Chiseled Paper

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Chiseled paper

Papel picado is the name given to the tissue paper flags chiseled with a variety of patterns
and used to decorate buildings, Day of the Dead altars and streets during secular and
religious celebrations in Mexico. The pattern used depends on the celebration and can be
related to the Day of the Dead, Christmas, Independence Day, a Patron Saint, or a private


The Aztecs covered this "paper" with melted rubber and painted on it and was used to
decorate religious sculptures, shrines, sacrifice places and burials.
in Puebla State is considered to be the cradle of papel picado. The area was originally
inhabited by Nahua and Popoloca people and its name was Huixcolotla which means in
Nahuatl a place with abundant thorns.
It is not known for sure how people from San Salvador began cutting paper flags but by
the late 1920's the town crafters were traveling to neighboring towns and later to Mexico
City to sell their paper flags. By the 1970's it had become a tradition around central Mexico
to decorate Day of the Dead altars, buildings and streets with papel picado flags

Making Process
The tissue paper is cut in the desired shape and size and stacked over a lead plate used
as base. The pattern is drawn on a Manila paper sheet and placed over the stack of tissue

Next, the stack is chiseled using the Manila paper drawing as a guide. Many different sizes
and shapes of chisels are used to suit the specific needs of the drawing. Once the paper
sheets are chiseled, their top is glued to a string forming long chains.

Today is very common to see the same craft made on plastic instead of paper giving the
flags durability and resistance to the elements.

1. do research online about traditional paper art from one of this countries: Investigar

en línea sobre el arte en papel tradicional de uno de estos países.

2. Print some picture or be prepared to show some online images of the type of art
you researched: Imprime una foto o prepárate para mostrar algunas imágenes en
línea del tipo de arte que investigaste.

Internal: All rights reserved. Distribution within DRÄXLMAIER Group, customer and partners.
3. Together with your partner, prepare to speak to your class for 3 minutes about what

you learned. Dont memorize a speech. Just practice speaking about the type of

paper art you researched: Junto con su compañero, prepárese para hablar con su

clase durante 3 minutos sobre lo que aprendió. No memorices un discurso.

Simplemente practique hablar sobre el tipo de arte en papel que investigó.

Internal: All rights reserved. Distribution within DRÄXLMAIER Group, customer and partners.

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