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Introduction to Composite Materials

Hooke’s Law and MATLAB LiveScript

Composite materials feature mechanical properties that vary with orientation. As a result, a
generalized form of Hooke’s Law must be used for examining the stress-strain relations within
composite structures. The generalized form of Hooke’s law is shown in (1). Hooke’s Law for an
isotropic material is shown in (2).

Tutorial Objectives
1) Recall Hooke’s Law relations for stress and strain from Mechanics ofMaterials
and Solid Mechanics
2) Become familiar with MATLAB LiveScript for solving engineering problems

Materials Required

• Computer
• Internet access
• MATLAB LiveScript:

Complete the following problems using MATLAB LiveScript. Upload a copy of your MATLAB
LiveScript (.mlx) files and create a PDF of your solution. Please create separate MATLAB
LiveScript files for each problem.
2 Hooke’s Law
3 Hooke’s Law

Grading Scheme
Mark Report characteristics
9-10 Exceptionally well done. Calculations read well. All figures are well described. All
calculations are performed correctly
7-8 Calculations are well done. Some formatting mistakes, small improvements could be
made to manufacturing descriptions. Some responses calculations are incorrect
5-6 Calculation is complete. Formatting mistakes, figure mistakes or incomplete. Required
calculations are incorrect
3-4 Calculation partially complete, sections missing. Major formatting errors.
1-2 Calculation has been attempted. Major issues/ problems with solution.
0 Report not handed in

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