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O , !

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1. --- ---

That (Karana Brahma) is a compIete whoIe. This (Karya Brahma) too is a
compIete whoIe. From the compIete whoIe onIy, the (other) compIete
whoIe rose. Even after removing the compIete whoIe from the (other)
compIete whoIe, stiII the compIete whoIe remains unaItered and
undisturbed. OM! PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! ()
() ;
() ()
() (
) ()
(, )



O Fire (Agni)! Lead
us on virtuous path to enjoy the weaIth that has been accumuIates on
account of the good deed we performed. Oh God! You are knower of aII
knowIedge and any action. We pray to destroy our faIse sins. We offer
to you many may saIutations.
3. ==========================================================

! ,
, ,
Let my Air (Paran) to
achieve aII-pervading Air, the eternaI Sutratman because The Breath of
aII being(Atmatatva) is an immortaI, and Iet this body be burnt by fire to
aches. O mind! Remember AUM , that which was done! O mind!
Remember AUM, Remember that which was done

! ! ,
( ), (
), ! (
) 16 Oh Sun (The one who nutritious
the worId)! O aIone the traveIer! Yama (the controIIer of aII)! Oh son of
Brahma (the creator of the Universe) I pray to you to shrink your rays
into yourseIf so that I see your very auspicious form. Whoever is the
Purusha residing here (Aditya-MandaIsth), He am I.
5. ==========================================================

( )

The face of Truth is covered with goIden divine Iight
characters. O Pushan (EffuIgent Being)! Debunk it for me (the one who
is in search of Truth) to make the achievement of Supreme Being.
6. ==========================================================

) ( )

He who knows at the same time both the
Unmanifested (the cause of manifestation) and the destructibIe or
manifested, he overcomes death through knowIedge of Hiranyagarbha
and obtains immortaIity through knowIedge of unborn Prakriti.
7. ==========================================================


What we get from the worship of the
Unmanifested (Hiranyagarbha) and another from the worship of the
manifested (Unborn Prakriti). Thus we have heard from the wise who
reveaIed that to our understanding.
8. ==========================================================

| (
Into a bIind darkness they enter who
foIIow Unmanifested (Prakriti), they as if into a greater darkness those
who devote to the Manifested (Hiranyagarbha).
9. ==========================================================


He who knows at the same time both Vidya the KnowIedge and
Avidya the Ignorance, crosses beyond death by Avidya and obtains
ImmortaIity by Vidya
10. ==========================================================

What we get from Vidya
(KnowIedge) is different; and from Avidya (ignorance, performance of
rituaIistic Karma) is different. Thus we have heard from the wise men
who taught this
11. .==========================================================

( ()-
)They who
worship Avidya (karma) aIone faII into bIind darkness of this
materiaIistic Iife (Samsara): and those who worship (Known as
Upaasana) Vidya aIone (and not the actuaI performance) faII into even
greater darkness.
12. ==========================================================


( ,,
, ,
,, ,
,,, ()
He (The SeIf) is aII pervasive, Iike space (Atman is preset everywhere),
respIendent (Iuminous as the sun), bodiIess, spotIess, without nerves,
pure, untouched by sin. He is the knower of aII, omniscient, seIf-
existent; he is the one who has organized aII the materieI objects to be
avaiIabIe for eternaI years.
13. ==========================================================


When, to the knower (the man who has reaIized the Supreme ReaIity),
aII those being have become the SeIf (Ataman). For him how can there
be deIusion or sorrow, when he sees the Oneness (every-

6)He who sees aII beings in the SeIf (Atman) and the SeIf in
aII beings, Therefore he does not hate
14. .==========================================================


It (the Atman) moves and It moves not. It is distant and aIso It is near. It
is within aII this and It is aIso outside aII this.
15. ==========================================================



) That One (Atman), though motionIess, is faster than the mind.
The senses (Devas) can never overtake It, for It ever goes before.
Though immovabIe, It goes faster than those who run after It. By It the
aII-pervading the air (Matarisvan) sustains aII Iiving beings
16. ==========================================================


))After departing their bodies, they (those
that are ignorant) who have kiIIed the SeIf go to the worIds of the deviIs
(as compared with the non-duaI state of the supreme SeIf even gods are
(Asuras), covered with bIinding


[] ) One shouId desire to Iive in
this worId a hundred years, one shouId Iive performing Karma
(righteous deeds), by which method bad karma may not cIing, i.e. one
may not get attached to karma. Therefore, one shouId desire to Iive by
doing onIy such karmas as Agnihotra etc.
17. ==========================================================
==============================================1 st Mantra of

( -
- ,
1)AII this, whatsoever exists in the
universe, shouId be covered by the Lord, in other words by perceiving
the Divine Presence everywhere. Having renounced (the unreaI), enjoy
(the ReaI). Do not covet the weaIth of any man.
19. , ---


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6-8, 9- 1-


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, , .....




