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Department of Education

B. University of the Philippines

C. Robinson Malls
D. San Miguel Corporation
We do what is right
We believe in doing our best
We take accountability for our decision
We think innovation
We help our people succeed
We are a good neighbor
We advocate sustainable development

E. Smart Communications

Questions to Ponder
1. What are the common values adopted by the companies mentioned?
Accountability, Innovation and Sustainability
2. What do you think is the importance of having Core Principles?
Core values are the things that you hold most dear in your daily life and work. Your
priorities and the priorities of your company should be determined by your core values.
Core values are what support your company’s vision and help shape its culture. Their
principles, beliefs, and philosophies are the essence of the company’s identity. It’s
critical to remember that core values are about both collective and individual behaviors.
Shared core values are a powerful reminder in a virtual environment that no single
person can achieve everything on their own. Core values foster connection and trust
among employees in this way. Clarity about your values and needs can help you build a
strong life foundation, provide a foundation for life and work decisions, and improve
life-work balance.

3. What is the effect of these Core Values and Principles to the following?
a. The management

Core values light the way for your team. They tell employees, prospects, and
customers who you are as a company. And if your team doesn’t know who you
are or what you’re about – well, they’re not going to be able to effectively
represent your brand. It educate clients and potential customers about what the
company is about and clarify the identity of the company. Especially in this
competitive world, having a set of specific core values that speak to the public is
definitely a competitive advantage.

b. The employees and other stakeholders

They accept and acknowledge responsibility for their actions, products,
decisions, and policies. It can be applied to both individual employee
accountability and corporate accountability. They take a proactive stance to
create and maintain a healthy work-life balance for coworkers. Committing to
excellent product, service, and other initiatives that benefit people both inside
and outside the organization.
c. The society

Core values are significant in society because they serve as a foundation for
protection, guidance, affection, and support. By providing an unwavering
guide, core values also assist our society in determining if they are on the right
track and achieving their goals.

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