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ARCHT 33-A NOTES Electricity flows through a substance or over

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM its surface in the form of an electric current.

2. STATIC ELECTRICITY (Electrostatics)
ELECTRICITY The form of electricity that appears to
A physical entity associated with the atomic remain on the surface of a body as a
structure of matter which occurs in polar charge.
forms (positive and negative) and which are MAGNET AND MAGNETISM
separable by the expenditure of energy; 1. Magnet
invisible energy capable of moving 186,000 An ore that had the property of attracting
miles per second. From the word 'elektron’ pieces of iron, steel, or other metals.
- an amber, a hardened tree resin. It bums 2. MAGNETISM
and also attracts light objects when rubbed. The attractive power of a magnet.
Electrons- negatively charged particle When a bar of hardened steel is rubbed
Protons- positively charged particles a natural magnet.
George Simon Ohm (1787, 1854) German The pole of a magnet that will point toward
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Englishman the geomagnetic poles of the earth.
Joseph Henry (1797-1873) American 5. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION AND
Wilhelm Edward Weber (1804-1891) REPULSION
Getman Like magnetic poles repel and unlike
James Maxwell (1831-1879) Scottish magnetic poles attract each other.
Werner von Siemens (1816•1892) 6. ELECTROMAGNET
German Essentially a coil of wire in which magnetic
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) American circuit is partly or entirely completed
Nikola Tesla (l Serbian through a magnetic material such as iron.
George Westinghouse (1846-1914)
Heinrich Hertz (1857-1094) German
KINDS OF ELECTRICITY Iron called magnetite
1. DYNAMIC ELECTRICITY These are bars or hardened steel which
(Electrodynamics) have been permanently magnetized


Softcore wound with a coil or By heating, the junction of two dissimilar
insulated wire. metals such as an iron welded Ito"9
copper wire such junction is called a
1.MECHANICAL By. mechanical pressure (compression,
1.1 ELECTROSTATICS (by friction) stretching, twisting) of certain crystals
When certain materials are rubbed together, Such as quartz and Rochelle salts,
electrons are transferred by friction from e.g. Microphone, radio transmitter,
one to the other, hence it becomes telephone receivers, hearing aids.
electrically charged/
elative motion of a conductor with respect to 1. DIRECT CURRENT (DC):
a magnetic field, a process known as Flows in one direction only. The flow is
induction. said to be from negative to positive. The
Example common source of DC current ate the
AC generator (alternator) - KVA dry cells or storage batteries.
DC generator - KW Continuous Direct Current- if it remains
AC --> DC - Rectilifier steady or uniform
DC -- >AC - Inverter Pulsating or Fluctuütlng Direct
2. CHEMICAL Current - if the strength varies at different
By insertion of two dissimilar metals periods.
such as zinc and copper in a conducting 2. ALTERNATING CURRENT
A solution called an electrolyte, A current that changes in both strength
e.g Dry cells and direction in a given time.
By light (sunlight or artificial illumination) motors, generators, doorbells, relays, and
falling upon a photosynthetic material other devices
such as cesium or selenium. 2. THERMAL OR HEATING EFFECT -
The process is known as photoelectric percolators, electric ranges, toasters, etc.
emission. 3. LIGHTING EFFECT - lamps, television
E.g. Photocell, Photovoltaic cell


4. CHEMICAL EFFECT - storage batteries 14. JOULE - unit of electrical energy; also
and electroplating system called watt-second


1. OHM - unit for measuring electrical 15. RESISTANCE - the flow of current
resistance in a conductor. Symbol Q impeded by wire, Friction in DC.
2. AMPERE - unit for measuring current, or 16. IMPEDANCE - resistance in transformer
the number of electrons past a given point and other devices in AC
in a conductor in a given period 17. CONDUCTANCE / ADMITTANCE - the
of time. reciprocal of impedance
3. VOLT - unit of electrical potential/ 18. RESISTIVITY (Specific resistance) - a
potential difference/ electromotive force measure of the ability of a material to resist
(emf).The electrical pressure causes the the flow of current
electrons to move through the conductor. Symbol - Ω
4. WATT - unit for measuring power Unit - Ωm or ΩCM/ft.
produced 19. CONDUCTIVITY - the reciprocal of
Electrical power - Watts/ VA resistivity
Mechanical Power - Hp 20. CAPACITANCE - the ratio of the charge
5. KILOWATT-HOUR - unit for measuring on one of the conductors of a capacitor to
amounts of energy consumed. the potential difference between the
6. COULOMB - unit for quantity passing conductors.
through a circuit; 1 ampere-hour = 3600 21. INDUCTANCE - The property of an
coulomb, 1 coulomb = 1 ampere-second electric circuit or of two neighboring circuits
7. FARAD - the unit of capacitance in S.I whereby an emf is generated
8. MICROFARAD - 1𝑥10 farad (electromagnetic induction) by a change of

9. HENRY - the unit of inductance in S.I current in itself.

10. MILLIHENRY - 1 𝑥 10 henry
11. HERTZ - unit of frequency
In 1826, Georg Simon Ohm discovered the
Symbol - Hz
relationship between current, voltage, and
1 Hz = 1cps
resistance. It states that the current through
12. TESLA - unit of magnetic flux density
the material varies directly with the applied
and magnetic induction
voltage and inversely with the resistance of
13. WEBER - unit of magnetic flux
the material.


Formulas: A path of low resistance connection across
E = IR a voltage. Resistance is zero; too much
I = E/R current.
R = E/I
Power - the rate at which work is done; the 1. Source of Electricity
rate at which heat is generated 2. Conducting path
Formulas: 3. Electrical Load
P = IE
When all parts of the circuit are electrically
ELECTRIC CIRCUIT connected end-to-end
An electric path composed of a conductor or 2. PARALLEL CIRCUIT
of several conductors and conducting When two or more electrical devices are
electric devices joined together, through connected so that each one offers a
which an electric current flows when the separate for the flow of current between two
path is complete and an emf ( electromotive points.
force) is applied. 3. SERIES- PARALLEL CIRCUIT
An arrangement where several devices are
CLOSED (complete) CIRCUIT connected in series groups and these
A circuit is closed or complete when its groups are connected in parallel with each
conducting elements are so connected as to other.
form a continuous path from the source of RESISTANCE
the current back to the same point. The resistance is directly proportional to the
length of the conductor, inversely
OPEN ( Broken or Incomplete) CIRCUIT proportional to the cross-sectional area of
When its conducting elements are the conductor, and a function that is
disconnected in such a manner as to independent of the material of which the
prevent the flow of electricity conductor is made.
Rrho (Ω) = ρL/A
Where ;


ρ- resistivity or specific resistance, m ( METALLIC CONDUCTORS
CM/ft) 1. LENGTH - the resistance is directly
L - length, m (ft proportional to the length, i.e short

