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Davi W. M.

Software Engineer Self-taught by nature and programmer since the age of 13, since then in passionate love with the area. Functional programming passionate. In addition to professional experiences, a significant part of what I know was motivated by sheer curiosity and a willingness to experiment and be better.

Full-stack Developer | EkonoMe
08/2020 - Present

Planned the entire implementation based on client needs

Developed a user-facing mobile app with appointments, chat, and video conferencing
Integrated mobile and web clients to let users directly connect to economists for video conferencing
Implemented full-featured Chat with media uploads on both mobile and web app
Built a real-time user management panel using React and Realtime Database

Frontend Developer | Harmonize (via Holonic)

01/2022 - 11/2022

Built entire frontend features from Figma Designs like a real-time messaging center, user management system, and dynamic forms
Worked together with the product and design team to improve the UX of existing features
Proactively took backend responsibilities and delivered authorization features in a Nest+Node.js app

Software Engineer | Sambatech

08/2021 - 01/2022

Built educational mobile apps from scratch for different companies.

Made various features including SSO auth, concurrent video downloading, offline-first video viewing using Redux Toolkit and Expo

Mobile/Frontend Developer | Adorie

03/2021 - 08/2021

Improved overall UX by adapting layout for a variety of devices and increasing performance
Developed new features, such as geolocation of products and stores, dynamic filters, persistent cache, etc, using React Native.
Ported the whole e-commerce mobile app code to the web

Software Developer | Alpha Lumen Institute

10/2019 - 03/2021

Planned implementation and built an app called "Compartilhe", using Parse in the backend and React Native.
Built state management with concepts of immutability, single source of truth, and reactive programming with React and Redux.
Worked on a learning platform called "Alpha EdTech" using React, responsive CSS, Context API, JWT, and a custom design system.

Open Source Developer |

10/2018 - Present

Added support for custom commands on ocaml-redis

Updated ReScript version and added support for ScrollView features on rescript-reanimated
Jupyter Notebook → Python converter built in OCaml, also available on pip

Technical Degree | Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo - IFSP
01/2017 - 01/2021

Made undergraduate research and developed a CLI app that creates interactive graphics using solar flare data from NASA's
Final paper: A programming learning platform named Olá Mundo! from scratch using React +
NextJS + ChakraUI for frontend and Prisma + PostgreSQL for backend
Implemented Incremental Static Generation for platform content and exercises using markdown

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