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Harry Potter is worth it?

The first time I mentioned a Harry Potter movie to you, I really had no hope that I would
like it, so whenever they offered me to see Harry Potter I refused, however, one day I didn't
have a single movie to watch, so I decide to venture out to see Harry Potter for the first

I didn't like it, I was too bored with the first movie, but I decided to give it a second chance
and watch the second movie: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and contrary to the
first movie, it completely mesmerized me, I really couldn't contain myself and decided
continue with the saga, and I have to admit that the third film was my favorite: Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it has some very fanciful characters and they really wreak
havoc on you, the prison keepers, the dementors gave me chills , I think the creators of
these characters are incredible and contain a lot of imagination, I think they were what most
captured my attention throughout the Saga.

My second favorite movie in the saga is: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, including
competitions and skills from each school, it was like a sports competition and that type of
event really caught my attention, the suspense they put in those scenes and the drama is
wonderful. The rest of the movies are really entertaining, but I feel like it's the same as
always, a new problem, Harry is the one chosen to solve it and, in the end, either someone
dies or there is a loss that leads to solving the problem, these two movies are from my
favorites, both for the new characters and the context they put into it.

At the end of the saga, or rather, in the last film, where the children of the protagonists are
seen and how they are going to get on the train and everything is reunited, it really caused
me a feeling of nostalgia, I have to admit that I cried at that part, because they had all gone
through tragic encounters or moments in their lives, and in the end they managed to be
happy and have a family with the people they loved.

However, that does not take away the fact that the first Harry Potter movie was crap,
because even when I saw it again, it was a tragedy for my eyes to see that movie again.

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