Fieldhouse-2015-Journal of Forensic Sciences

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J Forensic Sci, March 2015, Vol. 60, No.

doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12661
TECHNICAL NOTE Available online at:


Sarah J. Fieldhouse,1 Ph.D.

An Investigation into the Effects of Force

Applied During Deposition on Latent
Fingermarks and Inked Fingerprints Using a
Variable Force Fingerprint Sampler*

ABSTRACT: Physical factors, including the magnitude of the force applied during fingermark deposition, may affect friction ridge surface
area and clarity, and the quantity of residue transferred. Consistency between fingermarks may be required; for example, in research projects,
yet differences between marks are likely to exist when physical factors are not controlled. Inked fingerprints and latent fingermarks were depos-
ited at 1–10 N at 1 N increments using a variable force fingerprint sampler to control the force, angle of friction ridge and surface contact, and
the duration of friction ridge and surface contact. Statistically significant differences existed between the length and width measurements of the
inked prints (p ≤ 0.05), particularly at lower forces. Scanning electron microscopy and surface plot analysis demonstrated how differences in
force applied during deposition affected ridge surface area, displacement of latent residue, and differences in the quantity of residue transferred.
Consistency between inked prints was demonstrated at equivalent forces.

KEYWORDS: forensic science, fingerprints, latent fingermarks, inked fingerprints, Cyanoacrylate fuming, scanning electron microscopy

Physical factors, including the magnitude of the force applied, Previous research has investigated different fingermark deposi-
the angle of friction ridge and surface contact, and the duration of tion methodologies and their effects on the resultant marks (1,9).
friction ridge and surface contact, are all known to affect the These have included no control over deposition (i.e., participants
appearance of friction ridge skin marks (1). Differences in the mag- were simply asked to deposit a mark onto a slide, without fur-
nitude of the force applied during deposition can affect ridge width ther instruction), the use of a top pan balance to control the force
(2,3), the quantity of friction ridge residue transfer (3), and the clar- applied, and the use of a fingerprint sampler. Here, evidence
ity of the mark (1), which may affect mark identification (2). was provided to support the existence of significant variations in
Given the role of friction ridge skin in forensic investigations, deposition force, the duration of friction ridge and surface con-
a considerable amount of research has been dedicated to this tact, and the angle of friction ridge and surface contact between
area of study, where often many hundreds or thousands of marks consecutive depositions for methods involving no control and a
are deposited in any single project. Owing to the effects of phys- top pan balance. Significantly reduced variations of these factors
ical factors on fingermark deposition, the deposition method between marks and/or evidence of the effects of force distortion
employed is sometimes described in published research, which were found when a fingerprint sampler was used (9). It is impor-
has been achieved by asking participants to carry out routine tant to note that some participants seem to have an increased
tasks (4) or to apply a specific force during deposition, for ability to be able to control fingermark deposition than others.
example, a “moderate” amount (5). These approaches obviously This might be because of their prior knowledge of fingermarks
have the potential to introduce subjective error. On some occa- and the factors which affect their structure during deposition, or
sions, different forces have been requested (6), some of which perhaps they regularly deposit fingermarks, for example, as part
have made attempts to introduce precise forces (6,7). This has of research projects. However, if a person would like to control
not just occurred in the area of friction ridge skin; methods of these physical factors associated with fingermark deposition,
standardizing footwear mark deposition have been reported (8). then fingerprint samplers may offer them a means of being able
to achieve this. There may equally be instances where a person
does not wish to control fingermark deposition because they
1 desire a natural variation in fingermark deposition force applied
Forensic and Crime Science Department, Staffordshire University, The
Science Centre, Leek Road, Stoke on Trent, ST4 2DF, U.K. within their sample of marks.
*Presented at the 2012 Fingerprint Society Annual Conference, April 13– The effects of different force applications on the appearance
15, 2012, in Swanwick, Derbyshire, U.K. of latent marks developed using Ninhydrin have been reported
The variable force fingerprint sampler described in the paper was designed (7), which suggests how such factors might influence the results
by Philip Morton of SciChem, John Whitehead of Lascells Ltd and Sarah
Fieldhouse. of a research project.
Received 13 June 2013; and in revised form 15 Mar. 2014; accepted 17 The aim of this research project was to investigate the effects
Mar. 2014. of different forces applied during fingermark deposition on the

422 © 2014 American Academy of Forensic Sciences


appearance of the resultant marks using a variable force finger- plotted onto a calibration graph to determine the position of the
print sampler to control fingermark deposition. markers on the force scale. These distances were subsequently
verified using a digital Newton meter.

