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Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Differentiate the characters of the story;
b. Explain the symbolism in the Parable of the Lost Sheep; and
c. Express ideas and opinions about the story

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Materials: Visual aids
Reference: Bible

III. Procedure

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

A. Preparation
I want everyone to please all
stand and Hector will lead us in a
prayer (Student participate)

Good morning class! Good morning, sir!
(Student answered)
How are you today? We`re good sir!
(Student answered)
Checking of Attendance
Okay, raise your right hand and
say present if you hear your name. (Student participate)

Yes sir!
Do you remember our last topic?
(Student answered)

What was our last topic? About 8 parts of speech sir!

(Student answered)

Glaiza, can you give me one of

the 8 parts of speech? Glaiza: Yes sir! Adverb sir
Glenn: Verb, noun, pronoun, and
How about you Glenn?
preposition sir!
Very good!
Today before we proceed to our
lesson, we will have a game.
This game entitled hide and seek.
There are sheep that hiding in this
cup and if you find the white
sheep you will have + points
according to the white sheep that
you find and if you find the black
sheep that was hiding in this cup
means you don’t have plus point Yes, sir!
in your activity later. (Student actively participating)
Did you understand class?
Let start the game! Yes, sir!

Did you enjoy our game class?

Base on the game that we play. About sheep sir!

Do you have any idea what is our About good and bad sir!
topic today?
Any other guess?

B. Lesson Proper
Our lesson for today is about the
Parable of the Lost Sheep.
But first, let us define what is

Parable is a simple story used to

illustrate a moral or spiritual
lesson, as told by Jesus in the
Gospels. Yes, sir.

Did you understand what is

parable class? Kiray: The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Now, let us proceed to our main Now the tax collectors and sinners
topic today. Can you please read were all gathering around to hear
the story Kiray. Jesus. But the Pharisees and the
teachers of the law muttered, “This
man welcomes sinners and eats with
them.” Then Jesus told them this
“Suppose one of you has a hundred
sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t
he leave the ninety-nine in the open
country and go after the lost sheep
until he finds it? And when he finds it,
he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and
goes home. Then he calls his friends
and neighbors together and says,
‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost
sheep.’  I tell you that in the same way
there will be more rejoicing in heaven
over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous persons who do
not need to repent.

Thank you, Kiray.

Jesus, sir.
Class, do you know who is the
Shepherd in the story?
Correct! No Idea, sir.

How about the Lost Sheep?

The Lost Sheep represent the
Good people who haven`t sinned
sinner who disobey God.

How about the 99 sheep? Yes, sir!

Very good!
Did you understand class?

C. Activity
Okay class, for your activity we
have here some drawings, the
white sheep and the black sheep.
Kindly come in front and write
your good sides in the white Yes, sir!
sheep and bad sides in the black
sheep. Are the directions of your
activity being clear?
(Student will raise their hands)

Who wants to volunteer?

Anyone? (Student will actively participate)
Very good class! Now let’s have a
round of applause for your
actively participate.

Yes sir!
D. Generalization
Okay class is it clear to you what
is Parable?

Brilliant! (Student will answer)

What do you think the importance

of parable in our life?
(Student will answer)
What do you think the lesson of
the Parable that was being

Thank you for your cooperation.

E. Evaluation
I think you already understand the
story of the Parable of the Lost
Sheep. Now let’s move on to your
next activity. I have an answer
sheet here for you to answer.

Directions: Identify what is being

asked in the following question.

1. What is parable?
2. Who is the main character in
the story of the parable of the
lost sheep?
3. What are the symbolisms
mentioned in the story?
4. Who muttered this statement? (Student will answer)
“This man welcomes sinners
and eats with them.”
5. How many righteous persons
who do not need to repent?

Answer Key:
1. Parable is a simple story used
to illustrate a moral or
spiritual lesson, as told by
Jesus in the Gospels.
2. Sheep and The Shepperd
3. Lost Sheep, 99 Sheep, and the
4. Pharisees and the teachers
5. Ninety-nine

F. Assignment
Answer the ff:
 Why would the shepherd
leave the ninety-nine
remaining sheep to go
searching for the one that
was lost?  

 What would it feel like to

be the lost sheep that the
shepherd came to find?

 When we are one of the

ninety-nine good people
who are with God, how
can we prayerfully
support the ones that are

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