A - cross-sectional area, 𝑚 ( CM )
2 length, low resistance
R rho (Ω) = 𝑝𝑉/𝐴
resistance of a conductor is
R rho (Ω) = 𝑝𝐿 /𝑉 inversely proportional to the
Where : cross-sectional area, i.e small
V - volume ( cross-sectional area x length) cross-sectional area, higher
3 3
𝑚 ( 𝑓𝑡 ) resistance; large cross-sectional
ρ - ( resistivity or specific resistance) - area, lower resistance.
resistance offered by a unit cube of the 3. NATURE OF MATERIAL
material 4. TEMPERATURE - the higher the
Resistivities at 20C in Ωm and Ω𝐶𝑀/𝑓𝑡 of temperature, the higher the
some common metals resistance.
Material ρ(Ω𝑚) ρ(Ω𝐶𝑀/𝑓𝑡)
substances that allow the flow of electric
Silver 1. 68 𝑥 10
−8 9.8
BARE CONDUCTOR - a conductor having
Copper 1. 7 𝑥 10
−8 10.4
no covering insulation.
COVERED CONDUCTOR- encased within
Gold 2. 3 𝑥 10
−8 14
a material of composition and thickness not
recognized by code.
Aluminum 2. 8 𝑥 10
within a material of composition and
Tungsten 5. 6 𝑥 10
−8 33.8 thickness recognized by code.

Iron −8 58 Some good conductors

10 𝑥 10
1. Silver
2. Copper
3. Zinc


4. Aluminum 1. Moisture and heat resistant rubber
5. Nickel 2. Heat resistant rubber
6. Brass 3. Silicon rubber
7. Platinum 4. Thermoplastic
8. Iron 5. Thermoplastic and asbestos
9. Tin 6. Flame resistant,moisture, and heat
10. Lead resistant thermoplastic
7. Moisture resistant
INSULATOR - a material or substance that 8. Perfluoroalkoxy
does not permit electric current to pass or
1. Rubber
Class A insulation consists of; (1) cotton, 4. Slate
silk, paper and materials of paper 5. Glass
composition impregnated or immense in an 6. Mica
insulating liquid; (2) molded or laminated 7. Latex
materials with cellulose filler, phenolic resin, 8. Asbestos
or resin or similar resins; (3) films or sheets 9. Thermoplastic
of cellulose products; and (4) varnishes or 10. Oil
enamel applied to conductors. 11. Wax
Consists of mica, asbestos, or fiberglass, all 13. Paper
with a binder. 14. Silk
Consists entirely of mica, porcelain, glass,
quartz or similar materials Good Fair Partial Insulators
4. CLASS O INSULATION conductors conductors conductors

Consists of cotton, silk, paper or similar Silver Charcoal Water Slate

and coke
materials that are not impregnated or
Copper Carbon The body Oil
immersed in an insulating liquid.
Aluminum Plumbago Flame Porcelain
( Graphite)


Zinc Acid Linen Dry paper telegraph, telephone, and other electrical
equipment and devices.
Brass Sea water Cotton Silk

Platinum Saline Mahogany Sealing WIRES AND CABLES

solutions wax
Wires are those electrical conductors which
Iron Metallic Pine Guttae
ores percha
are 8 mm^2 (No. 8 AWG) or smaller while
cables are those larger than wires. They are
Nickel Living Rosewood Ebonite
Vegetables either solid or stranded. A single conductor
number 14 AWG, 12 AWG, 10 AWG and 8
Tin Moist Earth Lignum Mica
Vitae AWG are called wires.
Note: AWG (American Wire gauge)
Lead Teak Glass
AWG is preceded by a number which
Marble Dry air
indicates the size of the wire, e.g. 14 AWG
means American Wire gauge Number 14.
AWG numbers are used In reverse order,
Historical Note: The use of wire can be
The bigger the number the smaller the size,
traced as far back as 3000 BC when metal
Hence, a 12 AWG is bigger than a 14 AWG.
was hammered into sheets then cut into
Smaller size AWG wires we available
strips and again shaped to form wires.
(16,18,20,22 AWG, etc.) but they are not
Drawing as a method of producing wire
permitted to be used in electrical circuits.
started in Europe In the 13th century. The
MCM (Thousand Circular bill), M- Roman
process is characterized by having metal
numeral for thousand
drawn into a series of holes on a drawplate
or hole on a drawing plate or die of varying
diameters, from larger to smaller holes. The
process is done until the desired diameter is
Consists of a group of wires twisted to form
achieved. In 1831, Ichabod Crane, an
metallic string. The total circular mil area is
American, introduced drawing of wire as a
found by multiplying the circular mil area of
manufacturing process by using the
each strand by the total number of strands.
waterwheel to provide mechanical power.
The process he introduced had been
A term is given to an insulated wire.
adopted as a method for manufacturing until
today. The use of wire as a practical
are electrical conductors larger than
material for conducting electricity had
escalated especially with the invention of


wires. A single number 6 AWG to 0000
AWG is called cable. Also, two or more
wires assembled in a single jacket are
called cables. Conductors with sizes from
number 6 AWG and larger are stranded.
For AWG zeros the following notations may
be used:
0 AWG = 1/0 AWG
00 AWG = 2/0 AWG
000 AWG = 3/0 AWG
0000 AWG = 4/0 AWG
A rigid electric conductor, usually a metal
bar, hollow tube, or rod which forms a
connection between electric circuits.
This is the unit of the cross-section in the
American Wire Gauge (AWG). The term
"mil” means one-thousand of an inch (0.001
Conversion factor
in.). It is the area of circular wire having a
Square mil= square inch x 0.000001
diameter of 1mil. To find the number of
Square inch= square mil x 1,000,000
circular mils in a circle of a given diameter,
Square mil = circular mils x 0.7854
square the number of mils in the diameter.
Circular mil = square mils x 1.273
Area in CM = (diameter in mils)^2
Millimeter = inches x 25.4
CM = (mils)^2
Square mm = circular mils x 0.0005067
1inch= 1000mils
1mil = 1/1000 in.
Square Mil (SM)
It is the area of a square having its side
Properties of copper; Ductile, malleable and
equal to 1mil.
an excellent conductor of heat and
electricity. It is harder than zinc and softer
Square Mil (SM) = 0.7854 x CIrcular Mils
than iron. Approximately 50% of Its total
SM = π/4 𝑥 𝐶𝑀
output is used for manufacturing electrical
SM = 0.7854 x CM
apparatus and conductors.


