggnce:
used with either Empathy or Cool. The - Qiguig; The skill of disguising yourself Awareness/Notice
effects are the same, but the methods are to resemble someone else, whether real or Compose or Write
very different. With an Empathy-based fictitious. This skill incorporates elements Disguise
Leadership your people follow you of both make—up and acting, although it is Gamble (H)
because they love you, and with Cool not the same as being an actor. Know Language
they follow you because they know you 0 xpgrt: You may use this skill to be in Programming (H)
will lead them to victory. expert in one specific subject, be it exot- Shadowing/Avoid Pursuit (H)
- EQLISQM The skill of forming and ic postage stamps, ancient weapons, Teaching (H)
maintaining romantic relationships (this enemy mecha, or whatever. At +3 you Reflexes (Personal Combat);
includes your ability as a lover). This skill are a local expert at +6 you have written Automatic Weapon
may be used to determine whether or not a few books on the subject. At +8 or bet-
Dodge 61 Escape
players can form relationships with non- ter your books are recognized as major Handgun
player characters, and the intensity of the texts on the subject, and you could do Hand to Hand
relationships. In certain cases Referees may the talk show circuit if you wanted to. Rifle
Reflexes (Mggha Combat):
want to average this skill with Note: This skill is how most of the hard Mecha Fighting (H)
Attractiveness to get a more realistic result. sciences (Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Mecha Gunnery (H)
' §ocialz The ability to deal with social etc) can be bought. Mecha Melee (H)
situations, like knowing when not to tell 0 Gamblg [H]: The trained skill of know- Mecha Missiles (H)
Mecha Piloting (H)
the joke about the farmer’s daughter and ing how to make bets, figure odds, and Reflexes (Egg-Combat):
the traveling Mekton salesman. A skill of play games of chance successfully. As any Aircraft/Shuttle Pilot
+2 will get you into any fancy restaurant professional gambler knows, this is not Athletics
or social function. At +5 you can dine the luck skill. At +2, you are the local card Dance

with statesmen and kings with no fear of shark in the Saturday night poker game. Stealth
committing a faux pas. At +8 you can At +6 you can make a living at the card Swimming
lecture Emily Post on what’s proper. tables of Monte Carlo and Las Vegas. At Zero Gee
+9 and better you can take on james Stealth
Intelligence Skills Bond at roulette and stand a good
Igghnigal Ability:
Basic Repair
0 Manes/55mg; This is the equiva- chance at breaking the bank. First Aid
lent of a trained observer skill, allowing 0 The knowledge of a lury Rig
Mecha Design (H)
characters to notice or be aware of clues, foreign language. At +2 you can get by
Mecha Tech (H)
Mowers and other events. lMth an with the language. At +3 you can actual- Medical (H)
Awareness of +2 you will usually spot ly read and write it. At +6 you are fairly Play Musical Instrument
small, obvious items and clues. An fluent, but your accent still gives you Paint or Draw
' areness of +5 or better allows you to away as a non-native. At +8 and above
Photography Si Film

~- small, well hidden items, and spot you speak the language like a native, and
Pick Lock (H)
Pickpocket (H)
'»-. sophisticated attempts to shadow are capable of simulating regional
u . With an Awareness of +8 or better, dialects. Each language known requires a
3 can perform the types of deductive separate Know Language skill.

Page 27
0 _rggr_a_mgfing [H]: The skill required Reflex Skills
to program, reprogram and break into (Personal Combat)
computer systems. This skill does not
allow players to actually do repairs on 0 This skill covers all
a computer. With a Programming skill type of automatic weapons, from SMGʼs

of +1 you can do simple BASIC pro- to tripod-mounted heavy machine guns.
grams. A skill of +3 allows you to know Otherwise, as handgun, below.
some higher level languages and to be 0 lgge: This skill is used for all melee
able to write reasonably complex pro- weapons that have a point and/or a cut-
grams. Players with a +6 are consid- ting edge, such as polearms, swords,
ered to be professionals, who can knives, and hand-held energy blades.
build operation software, design - This skill is required
mainframe systems, and hold down a to dodge attacks and escape holds. If an
steady job at the average Silicon Valley attack is made without your knowledge
firm. With a skill of +9 or higher other you do not get the bonus of your Dodge
programmers speak your name with skill in your defense roll.
reverence, young hackers set out to - andgun (personal combat): You
crack your systems, and any software must buy this skill to effectively wield pis-
you design instantly gets used by tols in combat. The higher the skill, the
every business application in the greater the ability to hit your target. At
world. +2 you are a good shot on the range. At
0 hadowingZAvoid Pursuit [H]: The +5 you are as skilled as most military or
skill of shadowing and following peo- police personnel. At +7 you can start
ple. This skill is primarily used in urban doing fancy tricks (like shooting the gun
or inhabited areas (whereas the skill of out of someone's hand). At +10 you are
Survival deals with the tracking of equal to gunfighters like Doc Holliday or
game in the wilds). Knowledge of Wyatt Earp.
Shadowing/Avoid Pursuit gives your 0 Hand to Hand: The skill of fighting

character an added advantage in with fists, feet and other martial arts
avoiding pursuers. moves. This skill is used to cover all hand-
° Survival: The required skill for know- to-hand combat. Whether you are a bar-
ing how to survive in the wilds. room brawler, boxer, martial artist, or
Knowledge includes how to set traps, wrestler, Hand to Hand is ”generic”;
forage for wood, track game, build shel- whatever style you wish to fight in is sim-
ters and make fires. The average boy ply special effects. (Example: A Boxer
scout has a survival of +3. A special with +4 and a Martial Artist with +4 have
forces Green Beret has a survival of +6 the same combat ability.) In anime, fight-
or greater. Grizzly Adams, Mountain ing is fighting, and how skilled you are is
Man of the Vlfilderness, would have a +9 more important than how you fight.
or 10 skill in this. - iflg (pgrsgnal ggmbat): You must
0 Teaching [H]: The skill of imparting have this skill to use rifles effectively.
knowledge to someone else (if you Otherwise as handgun, above.
donʼt think this is a skill, you ought to
try it sometimes). Players may not
Reflex Skills
teach a skill unless they have a higher (Non-Combat)
skill level than the student. The Referee ° AimcefterroshuttfiLflot [H]: The
is the final arbiter of how long it takes required skill needed to pilot small
to teach a skill. At +3 you can profes— spacecraft and any fixed wing aircraft.
sionally teach students up to high This skill may be used to pilot any aero-
school. At +6 you know enough to be a form mecha (or you may use your
college professor (if you wished to). At mecha piloting, whichever is higher.)
+9 you are actively sought out by insti- This skill does not allow you to pilot
tutes of higher learning, as your skill as humanoid, semi-humanoid or beast
a teacher is legendary—like that of mecha. It is also not usable with any
Plato or Socrates. ground vehicle. A Pilot skill of +1 allows
Characters A
you to safely take off and land in clear
conditions. A skill of +3 makes you a
trained pilot, able to engage in most
combat situations. Pilots with a skill of
+6 are combat veterans, able to handle
0 m
must default to one half your Athletics
skill (if you have one).
You must have this skill in
order to use a spacesuit and maneuver in
a zero gravity environment if you do not
themselves in almost any situation, have this skill at all, any Reflex-based action
including any aerobatic maneuvers. is at -4 when in zero G. This includes all
Pilots with a +9 or better are the true mecha-based combat skills. At a skill of +2
masters of their art, renowned for their or lower, you are at -2 in any zero G set-
skill and ability. ting. At +3 you are at no penalty whatso-
o Athleties; This skill is required for ever. At +8 and above you are so used to
throwing, climbing, and balancing. It the environment that you gain +1 to any
combines the basic elements of any high Hand to Hand or Athletics actions
school level sports program. At +3 you attempted in zero G.
are at the level of a high school ”jock.” At
+5 you can perform at college-level
Reflex Skills
sporting events. At +8 or higher you are (Mecha Combat)
of Olympic or professional caliber. 0 Meche Fighting; [H] This is a specific
0 Dance: The specific skill needed to skill used only when you are using a
become a professional dancer (or just to mecha in hand-to -hand combat—other
impress your date). A trained dancer at hand-to-hand skills may not be applied
+4 can successfully dance for payment in to the attack. This skill is used when you
small clubs or dance troupes. Dancers at are attempting Grapple, Dismember, or
+6 will be considered to be of profession- a plain Punch or Kick.
al caliber, will regularly give perfor- 0 Mecha Gunneg [H]: This skill is used
mances, and will have a sizable fan fol- to fire all direct weapons on any vehicle,
lowing. Dancers +9 or greater are of from the main gun of a tank to a
”star" caliber, have a giant fan following, Mekton's handheld plasma cannon. In
and may be recognized on the street. the list of mecha weapons, this skill is
0 riving: This skill allows you to pilot all used to operate Beam & Projectile
ground vehicles like cars, motorcycles, Weapons, Scribble Guns and
trucks, tanks, and hovercraft. This skill is Autocannon. At +2 you can usually hose
not usable for piloting mecha. A skill of down your target with fire and hit
+3 is equal to that of a very good profes- something; at +6 you can aim well
sional driver. A skill of +6 allows you to enough to plug a sensor plate at range;
drive with the skill of a moderately skilled at +9 or better you can knock a can of
race driver. A driver with +8 or better is beer out of your opponent's hand servo
capable of entering the best national at 1000m with a 90mm beam cannon
races, and have a good chance of win- during a hurricane.
ning them. This skill will also allow you to - Mecha Melee [H]: This skill is what you
pilot Mekton Armors. will use when attempting to use melee
0 Stealth IHI: The skill of shadowing, weapons in mecha combat This skill

moving silently, evading guards, etc. A applies to both melee and energy melee
skill of +1 is about the level of your aver- weapons. It is also what you will use to
age 10 yearold sneaking cookies. At +3 throw an item while in mecha combat
you are able to get past most guards, or 0 [H]: This skill is used
your parents if you’ve been grounded. when firing missiles or rockets from a
At +6 you are good enough to slip from mecha or vehicle.
'shadow to shadow without making any 0 Mghlfllgflflg [H]: The skill needed
noise. At +8 you are the equal of most to pilot the classic humanoid mecha and
. . ja warriors. At +10 you move as similar vehicles. Generally if it uses arms
..1- tly as a shadow, making the ninja or legs, this is the skill you need to pilot
.r<- nd like elephants. it. This skill is also used for fine manipula-
summing, This skill is required for you tion (such as picking up something in
w know how to swim. Otherwise you your mecha's hands) and maneuvering
Characters A
(flying through an asteroid field). A skill ground up. At +7 you have a reputation
of +1 allows you to safely move your among the other designers for produc-
mecha from place to place (assuming no ing good, innovative designs. With a +9
outside interference). A skill of +3 makes or better you are legendary in your field,
you a trained pilot, able to engage in and the government is always trying to
most combat situations. A skill of +6 indi- get you to design their new fighter.
cates a veteran pilot, able to handle your- 0 Mechalgh [H]: The required skill of

self in any situation. Pilots with a skill of knowing how to build, repair and main-
+9 or greater are so good that they have tain mecha. Your character must have
an established reputation, and are this skill to in order to successfully do any
known to all other mechajocks. type of mecha technical work—otherwise
he is in the position of the man on the
Technical Skills street trying to build a 8-52 bomber
0 Basic Repair: The required skills for from reading the manual. At +4 you are
building or repairing simple mechanical considered capable of building the suit
and electrical devices, such as car from the ground up (although not very
engines, TV sets, etc. With a skill of +3 well). At +7 you are a good, competent
you can fix minor car problems, perform mechanic. At +9 and higher you are
basic repair wiring, etc. At +6 or better sought after to help design teams finish
you can repair stereos, rebuild an their mecha.
engine, etc. At +9 or better you can 0 Medical [H]: The skill of fixing injuries,

build a computer from scratch, put diagnosing diseases, and administrating

together a race-car engine, and main- medications. A level of +4 is considered
tain most industrial machinery. Note: doctor level, allowing diagnosis and
This skill does not cover mecha (see minor surgical skills. Level +6 is consid-
Mecha Tech, below). ered surgeon level, allowing major
0 fliggA_id The skill of knowing how surgery to be performed. At +10 you can
to deal with simple injuries and ill- save the Horta, replace Spock’s brain, and
nesses, excluding surgery or other even cure a rainy day.
complex medical tasks. At +l you can 0 lay Musigl lnsimment: The skill of
put on a band-aid and give out knowing how to play a musical instru-
aspirin. At +5 you can bandage most ment. You must take this skill separately
wounds, treat minor bullet wounds for each instrument that you wish to play.
and set simple fractures. At +8 or 9 A skill of +4 will qualify your character for
you can set complex fractures, diag- professional ”gigs.” A skill of +8 will gain
nose concussions, and treat major the musician some professional acclaim,
bullet or sword wounds. possibly with recording contracts and
0 lury Rig: A quick repair skill, jury Rig is command performances. At +10 you are
the knack of knowing how to repair and wildly acclaimed, have lots of Grammys,
keep machinery together with ”bubble and are considered "it” on the music
gum and a couple of rubber bands." At scene.
+3 you can fix missing springs, splice 0 glut gr Draw: The skill of producing
wires, etc. A skill of +6 can patch togeth- professional drawings. A skill of +3 allows
er minor damage, fix wires, make simple you to produce salable ”modern art.” A
hookups, etc. A skill of +9 or better can skill of +6 will produce artwork that is rec-
rig a mecha powerplant to function with ognizable and extremely pleasant to the
half the important components missing. eye—as well as salable. An artist with a skill
0 Mechajesjgn [H]: The required of +8 or greater will be nationally known,
knowledge for designing mecha. This is a have exhibits in galleries, and have stu-
fusion of mechanical, electrical, dents studying his style.
hydraulic, and computer engineering, as 0 ' The skill of pro-
applied specifically to mecha. Your char- ducing professional level photographs
acter must have this skill to design and motion pictures. A skill of +2 allows
mecha. At +3 you are considered capa- you to make decent home movies. A skill
ble of designing a mecha from the of +4 will create works capable of win-
characters A
ning amateur contests. A skill of +6 will (2) Next, ifyou have any one skill
produce work of the average Playboy directly relating to the task at hand,
cover or rock video level. A photograph- add that skill to your statistic. You
er or cinematographer with a +8 or bet- may only apply one skill and one stat
ter will be nationally known and probably to a situation at a time.
famous. (3) Finally, roll 1010 and add the
- BISLLQSIS [H]: The skill required to pick totals of the dice, stat and skill. The
locks and break into sealed containers final result is your Result Number.
and doors. At +3 you can jimmy most if you are challenging another
simple locks. At +6 you can crack safes character, he will do exactly as you

and electronic locks. At +9 you have a have done, adding together the total
reputation as a master safe-cracker, and of stat, skill, and dice. Compare the
are known the worid over. two result numbers, with the higher
0 [H]: The required skill for value being the victor. If the result is a
picking pockets without being noticed, tie, the defender always wins.
as well as shoplifting small objects. For Not all of your Skill Rolls will be
examples of levels of ability, see Pick against other characters—most of them Referee declares that a roll of 20 is need-

0 m
Lock, above.
The skill of vocal training. A
trained singer of +4 or greater can suc-
in fact will be against the Referee who
will be playing most of the NPCs and
ed to get power to the sensors so [eff can
call for help. left has a Technical Ability
situations that your character will of 8 and a jury Rig of 5. He rolls iDiO,
cessfully sing for payment at weddings encounter. if the referee is represent- and his result is 6. His Result Number is
or small clubs. Singers of level +6 will be ing an NPC he will follow the proce- a 19. He fails, and his suit begins to drift
considered to be of professional caliber, dure above. If, however, you are further off course.
and may have recording contracts and attempting to do something that does
fans. Singers +9 or greater are of ”star” not directly interact with anyone else
caliber, have a huge number of fans, (such as picking a safe's combination
and may be recognized on the street. lock, or trying to hack into a computer Monrprens
system) he will assign a level of diffi- Complex repair
culty from 10 (Easy) to 30 (Nearly Very complex repair
HOW SKILLS WORK A Impossible). itʼs never been done before
Don't have the right parts
Basic Difficulty Don't have the right tools
Skiils are used to enhance your Unfamiliar tools, weapon,
ability to perform certain actions.
or vehicle
Most of the time, your character
will be able to do most everyday
things (sleeping, eating, walking, etc.)
without encountering any difficulties. Drunk, drugged, or tired
Occasionally, a problem may come up in a hostile environment
that isnʼt covered by everyday situa- You will compare your Result Lack instructions for task
thns (like being attacked by a giant Number with the difficulty. if your Have never tried this before...
mecha while attempting to scale a number is equal to or greater than the Difficult acrobatics involved
sheer wall). This type of situation calls target number, you succeed in the task. information hidden, secret,
for a Skill Roll. The process is fairly sim- If your number is lower, you fail. In
or obscure
addition, the Referee might add special
Well hidden clue, secret door,
(1) First determine which of your Situational Modifiers (for things like
statistics will be the most appropriate being under fire while trying to accom- panel, etc. ............................... +3
to use while performing the action. plish the task, or being wounded at the Very complex program
for example, if you were planning to time) to the difficulty number to make Very complex lock
stand on your head, your Reflex stat things even harder. Target on guard or alerted
would be best. if you were trying to fig- Example: While on his patrol, [eff Trying to perform secretive
: out a secret code, Intelligence would
- runs into some serious problems when task while under close
1- the most appropriate. The Referee, of
- his mecha suffers a sudden malfunction. observation
... rse, is always the final arbiter of what He has lost all power and his suit is in
gntfits the situation best. danger of drifting off into space. The

Page 31
Characters A
Another example: Rachelle is learning may have previously chosen during the cash through their years of training and
chess, and has picked up Expert: Chess at skill selection phase of creating a charac- spend it directly on their gear.
+1. Challenging [eff to a game, she adds ter. These bonuses may even be added to So if you want to start your character
her INT + Expert: Chess skill +1D10 (total- Hard [H] skills to raise them above the ini- as a 16-year-old hero with room to grow,
ing 14). [eff rolls just his INT + 1D10 (he tial +5 limit imposed earlier. move to page 35 and start on the section
doesnʼt know chess at all); his total is 11. Outfitting: Rookies also receive on Rookies. But if you want an older, more
Rachelle wins the match handily. equipment bonuses and some cash to experienced character, keep reading as
start their careers, while Professionals gain we enter the realm of the Professionals.
Critical Successes
and Critical Failures
Whenever you roll a D10, you have a
chance to make a Critical Success. On a
roll of a ”10" on a 010, you may roll the
die again, adding the next number to
your Result Number. This may continue
as many times as you roll a 10 on the die.
Example: You roll and get a 10. You
roll again and get another 10 (lucky you).
You roll one more time and get a 2. Your
total dice roll result is 22.
However, you can also “fumble"
into the negative zone. if you roll a ”1 "
on your D10, you must roll again, sub-
tracting the next number rolled from
your Result Number. However, no matter
what the die roll is, you do not roll again.
Example: You roll a D10, and get a 1. THE PROFESSIONALS A
You roll it again, and get a 10. Your total
dice roll is -9.ʼ "Old age and treachery will always overcome
youth and speed. ” —Old Proverb
Your Mekton Zeta character is almost I t's time to go work for a living. Older, aged to create such templates for his
complete. Now comes one of the most or "Professional", characters have own anime world.
more skills than their younger coun-
critical (and anime) steps in the process:
the choice between Age and Talent or terparts, but they also have more of a
USING THE PnoFsssrorus
Youth and Potential. history built up from their years of Each Profession has seven skills listed
Itʼs the long-standing tradition of the woric They are slower in improving beneath it. These are the possible skills that
anime genre that there are two types of skills later in the game through experi- a character can pick up while working that
major characters: rash fresh-faced kids ence (page 116), because they already job. Each time a profession is chosen,
who start out short of skills but long on know most of the easy things and now the player chooses five of the seven
potential (Rookies), and world-wise, are forced to master harder abilities. skills, and the chosen five are added to
hardened veterans who have a lot of skill, The method of creating a Profes- his character sheet. Each skill counts as
but not much room for growth sional character is simple: For every an automatic +1 to the skill, whether
(Professionals). ln Mekton Zeta, we reflect two full years of age past 16 that your you already have It or not. if the skill is a
this by offering you the choice of two sep- character has lived (up to a maximum Hard one, the bonus is still +1, and you
arate paths of development, each tailored of 30) you can pick one additional pro- may exceed the maximum beginning +5
to one of these two types of characters. fession that your character pursued. in Mecha Piloting by professional
Pick one or the other, but not both. Example: an er'ghteen-year—old could advancement.
Whichever path you choose, you will have held one profession, a twenty year-old For every two (2) years spent work-
be presented with a series of anime-style two, etc. Also, for ead'i two years spent ing, the character also receives an addi-
templates, depicting typical kinds of char- working, you will roll once on the "profes- tional 2010¥ for starting equipment.
acters found in the genre. Each template sional” appendix to the Lifepath. In addition, Professions marked with a
also has a list of skills beneath it, which These are by no means the only ”D” are considered dangerous, and have
have bonuses (marked like so: +2, +1, available Professional templates that effectsontheLifepathasdescribedon
etc.) which can be added to any skills you could be available. The Referee is encour- page?»4

Page 32
j; =\=’v57}’— Characters A

Acting: +1 Disguise: +1 Leadership: +1 Human Perception: +1 Oratory: +1 Dance: +1
Persuasion: +1 Social: +1 Expert: Tactics: +1Handgun: +1 Social: +1 Wardrobe St Style: +1
Oratory: +1 Personal Groom: +1 Oratory: +1 Personal Groom: +1 Blade: +1 Personal Groom: +1
Wardrobe 81 Style: +1 Zero-G or Swimming: +1 Expert: Genealogy: +1


Streetwise: +1 Wardrobe St Style: +1 Edit: +1 Game Design: +1 Fast Talk: +1 Intimidate: +1
Oratory +1 Expert: Art: +1 Forgery: +1 Ignore Deadline: +1 Oratory: +1 Expert: Law: +1
Forgery: +1 Social: +1 Fast Talk: +1 Compose/Write: +1 Driving: +1 Interrogation: +1
Paint or Draw: +1 Go VVIthout Sleep: +1 Interview: +1


Sanl: +1 Athletics: +1 Athletics: +1 Pickpocket: +1 Driving: +1 Basic Repair: +1
Martial Arts +1 Swimming: +1 Ride/Drive: +1 Streetwise: +1 Awareness: +1 Wardrobe St Style: +1
Fencing: +1 Dance: +1 Knife: +1 Handgun: +1 Streetwise: +1 Fast Talk: +1
Expert: Nutrition: +1 Dodge 6: Escape: +1 jury Rig: +1


Wgery: +1 Expert: Hacking: +1 Cook: +1 Persuasion: +1 Photography: +1 Fast Talk: +1
Fast Talk: +1 Programming: +1 jury Rig: +1 Personal Groom: +1 Stealth: +1 Interview: +1
jury Rig: +1 Basic Repair. +1 Social: +1 Interrogation: +1 Oratory +1 Pick Lock: +1
Electronic Warfare: +1 Expert: Daytime TV: +1 Forgery: +1


Ride/Drive: +1 Intimidate: +1 Programming: +1 Fast Talk: +1 Invent: +1 Mecha Design: +1
Handgun: +1 Auto weapon: +1 Forgery: +1 Mecha Design: +1 Oratory: +1 Photography: +1
Streetwise: +1 Interrogation: +1 Oratory +1 Mecha Tech: +1 jury Rig: +1 Expert: Field: +1
Dodge St Escape: +1 jury Rig: +1 Programming: +1


Pick Lock: +1 Handgun: +1 Mecha Fighting: +1 Mecha Gunnery: +1 Blade: +1 Hand to Hand: +1
Blade: +1 Stealth: +1 Handgun: +1 Missile Weapon: +1 Handgun: +1 Rifle: +1
Intimidate: +1 Streetwise: +1 Awareness: +1 Mecha Melee: +1 Stealth: +1 Survival: +1
Expert Black Market +1 Mecha Pilot: +1 Dodge 81 Escape: +1


359: +1 Seduction: +1 Mecha or Shuttle Pilot: +1 Fast Talk: +1 Resist Torture: +1
Dance: +1 Social: +1 Awareness: +1 Basic Repair: +1 jury Rig: +1 Wardrobe St Style +1
Gamble: +1 Play Instrument: +1 Fast Talk: +1 Expert: Navigation: +1 Forgery: +1 Disguise: +1
Hand to Hand: +1 Zero G: +1 Electronic Warfare: +1 Expert: Security Systems: +1


Medical: +1 Survival: +1 Medical: +1 Awareness +1 jury Rig: +1 Mecha Tech: +1
' jury Rig: +1 Demolitions: +1 Oratory: +1 Persuasion: +1 Basic Repair: +1 Programming: +1
Driving: +1 Photography: +1 Social: +1 Programming: +1 Handgun: +1 Streetwise: +1
Athletics: +1 Expert: Diagnose: +1 Mecha Pilot: +1


fire: +1 Blade (or Whip): +1 Driving: +1 Leadership: +1 Pick Lock: +1 Awareness: +1
Survival: +1 Expert: (specify): +1 Handgun: +1 Expert: Tactics: +1 Pick Pocket: +1 Dodge/Escape: +1
Drive: +1 Aircraft Pilot: +1 Oratory: +1 Social: +1 Stealth: +1 Streetwise: +1
Fast Talk: +1 Personal Groom: +1 Shadowing/Avoid Pursuit: +1
For each two years spent working In one of the above professions, roll once on the chart below. A “danger-

4mm“? Pam“;
ous" profession is one that has a “D" following its title. This Llfepath should be rolled with (or even by) the
Referee. No re—olllng—lt’s supposed to be dangerous!

If the job was Dangerous: GO TO K If the job was not Dangerous: GO TO L


What happened during this period? Roll 1010: What happened during this period? Roll 1010:
b 4
You had a short term love affair. GO TO M. |I 1-2 You had a short term love affair. GO TO M.
You had a lasting affair. pick up a lover. G0 3 You had a lasting affair, pick up a lover. GO
TO H1 (on earlier Ilfepath p.23). TO H1 (on earlier Ilfepath p.23).

You pick up a friend. GO TO N. > 4—6 You pick up a friend. GO TO N.
45 You make an enemy. GO TO 0. 7-8 You make an enemy. GO TO 0.
6-7 You get a windfall. GO TO P. 9 You get a windfall. GO TO P.
8-10 You have an accident. GO TO 0. 10 You have an accident. GO TO O.

You had a short, Intense affair. Roll 1D10 for your N: FRIEND
partner's current feelings: » u have picked up a new friend. Roll 1D10; this
1-2 They couldn‘t care less; you haven't seen
friend '5 a I

‘ JQE’
them since “That Night.” 1-2 superior in your work.
3-4 They didn't take the break-up well; make an 34 subordinate j“ your work
enemy. GO TO G2 on page 22. _ . . 56 rival at our work
5-6 They were fine with a short fling. Make a F4V 7-8 someone you just-“met ..
new friend. 9-10 an old friend you met again after losing track
7-8 They were killed in an accident. of her

' '

a superior at work.
a subordinate at work.
a co—worker or rlval at work.
an outside competitor.
a person who deals with your company
an old rival you meet again.
someone whos job you took.
someone you don’t even know.
a personal rival on the job.
0 Roll on chart G on page 22.
GO TO 62

-i —
APPENDIX CONT. Something bad has happened to you: roll 1D10 on

——b::~— the chart below to find out what.

1 Lose your job. You get no money, and only 3
P: WINDFALL! skill points out of those two years.

Something lucky has happened—roll 1010 to find 2 Blacklisted! You may not take this profession
out what: again. and you are at a -2 to all social dealings
with members of this profession.
1-2 Favor: Someone in a position of power owes Financial rulnl You lose all starting cash (bad
you (maybe a politician, a policeman. a military time to invest In pork bellies)! If you take work
officer, etc). it can be a BIG favor. but only one. after this term, you will get that money.
Extra cash! You managed to get your hands Lose a loved one! A lover, family member. or
on 100¥ to spend on extra equipment. friend passes away. Referee chooses.
Make a contact: You have a contact (not a You are implicated In the collapse of your “com-
friend) in whatever current profession you pany" and are considered a “jinx.” You may not
hold. How this contact can be utilized is left take this profession again.
to Referee discretion. You are blamed for an accident that hurts/kills
Contact the Black Market: You can get “hot" another (it is NOT your fault).

equipment at 1/2 the cost in the rulebook. You cause an accident that kills others. If there

You learn a vital clue from your past. (E.g.: are any survivors, you pick up an enemy.
if you have a tragic love affair, or missing Dlsflgurlng accident. Lose 1D6 points off your
family. you have discovered some clue to ATI'. stat.
their fate. The exact nature of this clue is up 9 Bad accident. Lose 1 point off your REF stat.
to the Referee. .
10 Horrible accident. Lose 2 points off your REF.

and have a llmb(s) replaced by artificial parts.

(No, this is not Cyberpunk‘. You get a replace-
ment that can barely do the job of the original;
no mounted guns or other goodies.)

, n r


“But youth and speed always get the girls. ”

—Mechaiock Proverb
Ifyou don't want to begin as the The rookie templates on the follow-
old, world-weary type, you have ing pages are rather abstract (and
the option of starting to adven- meant to be that way). They serve a dual
ture at a young age (somewhere purpose: to provide extra goodies to
between sixteen and twenty). You beginning characters, and to provide a
will not receive any further back- loose framework for some typical amine-
ground on your Lifepath, but you type personalities. Each template pro-
will get a few more skills, a few vides 7 skill points in the skills listed.
pieces of equipment, and some Apply all seven points to your charac-
ra starting cash. ter when you choose a template.

Page 35
Characters A


Young and inexperienced but DR BOYFRIEND You look good and know it.
bursting with talent, the Anime The faithful(?) person back Some of the girls might be prettier,
Hero's potential is matched only home. She is always there with a but you know how to dress and act
buy his hot headedness. Usually sympathetic ear when the angst- to make the most of what you've
having lost his family as a result of ridden hero is down in the dumps. got. Sometimes people have a ten-
the war, the Anime Hero finds a Prone to fits of jealousy and suspi- dency to assume that you are a piece
new role as a champion to the peo- cion, this character is often in a of fluff, and that has given you more
ple he is fighting for. Anime Heroes position to be held captive by the than one opportunity to get the
are usually fated for their role; cir- villains. drop on someone. You're the anime
cumstance, rather than experience, version of a femme fatale, able to
dictates their future. SEDUCT ION manipulate all the men around you.

session given by Iover (locket, ring,

Wardrobe of etc.); one really racy set of clothes, LQQIBMENT—EQNMS: Really cool
hip-hop clothing, motorcycle, sword but is too shy to wear them. dress, one small caliber gun (perfect
or handgun, pilot’s suit. SIABIINQLASH: +400¥. for hiding in a purse/garter), make-
+300¥- up kit.
Paue 36
Bharacters A


If it'sdangerous, youʼve done Oversized and clumsy, this You may be young, but thereʼs
it. It holds little interest for you character's strength is only no way you're going to be cut out
unless the stakes are high. ”Live matched by the size of his compas- of the action. Youʼve got youth and
fast, die young and leave a good sionate heart. Prone to protecting speed on your side, and with a lit-
looking corpse” is your motto. Or, weaker people, like the ”Girlfriend" tle luck youʼll return home a hero.
in the words of your mentor, and ”Kid", his kind heartedness can Small and quick, you are often con-
"What can a man hope to accom- often get him hurt or killed. sidered a mascot or comedy relief.
plish if he is afraid of a little sake?”
DODGE & ESCAPE (truck, jeep, etc.), portable music hero, memento of parents/child-

: Really cool
sword, large caliber handgun,
player, toolkit. hood, a cute/obnoxious animal or
robotic pet.
motorcycle, cool sunglasses

Page 37
Elia meters .


Hikaru lchijo (Macross) Roy Fokker (Macross)
Amuro Rei (Cundam) Han Solo (Star Wars)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) Indiana Jones (Indiana jones)
Camille Wdan (Zeta Gundam) Chirico Cuvie (Votoms)
Kei Kathulagi (Orguss) Olsen (Orguss)
Shogo Yahagi (Megazone 23) South Burning (Gundam 0083)
Kimbal Kinnison (Lensman) B.D. (Megazone 23)
Johnny Rico (Starship Troopers) M.D. Geist (Ge/st)
Susumu Kodai, aka Alex Wildstar Captain Harlock (Captain Harlock)
(Space Cruiser Yamato, aka Captain Henry Gloval (Macross or
Starblazers) Robotech)
Noriko Takaya (Gunbuster)

Whether a singer, actor, or
model, the strength of this character
is based on his or her popularity.
Loved by the ”masses", this person is
not as interested in fighting as in
bringing Iove/peace/harrnony/beau- 'PLAYINIl3 NONI-HUMAN
. , ,

ty to the people (unless the charac~

ter involved is the ruthless/greedy/ "Not: all anime PCs could be‘ considered
self-centered type, who manipulates human. ,While' the number “of hurnanoiʼd
everyone [including the villains] for 'races that: occupy anime is tremendous
more fame and money). (everything from sentient: energy shades
to fairy-like beings with gossamer wings.
LEADERSHIP (EMF-based) ..... +2 have been seen), Iit: is entirely possible
that: your,Mekton Zeta game will~have
WARDROBE & STYLE ......... +1
“really alien PCs. If you wishto play such
Any performance-related skill (SING,
DANCE, ACT, etc.) .......... +3
_' an exotic character; talk to. the Referee
and heʼll "provide you withrules for p'lay-,
EQLLIEMENLBQNLLSL A hoIo-cam, img non-human races in his campaign. For
digital recordings of your latest ”hit," Referees, .t:hese rules canʼ be foundin'the
Reféreeʼs section'on page 1 “18.
a mini-disk player, lots of "flashy” ‘

A- n n A- -
is an explanation of the Mekton Character Sheet. This sheet is usable for both Rookie and Professional character types.A
blank one can be found at me back of this book. It's OK for you to photocopy it, we said so.

This space is for This is your PROFESSION/TEMPLATE window. Use This 5 Vol”
an illustration of this space to record the age of your character, as well as STAUST'CS W|0d0W~

your character, as the Template or most recent Profession that was used in Use th'? 593C? to record
well as a space to . her construction. Page 32. Use the back of your sheet to the various Pr may and
record her name. keep track of the Professions (if any) you may have taken Secondary StaSt'CS Of
up along the way. your character as found
on p24-25.

' 1h ,. _
M “Wflizhfl
. @

.. " Thisis the HIT LOCATION

‘5 CHART for your character.
, / A .. 'msmc'£' ' .' “mm,“ Record her location Hits (p24)

,-_. , ..§Lflfl¢y _ and any SP of armor protection

,,,,"‘,, i““"
(p45) in this area

"" ATTRACTIVENESS 7 gJiurrgng 7 a
a ʼ i _ r _ SME‘LTUY ' Leap
, 15,9- Aelurv plan

- 1

Luck 7 gvcr up
.M0VE,AL!—9WA~CE “ I“Thrnw ,

o ‘ 800V TYPE 4 "

m 5
' C
' :

am \i

‘ R
urisma‘a 7

4111 Afi‘f—L—
9" This is the WEAPON INFOR-
, , , MATION CHART for your char-
» acter. Record all of the perti-
" ' ‘” nent information about her per-
, A , sonal weapons here (p40)



j. 7 74
f This section is to be filled out

5 with any SKILLS (p26)your
‘. f . character may have. L\_/l_i$ the
4; ,, ”bonus" to your stat that the
skill offers. Qis for keeping
.i" We track of experience. Mis the
. I: 7 7 AA 4 total of your skill bonus plus the
. 1’ L'

. IA 1
' ‘ A, 7 W relevant statistic.

This the place for your

is REMEMBER: You have two options when creating characters.
EQUIPMENT (p40-49), its weight Professionals are best when you want a character who is already
and cost. Don't forget to keep an advanced in skills and abilities. The catch, however, is that ”Pros” run
eye on all the extra weight you the risk of being harmed (maimed or worse) by their life experiences,
are carrying around, as it may and they don’t advance in skills as fast. Rookies (or template characters),
effect your EV (p40), don't have as many high skills, but they have fewer enemies, problems
and so on. They also advance faster than the older, world-weary Pros.
Characters A

EQUIPMENT A I74ʼ7/fxl‘ ,


As Mekton Zeta covers the
8. READY FOR The world of Mekton Zeta is dan-
entirety of the mecha-anime
gerous—filled with nasty, snaggle-
genre, it is difficult to provide a
ow that your Mekton Zeta char- toothed creatures itching to take a
comprehensive list of equip-
acter is almost finished, let's chunk out of your newly created char-
ment. The technology involved
take a few moments to spend acterʼs hide (and those are just the peo-
in such shows always varies
some of that money you earned dur- ple). The first thing you're going to
greatly, and as such a gun from
ing character creation. want to do with your money is buy
one show would be useless
just as not every solution is solved by some weapons and armor!
against the armor from another
a gigantic mecha battle, not all missions
(think of a phaser from Star Trek
are going to rely on your skills alone. You
in the world of 2007!) This is
why Mekton Zeta uses Tech
can be the greatest lock pick artist in the WEAPON TEnMs
world, but without tools you can be As in all InterlockTM systems,
Level (TL). All of the equipment
defeated by a common deadbolt. It all personal weapons use the fol-
listed, in addition to price and
always pays to have the proper tools for lowing listing:
weight, will have Tech Level as a
the job, and the right equipment will
part of its description. Worlds Name Type 0 Weapon
probably save your life.
with very advanced technology Accuracy Concealability 0

will have high Tech Level equip- How Money Works Availability 0 Range 0 Damage
ment available, whereas worlds 0 Shots 0 Burst Value 0 Weight 0
The basic ”unit” of currency in
with a lower technology base Cost - Tech Level
Mekton Zeta is called the ”credit." This
will have less powerful armor 0 Weapon Accuracy (WA): This
credit is equal to one currency unit, in
and weapons available. The number modifies the userʼs attack
whatever game you are playing in, to
Tech Level of the world you will roll.
allow for the wide variety of money types
be playing in is determined by Range: Listed in meters; the first
possible in an anime setting (for exam- 0
your Referee. Tech Levels of number is Combat Range (no neg-
ple, if you were playing in a near future
weapons and armor are listed in ative modifiers at such a distance),
Earth, a currency unit might represent a
their individual descriptions. The while the second number is Max-
dollar, while in a futuristic empire it
TL listed for an item is the mini- imum Range (at which there is a —4
might represent an iridium "Imperial".)
mum level needed in the world modifier to hit). "T” means thrown.
In honor of the lapanese roots of
for that item to exist, and the 0 Damage: Listed in either Di Os or
the mecha genre, weʼll always use the
minimum for that item itself. D65 of Hits; damages listed with a
symbol for the yen (¥) as the mark to
indicate a "credit." "+” after them add the user‘s
TL DESCRIPTION BODY TYPE damage modifier (see
Every object, weapon, tool or gar-
l-3 Pre-ZOth Century Earth pg. 24).
ment you will outfit your character with
4-5 20th Century Earth Shots: Listed per magazine.
will have a cost, expressed in credits (¥). 0
6-7 Near Future Burst Value (BV): The number
Credits are ”earned" through the 0
(Solar System Exploration) of shots that may be fired in a sin-
process of going through your Lifepath
8-9 Far Future gle Action.
and a profession or template.
(Interstellar Travel) 0 Concealability (Conc.): P =
10 Hyper Science Encumbr-ance Pocket, j = jacket, L = Long Coat,
(Trans-Galactic Empires) N = Not Concealable.
In Mekton Zeta, things not only cost
money—they also have weight. The more 0 Weight: Listed in kilograms, for

you carry, the more loaded down you purposes of Encumberance.

are and, in turn, the slower you move. In 0 Cost: Listed in credits (¥). Many

the Body Type substats, there is a listed ranged weapons include a price
number for your character's EV. Divide for a reload after the slash.
the total weight you are carrying by this Reloads generally cost about 5% of
value, then subtract the result (rounded the weapon cost.
down) from your characterʼs MA. All of 0 Tech Level (TL): As described in

the weights (and for that matter, mea- the sidebar.

surements) in Mekton Zeta are in metric.
MELEE WEAPONS WA Range Damage Shots BV Conc. Weight Cost(¥)
2010+ [AP]

Battleaxe 3.5

-1 na na 70
Boomerang -1 1 06+ na 0.6 48
Broadsword +0 306+ [AP] na na 3.0 84
Chainsaw -1 306+ [AP] 10 na 3.0 54
Combat Knife +0 106+ [AP] na na 0.5 50
Dagger +0 1 06/2+ [AP] na na 0.3 18
Energy Sword +1 506 10 na 0.25 470
Force Staff +2 506 10 turns 0.25 1010
Hand Taser (Shock) +0 -2 10 shots 1 1.0 210
Mace -1 306+ na 3.0 60
Monoknife +0 206+ [AP] na 0.5 240
Monosword +1 406+ [AP] na 1.0 600
Nunchaku/Tonfa +0 1 010+ na 0.75 105
Quarterstaff +2 1 06+ na 1 .O I 20
Rapier +1 1 010+ [AP] na 0.75 75
Shuriken +0 106/2+ [AP] na 0.2 21
Spear +2 206+ [AP] na 2.0 120
Sword +1 206+ [AP] na 1 .0 100
Whip -1 106/2+ na 0.125 15
ARCHERY WEAPONS WA Range Damage Weight Cost(¥)

0:8008 _._._._.g<as_.wg_.°° w

Bow -1 12-72 206 1.0 64/3
Compound Bow -1 20-200 306 0.7 304/15
Crossbow +0 15-100 206 1.0 90/45
Wrist-Crossbow -2 8-32 1 010 0.38 1 07/5
HANDGUNS WA Range Damage Weight Cost(¥)
AutoMag +1 15-100 306 1.5 437/22
Combat Pistol +1 15-100 206 1.0 310/19
Energy Pistol +2 16-130 1-406 1.0 1256/63
Heavy Energy Pistol +2 18-160 506 1.1 1712/86
Hideout Pistol +0 1050 1010 0.75 96/5
Magnum Revolver +2 16-130 406 2.0 1000/50
Needle Pistol +0 10-50 206‘ 0.5 344/17
SUBMACHINEGUNS WA Range Damage Weight Cost(¥)
Machinepistol +0 15-100 206 1.0 472/24
Needle SMG +0 15-100 206" 1.0 1120/56
SMG +1 20-200 206 2.0 945/47
RIFLES WA Range Damage Weight Cost(¥)
+0 28-400 406 4.0 155/58

Assault Rifle 1

Energy Rifle +2 30-450 1-606 3.0 756/38

Heavy Energy Rifle +2 34-580 806 3.5 1454/73
Needle Rifle +1 20—200 306‘ 1.5 1681/84
Sniper Rifle +2 32-500 506 5.0 775/39
SHOTGUNS WA Range Damage Weight Cost(¥)

Auto Shotgun +0 15-100 2010 2.5 1040/52

Shotgun +0 15-100 2010 2.5 742/37
2-Barrel Shotgun +0 10-50 2010x2 2.5 286/14
HEAW WEAPONS WA Range Damage Weight Cost(¥)

Anti-Mecha Mine +0 0 10K 50.0 650

Anti-Mek Beamgun 150-450 6K 35.0 4261 /21 3
Anti-Mek Missile 300-1800 8K 10.0 950
Armor-Buster Rifle +1 150-450 50h-AP 20.0 1825/91
Frag Grenade +0 T 506/6m 0.25 50
Gatling Gun -1 28-400 506 5.0 6336/317
Incendiary Grenade +0 T 106'/6m 0.3 100
Machinegun +0 32-500 506 5.0 5040/252
Sleep Grenade T -3/6m 0.15 10

' See text description for details.

Charactersifi #v577—C
Melee Weapons sword does double the maximum dam- made of wood, composite or metal—
While guns are great if you can get age of the parrying weapon, it cuts right your standard police nightstick.
them, sometimes you just can't get hold through it' After 10 turns of use, it takes QUARTERSTAFF TL: 1
of one. Some planets outlaw them. one hour to recharge from a wall outlet. A long pole made of wood, metal or com-
Some cultures haven't developed them FORCE STAFF TL: 8 posites, the quarterstaff is usually an
yet. And some people demand style A potent energy weapon, the force staff underestimated weapon. In the hands of
from their hardware. That's where melee can telescope from the size of a pencil to a skilled user, a staff can be whirled at high
weapons come in. Note: some melee a 2m forcefield generator instantly. The speed (a quarterstaff can attack twice in
weapons are armor piercing (AP) and extended staff is surrounded by an aura one Action) and still boast a greater strik-
treat armor as having only 1/2 its SP. of static electricity and high-frequency ing distance than a sword. High-tech,
BATTLEAXE TL: 2 emissions which cause massive molecu- telescoping versions can be collapsed to
A little more refined than a mace. A bat- lar upset. The user is immune to the the size of a flashlight for carrying.
tle axe is often double-bladed, always effects (his bio-patterns are pre-pro- RAPIER TL: 3
sharp, and very scary. grammed in), and can attack twice per thh hand-to-hand combat as common
BOOMERANG TL: 2 Action with the staff. After 10 turns of as it is in Mekton Z, there is a need for a
A large, V-shaped throwing weapon use, the staff must be recharged from a good, all-purpose weapon that won’t
made of wood or composites, wall ouflet (takes one hour). open a hole in a spacecraft hull just in
boomerangs can attack two targets in a HAND TASER (SHOCK) TL: 5 your opponent's pressure suit. Machinists
single action if the two targets are within A flashlight-shaped weapon, a taser has are making a healthy profit turning out
an appropriate distance from each other two metal prongs which, when stuck into rapiers. In low-gee, the rapier is the most
(Ref's call); the attacker rolls once, and the target, release a massive burst of elec- effective weapon, and fencing has once
each defender rolls separately. tricity which shocks the target into uncon- again become a highly developed art.
BROADSWORD TL: 2 sciousness. Tasers do no damage, but SHURIKEN TL: 2
Less common than rapiers for space require the target to make a Stun/Shock Best known as a small metal ”throwing
combat, since it requires some kind of roll at -2 (which can add up in consecutive star”, a shuriken can be any small blade
stable footing for a good swing. uses) or pass out. Armor must be of SP 15 used for throwing.
However, damage is severe and the or more to stop a taser. Recharging from SPEAR TL: 1
intimidation factor doesn't hurt either. a wall socket takes one hour. A staff with a blade at the end. Not as
CHAINSAW TL: 5 MACE TL: 2 quick as a quarterstaff, but capable of
A two-stroke samurai sword! Most are Maybe a Sledgehammer, maybe a ball 8: impaling an enemy at range. Usually a
powered by some kind of fuel and require chain, maybe an uprooted parking defensive weapon, some are designed to
1 turn to start up, but some combat meter. Whatever. It’s a big, heavy metal be thrown and some are not.
models (l) are battery-powered and turn thing you hit people on the head with. SWORD TL: 2
on at the flick of a switch. Armor gets seri- MONOKNIFE TL: 6 Popular for the same reason as rapiers, but
ously chewed by a chainsaw (treated as A deadly, high-tech weapon favored by uses more swinging, slashing motions
having only 1/4 its SP). Must be refueled assassins, the edge of the blade is only a than thmsts. Be it a samurai katana or
after 10 turns in use; recharging takes one molecule thick—it can cut through Excalibur, it’s really just a sword.
hour from a wall outlet. almost anything. Armor is treated as hav- WHIP TL: 2
COMBAT KNIFE TL: 3 ing 1/3 its SP versus these weapons, but Popular with archaeologists, animal train-
"Now this is a knife!” Comes with a scary they’ re fragile. ers and ”Dragon Lady" types, whips do
serrated edge (like a small saw), a compass MONOSWORD TL: 6 little damage but can 1) make Entangling
in the butt, a hollow handle for storing Futuristic ninja-types love the attacks, and 2) add +3 to Intimidation
stuff, and sometimes a spiked knuckle monoknife’s big brother. Once again, rolls—snapping one at someone makes
guard. armor is treated as having 1/3 its SP ver- him reluctant to get close.
DAGGER TL: 2 sus these weapons.
A small, concealable knife used mainly NUNCHAKU/TONFA TL: 2 Archer-y Weapons
for self defense, but any SWAT team No anime-based game would be com- Considered archaic by some, these
member will tell you these things are plete without a few martial arts weapons. weapons have kept up with modern
great for cutting rope, wedging doors These weapons can be used for parrying advances. They can be made from high-
open, shaving wires, climbing trees as well as attacks, and their tech composite materials and may use
ENERGY SWORD TL: 7 spinning/swinging approach allows lasersights, etc. All archery weapons are of
A sword with a plasma blade, about 1.5m them to be used twice per Action. the single-shot variety, and it takes 1
long, held in check by a powerful magnet- Nunchaku are two wood, metal or com- Action to reload. How many arrows or
ic bottle. Energy swords can be parried by posite rods connected by a rope or bolts you carry is your choice (reloads are
regular melee weapons, but if the energy cable, and a tonfa is an L-shaped stick packs of 12 projectiles).