The Effects of Different Forces on the Appearance of Latent
An Overview of the Variable Force Fingerprint Sampler Fingermarks and Inked Fingerprints
An overview of the variable force fingerprint sampler and its Five participants (recruited through opportunity sampling) were
component parts can be viewed in Figs 1a and 1b. asked to deposit three consecutive latent fingermarks from their
The variable force fingerprint sampler was composed of two index fingers onto glass surfaces, followed by three consecutive
platforms, the upper fingerprint deposition platform and the inked fingerprints onto photocopier paper at approximate forces
lower platform. They were connected at one end by a pivot, of between 1 and 10 N at 1 N increments using the variable force
which allowed vertical movement of these platforms. In between fingerprint sampler according to the manufacturer’s instructions
the two platforms, a spring was positioned. The distance (10). For latent fingermarks, participants were asked to refrain
between the two platforms was adjustable, which controlled the from washing their hands for 1 h prior to deposition, and to
compression of the spring during fingermark deposition. The gently rub their hands together with distribute their skin surface
magnitude of the force applied was set by adjusting the com- residue. Before the finger was used to deposit latent fingermarks
pression of the spring. Substrates were placed onto the deposi- for a different force, it was cleaned using a laboratory tissue to
tion platform, and the finger was rested directly above. remove any excess residue, and then the finger was wiped against
Releasing the spring allowed contact between the finger and the an equivalently sized area of friction skin from the same palmar
substrate and therefore deposition of the mark. surface in an attempt to gain consistency between the composi-
tions of the residue of the marks. All of the fingermarks from a
single participant were deposited on the same deposition date.
Spring Calibration
The latent fingermarks were then subjected to the following
One end of the spring was secured to a vernier scale where analyses and treatments:
known masses between 100 g and 1 kg were applied to the 1 Examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
opposite end. The extension of the spring was recorded, and the 2 Developed using cyanoacrylate fuming in a Foster and Free-
data were converted to force data (1 g = 101.97 N [2 dp]) and man MVC3000 cabinet, following an autocycle within 2 h of
deposition (11). An auto cycle was used with approximately
2 g of liquid Cyanobloom (Foster and Freeman Ltd., Eve-
(a) sham, England.).
3 Surface plot analysis using a Foster and Freeman fingerprint
digitiser (DCS121), which was used to provide a 3D repre-
sentation of the fingermark (12).
For the inked fingerprints, the fingers were rolled against
disposable inked strips (CSI Equipment Ltd., Milton Keynes, Eng-
land) to ensure that the maximum area of friction ridges available
was covered. It was not possible to produce rolled fingerprints
using the fingerprint sampler.
After the inked depletion series was created (between the depo-
sitions of each inked fingerprint), the finger was removed, cleaned
with soap and water, and re-inked in an attempt to gain consis-
tency in the quantity of ink present on the fingers. All of the fin-
germarks from a single participant were deposited on the same
(b) deposition date. The duration of friction ridge and surface contact
was 2 sec (approximately) for each deposition using the sampler.
The inked fingerprints and latent fingermarks were visually
examined for differences in surface area between prints depos-
ited under the same force and then between prints deposited at
different forces.
The maximum length and width of each inked print were
measured in mm; mean values were calculated and plotted onto
line graphs (the dimensions were plotted against force) to aid
analysis. The distribution of the data was investigated using Kol-
mogorov–Smirnov tests (13). Repeated measures analysis of var-
iance (ANOVA) tests were then used to investigate the existence
of statistically significant differences between the data sets for
each participant. Homogeneity of variance was investigated
using Mauchly’s test of sphericity (13). Alpha levels of 0.05
were used for each test. The effect size was calculated using
FIG. 1––(a) Overview of the variable force fingerprint sampler (side view). guidelines proposed by Cohen (13). All statistical testing was
(b) Overview of the variable force fingerprint sampler (rear view). carried out using SPSS version 16 (IBM SPSS, New York).