2. ALUMINUM Mils and in Circular Mils (CM).
Properties of Aluminum: Aluminum is 4. Number 000 wire (AWG) has a diameter
produced by the formation of many metals of 0.3648 inch. Determine its diameter in
such as feldspar. mica. Sum, cryolite, day CM
bauxite, and several loans of aluminum area.
oxide (alumina) Aluminum Is tough. fairly 5. A certain wire has a cross-section of
high strength and lightweight. 52,640 CM. Determine its diameter in mils,
Advantages and disadvantages of in. and nun.
Aluminum as an electrical conductor.
I. Lighter In weight than copper conductors. CHARACTERISTICS OF INSULATED
2. Cost loss than copper conductors. CONDUCTOR FOR DIFFERENT
3 Aluminum have approximately 80% of the APPLICATIONS
conductivity of copper conductors.
4. Copper conductors up to 4 AWG require TEMP And Use
smaller conduits hence the cost of Is
Heat RH 75C Dry
generally lower than aluminum within a
conduit. Resistant 167F Locations

5.Aluminum conductors can create electrical Rubber

problems if installed Improperly.
Moisture RW 60 C Dry and Wet
Resistant 140 F
1. A transmission line cable consists of 16 Rubber

identical copper conductors, each 1.5 mm in Heat and RHW 75C Dry and Wet
diameter. The actual length of the cable is 2
Moisture 167F
km but is reduced by 5% of its original
length due to twisting of strands during its
Installation. What is the resistance of the Rubber

conductor? Heat RUH 75C Dry

2. Number 10 wire has a diameter of 2.59
Resistant 167F
mm. What is the length of this wire if its
Latex Rubber
resistivity rating is 2. 8𝑥10 Ω𝑚Urn and has
Moisture RUW 60 C Dry and Wet
a resistance of 8Ω. Resistant Latex locations
3. A copper conductor has a cross-sectional Rubber 140F

area of 8 sq. mm. Determine its diameter in


Thermoplastic T 60C Dry Heat and XHHW 75C Wet and dry
locations Moisture locations
140F Resistant 167F
Moisture TW 60C Dry and Wet Polyethylene
Resistant 140 F Moisture THW-M 60C Wet and dry
TW locations
Thermoplastic Heat and Oil- 140F

Heat THHN 90C Dry Resistant

Resistant 194F Thermoplastic


Moisture and THW 75C Dry and Wet

Heat Resistant locations Allowable Ampacities of Insulated
Copper Conductors (Not more than three
conductors in raceway)
Moisture and THWN 75C Dry and Wet
Types Area, Size
Heat Resistant locations
Thermoplastic 167F
T, TW (diameter, AWG (MCM)
Mineral MI 85C Dry – Wet
Insulation 185F
15 amperes 2.0 Number 14

20 3.5 (2.0) 12
Thermoplastic TA 90C Switchboard
wiring only
30 5.5(2.6) 10
And Asbestos 194F
40 8.0(3.2) 8
Varnished V 85C Dry
Cambric locations 55 14 6
185F only
70 22 4
Asbestos and AVA 110C Dry
Varnished locations 80 30 3
Cambric 230F only
95 38 2
Asbestos and AVL 110C General
Varnished Use and 110 50 1
Cambric 230F Wet
locations 125 60 0

Asbestos and AVB 90C Dry 145 80 00

Varnished locations
Cambric 194F only 165 100 000


195 125 0000 1/4 5.8 2.9

1/3 7.2 3.6

Note: T- Thermoplastic, TW – Thermoplastic
Moisture resistant ½ 4.8 4.9

The ampacity of the connected load ¾ 13.8 6.9

shall exceed 80% of the amperage 1 16 8
capacity of the conductor and fuse.
1 1/2 20 10
Number of Wires in a Conduit
2 24 12

Size of Number of Wires in a Conduit 3 34 17


Number 14 13 mm 13mm 13mm

1.0 Conductors-on-Insulators
12 13 13 20
1.1 Open Wiring on Insulators
10 13 20 20

8 13 20 25 Open wiring on insulators is an exposed

wiring method using cleats, knobs, tubes
6 13 20 32
and flexible tubing for the protection and
5 20 32 32
support of single insulated conductors run in
4 20 32 32
or on buildings, and not concealed by the
3 20 32 32 building structure

2 20 38 38
1.2 Concealed Knob-&-Tube
1 20 38 38
Concealed knob and tube wiring is a wiring
0 25 50 50
method using knobs, lubes and flexible
00 25 50 50
nonmetallic tubing for the protection and
000 25 50 50 support of single insulated conductors
0000 32 50 63 concealed in hollow spaces of walls and
ceilings of buildings.
Horsepower 115 volts 230 volts 2.0 Cable Wiring Methods

1/6 4.4 amps 2.2 amps

2.1 Armored Cable (Type AC)


Type AC cable is a fabricated assembly of moisture-resistant, flame-resistant
insulated conductors in a flexible metallic nonmetallic material, covered with an
enclosure. Often Called BX Cable, overlapping spiral metal tape and wire
shield and jacketed with an extruded
2.2 Metal Clad Cable (Type MC)
moisture-, flame-, oil-, corrosion-, fungus-,

Type MC cable is a factor/ assembly of one and sunlight-resistant nonmetallic material.

or more conductor, each individually

2.6 Service Entrance Cable (Types SE
insulated and enclosed in a metallic sheath
and USE)
of interlocking tape, or a smooth corrugated
tube. Service entrance cable is a single conductor
or multiconductor assembly provided with or
2.3 Mineral Insulated, Metal Sheathed
without an overall covering, primarily used
Cable (Typo MI)
for services and of the following types: 2.6.1

Type MI Mineral-insulated, metal sheathed

2.6.1 Type SE. Type SE, having a
cable is factory assembly of one or more
flame-retardant, moisture-resistant covering.
conductors insulated with a highly
compressed refractory mineral and 2.6.2 Type USE Type USE, identified for
enclosed in liquid tight and gastight underground use, having a
continuous copper or alloy steel sheath. moisture-resistant covering, but not required
to have a flame-retardant covering.
2.4 Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (Type
'NM and NMC) 2.7 Underground Feeder and Branch
Circuit Cables (Type UF)
Nonmetallic-sheathed cable is a factory
assembly of two or more insulated Description: Underground feeder and
conductors having an outer sheath of branch circuit cables shall be an approved
moisture-resistance, flame- retardant, Type UF cables in sizes 2,0 mm? copper
nonmetallic material. and 3.5 mm? aluminum or copper clad
aluminum through 100 mm The overall
2.5 Shielded Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable
covering shall be flame-retardant,
(Type SNM)
moisture-resistant, fungus-resistant,

Type SM shielded nonmetallic- sheathed corrosion-resistant, and suitable for direct

cable is a factory assembly of two or more burial in the earth,

insulated conductors in an extruded core of


2.8 Power and Control Tray Cable (Typo 2.12 Medium Voltage Cable (Type MV)
Type MV Medium voltage cable is a single
Type TC power and control tray cable is a or multiconductor solid dielectric cable rated
factory assembly of two or more insulated at 2001 volts or higher. They are used for
conductors, with or without associated bare power system up to 1 35,000 volts,
or covered grounding conductor under a
nonmetallic sheath, approved for installation
in cable trays, raceways or where supported WIRING
by a messenger wire. Messenger supported wiring is an
exposed support system using a
2.9 Flat Cable Assemblies (Type FC)
messenger wire 1o support insulated
Type FC, a flat cable assembly is an conductors by any one of the following;
assembly of parallel conductors formed (1) a messenger with rings and saddles
integrally with an insulating material web for conductor support; (2) a messenger
specifically designed for field installation in with a field-installed lashing material for
metal surface raceway. conductor support; (3)

