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Angel Sanchez

The “Walking Dead” television program is much more than a survival/zombie

show. It conveys many emotions in response to actions made by the characters which

in some instances can lead to dramatic changes in relationships. This can also have big

effects on the audience.

One of the many scenes in the program which shows many mixed emotions

caused by another character that eventually leads to a big change in relationship would

be the scene where Tyrese discovers his girlfriend, Karen, and one other member of the

community were murdered. It was later revealed that the killer was one of Tyrese’s

friends, Carol. Carol thought that she was doing the right thing getting rid of some of the

members infected with the flu. Tyrese and other members of the group disagreed.

Carol’s actions had a big impact on her relationship with Tyrese. They had been good

friends but when Carol confessed to what she did, Tyrese’s mood hit a huge low. He

forgave Carol even though he felt betrayed by her. Carol was exiled by the group.

Furthermore, a scene that can hit an audience with all sorts of emotions would be

the death of Hershall. Millions of fans around the world have mixed feelings about his

death. One of the common feelings felt by an audience can be sadness. The audience

weren’t the only ones hit with a wave of emotions, the two daughters that he left behind

were also at their lowest after his loss. For a lot of the audience that have had

experiences with the loss of a parent this death may just feel even sadder than it does

to others.

Strong relationships are important in real life, the same goes for all of the

characters in “The Walking Dead”. One of the major themes throughout the entire show

is friendship and family. One episode, which probably shows this is “No Sanctuary”. In
Angel Sanchez

this episode Carol saves her entire group of friends from a place that claimed to be

some sort of sanctuary, but in reality it was a cannibal infested building. People were

eating other people to survive. Carol’s actions demonstrated true loyalty to her friends

and how protective a friend can be.

“The Walking Dead” is much, much more than a show about zombies and

survival. It is a show that shows how actions portray strong relationships.

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