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Dear [Name of the party who breached the contract],

I am writing to express my disappointment and concern regarding your breach of contract.

As you are aware, we entered into an agreement on [date] to [briefly describe the nature of
the contract and the obligations of both parties].

However, I have recently discovered that you have failed to fulfill your obligations under the
contract. Specifically, [describe the nature of the breach and how it has impacted you]. I
believe this constitutes a clear breach of the agreement between us.

I would like to bring to your attention that this breach of contract is unacceptable and puts
me in a difficult position. I expect you to remedy this situation immediately and to take
appropriate measures to ensure that such breaches do not occur in the future.

I am willing to discuss ways in which we can resolve this issue amicably, but I must insist
that you take responsibility for your actions and fulfill your obligations under the contract.

Please respond to this letter in writing within [state a reasonable timeframe] to confirm that
you have received it and that you will take the necessary steps to rectify the situation. If I do
not hear back from you within the specified time frame or if no satisfactory resolution is
reached, I may be forced to take legal action to enforce the terms of the contract.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your name]

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