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LEGEND: I – Introduce E – Enable D – Demonstrate P – Perform











Title Pre-requisites Units Learning Outcome

1. Explain fundamental principles, concepts and evolution of

computing systems as they relate to different fields.
Introduction to 2. Expound on the recent developments in the different computing
CC101 None 3 I I I
Computing knowledge areas.
3. Analyze solutions employed by organizations to address
different computing issues.
1.Design, implement, test and debug a program based on a given
specification that uses each of the following fundamental
programming components; (1) primitive data types, (2) basic
computation, (3) simple I/O, (4) conditional and iterative
Fundamentals of
CC102 None 3 structures, (5) definitions of functions and parameter passing and I I I
(6) recursion.
2. Analyze and simulate results of algorithm that may be
implemented as a solution to a given problem

CC103 Intermediate CC102 3 1. Design, implement, test and debug a program based on a given E I I E E I
Programming specification that uses (1) data structures arrays, strings,
structures, linked list and files, (2) conditional, iterative and
recursive constructs and (3) standard libraries in the assigned
programming language.
2. Assess and recommend revisions to another programmer’s
code (1) regarding appropriateness of chosen data structure, (2)
regarding appropriateness of chosen conditional and iterative
constructs given a programming task and (3) regarding
thoroughness in applying procedural abstraction.
3. Argue the costs and benefits of dynamic and static data
structure implementations.
1. Design, implement, test and debug a program based on a given
specification that uses and implements abstract data types
(stacks, queues, priority queues, sets, maps).
Data Structure
CC104 CC103 3 2. Argue strengths and weaknesses among multiple I I I
and Algorithms
implementations for a problem (i.e. on the aspects of iterative vs.
recursive solutions and on the aspects of abstraction,
encapsulation and information hiding.
1. Analyze an existing database system with respect to quality
issues reliability, scalability, efficiency, effectiveness and security.
Information 2. Design a database based on user requirements using a widely
CC105 CC103 3 E E E E E E E E I
Management used modeling notation and be able to use declarative query
language to elicit information.

1. Develop specifications for a software development effort that

precisely articulates the functional requirements, expected
execution paths and the explicit use of cutting edge or emerging
technologies which includes hardware devices and software
library APIs.
2. Select and use defined coding documentation writing and
CC106 Applications CC105 3
licensing standards in a sufficiently complex software project
Development and
where coding idioms and mechanisms for implementing designs
to achieve desired properties such as reliability, efficiency and
robustness are practiced with respect to legal and ethical
3. Select and use defined coding documentation writing and
licensing standards in a sufficiently complex software project
where coding idioms and mechanisms for implementing designs
to achieve desired properties such as reliability, efficiency and
robustness are practiced with respect to legal and ethical
1. Compare and contrast procedural / functional approach to
object-oriented programming approach.
Object-Oriented 2. Design, implement, test and debug programs using OOP
SDF104 CC103 3 E E E I E E E
Programming concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and