which were highly likely to behave in a different manner to

Results and Discussion
latent fingermarks on account of their different compositions.
Figure 2 illustrates a set of 10 inked fingerprints deposited by When the latent marks were considered, it also appeared that
the same finger between 1 and 10 N at 1 N increments. marks deposited under smaller forces were more different to one
Variation in the area of friction ridge and surface contact another in terms of surface area than those deposited at higher
according to the magnitude of the force applied during deposi- forces, but also that the ridges themselves were affected by the
tion was clear, which supports previously published research changes in force applied.
(1,3). With this sample of marks at depositions of a lower force, The analysis of the length and width measurements of the
there appeared to be no distortion to the friction ridges on inked fingerprints can be seen in Figs 4 and 5.
account of excessive force applied during deposition, although Generally, the length and width measurements increased as
the intensity of the ridges changed with different force applica- the magnitude of the force applied to the finger increased. This
tions, and the ridge widths themselves increased with an increase was expected because the friction ridge skin pad of the distal
in force applied. This has been noted in previous studies, where phalanx is elastic, and therefore, during deposition, the raised
esthetic differences were also attributed to differences in the portion of the pad will contact the substrate first, and then as
chemical composition of the marks (3). Contrast between the the force increases, the pad will compress, allowing peripheral
ridges and furrows generally increased in line with increasing friction ridges to contact the substrate.
force, which improved the visibility of the ridge detail, particu- The results of the repeated measures ANOVA test provided
larly from prints deposited at 1 and 2 N compared to those evidence that statistically significant differences existed between
deposited under forces exceeding 2 N. This might suggest that the length and width measurements, as shown in Table 1. The
the optimum force for depositing marks exceeds 2 N. It was eta-squared effect size reported very large effects, which
important to note that these images were of inked fingerprints, supported the reliability of the data.

FIG. 2––10 inked fingerprints deposited by the same finger between 1 and 10 N at 1 N increments.

The results of the Bonferroni post hoc tests suggested that the Differences in the size and shape of the participating fingers,
length measurements of fingerprints deposited under a force particularly the raised area of the pad, are likely to contribute to
≤4 N were statistically significantly different to one another differences in the behavior of the friction ridges during compres-
(p ≤ 0.05), but any fingerprints deposited under a force of ≥5 N sion and therefore the length and width measurements. It was
were not statistically significantly different to one another interesting to note that the length measurements generally
(p > 0.05). The width measurements of fingerprints deposited stopped increasing after 5 N, yet the width measurements contin-
under a force ≤5 N were statistically significantly different to ued to increase. The nonisotropic shape of the pad could perhaps
one another (p ≤ 0.05), but any fingerprints deposited under a aid surface contact across the width of the finger more easily
force of ≥6 N were not statistically significantly different to one compared to the length generally under increasing forces.
another (p > 0.05). The standard error of the mean was only Figure 6 shows latent fingermarks from the same finger
0.5 mm. Any differences might have been caused by slight dif- deposited at 4 and 8 N and developed using cyanoacrylate fum-
ferences in the ink quantity on the friction ridges, which was not ing. Minor differences in the surface area were present, particu-
controlled. As the number of consecutive depositions increased, larly at the top of the marks, but also the marks were affected
it was logical to assume that the quantity of ink present on the by differences in force applied, because the residue appears to
friction ridges would decrease. have been displaced at 8 N to the ridge peripheries (1,2). Efforts
were made to standardize the quantity of friction ridge residue
present, because it is known that the quantity of residue affects
the contact area (3). This was achieved by rubbing of the hands
together, and then once the mark was deposited, all remaining
residue was removed from that area using a tissue. Soap and
water were not used as it was anticipated that any cosmetic
product might contaminate the residue. The clean skin was then
replenished by rubbing it with a comparable area of the palmar
surface. It is acknowledged that the use of a fingerprint sampler
will not remove any requirement for a standard chemically con-
sistent fingermark. Further research in this area may look to
combine the use of a chemically controlled residue with the con-
trol of deposition factors, to build toward the construction of a
standard fingermark for research purposes. The use of inked fin-
gerprints as well as latent marks within this research project was
also used to standardize the chemical composition of the print,
thus removing this variable from the experiment as far as possi-
ble. The control of such a physical variable during deposition
might suggest that features present within a mark can be attrib-
uted to differences in the chemical composition of the marks
FIG. 3––Three inked fingerprints deposited consecutively at 5 N.
rather than differences in the force applied. It was possible that
the 8 N mark simply contained an increased quantity of residue,
but on account of the strategies employed to control residue
quantity, this feature was attributed to force. This was apparent
with other participants’ marks at higher deposition forces com-
pared to those deposited at lower forces.

