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The Act of Proclamation of Independence of Filipino People

Historical context

 The first phase of revolution was ended in a stalement between Spaniards and Filipino
rebels. On December 27, 1897, a truce was declared between the two forces with the Filipino
leaders, led by General Emilio Aguinaldo. Gen. Aguinaldo exiled to Hongkong while Spaniards
paid an indemnity for the damages caused as a result of conflict.

Explanation(1): Spanish would give self-rule to the Philippines within three years if
Aguinaldo went into exile. Gen. Aguinaldo agreed to end the hostiles as well in
exchange of 800,000 pesos as indemnity and He kept the money in the bank of
Hongkong to be used for future struggle against Spain. Unfortunately, the truce only
last for months because both authorities failed to follow the terms of the agreement.
The renewed conflicted would have been disastrous for Filipino, If not for the
weakening diplomatic relation between Spain and united states over another
revolution in Cuba.

 On April 21, 1898, Spanish- American war happen and the arrival of a new colonizer in the
Philippines - The Americans.

Explanation(2): The reason of the conflict between Spain and United States occurs
aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba,
leading to US intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. American Acquisition
of Spain pacific possessions led to its involvement in the Philippines Revolution.

 Before the battle of manila, Gen. Aguinaldo already been meeting with americans in Singapore.
He talked with consul E. Spencer Pratt regarding US-Filipino collaboration against the Spaniards
before he went back to Hong Kong to meet up with Commodore George Dewey, commander of
the Asiatic Fleet. Unfortunately, Dewey had already left for the Philippines to attack the Spanish
fleet following America’s declaration of war against Spain in April.

 Aguinaldo remained in Hong Kong and met with the American consul general Rounseville
Wildman. He paid Wildman a total of PhP.117,00 to purchase rifles and ammunition. A first
shipment worth PhP50,000 was made but the other half was never delivered. Wildman never
returned the money given to him.

 On May 1, 1898, The Battle of Manila took place on Manila Bay in the Philippines, and this was
the first major engagement of Spanish-American war.
Explanation(3): The Spanish-American war lasted for 3 months and 3 weeks and 2
days, that resulted to American victory. Additional information:

 On May 19, 1898, Aguinaldo finally returned to the Philippines on board the US cruiser
McCulloch. He conferred with Dewey on Philippine conditions and was supplied with arms
captured from the Spaniards. From his headquarters in Cavite, Aguinaldo announced the
resumption of the revolution against the Spaniards, thus the beginning the second phase of the

 Earlier, on May 24, Aguinaldo announced the creation of the dictatorial government. The
formation of this type of rule was a necessity when the growing nation needed a strong leader.
He emphasized that the dictatorship was only temporary as it would be prelude to the
establishment of a republican form of government.

 On May 28 1898, the Filipino forces won their first victory in Alapan, Imus. The newly-made
Filipino flag was hoisted in Alapan then later unfurled at the Teatro Caviteno in Cavite Nuevo
(now Cavite City) in front of the Filipinos and captured Spanish soldiers. A group of American
officers and soldiers also witnessed the ceremony.

 On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence from Spanish rule at a
ceremony in his house in Kawit, Cavite. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista read the declaration that
was later signed by 177 persons, including an American military officer.

 The Philippine National Anthem, then known as “Marcha Nacional Filipina,” composed by Julian
Felipe, was played by the Banda de San Francisco de Malabon and the Philippine flag was again

 On December 10,1898, an agreement made called Treaty of Paris was signed by Spain and the
United States in Paris France that ended the Spanish–American War. Under it, Spain
relinquished all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba and also ceded Puerto Rico, Guam,
and the Philippines to the United States. The cession of the Philippines involved a compensation
of $20 million from the United States to Spain. The treaty came into effect on April 11, 1899,
when the documents of ratification were exchanged.

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