Drug Study - Amoxicillin

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Medication Mechanism of Indication Side Effects Contraindication/Drug Adverse Effects Nursing
Action to Drug Interaction Consideration/Patient

Generic name: Inhibits cell- • Mild to - Abdominal Contraindication: CNS: Nursing Considerations:
Amoxicillin wall synthesis moderate or stomach • Contraindicated in - Seizures • If large doses are
during infections of cramps or patients - Anxiety given or if therapy is
Brand name: bacterial the ear, nose, tenderness hypersensitive to - Confusion prolonged, bacterial
Amoxil multiplication. and throat; - Back, leg, or drug or other - Agitation or fungal
skin and skin stomach penicillin - Dizziness superinfection may
Drug class: structure; or pains • Use cautiously in - Reversible occur, especially in
Aminopenicillins GU tract - Black, tarry patients with other hyperactivity elderly, debilitated,
• Mild to stools drug allergies - Insomnia or
Dosage: 250 mg severe - Bleeding (especially to - Behavior changes immunosuppressed
infections of gums cephalosporins) GI: patients.
Frequency: every the lower - Blistering, because of possible - Diarrhea • CDAD, ranging from
8 hours respiratory peeling, or cross-sensitivity - Nausea mild diarrhea to fatal
tract and loosening • Use cautiously in - Vomiting colitis, has been
Route: Oral severe of the skin those with - Pseudomembranous reported with nearly
infections of - Bloating mononucleosis colitis all antibacterial
the ear, nose, - Blood in the because of high risk GU: agents, including
and throat; urine of maculopapular - Interstitial nephritis amoxicillin.
skin and skin - Bloody rash. - Nephropathy • Amoxicillin usually
structure; or nose Hematologic: causes fewer cases
GU tract - Chest pain Drug – Drug Interaction: - Agranulocytosis of diarrhea than
• Pharyngitis, - Chills • Hormonal - Leukopenia ampicillin
tonsillitis, or - Clay- contraceptives: May - Thrombocytopenia
both colored decrease - Thrombocytopenic Patient Teaching:
secondary to stools contraceptive purpura • Tell patient to take
streptococcus - Cough - Anemia entire quantity of
pyogenes - Eosinophilia drug exactly as
infection - Hemolytic anemia
• Helicobacter • Live-virus vaccines: Other: prescribed, even
pylori May decrease - Anaphylaxis after feeling better.
eradication to effectiveness of live- - Hypersensitivity • Instruct patient to
reduce risk of virus vaccines reactions take drugs with or
duodenal • Methotrexate: May - Overgrowth of non- without food.
susceptible • Tell patient to notify
recurrence organisms prescriber if rash,
methotrexate serum
• Acute otitis fever, or chills
media develop. A rash is
• Probenecid: May the most common
increase level of allergic reaction,
amoxicillin and especially if
other penicillin allopurinol is also
• Tetracycline: may being taken.
reduce therapeutic • Tell parent to place
action of penicillin drops directly on
• Warfarin: May child’s tongue for
enhance swallowing or add to
formula, milk, fruit
anticoagulant effect
juice, water, ginger
ale, or other cold
drink for immediate
and complete

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