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Charlottesville, VA | LinkedIn

Astrophysicist with 5+ years of experience using Python for data analysis and visualizations, eventually transitioning to a
career in data science. I’ve worked with the full life cycle of data from cleaning and exploring, to analysis and modeling,
to visualizing and presenting. I’m experienced communicating results through presentations, posters, and papers.

Ph.D. in Astrophysics University of Virginia Aug 2021- May 2023, GPA 3.81
Master of Science in Astrophysics University of Virginia Aug 2021- May 2023, GPA 3.81
Bachelor of Science in Astronomy & B.S. in Physics University of Texas at Austin Aug 2017-May 2021, GPA 3.88

Technical: Python (Pandas, matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, sci-kit learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch), SQL, C++, Unix/bash, Office 365
(Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Teams), Mathematica, Git, Slack, Tableau
Soft: Communicative, Critical Thinker, Motivated, Problem Solver, Self-Motivated, Team Player, Conversational Spanish

NASA Grant Funded Graduate Researcher University of Virginia, 2021-Present
• Developed new mass-dependent equation for entropy by finding best-fit parameters using Python's linear regression
• Expanded and improved upon simplistic model for a galaxy cluster in C++ by adding mass dependence throughout
• Programmed Python script to run updated model on 20+ masses producing files with 10 features and over 400 rows
• Created functions to calculate entropy in 230+ merger pairs, visualized mass relations and found 87% success rate

NSF Funded Undergraduate Researcher University of Michigan, Remote, Jun 2020-Apr 2022
• Authored published paper and won an award for presentation and poster at professional astronomy conference
• Cleaned data set by removing messy/unusable images using series of 5 flags tested on subset of full data set
• Collaborated with group to assess accuracy of 3 shape measurements by computing offsets and creating additional flags
• Computed Spearman Correlation Coefficient of ~100 pairings of shape measurements using bootstrapping techniques
• Created numerous data visualizations showcasing shape measurements and correlation strengths using matplotlib

Academic: Probability, Linear and Matrix Algebra, Data Analysis with Python 1-2, Calculus 1-3, Machine Learning
Online: Intro & Intermediate Machine Learning, Intro & Advanced SQL, Data Cleaning, Deep Learning

• Elected member of department Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee at UVA working on improving department
climate by petitioning Graduate Dean for increased stipends, creating TA Policy contract, and educating faculty and staff
• Treasurer of Gender Minorities in Physics at UT Austin responsible for managing $5000 of grant funding and weekly
spending, planning and coordinating physics outreach demonstrations, and recruiting new members


• Presented research at professional astrophysics conferences, collaboration meetings, and volunteered at public
outreach events such as the American Astronomical Society Conference, Girl Day, and Prospie Day at UT Austin
• Taught physics concepts and astronomy observing techniques through discussion sections and night labs as an
under/graduate astro/physics Teaching Assistant averaging ~10 hrs/wk for 3 years

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