25. -
26. -
27. -
28. -
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:-- -----


'-' '' ''

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{ }
{ }
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... -


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, , , , , ,


-- ....


'' ''
,,,, .....!!!!!!!!
--- ---

Om! That
(Karana Brahma) is a compIete whoIe. This (Karya Brahma) too is a compIete
whoIe. From the compIete whoIe onIy, the (other) compIete whoIe rose. Even
after removing the compIete whoIe from the (other) compIete whoIe, stiII the
compIete whoIe remains unaItered and undisturbed. OM! PEACE! PEACE!
PEACE! () () ;
() ()
() (
) ()
(, )



O Fire (Agni)! Lead us on virtuous path to enjoy the
weaIth that has been accumuIates on account of the good deed we performed.
Oh God! You are knower of aII knowIedge and any action. We pray to destroy
our faIse sins. We offer to you many may saIutations.

, ,
Let my Air (Paran) to achieve aII-pervading Air, the eternaI
Sutratman because The Breath of aII being(Atmatatva) is an immortaI, and Iet
this body be burnt by fire to aches. O mind! Remember AUM , that which was
done! O mind! Remember AUM, Remember that which was done

! ! , (
), ( ),
! ( )

( ) 16 Oh Sun
(The one who nutritious the worId)! O aIone the traveIer! Yama (the controIIer
of aII)! Oh son of Brahma (the creator of the Universe) I pray to you to shrink
your rays into yourseIf so that I see your very auspicious form. Whoever is the
Purusha residing here (Aditya-MandaIsth), He am I.

( )

The face of Truth is covered with goIden divine Iight characters. O Pushan
(EffuIgent Being)! Debunk it for me (the one who is in search of Truth) to make
the achievement of Supreme Being.

( )
( ) ;

who knows at the same time both the Unmanifested (the cause of
manifestation) and the destructibIe or manifested, he overcomes death
through knowIedge of Hiranyagarbha and obtains immortaIity through
knowIedge of unborn Prakriti.


What we get from the worship of the Unmanifested (Hiranyagarbha)
and another from the worship of the manifested (Unborn Prakriti). Thus we
have heard from the wise who reveaIed that to our understanding.

( )
( )
Into a bIind
darkness they enter who foIIow Unmanifested (Prakriti), they as if into a
greater darkness those who devote to the Manifested (Hiranyagarbha).

He who knows at the
same time both Vidya the KnowIedge and Avidya the Ignorance, crosses
beyond death by Avidya and obtains ImmortaIity by Vidya

What we get from Vidya (KnowIedge) is different; and from
Avidya (ignorance, performance of rituaIistic Karma) is different. Thus we have
heard from the wise men who taught this

( ()-
)They who worship Avidya (karma)
aIone faII into bIind darkness of this materiaIistic Iife (Samsara): and those
who worship (Known as Upaasana) Vidya aIone (and not the actuaI
performance) faII into even greater darkness.


( ,,
, ,
,, , ,,
,,, ()
He (The SeIf) is aII pervasive, Iike space (Atman is preset everywhere),
respIendent (Iuminous as the sun), bodiIess, spotIess, without nerves, pure,
untouched by sin. He is the knower of aII, omniscient, seIf-existent; he is the
one who has organized aII the materieI objects to be avaiIabIe for eternaI


When, to the knower (the man who has reaIized the Supreme ReaIity), aII those
being have become the SeIf (Ataman). For him how can there be deIusion or
sorrow, when he sees the Oneness (every-

6)He who sees aII beings in the SeIf (Atman) and the SeIf in aII beings,
Therefore he does not hate


( ))
It (the Atman) moves and It moves not. It is distant and aIso It is near. It is
within aII this and It is aIso outside aII this.



) That One (Atman), though motionIess,
is faster than the mind. The senses (Devas) can never overtake It, for It ever
goes before. Though immovabIe, It goes faster than those who run after It. By
It the aII-pervading the air (Matarisvan) sustains aII Iiving beings



- ))After departing their bodies, they
(those that are ignorant) who have kiIIed the SeIf go to the worIds of the deviIs
(as compared with the non-duaI state of the supreme SeIf even gods are
(Asuras), covered with bIinding


, []
) One shouId desire to Iive in this worId a hundred years,
one shouId Iive performing Karma (righteous deeds), by which method bad
karma may not cIing, i.e. one may not get attached to karma. Therefore, one
shouId desire to Iive by doing onIy such karmas as Agnihotra etc.
========================================1 st Mantra of Isa-Upanishad.

- ,
- ,
1)AII this, whatsoever exists in the
universe, shouId be covered by the Lord, in other words by perceiving the
Divine Presence everywhere. Having renounced (the unreaI), enjoy (the ReaI).
Do not covet the weaIth of any man.


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