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Programa Institucional de

Intermedio I

Paper Topic: Clean energy Audience: general public

I . Introduction
Possible ideas for the introduction (see front side of handout for suggestions):
Energy is needed to light our homes, to cook our meals, and to carry out our daily
activities. we also refer to human energy, such as the power to walk, to cut wood,
but often it is electricity to turn on lights, pump water, powering fans and other
Electricity makes our lives and jobs easier. It allows us to have light to work and study,
refrigeration to keep our food from spoiling. All these things can improve our health and
make our lives more comfortable. But also, unfortunately, not everyone has access to
We also use energy for transport, usually from fossil fuels such as gasoline or diesel,
which is fossil fuels like gasoline that power cars, buses, trucks, trains and planes,
buses, trucks, among others.

Thesis statement (Usually the last sentence(s) in the introduction):

When we talk about clean energy, we are referring to energy production systems that
exclude any type of pollution, mainly due to the emission of greenhouse gases, such as
CO2, which cause climate change.
The world needs to burn less oil, coal and natural gas. People in rich countries, who use
too much rich countries, who use too much, must use less. We must switch to
clean energy sources (clean energy, or renewable energy). These
include wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, and biogas. _

II. Body (A paper may have a few or many main points; decide how many your paper
will need)
Main Point:
Energy is one of the world's most pressing issues. The world's predominant
primary energy sources are hydrocarbons. The world's energy demand is
continuously increasing. As populations and economies grow, millions of
people around the world enjoy the benefits of an increasingly energy-intensive
lifestyle. Thanks to energy we can cover various needs such as transportation,
food, fuel, refrigeration, and many other things, but there are also non-
renewable energies that are being depleted by the abuse of humanity, for this
reason the people themselves have had the need to seek alternative sources of
energy. There are clean energy sources which do not occupy finite resources, in
addition to causing less negative environmental impact on our environment,
among which we can find wind, solar and geothermal.


III. Conclusion
Reworded Thesis (Usually found near the beginning of the conclusion):

Finally, it can be concluded that clean energies are indispensable for subsistence today
and certainly in the not too distant future, since, as has been said, the resources for fossil
energies are running out faster than expected and that the population is increasing at a
very fast pace and energy is almost impossible to reach everyone, besides the fact that
with all known types of energy, pollution has increased too much in recent years.

Other Ideas to Conclude:

Clean energies must be applied urgently, but unfortunately the question arises: do
we have the technology and the capital to obtain these energies?

References :

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