Page 42
Characters A
The weapon made famous by Robin
Hood and Vlfilliam Tell, bows require
some physical strength to draw, and a
great deal of skill to master.
A high-tech, fiberglass version of a regu-
bow, this uses a system of pulleys and
p0wer and range vast-
cables to increase
ly, and to make it easier to draw.

A rifle-like weapon with a high-tension
steel ”bow" capable of firing "bolts" as
fast as you can load them.
A small, bracer-wom version of the larg-
er crossbow, this little gizmo is often used
by marauding road punks and mischief-
making guttersnipes.
bulky and hard to come by, while
Handguns advanced versions get truly sleek.
Combat, pg.95), and are effective room—
to-room assault weapons. They are popu-
The most common type of weapon Recharges from a wall outlet in one hour. lar with police because they will not pen-
inany modem battlefield. The popularity HEAVY ENERGY PISTOL TL: 7 etrate walls and hurt bystanders. The
of the handgun stems from the long list of A high-powered, non-adjustable beam same specifics for handguns apply to
advantages common to all guns: theyʼre gun which is powerful enough to dam- SMGs (such as the nature of the weapon).
cheap, easy to maintain, and a solid age mecha. Noisy, flashy and otherwise
chunk of metal moving at the speed of high profile, subtlety is not this weaponʼs MACHINEPISTOL TL: 5
sound will usually drop a 90kg man with strong suit. A fully automatic version of the combat
one shot Mekton Z guns are kept ”gener- HlDEOUT PISTOL TL: 5 pistol, this weapon may even look like its
ic" for the sake of varying tech levels-— A concealable, small-caliber weapon semiauto counterpart. High recoil renders
these could be 20th-century weapons fir- usually carried as a backup. Also the utility of MP5 questionable, but fire-
ing lead slugs from brass cases loaded referred to as a ”lady's gun", but used power freaks still keep buying them.
with gunpowder, plastic blasters which by almost everyone. NEEDLE SMG TL: 6
use ammunition and explosive
caseless MAGNUM REVOLVER TL: 5 A larger, fully automatic version of the
bullets, low-recoil ”Gyrojet” weapons Game hunters and bounty hunters alike needle pistol, its listed damage is used
which fire self-propelled loads, or even swear by this gun. Itʼs big. It's noisy. It for armor penetration ONLY—its nee-
railguns (which use magnetic tracks to shoots through car engines. It also takes dles are usually coated with poison or
accelerate tiny metal darts to incredible 1 Action to reload 3 rounds, so be sure to sleep-inducing drugs.
velocity). Reloads are usually available in count your shots carefully. SMG TL: 5
clips which take 1 Action to replace. NEEDLE PISTOL TL: 6 A rifle-scale weapon loading pistol-type
A compressed air-powered weapon that rounds, a submachinegun is arguably
AUTOMAG TL: 5 is cheap and easy to use, this gun fires the ultimate all-purpose weapon. They
A macho version of the common combat tiny metal needles at speeds high are found in the hands of corporate secu-
pistol, an automatic magnum packs a big enough to pierce armor. The needles are rity, MPs, mechapilots and SWAT teams.
wallop, but has a smaller magazine too small to cause more than minor
capacity and pretty harsh recoil. damage (damage is listed for armor pen- Rifles
COMBAT PISTOL TL:S etration ONLY), but are often coated Rifles have the advantage of
. » standard semiautomatic handgun. with poison or sleep-inducing drugs, increased accuracy over longer ranges;
High capacity, high reliability, lethal, making them excellent weapons for they also have the disadvantages of
accurate what more could you want? assassins and the non-violent alike. greater weight and size. Certain rifles are
l fined for space and anti-armor com- Submachineguns capable of automatic fire like SMGs,
either single shot or burst (see Combat,
this beam gun can be dialed from 1 These are fully automatic weapons pg. 95). In general, rifle rounds are
4 dice of damage, taking power from
-.z- which fire handgun ammunition. SMGs longer and more powerful than hand-
40-dice capacitor. Early prototypes are may fire single shots or bursts (see gun rounds. Rifles are subject to the

Page 43
Capable of firing into two hexes at once,
or emptying both barrels into one target,
this weapon would be a lot more devas-
tating if it wasn't a break-action job. Each
barrel holds one shell, and then the gun
must be reloaded (taking 1 Action).
Range is so short because this gun has
been sawed off for a wider spread.

Heavy Weapons
When the chips hit the fan, things
start blowing up. Heavy weapons are all
about blowing things up. These hellrais-
ers are used to support whole squads of
soldiers, destroy bunkers and vehicles,
bring down mecha and save your tiny
butt from getting stomped by a 50-ton
same “special effects clause" as hand- assassination, cover fire and countersniper
guns and SMGs. duty. Sniper rifles are heavy (for balance) ANTI-MECHA MINE TL: 6
and Often bolt-action rather than semiau- A big, heavy, metal disk about the size of
ASSAULT RIFLE TD 5 tO. They usually come with an optical an inner tube. Bury it somewhere you
The standard weapon used by “grunt” sight (for long-range shooting) and a expect enemy Mektons or vehicles to be
troops, assault rifles usually fire small, bipod (for bracing) as standard features. passing through, and the magnetic
high-velocity projectiles in short, con- proximity fuse will detonate it when a
trolled bursts. Often tricked out with
Shntguns large mass of metal passes over it.
grenade launchers, optical sights and Shotguns scatter lots of small pellets over ANTI-MEK BEAMGUN TL: 7
other doohickeys, the basic AR can be a wide area. They come with either one About the size and shape of a modem-day
found in every army everywhere. or two barrels, and may be ”sawed Off” mortar, this crew-served version of a
ENERGY RIFLE TL: 7 for ease of concealability (this is usually Mekton beam rifle is fielded only when
A long-range weapon good for sniping illegal). Everyone from police to street- nothing else is available. Sure, it’s power-
and anti-vehicle work in space and gangs use shotguns—they are very effec- ful (6 Kills), but watch out: If you don't
groundside alike. This man-portable tive at bringing a target down quickly, take out your target on the first try, you’ve
beam cannon can be dialed from 1 to 6 thanks to the ovewvhelming shock of probably just attracted some unwanted
dice of damage, powered by a 60-dice being hit with numerous pellets of buck- attention ...Note: -6 to hit people, -3 to hit
capacitor. Larger and bulkier than a shot simultaneously. Like other guns, vehicles, no modifier to hit Mektons.
sniper rifle, but lighter overall due to the these could be defined as anything from ANTI-MEK MISSILE TL: 5
preponderance of focusing elements. black-powder pump—guns to electro- A single-shot, disposable, shoulder-fired
HEAVY ENERGY RIFLE TL: 7 magnetic cone rifles, depending on the missile launcher with a maximum range
A grossly overpowered, non-adjustable TL of the game being played. of 1.8 kilometers. Capable of engaging
beam cannon which is routinely used to targets in the air and on the ground, and
harass mecha. Usually only found in mil- AUTO SHOTGUN TD 5 can be collapsed to a smaller size for ease
itary situations, the secondary effects of The ultimate house-tO-house ”room- of carriage. Note: -6 to hit people, -3 to
this weapon tend to cause massive col- sweeper", one burst from an auto shot- hit vehicles, no modifier to hit Mektons.
lateral damage. gun is enough to turn an entire room into ARMOR—BUSTER RIFLE TL: 5
NEEDLE RIFLE TL: 5 lead-poisoned dog food. The main disad- This gigantic rifle is so heavy and powerful
The most powerful Of the needlers, this is vantage is that, although it is capable of that it can only be fired while braced with
a scaled-up version of the needle SMG. It burst fire, an Auto Shotgun has a very lim- its bipod. Its huge, hypervelocity shells are

fires larger needles at greater speed, but ited magan'ne capacity—its shells are big! made of collapsed isotopes which treat
its listed damage is still used for armor SHOTGUN TL: 4 the SP Of any armor as only 1/2 SP. Used
penetration ONLY—its needles can be An excellent choice for hunting water- for destroying vehicles and small mecha—
coated as well. fowl, this could be a pump-action, a semi- attacking people with this thing is overkill!
SNIPER ”El-E TL: 5 auto or even a lever-action scattergun. Note: -3 to hit people, +3 to hit Mektons;
ANgliyaoantelorrg-rangerifleusedfor Reliabllityisexoellentbutrangeis short. vehicles are at no modifier.
. firm???" Characters A
FRAG GRENADE, SLEEP GRENADE, SILENCER 0.5 kg, 10W, TL: 5 numberslnalomtion(wchasbootsor
INCENDIARY GRENADE TL: 4 Attached to the barrel of a gun, this shorts) has weight and cost equal to the
These nasty devices can cause a variety of sound suppresser quiets firing so much percentage of the Location it protects.
effects Early versions look like little pineap- that an Average Awareness roll is Example: Yuki needs to buy an
while the more high-tech breed have
ples, required to hear the gunshot armored boot to replace one she lost. She
to 60 seconds) and
small digital timers (5 SMARTGUN 0.3 kgL500¥, TL: 6 pays 1/2 the cost and weight for one full
magnetic or double-sided tape strips to This conversion adds a computerized tar- location, because the boot only covers #8
affix them to doors, walls or nearby geting array and a laser designator to the (Right Lower Leg) of #7-8 (Right Leg).
mecha. When a grenade explodes, it weapon. Adds +2 to Weapon Accuracy
affects everything around it (see the at Combat Range, while the Maximum
Combat section for applying explosive Range penalty becomes only -3. ARMOR TYPE AREAS COVERED
damage). Frag grenades do normal darn-
age to everything in a 6m radius, while ARMOR Hat, Cap, Helmet:
T-Shirt, Vest: 24
1 (Head)
sleep grenades requires anyone in the blast Armor in Mekton Zeta is constructed Shirt, jacket, Coat: 2-4 (Torso)
radius to make a Stun/Shock roll at -3 or on the piece plan, allowing players to tai- 5 (R. Arm)
fall asleep. incendiaries are vicious—they lor protection by a method that accu- 6 (L. Arm)
cause 106 damage to every location of rately reflects the setting they are playing Overcoat, Cloak: 2-4 (Torso)
every target within the 6m blast radius. No in. When ”building" your own armor 5 (R. Arm)
reloads—grenades are bought singly. (such as from ballistic mesh or multi- 6 (L. Arm)
GATLING GUN TL: 4 polymer plate, see below), it must be 7 (R. Thigh)
Vlfith a multi-barrel array rotating around purchased per location. A ”location" is 9 (L. Thigh)
a central axis, this electrically powered considered any one of six areas of the Pants, Slacks, 7-8 (R. Leg)
assault cannon turns its carrier into a one- body: Head, Torso, Right and Left Arm, Long Skirt: 9-10 (L. Leg)
man invasion force. While wickedly cool, Right and Left Leg. However, some loca- Shorts, Tunic, Skirt: 7 (R. Thigh)
this monster is also heavy, noisy and has tions are represented by more than one 9 (L. Thigh)
near-unbearable recoil and torque. slot on the Human Targeting Table (such Boots, Leggings: 8 (R. Lower Leg)
MACHINEGUN TL: 5 as Torso, which is 2-4). Armor which is IO (L. Lower Leg)
This is a heavy, rapid-fire squad support ”built" as covering only some of the
weapon. Best used with a bipod or tri-
pod, it can fire bursts only (no single
shots from this beast). PERSONAL ARMOR TABLE
Weapon Options BALLISTIC MESH SP Location Weight (kg) Cost
Light Mesh IO Single 0.2 38¥
These are things which can be added Medium Mesh 12 Single 0.3 47¥
to existing weapons to improve accuracy, Heavy Mesh 15 Single 56¥
stealth, ammunition loads or readiness. Flak Mesh 18 Single 65¥
As with all other weapons, their availabil- FULL UTILITY HELMET SP Location Cost
ity isbased upon the Tech Level of the Light Helmet 20 Single I 06¥
particular setting you are playing in. Medium Helmet 23 Single I i 7¥
LASERSIGHT 0.1 kg, 100¥, TL: 5 Heavy Helmet 25 Single 20 i 28¥
A small red-dot designation attached to MULTl-POLYMER PLATE SP Location Weight Cost
a gun or bow, this adds +1 to Weapon Light Plate 20 Single 0.5 98¥
Accuracy at Combat Range only. Medium Plate 23 Single 0.6 l 08¥
MAGAZINE EXTENSIONS Heavy Plate 25 Single 1.0 l l9¥
+20% of weapon's weight, +10% of SPACE SUIT SP Location Weight Cost
weaponʼs cost (or 2x reload), TL: 5 Standard Suit 5 All 1.6 260¥
This adds 10096 to the number of shots
Industrial Suit 15 All 3.4 502¥
the weapon has, but makes it almost Military Suit 25 All 7.0 785¥
‘inpossible to conceal (Ref's decision).
OTHER ARMOR SP Location Weght Cost
Shield Handheld 1.5kg I42¥
0.2 kuom‘, TL: 4
SP1 5
'@CAL SCOPE Flight jacket SP12 Torso & Arms l.2kg 300¥
This is a mgged, compact telescope
Powered Armor SP28 All 43.0kg 1056¥
: - nted atop the weapon. It reduces
Personal Force Screen SP=3D6 All 5kg l800¥

-_ Maximum Range penalty to only -2, Advanced Force Screen SP=18 All 0.5kg 2500¥

- also reduces Combat Range accuracy

'_= -2 (due to a nan'owed field of vision).

Page 45
Mecha Construction A XXI if Axe/D
BALLISTIC MESH TL: 5 stop melee attacks Gncluding hand-to-
Depending on level of armor, ballistic hand), gunshots, beam weapons, explo-
mesh may be tailored to look like regular sions, arrows, etc. It is permeable to air, so
clothing, military fatigues, etc. Available gas attacks will not be stopped by it, and
in different colors and styles. it will not protect the wearer from the vac-
FULL UTILITY HELMET TL: 5 uum of space. The screen is maintained
All helmets include heads-up display, about 1 cm from the wearer’s body and
anti-dazzle flash compensation, comm- can deflect up to 10 attacks in a single
link and air filter. round before being overwhelmed.
MULTl-POLYMER PLATE TL: 5 Because it cancels inertia and momen-
Designed to withstand abrasion, impact tum, the wearer will not be moved by
and penetration, while an outer ablative blocked attacks.
layer protects against energy weapons. For example: A 40kg sandbag swings
SPACE SUITS TL: 5 across the room towards Ken—it smadrs
All space suits include magnetic foot- into his force screen and bursts. The screen
plates, full sealing against the environ- cancels the momentum of the sandbag, and
ment, radiation shielding, 3-hour life Ken is not even knocked off his feet! Force
support, maneuver verniers with a screens are expensive, but more impor-
Human MA of 6 and a helmet with tantly they are finicky and unreliable; they
heads-up display, anti-dazzle flash com- do not always offer the same amount of
pensation and commlink. protection.
Useful in close combat, this shield can be A personal force field generator very sim-
used for panying melee attacks only if ilar to the above, but in a package about
you are using a one-handed weapon. the size of a hand calculator. This version
FLIGHT lACKET TL: 4 will also protect against the vacuum of
Covered with real leather, this spiffy jack~ space and provides a uniform amount of
et is allowable mission attire, but the protection overall (18 SP).
individual pilot must buy it himself: not
standard issue. OTHER EQUIPMENT
POWERED ARMOR TL: 7 Guns and armor may be important,
Powered armor has a system of mecha- but they are far from the only things a
nized actuators which boost the wear- character can spend his hard-eamed
er’s strength, adding +4 to BODY and money on. Below is a list of other ”good-
adding +4H to damage; this “muscle ies" and luxury items a character may
suit” also subtracts 3 points (non abla- wish to possess. Some of them will have
tive) from any damage which gets effects in the game, and others will be for
through the armor, thereby increasing style. Most items have a Cost, Tech Level,
wearer survivability. The musculature of and Weight (if necessary).
the armor allows the wearer to ignore
the weight of the armor itself (for Clothing
Encumbrance purposes) and also adds In anime, much like reality, it’s hard
to the wearer’s EV. Powered armor to be ”cool" wearing old hand-me
includes magnetic footplates, full sealing downs. Your style is often defined by
against the environment, radiation your wardrobe, and people can be influ-
shielding, 3-hour life support and a hel~ enced by what you wear. The outfits list-
met with heads-up display, anti-dazzle ed below are just that, complete outfits
flash compensation and commlink. (with all matching accessoriesl).
About the size of a small backpack, this The well dressed anime heroine would
device generates a protective screen be hard pressed not to show off her
which blocks up to 306 of energy attacks, attractive assets. This outfit comes com-
impacts, intense heat or cold, brisance, plete with a matching jacket and pair of
overpressure, and kinetic attacks (such as low-heeled boots. Flared shoulder pads
bullets); it even cancels inertia. it will thus and tights are optional.

Page 46
Characters A
LONG COAT Cost: ¥50
The latest from Doc N. designs, this long
overcoat is perfect for the occasions
where you need to conceal something
from prying eyes. Vifith the fasteners
down the right side (left for the ladies),
the coat can be worn closed for the
“scholarly” look, or open, showing the
world you are ready for action.
UNIFORM Cost: 60¥
Not quite military issue, but it sure does
look cool. With a matching jacket, it’s
what the well dressed anime character is
wearing this year.
The typical garb for any lapanese
teenager. A ”sailor suit” for the girls,
and a black button-up jacket and pants
for the boys. maI/plant studied and compare it to the meter per turn. Gas will last 20 turns.
EVENING GOWN Cost: 100¥ library program. Refills cost l¥ each. Each TL above 5 that
Hanging in the closet of every anime vil- BREATHER the item is bought at increases the thick-
lainess everywhere. Comes with garters, Cost: 3S¥, TL: 5, Weight: 0.2 kg ness that can be cut by 1 inch.
silk stockings and spiked heeled shoes This small airmask/filter holds 1 hour of DIVING GEAR
capable of acting as a deadly weapon on breathable oxygen. It is designed to Cost: 150¥, TL: 5, Weight: 5 kg
the right feet. work in hostile environments and under A complete kit for adventuring and sur-
CLOAK Cost: 40¥ water, not in a vacuum. viving under water. Includes recycling
Great for a villain making a statement or CAMPKIT full-face mask (1 hour supply of oxy-
for a lady on an illicit rendezvous. Comes Cost: 20¥, TL: 4, Weight: 1kg gen), weight belts, buoyancy compen-
in all colors and sizes. A small, compact unit that contains all of sator, and fins.
the tools needed for a camping trip. DRIED FOOD
Gadgets Includes a small gas stove, mess kit, shov- Cost: 20¥, TL: 4 Weight: 1kg
Useful devices and things characters el and fire-lighting equipment. Enough food to feed one person for one-
can use to spot things, see in the dark, CANTEEN week.
breathe underwater, or just set up camp. Cost: 5¥, TL: 3, Weight: 0.5 kg LIGHT BAR
GOGGLES Cost: 2¥, TL: 4, Weight: 0 Holds one day's worth of water. Cost: 30¥, TL: 4, Weight: 0.1kg
Protection from dust, light and smoke. CARRYALL A small, compact source of light.
AMPUFIED GOGGLES Cost: 10¥, TL: 4, Weight: 0.1kg Capable of fully lighting a 50’ area. The
Cost: 20¥, TL: 5, Weight: 0 A small nylon bag with adjustable straps batteries enclosed in the unit are capable
In addition to the protection from the to form a pack or handbag. of functioning for two hours.
above elements, this item uses low scan- COMMUNICATOR Cost: 100¥ LOGCOMPASS
ners to aid vision in such settings. Any This small device allows long-range Cost: 100¥, TL: 6, Weight: 0.4kg
penalty to Awareness rolls in such an envi- communication. The range and size of Small electronic compass that records
ronment is negated by these goggles. this ”phone" depends on the Tech Level both direction and distance traveled,
BINOGLASSES that it is purchased at, but cost is gener- using a gravity reading sensor. A small
Cost: 30¥, TL: 5, Weight: 0.7 kg ally the same. screen in the bottom allows you to
High tech binoculars with special attach- TL Size 8! Weight Range ”replay" a sequence of directions, such
ments that allow you to read the dis- 4 Walkie-talkie; 0.5 kg 1 Okm as ”travel west 4 miles, go north 5 miles,
tance to the viewed object. You can view 5 Cellular phone; 0.2kg 1 000km etc.” Using a satellite uplink, this device is
a man-sized object clearly at 10 km, and 6-7 Pocket Comm; 0.1kg 1 000km also capable of determining your loca-
read print at 2500 meters. 8 Wrist Comm; N/A l 0,000km tion on a planet’s surface within 10km.
BIOSCANNER 9 Pin or brooch; N/A 1 00,0ka MANEUVER PACK
Cost: 200¥, TL: 6, Weight: 0.5 kg CUTTING TORCH Cost: 100¥, TL: 6, Weight: 1kg
library program of this device holds
- Cost: 15¥, TL: 5, Weight: 1kg This small thruster unit fits on the back of
in on every known life-form. A keypad
: . Small oxyacetylene torch that can cut any space/pilot’s suit and allows the user
_ . the user to enter data on the ani- through 3cm of metal at a rate of 1 to move and maneuver in zero G envi-

Page 47
Characters A
ronments. Once attached to the back of PATCH KIT where; plugs into jacks in machine.
a suit,two maneuver jets extend, allow- Cost: 10¥, TL: 5, Weight: Nil 8 Can tell type/location of damag; scan-
ing a full range of mobility. A simple adhesive patch for a ning field up to 1 meter.
MANEUVER ROD space/pilotʼs suit. A piece of tough cloth 9 Can tell type/location/needed repair;
Cost: 50¥, TL: 6, Weight: 0.2kg treated with a powerful adhesive. scanning field up to 10m.
A universal piece of space survival equip- PERSONAL RECORDER Cost: 75¥ TECH TOOLKIT
ment. This small rod (about 30 cm long) The most popular form of information Cost: 100¥, TL: 5, Weight: lkg
is used by almost everyone who works storage in a technological society is the This high-impact plastic toolchest con-
and fights in space. The rod is strapped to personal recorder. Depending on the Tech tains three adjustable wrenches; socket
the leg of your space suit and is used only Level of the setting you are in, the media wrench; pliers and screwdrivers; mini-
in an emergency. On each end, the rod used to store information may range from tools for working on small devices; com-
has a small vemier motor, which is capa- reel to reel tape spools to crystalline chips. bination hammer and prybar; electrical
ble of slow movement and maneuvering. Extra recording media cost i¥ each. tape; 40 meters of wire; spray lubricant;
When activated, the rod automatically TL Media Size Hours spray insulation; filler putty; vicegrips;
emits a high frequency distress call, with a 34 Tape/Wire Notebook 1 and a large assortment of nuts, bolts,
range of 2 km. The signal will alert any S Cassette Paperback 2 screws, etc.
mecha or ships within this area. The effec- 6 Laserdisc Cigarette Pack 4 111 (Tracers, Trackers & Listening)
tive MA of the rod is 1. Fighting in space 7 Silicon Chip Matchbox 8 _De_wse_s
and not using this tool is suicide. 8-9 Crystal sliver Matchbook IO Cost: 50¥, TL: 6, Weight: Nil
MEDKlT 10 Matrix Pin 24 These are all devices used for surveillance
Cost: 100¥, TL: 6, Weight: ikg ROPE (30M) work. Sizes and ranges are based on
High impact plastic ”doctor's bag” that Cost: 20¥, TL: 5, Weight: Tkg Tech Level. Trackers send their signal to a
contains local anesthetic, 1 dose synthe- Lightweight, high-grade climbing rope, small beeper at TLs 4-5, and a modified
flesh spray, antiseptic spray, micro sur- with a tensile strength of SOOkg. logcompass (which then prints out the
gical kit, 2 doses pan spectrum antibiot- SLEEPING BAG path of the tracked unit) at TLs 6 and
ic, 1 dose poison neutralizer, 2 doses Cost: 25¥, TL: 3, Weight: ikg above. Listening devices send their signal
stun-stim. One person bag, good for temperatures to a specific audio unit. Tracers, when
MEDSCANNER down to -i 5 degrees, c (-60 F). placed on a phone line, allow you to
Cost: 200¥, TL: 6, Weight: ikg SURVIVAL KIT locate the origin of any call using that
A small hand-held computer with a Cost: 50¥, TL: 6, Weight: 0.5kg line. The information is then uploaded to
library of almost every known injury or A small kit designed to help someone a logcompass and is printed out.
disease. A diagnostic program will read stranded in space while waiting for a
data entered into the scanner and iden- pick-up. It includes an additional 2-hour TL Size & Type
tify the most probable disease/injury, oxygen supply, emergency transmitter 4 2" microphones and
prognosis, and recommended treat- (4km range, transmit only) and 12 glow- trackers, no video cameras ...... 100m
ment. (Successful identification is a l-6 stick flares. All packaged in a case the size 5 Quarter-sized mics, trackers

on a dl 0 roll.) In addition to the readout of a small briefcase. St tracers, small videocams ....... 1 km

screen on the top of the scanner, it TECHSCANNER 6-7 Dime-sized mics,trackers

includes sensors and probes to monitor Cost: 200¥, Weight: ikg & tracers, tiny videocams ........ Skm
all vital signs. A small hand-held computer which can 8—9 Pin-sized mics, trackers

MICRO-CAM connect to diagnostic inputs in most 81 tracers, dime-sized videocams . .iOkm

Cost: 300¥, TL: 5, Weight: ‘lkg mecha and vehicles, or can diagnose TTL jAMMER
Small hand-held video camera. Output is using projected scanner fields at higher Cost; 50¥, TL: 4, Weight: 0.2kg.
recorded on small mini-disk. Tech Levels. Based on the Tech Level of A small device that locates and jams any '

MICRO-COMP your game setting, Techscanners can run TTL device located with in 3 meters of
Cost: 600¥, TL: 6, Weight: 2kg diagnosis programs, identify damaged the jammer.
Laptop computer about the size of a
small notebook. Has enough memory to
components, and display schematics of
internal systems on a small, built-in Dnuoe S
run six programs. screen. A roll of 1-6 on iDlO indicate a Meoicmes
MICRO TOOLS successful diagnosis, adding +5 to a A number of sophisticated drugs exist
Cost: 10¥, TL: 5, Weight: 0.2kg repair roll. in the Mekton 2 world, designed to
A set of tools for picking locks, working TL Abilities 8: Input Method cover all types of emergency and med-
on micro circuits, etc. Comes in a small 4-5 Detects only damaged circuits or ical situations. The listing to follow is
black bag with a full range of mechanical chips; plugs into jacks in machine. only a small portion of what could be
and electrical tools. 6-7 Can tell type of damage, but not available; Referees should feel free to

Page 48
Characters A
invent new and different medications POISON NEUTRALIZER
as their campaign demands for use in Cost: 50¥ Per dose, TL: 6
their adventures. This drug is known to counteract most
PAN-SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTIC poisons and similar alkaloid complexes. It
Cost: S¥ Per Dose, TL: 4 will not restore any Hits already lost to
This drug will arrest all fevers and rots. poison, but it will keep damage from
Does not neutralize poisons or restore spreading. This drug is ingested.
hits. Game Effects: Stops further damage
Game Effects: Heals rashes Br infections. from poison.
Cost: 10¥ per dose, TL: 5 Cost: 200¥ Per dose, TL: 6
A powerful anesthetic which can be A single dose of this drug will cause a In case your character has a
applied locally (via spray) or generally deep, dreamless sleep for a set amount of lot of loose cash, he may desire
(through injection). time, depending on Body Type of target. to pick up a vehicle of his own.
Game Effects: Gives recipient +2 to a Can be applied by injection or ingestion. Here are the current five best-
Stun/Shock roll made after application. Game Effects: Target is put to sleep for sellers in the world of Mekton Z.
SYNTHE-FLESH SPRAY lD6+6 hours, minus one hour for each Keep in mind that the listed vehi-
Cost: 20¥ Per dose, TL: 6 point of Body Type he has.
cles are somewhat generic—just
Used to cover burns and shallow STUN-STIM
like the guns listed previously,
wounds, this spray-foam hardens to a Cost: 150¥ Per dose, TL: 6
rubbery consistency in minutes. Can be used to counteract the effects of
the special effects of their opera-
Game Effects: Any area suffering from sleep drug, or to promote wide-awake tion is up to the Referee. A "car"
"Burns,” ”Wound,s” or ”Scrapes & activity for a number of hours. This drug might be a Ford sedan riding on
Bruises” will add +1 Hit per day to its can be either injected or ingested. Fire-RockTM tires, a fan-propelled
recovery rate. Game Effects: Counteracts the effects of hovermobile, or even a contra-
SPEED HEAL a sleep drug, or keeps the target grav skyrider depending on the
Cost: 50¥ Per dose, TL: 6 ”awake” for 1D6+4 hours. While in this Tech Level of the game.
This injected medication speeds the heal- state, all Stun/Shock rolls are at +2.
ing rate. This medication may only used INTELLIGENCE BOOSTER Note: For human-scale vehicles
once in a 24-hour period. During this Cost: 300¥ Per dose, TL: 8
(not mecha), Hits are used to
period, the patient is in a drugged and This powerful drug boosts neural activity,
determine damage. Hits used for
nearly comatose state, as his body's sys- essentially boosting the user’s IQ for a
vehicles are also known as SDP
tem punched into overdrive to heal
is period of time based on Body Type. This
quicker. (While under the influence of is an ingested drug. If this drug is used
(Structural Damage Points).
the drug, all characters are at -5 to all more than once a week, the Intelligence Naturally, 25 SDP (like Hits) are
dice rolls.) of the user is dropped by 1 permanently equal to a single Kill. MA is mea-
Game Effects: Character heals at double (as the neurons are fried.) This drop sured in SO-meter mecha-scale
the listed rate (see page 115). occurs each time a user "overdoses". hexes.
REGENERATION SPRAY Game Effects: User gains +5 to all
Cost: SO¥ Per dose, TL: 8 Intelligence-based skill rolls for 10644 MOTORCYCLE
This drug, when sprayed on a wound, turns. Cost: l,000¥ MA: 11 SDP: 15
will accelerate the healing process SPEED BOOSTER fig
intensely, allowing wounds to heal Cost: 300¥ Per dose, TL: 8
Cost: 2,000¥ MA: 8 SDP: 40
almost instantly. This powerful drug boosts neural activity
Game Effects: Heals 2 points of damage in the spinal column and other nerve-
Cost: 4,000¥ MA: 9 SDP: 35
(except broken bones) instantly. muscle interactions, essentially boosting
DS-X AMPOULE the user's Reflexes for a period of time
Cost: 150¥ Per dose, TL: 10
This powerful drug totally heals a
human being of all damage sustained,
based on Body Type. This is an ingested
drug. if this drug is used more than once
a week, the Reflexes of the user is
Cost: 5,000¥ MA: 7

Cost: 6,000¥ MA: 12

SDP: 60

SDP: 30
! ling the recipient to full Hits. This can
~ dropped by 1 permanently (as the mus-
._ n ”heal the dead" if applied no cles are fried.) This drop occurs each time
1- ger than 10 Turns after ”death" has a user ”overdoses".
u urred. Game Effects: User gains +5 to all
Effects: Heals the target to full.
- Reflex-based skill rolls for 1D6-i4 turns.
wenty-two tons of walking, flying
death. It looms above you, moun-
tainlike, a vengeful metallic god sil-
houetted in the blinding glitter of the
overhead hangar arcs.
The name sings in your mind—the
baleful name you have chosen to
christen this migrty engine of
destruction. From the multi-mega-
watt energy cannon cradled negli-
gently in its six-foot talons, to the
megabeam sabers jutting from its
overpowered thruster backpack, this
is one mean machine, created and
devised by you alone for one purpose.
Far below, on the planet spinning
beneath your orbiting starcruiser,
there is a man. You know his name,
his face. And you also know every-
thing about the metal monster he
used a year ago to reduce your
home colony to a sheet of molten
glass. Gaining that knowledge cost
you plenty: two friends, your old
ship, and part of your soul. But it
was worth it, because it gave you
the secrets you needed to build your
own mecha to settle the score.
Dawn streaks over the terminator
as the launch alarms start to ring.
You leap to the waiting cockpit and
start the power-up sequence. In a
hour, it will finally be over.
One way or the other.
Mecha Construction. Where you
pit your skills as a designer against
the toughest foes you’ll ever face—
your friends. This is where the tac-
tics that pay off on the battlefield
begin: on the drawing board.
This is the ARMOR’s EDGE.
Xfl if Afar)
Half the fun of
Mekton Zeta comes,ʼ ‘

from'the kndWledge
that: your} design is
out thbre fighting—not:
some pro-generated
mega-mecha that: we
thought was cool. The
mecha in Mekton Zeta
are yours, and there-
fore represent what:
you think is a good
design, rather than
What we think. Here
we give the power of
design over to you,
allowing yolr'to con-
struct: the mecha of
your“ dreams, and .to,‘ ' "

beat: the living stuffing '


out: of ...'uh

is, to defeat: your hon-

orable opponents‘in

1. Concept (p.52-S4)
Select Form
Select CP Total
Select Weight

2. Build Frame (p.54—57) CONCEPT A awn/c .

Buy Servos
Buy Armor (if any) our first step in constructing a may not have ranged weapons at all. In
Calculate Frame Weight Ymecha, no matter what you are anime, mecha always have a concept,
_ 3. Select Subassemblies (p.5761) going to use it for, is the concept. and are built to perform up to that con-
Buy Sensors (if any) Before you sit down with paper and cept as well as they are able.
Buy Cockpit (if any) pencil, give some thought as to the The setting (or world) you are play-
Buy Weapons (if any) machine you want to build. What does ing in is also important because it deter-
Buy Options (if any) it look like? What are its weapons and mines what kind of mecha would be pre-
Buy Wheels/”Treads (if any) armor like? What is the machine sent, and in what capacity. For example,
4. Calculate Final Weight (p61) designed to do? These questions, while in some anime shows almost all flying
5. Buy Propulsion System (if any) having little to do with the creation mecha also transform, so if you wanted a
(p.6263) process itself, are important to the spir- flying suit you would have to make sure
6. Buy Transformation (if any) it of an anime-style design. It should be it could transform as well. If the world
stated very clearly that very little in was patterned on World War II Earth, you
7. Buy Powerplant (p64)
anime is rules-lawyered. In very few wouldn't have beam weapons; instead,
anime shows will you find a suit that is machine guns would be the most
8. Calculate Mekton Statistics
maxed~out, carrying every possible advanced option available to you.
combination of weaponry and equip- Remember: With a strong concept
ment. Not all suits use energy weapons, in mind, the task of creating your mecha
nor will every one transform, and some is going to become much easier.

Page 52
X79 41412") Mecha Construction A


Bonv FonM also have Wheels, Treads, or a GES sys-
tem. Mecha-tanks get +ZSP to all Armor
There are four basic forms of mecha locations. ANIME MECHA
that can be constructed in Mekton Zeta. 0 MECHAFIGHTERS (Aircraft and As a Referee, the first thing
As a rule, you will soon discover that no Spacecraft): While Mektons may be you'll have to decide is whether
matter what you want to build, it will maneuverable, aerodynamic they're not. your show (campaign) will be
probably fall into one of the categories And as long as speed is needed, there characterized by superheroic
below. Each form also has a list of advan- will always be aircraft in the anime world. mecha, or military mecha. In the
tages and disadvantages that will affect Mechafighters must have a Torso and a stand-out, superheroic shows,
its performance in combat. pair of Vifings. (Note: If the Mechafighter the hero (or heroes) pilot mecha
- MEKTON (Humanoid Mecha): The is designed for space, Vans are option- that are more powerful than the
classic giant robot of anime. These al.) Such Mechafighters double their MA, other units on their side. In aver-
machines are the standard mecha of most but suffer a -2 to their MV. age or military shows, the hero’s
mecha is rarely more powerful
lapanese animation and, as such, occupy
about 80% of the mecha market. Their AND PLAY than the mecha his peers have.
In a superheroic-style show,
versatility is legendary. A single Mekton
can do the work of an entire platoon; it BALANCE the mecha flown by the PCs are
usually 1.5 to 3 times the CP val-
can engage in melee combat, work on Construction Points (or CP) are
ues of the other equipment used
engineering projects, and operate in the the ”money” that you expend to con-
by other good guys. This ratio
most adverse environments. Humanoid struct your mecha. They are an abstract
will change as the show goes
form also allows for greater maneuverabil- concept, with each one representing a
along (and the good guys get
ity (if not speed) while in flight certain amount of work, time, personal
even better mecha). In some
The humanoid tag for Mektons is clout and finances needed to construct extreme circumstances this ratio
rather loosely defined; it is left to the play- something as complicated as a Mekton. could be as high as 10 or even 20
ers and Referee to specifically define. In most campaigns and roleplaying times the CP (for the ”Shogun
Most should have two (2) Arms, two (2) games the Referee will either build the Warriors" type of robot action,
Legs, a Head and a Torso, but this does mecha himself, or assign a number of CP where the heroes are really the
not exclude the use of Tails and/or Wings. for a player to build his own machine. CP only power for good).
0 MECHABEAST (Animal Mecha): are the final judge of a mecha's tough- In a military-style show, the
Another favorite from the worlds of ness, but are not always exactly equal to hero gets the same number of CP
anime, the Mechabeast uses an animal- one another; an F-16 and an A-IO are to build his mecha as the NPCs
iorm frame, rather than one that copies designed for very different tasks, and as have. This type of show tends
the human form. These solid, powerful such a fight between them may not be towards the more "realistic” sto-
machines are devastating in close com- fair. Yet they cost roughly the same num- ries, where the power level of the
bat, although they lack the ability to use ber of Points (in terms of money, research, mecha will go up with rank and
hand-held weapons. While there are design time and materials) to build. This is experience. Bad guys work on the
many animals that may be represented where concept becomes important. As a same principle, with main villains
by this type of mecha, most will have me Referee you will want to keep an eye on having the same bonuses or
following components: 1 Torso, 4, 6, or armor levels and the Kills (more on this on I restrictions as the heroes.
Lastly, there are the ratios for
8 Legs, a Head, and possibly Wings or pg.54) of weapons to make sure that
the grunt players: Standard good
Tails. Mechabeast do an extra +2K in things are not too unbalanced.
guy mecha versus standard bad
melee damage, gain +2 to their land MA,
but suffer a -1 to MV. Assigning GP guy mecha. The rule here is, who
ever has more units gets less points
‘0 MECHATANK (Vehicle-type Mecha): When deciding how many points
to make them with. If you have an
These are the gmnts of the anime world. the players get to build their mecha, the
alien fleet that outnumbers
This category covers everything from Referee should decide just what the set- humanity a hundred to one, you
' to ground installations (no one said ting of the game will be. If mecha are should make the aliens’ mecha
‘ . r mecha had to move)l A Tank must mass-produced and common, they are much weaker than the humans'
' - aTorso, and mayhaveaHeadwhich going to cost less than super-secret mili- (unless you're feeling truly cruel).
. -.- asaturret(suchHeadsgeta360- tary prototypes. If mecha are something
, uree firing arc). To move, they must relatively new in the game setting, they

Page 53
Mecha Construction A in i’AJ-t‘t’j If,

will probably be very rare and very Adding Spaces allow a unit to walk, while an Arm servo
expensive. Here are some basic point Sometimes you will discover that has the machinery to move things
range examples to keep in mind as you you just need more space, and don't around, as well as the ability to mount
decide this important point: have the points to buy a larger servo. If a hand and perform fine manipula-
0 10—100 CP: Mass-produced ”grunt” you want, you can sacrifice one Kill of tions. A Torso servo, as the main body,
mecha. Most field mecha in the military damage from the servo, and in return holds the gyroscopes, powerplant and
will fall into this category. receive 2 extra Spaces. other equipment needed to keep the
0 101-300 CP: Still mass-produced, but Example: The Raven is a scout unit as a whole functional.
now more select “officer's" units, and Mekton. It has Medium Striker Arms, so it WHAT’S IN A SERVO: Normally, we
mecha for special tasks. has 5 Spaces in each. In one arm is a gun assume that a servo consists of combina-
0 301-400 CP: These are giants of Mekton that takes up 7 Spaces. In order to make tions of hydraulic rams, myomar fibers and
Zeta. They are available but are very pow- the gun fit the designers sacrificed a little a skeletal alloy frame; after all, that’s the
erful, and a force to be reckoned with. structural integrity, and the Ann gained 2 most common way they are depicted in
0 401+ CP: These are the mechanized Spaces. 50 the Medium Striker Arm now the majority of anime shows. However,
wonders of the world. They are usually has 7 Spaces and 4 Kills (it still has the they don’t have to be made of those mate-
special built, one—Of-a-kind designs meant same weight and cost, however). rials; Referees should feel free to make ser-
to turn the tide of battle. The kind of vos out of Chitin, living tissue, metal, artifi-
mecha a king, prince or hero would pilot. WEIGHT cial bone and muscle fibers, memory plas-
The last consideration in building your
KILLS mecha will be the total weight Many sys-
tic, or whatever else strikes their twisted
fancy. The most important thing is that the
All mecha in this system measure tems and weapons will have a weight list- concept of a servo, and its capabilities, will
damage in a value called Kills. A Kill is a ed in tons (FYI, these are metric tons: 2200 always remain the same as listed here, in
unit of measurement for damage and lbs). All Of this weight will add up in the order to preserve basic play balance.
structural integrity. Weapons will do Kills end, and affect your mecha's maneuver-
of damage, while armor and servos will ability (as well as the costs required to Tor-so Servo
have Kills of protection or structure. One make it flyI). Remember, if you keep pour- The core Of your mecha: all the other
Kill from a weapon will destroy one ing systems into a mecha, it will soon be components (servos) will be attached to
Kill of structure. Also, as a rule: about as maneuverable as your mother’s it. The only servo that every mecha, no
station wagon. Once again, we can not matter the type or size, must have, this is
. One Kill of damage equals 25 hits.
stress the idea of the concept behind your the body of a humanoid mecha, the fuse
The amount of damage something mecha enough. The idea is to design an lage of a jet, or the hull Of a ship. The
can takeis sometimes called DC, or effective fighting unit, not see how many Torso holds the powerplant of the unit,
Damage Capacity for purposes of clarity. guns you can fit into one place. and oftentimes the cockpit as well.
If a system has ”none" listed for its SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: Com-
SPACES weight keep in mind that this just reflects ponents attached to a Torso servo may
Next to CF, the most important con- the fact that the weights involved are be of any level lower than, but not more
sideration in mecha construction is negligible when dealing in tons. than one level greater than, the Torso.
space. It is one thing to want a 300mm As a rule of thumb, 2 Kills (in struc- The exceptions to this rule are Legs and
gun in the head of your mecha; it’s quite ture) equals 1 ton Of weight. Therefore, Pods (see below).
another thing to get it to fit! To deter- systems with no Kills (in structure) will Example: A Striker Torso may support
mine if a piece of equipment is going to have no apparent weight. components up to Medium Striker in size,
fit in a particular place in your mecha, we but no greater.
use a unit of measurement called Spaces.
Each servo type and size has a listed FRAME A 7L 4A Arm Servo
number of Spaces usually equal to the These are servos designed for strik-
cost of the servo it contains (see the
Servo chart next page). These servos SERVDS ing and holding, not walking. VWth the
addition of Hands they are capable of
may hold that many Spaces worth of t is now time to start construction. fine manipulation. The price of adding
equipment. So, for example, a Striker The first element of a mecha design hands (as well as weapons for
level head could hold 3 Spaces worth of is the frame. The frame is the ”body” Mechabeast) is listed below the Arm cost
weapons or other systems. of the mecha, and is composed of ser- chart. You must have Arms in order to
More than one weapon or system vos. A servo is defined as the skeletal participate in melee combat.
may share spaces in a servo, as long as parts of a mecha that allow it to func- EXTREMITIES FOR ARM SERVOS:
the sum of the equipment’s spaces do tion. For example, a Leg servo has the Each extremity (Hand, Claw, etc.) takes
not exceed the Spaces in the servo. hydraulics and reinforcement that up 1 Space from the Ann servo it is

Page 54
X77 ii A,‘fi") Mecha Construction A
mounted in. All extremities have a WA
+0. These are considered weapons for

the purposes of hit allocation. CONSTRUCTION TABLE 1

LegServo TORSO SERVO Cost Space Kills Weight
Legs are used for walking, kicking or Superlight 2 2 2 1 Ton
clawing (if a Mechabeast). Legs come Light Weight 4 4 4 2 Tons
with Feet free of charge, but these may Striker 6 6 6 3 Tons
replaced with other extremities for an Medium Striker 8 8 8 4 Tons
additional cost. This upgrade makes the Heavy Striker 10 10 10 5 Tons
unit do more damage when kicking, but Medium Weight 12 12 12 6 Tons
will slow down its ground movement. Light Heavy 14 14 14 7 Tons
You can purchase any number of Legs, Medium Heavy 16 16 16 8 Tons
but you must buy at least two to be able Armored Heavy 18 18 18 9 Tons
to walk. Leg servos must be at least one Super Heavy 20 20 20 10 Tons
level below the Torso to be able to walk. Mega Heavy 22 22 22 11 Tons
ARM SERVO Cost Space Kills Add+ Throw Weight
Unlike Arms, Legs must have Feet, so
Feet take up no Spaces from the Leg. All Superlight +0 3 Hexes 0.5 Tons
of these types have a +0 WA when used Light Weight +0 3 Hexes 1 Ton

to strike. If you have more than one set Striker +0 4 Hexes 1.5 Tons
of Legs, each with different types of Feet Medium Striker +1 4 Hexes 2 Tons
(extremities), the MA penalty applied is Heavy Striker +1 5 Hexes 2.5 Tons
the greatest one of all the sets. Medium Weight +1 S Hexes 3 Tons

Note: In a gravity environment, your Light Heavy +2 6 Hexes 3.5 Tons

Legs may not be smaller than one level Medium Heavy +2 6 Hexes 4 Tons
lower than that of your Torso servo. Armored Heavy 10 +2 7 Hexes 4.5 Tons
Super Heavy 11 +3 7 Hexes 5 Tons
Heed Servo Mega Heavy 12 +3 8 Hexes 5.5 Tons
Heads may be humanoid looking or
somewhat turret-like. They are a popular
ARM EXT. Cost Space Damage Kills Manipulation? Weight
choice for mounting sensors (there is a Hand 2 1 1K 1 Yes 0.5 Tons
penalty of -3 to Awareness skill if your Claw 4 1 2K 2 Yes 1 Ton

mecha does not have its sensors in a Head Talon 1 1 2K 2 No 1 Ton

servo because of limbs flailing in front of

Pincer 2 1 3K 3 No 1.5 Tons
the cameras, etc) and pilot cockpits (you LEG SERVO Cost Space Kills Add+ Weight
get a bonus to your diances of surviving Superlight +0 0.5 Tons
an emergency ejection). A word of cau-
Light Weight +0 1 Ton
tion, however: Due to their lower Kill val-
Striker +1 1.5 Tons
ues, mecha have a habit of "losing their
Medium Striker +1 2 Tons
heads" in combat. You have been warned. Heavy Striker +2 2.5 Tons

Wing Servo Medium Weight

Light Heavy
3 Tons
3.5 Tons
Wings must be bought in matching Medium Heavy +3 4 Tons
pairs. They may not be used for striking, Armored Heavy 10 +4 4.5 Tons
_ but can give the unit a bonus when fly- Super Heavy 11 11 +4 5 Tons
ing. If you are creating an atmospheric Mega Heavy 12 12 +5 5.5 Tons
Mechafighter, you must buy a pair of
wings. Mecha with Vlfings 2 levels below LEG EXT. Cost Space Damage Kills MA Penalty Weight
”their Torso level or greater gain a +2 MA Foot 0 0 2K 0 0 0 Tons
Lwhile in flight; lower than 2 levels, and Claw 1 0 3K 1 -1 0.5 Tons
the Wings become merely stabilizers Talon 2 0 SK 3 -2 1.5 Tons
. . enough lift to affect flight. The
.. flight MA bonus for Wings is not
an . ulative for multiple sets of Wings.
Mecha Construction A
Tull Servo
CONSTRUCTION TABLE 2 These may be used for striking or
entangling. A non-humanoid mecha
may be equipped with as many of these
HEAD, WING, TAIL Space Kills Weight as component restrictions allow. They
Superlight i 0.5 Tons also make great tentacles; the most sen-

do xoooxicsousz—n
do meaufihwwd
Light Weight 1 Ton sible way to build an octopod, for exam-

Striker 1.5 Tons ple, is to use eight tails, not eight legs!
Medium Striker 2 Tons
Heavy Striker 25 Tons Pod Servo
Medium Weight 3 Tons This is effectively a hollow servo,
Light Heavy 3.5 Tons used to store lots of equipment. Pods
Medium Heavy 4 Tons have no internal Kill rating, and cannot
Armored Heavy 4.5 Tons move at all. The weight of a Pod comes
Super Heavy 5 Tons only from the armor that covers it. On


Mega Heavy 5.5 Tons humanoid Mektons, they often take the
form of a back-pack like device.
There are disadvantages to using a
Pod, and a player should consider them
Superlight 2 0 Tons
do omwmmwa—f

before taking advantage of this ”free”

Light Weight 4 0 Tons space. Remember:
Striker 6 0 Tons 0 its armor will add more weight to your
Medium Striker 8 0 Tons Mekton, making it less maneuverable.
Heavy Striker 10 0 Tons 0 If the Pod’s armor is penetrated by an
Medium Weight 12 0 Tons attack, all damage will translate directly
Light Heavy 14 0 Tons to the systems inside. If the systems
Medium Heavy I6 0 Tons inside are destroyed, then all remain-
Armored Heavy 18 0 Tons ing damage is transmitted directly
Super Heavy 20 0 Tons

into the Torso servo.