FIG. 4––Length measurements of the inked fingerprints at different force


TABLE 1––ANOVA test results for length and width measurements

Fingermark Measurement N F p (2DP) Eta Squared

Length 15 72.485 0.00 0.838 (very large)
Width 15 99.622 0.00 0.877 (very large)
N: number of samples; F: ANOVA test statistic; p: probability; Eta FIG. 5––Width measurements of the inked fingerprints at different force
Squared: estimate of effect size. applications.

The surface plots clearly demonstrate how the surface areas of

SEM Analysis
fingermarks change with different forces. They also illustrate
The results of the SEM analysis suggested that the appearance how the ridge profiles change with force applied; as the force
of the fingermarks varied at different forces. An example of applied increased the ridge, depth also appeared to increase,
these results can be viewed in Fig. 7. which was attributed to the fact that increased forces caused
As the force applied to the finger during fingermark deposi- increased quantities of residue to transfer (3). When a latent fin-
tion increased, the width of the ridges appeared to increase, as germark is deposited, the droplets of latent residue are sand-
did the quantity of the latent residue, supporting previous wiched between the friction ridges and the substrate, which then
research as discussed. The ridges appeared to be more complete rupture to transfer the residue to the substrate (14). At light
in nature and more densely packed with residue. Such differ- forces, it was hypothesized that the droplets were transferred
ences may affect how the mark responds to its environment over independently of one another, whereas as the force increases, the
time and also how it reacts to any applied treatment (7). Differ- droplets were compressed with the deformation of the finger
ences in the appearance of friction ridges can affect the quantity pad, and therefore, they merged together into a continuous
and quality of ridge detail available for analysis, which might stream of residue. This is known to be affected by the chemical
affect how the marks are assessed. composition of the residue (14), although in this study, all of the
latent fingermarks were deposited consecutively; therefore,
although the composition was unknown, it should have been rel-
Surface Plot Analysis
atively consistent. Residues from the elevated ridge peripheries
The surface plot analysis images for three marks deposited at were able to contact the substrate at higher forces, providing
1, 5, and 10 N can be seen in Fig. 8. more residue available for transfer, which built upon the ridge
profiles, increasing their depth. It was anticipated that the shape
of the finger would affect the degree to which the finger pad
deformed, particularly toward the apex, and therefore, there
would be differences between fingers.
Consecutively deposited inked fingerprints demonstrated a
high level of consistency in terms of surface area, ridge width,
and structure. Examples of three inked fingerprints deposited
consecutively at 5 N are shown in Fig. 3. The fading intensity
of the marks was attributed to the reduction in the quantity of
ink of the finger following previous depositions.
Further research aims to investigate intra- and intervariations
in latent fingermark structure at several single forces, which may
have further implications for fingerprint research projects. For
example, it might be that at a single force, there is considerable
variation within donors’ marks on different dates, yet many
research projects employ a group of donors who they routinely
FIG. 6––Latent fingermarks from the same finger deposited at 4 and 8 N assume to deposit similar marks. On any one date, there is
and developed using cyanoacrylate fuming. clearly a limited amount of latent marks that a participant may

FIG. 7––Scanning electron microscopy images of fingermarks deposited at 1, 5, and 10 N.

FIG. 8––Surface plot analysis of fingermarks deposited at 1, 5, and 10 N.


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Additional information and reprint requests:
I would like to thank Philip Morton of SciChem and John Sarah J. Fieldhouse, Ph.D.
Whitehead of Lascells Ltd. for their collaborative efforts with the Forensic and Crime Science Department
design and production of the variable force fingerprint sampler. Staffordshire University
The Science Centre
Leek Road
References Stoke on Trent ST4 2DF
1. Fieldhouse S. Consistency and reproducibility in fingermark deposition. E-mail:
Forensic Sci Int 2011;3:96–100.

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