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The independence of research is key strategic issue of modern societies,

Dealing with it appropriately poses legal, economic, political, social and cultural
problems for society , which have been studied by the corresponding disciplines
and are increasingly the subject of reflexive discourse of scientific communities .
Unfortunately , problems of independence are usually framed in disciplinary
context without due consideration of other perspective relevance or possible
contributions . To overcome these limitations, we review disciplinary perspective
and findings on the independence of research and identify interdisciplinary
prospects that could inform research programmed.


• Time

• Space

• Fluid flow rate

• Density

• Mass
Responsibility is the ability to respond. Not paralyzed by fear , plunged by
anxiety. or procastinating, pretending the problem doesn't exist. Responsibility
means being prepared, but not panicked it requires planning, but not perfectionistic
plots to control the uncontrollable .

Example: being a parent. A parents responsibility

• Is to sustain the needs of his/her children.

• Let their children finish their studies .

• Teaching their children good morals.

Self- adjustments and development of skills

Self-assessment can help you discern what skills you may need to develop in order
to succeed in a given field. Additionally, being able to articulate your skills is
required for the application process, from developing your materials to


• Developmentally Appropriate practice

Establishing positive and healthy relationships

- A positive relationships can be shared between any two people who supports
encourage and help each other practically as well us emotionally. According
Dr. Fisher, the most important part of a healthy relationships is healthy
communication. Remember that not your speaking to you self. Try to
understand where the other persons is coming from and how they understand
world when communicating with them. Be willing to her something that
doesn't fall within what you've predetermined to be true. Listen without
preparing your rebuttal or response .


Healthy relationships involved honestly trust respect and open

communication between partners and they take effort in compromise from
both people there no imbalance of power partners respect each other
independence. Can make there own decisions without fear retributions or
retaliation and Share decisions.

Career planning

Speaking of actions you need to make; career planning helps you indentify
where you might have little more learning to do. This might mean taking
additional courses. Becoming certified in a new skills or even going to
graduate school. Grad school is a great way to accelerate your career path
and meet your career goals gives you the opportunity to fill a variety
of skill gaps at once. Make professional connections that"ll support you for
the rest of your career, and pivor in an entirely different direction.


•For me, career planning is really important for every person since it is away
to do decide on there future. It helps us, especially me as a students in the field
I will choose in future .

• Career planning has four stages , each stage has its own purple.
Topic 2


For me awareness is one of the essential ingredients of developing belief .

Awareness has been highlighted by many as a key indicator of success in arange of
performance environments. It is arguably the important ingredient for belief as a
every other skills ,quality and task you have and undertake can be traced back to
awareness.Being aware will gave you an insight into your beliefs and whether they
are positive or holding you back. If you are aware then this will give you
knowledge and if you have knowledge then you know what you need to do to and
the direction you need to go to make changes to improve and be will
make you seek out more information on the beliefs that are holding you back and
how to change them. It will give you the information for next action thinking
whereby you are aware of the very next thing you need to do to move forward.


• Embrace a growth mindset it's natural to be set in our ways

• Set boundaries

•Recognize destructive habits

•Understand your blind spots

• Get better at anticipating things so you can come up with an action plan

• play attention

• Ask the tight questions

• Help others become more self- aware

Demands is the consumers desire to purchase a particular good or service, market
demand is the demand is the demand for a particular good in the market .
Aggregate demand is the total demand for goods and services in the economy
Demand and supply match determines the price of the good or service .
Understanding to concepts of the demand.


•Prince demand

• Income

•individual and Market

• join demand

• Lomposite demand

• Direct and derived


Many people think that being a teenager consists of going to school, having
hobbies and spending time with friends. This many be true , we do many things
that maybe described as entertaining ourselves, but teenages also think about their
lives as a whole and question the sense of life or think about happiness. This article
should allow an insight into the life of teenagers and what really makes them feel


I learned of being a teenager seems to Change daily constantly exposed to new

ideas, social situations, and people, teenagers work to develop their personalities
and interest during this time to great chance. Before their teenage years, these
adolescents focused school, play , and gaining approval from their parents.

