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Lesson Plan in Science 7


At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:

1. Explain the essence of the cells in the body.

2. Recognize the functions of each component of the cell.

3. Locate or identify the position of each component of the cell


a. Topic: Cell Structure

b. Reference: Science 7.

c. Materials: Powerpoint presentation,manila paper, laptop, projector, colored papers.

d. Values: understand the essence oft the cell in the body and the specific function of each
component of the cell.


A. Learning Activities

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity



2. Checking of attendance

3. Motivation

Good morning class! Are you all in?

So, before we formally start disscussing our

lesson, i prepared different pictures to flash and
you will guess what are these photos.

So today, I will discuss to you about the cell

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

structure and the functions of its component. Student 1: It is the basic unit of life
So, when you hear the word cell, what comes ma'am.
into your mind first? Any idea class?

Correct! So now let's add on that idea. Please

Student 2: Cell id's the basic functional
listen carefully. So what is cell? Who can read
and structural unit of life. Human
about the cell?
beings are multi- cellular animals. This
"Yes, please!" means that we humans are made of
many cells add opposed to unicellular
organism which are composed of one
cell. In a lot of multi- cellular animals
and plants are specialized.

" Okay, Thank you"

So, as what we heard, cell is the basic unit of life

or it is where the life begins with. We human,
animals and plants are multi- cellular
organismswhich means we are composed of
many cells. These cells have different
components that needs to work together in
order to maintain or perform the processes in
the body and and to have life as well. Later, we Student 3: So, the other cell will
will further discuss the components of the cell substitute to perform the function of
and its specific function. But before that, what the damage cell Ma'am.
do you think will happen if other cell

" Yes, correct". Also, if the other cell can not

afford to substitute or perform of the function of
the damaged cell, it will triggersome cells in our
body like, our cancer cells that possibly will lead
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

us to have cancer of course as well as our egg or

sperm cell that will also result to some problems
in terms of reproduction.
All:" Yes Ma'am "
" Do you agree class?"

So, do you understand the essence of the cell in

our body now? All: " Yes Ma'am"

So now, we'll discuss about components or Cell

Organelles and their specific functions. So first, is
the nucleus.

Please reed about the nucleus. Student 1: The nucleus is a home for
the majority of genetic material of a
" Yes, Please!" cell. It is considered as the" brain" of
the cell.

Okay. Why nucleus is considered as the brain of

the cell?

>It is because, it is the one that controls all

the activity that takes place inside the cell.

Student 2: Ribosome's function is to

Next is Ribosome. synthesis protein for the entire nucleus.
The proportion manufactured are very
vital to cell and the optimum function
of the organism.

Okay, Ribosome are also the ones that transport

together all the raw ingredients like the RNA
which are the replicas of the original DNA and
amino acids to manufacture proteins.
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Okay, next is the smooth and Rough

Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Student 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum is
Read it please! very much like a road system that leads
to an industry.

Yes,Endoplasmic Reticulum is the site for

membrane and protein synthesis. It is comprised
of about one half of all membranous tissue of
the cell.

The next one, we have Cell membrane and Cell

Wall. Student 4: Cell membrane are present
only in animal cells but both cell
"Please read about it" membrane and Cell wall is present in
plant cell. Cell membrane protects the
inner cell from exterior forces white cell
wall protects cell from exploding.
Okay, that was the difference as well as the
function of cell membrane and Cell wall.

Next, is the Cytoskeleton that is composed of an

internal framework, which makes available to
each of the cell its distinctive shape and high
level organization that it contains. It is very
significant for the movement of the cell and also
for mitotic cell division of mitosis.

Next is Cytoplasm. Please read abuot cytoplasm. Student 4: Cytoplasm is semi- fluid or
" Yes, Please!" gelatinous substance located inside the
cell. The cytoplasm covers moderates
and protects the inner- organelles.
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Okay, cytoplasm is also the cell background of

SURFACE area and is available anywhere in the
cell where there are no organelles present.

Lets proceed to the Golgi apparatus.

" Golgi apparatus is used for the transport of

the manufactured goods by the endoplasmic
reticulum and ribosomes to the rear of the cell.

Next, please read about Chloroplast. Student 1. Chloroplasts are organelles

that's are visible inthe plants alone. It
contain pigment known as chlorophyll
which taps the energy of the sun.
Yes chloroplast is very important in order to
manufacture food for plant during the process of

The next one is Mitochondria

Student 2: Mitochondria is present in
" Please read it.Yes?"
both animinal and plant cell and is the
side where cellular respiration occurs.

Okay, also mitochondria is considered as the"

powerhouse" of cell. Please take note of that.

The next one is the Lysosomes. Lysosomes are

digestive sacs that posses the tendency to be
broken down into aamacro- molecule in the cell
through the process of hydrolysis.
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Lastly, the cell vacuoles and vesicles .Please read

about it.
Student 3: Cell vacuoles and vesicles are
similar in nature and function as
membrane sacs that perform a lot of
functions, a control units for whatever
Yes,also, they can contain a lot of substance thing that is in surplus in a city.
starting from complex organic molecules to
simple surplus water.Plant cells possess a central
vacuoles that is very essential in keeping up and
sustaining the turgidity of plants.

So, that's all about the cell organelles or the

components or parts of the cell and its specific


To sum uo our lesson; Cells are considered to be

the basic unit of life.We humans,most of animals
and plants are multicellular orhanisms which
means we are composed of many cells than
those of unicellular organisms.The cell itself, the
cell organelles or the components or parts of the
cell have to perform their specific functions in
order maintain life.Plants and animal cells have
similarities and differences including the
components just like, both plant and animal cells
contains cell membrane,cytoplasm,and nucleus;
only plant cell have chloroplasts and only animal
cell have centrioles.Meanwhile, there are
different cell organelles such as nucleus, cell
wall, cytoplasm,etc. that has to perform its
specific function in order for the cell to do and
activate the processes that takes place inside the
body of a living organisms and also in order to
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

start life.


To test the students understanding about the The students will write the
lesson; I prepared an illustration of the cell with answers(organelles) on their paper
the parts unlabeled and corresponding according to the numbers.Students will be
numbers.The answers are the cell organelles or given 5 minutes to answer the activity.
the components of the cell.

To check their answers, I also prepared the

The students will paste their answers on the
answers written on a colored papers.
illustration correctly.
The answers are the following:


2. Nucleus

3. Ribosomes

4. Lysosomes

5. Chloroplasts

6. Golgi Apparatus

7. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

8. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

9. Cell Membrane


11. Vacuole

12. Cytoplasm

13. Cell wall.


Research on the diseases caused by the cell malfunctions.

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Bhea Marie C. Gaspar & Joselyn Dela Cruz Elna N. Velarde

( BSEd Science 3) ( CourseFacilitator)

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