2.10 Flat Conductor Cable (Type FCC)

factory-assembled aerial cable; (4)
multiple cable utilizing a bare conductor,
Type FCC cable consists of three or more factory assembled and twisted with one
Rat copper conductors placed edge-to-edge
or more insulated conductors, such as
and separated and enclosed within an
duplex, triplex, or quadruplex type of
insulating assembly. t
2.11 Nonmetallic Extensions

Nonmetallic extensions are an assembly of

two insulated conductors within a
nonmetallic jacket or an extruded
thermoplastic covering. The classification 2.14 INTEGRATED GAS SPACER
includes both surface extensions, intended (TYPE IGS)
for mounting directly on the surface of walls Type IGS is a factory assembly of one.
or ceilings, and aerial cable, containing a or more conductors, each individually
supporting messenger cable as an integral insulated and enclosed in a loose fit
part of the cable assembly.


nonmetallic flexible conduit as an A type of conduit and fittings of suitable
integrated gas spacer cable rated at O- nonmetallic material that is resistant to
600 volts. moisture and chemical atmosphere, For
use underground, it shall also be
3.0 RACEWAY METHODS flame-retardant, resistant to impact and
RACEWAY crushing, resistant to distortion from
An enclosed channel designed heat under conditions likely to be
expressly for holding wires, cables or encountered in service, and resistant to
busbars with additional functions. low temperature and sunlight effects.


Intermediate metal; conduit is a metal 3.4 LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL
raceway of circular cross section with CONDUIT
integral or associated couplings, Liquidtight flexible metal conduit is a
connectors and fittings approved lor the raceway of circular cross section having
installation of electrical conductors. an outer liquidtight, nonmetallic,
sunlight-resistant jacket over an inner
3.2 RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) Nexible metal core with associated
A raceway specially constructed for the couplings, connectors, and fittings and
purpose of pulling in or the withdrawing approved for the installation of electric
of wires or cables after the conduit is in conductors.
place and made of metal pipe of
standard weight and thickness
permitting the cutting of standard




Non-rigid metal conduit into which surface metal raceway shall be
conductors may be drawn. Flexible permitted in dry locations. They shall not
metallic tubing may be used on the be used: (1) where subject to severe
following locations: (1) dry locations; (2) physical damage unless otherwise
in accessible locations protected from approved; (2) where the voltage is 300
physical damage or concealed above volts or more between conductors
ceiling; (3) for 1000 volts or more; (4) in unless the metal has thickness of not
branch circuits. less than 1 mm; (3) where subject to
corrosive vapors: nor (4) concealed.


metal pipe into which electrical
conductors may be drawn and it has a
thinner wall thickness than a rigid metal
conduit. The use of electrical metallic
tubing shall be permitted for both
exposed and concealed work. Electrical
A type of nonmetallic raceway and
metallic tubing shall not be used: (1)
fittings of suitable nonmetallic material
where, during and after installation, it
that is resistant to moisture and
will be subject to severe physical
chemical atmospheres. It shall also be
damage; (2) where protected from
flame-retardant, resistant to impact and
corrosion solely by enamel; (3) in
hazardous locations.


A raceway type suitable for use under
floor. The installation of underfloor
A raceway consisting of an assembly of
raceways shall be permitted beneath the
metal backing and capping. The use of
surface of concrete or other flooring


material or in office occupancies, where the factory. A steel or metal troughing
laid flush with concrete floor and (usually with removable cover) and
covered with linoleum or equivalent floor fitting, so formed and constructed that
covering. insulated conductors may be readily
drawn in and withdrawn, or laid in and
removed with injury either to conductor
or covering.


The hollow spaces of cellular metal
floors together with suitable fittings
which may be an approved enclosure
for electrical conductors. A cell shall be
defined as a single, enclosed tubular
space in a cellular metal floor member.
An approved, completely assembled
metal troughing and fitting, containing
bare conductors intended for use as
feeders, the conductors being suitably
supported on insulators.


A type of surface flush raceway
designed to receive conductors and
receptacles assembled in the field or in


A unit or assembly of units or sections
and associated fittings forming a rigid
structural system used to support
cables. <3 END OF JENJENS PART <3


Due to mechanical overload or internal or
external electrical faults

Due to short circulating between primary
and secondary writing or due to lightning
3.15 CABLE BUS strike.
An approved assembly of insulated
Causes of overcurrent
conductors with fittings and conductors 1. Overload of the equipment or
terminating in a completely enclosed fit conductors
2. Short circuit or ground fault
ventilated metal housing.
Types of Overcurrent Devices


1. Fuse 2. Cartidge fuse - it is enclosed in
2. Circuit Breaker (CB) insulatuing tube (e.g porcelain,
rubber, or hard paperboard), with
Fuse ratings: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
An overcurrent protective device with a 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110,
circuit opening fusible element, which is 150, 175, 200, 250, 275, 300, 325,
heated and severed by the passage of 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, & larger.
overcurrent through it. 3. Fuse Wire - open wire of low
Note: A fuse comprises all the parts melting point commonly used in the
that form a unit capable of performing the safety power switch.
prescribed functions. It may or may not be
the complete device necessary to connect it
into an electrical circuit. Advantages of a Fuse over a Circuit
Breaker (CB)
Expulsive Fuse Unit (Explusion Fuse)
A vented fuse unit in which the expulsion 1. It is reliable ( it can stay in position
effect of gases produced by the arc and for a long period of time and can act
lining on the fuse holder, either alone or when needed)
aided by a spring, extinguishes the arc. 2. Initial cost is lesser
3. It does require periodic maintenance
Power Fuse Unit
A vented, non-vented, or controlled vented
fuse in which the arc is extinguished by
being drawn through solid material, granular
material, or liquid, either alone or aided by a

Vented Power Fuse

A fuse with the provision for the escace of Circuit Breaker
arc gases, liquids, or solid particles to the
A device designed to open and close a
atmosphere during circuit interruption.
circuit by non-automatic means and to open
automatically on a predetermined
Controlled Vented Power Fuse
overcurrent without damage to itself when
A fuse with provision for controlling
properly applied within its rating.
discharge circuit interruption such that no
solid material may be exhausted into the
Note: The automatic opening means
surrounding atmosphere.
can be integral, direct-acting with the circuit
breaker or remote from the circuit breaker.
General Classification of Fuses:
1. Plug fuse - it is enclosed in Circuit Breaker Operation (Tripping)
porcelain or rubber commonly used
in various electrical appliances, with 1. Adjustable
ratings: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 15, 20, 25, & 30


A qualifying term indicating that the 50 AF (Trip at 15,20, 30, 40, 50, Amperes)
circuit breaker can be set to trip at
various values of current and/or time 100 AF (Trip at 15,20,30,40,50,70,100
within a predetermined range. Amepres)

2. Instantaneous Trip 225 AF (Trip at 70-225 Amperes, 25 Amps.

A qualifying term indicating that no
delay is purposely introduced in the 500 AF (Trip at 125-350 Amperes, 25
tripping action of the circuit breaker. Amps. increment & 400,500,600 amps)

