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Department of Education

Region VI-Western Visayas

Division of Capiz
District of Panay

School Year 2022 -2023
Proposed Action Objectives Strategies Success Indicator

•To train SSG and other club officers

•Request some faculty members and Enhancement of leadership
1. Leadership Training •To enhance their leadership
advisers, as Resource Speakers prowess among the SSG and other
School- based potentials on how to run and
•Invite other eloquent speakers Club Officers
manage their Organization

•To conduct information •Provide/ display some posters Information and dissemination
2. Anti-drug abuse
dissemination on the effects of •Invite speakers form the PDEA to lecture on campaigned on the harmful
prohibited drugs the harmful effects of the Prohibited drugs effects of the prohibited drugs

•Ask the assistance of the advisers to

monitor the proper waste segregation in
Proper implementation of the
3. Zero waste To maintain proper  waste the  classroom
Zero Waste Management in the
management management and school sanitation •Practice 3R’s (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle)
•Integration of Proper waste Disposal in
Science and health Subjects

•Conduct symposium
•To lessen/eradicate students who •Monitor the students inside/outside the
are smoking inside/Out side the campus
4. Smoke free school • Total Eradication of student
campus •Proper implementation of the school
campaign smokers
To lecture on the bad effects of policies.
smoking cigarette to our  health Draft Resolution/Ordinances to curb
student smokers
•Avoid Flood in the campus esp.
•Two seedlings each SSG officers
5. Tree Planting during  heavy rains • To intensify tree planting activity
•Request the DENR to provide Seedlings
Campaign To have a good atmosphere in the school and the community
ready for planting in a designated area
conducive for     learning

Improvement and maintainance

•To improve and help maintain •.Request the assistance of the PTA, LGUs
of  school facilities is a primordial
6.Brigada Eskwela school facilities and other and other generous individuals to donate
concerned which involved
infrastracture  projects of the school and finance  diff. school projects.

•.To enhance the reading skills of the •.Seek the assistance of the English Subject To improved Academic
7.Reading and Tutoring
students to improve their  academic teachers to identify slow learners and performance among identified
performance. provide them possible remediation classes slow learners.

•Awareness of the different problems •.Seek the assistance of the Guidance • To help minimize students
amongst students and find out what Counselor to counsel problematic students. truant in the school.
8.Peer Counseling
possible solutions  to curb these •.Conduct Peer Counseling seminar/training .To curb misbehavior amongst
problem. for the students. student.

•.Conduct Career Guidance Seminar

•.Seek the assistance of the Guidance
•To guide the students  on how to • To help  and direct the students
9.Career Guidance. Counselor
plan and how to achieve their goals. to plan for their future.
•Invite Eloquent Speakers to talk about
Career Planning.

Prepared by: Noted:

School SPG Coordinator School Principal III

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Capiz
District of Panay
School Year 2022 -2023


AUGUST -Brigada Eskwela -To promote -Participation during the -Principal, -Human Services, With
 (Cleaning the school camaraderie among Opening and Closing Teachers, Parents. donations from documentation
grounds, helping the teachers pupils in school Program of Brigada Pupils and stakeholders such
cleaning the classroom, etc.) community Eskwela Stakeholders as cleaning
materials, paints,
-To get involve in the -Grouping the SPG Officers etc.)
different activities on assigned to the different
Brigada Eskwela areas in school

-First Pupils’ General -To introduce the newly- -Room to room campaigns
SEPTEMBER Assembly of the beginning of elected SPG Officers to Principal, -Human Services
the school year the studentry Teachers, &
-Clean and Green Campaign -To provide good -Educate students on proper
environment for learning waste disposal and

-May Pera sa Basura Fund -To promote proper -Selling  used papers and
Raising garbage segregation bottles
-Monthly Evaluation and -To generate funds for
critiquing / SPG Meeting building the SPG Office

OCTOBER -Clean and Green Campaign -To promote healthy -Disseminate information -Principal, PTA SPG Funds,
living through buying right after Flag Ceremony Officers, Brgy. Donations
-Health Awareness Campaign and eating nutritious on Health Awareness Officials from  Barangay
food in the canteen Teachers, & Officials and
-May Pera sa Basura Fund -Symposium Pupils PTA
Raising -To train pupils for
effective and efficient -Conduct General
-Class President’s League leadership Assembly for the class
-SPG Leadership Training -To promote leadership
potentials and self- -Conduct Leadership
-Monthly Evaluation and confidence among the Training for the SPG
/SPG Meeting pupils Officers

November -Peer Tutoring on Academic -To contribute to school -Conduct tutorial and -Principal, PTA Books from
Subjects aspirations to promote reading activity in school Officers, Brgy. Library Hub
(Math, English, Science) quality education and and community during Officials
academic excellence vacant hours Teachers, &
- Reading -A-Story Program Pupils

-Monthly Evaluation and

Critiquing/SPG Meeting

-Anti-Smoking Campaign -To disseminate -Room to Room Campaign -Principal, PTA -SPG Funds
DECEMBER information about the Officers, Brgy.
bad effects of smoking -Symposium Officials
in our health Teachers, &

JANUARY -Search for the Cleanest -To motivate studentry -Through  contest -Principal, PTA -SPG Funds
Classroom and Sector in maintaining Officers,
cleanliness of their Teachers, &
classroom and sector Pupils
-English Speaking and -To develop students’ -Information drive through -Principal, PTA -SPG Funds
Reading Campaign speaking skills posters and tarps posted on Officers, Brgy. DECEMBER
walls Officials
Teachers, &
-Fund Raising Activity ‘Pa- -To raise funds to -Selling raffle tickets for Pupils
raffle mula sa Piso’ support the projects and one peso each
activities of the
-Monthly Evaluation and organization
Critiquing/SPG Meeting

MARCH -Fund Raising Activity during -To generate funds to -Garage Sale -Principal, PTA
Foundation Day support the projects and Officers,Teachers,
activities of SPG & Pupils
-SPG Christmas Party

APRIL -Clean Up Drive -To  promote goodwill, -Cleaning the school -Principal, PTA -Human Services
unity and cooperation campus Officers,
among pupils Teachers, &

MAY -SPG Election Period -To elect new sets of -SPG Elections -Principal, PTA -SPG Funds
SPG Officers Officers,
Teachers, &

JUNE -SPG Induction of Officers -To turnover the SPG to -SPG Induction Program -Principal, -SPG Funds
the newly- Teachers, &
elected  officers Pupils
Prepared by: Noted:

School SPG Coordinator School Principal III

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