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What inspires us? People or their words?

Elias J. Rosales

10th A

Global Perspectives

Ms. Lucely Reyes

October 21, 2022

-First, what is inspiration itself? Inspiration is defined as the motivational state that

compels individuals to bring ideas into fruition, in other words is to do things the things

that you have in mind things that you desire to do. As surprisingly as it might sound,

scientist do not have analyzed because the concept of inspiration brings a numerous

amount of challenges like the difficulty of operationalization, also the clarity of what it

means and the preconceptions that whether inspiration is unimportant.(

And for the former reasons listed before, the Tripartite Conceptualization says that the

three most relevant traits of inspiration are: evocation, transcendence, and approach.

Evocation refers that something is “manifested” rather than initiated, and it applies to

inspiration because people does not feel directly inspired from themselves, they start

feeling inspired when they see or hear something, a stimulus, and that is what evokes

the inspiration, the words from other or something they saw from others. And when

someone is inspired, that person becomes aware of what can happen if they continue to

go the path they are going. That awareness makes that person to generate ideas and

make the change.(

(Tharsh and Elliot(2004)) argued that inspiration comes from a “by” and a “to”. This

means that when we get inspired “by” something is because we perceive something

that is to our liking or we simply appreciate something, and when we get inspired “to” is

when we want to do something or achieve something. And when we combine the “by”

and “to” inspiration, we get something called the inspiration to create, from the ideas

we get from our inspiration, we try to bring those ideas into reality, working on those

ideas and eventually those ideas becoming something real. People may confuse that

inspiration is the source of creativity, inspiration is the motivational response to creative

-How we get inspired, or what inspires us? We usually get inspired by people, their

words brings us that stimulus that was said before, but not all are fitted to be

inspirational, they must have certain traits.(

And those traits include having the courage, having the courage of telling us to be

better, stop being weak, scared or stuck. Another trait is empathy for others, those

people try to understand us, understand our stories and give us a way to get though it

and be better at the end of the day. To identifying someone inspirational, they will be

emotionally healthy and healed, this means that they have overcame their past and

other unpleasant occurrences, and that made them strong and someone to rely on. And

finally the last trait someone inspirational has, is that the use themselves to make a

differences, they are using themselves to give a example of what inspiration can do.


-Now that we have discussed the definition of inspiration and how it manifests , and

how to become someone inspirational, what it is left is: How or where do we get

inspiration itself?

We humans get inspired by the most arbitrarily things, like the ones listed here:

 Changing our environment/ We may me “blocked” or “restrained” by our current

environment, so changing it might get us inspired by seeing the things that we are


 Learning something new/ Learning something new will get us outside our

boundaries and get inspired by the things we do not know and desire to learn.

 Getting back to nature/ Most people is accustomed to be indoors, but they are

missing the wonders of our world, seeing how beautiful the world or life itself can

be, you might get inspired.

 Music/ Music is just not a hobby, music is an art, it is so beautiful that it can reach

your soul and affect you in many ways, in one of that way is getting inspired.

 Meditating/ Sitting down, maybe combining nature and music, and give you some

minutes to yourself, thinking the many things you have achieved, what you want to

achieve, will get you inspired to keep going.

 Give yourself time/ Relax. Do not rush things, give you some time to do the things

you like, taking a break might help you to organize yourself and find inspiration on


 Stepping out of your comfort zone/ Experience things you have never experienced,

you might find something you love and find inspiration in that, wanting to continue


There are many more reasons or sources to get inspiration, but these are the most

inlfluential ones. This reasons maybe arbitrary as mentioned before, but as arbitrary

as they might be, they help us to be better, be a better version of ourselves.


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