" All life demands struggle . Those who have everything given to them become
lazy ,selfish , and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard
wook that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person
we are today ;


•Family • Friends•Career •Life balance •Health


Every family has its own expectations about things like manners , cleanliness , and
acceptable language. As a reasonable , respectful parent , teach your child the
"when in Rome " principles follow the customs of the natives and respect the
others families' values and rules . It's just a question of respect


Food and meals ( mealstimes , who prepare meals types of foods you eat ) how
tastes are divided ( who works outside the home , who cares for the home and
children) .

For our analysis we defined school demands as a requirement specified in. The
school program a requirement . That is evidence explicitly by the teacher's words
or acts , or implicitly by the situation.


•Moeny • Gadgets

•School supplies • Books

• Uniform


The peer challenge approach involves a teams of experienced officer and members
spending with another council as a ' peers ' to provide challenge and share learning.
Participating counsils receive a comprehensive and recommendations from the
peer team and then identify their own actions plan to respond .


Most of them wanted you to take the initiation like drinking alcoholic drinks
or smoke something

or something.
Topic 3


people with strong S- personality styles are described as steady and stable . They
seek out routine , predictability, and safety in their day - to- day life and routine.
They strive for close and personal relationships and positive environments without
conflict .


Wholeness , essentially, is an itegral sense of integration . The different aspects of

the individual mental, emotionally, physically, social, and spiritual are in harmony
or balanced.

This harmony or feeling of balance is important for self - esteem and

self -actualization Emeth and Greenhut (1991) wrote that we are all pilgrims on a
journey towards wholeness and fullness of life . It is an ideal human goal given it's
good implications to the total functioning of the individual , as well as the meaning
to life .


• Social • Professional • spiritual

•Physical • Emotional • Mental

• material • Pleasurable
CARL JUNG ( 1876 -1961 )

Carl Jung in full Carl Gustav juv, ( born July 26 , 1875, kesswil , Switzerland-
died June 6, 1961) kunsnath ), swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who
founded analytics psychology in some aspects a response to Sigmod Freud's
psychoanalysis , Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extraverted
and the introverted personality , archetypes, and the collective unconscious
his work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion ,
literature , and related feilds


Physical development is one domain of development that refers to the growth

and refinements of motor skills , in other words , children 's abilities to use
and control their bodies . These advancements are evident in gross and fine
motor skills , and they are essential to children's overall health and wellness.
Gross motor skills involve the use of large muscle in the legs or arms as well as
general strength and stamina . Example of such skills include jumping ,
throwing , climbing, running, skipping, and kicking. Fine motor skills involve
the use of small muscle in the arms , hands,band fingers. They are supported
advancements in perception , or the way in which children use their Sense to
experience the world around them. Example of such skills include stringing
beads , scribbling, cutting , and drawing . Fine motor skills enable children to
perform a variety of self - help task , such as using utensils and dressing


• Explore make sense of their world

• To make sense of their world

• To achieve new skills

• To change the ways others perceive them

•. Help their development of self


Cognitive development means how children think , explore and figure things out ,
it is the development of knowledge skills, problem solving and understand the
world around them . Brain development is pan of cognitive development


• Sensorimotor stage • Concrete operational stage

• Preoperational stage • Formal operational stage


Social and emotional development means how children start to understand

who they are,what they are feeling and what to expect when interacting with is the development of being able to:form and sustain positive
relationships. Experience, manage and express emotion. Explore and engage
with the environment

Many a theologian has offered a definition of spiritual development over the

course of millennia.Spiritual development can mean many things to many
people in the secular and pluralistic environment we in inhabit terrestrial
world. Spiritual development,in essence is to believe in something beyond the
material universe and develop an awareness of realities beyond the confines
of time and space.

Topic 4

The brain is complex organs that controls

thought,memory,emotion,touch ,motorskills, vision,breathing, temperature,
hungry and every process that regulates our body. Together, the brain and
spinal cords that extends it make up the central nervous system,or CNS.


