WT1-3 Timed Writing

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Surya Tarmiani

The diagram gives information on the phases life of wild salmons.

In general, there are two places that wild salmon will life from an egg until adult, in river and in open

For the beginning, upper river is a location where salmon eggs lay beneath reeds among small
stones. It is needed approximately five to six months for the eggs to change in to a fry. In this stage
the fish has tiny size, around 3 to 8 centimeters. After that, the fry is moving to lower river. However
for the following four years, it changes to a smolt with body length around 12 to 15 centimeters.

The following phases is a migration of a smolt from a river to a sea. In a sea, they grow become adult
salmon with a body length around 70 to 76 centimeters. This process takes approximately for 5
years. So, it needs almost 9,5 years for a salmon to grow from an egg until adult fish.

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