Mega Heavy 22 0 Tons The Pod is also the only servo that
has no level restrictions. It may be as
ARMOR Stopping Power Weight large or as small as the player desires.
Superlight 0.5 Tons However, for every 2 full levels by which

Light Weight 1.0 Tons the Pod outclasses the Torso, the mecha

Striker 1.5 Tons suffers a -1 MV penalty. All Pods must

Medium Striker 2.0 Tons have at least Superlight armor.
Heavy Striker 2.5 Tons
Medium Weight 3.0 Tons
ARMUR A '?—-7—
Light Heavy 3.5 Tons
Medium Heavy 4.0 Tons
Armored Heavy 4.5 Tons ow that you have constructed
Super Heavy 5.0 Tons Nyour mecha’s ”skeleton” (Its


Mega Heavy 5.5 Tons frame), it is time to armor it.

Armor provides protection against
SENSORS Weight damage by absorbing or deflecting
Main Sensors 1 Ton energy of all types. Each level of armor
has a cost (in CP) and a Stopping
Backup Sensors 1 Ton
Power (or SP). Stopping Power rates
the effectiveness of the armor, stop-
ping that many Kills before the servo
Main Cockpit 0 Tons underneath ls damaged.
Passenger Space 0 Tons Example: The Switch Blade has
Medium Striker arrnoron its Head. This gives

Page 56 l
O 2173 41413»)
You may armor any servo you wish,
up to 2 levels above the level of that servo. suansstmeucs A
The armor for each servo is bought sepa- V77tA7U—
rately, even if all servos have the same
level of armor. For more information on ow it's time to put the teeth
armor, see the combat rules on page 88. Ninto your mecha; you have a
A NOTE ABOUT ARMOR: In gener- body, and armor to protect it,
al, armor is a honeycomb of alloys and but nothing else to make your suit There are. seireral
plastics layered over the servos of your truly functional. Subassemblies are sys- reasons for the idea
mecha, protecting it from incoming dam- tems built into your mecha: sensors, of frame weight. The
age. However, this is only the typical form weapons, cockpit and other things. first (and most ‘

found in the majority of anime shows; the These systems must (almost) always be important] is simplic-
Referee of your game can choose to define placed inside the servos of your ity—wrth a frame
, ,

armor as any material form of protection, mecha. Like everything else in Mekton weight: figured out,.~it
from lead sheets to organic chitin. Zeta, these have a price (in CP), a becomes much easi-
Staged Penetration weight (in tons), Kills, and a Space er for you to deter-
Mekton armor, while good, is far requirement. Unlike servos, the Spaces ‘mine' the mechaʼs
from perfect. Even the heaviest armored listed under subassemblies represent final weight. It is
machines will become vulnerable after a how much space they take up—not also a good; indicar
long fight. To represent this, Mekton Zeta how much they have available. tion of hOw heavy
your Suit is getting
the idea of Staged Penetration.
time any area of Armor is hit with
SENSORS (if you wanted a
an attack of one Kill or greater, that
in most mecha the cockpit is an sleek fighter, and
area loses one point from its SP.
armored, enclosed shell. Even mecha "you already ha\ie 54
tons on frame, alone,

Example: The Switch Blade is attacked with a transparent canopy over the cock-
with a 2 Kill weapon that hits it in the pit still need lots of computerized target- itʼs time to re-think
Head. The attack does not penetrate the 4
ing information. Hence, every mecha your design]. '

SP armor, but it does ablate the armor by

needs sensors. Sensors are the eyes of Another important
1 SP. After this attack, the Switch Blade has
your mecha. They tell you how close to reason is for ahime

only 3 SP on its Head.

the ground you are, range to the enemy, color and,consisten-
and just about everything else you would cy'. If mecha in your
FRAME WEIGHT find in any modern heads-up display game have lots' of
You have now completed the frame (HUD). They include visual cameras and variations (like many
of your mecha. It is capable of function- display screens, a complete targeting Oft-mentiOned "Suit .

ing at this level, but at minimal combat HUD, radar, and other equipment that oʼ the Week” aninae
capacity. You will now need to determine makes piloting a ZO-meter robot practi- pshows] you can'
its frame weight. The frame weight is cal. The main input for all of this infor- design a frame for
the sum of all the weight in the servos mation are the mechaʼs image receptors, the unit, and add dif-
and armor of your mecha. designed in some cases to resemble eyes ferent equipment

Example: A full humanoid mecha (with or a visor on the unit's head. suites as 'a newlvari-
a head, 2 arms, 2 legs and a Torso) all at Because of their vital functions, if a ation is needed.
Striker level, with Striker armor covering all mecha ever loses its sensors in battle, ' Also, if you use the
locations would have a frame weight of: its pilot is automatically at a -4 disad- san're frame for all of
Servo Weight: 12.5 tons (Head=1.5 tons, vantage to all combat rolls. the PCsʼ mecha, '
2 Legs=2 tons each, 2 Arms=2 tons each, MAIN SENSORS: This is the basic they Should all have
and Torso=3 tons). combat sensor package. It is capable of equal survivability...
Armor Weight: 9 tons ( 1.5 x 6 locations). full combat analysis out to 7 kilometers .and all with'en'oug'h
Frame Weight: 12.5 +9 =21.5 tons. (140 hexes) or less, and has a communi- ' equipment: Variation
Keep in mind that the frame weight cation range of 1000 kilometers. to keep everyone
is fairly abstract, and that the weights BACKUP SENSORS: It is a real pain - happv- ‘

involved aren't exact—rather they are to be blinded in a firefight, so many

designed to give you an overall weight. mecha have backup sensors. They offer
Another way to determine frame weight full combat analysis out to 1 kilometer
is to add up all of the Kills in your servos or less, and can communicate to 300
and armor and divide by two. kilometers.

Page 57
Mecha Construction A X79 ti Aft’S’D


Because Mekton Zeta is designed

to allow you to build mecha
nuns, «Ii from hundreds of different
anlme worlds, weapons are extreme-
ly generalized. Where in another
game you might buy something like a
”Kendachr‘ Mark-VII Long Range Strike
Missile,” in Mekton Zeta it simply
becomes a ”Heavy Missile."
Weapons may (depending on
space) be mounted inside the servos
of the mecha, or may be hand-held
AII mecha automatically have a cock-
"cockpit" as above. All of the other ele-
ments of cockpit design are there to lend
(assuming, of course, that the unit in
question has hands). The weapons
pit (for one pilot). This cockpit is free, and flavor to your roleplaying, not because are divided into seven categories, list-
must be placed in either the Head or the they represent technical differences. ed below.
Torso, where it takes one Space from The first type of cockpit is an open A NOTE ON CARRIED WEAPONS:
whatever servo it is mounted in. (or canopy) cockpit. This type of control Any weapon may be designated as
The cockpit consists of a pilot’s seat, center is often found in the head, or in the hand-held, as long as it meets the
controls, and a view screen (hooked into torso of transforrnable Mechafighter requirements listed below:
the mecha’s sensors). The seat is designs. This cockpit has a blast-proof
designed only to carry one pilot, but "glass" canopy, and the pilot has a direct ' The Spaces of the weapon may not
he can carry one passenger in a pinch. view of the outside. His sensors still perform exceed the Spaces available in the
This person must ride in the pilot's lap the same functions, and when he loses arm that wields it. The weapon does
however, giving the pilot a -1 to all them he is still at a -4 modifier to all rolls. not actually take up these Spaces—
rolls. If you feel the need to carry extra The second type is a closed (or rather, a Hand may hold a number of
passengers in your mecha, you can buy armored) cockpit. This type is inset into Spaces worth of equipment equal to
an extension on your cockpit. This exten- the suit, and is fully surrounded by the the number of Spaces in the Arm upon
sion costs 1CP and takes 1 extra Space. At mecha's armoring. All outside informa- which that Hand is mounted.
your option this extra seat can be just a tion is piped in via the sensors. For example: A hand attached to a
passenger area, or can be slaved into the Emergency back-up cameras are able to Striker-level Arm servo could hold and
pilot controls, allowing the passenger to provide information about the surround- use a weapon of 4 Spaces or less.
control the mecha in an emergency. ing area in the event of a sensor break-
A NOTE ABOUT COCKPITS: Once down (all attacks with this system are still 0 Hand-held weapons can be used

again, we have depicted the cockpit as it at —4, as these cameras do NOT count as two-handed by adding up the
is commonly seen in most anime shows. true back-up sensors). Spaces in each Arm servo; using this
But in the genre, there are also organic QETIONAL COCKPIT RULE: DIFFERENT method, weapons which are too large
wombs with glowing fiber-optic cables COCKPITS, DIFFERENT EFFECTS. If you for one hand can still be hand-held.
that hook up to their nude pilots via elec- wish, you can distinguish between the During any turn in which a two-hand-
trodes. There are even cockpits that are two types of cockpits by applying the fol- ed weapon is used, you may not parry
really insect body cavities that are con- lowing characteristics to open cockpits: if with anything other than that weapon
trolled by colored touch spots on their a Mekton with an open cockpit loses its (even if a Shield is mounted on your
surfaces. You can choose to define a sensors, it only suffers a -2 penalty to its to- Arm).
cockpit as virtually anything you'd like, hit rolls, but if the cockpit is hit (on the
just as long as its basic function and stats critical hit chart) it provides only ZSP of 0 Hand-held weapons are assumed

remain as defined here. armor protection, no matter the armor to have a place on the suit where
level of the servo it is located in. In ALL they are stowed when not being
Inside the Cockpit other instances, open cockpits have no held. This could be a clamp, rack, sling
In anime there are two types of cock- special effect on damage resolution. or whatever. This ”clamp" takes no
pits, both covered by the act of buying a Closed cockpits operate as nonnal. Space and has no cost.

Page 58
/fi if 4 “(to Mecha Constraction A


Light Beam Gun 4 +1 1K 1 na co 0.5 Tons 1 2
Medium Beam Gun 7 +1 3K 3 na 1.5 Tons 4 5
Heavy Beam Gun 10 +1 6K 6 na 3 Tons 9 9
Beam Cannon 8 +2 4K 4 na 2 Tons 9 9
Heavy Beam Cannon 8 +2 8K 8 na 4 Tons 15 16
Nova Cannon 15 +1 15K 1 na 0.5 Tons 10 29
Pulse Cannon 8 +0 4K 4 6 1 Turn” 2 Tons 11 20
Beam Sweeper 4 -1 2K 2 oo*** co 1 Ton 6 15
'This cannon may only be fired once per battle. "T his weapon can only lire one burst every other tum.

“fires a continuous beam as long as you hold down the trigger, no maximum hit limit.


Light Cannon 5 +0 3K 3 na 10 1.5 Tons 3 3
Medium Cannon 7 +0 6K 6 na 10 3 Tons 6 6
Heavy Cannon 9 +0 9K 9 na 10 4.5 Tons 9 9
Giant Cannon 17 +0 12K 12 na 10 6 Tons 15 15
Autocannon 4 -2 2K 2 8 10 Bursts 1 Ton 5 6
Heavy Autocannon 7 -1 6K 6 4 10 Bursts 3 Tons 10 13
Epoxy Gun 5 +2 (18)' 6 na 3 3 Tons 7 12
Reloads cost 10% ol weaponʼs cost, per IO-sliot magazine.

'Weapon does no damage; it grapples opponent so he cannot move (Mecha Fighting vs 18 to escape).


Rocket Pod 5 -1 2K 3 20 1.5 Tons 4 4
Rocket Launcher 7 +0 4K 3 10 1.5 Tons 4 4
Missile Pod 13 +1 6K 2 5 1Ton 5 5
Heavy Missile 24 +2 12K 1 1 0.5 Tons 3 3
Missiles can be fired singly, or as a salvo. See rules for salvo-firing weapons on page 96.


Sword 1 +1 5K 2.5 Tons
Axe +0 6K 3 Tons
Mace +0 8K 4 Tons
Drill -1 4K-AP* 2 Tons
Saw -1 6K-AP* 3 Tons
Shock-Whip -2 2K“ oo 1 Ton
'Armor-Piercing; see page 98. "Shocking Effect; see page 98.


Energy Sword +1 6K 2 co 1 Ton 6 6
Energy Axe +0 7K 2 oo 1 Ton 6 6
Energy Lance +2 8K 2 co 1 Ton 8 14
Nbva Sword +3 15K 4 2” 2 Tons 8 14
‘This weapon can only be used for 2 turns before it runs out of energy.


Small Shield 7.5 3Tons Mounted Shields take 1 Space. Hand-held
Medium Shield 9 4.5 Tons Shields must have an SP lower than the
Large Shield 18 6 Tons number of Spaces in the Hand's Arm.

Page 59
.l--—> ‘ h—_ ..-

Mecha Construction A X)? if Axe“)


WEAPON 0 BEAM WEAPONS: Beam weapons are 7753}

usually lasers or particle accelerators.
TERMINOLOGY They are generally more accurate and nce you have chosen all of your
0 RANGE: This is how far, in 50- boast greater range than other weapons, it’s time for all those
meter hexes, the weapon can be weapons, but they’re costly. Note: This Iitfle “extras" that make your
used effectively. The actual maxi- also covers any type of energy projector, mecha seem more like home. Options
mum range of any weapon is its from psi-power blasts to fairy-star are just that, optional. Any of the below
range squared (i.e., multiplied by magic—as defined by the Referee of items could help a mecha’s usefulness,
itself; a range of 6 grants a max your game. but are not an absolute necessity.
range of 36). ANT -THE CODE L K
0 WA: Weapon Accuracy. This 0 PROIECTILE WEAPONS: These are Cost: 0.2-0.4 CP Space: 0
high explosive, traditional guns. They A lock on the hatch of the mecha that will
number modifies any to-hit roII
can pack quite a punch. While not as only allow it to be opened if you have the
made with the weapon.
accurate as beam weapons, they are proper code. For +0.2 CP, this may be
° DA: Defense Accuracy. Used for cheaper. Note: this category can cover rigged into an alarm which sounds when
parrying only, this number mod- any projectile that is fired, whether from an improper code is entered.
ifies any pany roll made with the a gun, an orifice, an autocannon or a DAMA E ONTR L PACKA E
Shield. machinegun—as defined by your Cost: 1 CP Space: 1
0 DAMAGE: The number of Kills Referee. An option suite for emergency situations
the weapon can subtract from (ejections, forest fires, etc.). Fire retardant
any target it hits. 0 MISSILES 81 ROCKETS: Self-propelled foam will put out fires of up to 4 hexes in
weapons that pack a deadly warhead. size. Glue bombs cover areas 2 hexes in
0 SHOTS: The number of times -‘ Available in massed packs, these can be size, sealing them (useful in space when
the weapon may be used before dangerous at any damage level. Note: a hull is breached) Flares can be seen up
needing to be reloaded. Rules for long-range guided missiles will to 10 miles away. It includes a four-man
0 BV: Burst Value. Used only for be published in Mekton Zeta Plus. Iiferaft with food, water, and medical
rapid-fire weapons, this is the supplies for one week. There is also a
number of potential hits deliv- - MELEE WEAPONS: Large, sharpened space-going variation of the raft that is in
ered in a burst (a single firing of pieces of metal alloys, capable of cutting the form of a giant plastic ”bubble" that
an autofire weapon). (or smashing) their way through armor. holds the food and medical supplies.
Such oddities as drills and buzz-saws are E ECT ION SEAT
- KILLS: The amount of damage even designed to cut through heavy Cost: 1 CP Space: 0
(measured in Kills) that the armor. ENVIRONMENT P D
weapon can take before being Cost: 2 CP Space: 1
destroyed. 0 ENERGY MELEE WEAPONS: Perhaps This system can be added to any cockpit,
0 SP: Stopping Power. The the deadliest of all melee combat allowing you to eject safely from a unit
amount of armor protection weapons, they are solid energy (or raw about to go down in flames. The pod has
(measured in Kills) that a Shield plasma, or whatever). Often quite capa- two variations. The first, is the standard
provides. Uses Staged ble of cutting through mecha armor like ejection seat (common in mecha with
Penetration (see page 56). a hot knife through butter. open, canopy-style cockpits); second is
the more expensive (but safer) environ-
0 WEIGHT: Measured in metric
- SHIELDS: Not weapons per se, but ment pod (an armored shell around the
tons, this value adds to your there are few humanoid mecha that whole cockpit—when it goes, the entire
mecha's overall tonnage. would go into battle without them. cockpit goes with it). An Environment
0 SPACE: The number of Spaces Used to parry incoming attacks, the feet Pod is preferred in harsh environments
the weapon takes up from the of thick armor plate are often all that (like space, underwater, and the Arctic).
Servo it is mounted in. stands between you and death. For the effects of the two types of
ejection systems, see the last minute bail-
0 COST: The price of the weapon 0 OTHER: These are special effect out chart on page 105.
in Construction Points.
weapons. Each one can affect a target in SEQIUQHIS
a different way than can be acheived by Cost: 0.2 CP Space: 0
normal weapons. Each is described These lights allow you to illuminate an
under its own entry. area 1 hex large per light
X)? if Axe”) Mecha Construction A
LIEDMBE must all touch the ground to get the bonus-
Cost: 0.3 CP Space: 0 WHEELS AND TREADS A es (so if you have wheels in your arms, no
A heavy cable with a foot-loop at the rl's’l—Il—C' l~L v I: firing a hand-held weapon while driving).
bottom, connected to a winch at the 0 Armor: Wheels and treads may not be
top, near your cockpit. Used to enter a hlle your mecha (probably) armored, but do get armor protection
cockpit from the ground if you aren't has legs and can walk, you from the servo they are mounted in.
using an anime leap. may want an alternate 0 Damage: There are two stages of
MI R MANIP RS ground movement system. Wheels damage to wheels and treads: Disabled
Cost: 1 CP Space: 1 allow your mecha to move faster on and Destroyed. A system is Disabled
A small set of tool~tipped, retractable the ground, while treads allow more when it takes 1 /2 its total Kills or
manipulator arms, used for making effective maneuvering over rough ter- greater; then all of the bonuses given by
repairs, opening hatchways, or doing rain. Cost, Kills and tonnage for that system are lost.
work too small for a Mekton-sized wheels and treads are listed in the
hand. These may be mounted in any table below. Your locomotive system
servo location. may be no less than 1 level less than FINAL WEIGHT A
STEREO SYSTEM your Torso servo; it may, however, be 77‘4+)L wilt-114 l-
Cost: 0.1 CP Space: 0 up to 2 levels greater.
Useful for going into battle with a
proper theme. Can also be linked with 0 Wheels: Add +2 to your ground MA. ou are now finished with the
a PA system to share your taste in 0 Treads: These add nothing to your body of your Mekton. It’s time
music with others. MA, but any terrain type other than to add up all the weights of your
ST E D water and swamp may be crossed design to get a final weight. To do
Cost: 1 CP Space: 1 without ANY MA penalty. this, simply add your frame's tonnage
Can hold up to 500kg (aka 0.5 metric Note: To get both bonuses, you must plus the tonnage of all other weapons
tons) of assorted equipment, taking up buy a full set of both wheels and and systems that have structural Kills.
one space. Sometimes used to stash a treads! See the table below for stats. The sum of these two numbers is your
small Roadstriker. ' Spaces: Treads and wheels take up final weight; that is to say, the total of
WEAPON LINKAGE no Spares from the mecha. all Kills in your mecha, divided by two,
Cost: 1 CP Space: 0 - Location: The Kills of wheels or is the final tonnage.
A weapon linkage (or simply a link) treads may be split up between two or
allows a pilot to connect two or more more locations.
weapons and fire them with the push of For example: Mediumweight whee/s Once you have your final weight,
a single button. The restrictions are that could be six l-Kil/ wheels, two 3 -Kill wheels, you can proceed to buying a flight sys-
the weapons must be of the same type, two 2-Kill wheels and two l-Kill wheels, or tem (to get all that weight off the
they must be mounted in the same one 6-Ki/l wheel. These may be placed ground) or other specialty systems that
servo, and they must target the same wherever the designer wishes, but they deal with your mecha’s mass.
opponent. Linked weapons do not HAVE
to fire together; when fired individually,
these weapons' Attacks are made as nor-
mal. When firing as linked weapons, they
are both fired in one Action, with hit res-

olution being based on one Attack roll. If

Superlight 0.5

the Attack roll is a success, then BOTH 2

shots hit the target. Each of the shots hits Light Weight 1 4
a seperately-rolled random location. Striker 1.5 6
Linked weapon attacks may be called Medium Striker 2 8
shots, but only one of the shots will hit Heavy Striker 2.5 10
the called location; the other will hit a Mediumweight 3 12
randomly-rolled location. Light Heavy 3.5 14
Example: The Gorgon Zero has three Medium Heavy 4 16
linked beam guns in its right arm. It
Armored Heavy 4.5 18
makes one Attack roll on the R-lerion and
Super Heavy 20


hits; the Gorgon Zero rolls on the Random

Mega Heavy 5.5 22
Hit Table three times, damaging the R-
« 'n in three places with only 1 Action!
X70 liAxtʼDʼD FI


I n most mecha shows at least some of A note on thrusters St GES damage:

When designing your mecha, your should
the units are capable of flight, which
aFueLV means that in all likelihood, you're
going to want to know how to make
take into account how many "areas" of
thnisters you have. If you have spaces

(OpTioNAi. sauce] your design flight-capable. Hereʼs

devoted to thrusters in the Torso and both
Legs you have 3 locations. When your
thrusters are hit, one of these locations is
All those. iets' need Flight systems are bought according
destroyed, and you lose l/3rd of your
something to run to your mechaʼs total weight. That is,
MA So a suit with a 9 MA and 3 locations
them, right? Well',. they do not have a fixed cost, but are
priced according to the total weight of
would have 3 MA per location, and as
'if propulsion sys- your mecha. To buy a flight system, you
each location is destroyed, 3 MA is lost.
tems donʼt.'weigh will first need to know the total weight of
This equal division takes place regardless
anything'.-.. how your unit. For the purposes of our exam-
of relative spaces used.
about the gas? If ple, we will assume a SO-ton Mekton.
you Wish to be a
bit more “realistic” Ti-inus1'ens THRUSTER
in your'mecha " This is a full-blown flight system. Vifith LIFT PoiNT
H designs, increase; this, rockets or jet engines propel your
yoLir mechaʼs mecha at speeds that can take it off the

,weight by 100/o for


i,Il ground. At MAS of less than 8, this isnʼt

its fuel.. This is. true flight, but rather a rocket-assisted
jump. The MA for these jumps may be
done BEFORE any expended in either the vertical or horizon- x0.075
Lift‘Fʼoints calcula~ tal plane, so that a Mekton with a thruster x0.1125
, éIOhi. , MA of 6 could jump 3 hexes high and 3 x0.15
hexes long (or 6 high, or 6 long, etc). x0.1875
Example: The R- MAs of 8 and greater are considered
Jerion weighs SD true flight, allowing the mecha to stay in
tons. We know' we the air and even hover.
are_going'to make To determine the number of "Lift
.. it fly, so the,
Points" (a value representing CP and x0.3375
Spaces) youʼll need to reach a desired x0.375
weight is increased Movement Allowance (MA), first deter-
‘ from $0 to 55. mine the top MA you wish to move at.
tons. before the The cost and Space of the thruster sys-
thrusters are ‘
tem is found by multiplying your
bonght. mecha's final weight by the Weight x0.525
Multiple for thrusters. x0.5625
I 'Fuel, is not needed x0.6
for GES (hover)

systems, as they MA
WEIGHT x0.0375 PER
are electrically-dri- \
v'en‘ fans powered
by the powerplant. i Propulsion system example: Once
you have the MA you wish to move at
(we will take MA 10 for our 50 ton x0.9
example mecha), all you need to do is x0.975
multiply the weight (50) times the multi-
x1 .05
plier (x0.375). The resulting number
x1 .125
(18.75) is the number of Lift Points (i.e.,
CP and Spaces) you need to allow your
mecha to fly at that MA.
Mecha Construction A

GROUND EFFECT Buying Lift: Points
SYSTEMS Once you have figured out the Lift
Points needed for your mecha, all you
Sometimes you don't need to fly, but need do is purchase them.
just want a faster ground MA. If this is Example: Our 50-ton mecha needs
the case, then ground effect systems 19 (rounded down from 78.75) Lift
(GES for short) are the thing for you. A Points, so its propulsion system costs
GES is similar to thrusters, but is I9CP and will take 19 Spaces. The num-
designed to skim above the ground
bers might get a bit into the decimal

(much like a modern hovercraft). This L|r-—r range, so to make it easier we advise
system will give you a greater MA, but
it only operates within the first level of
TABLE always rounding to the nearest 0.5.
A propulsion system can
altitude (see page 90 for altitude lev- Weight be placed in Spaces anywhere on your
els). You buy them exactly like Multiple

mecha. You may fit 1 CP worth of

thrusters, but using the chart below: x0.05 propulsion into 1 Space. One advan-

x0.075 tage to this system is that you can

arrange your propulsion Spaces to
GES COST: x0.1 maximize your ability to survive in
WEIGHT x0.025 PER 1 MA x0.125 combat. For example, if your unit
x0.15 required 12CP of propulsion, you
x0.175 could put 6CP in each Leg servo and a
GES example: Once you have the backup 6CP in a Pod; such a design
MA you wish to move at (again, MA 10 x0.2 could now lose one Leg and still man-
for our 5 O-ton example mecha), all you x0.225 age to stay airborne.
need to do is multiply the weight (50) x0.25 Note: Neither of the propulsion sys-
mes the multiplier (x0.25). The result- tems (thrusters or GES) add weight to
I. . number (12.5) is the number of Lift your mecha. For a more realistic view of
1’ ints (i.e., CP and Spaces) You need to x0.3 weight, see the sidebar on fuel (on page
-, low your mecha to skim at that MA. 62).

Page 63
Hybrid (x0.351
SPEEOLINES a«4 A "compromise" mecha form,
halfway between a fighter and a tradi-
tional humanoid Mekton. When in this
MA AND VELOCITY nfolding and recombining like form you gain a 46096 bonus to your
Movement Allowance is a game Uglgantic metal origami, Trans- flight MA (an MA of 8 becomes 12).
device; it is not a literal measure formable Mektons are a staple Hybrids may use any weapon, but suffer a
of speed. If anything, it is closer of many anime shows. These mecha -1 to MV.
to a measure of acceleration, but have the ability to change from one
as the only rating for speed in the form to another, taking advantage of Aquemeche EXCLES)
game, we offer a formula to help the strengths (and incurring the weak- A submersible or surface form with
players and Referees figure out nesses) of the second form. increased speed in water. This form ignores
how fast their mecha actually go The cost of this, however, is often the terrain modifiers for movement in
(and how long it will take them prohibitive, since transformation is a cost water (no x2 MA cost). You use your Flight
to get somewhere). multiplier system. To build a transform- MA for propulsion. You may not use Arms
ing mecha, you must first construct a or Legs, or any hand-held weapons.
KPH: [([(MA/10)x2]-1)xMA]x18
humanoid Mekton. This will be the base For further rules regarding the move-
MPH: [([(MA/10)x2]-1)xMA]x11.2
form of your transformable unit (it does- ment restrictions and bonuses of the dif-
This formula only applies to MAs n't mean that you spend all your time as ferent forms, see Combat, page 88.
of 11 or more. From 0-10, the a humanoid, it’s just easier for bookkeep-
formula is simply MAx18kph (or PUWERPLANTA
x11.2mph). The formula is
derived from the following facts:
ing). Next, you choose one (or more) of
the transformation forms possible. Each nn-7ssi
has a cost, and the limitations of that
form. Once you have the total cost mul- ou will have one last considera-
1 Hex = 50 meters, 165 feet tiplier for the different forms, you will Ytion before your mecha is fin-
1 Turn = 10 seconds ished: A way to make it run; in
then multiply that cost times the total
1 MA = 1 Hex per turn short, its powerplant. In the basic
point value of your Mekton.
1 Hexilum = 18kph, 11.2mph Mekton Zeta game there are two type
Example: Say we have a TOO-point
Mach 1: 1187kph, 741mph Mekton that we wish to be a transformable of powerplants, Hot and Cool.
Escape Velocity: 40,000kph, or jet. The Mechafighter CM is a x0.3, so 100 Powered by cold fusion systems,
25,000mph x.03= 30 points. We add that to the base ”protomixture," or whatever type of non-
cost of our mecha, so our new total for our explosive energy your Referee can devise,
Example: An MA of 16; 16/10
=l.6. 1.6 x2 :3.2. 3.2 -l =2.2. transformable Mekton is 730 points. Cool powerplants are the standard gen-
2.2 x76 =35.2. 35.2 x78 Simple, neh? erator for a Mekton. They are assumed in
=633.6kph (rounds to 634) the cost and weight of your frame, are
Beast: (xO.3] located in your main body, and have no
MA This transforms your humanoid effect on either the weight, or the Spaces,
Mekton into an animal-form, gaining the of your unit. When a Cool powerplant is
abilities of that shape. You receive +2 Kills hit (see the combat section) it will explode
to all Damage done in melee combat, on a roll of 1 on 1010.
and you also gain +2 MA for ground Hot powerplants involve hot fusion,
movement (walking only, not Wheels or atomic generators, or other types of
GES). However, the mecha also suffers a explosive/radioactive systems best avoid-
1,080 -1 penalty to MV and cannot use Hands ed by any right thinking mechajoclc
1,346 (Mach 1,1) or Hand-held weapons. However, if you wish to save a few points
1,965 (Mach 1.6) you may purchase a cheaper, Hot power-
2,700 (Mach 2.3) Fighter txO.3) plant (think of it as trading down) with a
3,550 (Mach 3)
cost multiplier of -x0.1 (that is, a 10%
This gives your mecha the form of
4,514 (Mach 3.8)
5,594 (Mach 4.7) a fighter plane, and the corresponding rebate on the cost of your unit). Here's the
6,790 (Mach 5.7) abilities and weaknesses. While in catch: This powerplant explodes on a 1-5
8,100 (Mach 6.8) Fighter form, the mecha receives a (on 1 010) when damaged. It's something
9,526 5,297 (Mach 8)
+100% flight MA bonus (a flight MA of to think about. For further information,
109 40,810 25,393 (Esc. Vel.)
8 becomes 16), but this form may not see page 104, powerplant explosions and '

use hand-held weapons and suffers a last minute escapes for more information
penalty of-2 to MV. on the effects of a powerplant hit.
kay, it's running and it's fully Mecha Reflex
Ooutfitted. Now you iust need The mechaʼs Maneuver Value (MV) is STAT TABLE
to figure how fast it can move subtracted from the pilot's Reflex; the TON NAGE GROUND MA
and how agile it will be in combat— resulting number is the pilotʼs Mecha 0-19 6 Hexes
which brings us to the area of Reflex (MR). Pilots use their Mecha 2039 5 Hexes
Ground MA, Maneuver Value, Mecha Reflex like a Reflexes stat for all skill rolls 40-59 4 Hexes
Reflex and the Maneuver Pool. (see Combat, pg. 91 for more on this 60-79 3 Hexes

Ground MA (Running) idea) and also use it (adding 1010) for

making Initiative rolls (see page 88 for
2 Hexes
To figure your mecha's running MA, use more on initiative). 01 -l 9 -1
the table to the right. MA is based on the
final weight of your Mekton (so don't
Maneuver Pool 20-29
forget to add in that 10% fuel weight if This is an especially useful pool of 40-49 -4
you are using that rule in your game). points that you can expend to aid your 50-59 -s
dice rolls in combat (much like you can 60-69
Maneuver Value
expend Luck). These points may be 7 0-79 -7
Maneuver Value is a measure of how expended once per battle, in any man- 80-89 -8
responsive the mecha is to the pilot‘s ner that requires a combat die roll. 9099 -9
commands—it's determined primarily Once Maneuver Pool points are used, 100+ 40
by the mechaʼs overall weight (so again, they are gone for the remainder of the PILOTINC MANEUVER POOL
member that +1096 fuel weight). combat.
i owever, it is modified by the body For example: lack, in the R-jerion,
.-., chosen and by most transforma- has a Maneuver Pool of 3; during this bat-
m‘ns. First consult the table to the right tle, he adds +1 to an important Attack
... see what your mecha's MV will be, and, later, he adds +2 to a life-saving
- en apply any appropriate modifiers. Dodge roll.

Page 65
j' __’__._.,__-__ _,
7 v
_ -.-


BelowlsanexplanatlonoftheMektonBuildSheetAblankonecanbefound atthebackofdiisbook—it'sOKforyoutophotocopyitwesald so. Notethat
the six sample mecha following this page use a slightly different, but equally usable, format.

r Fill this area in with all the

BODY FORMS your mecha has If your mecha has any COST
This is your OVERVIEW win-
dow. Use this space for a small
(p52-5 3), and their various stats: MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS, such as sketch of your mecha. Below, fill in
MV & MR (p65) and MA for run- its name, serial number, ”title,” or
a Hot Powerplant (p64) or any
ning (p65) and flying (p62-64). Transformation abilities (p64), whatever else you like) and note its
There’s also a space for final weight Sr cost (p61 ).
MANEUVER POOL (p65) below.

This area has spaces for the five
SKILLS (p29-30). Take your
character's Skill level, add the
mecha’s MR, and note the
totals in the boxes. This will
make combat faster and easier!

inn in

Fill these spaces with the

mecha has (p54-57). The left-
most area is for SP and Kills (to
be scribbled on as you take
damage), while the other areas
are for Servo stats and Armor
Stats, respectively.

This sectionis to be filled out

with any MOVEMENT SYS-
TEMS your mecha may have, “luau-(cm!-
such as Wheels (p61), Thrusters
and/or GES (p62-64). In the
case of Thrusters/GES, it is wise
to note how many MA points
each location provides (p62).

Your SENSORS go here (p57). It Any OPTIONS (p60-61) and

This the place for your
is important to know your Sensor the all-important COCKPIT
WEAPONS (58-60). The stats are Range, since that’s how far you (p58), go here. Any FUEL your
listed in the order you use them: may target your weapons. The mecha may need to stay air-
WA (added to your Skill), Range, location of your Sensors is also borne (p62) should also be
Damage and Shots. Use the important because you could lose noted here. Below this window
Notes column for Burst Values, that Servo, and thus the Sensors is a space for writing up the
Blast Radii, Shock Effects, etc. as well! mecha’s SHIELD (p58-60).
Humanoid Mekton -5 4 hexes 9 hexes
(72 kph) (162 kph)

Disease fligm

MummEn SverM (P x?
Powmpmmlxs: x00


85 l' 39.51:
NAME Defense Mekton WEIGHT (051

“Rapier" 58.55 tons 161.9 CPs

4 Head H6 H5



6 Right Arm H5 H5 5.9 5.35t


: ~ :
6 Left Arm H5 H6 Cocxprr iiCnEw 0mm: SPAII IT
00 W 61


8 Right Leg LH 6/0 H5 Torso One E—Pod 2 2




12 Torso MW 12/O H6 Link (Autocannons) T


- 1 .

0 Pod MW 12/0 H6 Liftwire T . 0.3


2 Spotlights H - 0.4
Antitheft Codelock T - 0,2
2 Micromanipulators Arms 1 each 1 &1
20 | at 6 | ° zt lOOOkm Fuel: F
owl-mm SverM Lot 5": CF K 5EN§0R§ Main Backup 555 “04 2 +555 w”
MainThrusters (3 MA) T 12 12 Lot Head Head
Sub—Thruster (3 MA) RL 4 4 — RANGE 7km 1km ,

5ub-Thruster (5 MA) LL 4 4 - COMM iOOOkm SOOkm 5H|EL05

King 2 2
£051 4 2 -

45 . - .


mtfi$$b$mm 9El

Right; Hand +0 Melee 1+1K na R Arm Functional manipulator.



Left, +0 Melee 1+1K na Arm Functional manipulator.

Rocket Launcher +0 7 4K 10 R Arm -

Rocket Launcher +0 4K L Arm



Rocket Launcher +O 4K 10 R Leg


Rocket Launcher +0 4K 10 L Leg

Autocannon -2 2k 10 bursts Torso Linked to other: BV=&
Autocannon 2 2K iO bursts Torso Linked to other: 5V=&
Heavy Autocannon 6K 10 bursts 2-H Burst Value : 4.

2 Autocannon Reloads - lOb each , 1 (St 1 firmed on rear hip panels.

CnNFieunAnum MV LANnMA Fuam MA
Humanoid Mekton -7 5 hexes 8 hexes
(54 kph) ll44 kph)



NAME Assault Mekton Wasn't Corr

"Gorgon" 75.55 tons 179.4 CF
5 Head H5 5/2 5

Riqht Arm MW 7/5 7 5.9 6.85t
Left Arm MW 7/5 7 CncKPrr itCnEw Onions SPAEE CF
9 Right Leg MH 9/O 9 Torso One E»Pod 2 2
9 Left Leg MH 9/0 9 Sumsemeues Lot: SPAEE CF K
14 Torso LH 14/05 Link (Rocket Launchers) T - 1
L iftwi re — 0.5
2 Spotlights H - 0.4 -

Antither‘t Codelock T - 0.2 -

lOOOkm Fuel:

2t 65.5 xO.l = +6.85 tons

23.5 '


Main Thruster (3 MA) RL99 Head Head
Main Thruster (5 MA) LL99 7km lkm
Booster (2 MA) 5.5 lOOOkm 500km 1B 91:
' SmEu: DA SP SPACE Cosr
R. 5hield RA 1 9
L. 5hield LA l 9

35 111;


Right Hand +0 Melee na R Arm Functional manipulator.

Left Hand +0 Melee na L Arm Functional manipulator.

Rocket Launcher +0 7 lO Torso Linked to other Launcher:
Rocket Launcher +0 7 10 Torso Linked to other Launcher.
Autocannon lO bursts 1 hand Bursts Value = B.
2 Autocannon Reloads lOb x2 1&1 Stored inside 5hields.
Bazooka (Giant Cannon) +0 17 12K 10 2 hand

Heavy—Duty Mekton B 2 hexes -

(56 kph)

““ 1

l ' '
-- .- .
Munro-um Svmm

154 ' l . . ' ' 67t

' NAME Support Mekton WEIGHT C051
“Gunther” 57.0 tons 255.9 CPs
10 10 Right, Arm AH 10/5 10 5H 10
IO 10 Left: Arm AH 10/1‘) 10 sH io 4,9 .


10 12 Klalʼit L8G MQH 12/11 12 51—1 10 Comp": “CREW 0mm; SPAII (J)
10 12 Left Leg MqH 12/11 12 SH 10 Torso One. Efʼod 2 2
10 20 Torso 5H 20/0 20 SH 10 SunAsseMBues Loc SPACE CF K
10 a Pod sH 20/0 10 5H 10 score Storage St 1 l -

10 a rod sH 20/0 10 5H 10 500m Storage LL 1 l

Liftwire T — 0.5
2 Spotlights H — 0.4
Antithcft Codelock T - 0.2
- 21; 2 Micromanipulators Arms ieach 1 (ii
Movemevr Symon Lot SPC (P Sevsons Main Backup
- Lot Torso Torso
RANGE 7km lkm '

Comm iOOOkm BOOkm O ' 01:

KILLS 2 Salem DA SP Loc SPACE Cosr

Corr 4


74 ~' : 15
Heavy Beam Cannon +2 B BK oo 8 Torso 16 15
Heavy Beam Gun +1 10 6K 00 6 R Arm 9 9
Heavy Beam Gun +1 10 6K 00 6 L Arm 9 9
Quad Missile Pod +1 13 OK 5 x4 2 x4 R Pod 20 20 Four Misisle Pools in Foal Ben/o.
Quad Missile Pod +1 15 OK 5 x4 2 x4 L Pool 20 20 Four Mlsisle Pods in Pool Servo.
Tank 4 hexee
(72 kph)

lPoWEnPLAmIXS: 5 -xO.1

NAME Mechatank WElsm COST
“Tales” 4&0 tone 105.8 Cf’
11 (15) 10 Turret, (Head) MQH 13/1 11 Mgh
11 (13) 22 Torso MqH 22/0 22 MgH 1.6
CockPrT ”CHEN Omens
Head Two
2 5£otlighte
Antitheft Codelock

ll ' 11: 6 21:

Tread T 5.5 11 Loc Head Torso
Tread T 5.5 11 RANGE 7km lkm
COMM iOOOkrn 500km
Klus SmELn DA SP SPAcE Cosr

44 at
Heavy Cannon +O 9K Head 560“ Firing Arc.
Cannon Ammo (+40 Shots) Torso 1.5 x4 5tored in Torso.
F’uloe Cannon +0 4K Torso 20 :
Burst Value 6.


Heavy Missile +2 24 l2K Torso


Heavy Missile +2 24 12K Torso

Heavy Missile +2 24 12K Torso

Beaetmecha iEiEt:
5 hexeo
(90 kph) sifigi‘a
\\'\’.‘L'l l .



NAME Mechabeast WElsm Cosr
“Kraken” 64.0 tone 144.5 CPs
16 Toreo SH 26/1 20

AH 9/7


(D U) Ur (p

R. Leg

AH 9/7 Conant Grams

R. Lee #Cnew SPACE CP

R. Leg AH 9/7 Torso

Leg AH 9/7 500kg Storage per leg) Legs each 6


L. 1 —

L. Leg AH 9/7 2 Spotlights;

Antithef‘t Codelock
Micromanipulawre(iperleg) Lege ieach 5 -
Linkage (Rocket Fade)

Ot it
aver/law SverM LuC SPC CP K SENsnns Main
LDC Toroo
COMM 1000km
KILLS 2 Salem DA SP Loc SPACE Cosr
C051 4

50 9.5t
Light Beam Gun Torao




Caulking Gun Toreo Grappling attack: Difleg.


Rocket F’od 2K 20 Toreo Linked to othere.

Rocket F’od 2K 20 Toroo Linked to others.

Rocket Pod 2K 20 Toreo Linked to othero.
Rocket; Pod 2K 20 Toreo Linked to othere.
(Kick) melee 4 +2 26K Lego

Hybfld 20 hexes flNLBJBQDAECHA
(1,074 kph)


lPOWEnPLANTIXS: 5 -><0.l

78 , .
“Hermes" 52.25 tons 154.1 CPs
20 Torso MgH 26/0 22 M5

R. Rod MH 16/0 H5 4.2 -.


: 4.751:
L. Arm MW 7/0 M5 COOO-lr #CnEw SPACE CF
R. Wing SH l5/0 STR Torso One E»Seat l l
L. Wing SH 15/0 STR SunASSEMOuEs CPK
Antitheft Codelock 0.2 -

Micromanipulators Arm l 1

Linkage (Rocket Pods) Torso _ l

SOOkg Storage Torso l l
1000krn Fuel

22 ' 4 it 47.5 +475 : 52.25t



Main Thruster (MA 5) RW LOC
070163 6)

010163 0)

Main Thruster (MA 5) LW RANGE

Booster (MA 2.5) Arm - COMM


Hand +0 melee 1K+ Arm


Heavy Beam Gun +l 10 6K Torso

Pulse Cannon +0 4K. Pod Burst Value : 6.
Rocket Launcher +0 4K RW Linked to other launcher.


Rocket Launcher +0 4K LW Linked to other launcher.

Rocket fʼod 2K Torso Linked to other pod.
Rocket Pod 2K Torso Linked to other pod.
Missile Rod 6K RW Linked to other missile pod.
_. ...


Missile Rod +1 6K LW L inked to other missile pod.

Heat/y Missile +2 12K Torso

Heavy Missile +2 24 12K Torso


X79 ”Axe"? Mecha Construction A



M echariders are designed to

carry other mecha. They are
designed (usually) with
within their Space restrictions. They
can be of any size, but the larger they
are, the larger the mecha (and the
0 Weapons: During its Actions, a mecha

may fire its own weapons or those of the

Mecharider (but not both).
movement in mind. They can take the more mecha) they can carry. 0 Movement: The riding unit(s) move
form of anything from a giant mecha Because of their particular design, at the Mecharider's MA and may not
”motorcycle” to a simple rocket sled Mechariders suffer an additional -2 to boost this with its own MA.
that is used to get a little extra speed. their normal MV, but may carry five - Maneuver Pool: The riding mecha's
Mechariders are designed as nor- times their own weight in riding Maneuver Pool is not affected by using a
mal mecha, but with the following mecha. Attacks made to such groups Mecharider (they do not add together).
restrictions: of mecha (that is, Mechariders and 0 Maneuverability: When on a
Mechariders are not controlled by a their carried units) are made as if Mecharider, the riding unit uses the MV
human pilot. Although one may have a against one unit; successful attacks roll of the Mecharider to calculate its Mecha
kpit as a backup, a Mecharider is randomly as to which of the units, or Reflex.
ormally controlled by the mecha that the Mecharider, were hit. Example: The R-[en'on has an MV of -
.1 riding it. VWthout a mecha on it, the
‘; harider seeks out the closest land-
Mecharider Rules 4, a flight MA of 10, a Maneuver Pool of +2
and assorted weaponry. Its Mecharider, the
" _ spot on autopilot (or, in the case of Once you have designed a l-Hamʼer, has an MV of -3, a flight MA of 72,
; crewed Mecharider, reverts to the Mecharider, it may carry up to 5 times a +1 Maneuver Pool and assorted weapon-
atʼs control). its weight and still maintain its MA (so ry. When n'ding the l-Ham'er, the R-lerion
Most Mechariders are built as a a Mecharider that weighed 30 tons has an MV of -3, a flight MA of 12, a
n . only; sometimes they have wings could carry 150 tons of mecha, etc.). Maneuver Pool of +2 and two suites of
, well. They may mount any weapons When on a Mecharider, a unit is weaponry to choose from, which it can alter-
":- other systems the designer desires subject to the following rules: nate between each Action if it so chooses.