The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch,
motor skills,vision,breathing, temperature, hungry and every process that
regulates our body.


William Edward Herman (1922---December 24, 1999) was an American

creativity researchers and author, known for his research in creative
thinking- brain methods. Ile is considered the father "father of brain
dominance technology."


Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an
American inventor and businessman.[1][2][3] He developed many devices in
fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound
recording, and motion pictures.[4] These inventions, which include the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and early versions of the electric
light bulb, have had a widespread impact on the modern industrialized world.
[5] He was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of organized
science and teamwork to the process of invention, working with many
researchers and employees. He established the first industrial research

Topic 5

Forrest Hanson is joined by his father , clinical psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson,
and a world - class group of experts to explore the practical science of lasting
wellbeing . Well -being means having a healthy lifestyle that includes proper
diet and exercise to maintain a certain weight " Being well means being at my
peak of energy ." (Being well means ) doing everything with in my power to
stay physically and mentally able so I can do all the things I dream of doing in
the future ."


• physical

• Emotional

• Social

• Spiritual

• intellectual


Awareness, understanding and knowledge of mental health issues may help

move towards achieving health and cultivating a sense of emotional
wellbeing . Preserving a healthy balance is important to the maintenance of
ongoing mental health, with or without a diagnosis.


• Anxiety disorders
• Bipolar affected disorders

• Depression

• Dissociative disorders

• Disorder

Topic 6


The good news is that plenty of simple (and free) stress-busting techniques are
available: Establish regular times for when you eat, sleep, read, exercise,
grocery shop and so on. And try to set up a routine for your household, so
everyone knows what is happening and when


• be active

• Take control

•Connect with people

• help other people

• work smarter, not harder

DR. HANS SELYE (1907-1982)

Selye was born in Vienna on 26 January, 1907. His father, Hugo Selye, was a
surgeon colonel in the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army who later started his
own surgical clinic. His mother, who administrated the clinic, had a strong
influence on the boy with her constant quest for excellence and intellectual
sophistication. Selye had a warm relationship with his father and it seemed
inevitable that he would one day work in his father’s surgical clinic. Carrying
on the surgical work would mean continuing the medical tradition into the
fifth generation of the family.

Topic 7

Emotion are part of our everyday lives. Sometimes it can feel like our feelings
control how we think and act the point where we feel like we're not in control.
Experiencing and expressing emotions are integral parts of life. But for many
people emotions remain mysterious, confusing, difficult to express
constructively. This brochure provides information about learning to
incorporate emotions into your life in healthy ways including how to express
them in ways that are conductive to building healthy relationship .


Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions understand

what they telling you and realize how your emotion affect people around you.
It also involves your perception of others : when you understand how they feel
this allows you to manage relationship more effectively.


Peter salovey (born February 21, 1958) is an American social psychologists

and current president of Yale University. He previously serve as Yale's
provost , Dean of Yale Graduate school of arts and science, and Dean of yale
college. SaJovey is one of the early pioneers in emotional intelligence.
JOHN D. MAYER (1953)

John D. Mayer is an American psychologist at the University of New

Hampshire, specializing in emotional intelligence and personality psychology.
He co-developed a popular model of emotional intelligence with Peter Salovey.
[1] He is one of the authors of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional
Intelligence Test (MSCEIT),[2] and has developed a new, integrated
framework for personality psychology, known as the Systems Framework for
Personality Psychology. He is the author of Personal Intelligence: The Power
of Personality and How It Shapes Our Lives.


• People express themselves oftenly and respectfully without fur of offending


• resilience is evidence when new initiatives are introduce.

• Flexibility is present.
•Employees spend time together outside of work.

• freedom of creativity is celebrated and consistent.