3. Inverse Time

A qualifying term indicating that Advantages of a Circuit Breaker over a

there is purposely introduced a delay Fuse
in the tripping action of the circuit
breaker, which dealy decreases as 1. It can be used again after the fault
the magnitude of the current has been corrected
increases. 2. Its position (open or close) can
easily be detected or viewed
4. Non-Adjustable 3. It can act as a switch

A qualifying term indicating that the Switches

circuit breaker does not have any
adjustment to alter the value of the ● Switch
current at which it will trip or the time
An electrical switch is a device
required for its operation.
intended for on off control of circuits
a. Setting - the value of current and electrical isolation of equipment;
and/or time at which an a piece of apparatus or device for
adjustable circuit breaker is making, breaking, or changing the
set to trip connection in an electrical current in
b. Tripping - cutting-off or the circuit. Switches are rated
disconnection of the supply according to current, poles and
current throws, voltage, duty, fusibility, and
Classification of Circuit Breakers (CB)
1. Air blast Circuit Breaker
2. Air Circuit breaker (ACB) or Power Pole - used for making or breaking a
Circuit Breaker connection, and which is electrically
3. Oil type Circuit Breaker insulated from other contact.
4. Gas type Circuit Breaker
Throw - the direction for a giver
5. Vacuum type Circuit Breaker
position in which the contact is
Circuit Breaker (CB) Ratings


made, it also indicates the number of Classification of Switches
times a contact is made.
1. General Use Switch
Poles nad Throws
A switch intended for use in general
1. Single Pole Single ThroW distribution and branch circuits. It is
SPST rated in amperes and is capable of
2. Singe Pole Double Throw interrupting its rated current at its
SPDT rated voltage.
3. Double Pole Single Throw
DPST 2. General Snap Switch
4. Double Pole Double Throw
DPDT A form of general switch so constructed that
it can be installed in flush device boxes or
Single Throw Switch - one which will make on outlet box cover, or otherwise used in
a close circuit only when a circuit is thrown conjunction with wining systems recognized
in one position by the authority

Double Throw Switch - makes a close 3. Isolating Switch

circuit in either one of the two positions
Intended for isolating an electric circuit from
Voltage switches are rated in the following the source of power. It has no interrupting
manner: rating and it is intended to be operated only
after the circuit has been opened by some
120V, 220V, 600V, - Normal Building other means.
4. Motor Circuit Switch
5 KV, 15 KV - Special switches and
switchgear A switch, rated in horsepower, capable of
interrupting the maximum operating current
Duty - general use or safety switches of the motor of the same horsepower rating
intended for general light and power circuits as the switch at the rated voltage
may be of Heavy Duty (HD), Normal Duty
(ND), or Light Duty (LD) 5. Transfer Switch

Fusibility - a switch may be constructed A transfer switch is a device for transferring

with or without provision for fusing one or more load conductor connections
from one power source to another.
Enclosure - all switches except snap
switches or knife switches mounted on a Types of Switches
switchboard must be enclosed in an
appropriate cabinet as a protection from 1. Single Pole Switch
external damage.
Opens and closes only one side of a circuit

2. Double Pole Switch


Designating two contacts of connections in portion of the switch which extends beyond
a device, for instance, a double knife switch the cover of the switch box.

3. Three Way Switch 3. Pendant Switch

Used when desired to control lights from Used for control of lamps and other devices
two different locations; the light may be which are mounted overhead
turned on or off from either point.
4. Canopy Switch
4. Four Way Switch\
This is a small compact switch for
Used in conjunction with 2 three way mounting in canopies of lighting fixtures
switches, are used wherein it is desired to for the control of lamps directly at the
control lights from three or more locations fixture.

5. Multi-circuit Switch Switch Operation

Used for the control of lights in a multi-lamp Switches may be operated by

fixture electromagnets, by motors, or by
solenoids and referred to as manual or
6. Momentary Contact Switch
electromagnetic operated switches.
Used when it is desired to open or close a Switches may also be classified according
circuit for a short length of time. The switch to the type of operating mechanism.
is provided with a Spring so that it will turn
to its original position as soon as the handle
or button is released
1. Lever Switch

Most power switches are operated

Switch Types (According to manner of by means of simple lever action or
mounting) by means of a lever attached to the
switch through a mechanical
1. Surface Switch device

Designed for mounting on the surface of the 2. Drum Switch

wall so that switch body extends beyond the
mounting surface Set of contact segments mounted on a
moveable drum and a set of stationary
2. Flush type contact fingers. These are used for motor
starting control and instrument switches
Consists of a switch mechanism mounted in
a porcelain or composition moulded case
3. Dial Switch
with the complete unit to be mounted inside
a switch box, outlet box so that the
operating handle or button is the only


Consists of a moveable contact mounted 5 locations - 2 three way switches and 3
on an arm that can be rotated and with four way switches
several contacts arranged in circular form
4. Snap Switch
A point in the wiring system at which
Small capacity switch in which the circuit current is taken to supply utilization
is made broken with a quick motion equipment.
independent of the speed of the operation
of the operator. Kinds of Outlets:

Types of Snap Switches: 1. Convenience Outlet

1. Rotary Switch Device which by insertion in a receptacle

establishes a connection between the
The switch blades move in rotary motion conductor at the flexible cord and the
by means of a handle through a spring conductors connected permanently to the
and cam mechanism. receptacle.

Types of Convenience Outlets:

2. Push Button Switch 1. Blank

2. Single Outlet
Blades of a button switch are operated by 3. Duplex Outlet
rocking action through a spring and cam 4. Duplex Split Wire Outlet
mechanism 5. Triplex Outlet
6. Waterproof Outlet
3. Tumbler Switch (Toggle Switch)
7. Fan hanger Outlet
Operates in a manner similar to the push 8. Range Outlet
button switch except that the blades are 9. Special Purpose outlet
activated by a lever instead of a button. 10. Clockhanger outlet
11. Interchangeable outlet
Switch Combinations Relative to 12. Combination gang
13. Floor outlet

1 location - 1 single pole switch

2. Lighting Outlet
2 locations - 2 three way switches
Intended for direct connection to a lamp
3 locations - 2 three way switches and 1 holder, a lighting fixture or a pendant.
four way switch Cord terminating in a lamp holder.

