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For October 20, 2022

1. Discussion Forum 1.
DF1 is about the principles and process of communication and ethics in communication.  
Choose 1 (A or B) to answer.

A. Recall an actual written or oral communication you had recently then do/answer the following
in three paragraphs (350-500 words).  Describe the communication event identifying the
purpose and the elements involved in the process. (Paragraph 1, 2-3 short sentence) Would
you consider the communication effective or successful?  Why or why not? (Paragraph 2)
What could you have done to make the communication effective/successful or more
effective/successful? Why? Relate your answer to our discussion of transactional
communication. (Par 3)

B. Create a meme about ethical communication.  The purpose of the meme is to call the
attention of the readers regarding unethical practice/s on social media and the negative
consequences of these practices.  The meme should be original/your own creation, but you
may use photos and images available on the internet. Write a short explanation of your

2. Globalization and Communication (For our discussion on Monday)

A. What is globalization? What are the causes and effects of globalization?

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of the world's economies,

cultures, and inhabitants because of cross-border commerce in products and services,
technology, and movements of investment, people, and information.

Causes are improved communications, improved transportation, free trade agreements,

global banking, and the growth of companies.

Effects are changed food supply, division of labor, less job security, damage to environment,
and cultural impact,

B. Global Language and World English

1. Watch the video on English as a global language. (Why has English become the global

Most people believe English to be a global language since it is spoken and understood
by most of the the world's population in practically every location. English is surely used
in almost every industry, including education, medical, commerce, technology, tourism,
communication, and so on. Perhaps it is the English language's widespread acceptability
and usage that promotes it as an immensely important global language.

2. Watch David Crystal’s video on World English. (How do new varieties of English

English tends to arise as an import from an English-speaking region in non-English-

speaking regions. This can happen for a variety of causes, such as migration/diaspora,
colonization, the adoption of new technologies, and the growth of entertainment such
as movies.

3. Read about Philippine English on the Internet. (What is Philippine English? What are
some of the features of Philippine English?)

Philippine English is distinguished by a plethora of terms derived from several linguistic

sources, the most important of which being Filipino, the Tagalog-based national language,
and Spanish, the colonial language that preceded English.

C. Communication in a Multicultural Society

Read “Communication in a Multicultural Society and World.” What is culture? Who is
multiculturalist? Why is it necessary for people to be aware and accepting of cultural

Culture refers to the social behavior, institutions, and norms present in human societies, as
well as individuals' knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, conventions, capacities, and habits.

People who believe that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority
groups, deserve special recognition for their diversity within a dominant political culture are
referred to as multiculturalists.

Cultural awareness assists us in breaking down cultural boundaries, constructing cultural

bridges, and learning to love and appreciate individuals who are different from ourselves.
We can relate to people from different cultures better as we learn more about ourselves.

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