1. Perform the operations associated with sets, Functions and

Relations, and relate these operation to computer programming.
2. Construct sound arguments in prepositional and predicate logic
by applying appropriate rules of inference given sample intelligent
DS101 Data Structures 1 ALTRIG 3 I I I I
3. Construct valid mathematical proofs using mathematical
induction. Direct proof and by contradiction to simplify programs
and prove program correctness.
1. Solve real-world computing problems that require mapping
permutation, combines of a sets, and modular arithmetic.
Data 2. Compute the event probabilities using counting and Bayes
DS102 DS101 3 I I I I
Structure 2 Theorem of a sample computing problem.
3. solving equations involving recurrence and relate them to
recursive algorithms.
1. Reason about memory leaks, dangling-pointer dereference.
And the benefits and limitations of garbage collection through an
understanding of programming language implementation and how
memory is organized.
Programming 2. Evaluate the appropriateness of the use of programming
PL101 CC104 3 E E E E E
Languages language for implementing a particular application based on
language features.
3. Implement a simple interpreter or a portion of the language
translation process such as lexical analyzer parser, code
generator or optimizer.
AL101 Algorithm and DS101/ 3 1. Use big O notation formally to give asymptotic upper bounds on E E E E
Complexity CC104 time and space complexity of algorithm
2. Choose and apply most appropriate algorithm design
technique(divide and conquer, backtracking, greedy, dynamic
programming) for solving problem.
3. Describe the behavior and running time of various searching,
sorting and graphs algorithm.
1. Design Finite State machines, regular expressions, context-free
grammar, push down automata and Turing machines for
Automata Theory
modelling a given language; and define the classes P and NP and
AL102 and Formal AL101 3 E E E E
explain their significance to computing applications.
2. Apply the concept of state machine in the design and
implementation of software.
1. Implement a simple client-server pocket-based application that
meet the needs of an organization against security threats.
Networks and 2. Design and implement a simple reliable network protocol
NC101 CC103 3 E E E E E E E
Communications through the diagnosis and fixing of common network problem.
3. Compare and contrast the fixed and dynamic allocation
1. Analyze the tradeoffs inherent in OS design
Operating 2. Compare and contrast the algorithms used for processor
OS101 CC104 3 scheduling and the different ways of allocating memory to tasks. E E E E E E E
3. Design and create concurrent programs considering
synchronization issues.
1. Design the basic building blocks of the computer logic
arithmetic-logic unit (gate-level), register(gate-level), central
Architecture and DS101/ processing unit(register transfer-level), memory(register transfer-
AR101 3 E E E
Organization CC104 level).
2. Write simple program in assembly language.
1. Argue the pros and cons of the design and implementation of
Social Issues and computing solutions in education, industry and government, to
SP101 Professional SE102 3 name a few E E E E
Practice 2. Evaluate professional, ethical and social issues of computing
SE101 Software IM101/ 3 1. Discuss the difference between the waterfalls-based model and E E E E E E E E E E
Engineering 1 SDF104 agile-based model, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of
these models.
2. Extract user requirements translate these to formal models and
present these using UML-based visualization.

3. Design an over-all architecture of system, and justify its

4. Translate program designs and specifications into actual
program codes.
1. Improve an existing software by adopting an appropriate design
2. Translate program designs and specifications into actual
program codes.
3. Design test case documents applying good testing practices,
Software run the existing program against this test cases, and report
SE102 SE101 3 D D D D D D D D D D
Engineering 2 program defects properly.
4. Update a software that requires defect fixing or has undergone
some changes in specification.

1. Develop appropriate user interfaces for domain specific

HCI101 Computer CC103 1 E E E E E E E
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of a design of an application or product in solving
domain-specific problem.
1. Describe the sets of controls and processes both technical and policy
intended to protect and defend information and information systems by
ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication and confidentiality and
providing for non-repudiation.
IAS101 Assurance and IM101 2 E E E E E E
2. Articulate the strengths and weaknesses associated with
Security 1
different approaches to security to the validity of current and past
process and data.

1. Formulate the research objectives, scope and limitations and

4 Year
th evaluate metric for a chosen topic
THS101 CS Thesis 1 3 2. Collect and compare related literature related to the topic. D D D D D D D D D D
3. Propose an ethical and feasible software solution to the
identified research problems that employs new designs, tools and
methodologies, as well as unique and useful enhancement, with
creating a prototype software system in mind or with
demonstrating that a certain theory / Algorithm / design might work
through exploratory and experimental research.
1. Collect pertinent data to support research objectives of the
2. Design and Architecture and components of the proposed
THS102 CS Thesis 2 THS101 3 D D D D D D D D D D
software solutions.
3. Justify the proposed solutions feasibility and effectiveness to
solve the computing problem.
1. Analyze, Design, Implement, Test, Maintain, and/or document a
software system as applied to real-world problem, as part of a
PRC101 Practicum 3rd Standing 3 D D D D D D D D D D
team in actual company environment, thereby also developing
personal and intrapersonal working skills in the process.

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