4 locations - 2 three way switches and 2

four way switches


3. Receptacle Outlet A box with a blank cover which is inserted
in one or more runs or raceways to
All outlets where one or more facilitate the pulling of wires.
receptacles are installed.
Wiring Accessories
Metal molding or conduit that has a
Junction Box thinner wall than a standard rigid conduit
used in exposed wiring.
A box with a blank cover which serves the
purpose of joining different runs of Receptacle
raceways or cables, and provides
sufficient space for connection, and Contact device installed at the outlet for
branching of the enclosed circuit. the connection of a single attachment plug

Note: A junction box is not an outlet Mounting Heights:

Parts of a Typical Junction Box 1. Residential Dwellings - 300 - 400

mm above finish floor line
1. Box 2. Shops, workrooms, etc - 1050 -
2. Cover 1100 mm above finish floor line
3. Ear 3. GFI or GFCI (Ground Fault
4. Knockout Circuit interceptor) installed on
5. Bushing damp or wet areas to avoid electric
6. locknut shock


1. Octagonal
2. Round
3. Rectangular Definitions:
4. Square
● Heat - a form of energy that is
transformed by temperature
● Enthalpy - the quantity of heat in
Pullbox BTU/ min. In a fluid gas
● Condenser - a heat exchange
device in a refrigeration system; it


consists of a vessel or of heat to or from an outside
arrangement of popes of tubing in source
which refrigerant vapor is liquefied ● Dew Point - Temperature at which
by the removal of heat air-water vapor mixture will
● Compressor - a machine for become saturated and begins to
drawing refrigerant from the yield drops of condensed water
evaporator at a relatively low ● Latent Heat - The amount of heat
pressure, compresses it, and then that is absorbed or evolved in
discharges it to the condenser changing the state of the
● Evaporator - that part of the substance without changing its
refrigeration system in which temperature,
refrigerant is vaporized, thereby ● Latent Heat of Fusion - change is
taking up external heat and from liquid to solid state
producing cooling ● Latent Heat of Vaporization -
● Convection - heat transmission, change is from liquid to gas
either natural or forced (by means ● Sensible Heat - heat in BTU
of a fan or blower), by currents absorbed by a substance in
resulting from differences in changing its temperature without
density due to temperature changing its state
differences in the heated space. ● Wet Bulb Temperature -
● Humidity - water vapor within a temperature shown by a
confined space thermometer with a wetted bulb
● Relative Humidity - the ratio of rotated rapidly in the air to cause
the weight of water vapor actually evaporation of its moisture
in humid air to the maximum ● Dry Bulb Temperature -
possible weight of water vapor that temperature of air-water vapor
the air could contain at the same mixture as measured in the normal
temperature way with a Fahrenheit
● Humidity Ratio - weight of water thermometer.
vapor in a mixture per pound of dry ● Desiccant - an absorber which
air. could be liquid or solid that can
● Humidistat, Hygrostat - a remove water vapor from a
regulatory device actuated by material
changes in humidity ● Damper - a device used to vary
● Thermostat - a device that from the volume of air passing
responds to changes in through an air outlet, inlet, or duct
temperature, directly or indirectly ● Duct, Air Conditioning Duct, Air
● Adiabatic Saturation - Duct - a passageway usually
introduction of water into an fabricated of metal fiberglass,
unsaturated air to increase concrete or cement and asbestos
humidity ratio but without transfer fibers used to translate air from
one location to another


● Filter - a device used to separate Unit Air Conditioner - a type of system
solids such as dirt, dust, and other used for small installation such as
particles from air residences and small offices
● Refrigerant - a substance which Split Type Air Conditioner - composed of
produces refrigerating effect by two separate section, one installed inside
absorbing heat while expanding or the room while the other is mounted outside
evaporating the building
○ Dichlorodifluoromethane Centralized Type Air Conditioning
○ Dichloromonofluoromethan System- a type of air conditioning system
e use for large installations with the use of
○ Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ducts
○ Tricholomonofluoromethane
Cooling Tower - a structure, usually on the
● Freon - a synthetic chemical
roof of the building over which water is
circulated so as to cool it evaporatively in
contact with air
PART) AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency)
The ratio of annual fuel output energy to
annual input energy
START OF JACOB’S PART COP (Coefficient of Performance)
For cooling - the ratio of the rate of heat
Ventilation - the process of supplying or removal to the rate of energy input
removing air by natural method or For heating - the ratio of the rate of heat
mechanical means to or from any space delivered to the rate of energy input
Ton of Refrigeration - the useful EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio)
refrigerating effect equal to 211 KJ/min or
The ratio of net equipment cooling capacity
288,000 BTU/24 hrs or 12, 000 BTU/hr
in BTU/hr to the total rate of electric input in
Condensing Unit - a specific refrigerating watts
machine combination for a given refrigerant
IPLV (Integrated Part Load Value)
Expansion Coil - an evaporator
A single number figure of merit based on
constructed with a pipe or tubing
part-load EER or COP
Generator - any device equipped with
SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)
heating element used in the refrigerating
system to increase the pressure of the The total cooling output of an air conditioner
refrigerant during its normal annual usage, in BTU/hr,
divided by the total energy input during the
Air Conditioning Machinery - equipment
same period, in watt-hours.
including any or all of the following:
compressor, condenser, generator,
evaporator, absorber, receiver, connecting Heat transmission
pipe, air handling units, dehumidifier,
1. Conduction
humidifier, and heat exchanger


The transfer of heat from one place provide satisfactory condition in spaces
of higher temperature to a place of intended for human occupancy
lower temperature of the same body 1. Heating and dehumidifying
to another which it is in contact with. 2. Cooling and dehumidifying
2. Convection 3. Air motion
The transfer of heat by motion of the 4. Air supply
particles of the heated substance.
3. Radiation Refrigeration and Air conditioning
The process of transmitting rays of Standards (Mechanical regulations - NBC)
heat through air The temperature and humidity of air to be
used for comfortable cooling shall be
maintained at 68-74° F, effective
Air Conditioning temperature at an air movement from 4.57 -
Air Conditioning is defined as the 7.60 mpm within the living zone.
simultaneous control of air temperature,
humidity, motion, and purity of air in a
confined space. Summer Air conditioning
Cooling and dehumidifying

Air conditioner 1. Passing air through sprays of cold

A device which provided air conditioning. 2. Passing air through a combination of
cold water sprays and cooling coils
Systems Involved 3. Passing air through refrigeration
1. Cooling and dehumidifying
2. Heating and humidifying of air
3. Cleaning of air (Filtration) Mechanical refrigeration
4. Circulation of air Based upon the alternate liquefying and
evaporating of a volatile liquid refrigerant
Regulation of the following are with a low boiling point
considered essential for human comfort
1. Temperature of the surrounding air Cooling by absorption
2. Temperature of the surrounding Form of water chiller recently developed is
surfaces the absorption machine
3. Relative humidity of air
4. Motion of air
5. Odors Thermoelectric cooling
6. Dust A direct current is passed through the circuit
of a thermocouple than heat is given off at
Air conditioning Standards one junction and absorbed at the other

