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The reading and the lecture are both about people who take risks in

some activities. The author of the reading believes that those people take risk
with no reason. However, the professor in the listening passage explains that
sometimes take risks is not that bad.
First of all the author claims that this type of personality is illogical and
shouldn’t be accepted. This point is challenged by the speaker, he says that
most of those people have skills and they are capacitated to take risks.
Secondly, the author states that there are some people that can take
risks because of their jobs, such as soldiers or lumberjacks, but there are
people who put their lives in risk for no reasons, for example, those who drive
in dangerous races should be considered with pathological problems. Again
the lecturer believes that there are flaws in the writer´s arguments. He thinks
that those people who like to take risks know what they are doing.
Finally, the writer mentions that most of these behaviors are
understandable in young people, but there are a lot of adults that are trying
to hide their personality problems doing this type of illogical things that put in
risk their lives. The lecturer, however disagrees, he thinks that those people
have confidence in themselves, and in some cases, they can feel pleasure
doing those things, which is really good.
No one can deny that there are both positive and negative aspects of
fiction and nonfiction books. If I were forced to choose, I would definitely
choose nonfiction books. In my opinion, nonfiction books such as self-help
books or real histories are better because we can learn things that help us in
different aspects in real life, and I will develop these ideas in the subsequent

To begin with, I think that if I have a problem I can go to a book and

read about solutions and it could be easier for me to solve them. I have to
admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my
own personal experience. You see, two years ago, my cousin had an accident
and it was really difficult for me to get into a car after that, so I started to
read a book which talks about traumas and how to get over them. As a
result, I had the courage and I could get into a car again. For this reason, I
think is really important to read books that offer help for those who need.

Secondly, if we read about history and important facts, we will have

more knowledge, which is important when we are in an important
conversation. Drawing from my own experience, once I read a book about the
ancient Rome, and one year later I visited Rome and it was more exciting
because I already knew the history of most of those places. Moreover, I could
have interesting conversations with other people who knew a lot about Rome

In light of the above mentioned reasons, I strongly believe that read

about real things is important because it helps us and informs us important

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