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Foot & Ankle & Hip program

1 Set / 3 Reps

1. Knee flexion strengthening, in prone; 02

Lie on your front with your legs straight.

Bend your affected knee, bringing your heel towards your buttocks.
Hold and then slowly lower back to the start position and then repeat.

1 Set / 1 Rep

2. Knee flexion AROM, standing behind chair; 01

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Hold on to something for support.
Bend your affected knee, bringing your heels towards your buttocks.
Start with a small movement and gradually increase the size.

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

3. "Heel slides" Hip/knee flexion/extension, in supine; 01

Lie on your back with your legs out straight in front of you.
Bend your affected leg, sliding your heel towards your buttocks and keeping the
knee pointed directly up to the ceiling throughout.
Bend the knee as far as you can, before you steadily lower the knee back down to
the starting position and repeat.

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

4. "Bridge" Core/hip stabilization 1-2-3 kicks (alternating), toes pointed; 01

Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
Your knees and feet should be hips distance apart.
Tighten your buttock and abdominal muscles and lift your hips up into a bridge.
Keeping your hips level and high, raise your heels off the floor a little.
Straighten one leg out in front of you so that it is in line with the rest of your body.
Next, rapidly kick the other leg out in front of you whilst simultaneously bringing
your first foot back to the floor.
Continue alternating legs for a count of 3, and then hold.

Foot & Ankle & Hip program Page 1 of 2

printed on 28/08/2020
1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

5. "Squat, wall" Lower body strengthening - lifting heels; 01

Stand up straight with your back to a wall.

Lean your back and buttocks against the wall and walk your feet apart to hips
You may also need to walk your feet forwards a little.
Slide down the wall until you are in a squat position with your hips and knees at 90
Ensure your knees travel directly forwards over your toes.
With your back and buttocks still against the wall, hold this position while rising up
onto the balls of your feet.
Lower your heels back down and then repeat.

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

6. "Quad sets" Knee terminal extension strengthening, ankle flexed, towel

under knee, supine

Lie on your back with your resting leg bent.

Place a rolled towel under the knee of your affected leg.
Pull your toes on your exercising leg towards you.
Clench your thigh muscles, pushing the back of your knee into the towel.
You should feel your thigh muscles tighten.
Hold this position, relax and then repeat.

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold / 2lbs weight

7. Knee extension with progression to weights, in sitting; 01

Sit up tall in a chair with your shoulders back and down.

Straighten the affected leg out in front of you, attempting to fully straighten the
Control the movement back to the start position and repeat.
You can add leg weights in this exercise, as your range of movement and strength

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printed on 28/08/2020

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