Page 73
Mecha Construction A X27 iiA4'fi'O C

Sometimes a 30-
; meter-tall robot
can’t do the, job all
'by'rtself. When -'
fighting in tunnels
or initi'gh'tly
packed cities. 8
smaller ‘rnaclr'line
.has' to ,do—thi.|s'

“the role of po_w- -

erad armor and

Roadetrikers ,'
becomes impor-
tant. And- even
when mecha are
useful in combat; .

they need support

véhicles and
- -

So in Mekton
"Zeta, we have.-
rules for. ships as
well as for the"
smaller; more tra-
' ditional combat

, figgyENCE
1. Build The Hull (p.75)
Select Hull Size
Calculate Ship Turn Length
Buy Armor (ii any)
smnsmpsa st” sweat/c
2. Equip the Hull (p.76—77)
Buy Weapons (if any) ust like aircraft in the real world, In anime shows, almost all ships are
Buy Screens (if any) mecha cannot work alone. They capable of carrying at least a few
Buy Subassemblies (if any) need support crews, a base of mecha, and the giant space-bound car-
3. Select Ship Multipliers (p. 78) operations, and a home to return riers may hold dozens. Space would be
Buy Engines to after a mission is done. very boring without the presence of
Buy Hyperdrive (if any) On Terra Firma this is often a military these floating battleships. So in keeping
Buy Crew base, but on the high seas and in the vast with the anime spirit they have been
ocean of space this is not possible. In the included here for your enjoyment (for
world of Mekton (much as today), the advanced ship construction rules, refer
role of support ship is invaluable, a com- to the Scaling section of the Mekton
bination military base and home away Technical System in the forthcoming
from home. Mekton Zeta Plus.)
3 X77 ll Aft-1") _ 7
Mecha Construction A


Buy Your- Hull
7 7,

Superlight 200 2 1,000

The first step in buying your ship is Lightweight 400 4 2,000
to decide on the size of its Hull. The Hull Striker 600 6 3000
sizes, costs, weight, and Spaces are listed l M- Stflker 300 8 4,000
in the chart on the next page. The "ton- 1 H- Stnlter 1,000 10 5,000 ,

nage” is simply an abstracted range for M- We'th 1,200 12 6,000 200,000

you to gauge the scale of the ships in l
L Heavy 1,400 14 7,000 350,000
your game—a ship's weight has no effect M. Heavy 1,600

16 8,000 500,000 999,999
on game play You may choose any i A. Heavy 1,800 18 9,000 1,000,000 l,499,999
weight in the range listed for the hull

I, 5- Heavy 2,000 20 10,000 1,500,000 2,l99,999

types. This will be the final weight of ‘l 2200 22 11,000 2,200,000+
. rship when completed. " , ,
X}? if Axfi")
Ship Size and Turns Because ship armor is spread over
Due to their size, ships require a large areas, it‘s much more difficult to
large amount of space in which to ablate than standard mecha armor. It
SHIP LOGIC maneuver. When turning, ships must takes an attack of 100K or greater to
abiate the armor. When Starcruiser
use the Mechafighter Turning Table
In anime, there are two (see page 90), with the size of the Hull armor ablates, it loses 1D10 SP from
types of ships. The first is the adding hexes of forward movement its Stopping Power.
invincible dreadnought needed to make a single hex-side turn. Example: A ship with Superheavy
(although size really has noth- Example: A Mediumweight Ship is armor is hit by a 200K attack. Its armor
ing to do with it). This is the traveling at 20MA. On the Mechafighter stops 100K, but drops by 1D10$P (because
ship that our heroes call home. Turn Table, it would need to move 3 the attack was greater than 100K) on a roll
It takes a pounding and man- hexes before it could turn. As a of 10, the Armor ablates 70 SB so its
ages to limp back to base time Mediumweight ship, it must add +6 Stopping Power is now 905P. The remain-
and time again. If this ship is hexes to that number, so it could turn 1 ing 100K of Damage blows through to the
ever destroyed at all, it occurs in hex to the side only after 9 hexes of for- Hull of the Starcruiser.
the finale of the story, and is ward movement. Remember that all Mektons have
treated almost like a character
dying. The SDF-l Macross and
Space Cruiser Yamato are good
a +8 bonus to their Attack rolls when
attacking ships. This means that
Mektons will usually score armor-ignor-
examples of this type of ship. Superlight +1 Hexes ing critical hits on Ships! Therefore, star-
The second type is what we Light Weight +2 Hexes ship armor is not as invulnerable to
like to call ”scenery”; they're Striker +3 Hexes attacks as it may at first seem.
Medium Striker +4 Hexes
pretty fragile. These ships make
up the bulk of a fleet, and are Heavy. Striker +5 Hexes Weapons
Medium Weight +6 Hexes There are two types of gun that may
often destroyed with a single
Light Heavy +7 Hexes be mounted in a ship: Anti-ship guns (called
shot (usually fired by one of the
Medium Heavy +8 Hexes
main batteries) and anti-mecha guns
heroes). Such ships are the
Armored Heavy +9 Hexes
(called CIDS or Close In Defense Systems).
cheap, mass-produced units
Super Heavy +10 Hexes
that fill the sky in epic space bat-
Mega Heavy +1 1 Hexes
FIRING ARCS: There are four weapon
tles (as in Star Wars, for exam-
ple). t arcs available to ship weapons:
In most games, the only Armor
non-scenery ships will be the Now armor the Hull of your ship Front (F): This weapon may fire at
one that the main villain uses as using the chart below. Note that unlike any ship 180 degrees in
a base, and the ship the heroes a mecha, ships may be armored to front of your ship.
are based on. For the purposes whatever level the designer desires. Forward: This weapon may only
of combat and creation, the With ships, a Superlight Hull can carry (FF) strike targets directly in
only difference between the two Mega Heavy Armor. front of your ship.
types of ship is that a non-fragile (Your nose must be
ship does not have the "power-
r SHIP ARMOR pointed at the target.)
Rear (R): As front, except the
plant" hit on the Ship Critical Hit
Chart. Yes, it’s cheating, but hey,
TABLE weapon may target any
ARMOR SP COST ship in the rear 180
it's anime—we’re talking cine-
Superlight 10 500 degree arc of your ship.
matic here!
Lightweight 20 1000 All (A): This weapon may tar-
As a final note, a Referee
Striker 30 1 500
should construct all ships in his get any ship in any
Medium Striker 40 2000 location relative to the
campaign to keep the balance
Heavy Striker 50 2500 firing unit.
between the forces of the good
Mediumweight 60 3000
guys and the villains. After all,
these constructs are so huge
Light Heavy 70 3500 Bhlp-tn-Ship Weapons
Medium Heavy 80 4000 These are the primary armament of
that only militaries, large corpo-
Armored Heavy 90 4500 any Starcruiser. Being huge, ship--
rations, and nations should be
Superheavy 100 5,000 mounted turrets, these weapons suf-
capable of constructing them.
Megaheavy 110 5,500 fer a -8 penalty when firing at any.
Mekton-sized target.
X7? ii/ve-r) Mecha Construction A
0 BATTERIES: A battery can only fire at a
single target per Action, and the Kills list- SHIP WEAPONS AND SUBASSEMBLIES
ed are for the entire battery. You may BATTERIES ARC RANGE WA DAMAGE KILLS SPACE COST
have as many batteries on a ship as you Light F or R 50 +0 50K 50 1 255
have Space forthem. The exact nature of Medium F or R 80 +0 100K 100 2 1012
the batteries is left undefined; they could Heavy F or R 1 11 200K 200 3 2525
be either shells or energy. Superheavy or 180 +0 500K
F R 500 5 6565
0 CORE CANNON: The largest ship-
Core Cannon FF 250 +0 1000K 1000 10 12,125
mounted weapon. It canʼt fit in a tun'et—
it can only fire at targets directly in front
of the ship. With the extreme power-
Multi-Missiles A 85 +2 150K (each) 100 2 1300
draw this weapon puts on the power-
plant of a ship, it takes 3 turns of prepa- Strike Missiles A 185 +2 700K 90 3 1 780
ration before this weapon can be fired.
tains ten missiles that can be fired all at CIDS A 9 +0 5K co 0.5 86
once, or one at a time. If fired in a salvo, Deluxe CIDS A 13 +0 10K ea 1 .0 1 72
the number of missiles that strike the tar-
get ship is equal to the difference between
the attackers roll and the defenders. SCREENS SP SPACE COST
Example: A ship attacks another with Light LOOOSP 2 3250
a cluster of five missiles. The attackerʼs total Medium 2,000SP 4 6500
roll was 15 and the defender rolls a 12. Heavy 3,000SP 6 10,250
Three missiles strike the defending ship.
contains two missiles. Each one must be Superlight 1 10
targeted and fired individually. This Light Weight 5 40
launcher may not fire more than one Striker 10 90
missile per turn. Medium Striker 15 160
Heavy Striker
CIDS Mediumweight
Close-In Defense Systems are used Light Heavy 50 490
by ships to deal with enemy mecha. As Medium Heavy 65 640
they are a defensive item, they act only Armored Heavy 80 810
when a mecha comes within range. Super Heavy 100 1000
Any hostile mecha that enters the Megaheavy 120 1210
range of a CIDS is automatically
attacked. You may not have more than
one type of CIDS on a ship. As these below); the result is 19. The Mekton ship defended by it. It takes one whole
attacks are from Mekton-scale weapons dodges, rolling a 17. The mecha was beat- turn to activate a screen, but it can be
(CIDS are dozens of tiny turrets scat- en by two, so it takes two 5-Kill hits. lowered instantly.
tered over the ship) they do not suffer
. any penalties when attacking incoming Screen Generators Subassemblies
mecha. CIDS can also be used to These items project a force shield 0MECHA BAY FACILITIES (1000 CP, 1
shoot down incoming missiles. that protects the ship from incoming Space): This system allows you to carry,
Because a CIDS system is comprised attacks. While these may seem far better repair, refuel and launch mecha on your
of dozens of small turrets, it acts as an than the lower SP armor protection, they ship. The number of mecha that can be
“infinite” Burst Value autofire attack. This have one great vulnerability—when a stored per Mecha Bay ”Space" is listed on
-.. -.. nts the fact that more than one screen takes damage, its SP is lowered on the chart above. This does not provide
- rret can target an incoming mecha. a 1 to 1 basis. Example: A 4OOSP screen any mecha, just space to support them.
Example: A Mekton attacks a ship takes 0 150K attack. The attack is stopped, Example: I am designing a H. Striker
, . ected by a CIDS. When the Mekton is but the force screen is lowered to 25 OSP. Cam'er. For each ”Space” in my Heavy
i. in therangeofthe CIDS (9 hexes), it is Whenascreengoesdown,itisout Striker Hull, lcan hold, refuel, and repair 25
omatically attacked. The ship rolls for the rest of the battle. When a screen mechaperbay. lbuy4suchbays. ltcosts
1o10 and adds its crew quality (see is up, no mecha may enter or exit the me 4000 CB and takes up 4 Spaces.

Page 77
o CARGO SPACE (500 CP, 1 Space): The Hyperdrive
amount of cargo you can carry per Space This is a special effect of your drives
depends on your Hull size (see the chart depending on your Tech Level. It takes
ASTRDNDMICAL on the previous page.) up no Space, but allows your ship to
‘ UNIT, . ‘ '
Example: A Light Weight Freighter can move at sub and trans-light speed. just
how fast this is depends on the Tech
carry 200 tons of cargo per Space.
An-astronomicalf f 0 PASSENGER SPACE (500 CP, 1 Level of the world the ship came from.
unit is .the.dis- Space): The number of people that can The cost is always the same.
tance from .the be carried per Space is listed on the chart
Earth to the sun, on page 78). NOTE: You must buy at HYPEFIORIVE TABLE
or. approkimately
149,599,000 least 1 Space for your Ship’s Crew.
Example: A Heavy Striker ship pays
TECH LEVEL 6: 1AU per Day.
krh. Eacause'of‘. 500 points and receives 1 Space dedicated
TECH LEVEL 7: 1 AU per Hour.
the huge dis- ,
to the rooms and life support for 250 crew.
TECH LEVEL 8: 1 Light Year a Week.
tances invplved, For each Space bought above and beyond
TECH LEVEL 9: 1 Light Year a Day.
it’s simblér to Use- this, 250 others may be accommodated. TECH LEVEL 10: 1 Light Year/hour
. AUs when dealing (or even instant).
with interplane- SHIP MULTIPLIERS
tary travel than, Like mecha, ships have cost multiplier
COST: x1.0
kilometers. To“ systems that are based on the cost of the
give you an idea .
ship. First, add up the CP of the Hull, Note: Most anime science fiction
of travel times, ' armor, and other systems that the ship ships are capable of ”jumping” from
listed below are contains. Add up the multipliers. Take place to place. If you want this type of
the distances this number, multiply by the base cost, drive in your game, the time above can
from the sun to add the result to the base cost, and the be used for the total trip, accomplished
each planet ‘of our result is the total cost of the ship. in a series of smaller jumps.
solar system in~ Example: A Mega Heavy ship with Mega
.AUsJ Keep in Heavy armor, l crew area, 2 mecha bays and Determining Crew
.mind that the dis- 3 Superheavy batteries costs 22,730 CP. This This is not buying the people who
tances between same ship has an A crew (x1),and 20 populate your ship (that was taken care
planets’will vary MA(x.5) for a total multiplier of 1.5. The cost of when you bought your Crew Space).
considerably due of the multipliers is 34,095. The total cost for This section determines how good that
.to the varying this giant is 56,825CP. It is home to 242 crew is. Remember, all rolls (Attack,
speeds and posi- mecha and 1,270 crew and passengers. Defense, Sensor/Awareness, etc) will
tions of planetary' be made based on the quality of your
' orbits. _ ' Engines crew. There are four grades of Crew
Mergueu This is the system that moves your Quality, listed below:
0.39 AU ship when in combat. In the basic game
yenus: ,- all you need this for is to determine if CREW TABLE
0.72 AU

mecha and ships can keep up with each ‘ D-GRADE (Cost: x0.0): Unseason-
Ear—cm -' other in a fight. On the chart below, ed, untested, and inexperienced
.0 AU

1 ~
”Day Move" is how far a ship can travel crew. The lowest that could get into
Marts: in a day under basic engine thrust. uniform. Skill rolls = 8+1 D10.
1 .52 AU . C-GRADE (Cost: x0.2): Crew with
‘Juoitéec; MOVEMENT TABLE minor experience. They may have
, 5.20 AU MA COST SPACE DAY MOVE seen one fight. Skill rolls = 12+1D10.
simmer); B-GRADE (Cost: x0.6): Experienced
9.54 .AU
0 x~0.2 1 0
8 x-0.1 3,456km but not overwhelming. They’ve
10 x0.0 4,320km seen a few battles and know their
12 x01 7,258km job well. Skill rolls = 14+1D10.
Neptune; A-GRADE (Cost: x1.0): The best of
30.1 AU 14
x0. 3
15,206km the best. This represents a seasoned,
39.5 AU extremely skilled crew. Their skill
18 x0.4 20,218km
20 x0.5 25,920km rolls are 16+1D10.

Page 78
BelowisanexplanatlonoftheStarship BuildSheetAblankonecan befound atthe backofthis book—itʼs OK for youto photocopy itwesaid so.

Fill this area in with all the If your ship has any SUB-
SHIP MULTIPLIERS your starship ASSEMBLIES, (p77) such as
has (p78), and the turn radius of cargo, mecha (note number of The NAME, WEIGHT, AND
your ship (p76). Record Crew mecha carried) or force screens TOTAL COST of your starship
Quality, Skill, MA (note Day (note SP Value) list them here. goes here.
Move), and any Hyperdrive.

13.500 . . . ,

c°" NAN! Endeavor—Clue W830]? (551

“ " Han Carriar“Ar-eai' 475k tons 436096
to" All of your starships HULL
to l r 10,500 ‘
(p75) information is recorded
..... SP CPI here. Also ARMOR (p76).
Remember that it takes an
» I

attack of 100K or greater to

ablate this armor, but that it
ablates 1D10 SP at a time.

Ship Weapons are listed here.

All MAIN BATTERY (p77) and
CIDS (p77) information includ-
ing WA, Range, and Damage
(Kills) are recorded for easy
game reference. Note that
many ship weapons have firing
arcs which limit the targets they
can acquire.

An Illustration of your starship goes here. Note: In general, most anime NINIA Rocxtrsmr "Moon"
spaceships fall into two categories. The first is the ”technoform box",
much like the ”Arasai” above. These ships are designed for functionality, and are found in shows with a realis-
tic science-fiction bent. Guns are mounted in beam projectors and there is often no ”top" or ”bottom” hull.
The second type of ship is the "ninja rocketship"*. In this concept, the ship resembles a World War II naval
battleship with fins and rockets grafted into a streamlined hull. Guns look like old-fashioned turrets, but fire
”energy bolts”. The hull is aligned with a top and bottom and there is usually a flying bridge superstructure.
To be truly anime, your ship should probably fall into one of these categories.
‘Don'l blame us. The term (ame- dnecl from noted luluml Syd Mead, who desogncd the new Spore Cruiser tomato We heard him say it. Honest.

2057 ii Axd")


nonnsrmxts A
oadstrikers are mini-mecha that hexes, while walking and running MAs The body forms available to
Rfill the gap between man-to-man are measured in MPT (meters per Roadstrikers are the same as those for
weapons (firearms, grenades, turn). Now you know why so many Mektons: Humanoid, Beast, Armor and
etc.) and Mekton-level machines Roadstrikers transform into wheeled vehi- Fighter are all available. There are also
(where giant robots are throwing cles—they move a lot quicker that way! two other options: Auto and Cycle, which
150mm shells at each other). Road-
RoADSTmKEn are explained more fully on page 84.
strikers range from light powered
armor suits to transformable motorcy- CoNSTnuchoN Note: Roadstriker scale and
Mekton scale components are NOT
des and cars. In terms of scale, the Roadstrikers are built in exactly the interchangable.
largest Roadstriker is about the same
size and weight as the smallest Mekton.
same manner as regular Mektons—they
have Spaces and cost CP, but simply use
Inside a Roadstriker
Roadstrikers usually engage in com— different tables and charts for determin- Cockpit
bat with other mini-mecha (or people) ing damage and range. All Mekton con- In a Roadstriker, a person takes up
rather than trying to tangle with their struction restrictions apply for as many spaces as his BOD Stat (from
bigger cousins. Because of this fact, all of Roadstrikers as well. The charts on the 240, average of 6). The number of
their SP5 and damage ratings are listed following pages replace the standard Spaces worth of cockpit must be decid-
in Hits instead of Kllls (remember that charts when constructing vehicles of ed upon at the time the Roadstriker is
25 Hits equals one Kill, so a Roadstriker Roadstriker scale. Everything else can be designed, allowing for mecha which can
with 50 Hit armor has two Kills of protec- adjusted from the regular charts by the only be driven by people who are small
tion against mecha-sized weapons). following formulas: of frame. Cockpit Spaces may be allocat-
Since Roadstrikers occupy a position ed among the assorted servos in a.
midway between Mektons and people, MEKTON x? = ROADSTRIKER Roadstriker. If the driver of your mini-
they use SO-meter Mekton hexes and COST 1/3 COST mecha sits entirely in the Torso, he '
meters for measurement. All ranges and KILLS 5 HITS going to take up a lot of Space; alte 4

MAs are measured in SO-meter Mekton WEIGHT 1 /10 WEIGHT tively, he could wear the mecha like a su '

Page 80
X)? if Afr“) Mecha Cons truction A
ofarmorifsodesired (in thiscase, each
limb would be in a different servo). Each BOADSTRIKEFI CONSTRUCTION TABLE
extra person (regardless of Space taken TORSO SERVO Cost Space Hits Weight
up by their Body Type) who can fit in the Light 1.3 4 20 0.2 tons
mecha costs an additional 0.3 CP. Striker 2.6 8 40 0.4 Tons
Medium 4.0 12 60 0.6 Tons
Putting the "Road” in Heavy 5.3 16 80 0.8 Tons
Roadstrikers Super Heavy 6.6 20 100 1.0 Ton
Wheels and treads work the same ARM SERVO Cost Spa ce Hits Add+ Throw Weight
way for Roadstrikers as they do for Light +0
1.0 3 1 5 35m 0.2 Tons
Mektons, but when using these systems, Striker 1.7 5 25 +5 45m 0.3 Tons
Roadstrikers must first divide their Medium 2.3 7 35 +5 55m 0.4 Tons
land MA (measured in meters per Heavy 3.0 9 45 +10 65m 0.5 Tons
turn) by 10—thlsriew number is their Super Heavy 3.7 11 55 +15 75m 0.6 Tons
MA when using wheels or treads (this
MA is measured in 50-meter Mekton ARM EXT. Cost Space Damage Hits Manipulation? Weight
hexes). As with Mektons, wheels add +2 Hand 0.7 1 5H 5 Yes 01 Tons
Talon 0.3 1 10H 10 No 0.1 Tons
hexes to this number, while treads
ignore terrain restrictions. LEG SERVO Cost Space Hits Add+ Weight
Example: The MotoRapier has a walk- Light 1.0 3 15 +0 0.2 Tons
ing MA of 40 MPT; when skating on the Striker 1.7 5 25 +5 0.3 Tons
wheels in its feet, its MA becomes 4 (40/10) Medium 2.3 7 35 +10 0.4 Tons
+2 (for wheels) = 6 fifty-meter hexes per tum. Heavy 3.0 9 45 +15 0.5 Tons
Super Heavy 3.7 11 55 +20 0.6 Tons
WHEELS AND TREADS LEG EXT. Cost Space Damage Hits MA Penalty Weight
WHEELS CP Hits Tons 0.0 0 10H 0 O 0 Tons
Lightweight 0.7 10 0.1 0.3 0 15H 5 -1 0.1 Tons
Striker 1 .3 20 0.2 0.7 0 20H 15 -2 0.2 Tons
M. Weight 2.0 30 0.3
HEAD, WING, TAIL Cost Space Hits Weight
Heavy 2.7 40 0.4
Li ht 0.7 2 10 0.1 Tons
S. Heavy 3.3 50 0.5
Stgiker 4
1.3 20 0.2 Tons
TREADS CP Hits Tons Medium 2.0 6 30 0.3 Tons
Lightweight 1 .3 20 0.2 Heavy 2.7 8 40 0.4 Tons
Striker 2.7 40 0.4 Super Heavy 3.3 10 50 0.5 Tons
M. Weight 4.0 60 0.6
Heavy 5.3 80 0.8 POD SERVO Cost Hits Weight
Li ht 0.7 4 0 Tons
S. Heavy 6.7 100 1.0
Stgriker 1.3 8 0 Tons
Medium 2.0 12 0 Tons
The cost, Hits and weight for Heavy 2.7 16 0 Tons
wheels and treads are listed above. Super Heavy 3.3 20 0 Tons
Your locomotive system may be no less ARMOR Cost Stopping Power Weight
than 1 level less than your Torso servo, Li ht 0.7 10 Hits 0.1 Tons
but may be up to one level greater Stgriker 1.3 20 Hits 0.2 Tons
than the Torso servo. Medium 2.0 30 Hits 0.3 Tons
Heavy 2.7 40 Hits 0.4 Tons
- Spaces: Treads and wheels take Super Heavy 3.3 50 Hits 0.5 Tons
up no Spaces from the Roadstriker.
SENSORS Range Comm Cost Space Hits Weight
0 Location: The Hits of wheels or
treads may be split up between two
Main Sensors 7km 1 00km 1.3 1 10 0.1 Tons
Back-Ups 1 km 33km 0.7 2 10 0.1 Tons
or more locations.
For example: Mediumweight wheels COCKPIT Crew Space Cost
could be six S-Hit wheels, two 15-Hit Pilot Seat 1 2-10 depends on Body T pe) 0
-»1 two lO—Hitwheelsandtwos- Extra Seating +1 2-10 Edepends on Body 1; pe) 0.3
it wheels, orone 30-Hit wheel.
Mecha Construction A


Minilaser 3 Hexes +0 15H 15 na 0.2 tons 1 1.3
Light Laser 5 Hexes +1 30H 30 na 0.3 tons 3 2.9
Medium Laser 6 Hexes +1 40H 40 na 0.4 tons 5 3.7
Heavy Laser 6 Hexes +1 SOH 50 na 05 tons 7 4.5
Megalaser 8 Hexes +2 75H 75 na 0.8 tons 9 11.1
'This weapon can only lire once every other turn.


Slug Gun 4 Hexes +0 35H 35 na 10 0.4 tons 4 2.0
Heavy Gun 4 Hexes +0 45H 45 na 10 0.5 tons 6 2.4
Howitzer 5 Hexes +1 60H 60 na 10 0.6 tons 10 5.1
Machinegun 3 Hexes -1 25H 25 6 10 bursts 0.3 tons 5 4.4
Autocannon 4 Hexes -1 40H 40 4 10 bursts 0.4 tons 8 4.6
'You may buy reloads for your weapons for 0.3 CP per clip.


Micromissiles 4 Hexes -1 20H 20 15 0.2 tons 4 1.7
Mini-Missiles 5 Hexes +0 40H 15 6 0.2 tons 3 1.3
Armor Missile 7 Hexes +1 80H 5 1 0.1 ton 1.5 0.6
Missiles can be fired singly, or as a salvo. See rules for salvo-firing weapons on page 96.


Blast-Knuckles 10m +0 40H 40 na 0.4 tons 4 1.3
Stun Baton 10m +1 25H* 25 na 0.3 tons 4 4.5
Magnetic Grapple 50m -1 Grapple“ 25 na 0.2 tons 2 1.0
‘This is a shock weapon, and uses the "shocking" special effect on page 97.
“This weapon acts as a Grappling attack vs 15 to escape.


Beam Knife 10m +1 30H 8 na 0.1 T 2 2.7
Beam Sword 10m +2 SSH 14 na 0.1T 6 7.3


Small Shield -1 30H 2.5 0.3 tons Mounted Shields take 1 Space. Hand-held
Medium Shield -2 45H 3.0 0.5 tons Shields must have an SP lower than the
Large Shield 0 60H 6.0 0.6 tons number of Spaces in the Hand’s Arm.




SLICK SPRAY (1 CP, 1 SPACE): This system sprays a fine mist of frictionless liquid 1 hex directly behind the
Roadstriker; any unit passing through the sprayed hex must roll MR + Driving (or Mecha Piloting) +1 D10 and
get a total higher than 15 or lose control. For every point by which the roll was failed, the mecha careens 1
hex in a random direction. Obviously, this system only applies to running, wheeled and tracked movement.
You may spray 1 hex per Action, up to 6 hexes; the slick evaporates in 10 Rounds.

BOGG SPRAY (1 CPl 1 SPACE): A thick, gel-like substance which acts as a form of superglue. Units passing
through a bogged hex pay for movement at a rate of 4 additional MA per hex traveled. Obviously, this sys-
tem only applies to running, wheeled and tracked movement. You may cover 1 hex per Action, up to 6 hexes.
Bogg spray does not evaporate.
217941412”) Mecha Construction A
0 Armor: Wheels and treads may not

be armored, but do get armor protec-

tion from the servo they‘re mounted
0 Damage: As with the Mekton sys-
tems, wheels and treads are Disabled
when they take 1/2 their total Hits and RDAosmrxen
are Destroyed when all their Hits are "STALLION
gone. MARK ll” nu
Add up all the weights of your
design. The sum of all tonnage values
is your final weight: In other words, the
total of all Hits in your mecha, divided
by 100, is the final tonnage.


nonnsrmxtn pnopmsmn .\
hile the name ”Roadstriker"
implies ground-based mecha, FIOADSTFIIKEFI LIFT POINTS
there are plenty of mini-
mecha which are capable of hovering,
Weight Multiple MA Weight Multiple

leaping, flying, traveling through space,

etc. Such Roadstrikers are also subject x0.25 24 x3.0
to the same optional fuel rules (i.e., x0.375 25 x3.125
+10°/o weight) as Mektons. For the pur- x0.5 26 x3.25
poses of our example, we will assume a x0.625 27 x3.375
S-ton Roadstriker. x0.75 28 x3.5
x1 .0
Roadstrikers have access to the same
propulsion systems as Mektons: Thrusters
with an MA of 8+ allow true flight, those x1.25 f 1
with an MA of 7 or less serve as jumpjets, x1.375 GROUND EFFECT SYSTEM
and a ground effect system will allow the x1 .5 MA Weight Multiple
Roadstriker to skim the ground's surface x1.625 x0.166
at high speeds. To determine the cost in x1.75 x0.25
CP and Spaces required by any propul-
x1.875 x0.332
sion system, you'll need to decide upon a
x2.0 x0.415
maximum MA. The cost and Space of
the propulsion system is found by multi- x2.125 x0.5
plying your mini-mecha's final weight by x2.25 x0.581
- weight multiple for Thrusters or GES
- x2.375 x0.664
as appropriate). x2.5 x0.747
x2.625 x0.83
THRUSTER COST: x2.7S x0.913
WEIGHT x0.125 PER 1 MA x0.996
WEIGHT x0.083 PER 1 MA

Page 83
Mecha Construction A

Unlike with Mektons, the cost of a propul- Autos increase their land MA by +50%
sion system is not equal to the Spaces it (however, they also suffer a -1 to MV).
takes up; for Roadstrikers, propulsion When using wheels (or treads), they D—F 7d“? 479— china
takes up 3x its cost in Spaces. increase the Wheeled MA (see Wheels
For example: Once you have the MA and Treads on page 61); should the 0 GROUND MA & MANEUVER
you wish to move at (we will take MA 10 mecha have a land MA of 60 MPT, its VALUE: To figure your Roadstrikerʼs
for our 5 -ton example mini-mecha), apply Auto form MA would be 12 (60/10 =6; MV and walking MA, check the final
the multiplier to the MA (10 x0.125). 6+2[for wheels] = 8; 8 x1.5[MA bonus) = weight of the mecha (donʼt forget to
Multiply that number (1.25) by the weight 12). Most Autos enclose the driver inside, include that 10% fuel weight if you‘re
(5), and the resulting number (6.25, or but some mechacars may be jeeps, con- using it). Keep in mind that while
6.3) is the number of CP I need to allow my vertible, or feature other saddle-like cock- Roadstrikers use SO—meter Mekton
mecha to fly at that MA. That cost x3 pits (cockpits may change from enclosed hexes for thrusters, GES and
(18.9) is the number of Spaces taken. to exposed through Transformation). wheeled and/or tracked movement,
As with Mektons, the Spaces taken Autos may move in reverse at 1/2 their their walking MA is measured in
by thrusters can be split across the var- normal MA. meters per turn (MPT). As always,
ious servos as the designer wishes, your Roadstrikerʼs MV is subtracted
allowing the mecha to stay airborne 0 CYCLE FORM (x0.35): This Form rep- from the pilotʼs Reflexes to determine
even if it loses certain servos. resents motorcycles, -ʼbikes, ʼtrikes, 4- the mini-mecha's MR (Mecha Reflexes)
wheelers and any other small, fast,
TRANSFORMATION.\ maneuverable ground vehicle designed
m-rzis4w—wa~4 for one or two people. These are univer- ROADSTRIKER
sally ground-use mecha; flying bikes and
other such vehicles should be designed STATISTICS
ransforrnation works the same as as Mekton Armors or Fighters, while
I always with MA bonuses trans- GES-equipped cycles work like typical ROADSTRIKER
lating to Roadstriker scale (and hovercraft. The advantage to the Cycle
form is its maneuverability and its
multiplying the Roadstrikerʼs base cost
by the listed amount), but two other increased speed—as well as suffering no Tonnage Land MA (M/Turn)
transformations are available to MV penalty (you've seen 'em weave 0.1 -1 .9 60 MPT
Roadstrikers: Auto and Cycle forms. through traffic), Cycles increase their 2.0-3.9 50 MPT
land MA by +50% like Autos. Most
4.0-5.9 40 MPT
- BEASTMECHA FORM: x03 (+10H Cycles leave their driver exposed,
in Striking Combat) although some mechabikes may feature 60-79 30 MPT
an enclosing canopy (cockpits may 80+ 20 MPT
0 FIGHTER FORM: x03 change from exposed to enclosed
through Transformation). The larger
0 HYBRID FORM: x0.35 transformable Mechabikes usually
become a miniature Mekton, with an ROADSTRIKER
' AQUATIC FORM: x0.25 enclosed Torso cockpit, while the smaller MAN EUVER VALUE
ones are capable of becoming a suit of
Tonnage Maneuver Value
0 AUTO FORM (x0.25): Automobiles of powered armor for the pilot (in such
any type are considered Auto cases, the pilot must wear some kind of 0.1-1.9
Transformables; jeeps, cars, sedans, vans hard armor for the transformed 2.0-2.9
and trucks are all possible. GES-equipped Roadstriker to latch onto). 3.03.9
Autos generally follow the classic hover-
craft idea, but in most anime, Autos use POWERPLANT.\ 5.0-5.9
wheels—lots of wheels. Anime Mechacars )\l7—7'5“/ |.
have been known to be supported by 6.0-6.9
more than a dozen wheels on as many as 7.0-7.9
six different axles; this is because small, ust like Mektons, Roadstrikers may
individual wheels are relatively easy to purchase hot or cool powerplants.
Cool powerplants have an Explosion 9.0-9.9
destroy, but having many means that any
single wheel hit is unlikely to disable the Save of 1, while hot powerplants have 10.0+
vehicle. The advantage to Auto form is its an XS of S and grant a 10% rebate on
lower profile and its increased speed— the cost of the mini-mecha.

Page 84

Fill this area in with all the This area has spaces for the
BODY FORMS your roadstriker five primary MECHA COMBAT If your roadstriker has any
has (p84), and their various stats: SKILLS (p29-30). Take your COST MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS,
MV St MR (p65) and MA for run- character’s Skill level, add the such as a Hot Powerplant (p84)
ning ( in MTP, see p81) and fly- roadstriker’s MR, and note the or any Transformation abilities
ing (p83). There’s also a space for totals in the boxes. This will (p84), note them here.
MANEUVER POOL (p65) below. make combat faster and easier!


~— anL‘: \ — ’
Rflltnfilfllkffl 5’A'S

Fill these spaces with the
MV [Mn
4 1
. roadstriker has (p81 ). The left-
most area is for SP and Hits (to
Mrwn ivrn Pom cue-r Muumucns m be scribbled on as you take
\|F(I|-\ ( fl\!H»\T fiklllb damage), while the other areas
are for Servo stats and Armor
Stats, respectively.

Elm-t Ar":
£ This is your OVERVIEW window.
lore:- Use this space for a small sketch
of your roadstriker. Below this, fill
in the unit's name (and serial
number, or ”title," or whatever
else you like) and note its final
weight and cost (p62).

F ron'. Wheel
Rear Wheel
Jump-e: 12 MM
J mag/2 MA.)

Any OPTIONS (p81) and the

all-important COCKPIT (p80),
go here. Any FUEL your road-
striker may need to stay air-
borne (p62) should also be
noted here. Below this window
is a space for writing up the
mecha’s SHIELD (p58-60).

l, This section is to be filled out

This is the place for your Your SENSORS go here (p81). It
with any MOVEMENT SYS-
TEMS your roadstriker may WEAPONS (p82). The stats are is important to know your Sensor
have, such as Wheels (p81 ), listed in the order you use them: Range, since that's how far you
Thrusters and/or GES (p83). In WA (added to your Skill), Range, may target your weapons. The
Damage (in Hits) and Shots. Use location of your Sensors is also
the case of Thrusters/GES, it is
wise to note how many MA the Notes column for Burst important because you could lose
points each location provides Values, Blast Radii, Shock Effects, that Servo, and thus the Sensors
etc. as well!
.//." ”/'
iffl a;


fl) \ “l“,‘s, _:I

A“(7Ais- 4 to A»


ii ‘v ’(

l l
Ianns ring in your cars as
enemy fire tears into your suit,
and the entire left leg of your
mecha explodes. Spinning out of
range, you wonder if this is going to
be the fight that finally finishes you.
An enemy mecha flashes across
your viewscreen; you lead it by inch-
es, scoring a perfect shot. A ball of
seething plasma envelops its
torso—the pilot's suffering is cut
mercifully short as its trajectory
ends in the sharp, blinding crack of
a fusion explosion. Powerplant hits
are never pretty.
A moment later, you’re cursing
your own stupidity; in your brief
instant of pity for the enemy pilot,
the dead man's wingman has cir-
cled behind you. You never even
~ see the attack.
_ Energy arcs around you.
Lightning seems to jump from your
controls into your body, cooking
you from inside out. You smell
burning hair—yours. Screaming,
you slam down the throttle, hurtling
forward in an attempt to snap the
deadly whip that holds you in an
electric embrace. FREE! The pain
stops, but the smell will be with you
for a long time to come.
You spin and catch the wingman
in your sights, at the exact instant
his own guns come to bear—
He hesitates. You don’t. He joins
his friend in oblivion. You limp
home to fight another day
Combat. The final test of a
Mekton Zeta game. The moment of
truth when you find out whether
you’re good enough—or not.
Welcome to the DESPERATE BAmE.
Now that: you know bservant readers may notice TURNS S ACTIONS
how to design and that the combat system in During her Tum, each combatant
construct: mechayyouʼ Mekton Zeta is similar to that may perform two Actions. Once the
need to know how to

' of several of our other Interlock games player has taken two Actions, her Turn is
destroy them. .Luckily, (Cyberpunk®, Cybergeneration'" and over, and the combatant with the next
thaéʼs'aven easier Teenagers from Outer Space“). It's no highest Initiative may take their Turn. A
than building them! mistake that we've structured Mekton list of possible Actions are listed below:
Combat: in Mekton
Zeta‘ is both quick
and cinematic—the .
Zeta in this fashion; with very little
adjustment, you can now combine
cyberpunks and mecha jocks to simu-
f -
RUNNING: Move up to 1/2 your total
‘hallmark- of any good MA at no Action cost. You may run at
_- anime simulatzion.~
late a wide variety of the cyberpunk-
style anime features now being pro- your full MA in one Action.
While In the real' - DRIVING, SKIMMING OR FLYING: You
world, the difference duced across the ocean. Sneaky, neh?
may move up to 1/2 your total MA in a
between mecha com- As in all InterlockTM system games, single Action; to move up to your full MA
bat; and man-to-man the basics are pretty simple: combat will take both Actions.
fightingjs extreme, in always involves Rounds, Initiative, 0 ALL TYPES OF MOVEMENT: You may
the worlds of anime‘ Turns and Actions. never move more than your full MA in a
this isnʼt: the case; Turn, and you may not save MA from one
indoha prove to be
just: as rnaneuverable
ROUNos Turn to the next.

All combat in M2 takes place in a ATTACKING

(if not: more so] than
series of Rounds, with each player acting
human combatants.

0 SHOOT: You may fire any single

in an order determined by their Initiative.
In keeping, with this weapon (or group of linked weapons)
Each Round represents about 10 seconds, once per Action.
time-honored tradie. ° THROW: Once per action.
tion, the- co'rribat: sys- with each of the players acting in pseudo-
tem in Mekton Z 'is simultaneous Turns. Since itʼs very difficult - STRIKE: You may Attack with any melee
weapon once per Action.
' usable for every com- . to keep track of things when everything is
- CLAW, BITE, PUNCH: You may attack
bat: situation, from happening at once, the order in which twice per Action.
bar room brawls to the players will act is determined by their 0 KICK: Once per Action.
high-speed space bat- Mecha Reflex (or just Reflexes, in a 0 FIGHT: Any grapple, knockdown or full
tles, With, the only dif- human-scale combat situation). body blow can be done once per Action.
ference being the
.amount: of damage |NITIATIVE DEFEN DING
dished out.

o EVADE: Evade rolls are made automati-
The beginning of every Round is cally whenever you are attacked, and
the Initiative roll. The result of this roll thus take no Actions.
BASIC COMBAT will determine in what order the com- 0 ESCAPE: One attempt per Action.

SEQUENCE batants will act. To make this roll, each 0 PARRY: Parry rolls can be made whenev-

er you are attacked, and take no Actions.

1. On your turn, determine range player rolls:
to target. (p. 92).
0 Check Line of Sight (R90) 0GET UP: Once per Action.
0 Move into Range (p93) The highest result goes first, then - TRANSFORM: One form change per

2. Make any Attacks (p.91) the second highest, down on through Action.
0 Modify your attack (R95) the rest of the players until everyone
Once per Action.
0 Make Parry & Evade Rolls (R92) has acted for that Round. Once every-
0 LIFT OR CARRY: Once per Action.
3. Determine where you hit, if you one has acted, that Round is over, and - REPLACE/RELOAD WEAPON: Once per
did (p.102) Initiative is rolled for the next Round of Action. Note: It takes no Actions to take
- Use Human Table combat. In the event of a tie, the play- out a weapon or to throw it away—only
0 Or Mecha/Roadstriker Table er with the highest (Mecha) Reflexes properly putting it back takes an Action.
goes first. If (Mecha) Reflexes are tied (Now you know why anime battlefields
4. Determine Damage (p.103)
as well, have both players roll 1010, are littered with cast—away weapons!)
the highest roll acting first. Each play-
Such as rolling Awareness when using
er's opportunity to act in a Round is
Sensors, etc. Once per Action.
called a Tum.

Page 88
ombat A

Facing 8. Attack Arc
When you move from hex to hex, it
‘r — Ari: “— l~ mustalways enterthenexthexfromlhe
direction of it’s Facing. Facing is defined as
hlle M2 is a roleplaylng thesideofthehextowardwhichyour
game, combat is still a very
important element (why
character or mecha is pointed. Facing must
be along a hex side, not along a comer
go to all of the trouble to build giant (See diagram below). Men or mecha may Man-to-man combat is
robots if all you're going to do is sit attack along the hex side that they are fac- easy to measure. Men tend
around and admire them?), and dur- ing and/or along the other two sides direct- to fight in close quarters—a
ing combat you’ll need a playing area ly connecting, to encompass the 180 hand-to-hand attack occurs
to represent the battlefield. In MZ, we degree arc in the front of them. To attack within a few feet—a ranged
have made provisions for using either units behind them, they must tum around. weapon attack within a few
a hex map (usable with counters or yards (60 feet is considered
official Mekton miniatures), or your by most combat experts to
living room floor (best used with fig- be the extreme range of
ures or models). If you have a lot of combat handgun accuracy).
room, we suggest the latter. After all, real life isn’t like a
All ranges listed are in hexes. If target range.
you’re not using a hex map, 1 hex equals Not so with Mektons.
twice the height of your average figure. Here we find giant robotic
Example: We are using 1/144 models warriors fighting with tank-
on the floor of my living room. My average Sized weapons — weapons
model is 6” tall, so a hex is 1 foot. This with ranges of literally dozens
makes ranges very long, and my combat is of miles! To show such battles
likely to spread out to the rest of my house! even using a tiny scale such
If you’re using tall figures and have limited as 1/285th (the traditional
space, make the measurement 7 hex = the microarmor wargame scale)
height of the average figure. In the example would require hex maps 20
above, my hex would now equal 6 inches. or 30 feet long! On top of
When a unit this, a scale designer also has
Scale of the Game is being fired at, there
a negative modifier to its Evade and Parry
to deal with lots and lots of
There are two scales in M2: Human rolls depending on where the attack is small humans running
Scale, in which a hex equals 1 meter, used coming from. If it is coming from the around underfoot. In order to
for all personal equipment, and Mekton unit’s flank (the right rear or left rear Sides) even see these participants,
Scale, in which a hex is 50 meters across. there is a -1 penalty to Evade it, and if the one is required to contract
Important: In either scale, no two units attack is coming from the rear arc (direct- the scale of operations even
may occupy the same hex. When using ly behind), there is a -2 penalty (see dia- smaller, once again conflict-
the ”floor" scale, units may touch. gram on page 90 for Parry Arcs). ing with the realistic ranges

Movwe ON THE Qanging Yggr- Feclgg

of modern high-tech
weapons. The challenge is to
BOARD The way your mecha turns depends provide a common meeting
Like a piece in any game, your mecha on the type (tom) of mecha that it is. ground between man-sized
orcharactermovesfrom hex to hex on the Humanoid mecha are very maneuverable combat action and horizon-
board. You pay for each hex moved with and agile, so their ability to turn is far supe~ spanning mecha weapons.
your Movement Allowance (MA). Your rior to their non-humanoid counterparts. Our compromise was to
MA is generated in the process of creating 0 HUMANOID: May expend 1 MA to design a scale in which, while
your character or building your mecha. rotate up to 3 hex sides in 1 Action. This the ranges of weapon attacks
Under normal circumstances, it costs may be performed as often as desired, as are somewhat compressed,
1 MA to move 1 hex. A Mekton with an long as the unit has enough MA remain- the proportions of speed and
MA of 8 can move 8 Mekton-scale hexes ing. This is also the way that people turn distance closely match those
' a turn. When on the ground, the type in human-scale movement. of the real things.
.~ terrain you are crossing will affect your 0 MECHABEASTS & HYBRIDS: 1 MA
1 obility (see page 93, Terrain Types, for will turn them up to 2 hex sides.
7. - information on terrain).
- Otherwise, the same as above.

Page 89
- TANK: 1 MA will allow up to 2 hex is blocking this line (one that is larger
sides, otherwise as above. Tanks also than one of the two combatants) the
have the ability to travel in reverse. Itʼs attacker cannot see the target. If LOS is
just like moving forward, but the back of not available, the only way you can
the unit iis now what is moved from hex attack the target is to use an Indirect Fire
to hex. Otherwise all other rules regard- Weapon (see page 96).
ing movement apply.
0 MECHAFIGHTERS: 1 MA will turn 1
hex side. Mechafighters are also subject Obstacles are things that block
to speed modifiers to their turning movement and a clear field of fire. In
radius, as listed in the sidebar. The hexes Mekton Zeta, these obstacles may cover
column is the number of hexes that must 1 or more hexes. When drawing out a

be traveled in a straight line before a 1- combat area on your mapsheet (or set-
hexside turn may be attempted. ting up your battlefield in 3D), you
A1TACK Ancs AND Vertical Movement
should always be sure to define what is
PAnnerc-s an obstacle and what is not.
A unit may not Parry an While the gameboard is in two Characters may run through
attack coming from the rear arc. dimensions, mecha (and sometimes groups of trees or buildings, acting as if
It may only Parry attacks from the people) can move in three. This is repre- running through rough terrain. Mecha,
flank if the item used to Parry is sented by a concept called Hex Levels. however, must either blast/ram their way
on that arm. The groundʼs level is Hex Level Zero— through these obstacles, or go around
Example: The unit above has this goes up 50 meters, after which the them. If characters choose to climb into
0 Shield on its left Arm, so it may next SO-meter stretch is called the First buildings or trees to snipe at targets, they
Parry an attack coming from the Hex Level, and so on. It takes flying will treat this movement as going
left flank, but it cannot parry an . mecha 1 MA to move up or down 1 Hex up/down one or more hex Level of the
attack from the right flank. Level. Mecha with a flight MA of 8 or obstacle. In a building, each floor is 4
Attacks in the front arc may better may hover in place in the air with- meters (4 man scale hexes).
be parried with an item in either out expending an Action to do so. This
arm. effect is only available for Humanoid and
Hybrid form mecha. Cover is defined as anything that
Remember: blocks line of sight. If there is an obstacle

0 Flying mecha in the first hex of alti-

tude or greater ignore terrain effects.

between you and your target, you may
not have a clear line of sight. if there is a
0 Each hex of altitude counts as 1 hex question of LOS, place a straight edge
for range purposes. So a mecha 4 between the center of the target's hex
hexes away and 4 hexes above in alti- and the center of the attackerʼs hex. if
tude is treated as being 8 hexes away the edge intersects an obstacle, line of
(for simplicityʼs sake). sight is properly blocked, and that unit is

H wT n Vr'til behind full cover.