The following standards have been found to


Design considerations the like
1. Type, usage and hours of occupancy 2. Thermal transmission loads
of building or structure Heat transferring from walls, doors,
2. Number of occupants and type of floors, ceilings, etc.
3. Area and volume of materials in 3. Infiltration and ventilation load
conditioned space Entry of outside air into the space to
4. Building orientation be conditioned; outside air affects
5. Types of shades and glass exterior both temperature and humidity level
cladding in the space to be conditioned
6. Ventilation requirements 4. Solar load
7. Amount and type of artificial lighting
and hours of use Heat gained due to the heat energy
incident on the surface and depends
upon the characteristic of the
Heat gains in building surface
Heat lost during cold seasons must be
made up by the heating system, in summer Types of Air Conditioning Systems
heat gained through conduction, convection,
and radiation must be removed by the air
conditioning system. Heat may arise from Unit Room Air Conditioner
any of the following:
A self-contained unit which houses the
1. Heat transmitted through walls, compressor, condenser and evaporator
roofs, floors, partitions, ceilings and in the same cabinet.
glass owing to differences between
indoor and outdoor temperature
differences. Split type Air conditioner
2. Heat from solar radiation striking A type of air conditioning system
upon the exterior surfaces of walls composed of two separate sections, one
and glass, absorbed by them and installed inside the room while the other
conducted through the interior is mounted outside the building
3. Heat carried in by infiltrating or
ventilating outside air
4. Heat given off by occupants Package/ Cabinet Type Air
5. Heat given off by lights, cooking Conditioning System
devices, motors, fans and industrial A type of split type air conditioning unit
processes within the conditioned
Centralized Type Air conditioning
Cooling load calculation factors
A type of air conditioning system used
1. Internal loads for large installations using ducts.
Lights, occupants, equipment and


Basic concepts on the types of Air
conditioning systems: Delivery systems
1. Low velocity single duct system
Unit type Air conditioning system is 2. High velocity dual duct system
composed of the following: 3. Induction system
1. Fan coil unit 4. Hydronic system
2. Air cooled condensing unit 5. Fan coil units
Types of supply duct systems
Fan coil unit is composed of the following: 1. Plenum duct system / perimeter
1. Fan radial system
2. Coil 2. Extended plenum system
3. Filter 3. Reducing extended plenum system
4. Perimeter loop system

Air-cooled condensing unit (ACCU) is

composed of the following: Types of air control

1. ACC fan 1. Air adjustment by opposed blade

2. Condensing coil damper
2. Air adjustment by splitter damper
3. Air adjustment by conventional turns
Air cooled water chiller (ACWC) is 4. Air adjustment by right angle turns
composed of the following: with turning vanes
1. Air cooled condensing unit
(ACCU) Air distribution
2. Evaporator
3. Chilled water pipes Correct air distribution contributes much to
an efficient air conditioning as does any
single factor. An air conditioning system
Air conditioning unit (direct expansion may deliver the required quantity of
method) is composed of the following: conditioned air and still fail to give
1. Fan coil unit (FCU) satisfactory room condition because of poor
2. Compressor air distribution.

Centralized system elements: Air conditioning System Components

1. Air handling unit

2. Method of cooling Evaporator - that part of an air conditioning
3. Source of heating such as boiler of system in which refrigerant is vaporized
furnace thereby taking up heat and producing
4. Air distribution system cooling
5. Control equipment


Types of Evaporator compresses it and then discharges it to the
1. Stamped Evaporator - a result of condenser
the first designs to create a larger
pipe surface two pieces of metal Type of Compressors
stamped with the impression of pipe
passage through it. 1. Rotary type
2. Finned Tube - this heat exchanger 2. Reciprocating type (commonly
is quite efficient because the fins are referred to as Piston type)
in good contact with the pipe 3. Centrifugal type
carrying the refrigerant. Cooling Capacities
3. Dry Type of Direct Expansion
Room Cooling Ton of Approx.
Evaporator size Cap. refrigeration hp
(𝑚 ) (KJ/hr) rating
Evaporators and coolers
10-13 5,275- 0.42- 0.50
There are several methods used in cooling 6,700 0.532
in an air conditioning system
14-16 7,385- 0.59- 0.75
1. Direct cooling of water 8440 0.67
1.1. Shell and tube heat 17-20 9,495- 0.76- 1.0
exchanger 10,550 0.84
1.2. Direct expansion coils
21-25 12,660- 1.0- 1.5
1.3. Coils may also be 13,290 1.055
submerged in the spray
Up to 40 18,990- 1.5- 2.0
collecting tank
20,045 1.59
2. Direct cooling of air
3. Indirect cooling of air
Air conditioning design details

Condenser 1. Air handling unit

A heat exchange device that rejects heat 5% of the gross floor area (per floor)
from the system absorbed by the evaporator 2. Refrigeration equipment room
(located at the basement floor)
-chillers and pumps
Types of Condensers
3.96m - 5.488m hugh
1. Water-cooled condenser
1.1. Double pipe condenser 1,35% of bldg gross floor area
1.2. Shell and tube condenser 3. Cooling tower
1.3. Shell and coil condenser 4% bldg. gross floor area

Compressor (Vapor pump) Mechanical Regulations (NBC)

A machine for drawing refrigerant from the 1. Water from evaporators, condensers
evaporator at a relatively low pressure, and other machinery shall be


properly collected into a suitable or
drainage system.
2. Ducts shall be constructed entirely of
non-combustible materials such as
steel, iron, aluminum or other
approved materials. Only fire
retardant lining shall be used on the
inside of ducts.
3. Access doors shall be with
automatic dampers, fire dampers,
thermostats and other apparatus
requiring service and inspection in
the duct system

Air conditioning unit brand names

A hoisting and lowering mechanism
equipped with a car or platform which
Kolin moves in guides in a vertical direction
Koppel serving two or more floors of a building or
LG Collins structure. Movement of the car may be
McQuay controlled by gravitational, manual, or
mechanical power; invented by Elisha Otis
(Mechanical lift, 1851 and Hydraulic Lift,
National 1854).
A hoisting and lowering mechanism
equipped with a car not to exceed 3861 sq.
Trane cm. in area and a maximum height of 1.20
Uni-air m., the capacity of which does no exceed
Whirlpool 277 kg., used exclusively for carrying


Types of Elevators Accdg. To Use: considered superior to a geared machine
1. Passenger Elevator because it operates quietly, has fewer
2. Service or Freight Elevator moving parts, maintenance becomes less
and has longer life.

Passenger Elevators are Classified Acdg. to 2, Geared Traction Machine

Application: A worm and gear interposed
1. General Purpose between driving motor and hoisting
2. Commercial sheaves. The motor either ac or dc in
3. Residential comparison with the gearless unit which is
4. Institutional always dc. The geared traction machine is
used in some passenger and most freight
elevators with motor horsepower rating
Two types of Elevators in General Use: ranging from 3 to 100 hp.
1. Electric Elevator - used exclusively
in tall buildings and operated by
direct current (dc+) motors.
2. Hydraulic Elevator
1. Car- the load-carrying unit of an
elevator including its platform, frame,
Considerations in Elevator Selection
and enclosure
1. Total height of the building 2. Cables- these are steel wire
2. Floor to floor height ropes used for the suspension of a
3. Capacity car and counterweight. These cables
4. Speed Requirement then pass over a motor-driven
5. Type of Structure cylindrical sheave at the traction
machine and pass downward to the
counterweight to which they are
fastened with the cable sockets.
3. Elevator Machine- turns the
PG 23 sheave and lifts or lower the car
(START OF NICO’S PART ) 4. Counterweight- are rectangular
TYPES OF ELEVATOR TRACTION blocks of cast iron stacked in a
MACHINE frame which is supported at the
opposite ends of the cables to which
1, Gearless Traction Machine the car is fastened. It balanced the
Consist of a dc motor, the short of weight of the car and usually equals
which directly connected to the brake wheel weight of car plus 40% of car
and driving sheaves. The elevator hoisting capacity
ropes or cable are placed around this 5. Guide Rails- are vertical tracks that
sheave; the absence of the gear means that guides the car and counterweight
the motor must run at the same speed as 6. Shaft or Hoistway- is the vertical
the driving sheaves. The gearless traction passageway for the car and
machine is prefered and is generally counterweight