Daniel Goleman (born March 7, 1946) is an author, psychologist, and science

journalist. For twelve years, he wrote for The New York Times, reporting on
the brain and behavioral sciences. His 1995 book Emotional Intelligence was
on The New York Times Best Seller list for a year and a half, a bestseller in
many countries, and is in print worldwide in 40 languages.[1] Apart from his
books on emotional intelligence, Goleman has written books on topics
including self-deception, creativity, transparency, meditation, social and
emotional learning, ecoliteracy and the ecological crisis, and the Dalai Lama’s
vision for the future.


David Steindl-Rast OSB is an American Catholic Benedictine monk, author,

and lecturer. He is committed to interfaith dialogue and has dealt with the
interaction between spirituality and science.
Topic 8

Personal Relationships

Personal relationship means an ongoing romantic or intimate personal

relationship that can include, but is not limited to, dating, living together or
being a partner or significant other. This definition applies regardless of
gender, gender identification, or sexual orientation of the individuals in the


ralationships provide support to get your thought rough times.having

someone to help us though these struggles can make all the difference. Family
And friends can be there for you and sopport you when other people cannot.

Common Ralationships Problems - Communication. If

people in a Ralationships can master communication, you'll be far less likely
to experience other common relationship problem ....arguments staying
close & intimacy .... Infidelity ..trouma....showing. Gratitude.


•Relationships elongate livess

• Relationship bring great joy

• Relationship provides support to get you through tough times.

• Relationships keep us from being lonely

• Relationships help as we deleting with others.



Some of these common challenges me include infidelity loss of intimacy,

Communication difficulties capping with the stress challenge financial

pressure,boundary, violation ,difficulty balancing individual and couple
expectations, divorce separation and breaking up.

Healthy Relationships

The relationships involve and and is tea dress respect and open
communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from
both people there is no imbalance of powered partners respect its other
independence can make their own decision without fear of retribution or
relation ,and share decisions .

•Honesty •Good communication

• Compromise • Anger control

• Individually

Social Relationships

A social relation or social interaction is the fundamental unit of analysis

within the social sciences, and describes any voluntary or involuntary
interpersonal relationship between two or more individuals within and/or
between groups.


Co-workers distant relatives, and acquantances. Another distination

useful for categorizing relationships is whether or not they are voluntary.

Servant Relationship

And Anchaic generic legal phrase that is used to describe the relationship
arising between an employer and an employee. A servant is anyone who works
for another individual, the master, with or without pay.

•Abraham Lincoln

• Mother Teresa

• The Dalai Lama

• her and kelleher, former CEO of southwest Airlines

• Cheryl Bachelder, former CEO of Popeyes

• Jack welch, Former CEO general electric

• Allan Mulally, Former CEO of Ford Motor Co and Boeing

• Susan wojcicki, CEO of YouTube

Community Involvement

Is the power to bring positive, measurable change to both the communities in

which you operate and to your business . Community involvement examples
include in-kind and financial donations, employee volunteer days enduring
non-profit partnerships and partnership and more.


Volunteering at a local food bank animal shelter or homeless shelter.

Maintaining a community garden participating in a local blood drive. Helping
sit up a local farmers market.
Family Structure Legacies

All families have a set of beliefs, values, and attitudes that are passed down
from generation to generation through the messages that children receive
from their parents.


• A favorite holiday recipe

• Religious /spiritual beliefs

• Stories about relatives that have passed

• honoring a rite of passage

Topic 9
Person and Careers

A career refers to an individual choesen profession or occupation. your

carrier can include one or many jobs throughout your lifetime and the
actions, decisions, and paths you take to develop in your profession. A career
usually use your skills and talents while providing personal fulfillment and a
sense of purpose.


A career could mean working as doctor, lawyer, teachers, carpenters,

veterinary assistant, electrician, cashier, teacher or herstylist.

Career Pathways

Is a list of steps to take in your professional life for progressing

into different or more advanced roles at work. it's a series of jobs and
experience that help employers reach their ultimate career objectives and
future goals.

If your goal is to become a principal, you'd typically start as a teacher
and work on your administrative credentials while teaching.

What is your Ambition

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