When a unit behind an obstacle is
Movement not fully covered (such as a Mekton
There are several ways to do this. On standing behind a building that is half itʼs
”floor" style games, a stand of some sort height, or a person standing behind a
is good, with marks denoting each alti- low wall), LOS is available, but that unit
tude. Another way is to use a counter of is considered partially covered. Partial
some sort next to the mecha, with a num- cover works as follows:
ber indicating the current level (a 10—sided
die works well). You can also use stackable 1) The Referee decides just what
SD markers on a hex map, including our areas of the unit are covered by
favorite, Grox Bloxm, or similar materials. the obstacle (in the example
above, the Mektonʼs legs are cov-
LINE or= Srer-n' ered by the building).
Line of sight (LOS) can be described 2) An attack roll is made. No special
as a straight, unobstructed line between modifications are applied for the
the attacker and defender. If an obstacle cover.
Combat A

3) If the attack is a hit, and the result BASIC COMBAT SUMMARY A

on the random hit location chart
indicates an area covered by the Sooner or later, your going to get 05: Apply the damage to the location
obstacle, the obstacle is hit instead the enemy in your sights and try that was hit (page 102-104).
of the target. If the result on that to blow the living daylights out of 06: Check for knockback (page 100) or
chart is in question (eg. a weapon them. This requires the Attack proce- other special effects.
result, and the target has weapons dure which we will outline here.
that are covered and some that
aren't), the result is always a hit on
General Attack ATTACK FIDLLs
Whenever you make an attack,
the uncovered system. Procedure you make a die roll (called an Attack
4) If the die roll result was a miss, In almost all cases, attacks will follow Roll), and try to beat your target’s
then the miss was clean, and nei- this general procedure. Some attacks Defense Roll(s). If you can overcome
ther target nor obstacle were dam- may differ from this; see Attack Actions, his defense, you will hit, and do dam-
aged. pages 95-100, for specific variations and age as described in Resolving Damage
tactics. (page 102). You formulate your attack
If a unit behind cover fires at an roll as follows:
opponent, it always exposes the firing 01: Determine if target is within attack
servo (or arm and weapon, etc.) to arc and range. (MECHA) REFLEXES +
enemy fire. It will also expose whatever 02: Attacker rolls Attack Roll; defender (PERTINENT WEAPON SKILL) +
servo or location it uses to aim at the tar- attempts to Evade and Parry. Keep WA (OF THE GIVEN WEAPON) +
get (i.e., its head, or sometimes a in mind all modifiers! 1010.
Mekton's Torso or even other servo). °3: If the attack misses, proceed to
Remember, while we are acting in order next Action/Turn. This roll may be modified by adding
. of Initiative, Actions are supposed to be 04: If the attack is a success, then roll points from the character’s Luck stat
occurring roughly simultaneously. In random hit location (page 102). and/or from the mecha's Maneuver Pool,
short, if you shoot, you expose yourself Ignore this step if the attack was a if there are any points remaining. Any
to enemy fire. called shot and was a success. points put in must be announced before

Page 91
Combat A
the Attack Roll is attempted. When in FOR CHARACTERS: 1010 + Each weapon also has a Maximum
human-scale combat, use the Reflexes Reflexes + Blade Skill +/- Range, which is the actual distance its
stat, instead of Mecha Reflexes. DA of parrying item attacks can reach and still cause damage
Example: Nick (in his AdVantage) has A Pany may be attempted once per to a target. The maximum range is deter-
a Mecha Reflexes of 7. His skill with Beam attack, as many times as incoming mined by the square of the combat
Weapons is +5, and the WA on the Turbo’s attacks call for it. The Pany Roll is the range (that is, combat range x combat
main Beam Rifle is +1. 50, every time he court of last resort, for if the Parry fails, range). Thus, a weapon with a combat
attacks with that weapon, he would roll the target takes the hit for sure. range of 10 hexes would have a maxi-
mm, and add 73 (7+5+1=i3) Shields may parry any attack. mum range of 100 hexes.
Melee weapons and energy melee
EVADE ROLLS weapons may only parry other melee
Whenever a unit is attacked, it auto- weapons and EMWs (this is not exclu-
matically gets a chance to avoid harm. sive; an EMW can parry a melee
weapon and vice versa).
This is called an Evade Attempt. This
Evade takes up no Actions, and may be Like Evading, there is a difference 1 ............... (0.05km)

performed as many times as needed dur- where you can Parry. if your shield is on 2 ................ 4 (0.2km)
ing a turn, but may only be attempted your right arm you may Parry attacks 3 ................ 9 (0.5km)
once per Attack. An Evade Roll is: from the entire front arc and the right 4 ............... 16 (0.8km)
flank, and if your shield in on your left 5 ............... 25 (1.3km)
arm you may Parry attacks from the 6 ............... 36 (1.8km)
Mecha Reflex + Mecha Piloting
entire front arc and the left flank. 7 ............... 49 (2.5km)
8 ............... 64 (3.2km)
-or- When using a melee weapon to
parry, its Kills rating is treated like the SP 9 ............... 81 (4.1km)
of a Shield (i.e., any attack it Parries Iow-
Reflexes + Dodge 10 ............. 100 (5.0km)
ers its Kills by one, no matter what the
15 ............ 225 (11.3km)
if the total of this roll is greater than damage inflicted by the attacking
or equal to the total of the attacker’s roll weapon was).
............ 400 (20.0km)
(see above) the attack fails. If the attack- For Example: A 4-Ki/l melee weapon
er wins, then the Evade attempt fails. may successfully parry four times before its
This roll may be modified by adding Kills drop to zero, and is destroyed. Any attack made within maximum
points from the character’s Luck and/or When using an Energy Melee Weapon Range, but beyond combat range, is at
from the mecha's Maneuver Pool, if to parry, its Damage rating is treated like -4 to hit. Such long-range attacks are
there are any points remaining. Any the SP of a Shield. However, successful best made when you have time to aim
points put in must be announced before Pam'es do not reduce its Damage or Kills— first (see page 94).
the Evade Roll is attempted. There may
be negative modifiers to the Evade Roll,
instead, if the attack does more Damage
than the Damage of the EMW, the EMW
Maximum Attack
based on the direction from which the does not stop the attack at all (the attack Range
attack originated: breezed through the energy blade). This is the factor which ultimately
determines how far you can use your
FRONT ARC: No penalty (front three
hexes) RANGE weapons to attack. Maximum attack
FLANK: -1 to roll (rear right and All mecha weapons have a listed range is determined by your sensor
left side hexes) range in SO-meter hexes, while human range; if the referee declares that your
REAR: -2 to roll (directly rear- weapons list their ranges in meters. This sensors can't pick up the enemy, you
ward hex) range is the optimum range at which the can't fire at him. As a reminder, stan-
weapons can be effectively targeted. dard Mekton sensors have a range of
PAnnY ROLLS Needless to say, any laser or a bullet can
travel a lot further, and be able to hit tar-
7km (140 hexes), and backup sensors
have a range of lkm (20 hexes).
If an attempt to Evade fails, a unit '

may still attempt to Parry the incoming gets much further away than listed in
attack. This also costs no Actions, and their ranges (usually from 8-100 hexes). Monuments
uses the formula below. There are two ranges for any There are two common modifiers on
weapon. Combat Range is determined the dice rolls when attacking or defend-
FOR MECHA: 1010 +
by the weapon's listing. This is the range ing. These are the WA (Weapon
Mecha Reflex + Mecha Melee Skill +/-
at which the weapon has its given WA, Accuracy) of the attacking weapon, and
DA of parrying item the DA (Defense Ability) of a shield or
and is usually between 0 (melee range)
_or- weapon used to parry.
and 25 (for some long-range missiles).

Page 92
Weapon Accuracy Melee and EMWs use their WA as
WA is a measure of how likely a their DA. In a pinch, if you use another
weapon is to hit its target. This represents type of weapon (such as a machinegun)
how bulky the weapon is, how well it is to parry a melee attack, its DA is -2. MISSILE«

hooked into a targeting system, and its

ability to place a shot exactly where you DAMAGE TRAVEL TIMES ,

aim it For example, a machinegun would All mecha-sized weapons do dam-

have a relatively low weapon accuracy (it age in Kills. There are 25 Hits to a single
It may seem .a‘ bit
relies on spraying a lot of lead to hit its tar- Kill. Kills are designed to simulate dam-
extrern'e'th'at a
get), while a sniper rifle would have a high age on a scale that levels buildings, not
weapon with a range
WA, as it needs to hit on the first shot. wounds people. You can pretty much
of 400 hexes can be
When in combat, the WA of your assume that if a person is hit square on
fired and reach its
weapon will either add to, or subtract (if a with a mecha-sized weapon that he will target in a single .

negative number) from, your Attack Roll. die. (Rather messily; see pages 102104.)
Action. As an option-
All mecha weapons have their
al rule, each,'tvpe of
Defense Ability damage in Kills listed on the weapon
weapon 'm'ay have‘ a
The DA rating is how well you can chart. This is how much damage is
travel time.
parry with a given item. Shields with a transmitted to the unit hit by an attack
low DA are small (covering a small por- from that particular weapon. Bimillleapons;
tion of the mecha), so you have to move All human scale weapons (as listed in
Reach th'e‘target
them farther and faster to intercept an Equipment, page 41) usually do dam- instantly

incoming shot, or slow (being a heavy age in Hits, rolled with D65 or D105.
Prgjectile Weaponsa'
slab of armor). A large shield (one with a On your Turn, you will have one of
Travel at MA 30 '

DA of zero) covers almost all the mecha’s several choices of what to do (listed on
(1 .5 km per Turn)
area, so it requires only a tiny amount of page 88). The specific rules covering
Missilesgg Rgckets:
maneuvering to be effective. these Actions are found below.
Travel at MA‘40 (2
km per,TurnJ

. COMBAT Acrrnms A A ‘G'AC' 561753} .Travel time also. mpdi-

fies the chance to hit
MOVEMENT 3) Because leg-powered movement is
relatively slow, you do not suffer any
a-target'. For each

The first option Movement. This

WA penalties for a high MA in com-
Turn spent travelling
covers Walking, Flying, usingjump jets bat (see page 94).
between attacker and
and Ground Effect Systems, and When a unit is on the ground, the a MOVING target: -2.
Driving (using wheels and/or treads). type of terrain it is trying to cross will
modify its mobility. Because of this, each .This may all be, .'

Walking Mecha type of terrain has a Movement Cost ignored at the

' .

The ”walking" (mnning, marching, modifier, as listed on the chart below.

FIeferee’s discretion.
whatever) MA of any mecha depends on Normally it costs 1 MA to move 1 hex. In reality, extreme '

its weight. The chart for determining If the terrain has a modifier (like x3 for
‘Iong-range attacks
your Ground MA is listed on page 65. snow), it costs that many MA to move a
, _ have many factors
Humans have their own MA stat. Using single hex; to move 2 hexes in snow
. that must be taken
your legs has three advantages over dri- would cost 6 hexes of MA. into account, not the
ving, skimming or flying:
least of which is the
1) When walking/running, you may curvature of the-
TERRAIN TYPE MA COST Earth! Fortunately,
move up to 1/2 your total MA at 05m
no Action cost at all. Therefore, you a'nime is held to no
may run at your full MA in one
(plains, grasslands, pavement, shrub-
such restrictions. It
Action. In other words, when run-
bery) is assumed that if
ning, you can move your full MA your sen'sors can
(thin forest or woods, boulders, pick up the enemy,
and still get off a shot at the enemy.
2) You can attempt to obtain cover
mountains, rubble) you can fire at him.
(partial or full) while on the ground, (dense forest, jungle, snow, water
although the enemy may still and mud)
attempt indirect fire (see page 96).

Page 93
Driving airborne. Any flying mecha automatical-

MEKTCNS IN (Wheels 5 Treads) ly suffers a speed disadvantage:

0 Flying mecha suffer the speed penal-
SPACE Driving systems are relatively cheap, ty to all Attack Rolls (as listed in the
There is always a call to try to table above).
and they enhance your mechaʼs ability to
fit conservation of energy into
move on the ground. Wheels allow your . Flying mecha may not make use of
space combat; in short, to say that
mecha to move faster on the ground, any sort of cover (unless the Referee
once you are traveling a certain
while treads allow more effective maneu- counts any clouds as visual cover, but
MA, you need not expend an
vering over hostile terrain. radar might ignore them).
Action to move again, only to
Wheels add +2 to your ground ACCELERATION: Some Fighter
change your course. But in anime,
MA, but must roll on a smooth sur- form mecha will have very high MAs.
this really isnʼt the case; in anime
Since the idea of a unit going from 0 to

(and thus in Mekton Zeta), mov- ‘

face. On the other hand, Treads add
nothing to your MA, but any terrain 36 MA (Mach 3.3!) in a single lO-second
ing in space is much like moving
in an atmosphere. Very little of type other than water and swamp Turn seems to violate the laws of physics,
your activity is actually thruster (which normally costs x3) may be which reach their tendrils even into the
control; instead, you push a throt- crossed without ANY MA penalty. worlds of anime, any unit that has an MA
tle or press a button. What takes However, neither get the 1/2 MA Action- of greater than 12 should not be able to
up your attention is making sure free bonus of walking. Remember, to get reach full movement in a single turn.
you don't fly into something (a both bonuses, you must buy a full set of Here, in a very simplified form, is
serious problem in space) or donʼt both wheels and treads! an acceleration table to use in combat:
. get caught in a tumble (very bad). - It takes a single turn to reach a 12
Here's one way to deal with . .
MA or less.
conservation of energy, anime Ground effect systems are surface- - It takes two turns to reach 13-24
style. If you want to move (even in skimming hover jets that give you quick MA.
space) you must still expend an movement on any surface (they work on 0 It takes three turns to reach MAs of
Action to fly. If you do not expend both ground and water). They do incur 25—36 MA.
this Action, it is assumed that you attack penalties for high speed move- 0 It takes four turns to reach speeds
are bringing the unit to a halt. of 37+ MA.
ment (see Flying, below), but have the
When flying in space, also remem- Thus, a Hybrid at a full stop with an
ability to make use of cover. With this sys-
ber: all Knockback is increased
tem, the mecha is traveling in Hex Level MA of 32 may travel up to 12 MA the
by +2 levels (more) in space. All
Zero; the top of the mecha cannot be first Turn, up to 24 the second, and reach
other restrictions and mles apply.
more than 50 meters from the ground. Acceleration
its full 32 on the third Turn.
For more rules regarding space
This system ignores all terrain modifiers is always equal to 12 hexes a turn.
combat, see Mekton Zeta Plus.
for movement, except for dense forest
In Zero-G, any thruster sys~
and jungle (MA Cost = x3).
tem (jumpjet or flight type,
lumpjets are defined as thruster
regardless of MA) can perform
full-blown flight at its MA.
Flying systems that have an MA of less than 8.
Simple jumpjets in gravity can ‘
Flying has its ups and downs (heh.). Therefore, the mecha is unable to fly,
propel the unit in space. Any Mecha with a Flight MA of greater but is capable of rocket-assisted jumps.
3-D in Space When you use jumpjets, you may
The problem with space is that is fi‘.
than 8 is considered to be able to stay
move your full lump MA (in either the
has no bottom, so there is no hex MA ATTACK PENALTY "
horizontal or vertical plane) in one
Level Zero. To determine "alti- When flying at high speeds, your Action, but you will always end up on
tude" in space, simply denote a ,

ability to aim suffers; the greater the the ground. If you jumped up 6 hexes
particular level as Level Zero (per- speed, the greater the penalty. This in height in your Action, gravity will
haps a ship, or a space station). ,

penalty is for Attack Rolls only; have you back on the ground when
From this you can climb up, or ‘

there's no Defense penalty for speed. your Turn is over. You may not use the
dive down. Two numbered coun- PenaTty to Attack full MA of your jumpjets more than
ters (such as dice), blue for posi- once per Turn. lumpjets are a cost-
tive and red for negative, work effective alternative to expensive flight
well. This will give you the "feel" systems. What's more, in a Zero-G
of space, without having to worry
environment, jumpjets can propel
about the ”bottom” of your mecha like normal thrusters (at their
galaxy (i.e., the table or floor).
regular Iess-than-8 MA rate), expend-
ing 1/2 their full MA per Action.
Called Shots Beam 8. Projectile
Unless you call your shot, you will roll hit Weapons
This Action covers the following location randomly when your attack hits. These are attacks made by cannons,
options: Firing ranged weapons, attack- You may, however, choose a particular energy projectors, or any weapon that
ing with melee weapons, and hand to part of the target you want to hit, there- fires a single shot at a time and attacks
hand fighting. by calling your shot. Called shots have a over distance.

General Attack penalty to hit (based on what you're To make an attack, the defender

Procedure shooting at), and either hit what they

were aimed at, or miss the target entirely.
must be within range, and within
your firing arc at the beginning of
In almost all cases, attacks will follow your Turn. if you meet these require-
this general procedure (repeated MECHA CALLED ments, you may then make an Attack
below from page 91 ). When attacks dif-
SHOTS PENALTIES Roll, taking into account all effects
fer from this norm, it will be noted in the such as WA, range, and any modifiers
Location Penalty to Hit

text covering that particular attack. -3 for flight speed, attack facing, aiming
and called shots. At this time the
01: Determine if target is within attack Thrusters defender will make his Evade Roll. If the
arc and range. Sensors - Evade Roll succeeds, then the attack
02: Attacker rolls Attack Roll; defender Other“ -5 fails, and play continues.
attempts to evade and parry. Keep ‘These include small and diverse tar- If the Evade fails, and the defender
gets such as the mounting of a Shield,
in mind all modifiers! also fails a Parry (or doesnʼt have a

and other small targets. See Mekton

03: If the attack misses, proceed to Shield), the attack succeeds (see
' Zeta Plus for further details.
next Action/Turn. Resolving Damage, pg. 102).
04: If the attack is a success, then roll
random hit location (page 101). Aiming an Attack Autofire
Ignore this step if the attack was a One way to improve your chances Whether you are firing a 9mm Uzi or
called shot and was a success. to hit is to aim. Each Action spent aim- a 50mm mecha-sized cannon, all rapid-
:Apply the damage to the location ing adds +1 to your Attack Roll, up to fire weapons can be fired in two ways:
that was hit. a maximum bonus of +4. Aiming Single Shot or Burst. Weapons with
-: Check for knockback or other spe- assumes steady position, no movement, high Burst Values may have multiple bar-
cial effects. and a clear LOS to track your target. rels revolving around a central axis, giv-
Combat A

ing greater stability to the firing weapon Shotguns A barrage of missiles is called a salvo.
and a tighter spread when the shots hit (Human Scale Only) The initial attack is resolved as a normal
ranged attack, with a few minor varia-
its target. Single shots are resolved as Shotguns may have one or two bar-
with other single-shot ranged weapons; rels. If firing a single barrel, you will roll as tions: First, the number of missiles that hit
the main advantage to this type of attack below, distributing damage to the two the target is determined by the number
is the ability to call your shots. locations. If you fire a double barrel shot- of missiles fired. Take the total number of
gun, you still roll only once, but you may missiles in the barrage and divide by 10.
Every autofire weapon has a Burst fire into two adjacent hexes as one This will give you a number between one
Value. This value represents the number attack, or at one target for double dam- (for 10 missiles or less) to 6 (for three 20-
of shots that the weapon is capable of fir- age. For each point the attacker beats shot rocket launchers); this is the number
ing per Action. When firing a burst, the defender by, 2 points of damage are of missiles that hit the target for each
every point by which the Attack Roll done by the Shotgun (one point per point by which the attacker defeats the
beats the Defense Roll results in one location). If two barrels are fired at a sin- defender. Example: If the salvo was 10, the
shot hitting the target in a randomly- gle target, the damage becomes 4 points attacker rolled a total of 20, and the
rolled location, up to the Burst Value (2 points of damage per location) per defender rolled a total of 17, the attacker
of the weapon. Unlike single shots, point of success. would hit with 3 missiles; the if the salvo
bursts cannot be used for called shots; TO MAKE A SHOTGUN ATTACK: was 50, the attacker would hit with 15.
each hit must be rolled separately on the 01- Determine if defender is in your Once you have determined the
Random Hit Table (page 101). attack arc and within range. number of missiles that hit, roll once on
Example: A D-Stalker is firing its 02- Make Attack Roll, taking WA and the Random Hit Table (see page 102):
machinegun at an enemy Vigilante. The modifiers into account. then move either up or down (attack-
machinegun has 0 EV of 5. The D-Stalker’s 03- Defender makes all Defense Rolls. er’s choice) on the table as many times
Attack Roll is 19; the Vigilante’s Evade Roll as the number of missiles which struck
is a 16. Since the D-Stalker beat the SHOT GUN HIT the target. For example: a Mekton is hit
Vigilante by three, three of the five Shots CHART with four missiles. A roll on the Random Hit
fired in the burst hit the target. These are l -2 Head St Torso Table comes up 3 (Torso); the other 3 mis-
resolved as three separate rolls on the siles will hit locations 2, i and 10 or 4, 5
3-4 Left Arm & Torso
Random Hit Table. 5-6 Right Arm 61 Torso and 6, as decided by the attacker.
Adiustsed Bur-at: Value
A burst from an autofire weapon
7-8 Left Leg & Right Leg
Torso St Torso
may be fired into more than one hex. A Mekton may throw something a
First designate the hexes to be fired hex distance equal to 1/2 the Kills in
into; the hexes must be adjacent to Example: Rachelle is facing two its arm, modified by the chart below:
each other. Divide evenly the total Kargan KAAVAAK officers. She blasts at one
number of shots in the weapon's with her shotgun, beating his Evade Roll by
Burst Value by the number of hexes to 4. She rolls a 6 on the Shotgun Hit Chart,
be attacked. Leftover shots automati- so the Kargan takes 4 points of damage to
1/4 Ton .......... +2 Hexes
cally go to the first hex fired on. The his Torso and 4 to his Right Arm. If she had
1/2 Ton .......... +1 Hexes
number of shots designated into each a double-barreled shotgun, she could use
Ton ........... +0 Hexes
........... Hexes
hex is the Adjusted Burst Value. To hit both barrels on him (thus doing 8 points to
targets in each hex, you will make one Arm and Torso), or attack both Kargans,
........... -2 Hexes
Attack Roll while all defenders make
their own Defense Rolls. As with a nor-
making one Attack Roll vs. their two Evade
........... -3 Hexes
mal burst, the number of shots that hit
the targets depends on how many
Salvo Fir-e: Example: A Mekton with a Heavy
points the Attack Roll beats the Defense Rockets S Missiles Striker Arm may throw an object of 1/4 ton
Rolls by, up to the Adjusted Burst Value. RESOLVING MISSILE ATTACKS: or less 5 hexes. (Arm = 6 Kills; 6/2=3;
Example: [eff is firing his SMG (Burst Unlike every other weapon in the game, 3+2=5 hexes.)
Value of 5) at three Axis terrorists standing missiles and rockets may be fired in
in four adjacent hexes (the second hex is huge numbers. Every missile in a rack
Indirect: Fire and
empty). He makes a single Attack Roll may be fired in a single Action, or any Area Effect:
against the defenders, who each make number of them from one to the rack‘s One of the more useful items to throw
their own Evade Rolls. leff’s burst sends one capacity; that means that, with a few at an enemy (besides cars) is a grenade.
shot into each hex, with the first hex receiv- linked rocket pods, a target could suffer Grenades are indirect fire weapons that'
ing the extra shot. a barrage of up to 60 rockets! use the area effect nJIes below.

Page 96
Combat A
was What sets indirect-fire apart from a
normal attack is that it is not aimed at
Med1a Melee + DA 0 +1010) is greater
than the attacker's Indirect Fire Attack
applied from weapons with a Blast

Roll, the defender manages to get behind Radius according to the table below.
any mecha as its target, but instead is the shield in time to put its SP between Locations are rolled on the random hit
aimed at a hex. Indirect fire can only be himself and the damage of the explosion. location chart.
performed with weapons which satis- DEVIATION: If the indirect fire attack Example: if a humanoid Mekton (six
fy two requirements: misses, then the explosion still has to go servos) finds itself within the Blast Radius of
1) the weapon has a Blast Radius, and— off somewhere, right? Right. To deter- a 10K grenade attack, it will take 5 Kills to
2) the weapon must be able to be fired in mine where the new center of your Blast two randomly rolled locations.
an arc: Thus, it must be a projectile wea- Radius will be, roll 106 and consult the Note that area effect weapons may
pon, missile, or a thrown weapon such as chart below to determine which direction still be fired directly at a target; in such
a grenade. from the target hex the attack deviates. cases, a regular Attack Roll vs Defense
When an indirect fire attack is to Roll is made. If the target is hit, it suffers
be made, the attacker must first desig- a regular hit (full damage to one loca-
nate the target hex and determine its tion), while the hexes around it which
range. Range is determined by counting are within the Blast Radius are still subject
the number of hexes between the to area effect damage.
attacker and the target hex. Range For example: A D-Stalker hurls a
decides the Difficulty Number that the grenade at an AdVantage squadron. The
attacker must equal or overcome in grenade does 10 Kills and has a Blast radius
order to successfully place his attack in of 1 hex; there are three AdVantage’s stand-
the target hex. ing in a row (1 in each of three adjacent
hexes). The D-Stalker throws at the middle

INDIRECT FIRE TABLE AdVantage's Torso and hits; the middle

AdVantage takes 10 Kills to its Torso, while
DISTANCE RANGE DIFF the other two mecha (both being within the
1-2 Hexes Point-Blank 10
1-hex Blast Radius) take two S-Kill hits, each
3-4 Hexes Close 15
to a randomly rolled location.
5-8 Hexes Medium 20
The number rolled on the unsuc-
9-16 Hexes Long 25
17-324» Hexes Extreme 30
cessful attack is the determining factor
on how far it deviates:
Moorrrzas TO Drrrrcumr: 1-2
- Enemy is not in sight, but is in Damage tg Locations:
view of an ally (i.e., a spotter): +5 ............ 3 hexes KILLS: 1 2 3 4
- Enemy is entirely hidden from 10+ ........... 4 hexes l
view (such as behind cover): +10 A grenade may never deviate behind 2
an attacking mecha. If the result indi- 3
cates a deviation directly behind, the 4
If the attacker’s (Mecha) Reflexes + grenade is dropped in the same hex as 5

(Mecha Melee) or Athletics Skill 4» WA

the attacking unit (i.e., it attacks itself)! 5
+ 1010 roll is equal to or greater than If the deviation sends the grenade 5
the range's Difficulty, the explosion towards the attacker’s flank, the 5
occurs in the target hex. Anything grenade lands on an even line with the 5
which is occupying the target hex (and attacker. S

any surrounding hexes within the indirect 5

re weapon’s Blast Radius) is hit by the 5
' What makes indirect fire attach so
- All indirect fire weapons have a Blast 5
~ astating is the fact that the effects of Radius rating,- this number measures 5
how many hexes (beyond the hex they 5
' a cannot be avoided. However, if the
. land in) will take damage. A grenade
. ed mecha has a large shield (i.e., its
- with a Blast Radius of 1 would affect the
iszero; and the mecha hunkers dawn hex it lands in, and the 6 hexes around
ind the shield and prays for the best), that hex. Any mecha, scenery element
' . blasts can be Parried. If the and other possible target within the Blast
m. ding mecha’s Parry Roll (MR 4- Radius would then take damage.
Combat A
take a look at lapan's Shadow-Ninja Mecha-
Warn'or TOBlKAGE). All close-contact

attacks (that is, brawling and melee) are
automatically called shots and suffer no
penalty for such. This nile only applies to

body locations; extra-special targets such
as sensors and eyes must still be aimed for.

Characters (only) may convert any

strike with a melee weapon (not an
EMW!) into a stunning or ”knockout”
attack (this may also be performed with
the butt of a rifle, pistol, or any conve-
nient blunt object). Only one point of
damage is done, but the target must
also make a Stun/Shock roll. The modif-
er for this type of attack is -3. For more
detail on knockout attacks, see the sec-
tion on Stun/Shock rolls on page 103.
/U\ This attack includes punches, claws,
chops, elbow smashes, jabs, & back-
Melee S Energy incapacitation, unconsciousness, Olʼ hands. As with melee attacks, you must
Melee Attacks possibly death. be in an adjacent hex to perform any of
When any mecha is struck by a these. Each of these attach must be
To attack with a melee weapon,
shock weapon, its pilot must roll 1010 + called, but the penalty for such is ignored,
you must be in an adjacent hex to the
BOD, subtracting the Kill value of the superseded by the WA of the listed attack.
defender. All close—contact attacks
shock weapon: If the result is 10 or less, - PUNCHES. CLAWS. ELBOW
(brawling and melee) are automatical-
the severe pain is enough to cause the SMASHES St BAg;KHANDS: WA-O.
ly called shots and suffer no penalty
pilot to lose control of his mecha for one Torso, Head or Arms only.
for such. This rule only applies to body
locations; extra-special targets such as
Turn (that is, he loses one Turn). For each 0 fl: WA-S. Eyes or sensors only.
three points of failure, the Pilot loses 0 HQPS: WA-2. Stunning attack,
sensors and eyes must still be aimed.
another Turn (lose 2 Actions on a roll of usable by humans only. At Head:
Armor Piercing Attacks 7, three Actions at 4, etc ...). Defender must make a Stun/Shock roll
Certain types of melee weapons are Should the roll be below zero, the or be knocked out. At Arm: Defender
armor piercing (this includes drills, saws shock has been simply too great and an must make a Stun/Shock roll or drop
and axes). When an armor-piercing additional lDlo roll must be made; if whatever item he is holding in the
weapon scores a successful hit on a this unmodified DiO roll is less than the attacked Arm's hand.
servo, that servo is treated as having only pilot's Stun/Shock Number, then he's Kick
one half of its armor protection (with a unconscious. If it is greater he's dead. This attack includes wheel, crescent,
minimum value of O) for that attack only. Armor and shields have no effect thrust and spin kicks. Like punches, the
Thus, a Mekton with 6 Kills of armor against the number subtracted from the defender must be in an adjacent hex,
that is hit with an armor-piercing attack pilot's resistance roll. and every kick attack must be called.
will have only 3 points of effective armor
Hand-to-Hand Combat Other than these restrictions, kick attacks

against that attack.
(or “The Return of
are resolved as normal.
Shock . M: WA 0. Legs only.
Rather than causing normal dam- Robotic Kung Fu”) 0 MEL: WA -1. Torso only.
age, shocking melee weapons deliver All of the attacks listed below use 0 CRESCENT: WA -2. Head or Arms only.

an electrical shock to the target— Mecha Fighting or Hand to Hand skills A successful attack to an Arm causes the
although a billion volts may be nothing (depending upon whether itʼs mecha or defender to drop whatever he is holding.
to a 50-ton Mekton, it can prove to be human-scale combat), and include not 0 M1151: WA -3. Torso only, a success-

a little excessive for the pilot! This elec- just punches and kicks, but a variety of ful attack knocks defender back 1 hex.
trical surge will deliver tremendous pain martial arts techniques usable by both o SLIM: WA-4. Head only, a successful

to the target mecha's pilot, causing characters and mecha (before you laugh, attack adds mucho damage!

Page 98
MEKTON OISMEMBEBMENT TABLE: Attacker along top, defender down side.
SL 1K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K
LW 2K 4K

3K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K
ST 1K 2K 3K
5K 6K 7K 8K 9K
MS 0 1K 2K 5K 6K 7K 8K
HS 0 1K 4K 5K 6K 7K
MW 0 3K 4K 5K 6K
LH 2K 3K 4K 5K
MH 1K 2K 3K 4K
AH 0 1K 2K 3K
SH 0 0 1K 2K
0 0 0 1K

9151 0 PI_N: WA 0. Pin an arm or leg of an

Only Mechabeasts or living things enemy with one of your own.
can perform this attack. This attack must
be called, but suffers no penalties for
0 BEARHUG: WA -1. Pin opponent's arms
to his sides with one pair of your arms.
doing so. Referees should exercise cau- - DISMEMBER: WA. -2, Mecha-type
tion in deterrning what the mechabeast attack only. Rip any Arm, Leg, IMng, Tail

can actually reach. This attack is WA +0, or Head component off. Damage based
0 Punch, etc.
and does 4K+. Damage is modified by on toughness of target servo vs. your WA: +0 1 D2h+ l K+
the Head servo of the mechabeast (use paired arm servos. Use the Dismember 0 Chop
the Arm servo table's damage bonuses, Table. The resulting number on the chart WA: -2 Stun (NA)
page 55), and teeth (i.e., a melee above is the number of Kills the target 0 lab
weapon mounted in the head). servo receives. Note that Dismembering WA: -5 1D3h+ 2K+
attacks always ignore armor complete/y. ' Kick
This includes throws, slams, trips St Full Bgdy Attacks WA: +0 1D3h+ 2K+
sweeps. As above, you must be in an Includes rams, tackles, stomps and 0 Wheel Kick
adjacent hex to perform such an attacks. drops. Uses all of the normal combat WA: -1 1D6h+ 3K+
0 linOW: WA per 10 tons heavier
is -1 conditions for close combat; check 0 Crescent Kick
the target mecha is than yours; for attack description for damage done. WA: -2 1 D6+1h+ 4K+
humans, there's no such restriction. Hurls All of these attacks may be taken at the 0 Thrust Kick
~ opponent into adjacent hex (attackers end of a movement action, assuming WA: -3 1D6+2h+ 5K+
Spin Kick
choice), but does no damage. Victim that you end up in an adjacent hex 0

loses one Action. from the target. WA: 4 1D6+3h+ 6K+

- Bite
' LAM: WA -2 per every 10 tons heavier 0 STQME: WA-S. This move is used by
WA: +1 lD3h+ 4K+
than yours the target is; humans have no a Mekton to squish gun emplace-
0 Throw
such restrictions. Hurls opponent into ments, cars and unlucky people. If the
' Special '

WA: -1/ 10 * Special‘
“adjacent hex (attacker’s choice), does attack is a success, the defender is no
° Slam
damage, and defender loses one Action. more. Stomping another Mekton is

WA: -2/10 1 03+ 3K+
0 WA +1. Knocks considered a kick. 0 Trip/Sweep
.. ender down, does no damage.
- - WA +1. Knocks opponent WA: +1 * Special * " Special '
15.1394? — into next hex. Neither unit takes dam- 0Grab
Includes grabs, pins, bearhugs, age, but victim loses one Action. WA: -1 ‘ Special " ' Special '
.- rnglements and dismembelings. All Attacker must have Arms to perform 0 Pin
the rules for combat apply, and the tar- this action. WA: +0 ‘ Special * '
3- ’ Special
:_~. must be in an adjacent hex. Check 0 WA 0. Mecha attack only, in ' Bearhug
1- attack descriptions for damage. which a mecha slams into an oppo- WA: -1 * Special . ‘ Special ’
gm: WA -1. Take one object from nent's Torso. Each unit takes damage - Dismember
go- ethThiscanalsobeusedtograb based on the attacker‘s mass (see Ram WA: -2 " Special ' ' Special ‘
ns with a -5 modifier. Table) with +1 K for every 2 hexes the
Combat A,


KILLS EFFECT Rammer Target Damage The following is a list of Actions that
1-3 No effect. may be attempted in lieu of movement
01-29 tons 3K
4—6 Roll Stun/Shock or lose 1 or an attack:
3049 tons 4K
Action from force of attack. 0 IBANSLQBM: If your mecha is trans-
50-69 tons 5K formable, it takes one Action to

7-8 Lose one Action from force
of attack. 70-79 tons 6K change from one form to another.
9—10 Knocked down, lose 1 80-89 tons 7K 0 It takes an Action
Action. 90-99 tons 8K to replace a weapon, but not to draw
Knocked down and back 1
one (why do you think so many pilots in
100+ tons
hex, lose 1 Action. Add +1K per 2 hexes traveled mecha shows simply throw away
Knocked down and back 1
between rammer and target. weapons in the middle of a fight? They
hex, lose 2 Actions. just didnʼt have time to put them away!)
Knocked down and back 2 0 ERFQBM A SKILL RQLL: Any skill
hexes and lose 2 Actions. attacker has traveled that Action. used (other than combat skills) takes
(Note: This attack may be performed an Action to perform. An example
at the end of a movement action—that would be rolling your Awareness skill,
WEIGHT ADIUSTMENTS FOR is, moving and ramming takes only which when piloting a Mekton is called
DEFENDER one Action.) The heaviest unit occu- a Sensor Roll.
1-19 tons: Move down table 2 pies the hex at the end of the attack; 0 QNE ACTIQN: Anything else that

points (more knockback). the other unit is displaced 1 hex back- would take about five seconds of time,
20—39 tons: Move down table 1 wards (or bounced out of the hex in or less.
point (more knockback). the direction it entered).
40-69 tons: Do not adjust table. RQP: WA -2. Running leap ending

70-89 tons: Move

(less knockback).
up table 1 point with both feet slamming into the
defenderʼs Torso. Performed exactly as /-v7'w7
90+ tons: Move up table 2 points a ram, but the attacker takes no dam-
(less knockback). age. The attacker must have Legs. henever a Mekton takes a
Drops may be made from above, but hit (from a weapon the size
damage still goes to the Torso. of a small car), quite a bit
HUMAN KNOCKBACK of force can be transferred from the
HITS EFFECT DEFENSIVE attack to the frame of the mecha.
Stagger on feet. No game
AchoNs When an attack of sufficient force
hits a mecha, this is likely to cause
effect. Evade or Parry attempts (page 82) Knockback (sidebar). It should be noted
5-6 Knocked back I hex are not considered actions. But there is that when a unit evades, it suffers no
7-8 Knocked back 2 hexes also a hand to hand defensive action: knockback (natch), but even if it suc-
ceeds in parrying an attack, it will take
9 Knocked back 3 hexes, lose
1 Action.
Escape Knockback from the impact on the
10 Knocked back 4 hexes. This is effectively the only defensive shield (or whatever). However, any
Make Stun/Shock Roll or Action you can take. To free yourself from Knockback from a parried attack is
fall unconscious. Lose all an entanglement or other grappling always shifted one level up on the
Actions for next turn. attack, you must make a successful chart (that is, less Knockback).
Escape Roll. To keep you in his clutches, EFFECT OF LOSING ACTIONS: You
the attacker must attempt to beat you may still act on your next turn, but you
BODY TYPE ADIUSTMENTS with the following roll: will suffer a penalty as if you had already
FOR DEFENDER expended the number of Actions listed.
BOD 2: Down 2 level REFLEX (or MECHA REFLEX) + Example: You lose 1 Action due to
BOD 3-4: Down Level1 HAND-TO-HAND (or MECHA Knockback. Next Turn, you can only per-
BOD 5-7: No change FIGHTING) + 1010. form one Action, such as move 1/2 your
BOD 8-9: Up Level
1 MA or make a single Attack.
BOD 10: Up 2 Levels You must make a roll using the same People can also take Knockback in.
stats and skills; you escape if you beat combat; they use the Human - - -

him or if the rolls are tied. chart to the left.

Page 100
Bombat A


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_ I.
i _ o rr Eirate 3,
rime if:


r. MSW!

‘ 1104
. llUT-llF-SCALE COMBAT A zé—neAzj
here are times when a Mekton
the human target‘s Defense Roll, they
needs to fire at a human-sized OUT OF SCALE MDDS score a Near Miss. A Near Miss always
target, and vice versa. In either of Attacker vs. Target falls within 50 meters of the human tar-
these cases, all of the normal modifiers Man vs Roadstriker get. To determine where the Near Miss
apply, with the following additions: Man vs Mekton will fall, roll 106. Working from the front
There are six "scales” in Mekton Zeta Man vs Ship hex-facing of the target, place the hit: 1
Roadstriker vs Man
(although we deal with only three of = Directly in front, 2 = To the left front, 3
Roadstriker vs Mekton
them here). The scales are as follows: Roadstriker vs Ship = To the right front, 4 = Directly behind,
0 Human - See this book. Mekton vs Man 5 = To the rear right, 6 = to the rear left.
0 Roadstriker - See page 106. Mekton vs Roadstriker Whatever is in the SO-meter hex
0 Mekton - See this book. Mekton vs Ship where the Near Miss has fallen takes the
0 Corvette - See Mekton Zeta Plus”. Ship vs Man full damage of the attack. The nearly
0 Starship - See page 108.
Ship vs Roadstriker
missed human target, on the other hand,
Ship vs Mekton
0 Excessive - See Mekton Zeta Plus. will take 1/2 Damage (straight to the
Coming Soon Honest Torso) from the near miss (a 1-Kill attack

To attack an out-of-scale opponent, becomes 12 Hits; 2 Kills becomes 25 Hits,

you are on the list. Then
first find where Horseshoes, Hand Grenades and anything greater than this will pretty
go up or down, until you find your tar- and Mekton Weapons much vaporize a human target).
gets scale. For each level you traveled, Mecha aren't usually bothered by all Mektons may also try to Stomp or
you get a +3 (if you go down/attack a the antlike humans underfoot—one Grab humans. A grabbed human can
larger target) or a -3 (if you go up/attack good stomp and they’re history. One attempt to escape during his Turn, but the
a smaller target). This is the modifier on reason mechajoclcs are such a cocky mecha can always elect to cmsh him before
your to hit roll. We’ve calculated the most breed is that their weapons are so hor- he gets the chance; a crushed human is
common modifiers in the chart at right. rendous that they don't even have to hit very dead. Likewise, Mektons may attempt
Example: A Mekton tries to shoot at a the little blighters; even if they don't beat to stomp on a mnning human. Stamped
human. They are separated by 2 scales, their Defense Roll, if a mecha's Attack humans are instanfiy reduced to a thin
119 it a -6 penalty to hit the little sucker. Roll ls equal to or within two points of pasteonmemecha’sfootplates.

Page 101
Combat A


hen an actual HIT is rolled, standard hit charts, like sensors and location hit redeves N0 armor protec-
Wyou will follow one of the fol- thrusters. The Cinematic chart causes a tion! This represents the lucky shot that
lowing procedures: special damage result (as listed on the finds the Achilles heel of enemy's armor.
1: If the hit was a called shot, the chart), and may also cause 1/2 damage to
number of Kills the weapon causes
is subtracted from the area indicat-
be applied to the location most likely asso-
ciated with the special result Pncrrecncw FRCM
ed. See page 95 for the modifiers on
Critical Hits
called shots. Combat in Mekton would be very
2: if the attack was not a called shot, When an attacker's roll beats a short and very fatal without armor pro-
then you will roll on one of the hit defender’s by 5 or greater, a Critical tection. Armor, whether the heavy
location charts to the right. Hit has been scored on the opposing plates of metal alloys used to cover
READING THE CHARTS: Roll 1D10 unit. The result of this hit is that the mecha components or the lighter bal-
and consult the chart in question. Most of attacker may choose which of the 3 listic meshes of character armor, pro-
the results will simply apply the damage of charts he rolls on: Normal, Special, or tects the wearer from taking the full
the weapon to a body location. However, Cinematic. If you beat the defender by amount of damage thrown at him.
there are two results that take you to 10 or greater, a Mega-Critical Hit has There are two important factors to
another chart: Special and Cinematic. been scored. Vlfith a Mega-Grit you roll remember when dealing with Mekton
The Special Hit chart has some sys- on the Random Hit Charts as normal Zeta armor: Stopping Power and
tems on it that are not available on the (unless the attack was called), but the Staged Penetra-tion.


MECHA RANDOM SPECIAL HIT 3 Sensor Overload. Sensors suffer mal-

HIT CHART LOCATIONS function, and suit is blinded for id6

1-2 Weapon (chosen randomly, gets turns (servo housing sensors takes 1/2
armor protection). damage).
3 Sensors (get armor protection). 4 Flight system cuts out for 1d6 turns
4 Flight System (gets armor protec- (Torso takes 1/2 damage).
4 ....... Pod (Torso no pod)
if tion). 5 Thruster Malfunction. Next Turn all
......... Right Side Limb 5 Shield Mount (no armor protection; you can do is move your full flight

.......... Left Side Limb

Shield is severed from mecha)
Other (random
MA forward, and hope there is noth-
ing in the way (Torso takes 1/2
9 ..... Other (Wing, Tail, etc.)
servo location of subassembly takes Damage).
10 ...... Roll on Special Chart 1/2 damage. 6 Ammo Explosion, If the mecha has mis—
7 Cockpit (gets armor protection, see siles or projectile weapons stored inside
page 59 for open vs. closed). a servo, they go up in a fireball,
Remaining damage goes to pilot). destroying the servo from the inside
8-9 Cinematic Damage (see below) (roll randomly which servo).
Powerplant (gets armor protection). 7 Random weapon malfunctions for 106
HUMAN RANOOM 1/2 damage goes to Torso. Turns, during which time it is useless
HIT CHART (servo housing weapon takes 1/2
CINEMATIC HIT 8 Control jam. All actions are at -2 until
LOCATIONS repaired (Basic repair roll vs. 15; Torso
takes 1/2 damage).
5 ............... Right Arm 1 Hydraulics hit. Random limb takes 1/2 9 Systems Shutdown. Mecha useless for
6 ................ Left Arm 2
damage and ceases to function.
Blunt Hit. Mecha suffers double
next turn (Torso takes 1/2 damage).
10 Powerplant overload- Fuses blow and
damage for purposes of determining the mecha is shut down for the
Knockback, and takes 1/2 damage remainder of the battle (Torso takes
to Torso. 1/2 damage).
Stopping Power
Each level of armor has its own
Stopping Power (SP). When you are hit,
subtract the current SP value from the
amount of damage. The remaining dam-
age (if any) will then be subtracted from
the hit area.

Staged Penetration
Mekton armor works on the idea of
Staged Penetration. Each time armor is
hit by a single attack (of one Kill or
greater for mecha, 1 Hit or greater for
characters), it loses one point of SP.
When it reaches 0, there will be no armor
left covering the area, and no armor pro-
tection will remain.
Example: A unit has Striker armor
(3SP). It takes a 5 Kill attack. 2 points pen-
etrate the armor, and the armor protection
is ablated one point. Now the armor SP on
that location is 25P. Even if the armor had
stopped the attack, it still would have D
dropped one level. to or lower than his Stun/Shock NEEDLERS: For each "dart” that

HUMAN DAMAGE value, the character remains awake,

and can act normally. This roll must be
hits a target, that target is at -1 to his
Stun/Shock Roll. So a person hit with
RESULTS made at the beginning of the three needler darts would suffer a -3
character's Turn, as long as the condi- penalty to his roll.
tions that call for the roll exist. If the roll
At 0 Hits, humans are automatically comes as the result of an attack, the roll Knockout Attacks
unconscious. They may take no Actions is made instantly and only once. The infamous “karate chop" is an

except lie on the floor until they are Following is a list of cases where attack specifically designed to knock
healed to 1 or more Hits. At -2 Hits the youʼll have to make a Stun/Shock Roll. characters out. When struck, the
head is severely traumatized, and the defender must make a Stun/Shock Roll
target is dead. to stay conscious.
If you take over 1/2 of your
Arms/Legs In addition, any blow with a hand
remaining damage in a location in a
At 0 Hits the limb is broken and use- single attack, you must make a or club weapon may be converted into
may not be used to carry equip-
less. It
Stun/Shock Roll to avoid passing out. a knockout blow (requiring the
ment, attack or move. At -2 the limb is Example: [eff is shot in the Torso, defender to make a Stun/Shock Roll to
shattered and shredded, and will be lost where he has 6 hits remaining. He takes maintain consciousness) if the attacker
unless immediate medical attention is
4 points from the attack, so he must
has paid the additional modifiers for
given. At -5, the limb is blown clean off. make a Stun/Shock Roll to avoid passing making a knockout attack (see page
1959 out from shock.
At 0 Hits the torso has taken massive
internal damage and the character is
Drugs or Slggg Gas
Some attacks (like gas grenades or
unconscious. At -2 the target is dead. A-S, needlers) do not cause damage, but RESULTS
there is barely enough left of the Torso to
keep the arms and legs attached.
rather are intended to knock out their Some
intended victim. On the equipment list, When the internal damage of a
“Stun/Shock Rolls these weapons do not have a damage,
but instead have a listed modifier to the
servo reaches 0 Kills it is destroyed,
and can no longer function in any
Certain conditions may force a victim's Stun/Shock Roll; i.e.; a gas way. If a pilot is located in a servo that
character to make a Stun/Shock Roll to grenade with a ”-1" damage requires a is reduced to 0 Kills, he must instantly
remain conscious. In these cases, he Stun/Shock Roll at -1 for the victim to attempt an emergency ejection roll or
i ust roll 1D10. If the result is equal remain conscious. be killed.

Page 103
Combat A
Bed It makes no difference what area of
The Pod has no Kills in and of itself, thrusters is hit, as it has no adverse effect

so when its armor SP reaches 0, it is on the servo. For this reason the thruster

m destroyed.
When the Kills of a sensor reaches 0,
they are destroyed and all of the Actions
that mecha takes are at —4 (-2 if the cock-
pit is a canopy type).
When a weapon reaches 0 Kills it is
destroyed, and may no longer be used to
attack or parry.

At 1/2 their Kills, wheels and treads

are inoperable but may be made to func-
tion if the pilot succeeds in an emer-
location destroyed is rolled randomly.

As mentioned earlier in the construc-

tion chapter (pg.64), there are two types
of powerplant: a hot, or volatile, version,
and a cool, or armored, one. Both types
of powerplants use the same system for
damage, buuuuut....
Whenever a powerplant hit is indi-
cated on the Special Chart (there is no
other way to hit a powerplant—you
may not attempt to call a shot on one)
you must roll vs. an Explosion Save
(XS). Roll 1010, and if you roll your XS

gency Mecha Tech roll v5.15. At 0 Kills, or less, your suit instantly goes up in a
the system is destroyed and useless. fireball. You still may attempt a last-
minute ejection Roll (sidebar next page).