7. Penthouse or Elevator Machine emergency by actuating the safety.
Room- the room usually directly 17. Secondary Sheave- provides
above the hoistway in which the double wrap of ropes for traction and
elevator machine is hoisted. leads rope over to counterweight.
8. Elevator Pit- is that portion of the 18. Safety Switch is a device
hoist extending below the level of incorporated in the bottom beam of
the bottom landing to provide for the car frame and counterweight;
over-travel and clearance for parts exerts retarding force in case of
which requires space below the overspeed by gripping guide rails.
bottom of car travel. 19. Umit Switches are automatic
9. Control Equipment- is the devices which stop the car within the
combination of push buttons, overtravel, independently of the
contract relay cams and devices operating device.
which are operated manually or 20. Operating Device- the car switch,
automatically to initiate the door push button, wheel, lever, etc. which
operation, starting, acceleration, enables the operator to actuate the
retardation, leveling or sloping of the control.
car. 21. Tension Sheave-gives stability to
10. Control Panel-register calls and governor's rope.
govern the response of the elevator 22. Car leveling Device- a mechanism
to them. or control which will move the car to
11. Motor generator- supplies direct within a limited zone and stop it at
current (dc) to the motor; used with the landing.
generator field control. 23. Landing Zone- within 18" above or
12. Generator Field Control uses an below the landing
individual generator for each 24. Rheostatic Control a direct current
elevator so that voltage applied to (dc) system of control by varying
the hoisting motor is adjusted by resistance and reactance in the field
varying the strength of the generator circuit of the hoisting motor.
field. It allows wide range of speeds, Alternating current motors starts
including high speeds and permits across the line.
smooth acceleration and retardation. 25. Winding Drum Machino- one in
13. Guide Shoes are fastened to car which the ropes are fastened to and
frame and counterweight at top and wound on a drum. No counterweight
bottom; it is used to guide rails. is required but
14. Compensator: ropes or chains hung
from bottom of car to bottom of
counterweight to balance the weight HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR
of hoist ropes.
15. Buffers a device used to absorb of The Hydraulic Elevator is a type of elevator
car or counterweight at the lower that is raised or lowered quite simply by
limit of travel. means of a movable rod (plunger) rigidly
16. Governor-stops car and fixed to the bottom of the elevator car. The
counterweight (if required) in case of system is hydraulic and operates very much


the same as a hydraulic jack, where oil from 13. Gate valve
a reservoir is pumped under the plunger
thereby raising it and the car. 14. Controller

15. Motor and Pump with Tank

Normal Application Advantages of Hydraulic Elevator

Speed 40-100 per Traction 1. No Wire Ropes or Cables

CAL 100-500 bs machine 2. No Penthouse

Rose AS Respired 3. No Overhead Equipment

4. Elevator Shaft or Hoistway can be

Under Counter Unit (Rise is mild ta 30 feet
with drus-type nach) 5. Car safety or speed governor are not
needed because the car and its load cannot
Major Parts of Hydraulic Elevator fall faster than the normal speed.

1. Car or Cab 6. Buffers need be only heavy springs.

2. Plunger Escalator Brand names

3. Guide rails 1. Otis

4. Guide Shoes 2. Mitsubishi

5. Spring Buffer 3. Schindler

6. Shaft or Hoistway 4. Fuji

7. Elevator Machine Room (located at the 5. Goldstar

lower floor)
6. Hyundai
8. Elevator Pit
7. Westinghouse
9. Control System
8. Hitachi
Other parts of Hydraulic Elevator
10. Floor Stop and Limit Switches
A power driven, inclined, continuous
11. Leveling Cam Switch stairway for raising or lowering passengers;
also referred to as moving stairway or as an
12. Car Gate Switch electric stairway: Invented by Jesse Reno


breaker normally located near the driving
Size, Capacity and Speed
9. Emergency Stop Button-wired to the
30° from the horizontal axis- ideal controller and placed near or on the
installation angle escalator housing which will stop the driving
inachine and apply the brake.
125 fpm along the axis of rise escalator
speed but may vary from 90 fpm-120 fpm 10 Key Operated Control
(actual practice). Switches-located at the top and bottom
newels, it will start, stop and reverse the
stairway movement.
Major Parts of an Escalator Escalator Arrangement
1. Truss- a three (3) section built-up welded 1. Parallel (No Walkaround)
steel tussed framework which supports the
moving stairway equipment. 2. Parallel (With Walkaround)

2. Sprocket Assemblies- include top and 3. Crisscross

bottom sprocket wheels where the endless
belt of steps pass around when it is on Mechanical Regulations Elevator
1. Hoistways for elevators shall be
3. Driving machine- provides the motive substantially enclosed throughout their
power of the unit. height, with no opening allowed except for
necessary doors, windows or skylights.
4. Balustrade Assembly-designed for
maximum safety of persons stepping on or 2. Ropes, wires or pipes shall not be
off the escalator. It includes all enclosures installed in hoistways, except when
consisting of deckboards, concave inside necessary for the operation of the elevator.
panel skirt guards, handrails and
combplates. 3. Hoistway pits shall be of such depth that
when car rests fully compressed buffers, a
5. Endless Belt-is a continuous belt (chain) clearance of not less than 600 mm remains
attached to the handrall and Indirectly between the underside of the car and the
connected to the steps. bottom of the pit.

6. Step Assembly-a continuous assembly Escalator

of steps which supports the passengers.
1. The angle of inclination of an escalator
7 Emergency Brake- is located at the top shall not exceed 35o from the horizontal.
sprocket and will stop a loaded escalator
safely in the event of a break in the chain. 2. The width between balustrade shall not
be less than 558 mm nor more than 1200
8. Controller-consists of relays and a circuit mm. This width shall not exceed the width of


steps by more than 330 mm.

3. Solid balustrades of incombustible

material shall be provided on each side of
the moving steps. If made of glass, it shall
be of tempered type glass.

4. Each balustrade shall be provided with a

handrail moving in the same direction and at
the same speed as the steps.

5. The rated speed, measured along the

angle of inclination shall not be more than
38 mpm.

6. Starting switches shall be key operated

and located from within sight of escalator

7. Emergency button shall be conspicuously

and accessibly located at or near the top
and bottom landings but protected from
accidental contact



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