When any mecha is designed, the

spaces of its propulsion system are usual-
ly spread between different servos. If a
propulsion system is hit, you have to If a Powerplant hit doesnʼt blow
know how many divisions there are. For you up, add +1 to your XS number.
example, if you had spaces for your Example: A hot powerplant is hit in bat-
thrusters in both Legs and Torso, your pilot rolls on 8, so it does not exp/ode.
tle. Its
flight system is in 3 locations. However, its XS number is now 6. If it is hit
Remember: flight systems are pro- again, a roll of 6 or less destroys the suit.
tected by the armor of the servo they are If your mecha explodes, and there
in. If armor levels on servos are different, are other units in the six hexes directly
roll randomly for the location of the adjacent to the hex your mecha occu-
thrusters that are hit. Not having Kills, pies, they are all engulfed in a 1DlO Kills
propulsion systems are rather fragile... explosion (for cool powerplants; hot
If you suffer a flight system hit that powerplants do 2010 within those 6
successfully penetrates armor, one loca- hexes and lDl 0 to the 10 hexes outside
tion is knocked out. It doesnʼt matter how those 6. This explosion works exactly like
many spaces are in the servo; if the sys- any area effect damage (see page 97).
tem is hit it is gone. The game effects are
as follows: Once you know how many
Self Destruct
servos you have your propulsion system At any time during your turn you
in, divide your MA by that number, may decide to self-destruct your unit (a
rounding down (to a minimum value of classically anime thing to do). If you do,
1). If you get hit in a thruster area, reduce at the END of your turn the suit goes up,
your MA by that much. When the last and you must make an emergency ejec-
area is hit, all remaining MA goes as well. tion roll (or go up with it). The explosion
Example: The Armored Mako has a destroys your entire unit, and causes the
flight MA of 10. Its thrusters split between same explosion as a powerplant hit. If
three locations (both Legs and Torso). By youʼre really lucky, the damage caused
dividing 10 by 3, I get 3.3333... which may cause a second powerplant explo-
rounds to 3. If the Mako takes a thruster hit, sion this time your opponent‘s!
it loses 3 points off of its MA, which reduces
it to 7 (rocket-assisted jumps). If a second hit
Cockpit Hit
is scored, it is reduced to 4 (shorter jumps), If a cockpit hit is indicated, the attack
and the final hit destroys it entirely. has hit the mecha exactly in the pilot com
Combat A

Whenever you need to
escape from your mecha in a
hurry, you're going to have to
make an Emergency Ejection Roll
first. This roll is made on the fol~
lowing chart, adding your
Reflexes +1 010. All of the modi-
fiers to the table are listed below:

1-5: You are vaporized without
knowing what hit you.
6: You get to scream and feel
some pain before you go
(lucky you).
7: You get to yell the name of
partment. If the hit penetrates the
armor of the servo the cockpit is in, it
a loved one, then die.
You get a small flashback
vaporizes the pilot, leaving the mecha Ever notice how mecha on many of to the happiest moment
whole but useless. The only exception to your favorite TV shows seem to be made of your (now) tragically
this is a hit on a canopy-type cockpit. If out of tin foil? Even a single attack often short life.
such a cockpit is hit, the canopy offers only reduces an entire suit to molten slag. We 9: You get to make a short,
2 Kills of armor (regardless of the servo's like to call this the C-Factor (if you don’t heroic speech then
armor) protection to the pilot. This 2K rat- know what we are talking about, ask us explode.
ing only used on a direct cockpit hit.
is at a con and we'll be happy to enlight- 10: You have time for a long
Yes, you may attempt a last minute en you). To best simulate this, we have heroic speech and a flash-
ejection with a cockpit hit (see sidebar). included the optional ”G-Factor” Quick back (while wondering
Kill Rule. You may use this rule in your where all of the cherry
Falling Down game or not, as you see fit. blossoms came from)
One major factor in flying mecha com- When your mecha is on the receiv- before you die.
bat is falling. Falling occurs whenever ing end of an attack that penetrates its 11: You escape with serious
you no longer have thrusters to keep armor, you must roll 1010. if the result wounds (1d6 wounds to
your unit airborne (speeding over cliffs, of this die roll is greater then the num- all areas).
being thrown and other such troubles ber of remaining Kills in the servo that 12: You escape with minor
also come to mind). All mecha fall at a was hit, that servo explodes and is wounds (1d6/2 wounds
rate of 8 hexes per Turn. To compute destroyed. to all areas).
falling damage: ”Wkes," you say, but fear not—you 13+ You escape unharmed.
1) Check the weight of the mecha still have a chance to avoid this fate. If
with the Ram Table (page 99). This is you wish, you may expend your Luck MODIFlERS TO THE CHART:
your base damage taken. Points to lower the dice roll. However, Cockpit in the Head ...... +2
2) Add +1 Kill for every 2 hexes you must say you are expending these Escape a Self-Destruct: . . . . +4
fallen. Apply total damage to the points (but not how many) before the Escape a Powerplant Hit . . . -2
mecha’s Torso servo.
3) Roll 1D10 to see how you land
die roll is made. Once the result of the
roll is known, you may then choose
Escape a Cockpit Hit ......
No Escape Pod or Eject Seat -6
(1: upright, 2-6: on your back, 7-10: how many points you wish to spend.
on your face). Your new facing will be But if you said you were going to
the same as when you began your fall. expend your Luck points, you must
Falling humans see page 114. expend at least one.


MDDIFIERS oadstrikers generally use the Mara-ans vs.
CONDITION MODIFER Rsame combat rules as those
Base Difficulty used by Mektons—they are, in
Wet road effect, only smaller versions of the Sometimes (if you're really unlucky)
Terrain obscured (smoke, big guys. However, certain special combat occurs between Mektons and
snow, fog rules apply to Roadstrikers; smaller Roadstrikers. In such situations, woe be
and quicker, they can get into situa— to the mini-mecha! There is only one
tions no Mekton could ever do. On advantage to being the smaller com-
Oil, ice, other slick surface . . . . one hand, they can engage in high- batant in a Mekton-Roadstriker fight:
Under attack speed Mechacar chases, but on the you act faster.
Lost control previous Turn . . . . other hand, they can really suffer at Roadstrikers get +5 Initiative
Performing a jump the hands of a full-blown Mek! when facing Mektons, and +3 to
Hydroslick attack Mektons (they’re such big tar-
ROADS-"amen gets). Similarly, Mektons suffer -3 to


But Mektons have a big advantage
ROLL RESULTS Roadstrikers being so small and in the discrepancy between their armor
quick, add +5 to their Mecha ablation rates and those of mini-mecha:
DIO RESULT Reflexes for Initiative Rolls, but only Roadstriker armor ablates in S-Hit
when in combat with Mektons. increments, while Mekton armor
1-3 Minor Skid: Vehicle stalls ablates in 1-Kill increments. This
out; lose one Action.
Major Skid: Vehicle ends up
Dnrvrmc ROLLS means that a Roadstriker must be able
stalled and one hex diago- While there are many mecha which to do at least 25 Hits of damage to a
nal to the direction of trav- could be described as ”land vehicles” Mekton if it wants to have any effect at
el; lose one Action, and (including humanoid mecha skating on all! If less than 25 Hits are done to a
treat any collision as a ram. leg-mounted wheels, hovercraft and Mekton, the damage is simply
6-7 106 twice. Each
Spi_n: Roll even tanks), the most common form of ignored.
number represents a hex ”driven” mecha is the transformable Even beyond the armor ablation
side—first roll represents Roadstriker. Whether zipping around gap between the two types of mecha,
hex vehicle ends up in, sec- corners, skidding around obstacles and there is the fact that Roadstrikers are
ond represents facing of maneuvering inside buildings, the pilot often of a comparable size to greater-
vehicle. Lose one Action
of the careening mecha may be required scale melee weapons.
and treat any collisions as a
to make a Driving/Piloting Roll. This means that the smaller mecha
Roll Vehicle. Roll 106 twice. All land vehicles must contend in an inter-scale battle can be actually

Each number represents a with Driving Rolls. The base difficulty be picked up and thrown for distance
hex side—first roll repre- any vehicle’s driver must equal or beat and accuracy!
sents hex vehicle ends up in order to perform a Driving/Piloting
in, second represents facing Roll is 15. However, this roll is often
of vehicle, which is now modified by special conditions. Some of tri
upside down. Take damage these conditions are listed in the sidebar In these cases, the lesser-scale mecha in
as if from a ram, lose one on the left. question is treated like a thrown weapon
Action and treat any colli- if a Driving Roll is failed, the driver for the purposes of the larger-scale
sions as another ram.
will lose control. Take the amount by mecha's target, doing damage equal to
which the roll was failed and consult the smaller-scale mecha’s base Ram

the table in the sidebar to the left. Damage plus the melee Damage Bonus
For example: Rocket Russel is taking of the throwing mecha’s Arm servo.
his Mechabike around a tight (+2), icy
(+3) turn. His total Driving Difficulty is
(Roadstriker’s base Ram Damage)
15 + 2 + 3 = 20. Missing his roll by 4
points, he goes into a major skid.
(Mekton’s Melee Damage Bonus, as
Unfortunately, his skid places him smack
based on Arm servo Class)
into a brick wall.

Page 106
omhat A
Both the target and the thrown
mecha take this damage—ouch. For
Kanzaki at a nearby Mechacar. Whammo!
The Mechacar takes 20H (from the Ram
example: Kanzakiʼs 3-ton Mechabike is Table), +5H for the 2 hexes the bike is You'll need these modified Ram,
snagged by a 55-ton Mekton. The Mekʼs thrown, +25H (that's +lK for the Knockback and Dismemberment
Mediumweight Arm can throw the bike 2 Mediumweight Arm); Kanzaki's bike takes Tables for ease of play; we thought
hexes (normal throwing range is 4 hexes, - the same damage (5 OH, or 2K), reducing it we'd spare you the math!
2 for the bike's weight), and he aims and him to paste. Oh well.

5-15 No effect. DEFENDER:
20-30 Roll Stun/Shock or lose 0.1-1.9 tons: Move down
1 Action from force of table 2 points Rammer . . . .Target Damage
attack. (more knock- 0.1-2.9 tons
35-40 Lose one Action from back).
3.0—4.9 tons
force of attack. 2.0-3.9 tons: Move down
45-50 Knocked down, lose 1 table 1 point 5.0-6.9 tons
Action. (more knock- 7.0-7.9 tons
55-60 Knocked down and back). 8089 tons
back 10 meters, lose 1 4.0-6.9 tons: Do not adjust 9.0-9.9 tons
Action. table.
10.0+ tons
65—70 Knocked down and 7.0-8.9 tons: Move up table 1
back 10 meters, lose 2 point (less
Actions. knockback). Add +5H per 2 hexes traveled
75+ Knocked down and 9.0+ tons: Move up table 2 between rammer and target.
back 20 meters and lose points (less
2 Actions. knockback).


Attacker along top, defender down side.
SL SH 10H 15H 20H 25H 30H 35H 4OH
LW SH 10H 15H 20H 25H

30H 35H
ST SH 10H 15H ZOH 25H 30H

MS 10H 15H ZOH 25H

HS SH 10H 15H 20H
MW 0 SH 10H 15H
LH 10H


Combat A

smnsrrrp commit A 534 ifAZ‘Afi/pfi 1”,

hile Mektons and Roadstrik- Ships do not suffer any penalty for tak- ' CIDS: CIDS systems are difficult to
ers have a lot in common, ing extra Actions, since the ship is designed destroy, as they are spread all over the
Meks and Starships really to do many things at once—why else have Hull of the ship. Each time a CIDS sys-
don’t. Mektons are definitely big, but all those crew? However, a ship may fire tem is hit, it loses 1 from its WA (the
Starships are decidedly huge; they also any specific weapon only twice per Turn. Hull’s armor must be penetrated in
order to do this). When the WA is
have crews numbering in the hundreds
and weapons that can destroy cities. The SHIP HITS reduced to -10, the system is totally
following special rules apply to ships. If a Starship takes a hit, the Hull auto- destroyed.

SHIP |NITIATIVE matically takes the shot (since it's the only
location anyway). If the Attack Roll beats
0 SENSORS: Each time the sensor array

of a ship is hit, the ship loses 1 WA

Ship combat proceeds as follows: the Defense Roll by 5 or more, in addition from a_l| its main weapons (the target-
First, any Mektons and other mecha to the damage to the Hull, a Critical Hit has ing device is on the fritz). When WA is
involved in combat take their Turns in been scored. Roll on the Ship Hit Table. reduced to -10, the ship has lost all fire
control. As usual, armor must be pene-
order of their Initiative (see page 88). After
a_ll mecha have gone, the ships act.
Damage Results trated in order to do this.
Ships roll their Initative with - WEAPON: lf a main weapon is hit, it - ENGINES: For each hit scored on the
1010, and add the Crew Quality value. takes the damage to its Kills. When the engines, the ship's MA is reduced by
For example: A ship with an A crew Kills of the weapon are at 0, the weapon one. When MA is reduced to 0, the
rolls 1010, and would add 16. is destroyed. In this instance, the Hull ship is dead in space. As always, armor
does not take the Kills—the weapon must be overcome first.
STARSHIP Acmcms does. However, it does receive the armor - CREW: Each time the crew takes a
Unlike Mektons, ships have comple- protection of the Hull. hit, the skill rolls of that ship drop by
ments of crew to perform all of their one. If an A crew (with a 16 skill roll) is
functions, so they are not limited to a SHIP HIT LOCATION TABLE hit twice, that ship's roll is now 14.
number of Actions in a turn. During its - POWERPLANT: Roll 1010 to check for
explosion. If the roll is 1-5, the power-
Turn, a ship may:
0 Move Its full engine MA, plant of the ship goes critical and
and/or explodes. On a roll of 6-10, the ship is
0 Launch mecha (up to 1/ 10th its safe. There is a -1 cumulative penalty for
total complement), and/or each time after the first that the power-
Fire any or all main weapons plant is hit. Armor protects.
(CIDS weapons are used when-
............ Powerplant" For example: The second time the
the referee determines that the ship is
" If
ever a pesky Mekton gets too not ”fragile", this hit result is re-rolled. Powerplant is hit, it explodes on a roll of 1-
close). 6. the third time on 1-7, etc

Page 108
Open (plains, pavement) 1-3 Mingr Skid: Vehicle stalls out; lose
Rough (woods, rocks, rubble) one Action (see diagram).
Checking the range of Restrictive (jungle, snow, water) . . . . 4-5 Manr Skid: Vehicle ends up stalled
your weapons (pg. 92] and one hex diagonal to the direction of
travel (see illustration); lose one Action,
to target, you first move DRIVING RDLLS and treat any collision as a ram.
into striking distance: CONDITION MODIFER 67 Spin: Roll 106 twice. Each number
Base Difficulty represents a hex side—first roll repre-
sents hex vehicle ends up in, second rep-
Wet road
FIGHTER TURN Terrain obscured (smoke, snow. fog . .+2
resents facing of vehicle. Lose one Action
and treat any collisions as a ram.
RADIUS Very tight turn (like a bootlegger tum)+2 8+ Roll Vehicle: Roll 106 twice. Each
Mecha Fighter MA Driver wounded number represents a hex side—first roll
Oil, ice, other slick surface represents hex vehicle ends up in, second
Under attack represents facing of vehicle, which is now
Lost control previous Turn upside down. Take damage as if from a
ram, lose one Action and treat any colli-
Performing a jump
sions as another ram. J

Attack ATTACK DAMAGE Penalty to Attack
0 Punch, etc.
Make your attack, WA: +0 1D2h+ 1K+
Modifying your Skill Rolls 0 Chop
WA: -2 Stun
as you do: 0 lab
WA: -5 lD3h+
Wheel Kick
+0 lD3h+
Beyond Combat Range
WA -1 1D6h+
Man vs Roadstriker - Crescent Kick
Man vs Mekton WA: -2 106+1h+ 4K+ THRDWING DISTANCE
Man vs Ship 0 Thrust Kick WEIGHT (round up!) MOD
Roadstriker vs Man WA: -3 1D6+2h+ 5K+
Roadstriker vs Mekton 0 Spin Kick
Roadstriker vs Ship WA: -4 lD6+3h+ 6K+
Mekton vs Man TBite
Mekton vs Roadstriker WA: +1 1 D3h+ 4K+
Mekton vs Ship Throw
Ship vs Man
WA: -l/10 ’ Special" ’ Special '
Ship vs Roadstriker
Ship vs Mekton
1-2 Hexes
WA: -2/10 103+ 3K+
0 Trip/ Sweep 34 Hexes Close 15
5-8 Hexes Medium 20
' Special ' '
WA: +1 Special *
9-16 Hexes Long 25
MDDS 0Grab
WA: -1 ' Special ' ' Special ' 17-32+ Hexes Extreme 30
Location Penalty to Hit 0 Pin Modifiers to Difficulty:
WA: +0 " Special" ‘ Special ' 0 Enemy is not in sight, but is in view of
0 Bearhug an ally (Le. a spotter): +5
WA: -1 ' Special ' ' Special ' 'Enemy is entirely hidden from view
0Dismember (such as behind cover): +10
WA: -2 ‘ Special ' ' Special '
The next step in the combat process, here you will
See Where use a random 1D1D roll to determine the location of
You Hit any successful attack that was not an aimed shot

MECHA RANDOM SPECIAL HIT CHART Flight system cuts out for 1d6 turns (1/2

HIT CHART Weapon (chosen randomly, gets armor damage to Torso).

RESULT protection). Thruster malfunction. Next Tum all you can

Sensors (get armor protection). do is move your full flight MA forward, and
Flight System (gets armor protection). hope there is nothing in the way (Torso takes

4............. Pod (Torso no pod)

Shield Mount (no armor protection; Shield 1/2 damage).

............... Right Side Limb is severed). Ammo Explosion. If the mecha has missiles or

................ Left Side Limb Other (random subassemblies). Servo loca-

tion of subassembly takes 1/2 damage.
projectile weapons stored inside a servo, they
go up in a fireball, destroying the servo from
9 ........... Other (Wing, Tail, etc.)
Cockpit (gets armor protection, see page the inside (roll servo randomly).
............ Roll on Special Chart 59 for Open vs. Closed). Remaining dam- Random weapon malfunctions for 106 Turns,
age goes to pilot. during which time it is useless (servo housing

8-9 Cinematic Damage (roll on next chart) weapon takes 1/2 damage).
10 Powerplant (gets armor protection). 1/2 Control lam. All actions are at -2 until repaired
damage goes to Torso. (Basic repair roll vs. 15; Torso takes 1/2 dam-
RESULT Systems shutdown. Mecha useless for next
Hydraulics hit. Random limb takes 1/2 dam-
age and ceases to function. turn ( 1/2 damage to Torso).

Blunt Hit. Mek suffers double damage for pur- 10 Powerplant Overload. Fuses blow and mecha

poses of determining Knockback, takes 1/2 shuts down for remainder of battle (Torso

damage to Torso. takes 1/2 damage).

Sensor Overload. Sensors suffer malfunction,

and suit is blinded for 1d6 turns (housing
servo takes 1/2 damage).


ENERGY WEAPONS Giant Cannon Drill
Lt.Beam Gun Autocannon Saw
Med. Beam Gun Hvy. Autocannon Shock-Whip . . . .2K/Shock
Hvy. Beam Gun Epoxy Gun
Rocxns/Mtssrtes Energy Sword
Based on the damage of Hvy. Beam Cannon
Nova Cannon
Rocket Pod Energy Axe
Rocket Launcher
your weapon or attack, Pulse Cannon
Missile Pod
Energy Lance
Nova Sword
Beam Sweeper
determine how many Hvy. Missile
points have been lost Cannon
Lt. Sword Small Shield
Med . Cannon Med. Shield
from where you hit. Hvy. Cannon Large Shield


SL 1K/SH 2K/10H 3K/1SH 4K/20H 5K/25H 6K/30H 7K/35H 8K/40H 9K/45H IOKISOH 1 1 K/SSH
LW 0 IK/SH 2K/10H 3K/ISH 4K/20H 5K/25H 6K/30H 7K/35H 8K/40H 9K/4SH 10K/50H
ST 0 1K/SH 2K/10H 3K/15H 4K/20H SK/ZSH 6K/30H 7K/35H 8K/40H 9K/45H

MS 0 TK/SH 2K/10H 3K/15H 4K/20H SK/ZSH 6K/30H 7K/35H 8K/40H


HS 0 lK/SH 2K/10H 3K/15H 4K/20H SK/ZSH 6K/30H 7K/3SH

MW O lK/SH 2K/10H 3K/15H 4K/20H 5K/25H 6K/30H
LH 0 1K/SH 2K/10H 3K/1 SH 4K/20H SK/ZSH
MH 0 O 1K/5H 2K/10H 3K/ISH 4K/20H
AH 0 O 0 TK/SH 2K/10H 3K/1 SH

SH O O 0 0 lK/SH 2K/1 OH
0 0 0 0 0 1K/5H
--------—-— -------—-—- ---—-—--—- -----df—'
Damage Check Check Special Effects Si [Ither
Confinued Factors


DAMAGE Knockback, Ejection KNOCKBACK
Damage to Locations: Rolls and other Special HITS EFFECT
2 4


3 5-15 No effect.
Effects. 20-30 Roll Stun/Shock or lose 1
Action from force of attack.
35-40 Lose one Action from force of
45-50 Knocked down, lose

No effect. Action.
4-6 Roll Stun/Shock or lose 1
55-60 Knocked down and back 10
Action from force of attack.
meters, lose 1 Action.
7-8 Lose one Action from force of
65-70 Knocked down and back 10

meters, lose 2 Actions.


9-10 Knocked down, lose 1

75+ Knocked down and back 20
meters and lose 2 Actions.
11-12 Knocked down and back 1
hex, lose 1 Action. WEIGHT ADIUSTMENTS FOR
13-14 Knocked down and back 1 DEFENDER:
0.1-1.9 tons: Move down table

hex, lose 2 Actions. 2

15+ Knocked down and back 2 points (more knockback).
hexes and lose 2 Actions. 2.03.9 tons: Move down table 1

point (more knockback).

WEIGHT ADIUSTMENTS FOR 4.0-6.9 tons: Do not adjust table.
DEFENDER 7.0-8.9 tons: Move up table 1 point
1-19 tons: Move down table 2 points (less knockback)

MEKTON RAMS (more knockback).

20-39 tons: Move down table 1 point
9.0+ tons: Move up table 2 points
(less knockback).
Rammer (more knockback).
0129 tons 40-69 tons: Do not adjust table.
70-89 tons: Move up table 1 point EMERGENCY
30-49 tons
50-69 tons
(less knockback). EJECTIDN
90+ tons: Move up table 2 points (less REF+lD10 RESULT
70-79 tons
knockback). 1-6: xichtggfitviggrized without knowing
80-89 tons
90-99 tons
HUMAN KNDCKBACK 7: You get to scream and feel some
HITS EFFECT pain before you go (lucky you).
100+ tons 8: You get to yell the name of a loved
1-2 None.
Add +1 K per 2 hexes traveled between one, then die.
34 Stagger on feet. No game
9: You get a small flashback to the
rammer and target.
effect. happiest moment of your (now)
5-6 Knocked back 1 hex. tragically short life.
7-8 Knocked back 2 hexes. 10: You get to make a short, heroic
ROADSTRIKER 9 Knocked back 3 hexes, lose 1 speech then explode.
11: You have time for a long heroic
speech and a flashback (while won-
Rammer Target Damage 10 Knocked back 4 hexes. Make dering where all of the cheny blos-
Stun/Shock roll or fall uncon- soms came from) before you die.
0.1-2.9 tons
scious. Lose all Actions for 12: You escape with serious wounds
3.04.9 tons (1 (16 to all areas).
next Turn.
. 5.0-6.9 tons 13: You escape with minor wounds
(1 d6/2 to all areas).
14+ You escape unharmed.
8.0—8.9 tons
BOD 2:
9.0-9.9 tons
........ Down Level
Cockpit in the Head: +2
10.0+ tons .......... No change Escape a Self-Destruct: +4

........... Up Level
Escape a Powerplant Hit: -2

........... Up 2 Levels
Add +5H per 2 hexes traveled between 1 Escape a Cockpit Hit: .4
rammer and target. : No Escape Pod/Eject Seat: -6



i 9 t
l A:


t i.
f this goes sour, a lot of people are
going to die. You’re probably going
to be the first. Your best friends will
be next.
“I want to make it clear,” you say
asyoufacethe pirate leaderoverthe
tabletop. “You can go in with us, but
we pick the drop zone. A clean
strike; no looting, no civilian targets.
lust the League’s payoff. Agreed?”
: cured finger stabs out stars suspend-
ed in the matrix. “Caladan. Veelix.
Avalon. The richest worlds in the
. Nebula. Why should we refrain from
" doing as we will, Captain Fenris?"
“Because it’s my play," you reply,
your voice as smooth and as hard as
the blackglass. “Because I havethe
\ ships and the mecha. And because,”
and you lean over the table, covering
the disputed systems with your
hand, “you don’t ever—ever, want
to mess with me. Understand?"
Your gazes lock. Hers breaks first.
“Understood,” she grates out. But
you can still sense the rebellion
under her agreement. it's just a mat-
ter of time, you think. You’ve saved
the colonists for now. But payback is
just around the comer.
Across the table are the toughest
opponents you’ll ever face. Your
players. What you need now is an
extra edge that will allow you to win
without making them your enemies.
And that’s what the Ram’s
SECTION is all about.
Referee’s Section A Lain—oeysavc
While most Mekton game mechanics can be dealt with the previous sections on combat and
covers rules specific to Referees: How to judge character advancement in medical
this section
care and healing of damaged characters, how to fit the rules to the style of game you want to run.

MEKTUN MEDICAL A X7 l~'/7)/$ 77A.

N o matter how lucky your play-

ers are, or how well they plan,
eventually they are going to
lower than his Stun/Shock number to
remain awake and moving. This roll will
also be called for when under attack by
his relevant stat is 8. He mils a 4, and bare-
ly succeeds with an 18. The operation will
leave a nasty scar, but the pilot will live.
get hurt. And at such times you are any means designed to make a character The successful use of Medical skill
going to need to know how long it is fall unconscious, and may be required on automatically brings the patient's natural
going to take for the medics (or the any of the other damage charts. recovery rate (that is, points healed per
characters themselves) to put the Note: If you must make two Stun/ day) up to the level listed in the Medical
things back together again. Shock Rolls for a single attack (say an Attention Table, next page.

How Hurt is Hurt?

attack that instantly reduces your head
to 0; you must roll one for losing half
For some people (the more squea- your Hits, and one for your Head droop- ln mid-range Tech Levels, one has the
mish among us) it's enough to know that ing to below 1 Hit) the Stun/Shock Roll is option of replacing a destroyed limb with
a character has taken ”4 Hits to his Torso at 1/2 normal. 50 a Stun/Shock of 6 is an artificial one. However, these are not
and 2 Hits to his Head.” But for your play- automatically reduced to 3. the advanced limbs of a cyberpunk future;
these are simple fake arms of wood and
ers who really want graphic descriptions of
the violence rendered unto them, we have Recovenv metal (at Tech Levels 1 thru 4) or of plas-
created the Realistic Damage Table (next Natural Healing tic and muscle fibers (at Tech Levels 5 thru
page); a simple way to determine just Natural healing is just that—healing 6). These limbs work all right, but don’t
what happened to the character, and without the aid of medical attention. It’s mount guns, knives and other garbage.
what the game effects of that damage are. not the easiest way to heal; in fact, some (Shameless plug: If you really want this
people will actually lose Hits without kind of hardware, check out our other
So They Didn’t Get medical attention, based on Body Type. popular game, Cyberpunk®. It does the
Shot To determine how many Hits characters full metal body thing better than any
But maybe they fell 50 meters, or can recover PER DAY, cross reference other game around). However, prosthet-
dropped a hair dryer into the tub while that character's Body Type on the ics are a viable option for those who lose

they were bathing... or maybe they were Natural Recovery Table (see next page) a limb in combat and don't want to spend
hit by a car going 120kph. These types of with the type and location of injury. the rest of their lives moving on crutches.
injuries are known as Non-Combat Injuries
and have their own tables (see next
Medical Aid Regeneration Tanks
page) for determining damage. Natural healing may be all right for In games with a very high Tech Level
NOTE: For every five points the char- some people, but when your planet's (TL 7+), regeneration of lost limbs is pos-
acter beats 10 by on an Athletics roll, he being invaded by giant aliens, you don’t sible. Regeneration tanks are large vats
may shift the chart 1 Level downwards. have time to heal slowly. Also, your char- that use a process similar to cloning to
Example: [eff will be hit by a car that acter may be the sort who gets worse regrow lost limbs, organs, etc. In the
has traveled 20 meters this tum. Knowing without medical attention highest of technologies these tanks can
that [eff is going to die, the Referee (kind To perform basic first aid (bandaging even be used to make a clone of a
soul that he is) allows [eff to make an wounds up to 5 points) you need only a deceased character, and age that clone
Athletics Roll. [eff lucks out, and gets a total First Aid skill. However, to treat more up to a point where it can be a viable PC
of 25. That shifts the damage down to 8, severe wounds (in the 5-10 Hit range) in a matter of weeks. This process
which breaks [eff’s Leg (but doesn’t kill him.) you must have at least a +1 Medical skill. assumes that a recording has been made
All other medical operations are rolled as of the character’s mind which is down-
Stun 8. Shock a function of the severity of the injury loaded into the clone body upon matu-
As any paramedic will tell you, com- against your Medical skill. ration. Regeneration tanlo and cloning
bating the side effects of pain and blood Example: Nick must remove a large abilities are left entirely up to the Referee.
loss is half the battle in keeping a patient piece of steel from a fallen comrade’s gut. He can use them or not as he desires. For
alive. Whenever a character gets down The Referee decides the operation is a time to create a clone, or to repair cata-
to half his remaining hits in a single Difficulty 15 (it would likely be a 10 if Nick strophic damage, see the Regeneration/
location he must roll 1010 equal to or had proper tools). His Medical skill is 4, and Clone chart on the next page.

Page 114
DAMAGE TABLE Determine the severity of the shock OR
HEAD DAMAGE: or burn (Referee’s discretion) and
1 Hit Remaining: Severe scalp wound.
consult the chart below.
Blood is flowing everywhere, includ—
”Meters” is the distance (in
ing into your eyes. -1 to all actions. 11mg No effect
human-scale) that a person falls,
Q_l:li_l§_; Skull cracked from major con- Smell; Lose 1 Action from shock.
or the distance an object travels
cussion. You pass out from shock and Minor: Take 1 Hit to all areas, loose
blood loss. (in a single Turn) to hit the char-
1 Action.
ifiits; Skull crushed and victim will be acter.
Major: Take 2 Hits to all location,
brain dead if medical attention is not
lose next Turn.
instantly received. A medical roll @10 is 1-3 Meters: The character rolls
Meier: Take 3 Hits to all locations, roll
needed to keep the character alive. with the fall/impact. No effect.
-2 Ijity, Skull and face totally Stun/Shock to remain awake.
Critical: Take 4 Hits to all locations, 4-6 Meters: Wind knocked out of
destroyed. ”He’s pulp, jim."
roll Stun/Shock at -2 to remain you. Lose 1 Action.
TORSO DAMAGE: awake. 7-9 Meters: Break Arm (1-5
LleRemajnim; Blood is every-
Right, 6-10 Left).
where, and you are at -1 to all BODY TYPE MODIFIERS: The
actions from pain. above chart can be modified by the 10-12 Meters: Break Leg (1-5
Q_l-l_its_; Your internal organs have character’s Body Type: Right, 6-10 Left).
been punctured and are severely Move up two level
damaged. -2 to all actions, and 13-15 Meters: Break Ribs (Torso
Move up one level
make a Stun/Shock Roll every turn reduced to 1 Hit) and crack skull
Do not move
to remain conscious. (Head reduced to O.)
Move down 1 level
-2 Hits: Severe internal damage Move down 2 levels 16-1§ Meters: Break Back (Torso
causes painful death. reduced to 0 Hits) and suffer
Head injuries (Head at 0 Hits).
1 Hit Remaining: Blood covers the NATURAL RECOVERY 19+ :The impact reduces the
limb, and severe muscle/tendon TABLE body to pulp. Character dead.
damage reduces either lifting (if Arm)
or MA Of Leg) to 1/2 normal. TYPE 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10
Q_l:|jts: Limb is broken and useless. All BODY TYPE MODIFIERS: The
internal -2 0.5 1 above chart can be modified by
actions are at -1 from the pain.
Broken the character’s Body Type:
-] Hits: Limb suffers multiple breaks
and muscle damage. It’s useless and
Bones -2 0.5 1 Move up two level
all actions are at -3. Move up one level
The limb is blown clean off. All Limbs -2 Do not move
that’s left is a bloody stump. Burns -1 Move down 1 level
Character must make Stun/Shock Roll Wounds -1 Move down 2 levels
every turn to remain conscious; all Bruises -1
actions are at -5.
TYPE 2 3-4 5-7 8~9 10 TYPE 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10
lntemal Injuries 30 20 1D 12H 6H Internal 1 1 3
Broken Bones 2D 10 12H 6H 3H Broken
Mangled Limbs 3W 2W 1W 4D ZD Bones . 0.5 2
Burns, Wounds, Bruises lD 12H 6H 3H 1H Mangled
Missing Eye, Fingers 6D 4D 2D ID 12H Limbs
Missing Hand, Foot 12D 80 4D 20 TD Burns
Missing Leg, Arm 3W 2W 1W 4D 2D Wounds
Entire Clone 6M 5M 4M 2M 1M
k H: 1 Hour 0 D: 1 Day (24 hours) 0 W: 1 Week (7 Days) 0 M: 1 Month (4 Weeks)
Refereeʼs Section A L7mu—mE7sav;

s characters adventure from ment. It is simply this: all Rookie PCs dent Computer skill to a level of 6. Note: If
Agame to game, they are going gain double IP for all direct experience. the skill being taught is lower than the
to want to improve their skills The logic is simple: in anime, if a charac- teaching skill, the skill may not be taught
(or add new ones). Players can ter starts out tough, he doesn't get too at a higher level than the teacher possess-
improve their skills by earning IP (or much tougher, while the punk kid shoots es, no matter the average of the two skills.
Improvement Points, the Mekton ver- up in skill and experience. This is the Example: While Nick was "too cool”
sion of ”experience points”). These lP point where picking a template character to go to class, Rachelle, Nick and Bernard
allow a character to improve his skills. (and not an experienced one) pays off. attended the orientation classes. The
lP works this way: The character There are three ways to collect teacher was Felina Goment (with 0 Tea-
picks a skill he wants to improve In, say Improvement Points: Study and Practice, ching of 10 and 0 Zero G skill of 8). Felina
Handgun. He then multiplies his cur- Being Taught and Direct Experience. In all is capable of teaching Zero G maneuvering

rent level by 10 (say a current Skill of 5, three cases, the amount of improvement up to a level of 8. The Referee decides that
that makes 50). This is the number of is determined by the Referee. the exercise program nets its students 10 IP
IP needed to advance to the next level
(in this case, 6) The exception to this
Study and Practice 0 week. So after a month her students have
earned 40 IE enough to earn them +3. If
rule is that first and second level in a In its simplest form, the character gets they stick with the class, overtime this can
Skill cost the same to Advance. For a "how to" book and begins practicing. go much higher.
simplicity's sake, we have included a Study is pretty tough—there is no hint as It is recommended that the Referee
chart below for your reference. to where to begin, and no one to correct award 1 to 10 IP a week, depending on
mistakes. The biggest limit to this type of the skill and circumstances.
learning is that a character can only
IF ADVANCEMENT CHART improve his skill to a maximum level of 2.
Example: When first entering orbit, IP AWARDS TABLE
Nick was unable to handle maneuvering in
Zero G. Too proud to take the ”official” class,
1 (Particular Skill) used this skill
he spent his off-hours on the flight deck of
often during the game.
the Endeavor working on his acrobatics. The
2 (Particular) used often, with
Referee decides that the practice is worth 5
good results.
IP 0 week. After two weeks of work he has a 3 (General) finished adventure
I in the skill, and after a month, he has 2. alive and kicking.
Any practice after this point is useless, he has 4 (Particular) Skill was used
taught himself all he can. with exceptional results
Depending on the subject and the (defusing a bomb that
amount of practice, the Referee should threatened aII PCsʼ lives, etc.)
grant 1-5 IP per week of practice. Specifics 5 (Particular) clever use of Skill,
are left up to the Referee's judgment. with heavy roleplaying (A
planned-out break in, instead
Being Taught of a Stealth roll, etc).

Finding a teacher is far superior to 6 (General) Finished adventure

self-teaching or book learning. The and role-played well.
Characters may advance beyond 10
7 (Particular) use of this skill
points in a skill, but this may only happen teacher must have a higher skill than the
saved the character's life.
through Direct Experience (see below.) student, and must have the time to
teach (again decided by the Referee.) But 8 (Particular) use of this skill
However, it costs double IP to advance.
saves the charactersʼ lives.
even the most knowledgeable of instruc-
ROCKIES VS. tors may not be able to transfer that 9 (Particular) did something
PROFESSIONALS knowledge without a proper Teaching really incredible with this skill.
10 (General) player didnʼt have
The following system best emulates skill. The teacher must average his
Teaching skill with the skill being to use skill at all, but role-
the style of anime, but may seem a tad
played instead of using dice.
unfair to certain players; itʼs best used taught. The resulting number is the
level the skill can be taught to. 11+ Referee award for individual
with a cooperative group of players who
arenʼt always one-upping each other with SoapersonwithaComputerskillofB
the “my character is toughest" argu- and 3 Teaching skill of 4 could teach a stu-

Page 116
3L710—0t7$37 Refereeʼs Section A
Direct Experience
Still the best teacher (everyone says
so, right?) Whenever you do something
well, the Referee rewards you with some
IP right on the spot. This can be for per-
forming a skill well, or just a good idea
and some bright roleplaying. Some IP
will be very specific (i.e., doing a fantas-
tic flying stunt, a player will likely get IP
directly related to her skill) or general
(after finishing a particularly difficult
game, the Referee can reward his play-
ers with ”general" lP that can be divided
up among skills as the PCs desire). Use
the IP Awards Table on the previous page
for some example IP awards.

Another colorful rule to use in a true
anime—style game is Reputation. If your
character does something long enough,
and what he does is memorable enough,
eventually he will acquire a ”rep.” This increased like one as well, granting hands out of other people's clothing and
could be something good (like being a Reputation Points (RP) at the Refʼs discre- your Rep as hentai (perverted) will eventu-
great pilot with nerves of steel) or some- tion using the Reputation Chart. ally fade from recollection. The bad news:
thing very bad (like being a dork who "Whatʼs so bad about that?" you Unless you keep doing new things to keep
always fouls up the mission objectives). wonder. Hereʼs the catch. Every time your the legend going, your Rep as a major
This is a great way for the Referee to help character meets someone either new or league mechajock will also fade. Sort of
his players fit into the world better. who is not a regular acquaintance, you like real life, right?
Reputation should be treated like a must make a roll on 1D10 to see if he
skill. It's given a name on a character's knows of your various Reputations. If the
record sheet much as a skill by the Referee
(i.e., This Guy Has a Terrible Temper) and
roll is equal or less than your current Rep,
the person knows all about you and will 7ʼ:x 7ʼt'l7“~r—
react accordingly. Which means if you
HEPUTATIDN CHART have a planetwide rep for being a drool- Ever notice just how mobile anime
RP REASON ing, lecherous figher jock, you can forget characters are? Ninja leaping
Anyone who was there at the about asking that new female Ops officer across the landscape, mecha
time knows. out for lunch. pilots jumping into their cockpits
Story gets around to immedi- Example: Nick is a hot-shot pilot, with (sometimes over a dozen meters off
ate friends. a temper to match. Word has spread around the ground!) These rules allow you to
All your co-workers and other the fleet, and no mecha squad really wants incorporate that unrealistic (but very
acquaintances hear about it. him on their wing. The Referee decides that anime) action into your campaign.
Story is all over your local area. Nick has the Reputation of ”Unreliable Hot Anime Leaps
Your name gets recognized Shot” +1. Any person Nick meets must roll Anime Leaps are exactly the same as
beyond your local area. iDiO. If the roll is equal to or less then this normal jumps, but their distance is
Your latest exploit is known number (in the case of Nick, 0 7) they greater: Characters can Anlme Leap as
beyond the local area. instantly remember him as the ”Hot Shot” many meters 2x their MA Stat. You can

A news story has been written and react accordineg If Nick does nothing use Anime Leaps in one of two ways:
about you. to counteract this rumor, his Rep will rise JLALQQ; Simply use the Anime Leap
Your latest exploits makes the until no one wants to fly with him. rules instead of normal jumps when your
headlines. The good news: Reputation has a characters are in space or low gravity.
Your latest exploits make TV. way of evaporating as peopleʼs memories Replace the
10 Your story is (in)famous fade. For each game month you manage jump rules with Anirne Leaps altogether.
worldwide. not to add any RP to a specific Reputation, This is a good choice if you have ninja in
the Rep's level drops by one; keep your your game (ninja love this stuffl).

\ . 7 Page 117 a
Refereefs Section A L711”
f? —@*t’.7$5‘)
GAME NOTE: Aside from the larger
leaps, the Anime leap has one other effect ALIENS A stu‘L/c ,

You maymakesuchaLeapatanytime

during your movement, and you do not he anlme genre has a very pecu- is: Will I allow PCs of this race into my
have to expend an Action Ge, sacrifice 1/2 liar attitude toward aliens— game?
of your running MA) to do it! However, there usually aren’t any. Sure The answer to this question will give
you may only Leap once per Tum. there are plenty of ”alien” life-forms, you a very important guideline to build-
Example: [elf is running away from but most of them are pretty human ing your aliens—it will tell you how
several KAVAAK goons, and must leap a 5 - when you get right down to it (see the much you are going to have to wony
meter gap between rooftops. He has an end of page 119 for more on this sub- about play balance of the race. If the race
MA of 8. He runs 12 meters, leaps the ject). But this doesn’t mean that all is designed for total NPC purposes it can
chasm (with 3 meters to spare), lands on aliens are going to be able to be built be as powerful as you wish (for example,
the other rooftop and sprints his remaining using the standard rules for player the old "superpowerful Greek god”
12 meters (Referees might want to require character creation. So we have creat- aliens from Star Trek) but if you want it to
an Athletics skill roll under such conditions). ed this Ioose system for generating be played by characters, you are going

Stats Above 10? alien races for use in Mekton Zeta. to want a more balanced world view

Mekton Z allows players to occasion-

CREATING AND (something like the Klingons or Vulcans).
We are assuming that you are going to
ally reach stat levels greater than the nor- REFEREErNG be designing the PC-type alien for the
mal 1-10 range, which is especially use-
ful if your campaign involves aliens (see
As you may have noticed from the
majority of this system; the ”godly”
aliens will be covered a little later.
below) or superheroic types. Here’s how chapter head, these rules are for
to deal with these high-powered charac- Referee use, and any alien race Advantages and
ters in gameplay: Reflexes, Cool, Emp, designed with these rules is subject to Disadvantages
Tech and Luck simply add to your skill Referee approval—in fact we recom- There are two things that set aliens
rolls. Body Type increases your Hits in mend that the Referee design all alien apart from ”humans” (that is, the PC's
each location. Education and Intelligence races in his campaign, following the as created on pages 18-39):
add to the number of skill points you balance suggestions below. Advantages and Disadvantages. There
have available. MA increases your move- are three levels of each: Minor,
ment (duhl). See the corresponding Building an Alien Important, and Major. In Mekton Zeta
tables below for aid in handling stat val- The first thing that you need to we assume that the human norm is mid-
ues greater than ten. consider when designing an alien race dle of the road, and any Advantage an
alien possesses will make it ”better" than
>1O STAT TABLES human, and any Disadvantage will make
it in some way weaker than a human.
HIT PD INTS The rules for Advantages and
BODY 8 DY TYPE Disadvantages are simple. For every level
LOCATION 1142 13-14 15-17 1&19 20
of Advantage your alien has (Minor,
Head 9H lOH 12H 251+ (1 K) SOH (2K)
Torso 18H 21 H 24 H (1 K) SOH (2K) 1001+ (5K)
Important, Major) you need a corre-
Limbs 1 3H iSH 18H 341+ (1.5K) 67H (3K) sponding Disadvantage. For these pur-
SECONDARY BOD STATS poses the levels can add together. So an
Alien with an Important advantage could
balance it with 2 Minor Disadvantages.
1 1-12 9 185 45m +3 13
1 3-14 10 250 66m +1 D6 17 Below is a small list of possible Advantages
15-1 7 1 1 500 1 00m +206 33 and Disadvantages. The Referee should
18-19 12 1,000 (10 1 50m +4D6 67 feel free to add whatever powers he feels
20 1 3 5,000 (50 225m +806 333 are appropriate to his campaign.
MOVEMENT ALLOWANCE SKILL POINTS (INT 8 EOUJ We have left the powers purposely
STAT RUN jUMP ANIME LEAP TOTAL SKILL POINTS vague. The Referee should decide how
11-12 36m 3m 12m they best fit into his world.
13-14 42m 3.5m 14m QANQELNQIE; This is not a min-
15-17 48m 4m 16m max system!!! This Is a ”concept" alien
18-19 55m 4.5m 28m build system, and should be used
20 60m Sm 20m under strict Referee supervision. You
have been wamedl

Page 1 18 7
g r
- Wig: ADVAMAaes
Instead of the nor-
mal 1-10 statistic range, the alien race
Inhemenitetifligs: The race is gen-
erally inferior to humanity on a physio-
Once you have decided on the
Advantages/Disadvantages of your
aliens, proceed to the rest of the charac-
has a higher top-end potential in one or logical level. ter creation process, rolling the Lifepath
more stats. The number of statistics and MNOR: Three statistics have a maxi- and buying skills as normal (with the
the highest ranges possible depends on mum value of 7. modifications for the alien nature of the
the level of the Advantage. IMPORTAN I: Five statistics have a individual).
MINOR: Three statistics may have a maximum value of 5.
maximum value of 12. MAIOR: Seven statistics have a maxi- Roleplaying Aliens
IMmRTANT: Five statistics may have a mum value of 3. Another important aspect is the
maximum value of 15 0 RegIaLELejugige; The race of the alien ”ethic" of the alien race. As the Referee
MOR: Up to all statistics may have a has an adverse reputation, depending on you should have a good idea of what the

0 M:
maximum value of 20.
The alien is capable of self-
propelled flight, be it with wings or
the level of the Disadvantage.
MINOR: Some other races dislike the
race in question, and will avoid
”average" member of the race you are
creating is like. Are they warriors?
Xenophobic? Arrogant? Perhaps they are
some other property (psionic power, them. a ”free-love" race and treat intimate rela-
gas jets, etc.). The MA of the flight is IMPORTANT: Most other races dislike tionships like humans treat friendships.
dependent on the level of the the race, and will avoid contact. With these concepts, and the guidelines
Advantage. This MA is in 50-meter MAIOR: All other races universally hate above, you should be able to populate
mecha hexes. and despise the race in question. your galaxy with interesting alien races.
MINOR: MA up to 2. Rreactions may be violent.
IMPORTAN 1: MA up to 6. - Environmental/Special Need: The Creating Totally
MA|OR: MA up to 12. alien needs some special sustenance to Unbalanced , Godlike
0 Armor: The alien possesses natural survive, be it a particular atmosphere Aliens
armor, a tough hide and/or exoskeleton. or special food type. Without these Decide what you want them to do.
MINOR: Up to 5 SP all locations. considerations the alien will perish. They do it.
IMPORTANT: Up to 10 SP all locations. MINOR: Breathes uncommon atmos- Isn't being the Referee wonderful?
MAIOR: Up to 15 SP all locations. phere (needs a life-support apparatus
0 gtgral Weamns: The race possesses on most worlds). A FINAL NDTE:
natural weaponry, the maximum values IMPORTANT: Needs a special or rare Kissing a slug is no fun.
of which depend on the level of the food to survive. In anime, the aliens are rarely non-
Advantage. MA|ORz Can only survive under certain human. Most often they look, and
MINOR: Melee weapons that cause up conditions and with a certain diet. often act, all too human. This is the rea-
to 1d6 damage. Must have a full environmental sup- son why Mekton 2 doesn't put more
IMEORTAN I: Melee weapons that port unit wherever he goes. emphasis on ”inhuman” aliens—they
cause up to 1010 damage. 0 ggial Restrictions: The alien has a dif- simply aren’t all that common in the
MAIOR: Ranged weapons that cause ferent mores code than is common, and genre. There are generally two reasons
up to 306 damage. May be shock strictly adheres to it. for this.
weapons. MINOR: Pacifist. Unable to harm other First, japanese culture is big on
' giggles The race is naturally adept at living beings identifying with the enemy for pathos
psionic use (see Mekton Zeta Plus). The IMPORTANT: Arrogant. Any insult is points (in some shows the villain even
level of abilities depends on the level of met with combat to the death. becomes more popular than the hero!).
the Advantage. MAIOR: lnscrutable. The alien is just so It’s hard to empathize with a big bug.
MINOR Up to 3 psionic abilities. ”alien” that no one understands his The second reason is purely sex.
IMPORTAN I: Up to 6 psionic abilities. motivations or desires. Romance between the hero and a
MAIOR: Up to 10 psionic abilities. 0 Skill Regtrigtion: Due to the alien's member of the invading aliens is nearly
° EovirgnmentaLELosestlgo: The alien nature, typical "human" skills are use- as old as anime itself. And it's really
is in some way immune to natural less. For example, an energy being hard to develop a romance between a
forces, heat, radiation, vacuum, etc. might have no idea how to interact on brash young pilot and a giant space
Each level offers the protection of the the physical plane. Or an alien might slug. Not that all anime aliens are
levels below it. be totally out of touch with human humanoid: Some are very bug-like to
MINOR: Immune to heat/cold. Empathy. begin with, but they always seem to
lMPORIANI: Immune to vacuum. MINOR: -2 to one skill group. transform themselves or create alien
MAIOR: Immune to the effects of radi- IMRQRIANI: -4 to one skill group. clones that fall madly in love with the
ation. MNOR: -8 to one skill group. hero.

Page 119
8 even years of war. Seven years of
death, destruction, tire and flame. All
of oppression and tyranny. The last stop. The
crowd holds its collective breath. This is the
to come down to this; this single end, for good or bad. The entire solar system
moment, as your mecha’s footplates slam watches as you, the Leader of the Revolution,
down to crack the concrete slabs of the now confront the tyrant who holds Humanity
great open plaza. Before you stands the in his iron gn'p.
United Nations building, system-wide symbol The man you once called “father.”
“Son ...," he begins as you spring from dead. Youʼd pay any price to taste her lips
the cockpit, gun drawn. “Give it up. ” He again. The gun wavers...
smiles, as if a secret thought amuses him, He stands there assured of your oompiance.
then adds, “You see, I have Kim. And if you “If you kill me," he whispers, “she wfll die."
continue in this insane course of action, she Hesmiles; hethinkshelmowsyoutoowefl.
will be made to suffer." Butyoucamel1eretodosboythisplace,tolo'll
His words shock you. You thought she was this man. Your finger tightens on the trigger
f you are totally unfamiliar with anime , it will be very difficult to introduce you to
all of its concepts here. But in a nutshell, anime is a style of art and storytelling that
have evolved in japan, where it was discovered long ago that pen and ink could do
far more than modern special effects. Ever since then, Animation has been a large
- part of the SF/fantasy TV and film markets in japan. With sophisticated plots and gor-
geous art, the shows of japan have developed a strong following over here in the states. If you are
interested in finding out more about animation, we advise checking out many of the dubs and sub-
titles of shows that are available in your local Blockbuster, or check out such magazines as V-Max,
Protoculture Addicts or Anime UK. Any one of these should be available through your local comic shop.
Mekton has, since its very inception been based on mecha-oriented anime, from the early ”Shogun
Warrior" period, up through the "Realistic" period, and out the other side to the current "Mecha Bashing"
phase that has become so popular. Over the years the anime side of Mekton has been downplayed, and
the technical side has been getting most of the attention. mm the publication of Operation: Rimfire we
attempted to return Mekton to its anime roots, a move that was very successful.
With this new edition, Mekton Z, anime has become a very important part of our background. Not a
particular show, or even group of shows, but the entire range of mecha anime. It can not be stated strong-
Iy enough that Mekton Z is in no way an attempt to make a realistic mecha game. Vifithout the conven-
tions of anime to protect them, mecha are clumsy, unbalanced, inefficient, and totally outclassed by any
tank or jet. Only through the convention of an artistic medium are such machines even thinkable.
Animeis that medium.
In the worlds of anime, mecha exist because of one thing: they look cool. Mecha have more in com-
mon with superheroes than they do with jets or tanks. Anime realizes this, and makes certain allowances.
These allowances are generally set up as part of the background for the show in question. If the show has
a very heavy amount of melee combat, effective long-range weapons are often removed or made less
viable, usually through some sort of obscure techno-babble; guided missiles are often a victim of this.
As well as technology, the role of mecha themselves vary from show to show, and from universe to uni-
verse. Sometimes they are realistic war machines, working alongside other, more conventional weapons.
Other times they have taken over the role of war machine altogether. Sometimes they are very powerful;
other times a single blow with a medium-powered weapon will reduce them to slag.
So what is anime? The simplest answer is that itʼs just a cartoon that comes from japan. But for our pur-
poses it's something a little more. Itʼs a style, or in the words or Cyrano, panache! In anime a 16-year-old
kid can steal a top secret prototype weapon, be allowed to keep it, and go on to win the war for the good
guys. In anime your future wife could be on the other side, trying to kill you! It is these elements of style
that separates an anime game from a game that just happens to use giant robots. This style is the core of
Mekton Z, and it is the foundation that this edition's rules are built on.
This foundation is fictional. All of the rules are therefore based on fiction, not reality. In
many cases some of the rules might not work as they should, or may seem to violate the
technology and reality that we know. This is done on purpose. Mekton Z is designed to sim-
ulate animation, not reality.

We like to call it Cinematic Roleplaying.

Page 122
RunningAnime A
truth is that fantasy is one of the easiest
MEKTIIIII SANS MECHA A genres to "adapt” to Mekton.
X7l-‘/ tr} 7. /»
- - People are created just the same.
Armor and weapons are at the lower Tech
ANrME nime is not limited to giant Levels, while "magic" can raise the pro—
DEFINED Arobots. While the height of the

- ~
tection of armor or damage from
”mecha show” has passed in weapons to a level that seems "impossi-

“Animp” js-a-decEptive japan, anime remains more popular ble" at current technology. Monsters are
description for any, than ever in the United States. This is built as mecha; a dragon becomes a
genre. It’s not-a. set- due to several reasons: greater avail- mecha fighter with claws and a powerful
ting in and of itself, ability, more mainstream acceptance, energy weapon in the head (to represent
but rather a descrip- and a very flexible subject matter. As its ”flame” breath). Near-humanoid races
tiveadjeotive capable- mentioned elsewhere, ”anime" can are created as humans with a difference in
of modifying other gen- cover any plot or background ranging stats and the possibility of added ”special
res. While thereis- from high fantasy to hard science fic- abilities." Elves get a bonus to Reflexes
probably ‘an anime [or tion. The ”rules" (as described in the and a minus to Body Type, dwarves vice-
Japanamationl shelf at
last section) remain the same, and sto- versa. Casting spells becomes having
' your local video store,
all of the shows there ries are more alike than you would psionic powers (see the upcoming Mekton
hardly fit into a single think (handsome heroes riding to the Zeta Plus), and the rest is simple story-
category. The videos rescue of a princess, whether on steeds telling. Oh, a final word. Anime-style elves
range, from tales set in, .
or spaceships makes no difference). have long (really long) ears, and they have
ancient Japan to fables Vifith the same "feel" and ”rules” a tendency towards articulation. You have
of the far. future. Yet

applying to just about every anime been warned.

all of these stories fall genre, it seems a simple matter to adapt 0 SCIENCE FICTION: A snap. Don’t
-' under the broad"

a game designed for simulating “mecha design many mecha at all, just design

description of “anime.”
anime" to any type of anime. “mecha fighters" and call them starfight-
At the simplest level, And it is. ers. Everything else remains the same.
anime can be defined
'as Japanese cartoons. Genres of Anime
However, this simple While anime can be set in any period,
description does not from the old west to the far future, the fol-
t.)L ' 713-7 7
suit our needs, as the

lowing genres seem to be currently popu-
definition “cartoon" lar ones for getting the anime treatment. o where do you begin to con-
seems to automatically 9 COMEDY: Whether a humorous story struct your anime adventure?
preclude any serious
gaming. But as you dig about obnoxious aliens, kung-fu fighters You know it can encompass any
deeper into what'
or lecherous private investigators, comedy world, time or place, and cover
makes "anime" uniqLIe has always been a popular anime venue. regions of fantasy as easily as it does
(and has insured its While it is possible to “conform" Mekton Z science fiction. But what's the first
popularity as a cult to comedy, we have already done an building block on this creative road? In
favorite to thousahds

anime-comedy game, and it seems silly to most cases, its starts with the setting.
_of fans), you begin to replicate our efforts. If humorous anime
uncover a pattern: a tickles your funnybone, pick up a copy of The Setting
set of laws that can Teenagers from Outer Space from your An anime story can be set in any
make any story anime,
whether it's an RPB, ,a local game or comic shop. time period, from Earth's ancient past to
comic one written ' ANTASY: In recent years the japanese the distant future of a galaxy far away.
story. ' seem to have discovered the idea of The setting can be realistic—say the war-
Western ”fantasy." While their stories ring states period in Chinese history—or
Like the sages of have long held fantastic elements like a fantasy land full of elves and dwarves.
ancient Japan," you devils and ghosts, the typical (and rather While in M2 we deal with a generalized
begin to ads past the European) idea of elves with pointed ears science fiction setting, the very nature of
surface and under- and dwarves with attitudes and axes anime can allow you to run just about
stand the truth. seems to have eluded them until just any RPG with an anime flair. Once again,
recently. Fantasy may seem the hardest you must look beyond the setting and
to adapt to a game that is used to deal- go to the heart of the genre.
ing with mecha and space ships. The And that leads you to the plot.

Page 124
\\‘ 3 a :‘/7" max? - Running Anime A

THE PLOT Subplots "threat” of the enemy. Popular anime

While the foundation of any anime subplot topics include romance,
If you are trying to tell a story—any story is always epic, it’s the personal stuff betrayal, a personal vendetta, a per-
story—you must, by definition, have a that hooks the players’ (or in the case of sonal quest or political intrigue.
plot, a thread of events that drives the anime, viewers’) interest. While larger~ Example: In my WWlll game, I
story forward to its conclusion. But than-life conflicts and crises form the decide on a few subplots before I get start-
anime requires special elements to drive ”core" of a good anime story, the outer ed. ! decide I would like a little politics in
its stories. polish always comes from the subplots. my story. So I decide that the US. is not
The first element of an anime—style Subplots are stories that are con- entirely obliterated in the nuclear part of
plot is that it must be epic. No matter nected to the main plot, but are of small- the war. On the moon, there is still a thriv-
what the story or the setting, the plot er scope. They are a good way to help ing colony of Americans. They are for the
must have far reaching consequences. the players see the larger picture by moment not a factor in the war, but they
Even the light romantic comedies have introducing them to the smaller one first. have a technological base that the
such elements (but they are usually for The rules of subplots are simple. First, ”allies" of [apan and Russia will need to
the characters' lives, and not for the they must have a direct relationship to win the war, and one of my players will
entire human race). One sees time and the characters in the story. The relation- have been contacted by someone there. i
time again in animation that even the ship can be active (i.e., the players are will add more subplots as my players cre-
simplest of war stories often ends up doing something that is caused by, or is ate their characters.
with the fate of the free world in our a result of, the subplot) or witnessed (the
characters' hands. These epic plots are characters are witnesses to an event that Sequential Action
the lifeblood of animation—it could not is caused by, or an effect of, the subplot). Perhaps the most critical element of
survive without them. But the character must be aware of the anime (at least for the mecha anime that
Another aspect of this epic plotline is plot for it to be of any use in the story. is the core of Mekton Z) is the fact that
that the characters must be tied to it, to Example: A typical subplot is a all stories are linear; they all have a
realize that they are part of a larger pic- romance. In an active subplot, a player is beginning, middle, and end. Even the
ture. What they might not realize is that likely involved in the romance themselves. longest running shows in japan rarely
they are usually at the center of that pic- In a witnessed subplot, the character pass 75 episodes (or about 31 hours of
ture. might spot a highly placed fellow officer in programming). If you think about it,
Anime plots are wide and varied an illicit rendezvous with a known enemy with 8—hour sessions, that it the equiva-
and, other than this generalized epic feel, during war time. lent of running only about four consec-
can be very flexible. War, alien invasion, The second rule of subplots is that utive game sessions! Needless to say,
natural disaster and political infighting they must, by definition, take a back most campaigns will run much longer
are all common, popular stories in the seat to the main storyline. If you find than four weekends (we have to worry
mecha type of anime show. These basic more time being spent on a single sub- about pesky things like systems and play-
elements can be mixed, matched and plot than on the main story, it's time to ers and we also can't skip the weeks in
modified to provide an enjoyable (and back off a little. However, a collection of between action), but they should never
very anime) campaign setting. subplots can come to dominate the lose the feeling that they are going
An example of an anime plot: / action for a while. While running a cam- somewhere. If two sessions have gone by
want to run a game with a lot of combat paign in the anime style, you should without a progression in the plot, it’s
and action, so I take a typical war-type have at least one subplot for each of time to nudge things along.
plot for my basic premise. Wanting to your characters (two or three characters And if action is progressing, then it
throw a little variation into my story I can even share one). has to be going somewhere, doesn't it?
also add a natural disaster. Now I put You should put as much attention Soon comes the moment all game
words to my idea—The year is 2032 and and work into these subplots as you do masters and players fear: the end of
the ex-Soviet states and the [apanese the main story. Interaction with these the campaign. No one likes the idea of
have allied to fight off an invasion by a subplots are what will make a charac- ending a game that is going well, but
now-industrialized China. (This covers ter interesting. If all your characters do every Referee has felt the sting of push-
our ”war” story.) Before the Chinese is light the alien menace week after ing a game one session too long,
launched the attack, they nuked both week, your players will soon lose inter- where the game dies anyway out of
the United States and most of Europe, est and go find a real cool video game player apathy instead of the result of
setting off the first stages of a nuclear to play. If you think about all of the planning.
winter. (This gives me my catastrophe.) interesting anime characters, you will lust remember: just because ending
Thus the stage is set for an anime WIN, discover that the characters that catch a story is a good idea doesn't mean that
a war that has the epic possibility of wip- your interest are the ones that are deal- you can't bring your players back for a
ing out mankind. ing with problems other than the sequel!

Page 125
Running Anime A


PLAYlNG ANIME be "Iʼve got a 10! Let me try it!" anytime Many Referees may also adjust the
Anime, like any other genre, only a strength feat is called for. The stats and difficulty level of a task if you put a little
works when everyone is into it. if the skill show the physical and skill restric- English on your attempt to act. Instead
Referee tries to run an anime game, tions on your character, and should have of, "I pick his pocket,” which may be a
and all of his players are treating it like little effect on how you play your charac- difficulty 20 roll, if you say: "I press my
straight science fiction, it is unlikely ter. just because you have an Intelligence body against his in the elevator as I pre-
that anyone will enjoy the game. This of 10 doesn't mean that youʼre a cold, tend to trip on one of my high heels. As
section covers playing in an anime- calculating scientist. You could be a very I steady myself I try to pick his pocket,"

style game. This is very important smart rockergirl. The same goes for all of this might reduce the difficulty from 20
because since the PCs of a game are your other stats and skills. to 10! Good role-playing should always
the main characters, and they should- Next: Never, ever, use a roll of the be rewarded. You donʼt have to do this,
nʼt be shown up by the non-players. dice when role-playing could do the job but it might be easier than relying on a
While these ”guidelines" are as well. If you are trying to pick up a girl, good die roll all of the time.
designed for playing anime-type charac- don't walk up to her and say: "I make a
Seduction Roll! I roll a 9; my result is a 20,
Rockies and
ters, you may discover that adapting
them to any game may prove to so does she go home with me?” Professionals
enhance your enjoyment of the game. Roleplaying is nothing but glorified In Mekton 2 there are two basic
improvisational acting, so try to push types of characters: The ”Rookie"or
Role, not Roll, Playing yourself a little further. Anything like, ”I template types and the ”Professionals.”
This time-honored saying should be tell her that her eyes are like the night sky, These are discussed in detail on page
the motto of any good RPG. The num- full of mystery and beauty. I roll a 9 on my 32, but we will readdress them here,
bers on your character sheet are there for Seduction skill. Do I get a positive from an anime (rather than a system)
the system, not for you to fall back on response?" is fine. These aren't the vieWpoint.
instead of ”acting." You may have a high Oscars, but putting a little life into your The ”professional" is the more typical

Body Type, but that doesnʼt mean that performance helps both the other players RPG player character, with a focus on
the first thing out of your mouth should and the Referee enjoy the game more. skills and ability. In an anime game, how-

Page 126
Running lInime A
ever, the professional serves a much high- ond thought. just about any character Short, Dark and
er function. There are examples of ”pro-
fessionals" in any anime mecha show.
under 18 in any anime you have ever
seen fits into a template category. With
Neurotic—the Anime
They are the older, experienced charac- these characters, style and attitude is Hera
ters who act as mentors to the young everything. After all, what you lack in Another important difference in tra-
hero and his friends. Such examples experience you make up for in talent. ditional japanese fiction is the nature of
would include Roy Fokker in Macross,
Char Aznable in Zeta Gundam, and Stick Japanese Psyche and the ideal japanese hero. In almost all
mecha-oriented anime shows, the
Bernard in Mospeada. They are profes— the Melodramatic ”hero" is anything but heroic. He is usu-
sional soldiers who have ”been there” Tradition ally short, weak, none too stable, and a
before and who often serve to pull the One of the hallmarks of anime is the real pain to work with. In short, he is
hero's rear end out of the fire. They also melodramatic nature of the characters. It what we would call a ”flawed” hero. In
have a nasty habit of dying mid-season to may seem crazy (to American viewers) the eyes of the japanese, however, he is
give the show an added boost in angst that a girl would throw herself in front of anything but flawed; he is the ”ideal"
and ratings. In other words, because they a shot aimed at her boyfriend (that he hero. Their heroic tradition is very dif-
are old (compared to the 16 year olds!) could likely dodge!) and get herself ferent than the Western one. In japan, if
they are often considered expendable by killed. To American audiences that would you start out strong, wise, self-assured
the writers of anime shows. Hopefully, seem like suicide, but to the eyes of the and powerful you have an unfair advan-
your referee isn't going to kill you off just japanese, it's high drama. tage: itʼs easy for you to save the world!
to boost the enjoyment of his game (at The japanese have a saying: ”Duty is However, if you grow from someone
least we don't condone such action), but heavier than a mountain, but death is who is weak, confused, angst-ridden
if you play a Professional character, you lighter than a feather," which is to say and helpless into a person capable of
do have one important responsibility. As that death, once duty is finished, can saving the world, itʼs much more hero-
the ”pro" of the group, you are the first come as a welcome relief. While not all ic. This is why older characters of great
in harm's way. The kids need protection, japanese attend this philosophy, it is very skill and daring almost always take a
and you're the one to do it. You laugh at common in their fiction, and anime is back seat to the younger kids—because
danger, simply because youʼve been just another name for fiction in japan. the ”supermen" have an unfair advan-
there so many times This is why dozens of promising charac- tage.
Rookie characters are the typical, ters always seem to throw their lives So it seems that anime, if nothing
run-of-the-mill anime heroes: young, away—they would rather die than con- else, is the triumph of the Everyman. This
brash, headstrong and determined, the tinue under the everyday burdens they is why, in Mekton Zeta, we put such
stuff legends are made of. If you're play- face (not to mention the fact that it adds heavy influence on roleplaying above
ing a template character, you know yet more pathos to the Show). So stats and dice rolling. It's not your char-
youʼre invincible. Life is your adventure, remember, in anime, if itʼs worth fighting acterʼs “power level" that makes him
and you havenʼt even given death a sec- for, itʼs worth dying for. interesting, itʼs how you play the game.


RUNNING ANIME Campaign Voice Black and white do not exist;there are
For a Referee, running a true In anime, there are three basic no ”good guys” and no ”bad guys”...
anime-style game may prove to be ”voices” used by the writers and direc- there are only bad guys and worse
much harder than just playing an tors to help set the tone of the show to guys. The action is fast and deadly.
anime-style character. You have to come. You can use these same elements Even main characters can die at the
establish the feel, the tone, or as a to establish the feel of your campaign. drop of a hat. This type of campaign is
writer would say, the voice of the cam- Keep in mind that these are far from set heavily influenced by pathos and
paign. Weʼve already discussed plot in stone, and you should mix and revenge. There is little time for anything
and setting, but these really have no match them as it suits your refereeing other than simply staying alive.
bearing on the tone of the adventure. style. If you want to try a grim campaign,
Both Gilliganʼs Island and Robinson The Serious voice is used in only here is a rules modification you may
Crusoe use the same basic premise and the hardest of anime. This tone is grim want to try: No last minute ejections. If
plot but the execution of each is and unrelenting; characters die, battles a character is in a suit that goes up, he's
worlds apart. Good execution is the are lost, and the outcome of the whole a goner.
hallmark of anime; itʼs what prevents a conflict is in question. Characters are Example shows: Votoms, Zeta
giant robot story from becoming silly. mercenary and treachery is everywhere. Gundam, M.D. Geist, Genocyber.

I \ Page 127
nime A
The Light voice is on the opposite can reach -5 wounds in chest and head the Medium voice tends to be the most
end of the scale; it’s Love Boat in space. before they die. comfortable for both Referee and play-
The good guys dress in shining white Example: Golion St Dairugger 15 ers. It is rare that a story or game will be
and the evil guys are horrible monsters (aka the two ”Voltron" shows), Tenchi completely dark (or light) but it is not
that are bent on irrational conquest. If Muyo, G-Gundam. unheard of; Cyberpunk® and Teenagers
any death occurs, it's a shock and a hor- The Medium voice is where most from Outer Space® being possible exam-
ror. Sure, bad guys can die, but the modern mecha shows fall, and where ples of both ends of the spectrum.
death of a good guy is a tragic event; (by default) most campaigns will head. When choosing the tone for your cam‘
expect lots of tears, an impressive funer- There are periods of intense (and often paign, keep in mind the personalities
al scene and a monument to the fallen deadly) action, punctuated by times of and motivations of your players. If they
brave warrior. In its ultimate extreme, the rest, real life, and even some comedy like Cyberpunk®, they might enjoy a
Light voice falls into comedy and parody. relief. Serious tone much more than a Light
If you want to try a light cam- Examples: Gundam, Macross, one. However, if your players are
paign, here is a rules modification you Mospeada, Orguss. Teenagers from Outer Space® veterans,
may want to try: All ejections are auto- Most campaigns will settle some- they will probably prefer a Lighter
matically successful, and characters where in between the two extremes— touch.

CAST & critw A

GEfl'ING PC stolen the only mecha powerful 0 The PCs are civilians who get caught

Gnoups Toesn-ren enough to stop the alien invaders. up in a resistance movement to defend
One of the more difficult decisions Life in the military varies from show their home.
when putting together a Mekton Zeta to show. Generally, the military in 0 The characters are civilians or mili-

campaign is just what role the PCs as a anime is much like the Federation in tary who are fighting a losing war or are
whole are going to play in the cam- Star Trek — it’s ”military lite." There is a retreating from their world in search of a
paign. Below are just a few of the command structure, people get to wear new place to live.
potential possibilities for player char- neat uniforms and live in a ship/base,
acter groups in the anime world. but the strict hierarchies and disciplines - VIVA LA REVOLUTION: If the charac-
found in today’s military are pretty ters are part of a pseudo-military rebel-
0 RANK-OUTS: A common choice in much absent. The worst punishment lion (such as is seen in Star Wars), there
Anime, the military provides enough one can get is a stint in the brig or are several options. The decimated ranks
structure to keep players in line and being "disciplined” (i.e., punched of the PCs' military may be filled out with
enough support to keep their mecha across the room) by a superior officer. civilian volunteers, in which case it would
on-line. If the characters are all in the Playing it a little more strictly involves then be up to them to come up with a
military when the show starts, there things such as personal accountability last-minute plan to defeat the enemy, or
are several options: They may have just for one's actions, and disobeying an to protect evacuation ships from enemy
finished basic training (probably order can land you in the brig (or lead attack as they retreat. Listed below are
ranked as ensigns or lieutenants) and to a court-martial or getting shot). some of the variations on this theme that
most likely haven‘t even seen combat The convenient thing about the have been seen in anime.
yet—be sure to throw in lots of hazing players being in the military is they do 0 The PCs are ex—military who get

from senior pilots to make the new not have to worry about repairing or caught up in a rebellion against the
recruits feel at home! At the other end resupplying their mecha or their own conquerors.
of the scale, the players could be com- personal supplies. The military supplies ' The PCs are civilians who get
bat-scarred aces, waiting for some new everything the players will need to main- caught up in a rebellion.
action. Another option is for the play- tain combat readiness, including the o The PCs are part of a rebel organi-

ers to be civilians; they would probably occasional prototype mecha. Listed zation seeking freedom or attempting
get drafted into the military because below are some of the variations on this to overthrow the government.
mecha were developed after the first theme that are commonly seen in 0 The PCs are a resistance movement

wave of invasion (when all the real anime. attempting to stage a coup against a
pilots were killed flying jets or driving 0 The PCs are military personnel fight- repressive or illegitimate government (one
tanks). Such a group could also ing the enemy. of the characters may be the rightful ruler).
become involved with the military 0 The PCs are civilians who are drafted 0 The PCs are civilians living in a police
after one of the PCs (or one of the or who join the regular military to fight state trying to find out and expose the
NPCs they know) has just invented/ the enemy. truth.

Page 128
Hunning Anime A



I. \\
0 WARTIME BLUES: One of the big mes- nologically augmented to be superior sol- Of course, no one said that the play-
sages in anime is ”War is Hell.” No matter diers. They are serving in the military dur- ers had to be the cops; mecha-assisted
how lighthearted the show is, there is ing a war, or have gotten tired of being crime can be very lucrative. If the players
always at least one incident that brings weapons of destruction and are running have consciences that nag them about
this message home to the characters— from the regular military. stealing, throw in a Robin Hood angle—
the violent death of a friend, the destruc- 0 The PCs are a special ops group who theyʼre stealing from wealthy oppressors
tion of their home, etc. In fact, some are hunting down rogue soldiers after and giving to the deserving poor (which
shows are legendary for the fact that half the end of a war. may just be the players). Listed below are
the characters die horribly by the end of some variations on this theme that have
the series. However, donʼt let your show - TAKE A BITE OUT OF CRIME: Not all been seen in anime.
get too caught up in the war aspect of mecha shows have a war as their back- 0 The PCs are a special team fighting a
the story—the basis for all good stories in ground. \Mth a little creativity, mecha can world-wide/space-wide crime group.
anime is not the politics, nor the cool appear in just about any storyline you can 0 The PCs are a special team fighting
mecha-of-the—week, but the PCs and imagine. Stories about police and spies terrorists or a group that is trying to
how they interact and develop over the are quite popular, and it wouldnʼt take too overthrow the government.
course of the series. listed below are much effort to create a plot that is basi- 0 The PCs are civilians who take the law

some variations on this theme that have cally Hill Street Blues or lames Bond with into their own hands and fight crime.
been seen in anime. mecha—just make sure that the mecha 0 The PCs are a special police unit who
0 The PCs are civilians who get draft- concept fits with the storyline, and that investigate mecha-related crime.
ed into the regular army (perhaps due to the Tech Levels are believable. The police 0 The PCs are a special police unit
special skills they posses) to fight in a in our anime—warped version of Hill Street fighting serious crime or terrorists.
war. Blues probably wouldn't be running 0 The PCs are escaped prisoners seeking
0 The PCs are mercenaries-for-hire. around in 20 meter mecha armed with justice or retribution if they were wrong-
0 The PCs are test pilots in the military. plasma cannons; Roadstriker-scale mecha fully imprisoned, or vengeance on their
0 The PCs (or one of the characters) with machineguns or powered armor jailers if rightfully imprisoned.
have been genetically engineered or tech- would be much more believable. 0 The PCs are criminals, amateur or pro.

Page 1 29
0 IT'S AN ANIME LIFE: Some stories have ANIME NPBs A
mecha playing supporting roles rather
than starring roles. In such cases the focus Imost all of the non-player char- 0 Relatives usually have a vested

of the story is the characters, and the Aacters (NPCs) that players interest in keeping the PC alive. If the PC
mecha are just set decoration. These encounter in your campaigns dies, not only will the NPC lose a family
shows usually involve elements of explo- will fall into one of three categories: member, but they are also likely to catch
ration, rescue, comedy or superheroics. Friends, Enemies, or Neutral. Some of hell from the rest of the family: ”What do
Below are some variations on this theme these people will be from the charac- you mean you thought it would be okay
that have been seen in anime. ters’ backgrounds while others will be to let Kerri fight the Vorgon hordes!!??!”
0 The PCs are nobility or part of an elite picked up as the game goes along. No The most annoying thing about Relatives
organization. matter where the NPC comes from, who are NPC Friends is that (especially if
0 The PCs are part of a group fighting what role he plays in your campaign, they are older relatives) they are always
for survival in a hostile world. or how long he is going to be involved doing things for "your (PC’s) own
0 The PCs are civilians who build mecha with the plot, each should have a dis- good." And it's always a drag trying to
as a hobby for use in sporting events. tinct personality. Try to avoid the "face- save the free world (not to mention hard
0 The PCs inherited mecha from family less source of information" NPC that to get a date) with your older brother
members and are seeking revenge for the often crops up in roleplaylng. This is hanging around.
murder of said family members. anime; make it colorful! For each NPC A good example of 3 Relative Friend
0 The PCs have invented mecha that you should at least roll on the physi- is Racer X from the old Speed Racer show.

everyone wants to steal and use for mili- cal/personality section of the Lifepath How many times did old X save Speed's
tary or evil purposes. (page 23) for a basic description. bescarfed neck?
- The PCs work for (or are) a corpora- 0 A Lover is a double-edged sword

tion, taking on "business” problems: Repo-

NPC TYPES: Friends to have as an ally. The fringe benefits are
men or insurance investigators handling Friends come in five basic types: admittedly pretty good (those long
mecha-related cases, reporters covering Relatives, Lovers, Mentors, Allies, and nights sure do get lonely in space) but a
dangerous stories (natural disasters, eco- Partners. The exact nature of the rela- Lover is perhaps the greatest weak spot a
logical crises, brushfire wars), or extraction tionship is left up to the Referee and play- character can have. if one of your PCs
teams carring out industrial espionage. er, but most should be self-evident. For has an active lover in the game, he or she
o The PCs are specially trained emer- example, there is no saying your wife is at your mercy. What red-blooded

gency-response experts, who conduct ra- couldn't be a business partner, and thus anime character wouldn't risk his neck to
cue and disaster control operations. fill the Lover and Partner role. save his girlfriend? The old kidnap play is

Page 130
957:>7~?:x Running Ilnime A
a great way to motivate characters, but
don't overdo it! After a while everyone
gets tired of it. SOME TYPICAL ANIME NPCS
Going back to Speed Racer (how nos- 0 THE VILLAIN: Every anime show has at least one Villain, a guy (or
talgicl), Trixie is a classic example of a gal) who exists for the sole purpose of making the hero’s lives miser-
Lover/Friend (aw, come on, surely you able. Anime Villains are, however, a more interesting life-form than
didn't think they were just friends?) She’s your average TV baddie. In most cases they are almost mirrors of the
always there to bail Speed out, but when hero- intelligent, good looking, and quite witty. A good Wllain can pro-
she isn't saving him, he’s saving her! vide possible love interests for your players, change allegiances at cru-
O The Mentor is a classic anime cial times, or even turn out to be a good guy in disguise.
type. He is a person that the PC looks up 0 THE GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND: Each week this character provides
to and, to a certain extent, hero wor- the Villain with someone to torment, kidnap, or just plain hassle. Prone
ships. The Mentor is always there with a to breaking off the relationship at weird moments, investigating things
piece of advice, words of encourage- she/he has no business investigating, and getting romantically
ment, or perhaps a technical invention to involved with the WIlain, the Girlfriend/Boyfriend is a constant source
save the day! While respected by the PC, of surprises for the PCs.
there is often not a great deal of emo- 0 THE BUDDY: Everyone needs one good friend who will back you up
tional attachment between the NPC and no matter what. The Buddy is usually someone who can’t help falling
the PC. This friendship, while important, into the wrong place at the right time, going after the same guy/gal
usually isn't as deep or as critical to the you want to date, giving you a hard time when you screw up, etc., but
player as others might be. The Mentor is the Buddy is always there when you need him/her and is willing to lay
a good way to introduce information or down his/her life when the chips hit the fan.
new equipment to the player. In most of - HE BRILLIANT SCIENTIST: In most adventures, this is the character
the early ”Shogun Warriors” type of that designed/developed the technology used by the characters.
anime, the Mentor was always the inven- Usually brilliant but eccentric, the scientist is constantly engaging in
tor of the robot. dangerous experiments or being kidnapped by villains after his secrets.
0 Allies are NP’s whose friendship 0 THE COMBAT ACE: The heroic guy all the characters look up to, and

comes as part of the plot. They are on the one who helped train the heroes. He’s the one who rides to the res-
the same side in the war, team members, cue when the chips are really down. Traditionally, the Combat Ace
or business associates of the player. The always seems to buy it about halfway through the story (allowing the
friendship isn't emotional at all, and is hero to take the ”limelight" of the show).
the result of practicality. You simply 0 THE HEROIC LEADER: A variation of the Combat Ace, the Heroic

watch your ally’s back, and he'll watch Leader doesn’t have to fly a mecha to command respect. With steely
yours. While allies will try to help players gaze and visionary ideals, his troops know he is the person to follow.
out, it's rare that one will put his life on His soldiers are willing to go to any lengths under his command, even
the line for a PC. just about anyone on to Hades and back, knowing that he will get them out.
the same side as the player falls into this 0 COMEDY RELIEF: Usually comes in the form of an animal, children,
category. or a small robot. This character exists for the purpose of providing
0 Partners are close associates, laughs and a break in the tension of dramatic moments. For some rea-
halfway between simple Allies and son, this character is always stumbling across the plots of the villains
Family. They are the long-term friends of and informing the heroes in time to avert the catastrophe. At all other
the PC, and people who consider the life times he enjoys harassing any PC he can find, especially if that PC is
of the PC to be at least as important as trying to catch a romantic moment alone with his girlfriend.
their own. Partners (also called Close, or 0 THE TRAGIC QRPHAN: A small child who lost his/her parents during

Best, Friends) are the types of friends that the war, and the local patemal/maternal character decided that the
the Lifepath supplies: willing to stand by child was best protected by dragging him/her right into the middle of
the PC no matter what. Partners stick the warzone (hey, we don’t understand it either, but it’s true)!
with PCs in times of trouble and share - THE EXOTIC LOVE INTEREST: Something more than the average
the limelight in times of glory. run of the mill boy/girlfriend, the Exotic Lover is the person a PC can’t
Depending on the individual, Partners resist. They are always incredibly sexy, wise, loving and usually (a)
might even be willing to sacrifice their one of the Villain's henchmen, (b) an alien in human form, most often
own lives to protect the player. from the other side, (c) the Wllain’s sister or girlfriend, or (d) doomed
Fa in Zeta Gundam is a good exam- with a horrible curse like telepathy or brain cancer.
ple of a Close Friend, always at Camille’s
side, through thick and thin.

\ Page 131 ‘:
Running Anime A - y?"
7",— . T:X (Kl

NPC TYPES: Enerniaa Luke if Darth Vader hadnʼt been his Anavel Gato in Gundam 0083, who will-
Enemies are the cream of the NPC father). ingly died for his cause, even though he
crop in Mekton. Theyʼre also a great 0 Personal enemies have a good knew it was doomed.
way for the Referee to strut his stuff. reason to hate the PC. Some past - Circumstantial enemies are
Anime villains are always memorable, so wrong (real or imagined) can turn a exactly the same as Allies, except their
you must put some thought and work normal person into a mortal enemy; the beliefs or profession put them at odds
into their personalities (see box on page classic example is in Zeta Gundam, with the PC. A Circumstantial enemy
131 for more info). Remember the sec- where jerrid kills Camilleʼs mother, mak- will try to kill a PC if it's his job to do it
ond rule of anime: Itʼs Always Personal. ing him Camilleʼs personal enemy. Later (after all, it's the old ”him or me” situa-
Enemies come in four types: Relatives, Camille kills jerrid's girlfriend, repaying tion), but for the most part the
Personal, Ideological, and Circum- the debt and insuring that jerrid hates Circumstantial enemy isnʼt gunning for
stantial. As with Friends, you should him as much as he hates jerrid! Personal the PC. He might have no interest at all
have at least a sketch of the villainʼs per- enemies usually fight to the death, in the PC other than the fact that the PC
ensuring that the end of the show is is on the other side. Circumstantial ene-
sonality when you introduce him.
0 Relatives have a very personal properly dramatic. mies are best used to introduce a char-
reason to hate the player. After all, who - Ideological enemies can be just acter that will play a bigger part in the
knows you better than the people who as fanatical as a personal enemy, but in a story later on; a classic situation in
watched you grow up? A relative who much more obnoxious way. They are anime is that a Circumstantial enemy
hates you is bound to have a specific certain that what they know is right and (who is not in uniform) finds a PC (also
reason for it—a Relative enemy is are willing to kill anyone who doesnʼt not in uniform) and either becomes her
among the most passionate of enemies think so. Once an enemy has been friend or falls in love with her.
you can have. Having a grudge against made into such a fanatic, the outcome is Circumstantial enemies may also evolve
the PC, they are bound and deter- inevitable: Either he or his enemy must into Personal enemies over the course
mined to carry it out. However, in the die. In the world of anime such ideolog- of a series (if you fight someone long
end, blood ties can usually save the PC ical differences are rarely ”worked out.” enough, you're bound to learn to hate
(think what would have happened to An example of an Ideological enemy is them).

how your
and I
Dear. ”
Running Anime A



It may seem that running an anime- innocent sex goes into the mix too, the audience will follow you willingly.
style game is as simple as giving all with voluptuously cute girls in reveal- Which is half the battle a Referee faces.
the PCs really long legs and funky ing miniskirts (males) and safe but
hairstyles. This is not the case. Anlme studly heroes who suspiciously resem-
stories have a very rigid structure, ble well-known pop singers (females), Think Episodic
with a beginning, development, cli- because our producer knows that a lit- Anime is television. Even when itʼs
max and conclusion. Thatʼs right— tle titillation never hurts. in the movie theater.
they end. Keeping this structure is crit- Our producer also knows the tech- Because of this, anime is an
ical to any anlme game. However, the nical side can't be neglected; mecha episodic medium, with each episode
same structure that makes a game should look cool and do nifty and sci- containing as many elements as possi-
truly anime may well make it no fun entifically plausible (or at least excus- ble to make it a success (our producer
for the players. After all, who would able) things to attract the science fic- knows that if you tune into his show
play the skilled mentor knowing he tion fans, especially the older ones. for the first time and the episodeʼs a
dies in episode 18? To help you with And last, he has to keep everything as dog, you wonʼt tune in for his next
this problem, following are a few ”no- high speed and kinetically active as an really good one). Translating this into
fall" ground rules for adding anime MTV video, using frenetically paced your Mekton Zeta games, you too
structure to your game, giving it a plots, rock and roll soundtracks, com- should aim to make each game its
focus, and yet allowing your charac- plex camera angles and special effects, own really great ”episode" as part of
ters to feel in control of their actions. so that he doesn't lose an audience the larger “show" youʼre producing.

RULE 1: #
jaded by too many videogames and
action movies. Finally, he rounds this
As such, your episodes should have all
of the elements you plan to have
Think Like a all out by licensing models, candy, T- throughout your series: combat,
Japanese TV shirts, posters and so on, so the view- romance, intrigue, new mecha and
Producer ers can get their hands on a physical
representation of the show they so
fast action.

It sounds a bit silly, but it works. love to watch. RULE #3:

Real anime shows are always struc- So how does this all apply to you, Think Soap Opera
tured within a very specific type of the Mekton Zeta Referee? Interestingly Question: Why do people of all
media: half-hour to one hour television enough, it turns out that your players sexes, races and nationalities watch
shows with an upwardly mobile, well- are probably very much like the origi- soap operas? Answer: Because itʼs fun
educated, young adult audience in nal audience the typical producer at to get involved vicariously in the lives
mind. Even the relatively recent phe- NHK, Nippon Sunrise or Gainax was of other people, especially if you have
nomenon of Original Video Animation trying to reach when he came up with to come back each week to see how
(OVA) tapes tend to follow this struc- his TV series (except that they proba- their predicaments will turn out. Our
ture, breaking most tapes into conve- bly arenʼt japanese). By following the hypothetical producer knows this, and
nient half hour segments with opening same mix that your hypothetical pro- thatʼs why so many anime shows have
and closing sequences. ducer does, you should always makes plots that rival General Hospital for
In that half hour, an anime pro- sure that each ”episode” of your pathos, anguish and emotion.
ducer must cram as much in as his ani- games has some serious combat, some In your Zeta episodes, you should
mation budget will allow, while still intense interpersonal action, a few make sure to use this important ele-
targeting his show for as many viewers sexy and utterly cool NPCs (as friends, ment of human nature to your advan-
as possible. He has to make sure to get allies or enemies), at least one new tage. Don't neglect the interpersonal
in the requisite amount of combat and mecha to play with, and a breakneck stuff—the vendettas, friendships, love
adventure for a typical battle-hungry pace complete with a rock and roll affairs, betrayals and tragic events.
male audience. He has to get enough ”soundtrack" of your favorite tunes Make sure you fit a few soap opera ele-
interpersonal soap opera—romance, and as many props (in the form of ments into each episode for your play-
vengeance and politics—to keep the character drawings, maps and mod- ers, making them the vicarious viewers
female audience coming back week els) as you can possibly throw on your of a show starring the characters they
after week for the next revelation (not gaming table. created. And donʼt forget to leave
to mention more than a few males And then youʼll know what that some of those plots unresolved, so they
who secretly like the soap opera just as lapanese producer knows: that if you have to come back next week to see
much as the ladies). A bit of relatively make something interesting enough how the cliffhanger ends.

g . Page I 33
RULE #4: eventually get them to stumble over
Set a Coal and what they have to do, and save your
plot at the same time. As a last resort,
Know When To while it’s best if the players accomplish
Reach It the goal, it’s acceptable to have an
Our anime producer also knows NPC save the day if they don't.
one rule that you probably haven’t Example: It’s six hours into my
Teuuma' 'A thought of yet: You M7 get too much of game, and the PCs have decided to

a good thing. Plots taken too far
become hackneyed; characters
”vacation” on the base, taking advan-
tage of the R&R. They have ignored pos-
onstage too long get stale. He’s sible opportunities to get involved with
It. has been said. learned to set an end goal for his the espionage going on. Getting desper-
that a story’s end- series; a place where it’s headed, plot- ate, I have one of the single characters in
" ing should he wise, and where it will end when it the group bump into an attractive
promised at- the’ gets there—even if it’s tops in the rat- female technician; she spills her papers
beginning, but that . ings at the time. all over the place. He helps her pick them
by the time' the In anime, it’s not the trip that up, and she takes a liking to him and
story comes to an counts, it’s the destination. When you asks him out to dinner. Now my spy is a

end, that ending" start a game, you should have a good PC ’s love interest!
Even if it’s in a roundabout way,
idea where it is going to lead. In terms
should be Very diffi i
fere'n't from what
of an anime story, the conclusion is the you should always nudge events to
high point of the story the grand cli- achie/e your goal for the episode; if

was promised. For max. There isn’t a Referee out there the players throw you a loop, you
example. the TV who hasn’t regretted running his cam- should be ready to bounce back. In
saries Macros‘s' paign just a few games too long. the above example, our spy is now a
began with Earth’ To help with this idea, there are love interest, and a two-dimensional
being invaded by" two different types of ”goals” to have ”prop” character must now become a
-aliens; the and in anime: the Episode Goal, or what much more important element in the
promised at ‘the ,
must occur in order to advance the story; I therefore decide to throw
beginning was that plot; and the Series Goal, or what all of some pathos in.
the action is leading too. Example: It seems that the spy has
everyone expected really fallen in love with the PC and tells
the humans to 0 Episode Goals him about the secret weapon, trying to
win. As it turned Each time you sit down to run an convince him to flee with her to neutral
out humanity d_ig episode you should have some idea South America, where both of them can
win', b_ut: ‘IJ only a where the action is going to 90. be free of the war.
tinyfraction of Example: It's the twelfth episode of By this point the characters should
Earth’s original my ”WWlll" game, and the players are know the situation but in a worst-
population sur- on their way to the American moonbase. case scenario the PC keeps the infor-
vived, and 2] the This episode will have a lot of talking and mation to himself and decides to leave!
At this point the Referee would really
surviving ‘ politics, so I decide to put a little spice
into the mix. On the base is a spy, and have to work hard!
' Earthlings wound Example: As the PC and his lover are
up having to co-
this spy is carrying information about a
new Chinese super-weapon being built in boarding the shuttle to leave, the
habitats With the '
orbit. I want my players to find this spy authorities on the base figure out who
alien invaders on $4
and get the information. the spy was and arrest her (right at the
what little was left H, Once you have a rough idea what flight pad). Unwilling to risk her lover's
(of Earth. you feel your characters absolutely life, our spy confesses all and tells the PC
must accomplish, you can let them go she still loves him.
their merry way and wreak havoc—just Now my episode goal is achieved:
keep in mind that there is something the players have the information they
in particular that the characters must need, and I can begin planning my
accomplish during this game! By gen- next episode. This wasn’t the best solu-
tly—gentlyl—placing the goal in front tion I could have worked out, but now
of them over and over again, you can my plot can progress.
Running Anime A
Episode goals are small and flexi-
ble. They can range from winning a
card game to infiltrating an enemy

0 Series Goals
Not only should you have a goal
for each episode of your show, you’re
going to need a climax. This climax is
the moment all of your characters have
struggled to reach, and it will be either
their moment of glory or their final
defeat. A series goal should be treated
with more formality than an episode
goal. It is, after all, the end of your
story. It is the moment toward which
all the action has been leading.
A series goal should be obvious to
you from the beginning of your story.
If you have aliens invade earth, how
can the players defeat them? Will it be
a straight military victory? Will the
players need to develop a ”secret
weapon?” Perhaps the players will
need to get the help of another alien
race? You, as the Referee, will need to
make these decisions early in the story,
and guide the story to its final goal.
Example: In my WWI/I story, my
series goal is a simple military one. The
good guys must overcome the villains in
straight combat. In order to do this, they
are going to need the help of the
Americans on the moonbase and of the
Europeans. I even have in my mind that
the climactic bottle will be in the Sea of
japan, with a last-ditch massive invasion
attempt by the Chinese.

And lastly, don't sweat the fact

that your great series is about to end.
Remember our producer’s ultimate
secret—if they liked it before, you can
always bring it back with some new
characters, plotlines, soap opera twists
and ”Zeta” added to the title!
Anime is kinetic. It thrives on
danger as much as it does on soap
opera. Make sure all the pathos
REMEMBER, IT’S NOT IUST A and drama is tempered with
GAME—IT'S A TV SERIES. healthy doses of high-octane
ouʼre waiting for the Drop.
You can feel the rumble in
the walls change pitch
and tone all around you. The
starship surrounding you has
slowed to orbital velocity; you
can imagine the captain on the
bridge giving the order to open
the bay doors.
Almost as if on cue, the
giant doors below your feet
open, revealing the vacuum of
space and the cylindrical form
of the spinning colony in the
distance. Somewhere above you
explosive bolts are blown and
you, along with hundreds of
others enclosed in mecha like
yours, are dropped over the
surface of the colony. You
charge up the small beam can-
non on your arm; it seems
insignificant compared to the
giant beam guns of colonies
and ships, but it's a gun.
You impact the spinning
structure, and your suitʼs mag-
nets lock down. Suddenly the
colony is standing still, and
space overhead begins to spin.
As you gather your bearings,
the colony's defensive lasers
open up with deadly accuracy
and the man next to you ceases
to exist. You've always hated
fighting on the surface of these
giant cylinders, and this is no
better man any other time.
“Join the Star League, travel
to strange new worlds, and nreet
excitingnew peo ." You recite
the old mantra aloud. Unbidden, 1
the other half comes to mind.
“And kill them. "



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Gameimorlds A

he solar system of Algol is located discovered. Between the orbits of Algol brown, Pikk seems pale yellow, Desha is
I on the outer arm of a spiral
galaxy. It is a quatrinary system,
and Persephone is a large asteroid belt
called the Halo. It is believed that the
bluish and Kralath glows a bright white.
Because of their orbital patterns, only
with four suns orbiting a common cen- Halo was once a planet, destroyed in two moons are seen in the night sky—
ter. The two main suns are Algol (a blue some ancient catastrophe long before which two depends on the season.
giant) and Minbar (a dying yellow star). man’s arrival in the Algol system. Algol is classified as a water-world
with a primarily temperate environment
Orbiting around these suns at equidis-
tant points are Kobol (a red dwarf) and
The World of Algol (currently passing through an Ice Age;
the Dark Companion (a long-dead sun). The planet Algol is the second of the more on this later). The two main land
Dwarfed by their larger companion four worlds in the Algolian star system. masses cover the northern and southern
star, the three smaller suns of Algol Orbiting at a distance approximating polar areas. Scattered about the equator
appear as brilliant dots against the that of Mars from our own sun, Algol is of the planet is a large island Archipelago
background of the blue giant roughly 3/4 the size of earth (5,500 miles consisting of over 2000 separate islands,
Aside from Algol itself, the solar sys- equatorial diameter). The orbital rotation ranging in size from a hundred feet of
tem contains four other planets: a gas of Algol gives it a 20.05 hour long day, exposed rock to the large island-conti-
giant called Minar, which is totally unex— with the Algolian year being 416 days nent known as Muria.
plored; Persephone, a frozen ice-world; long. There are four moons that orbit The weather of Algol’s two polar con-
Aries, a rocky dustball rich in minerals; Algol (Dion, Pikk, Desha and Kralath). tinents is roughly temperate. Long, cold
and Syberia, a small planet outside the Each moon's surface albedo causes it to winters are offset by pleasant summers.
orbit of Aries that has only recently been reflect a different color: Dion is reddish~ The current ice age is under remission by

Page 138
Gameworlds A
use of modern technology (see below), after the establishment of the Empire's the planet's land-mass would be either
but this has caused a severe shift in the Algolian colony, it was destroyed by an covered with glacial ice or uninhabitable
weather patterns. It is not uncommon for Aggendi attack and the surviving humans due to intense cold. The ice had already
a hurricane-force storm to pop up with scattered across the surface of the hostile cracked open the arcology-cities of Keor
little warning, do its damage, and vanish planet. Eventually the surviving humans and llIyria in Elara, and the fertile fields
as quickly as it came. Despite the storms, banded together into four basic national- surrounding Kardak were now only use-
the best weather is still found in the ities: the Elarans in the north, the Kargans ful for ice skating.
Archipelago, which is warm and pleasant. in the south, the Ettarrans in the islands of Into this gloom and hopelessness
During these times the Archipelago is a the Archipelago and the Murians clinging came Korax, a young Kargan nobleman
literal tropical paradise (with a hurricane to the original colony site. with ambitions of power. He ascended
waiting around the comer). As the centuries passed, the humans the throne with the help of a stranger, a
The wildlife of Algol is the greatest clawed their way back up from stone- man named Arkon Verian. Verian was a
threat to individual safety. The fauna of age technology. mm the nature of the Murian-probably a renegade or crimi-
Algol is either derived from stock brought local life-forms, most humans found it a nal—who sought to help Korax conquer
from the original colonists (like dogs, cats, full-time job to simply survive, so the the world. Two years after his ascension,
and horses) or native life-forms. The reinvention of technology took longer Korax led Kargan troops in an invasion of
native forms tend to run toward huge than it might have otherwise. Two thou- the Archipelago. This started a full scale
mammalian and reptilian types. Some of sand years after the landing, the Kargans war as the Elarans responded. At first the
the more extreme types of local wildlife and Elarans reencountered each other on Kargans had a decided advantage: Arkon
are even capable of focusing bio-electric- maritime voyages. Happy to find that Verian was providing Murian technology
ity or organic acids as part of their offen- there were other humans remaining, to Korax, technology that the Elarans
sive armament. Easily capable of killing a both sides established friendly relations could not counter.
well armed and armored man, the local and the year they met was marked as One such item of technology was
wildlife is the reason for the ”clustering" Algol Year 0, the beginning of a new age. the ”Mekton", a humanoid war machine
of human society on Algol.
The Great Ice Age that could destroy any force sent against
it. With the Mekton at its disposal, Karga
In AY 1000 relations between Karga marched across the planet, essentially
7ztjztmtzr U —
and Elara became downright hostile.
There is no record as to why relations
unopposed. This period of Kargan dom-
ination was the Mekton War.
(which had remained fine for a millenni-
he history of the planet Algol um) suddenly took a turn for the worse. Dr. Tal and the
I spans over 3500 years, and as But it is an interesting historical note that Archipelago War
such can only be touched upon AY 800 marks the rediscovery of the leg- Only one man outside Muria was a
briefly here. In the upcoming book endary island of Muria—an island sepa- threat to Arkon Verian—Dr. Tallisar
Algol: 1530, much of the history here rated from the outside world by an Alexandar, also known as ”Dr. Tal.” Tal
will be gone over in detail, and more impenetrable force-field. had also come from Muria, but he
extensive information given. By AY 1400 Karga and Elara were went to the Elarans and provided them
bitter enemies, the centuries of peaceful with advice and limited technology to
The Landing trade long forgotten. To make matters counter the threat posed by the
Mankind first came to Algol in the worse, in 1420 the Great Ice Age began. Arkon/Korax alliance. When Mektons
year -2000 AY (or 2000 years before the For decades the harsh Algolian win- appeared on the field, Tal realized that
Algolian calendar was formalized.) These ters had grown progressively worse. without their own humanoid mecha
original settlers were fleeing something After years of study, the scientists came Elara would fall. Organizing a sneak
called the Empire. The reasons are to the startling conclusion that the plan- attack on Arkonʼs private factory, Dr. Tal
unclear, but at least one deciding factor et was entering an ice age. Over the next led the team that stole the HeadHunter
seemed to be that the Empire at the time few hundred years the ice on the poles (the latest Kargan prototype), and
was involved in a war with the Aggendi, would expand, and the continents of made it Elaraʼs entry into the mecha-
a xenophobic, genocidal race locked in a Karga and Elara would freeze. race. Once Elara had access to Mekton

life or death struggle with mankind. technology, the war slowly ground to a
There are some scholars who believe that stalemate and continued like that for
humanity eventually lost that war, and MEKToN WAR years. This long period of slow, hard,
that the Algol "colony" is the last pocket After eighty years of study, it fighting became known as the
of humanity remaining. became painfully obvious that the ice Archipelago War. It lasted for thirteen
No matter the outcome of the war, was not going to go away. By best esti~ years, and was the bloodiest period in
the fact remains that a few short years mates, in a little over 200 years, 7596 of Algolian history.
Gameworlds A
The Murian Peace recently the attacks have gained in
In 1517 the war was ended by a both numbers and ferocity. A fleet is
single snowstorm. On the equatorial under construction at Sunlight 1 to
island of Kalia, in the middle of a counter the Aggendi threat, but itʼs
Kargan offensive, it snowed at sea- questionable if the fleet will be active
level. Instantly everyone knew the in time to properly deal with the alien
truth—no one was safe. The whole invaders.
world would freeze. Exhausted armies
stopped fighting, and a quiet, desper- BACKGRUUNDA
ate peace feII across the world. Karga
and Elara realized that only a fool
"-'/ 775V7QI'
fights in a burning (or freezing) house,
and called an unconditional halt to all
E LARA occupies the northern con-
tinent. Its government is a con-
THE CITIES In a surprisingly well-timed move, stitutional monarchy, with the

or: ALGOL the Murians lowered their force-field

and offered the people of Algol hope:
power of the King (or Queen)
checked (or hindered) by a Council of
by using the military complexes of Lords that meets once a month. The
There are very few small Karga and Elara—and the technology council has the power to overrule the
towns on Algol. Most con- of the Murians—the people of Algol monarch's wishes by a two-thirds
struction is at the city or could expand into space, and use majority vote. The social strata of
mega-city level for better space-bound technology to warm the Elara are very similar to feudal sys-
protection. Algolian cities planet. tems—the royal family and various
always have one thing in The plan worked wonders, and for noble families occupy the highest
common: They are massive a brief moment there was peace and niche, with most citizens falling into
undertakings. Rather than a prosperity. The orbital holding began the middle class. The poor of Elara are
series of dispersed city to take shape, and the giant solar well taken care of, with government-
blocks, they are actually arrays started to counteract the effects funded programs assuring that any
huge living complexes, com— of the ice. An organization was devel- able-bodied citizen can find produc-
plete with residential areas, oped to police and protect the orbitals: tive employment. The capital of Elara
parks, shopping districts, and the UAA. This organization was is the Crystal Palace, an ancient castle
governmental centers. These destroyed as soon as it begun to take made out of pure, reflective crystal.
huge arco/ogies are usually shape. The power center of the Council lies


built into extremely defensi- in the nearby city of Loriel.
ble, fortress-like arrange- The current Queen of Elara is Ymri
ments. Some are constructed The UAA was crushed by a single II, who rules by the side of her consort,
into natural formations (like man, Lord Dremmond, one-time ter- Lord Kerion. Leading the Council is Lord
cliffs or extinct volcanoes); rorist leader and a total sociopath. His Delany, a man with great ambition.
others are built taking advan- actions set in motion the events now There are currently eight major
tage of natural formations, called the Aggendi War. It seems that Elaran cities: Loriel, the political heart
like the dam-city of Arcadia those Aggendi who destroyed the of the kingdom; Arcol, the center of
that uses the water flowing original colony never left the Algol star finances; Andor, home of the best uni-
through it to provide the system. Dremmond attempted to versity outside Muria; Koriel, the beau-
power for its industrial cen- awaken them, only to be stopped by tiful cliff-side resort community; Kaol,
ters. Currently 80% of the the last crew still loyal to the UAA. with its heavy military complexes;
planetʼs population occupies During that adventure, the stargate Tandar, the home of Elaran's best flight
these huge city-fortresses. that brought man to Algol was discov- schools; Arcadia and its power genera-
ered. tion stations; and Mishtar, the semi-
Sadly, Dremmond succeeded. The aquatic agricultural center. The cities of
Aggendi were awakened, and in the Keor, lllyria and Fiora were either aban-
year 1528 the attacks began. From doned due to the advancing ice, or
1528 to the present (1530) Algol has destroyed in the war.
been under nearly constant bombard- KARGA occupies the southem con-
ment from the Aggendi. The attacks tinent, and has remained a strict empire
started slowly, one unit at a time. But since recorded memory. The social ele-

Page 140
Gameworlds A

ments of Karga's society are much more tried to conquer the world, then act as sonal freedoms. It is only the will of the
rigidly enforced, with marriage outside the focal point for a lasting peace. With Emperor that holds the disparate
of your class frowned on, if not out- the death of his advisor, Arkon Verian kamas in line as a nation.
lawed. The average citizen works an 8- (who was murdered in 1520) and the MURIA occupies the largest land-
hour day, with the harshness of your death of his son during an Aggendi mass in the Archipelago, and is the loca-
work depending on your class. attack, the Emperor has named his tion of the original colony sight. After
Everyone has to work, but some work is young daughter the heir to the ages of isolation, the Murians have final-
much more pleasant than others. If you Emperor's Seat—a move that has ly opened their borders to travelers, and
are lower class and without resource, enraged the more conservative mem- the wonders of this advanced society
you are sold into indentured servitude, bers of the Kargan court. are still amazing the rest of humanity.
where after a few years you can make Most Kargan cities are built along The political situation seems to be an
enough money to buy back your place similar lines, each a paragon of defen- absolute dictatorship, headed by a class
in society. Slavery is also a common sive architecture. With entire cities of techno-priests and led by the Lady
punishment for crimes brought to the built into naturally defensible posi- Attican, the most powerful psionic on
attention of the Kargan court. tions, there isn’t a single man-made the entire planet. She seems to be a
The city-state of Kardak is the cur- structure on the continent of Karga throwback to another humanoid race,
rent seat of the Empire, as well as serv- that can’t withstand a siege of perhaps one that was represented on
ing as the ancestral home of Kamas immense proportions. Each city has a the original colony ship.
(Family) Korax. particular kamas that rules it, each There is little doubt that Muria is the
The current Emperor, Torrian answerable only to the Emperor him- most technically advanced society on the
Korax, is a man of contradictions. He self. Vlfith such an arrangement, each planet, perhaps even rivaling the science
has rested on the Imperial throne for city is really best described as a city- of the lost empire. Citizens of Muria live
nearly thirty years, and in that time has state with differing civic laws and per- inaveryrigidstrucmre,withwodcers

r 14),
BAY or
'~ '
BuaAK Amfixv'


”telk {;r-x“h
and laborers striving to serve the scien- Archipelago. These gypsies have been jerrin in an attempt to establish the first
tists and priests. the victims of nearly constant war for Ettarran city. For reasons unknown the
In the years since the "sealing” of decades and, as such, they have a ten- construction has been postponed indef-
Moria, nearly all local life-forms were dency to distrust both Kargans and initely.
either domesticated or eradicated, so Elarans. THE FREELANCERS GUILD shares
the cities on Muria resemble quiet, rus- The leadership of Ettarra is the the Archipelago with the Ettarran peo-
tic villages. The only true ”metropolis" responsibility of a council that is made ple. The Guild is an organization of pro
is the city of Kallicar that has sprung up up of the heads of all the trading fami- fessional mercenaries who gained fame
around the “Black Tower". Even in lies. This council meets once a year to as one of the most effective fighting
1530, no outsiders are allowed inside discuss trading possibilities and to forces in the Archipelago War. After the
the tower. renew the ties that bind these loose-knit war the Guild faded from sight, with
The Templar Knights are the only people into a single nationality. only a few isolated incidents betraying
Murian “army” and they seem to be There are no Ettarran cities; instead, the fact that the group still existed.
enough. Using mecha that are light- the people of the islands live and work In recent months the Guild has
years beyond anyone else's on the plan- on giant fan carriers, capable of carrying come to international attention once
et, the Knights travel the globe ”observ- hundreds of people in relative comfort more. It seems that the group has
ing" the events outside Muria. The only (imagine a cross between a cruise ship become involved in a micro-war with
time these fearsome giants go into bat- and an aircraft carrier). Each family has the Axis (see below). Vlfith national
tle is when the Aggendi attack. In all multiple carriers, and they often travel attentions focused on the Aggendi
other conflicts they remain neutral. in caravans from city to city, trading problem, the Guild and the Axis are
ETTARRA is not a nation, but a their goods. left to slug it out without interference
loose collection of trading families who Recently there has been some pre- from anyone, which seems to suit
ply the ocean between the islands of liminary construction on the island of them fine.

Page 142
Gamewnrltls A
ALGIILIAN SPACE A These giant reflection stations are
5 1; w 5 6701.3» the result of the Murian peace, and rep-
resent the last hope of Algolian man.

rbital space around Algol has
been tamed. Colonies
that once stood half-complet-
These five stations (there used to be six,
but Sunlight 4 was destroyed by an
Aggendi attack) reflect light from Algol’s
3 Atom:
ed now are filled to capacity with peo- suns toward the planet, focused on the
ple. The bases on all four of Algol’s polar regions, melting the ice and releas- Below are the aver-
ing gases that warm the atmosphere. So
moons are thriving, and the com-
merce of ”space” has become a practi- far the plan seems to be working, but
age relative dis-.
cal reality: Items are being sent plan- only time will tell if the effects of the ice
tances of the
etside that are cheaper and easier to age can be halted. orbits of the major
build in zero G. There was a time Sunlight I is the main sunlight sta- planets within' the ‘

when it seemed that the colonies tion, and the only one inhabited. It Algolian, solar sys-
might very well declare a war on their also serves as the largest dry-dock in tem. For consis-
planet-bound parent nations, but with space, and as such is currently the tency, Earthly AUs
are used as the

the arrival of the first Aggendi attacks, home of the Algolian ”fleet” designed
that crisis was diverted. Now all to strike at the Aggendi. unit of measure-‘
Algolian men, space- or planet-bound,
Nearside Federation ' .ment. "
have come together to fend off the t
Not a place but an organization,
alien "invasion."
All of the ships in
the Nearside Federation is a coalition of
all orbital holdings, sort of a United
the Algolian fleet,
as 'well as any ship

Each of the four moons has at least Nations in space. Currently led by Lord
one permanent facility. Dion has Dion Kynis, it’s a powerful group dominating constructed after
City and The Station (surrounding a nearly every aspect of orbital life. Taxes 1529, has-a TI. 6
massdriver). Pikk and Desha both have are collected and laws are passed by -reaction-'mass
settlements, and Desha sports an vote from the ruling body of the drive, capable of
entire boomtown which caters to the Federation. There have been several traveling at 1AU
miners there. It goes by the name of ”jurisdictional disputes” between the per week.,
Crackvi/Ie, due to the settlement being Nearsiders and the nations of Algol, and
located inside a giant fissure. Kralath
has a scientific post that monitors
at times the political situation has been
quite tense. Currently there is a firm
-‘A'Igol to Solar
deep-space transmissions, and acts as alliance between the Nearsiders and
. . Epicenter: 1 .5
an early-warning system for incoming ground-based forces. You can expect
Aggendi attacks. All of these bases are that to change if the Aggendi threat is 'Algol tg The Halo:
under Nearside administration, but neutralized. The home of the Nearside ' 2.23
Dion City has strong Halo League sym- Federation is the laral colony.
Halo League '.Algol to Minar:

Orbital Colonies The large asteroid belt just beyond

There are seven inhabited "space the orbit of Algol is called the Halo and
is home to a group of counter-
Algollto .‘

Persephone: 2:7
_ .

stations” in the Algol system: Yalara,

Osmeron, Karad, jaral, N-IZ, Arkon reformists who call themselves the
and Crystal. N-IZ, Arkon, Osmeron Halo League. A group of professional
and Crystal are Elaran colonies, done in soldiers, they oppose what they call glee. to Aries; 4.3
the typical ”ring" style, while the oth- the "tyranny" of the Nearside
ers are Kargan in manufacture, and are Federation. Composed of ex-UAA offi~ Algol to the
the typical pseudo-cylinder (or ”tin cials and members, their small group Stargate: 6.8
can”) design. All of these colonies are of ships and mecha are some of the I l

under the ”administration” of the most advanced in the system. They Algol ea Syberia: 7_
Nearside Federation, with financial and have called off their guerrilla war with
political backing from each colony's the orbitals long enough to chip in to
”parent" nation. fight the Aggendi. The Rimfire ll (flag-

Page 143
Gamewurlds A

ship of the Halo League) is currently tious Kargan named Xoniver Ebonflack With the current Aggendi problems,
engaged in a scouting mission to rose to take command. Possessing the Axis is running rampant—not caus-
examine the ancient stargate, hopeful- much greater subtlety than his prede- ing too much damage, but taking
ly to find technology to use against the cessor, Ebonflack molded the Axis into advantage of the fact that men and
aliens. an effective world-wide ”guild” of machines are needed elsewhere.
assassins and mechajocks for hire.
With members on every major con-
tinent of the planet, and every colony in While the bombing of innocent chil-
The Fleet
space, the Halo League is perhaps the dren is no longer a preferred way for Currently under construction at
most well-known secret society ever. the Axis to make a point, they are not Sunlight l, the fleet represents
above creating mayhem for profit. The Mankind's ability to take the fight to the
The Axis group has hidden bases and produc- Aggendi. The fleet is composed of four-
Another subversive group, the his- tion facilities all over the Archipelago. teen ships, led by the carrier/flagship
tory of the Axis is written in blood. There are also rumors of hidden orbital Endeavor commanded by Lathrin
Originated inside Karga, the group was facilities that are capable of producing Darkmoor. The other thirteen ships are a
a terrorist organization from the begin- spaceships. combination of cruisers and light carriers
ning. Using bombs, guns and knives to Being small in number, the Axis with a single battleship designed to go
carve out a niche in the political mecha make up for their numerical dis- toe to toe with the Aggendi mothership.
scheme, the Axis was very good at advantage with sheer firepower. A sin- The fleet is nearly complete, with only
being bad. About the time of the UAA, gle Axis unit can take two or three the battleship and four other cmisers
the leader of the Axis (Lord Mektons in a fair fight, if the Axis ever non—operational. It is expected that the
Dremmond) was killed, and an ambi- bothered to fight fair. fleet will launch near the end of 1530.

Page 144
V' _L
Gameworlds A
floaters travel in ”packs” of up to 100, KICKLIZARD: Large, ostrich-like
ALGULIAN WILDLIFE/3 floating on the winds that blow over the lizards that live in open plains areas.
TL szVJW'fiLl‘ 5 ff?

Archipelago, northern Karga and south- Kicklizards rush their prey and kick it to
ern Elara. The largest floaters are over death with powerful legs and sharp
5 mentioned in the before, the 10m in diameter, with tentacles that can talons. Some kicklizards grow to massive
human threats to life and limb dangle for 15m or more. The danger of proportions, and are capable of damag-
are not the only dangers that the floaters lies in their light weight, and ing a Mekton or vehicle.
the citizens of Algol face. The local near invisibility. On overcast days one KREGOR DRAGON: The largest
wildlife, tough and resilient, still poses a could walk into a floater ”pack" without predator of the open seas, kregor drag-
very real threat Outside the giant arcol- seeing them visually or on radar (the sig- ons will attack anything, although their
ogy-cities the landscape of Algol is still nals seem to pass right through the semi- main prey is the fog hunter. A wreath of
very dangerous. Following Is a small solid bodies of the floaters). The fact that ripping tentacles ring a gaping mouth
sampling of the flora and fauna that you can ”blunder” into entire packs of filled with ten rows of teeth, and its mass
make it so. floaters has doomed many men and a is comparable to a gunfark. Its physical
BEACHMASTER: This small crab-like few mecha. The skin of these beasts aspects make the dragon feared, but its
creature is the scourge of the Algolian exudes a highly corrosive acid capable of bio-chemistry makes it truly terrible. The
beaches. Traveling in packs that can killing a man, and in enough quantity dragon can generate a bio-electric field
sometimes number in the hundreds, the severely damaging a Mekton. There capable of jamming sensor signals,
beachmaster hunts in great numbers have been over a dozen ”mecha-kills” thereby offering it limited invisibility to
with dozens of individual creatures attributed to unlucky pilots getting modern detection techniques. It is also
attacking with claws and stinging spines. mired in packs of floaters. capable of "throwing" that field in an
Singularly these creatures are no prob- FOG HUNTER: A giant plesiosaur, offensive attack. This attack can stun or
lem, but encountered in packs they can this creature hunts the popular fishing kill a fog hunter outright, or fry a pilot
incapacitate and devour a human. areas of the Archipelago, surviving on the inside a Mekton.
DEATHGRASS: A frightening varia- local fish (and sometimes fisherman). RAZOR: A deadly scavenger, this
tion on a carnivorous plant. Deathgrass is These beasts are not much of a threat bipedal lizard travels in small packs, and
only encountered on a few isolated other than picking off lone fishermen—or uses intelligence to outwit would-be
islands of the Archipelago (it has been an occasional Ettarran off the deck of a prey. Experts at setting up deadly
destroyed on the continents). It appears fan-carrier. The largest fog hunters (33m ambushes, the razors' natural weaponry
as waist-high grass and weeds. If a or so in length) can damage lightly and stealth perfectly match their cun-
human (or any creature, for that matter) armored mecha with their powerful jaws. ning. Some believe that if not for man's
wanders through the grass no immediate GREY HUNTER: Packs of these large, arrival on Algol, the razors would have
ill effects will be felt, but the damage is loping predators travel hundreds of miles evolved to become the dominant, possi-
already done. Deathgrass is covered wim across the polar ice seeking game. Silent bly intelligent, life form of the planet. It is
thousands of needle-sharp spores that and deadly, they prey on the weak, con- accepted that the razor is the most intel-
puncture and enter the skin of an animal fused, and lost. Seemingly invulnerable ligent life form on Algol after man.
that moves through it. These spores deliv- to the Arctic chill, they hunt on the cold- SCREAMER: An extremely fast form
er seeds into the host Once inside, the est nights, when other creatures are hud- of predator which uses a form of limited
seeds begin to grow, using the bio-mass dled together for warmth. Their pelts are teleportation to attack prey. It flickers
of the infected creature for nourishment. a prized hunting trophy, as the light grey from place to place, confusing a target
The sap of both the plants and seeds pro- color offers a natural camouflage in the into a blind panic, and finally pounces
duces a mild anesthetic effect, making it snows, and the thick fur is one of the best when the target attempts to flee in terror.
difficult to detect infection. After a matter natural insulators against cold. The screamer is currently an endangered
of hours, the seeds are so established in GUNFARK: One of the most species, as scientists continue to experi-
the system that the victim is doomed. If imposing locals, the gunfark is a giant, ment in hopes of discovering what gives
the creature passes away in a fertile area, two-headed, armored lizard. If its size the screamer its unique ability. So far the
a new colony of deathgrass is established. (about the length of a 20m cargo carri- screamer hasn't given up its secrets.
FENRIS: A large, wolf-like creature er) and its hide (capable of withstand- URU KILLER: The only thing big and
that has been domesticated for use as a ing some Mekton weaponry) weren't nasty enough to tangle with the gunfark,
pet and companion. A very dangerous enough, the heads can project a size- the uru killer will attack anything big
pack-hunter in the wild. able spray of digestive juices. This spit- enough to attract its nearsighted atten-
FLOATER: Perhaps the most danger- tle is capable of sizzling through armor tion. The killer is always attacking mecha.
ous form of life on Algol. The floater (and just about anything else) in Its hide is immune to gunfark ”venom“,
resembles a giant jellyfish, with nearly moments. The gunfark is assuredly the and it is hardly bothered by most
translucent skin and tentacles. The top of the Algolian food chain. Mekton weapons.

‘ Page 145
. _

- ,.
Gamewurlds A
' A.
f . "1: 36


Mekton hexes
100 k 500


55 39m
5 Head H5 4/1 4 H5 5
R hf; Arm H5 6 HS 5
ht; H 8 H5 NAME Typical Algolian WEIGHT C051
Left, L LH 5 H5 Mekton 56.7 Lone 138.4

Torso H5
lʼod MW H5

Torso One E—F‘od 2 2

L re - . -

2 5 to H — 0.4
Antithef‘t Codelock T 0.2 -

IOOOkm Fuel: P - - -

51.5 xO.1 : +515 tone

25.5 6
Main Backu
Main Thrustere4MA Pod 11.5115 — LDIZ Head Head
5ub~Thru5ter 4MA RL 7 7 RANGE 7km lkm
Sub'Thruoter 4MA LL 7 7 » COMM ioOOkm 500km 0 Of:
KILLS 2 2 Salem DA SP Loc SrAcE COST
Cost 4 2 -


R ht Hand +0 Melee I+1K na 1 K Arm 2 1 F mani
l .

Left Hand +0 Melee. 1+1K na I L Arm 2 1 Functional mani Iator.

Ener Sword +1 Melee 6K oo 2 1H 6 6 Handheld.
Hea Beam Gun +1 10 6K co 6 2H 9 9 Handheld.
Camewolds A

* gpsxmwx
- 1
lien-e. “I

rrvrptrrrnt STAR A 4A~U72L xy— f, -

THE SECOND Straddling the great spiral sweep Rigel Kentaurus

EMPIRE or: of the Milky Way's Orion arm, the [Throneworld]
Second Empire is reaching out with its The seat of the Imperial Throne and
HUMANITY many fleets, scouts, traders and explor- the governmental center of the Second
A far-flung empire of a thousand ers to recover its lost heritage. But can Empire, Rigel Kentaurus (which orbits a
suns, the world of Imperial Star is it avoid the fate of its predecessor so blue giant star of the same name) is a
unique among the anime genre. It is a long ago? Vlfill it survive against a dan- large world which has been extensively
fusion of traditional high space opera, gerous and hostile universe, not to settled by the many civil servants,
fused with the style and technology of mention the far more dangerous sen- nobles and administrators required to
japanese animation. Among its myriad tients within its own borders? keep the Empire functional. Most of the
worlds, galactic battlefleets surround- planet is covered by huge arcology-style
ed by protective screens of humanoid living structures surrounded by open
WORLDS OF THE EMPIHEA parkland. The center of the Empire is
mecha duel for stellar supremacy on a
truly cosmic scale.
IAN’TV‘QV—ll—l‘ the City of Light, a vast collection of
However, the Empire is much shimmering buildings facing a huge
more than just starfleets and mecha- hile the Empire is an bay that include the Imperial Palace, the
nized warriors. It is also made up of immense sprawl of stars, Imperial Senate, the Great Arena and
millions of people, some of them there are only a few of its the Imperial Spaceport.
human, many of them not. It is also a worlds which have strategic signifi- As center of the Empire, Rigel

place of great change and growth, as cance. These vital planets are known Kentaun‘s is also orbited by Graven-
its citizens rise phoenix-like from the as the Constellation worlds—solar stone, a moon~sized asteroid that is the
ashes of a fallen empire whose leg- systems which are home to the most main operations center for the Imperial
endary technologies and great arro- important governmental, social, eco- Navy. It is from here, in this gigantic
gance caused it to immolate itself a nomic and military structures of the base, that the activities of the four
thousand years earlier. Empire. Imperial Sector Fleets are directed.

Page 148
. ~'7_fl
,,.-_- 7
r -
F» 5"—A‘7—)LF Gamewurlds A
Earth NOVA jANIERO: The tropical par- years. Traveling with para-gravitic
The Sol system occupies a special adise of the Empire, with perfect sand ships through a network of interstellar
place as the birthplace of the human beaches, white walled villas, and the only jump gates that instantly hurled them
species, the most dominant race in the underwater spaceport in the Empire. from star to star, the Confederation
Empire and its defacto masters. The First ORADlN: A temperate world similar was a prosperous and extensive net
Empire maintained Earth as its capital for to Old Earth, it is the site of the Great work that had kept the galaxy at
many centuries, until it was devastated in Imperial Library (a structure covering peace for an immensely long time.
the horrors of the Succession Wars. several square miles) and the Imperial
Throughout the Wars and the long fall University (a city in itself). The MES Invaders
flat followed, a few dedicated people It was at this time that Confederation
(chief among them the Imperial Regis Aquaria traders first encountered a vicious and
Terraforming Corps) worked to restore The homeworld of one of the princi- extremely xenophobic race who prompt-
life to the blasted plains of glass that pal non-human races of the Empire, the ly attacked and neariy destroyed the
remained where once-mighty cities natives of Regis Aquaria are l .2-meter tall harmless tradeships they encountered.
stood. It was not until the rise of the bipedal amphibians resembling newts. Traveling via sub-light colony ships from
Second Empire and the ascension of the They are adapted to living in the hot (49° the nearby MES Galaxy (whose core had
Valeron House to the throne that Earth Celsius, or 120° F), shallow, seltzer-water gone unstable and was in the process of
was finally terraformed into the beautiful seas of their homeworld, principally in exploding and destroying all life in its
parkworld it is today. sprawling underwater cities. At a Tech neighborhood), the insect-like invaders

Mars Level equal to any other in the Empire,

the oft mis—named ”Saurians" travel the
viewed all other races as deadly competi-
tors and immediately set out to eliminate
Mars became the economic and galaxy as merchants, each allied with the members of the Confederation.
financial center of the Second Empire powerful matrilineal trade clans. The Confederation, having been at
during the Succession Wars, when all peace for millennia, had no idea of how
the remaining nobles who were not Kazan [Canis Major] to defend itself against this ruthless foe.
caught in the attack on Earth relocated Home to the second principal race In desperation, they decided to look for
under the protection of the red planet’s of the Empire, the 2-meter tall, roughly another race with the necessary skills to
huge planetary screens. Mars has never wolf-like (although they are actually mar- fight the invaders. One of the best possi-
been fully terraformed. Although its supials) Kazan are adapted to life on the bilities lay with a bipedal hominid race
thin atmosphere has been oxygenated open grassy plains of their world under living out on the Orion arm, one which
to breathable levels, in the years of the their dim red sun. They are among the had previously been encountered by
long fall its sturdy citizens became used Empire's best warriors and scouts, adept tradeships stopping on their world for
to their rusty red deserts and large at everything from hand-to-hand com- supplies of transuranic elements.
domed cities. Most of Mars’ industry bat to piloting their deadly animal- So the Confederation came to Earth.
and commerce centers are located shaped combat mecha. THE PRE-EMPIRE: Prior to the foun-
underground in vast caverns carved out dation of the Empire, humanity was lim-
by fusion drills and covered with HISTORY (IF THE EMPIREA ited to a single world, known (without
transparasteel domes.
IA"/i‘\’—V)t7\l' 'l — much imagination) as Earth. Earth had
just achieved a Tech Level somewhere
The Diadem just above level 5, but had fallen into a

The Diadem is the system name for he history of the Second Empire state of constant national bickering on
a trio of terraformed worlds orbiting the of Humanity is considered to the brink of a thermonuclear conflict. It
Oradin system (named for the first world have begun with the establish- was at this time that the alien Kelvenni
to be colonized). Legend has it that the ment of what historians now call the arrived in their saucer-shaped ships and
system was considered uninhabitable, Confederation of the Rim. The made an offer to one of the most pow-
and that as a show of power, the First Confederation, primarily led by the erful national groups on the planet, the
Empire actually moved three worlds into liquid hydrogen-breathing Kelvennl, Trans-Pacific Confederation. If the TPC (a
their current orbits and terraformed was a loose and peaceful association scientific superstate at the time) would
them as pleasure planets. of sentients that covered the edges of aid them in their battle against the MES
FREYA: A beautiful but icy world the outer arms. Most of the member invader force by providing leadership
terraformed as the ultimate winter par- races were heavy gravity dwellers or and soldiers, the Kelvenni would provide
adise. Most of Freya's cities are built liquid hydrogen breathers. Not Earth with Confederation para-grav tech-
into its towering mountain peaks or in known for their aggressive nature, nology and stargates. The TPC agreed
huge bridge-like structures that span there hadn't been an armed conflict and set out to build the most powerful
open valleys. among them in close to ten milllon battlefieet the galaxy had ever seen.

Page 149
Gamewnrlds A _¥—AW—»FC
The MES War alien to effectively be ruled by any warm- For the next thousand years, it was a
For many years the war waged on, blooded oxygen breathers and most golden age for humanity. The First
with human/Confederation fleets lived in the Sagitarrian arm some 20,000 Empire, working from the knowledge of
encountering and destroying Invader light years coreward. the Old Confederation, explored the
groups, and the invaders doing vice
versa. There were few distinct victories, THE Fins-r EMPIRE entire Orion arm, establishing new gates
and colonies. The First Empire achieved
just grinding, vicious fighting against an While it has often been debated as to amazing feats of technology—moving
enemy too maniacally homicidal to con- why the members of the Confederation and terraforming entire worlds, creating
sider making any peace. Eventually the raised little or no objection when their matter out of energy fields, and master-
Confederation located a distant site at erstwhile ”soldiers" established an ing advanced teleportation and trans-
the far edge of the Giggunni Gap where empire right after the defeat of the porter devices. They improved upon the
the invaders’ planet-sized ships were MESers, it is generally agreed that since gate technology until it could even be
concealed. Detonating a genocidal plan- the Kelvenni lived at temperatures that carried by (large) starships.
et killer bomb (a recent human inven- could quuefy helium and most of the Then, tragically, it all went wrong.
tion) in the barren rim system, they irra~
diated the MES colonial fleet and killed
other Confederation races lived in
equally uninhabitable (by humans) The Succession Wars
all but a tiny fraction of the invader race. environments, they correctly reasoned It began when one of the nine great
Their enemies now eradicated, the that the Empire would ignore them houses that ruled the Empire fell into dis-
humans turned around and announced entirely once it had mastered super- pute with another house concerning the
that they would now be establishing Iight Gate technology. In fact, this line of succession for the next Emperor.
"The Empire of Humanity.” Based in the turned out to be true; even now, the Within months the dispute had escalated
Orion arm, it was generally considered to races of the Confederation are seldom to the dissolution of the Imperial
be a human matter, as the majority of seen in Imperial space, and travel unno- Council. Then the warfleets mobilized;
the other Confederation races were too ticed and unmolested when they do. the first planet killer was dropped on the

Page 150
Cameworlds A
rebel house’s homeworld, and in retalia-
tion, four of the remaining houses band-
ed together to launch a surprise attack
on the Imperial throneworld, Earth.
Billions died, but me opposing houses
survived to launch their own planet killer
weapons, until one by one, all the worlds
of the Empire were drawn into the terri-
ble conflict
When it ended, ten years later, the
Empire was decimated. Gates had been i ' lbs,
destroyed, cutting systems off from
needed technology so that they col-
lapsed into barbarism for centuries.
Other worlds were reduced to glassy-sur-
faced, cratered ruins by planet killers and
hellbombs. There was no trade. There
was no government. There was no civi-
A3 i
”1 \

iéfafA)“ in? Ty?

lization, just universal, agonizing dark-
V 040
A waif/i*’
_ ,

ness and pain that lasted for almost a


thousand years.
1 WA»

The Rise of Valeron [11.1/Ali

It was some nine hundred years
after the fall of the First Empire that a
large fleet of pirates operating out of In the days to follow, lead him it
the Korel asteroidal system (the did: to hidden storehouses of lost tech- THE EMPIRE TDDAY A
remains of the now hellbombed Korel nology, to bombed-out systems where 3.1 5031.5»."4’7—
homeworld) came under the leader- long-dead mecha stood sentinel over
ship of the warchief Black Tom the databanks and gate codes of the
McCaslan. Black Tom was a crafty and Old Empire. It had led him, in fact, to The Second Empire of today is a
farsighted pirate who dreamed of the very system where he encountered highly advanced (T L8) civilization span-
restoring the Old Empire—with himself Black Tom, who was seeking the same ning over 1,000 star systems in the
at its head. His dream might have gone abandoned mecha factory he was. greater Orion arm. In Imperial Year 0
on as just that, until he encountered (at Black Tom had a fleet, almost (roughly 123 years ago), the Emperor
gunsight point over a disputed salvage 1,000 pirates strong. Nickolai Valeron Nickolai Valeron estabished the capital at
site) one of the last remaining mem- had a birthright and the Staff of Empire Rigel Kentaurus, a blue-white giant star
bers of one of the oldest of the Imperial (as it came to be called) which served located midway along the central arm.
houses, the Valerons. only him. Together, they went out into The government of the Second
Nickolai Akeme Valeron was easily the galaxy and reforged the new Empire is a hereditary monarchy, with a
the match of Black Tom in cunning and Empire. nine-man Council advising the Emperor,
vision. And he had two other advantages They never did learn where the and a 1,000-being Senate which has a
the pirate didn’t. First, the Valeron line Staff came from; they assumed it was a vote in Council decisions.
had been a popular and legitimate con- lost cybernetic device of the Old
tender for the throne before the fall of lmperials. As long as it worked, they Regions of the Empire
the Empire. didn't question its origins. But it didn't The Empire is composed of five regions—
Second, in the ruins of the now hell- matter in the end. Aided by the Staff, four government sectors en-compassing
bombed Daryni system, Valeron had dis- which unerringly led them to the areas about 10,000,000 light years each,
covered an ancient artifact of immense secrets of the Old lmperials, and and the gap between the Sagittarius and
power. A two-meter long, neon-green backed by a fleet that soon grew to Orion arms of the Milky Way.
glowing rod, it appeared to him as he immense size, they explored the SECTOR ONE (Draco and The Old
and his crew were looting the hulk of a wreckage, battled rivals, reunited lost Dominions): The original site of the
centuries-dead battleship and told him in colonies, and finally brought their Empire, it is an aging backwater area
a flat, eerily mechanical voice that it dream into being. Together, they that has a large number of hellbombed
could lead him to restore the Empire. made the Second Empire real. planets including Earth side by side with

Page 15 1
Gameworlds A
densely populated worlds. This region - SPACESHIPS: Small ships with crews of Scouts teams operate as a unit
never totally fell back into barbarism, between 10 to 100 people. These are the around a single exploration starship,
but it tends to be somewhat antiquated. most commonly seen transports. with mecha optimized for collecting
SECTOR TWO (The Imperial 0 STARFIGHTERS: Seat up to four and data, dealing with hostile environ-
Arm): The modern, up-and-coming are used as part of the defensive ments and defending their base ship
cosmopolitan center of the Empire: the screens of starships. against unique and often never-before
place for art, music, culture and style. 0 CUTTERS: Small spaceships which encountered threats. Scouts are also
This is where finance and government also convert to a humanoid mecha- the most common users of cutters; a
are mostly transacted. This region was form for certain missions. Mainly used hybrid mecha form that combines very
also selected as the Capital Sector, as it by scouts, pirates, etc. large humanoid mecha that can be
was relatively untouched during the 0 MEKTONS: Humanoid or other forms transformed into small spacecraft.
Succession Wars.
SECTOR THREE (The Spinward
of robotic personal armor, usually not
larger than 12 meters tall, used for explo-
Imperial Navy
Arm): The expanding inner frontier of ration, defensive screens around warships The long arm of the Empire, the
the Empire, filled with rough pioneers (in the same role as starfighters), plane- Imperial Navy is both protector of the
and ambitious industrial giants. This is tary landings and general purpose work. Empire's many worlds as well as its
also the region of the Saurian home- interstellar police and army. In the first
worlds and their colonies (ten in all). role, the Empire employs four great
SECTOR FOUR (The Rim): The
cold outer frontier of the Empire that
T—fJ—‘lt—r} a } fleets, one to a sector, known as Red
(Draco), Blue (Spinward), White (Rim)
faces out onto the eternal night and Gold (Imperial Arm). These fleets
between galaxies. People out here tend he Second Empire spans a vol- are usually made up of two or more
to the mystical side, and the region is I ume of space over a million gateships configured as carriers, with
host to a wide variety of strange cults light years across; some of its large (100+) complements of both
and beliefs. This is also the region of the member civilizations have only been starfighters and mecha, two to three
Kazan homeworlds and their red dwarf encountered in human space once in gateships configured as battleships
colonies (eight in all). a thousand years. Each of these (with limited squadrons of no more
THE GIGGUNNI GAP: The vast many worlds has its own culture, than a dozen mecha), and a host of
gap between the spiral arms of the habits and ways of dealing with the between ten to twenty support cruis-
galaxy, a wilderness with few stars and larger Empire as a whole; to describe ers, destroyers and transports, each
a lot of wisps of hydrogen. Home to each would be nearly impossible. with a couple mecha for defense.
pirates, barbarians and sparsely scat- Yet, for all of this diversity, there In its ”policeman” role, the
tered worlds yet unvisited. are certain organizations that emerge Imperial Navy is actually more like the

Transportation 8 as the dominant forces of Galactic ancient Terran FBI or a similar interna-
Civilization. They fill the roles of police- tional police organization, acting to
Communication man, fireman, explorer, merchant and supoort local law enforcement in
The Empire is linked by a series of criminal in this macrocosm of daily life, investigating interstellar crime. Navy
tachyon-matter projection arrays, and as such, require a further explo- Intelligence especially makes use of
called gates, which hurl ships instantly ration. Here then are the chief organi- small spaceships carrying a couple
to any star they are currently attuned zations of the Empire as well as the mecha and a support fighter or two;
to. Gates have a range of about 20 light mecha and ships used in their opera- these are used to support investigators
years, so a network of overlapping tions. who work with local authorities.
gates is used to maintain transportation
Imperial Scout The final role of the Navy is to pro-
vide ground troops for invasion or
routes around the Empire. In general,
there are six types of transports cur- Corps defense. These units are made up of
rently used by the majority of civilized The backbone of human expansion in huge gateship transports carrying
races: the Empire, the Scout Corps are thousands of individual light mecha
0 GATESHIPS: Immense carriers of recruited from promising colonial (mostly in the light to medium cate-
smaller ships and mecha, with their mechajocks and military pilots. They gories), and are often supported by a
own gate engines to allow travel with- are the first to explore new starsystems battlegroup detatched from a Fleet. It
out gates. and often the first to make first contact is rare that this arm of the Navy (its

0 STARSHIPS: Very large ships of the with new races. As such, their missions Marines, in effect), is deployed, as the
100,000 to 200,000 ton range, usually tend to be both the most exciting and threat of planetary bombardment
as large liners or main warships of the the most dangerous of any of the from space is usually enough to deter
Elaplre's fleets. Imperial Services. any rebellion or invasion.
Gameworlds A
Imperial Psionic use a lot of small spaceships and mecha;

Corps these are disguised to look as unassum-

ing and everyday as possible to allow Cur-recs
Not all threats to the security of the the pirates to move through the same
Empire are material. In a universe where Gate network as their prey. Only recent- \
Unidua among mecha
aliens abound and human mutations ly have the most successful pirates designs, cutters corn;
bins two mecha ele-

are common, psionic abilities are not gained access to the Gateships that
unknown, and are occasionally allow them to strike without warning or ments intb.a potent:
employed to promote treason, terror- deception; in combination with cutters, package. The main
ism or other criminal activities. It is to these bands have become a major prob- mecha isa large
combat this particular threat that the lem for the Imperial Navy, which has {Super Heavy at least)
Imperial Psionics Corps were estab- made their eradication its top priority. human'o'id,mecha with
lished. An arm of Navy Intelligence, the Smugglers and criminal gangs tend a transformable
Psionics Corps are the least mecha-ori- to avoid using large mecha, instead astrofighter form that
ented of the Empire's organizations, concentrating on small ships and fast allows it to transit
preferring to use Roadstrikers and fighters for their offplanet operations, from ground to space
power armor when mecha are used at and Roadstrikers when mecha are and back.
all. Ocassionally, when dealing with psi- required on planet. Terrorists follow a
The other half is a
arrned pirates or large psionically pow- similar M.O., adding large mecha only
large "backpack space-
ered criminal organizations, the Psionics when attacking installations or large tar~
ship“ containing limit-
Corps will use cutters, but in general gets. These groups tend to favor a few
ed living quarters,
contr'ols and heavy-.'

this group depends on its telekinetic huge and extremely powerful mecha to

and mental powers more than on its

duty thrusters that
cause maximum terror and damage.
can operate on its
Freelancersʼ Guild omn. When mounted
Merchantile Guild Made up of ex-military pilots,
on. the back of the
first unit, it. allows
Made up of mechants and interstel- reformed pirates, and retired scouts, the greater ran‘ga, speed
lar traders from over a hundred worlds, Freelancerʼs Guild is primarily a chapter- and mobilityʼ, as well
the Mechantile Guild is the governing house providing information, job refer- as two indeperldent
body for trade and commerce through- ences, mutual aid and support. Its fighting machines.
out the Galactic Rim. While most of itʼs members hire out to almost anyone Cutters are fast
members concern themselves with who needs a guy with a mecha suit and becoming the unit of
spaceships and transports that use the the skills to use it. Freelancers fight choice for the small
Gate networks, they also hire mecha- pirates, move cargo, protect transports, operating'team that _

jocks as bodyguards, enforcers and to explore planets, defend colonies (when needs firepower and
protect valuable cargoes from pirates. the Navy can't get there in time) and ‘ versatility._
Black Brotherhood occasionally do subcontract work for
the Navy, Psionics Corps and the Scout NOTE: For Mekton
Not all the organizations of the Corps. The Guild is the best place for a Zeta design, build two
Empire are legal ones; the Black young mechajock to make a name for 'mecha (a fighter and a
Brotherhood is the most powerful him/herself, starting with an experi- , _ transformable
extralegal force in Galactic Space, made enced team and working up the ladder. .humanoid/fight'er] and
up of the pirate bands, criminal gangs Contracts are submitted through
designate the fighter
and mercenary freebooters who prey the Central Guild office on the
as capable of attachi-
on civilization wherever it is unprotect-
ing tothe humahoidʼs
Throneworld; once posted on the Guild
back; when this
ed. There is no exact governing body or datanet, competing freelancers can
ocOUrs, increase the
center of operations the then offer resumes and bids for the job.
humanoidʼs MA by
Brotherhood, but rumor has it that a The Guild refers these to the client, who
+50°lo and reduce its
shadowy cabal of the most powerful MV by 1 (i.e., an MV

makes a pick and then is directed by the ‘

members controls the Brotherhoodʼs Guild as to how to meet his new of -7 becomes 16). For
overall direction. employee. This system avoids burning detailed rules on such
As it is made up of all types of freelancer and patron alike; the Guild “Combiners,” see
groups, the mecha of the Brotherhood takes a 10% agents fee which goes into Mekton Zeta Plus.
tend to vary based on the members' a general fund to support retired or dis-
professions. Pirates, for example, lend to abled freelancers.

Page 153
Gamewnrlds A
. ' IJ


utter Humanoid - 3 k h 11 k

Cutter Ast hter -9 - 22 1346k

Cutter & Pac hter -6 2 35k 17 735k

MuulPusn SYSTEM (P x ?
MECHA Plumrua Transformation F liter x03
MECHA Bummer“
MECHA Mrs-sues

115 57.51:
4 5 Head M5 4
4 5 K ht Arm M5 4
10 hi; Wi M9 NAME Typical l-Btar Cutter WEIGHT COST
MS (566 next for hter). 79.75 tons 304.6
10 Left W1

12 hi; M5
12 Left M5
20 Torso ’ MB Torso 61x 6x E-Podx 11 18
SuaAssmaLlEs Lac SPAcE CF
Lin e or Beam uns H —

Da Control tem T 1 1

2 5 hts H ~ 0.4
Codelock & Stereo T , 0.5
Sta T 4 4
6 2 Micromani lators Arms 1 each 2
Main Backu Fuel: ' '
5ub-Thruster 3MA T Lac Head Head 72'5 XOJ : +725 tons
Main Thruster 2 MA KW RANGE 7km 1km
Main Thruster 2 MA LW COMM iooOkm 300krn O
2 MA RL Klus 2 2 Small DA SP Lat: SPACE (2057
Booster 2 MA LL - COST 4 2 -

ht Hand Melee Arm


1+1K R Fu ' l ni .

Left, Hand +0 Melee 1+1K L Arm Functional mani labor.


Missile f’od +1 13 6k R Arm

Missile f’od +1 13 6k L Arm
Missile i’od +1 13 6k KW
Missile Pod +1 13 6k LW
Missile Pod +1 13 6k R L
Missile Pod +1 13 6k L L

Beam Gun +1 4 1K Linked to other Beam Gun.

Beam Gun +1 4 1K Linked to other Beam Gun.
Erie Sword +1 Handheld.
Beam Cannon B BK H held.
Pack htcr
' Hexes
5,040 k , or
Mach 4.2

MuulruEn Sva (P x ?
PuWEnPLAm XS: 1 x0.0
MECHA Flsrrrlnls
MEEHA Gunman!

80 501:
4 IO ht Wi SH 10/0 10 M5 4
4 10 Left Wi H l 10 M5
NAME Typical l-Star WEIGHT (051
4 o Left Pod SH M5
hter 42.9 tons 187.9 Ci’s
4 ' Torso SH 20 M5

Six 6x E-f’odx ll IS
tom 1 _

2S hts 0.4 -

Codelock & Stereo 0.5 —

Micromani lator
6 Fuel:

Main Backu 59.01; xO.1 = +39 tons

Main Thruster 10 MA an Torso Torso
Main Thruster 10 MA RANGE 7km lkm
Booster 10 MA Comm IOOOkm 500km 01:

Booster 10 MA KILLS 2 2 SnlEul DA SP Loc SPACE (051

C051 4 2 -




P lse n +0 4K 1 T rn 20 V=6 I turn w rm—u
Pulse Cannon +0 4K 1 Turn 20 BV:6, I turn warm-u .

Rocket Launcher +0 4K 10 4
Rocket Launcher +0 4K IO 4
_' -—





(new Smu.
_ ”n

MA DAV Move SPAcE Mun [Anso (fl

Hvrenomve Mun # “F mm“ SP CPS









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....,..............._..... MK 1003 0 ISBN # 0-937279-54-4
copyright 0 M. Ponds-ilk. “95. All Rights llnssrnsd Il‘ll' International
incidents and persons portrayed within are fictional and any similarity without sntric intent, is
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