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Name: Chenny Quiño Betaizar

Course & Year: BSEd-MATH IV

FS 1. Episode 4. Professional Development Through MOOCS

1. Review the seven domains of PPST and identify the competencies you like to develop more.
2. Visit the MOOC providers and explore the courses offered that are relevant to PPST domains you
like to work on.
3. Reflect on how you can continue developing your skills through MOOCS.

1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies.
2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you identified. You
may try these sites:
 http://ww2/
4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the different MOOC
providers to explore their MOOCS.

PPST Competencies I want to MOOCs related to the MOOC

work on competency/ies (Include a Provider
short description)
1. Content Learn about innovation, Discover your creative COURSERA
Knowledge and creativity, and change. uniqueness through creative
Pedagogy diversity, and develop
innovative and applied
value creation skills to
spark long-term change.
2. The Learning The learning environment Effective classroom COURSERA
Environment is something I want to interactions: Supporting
improve so that my Young children’s
students can learn clearly development provides
and successfully. conducive learning

Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5
3. Diversity of I want to improve on Everyday morality COURSERA
Learners treating my future investigates the
students fairly and psychological function of
patiently. our moral lives.
4. Curriculum and To study well and achieve K-12 teaching in the 21st COURSERA
Planning everything, use all of the century provides new
learning strategies teaching strategies to
provided for students. develop more the
5. Assessing and I want to sharpen my Performance evaluation in COURSERA
Reporting performance abilities so I the virtual classroom is an
can be a successful effective measure of
instructor in the future. performance, and
I’ll use my skills in this evaluation is an essential
situation. component of any virtual
6. Community In such scenario, I’ll have The effective COURSERA
Linkages and a heart to pass on my communication
Professional knowledge to my future specialization takes you on
Engagement student. a journey of self realization.
You’ll learn that excellence
communication involves
the ability to express.
7. Personal Growth I want to improve every Computer skills and COURSERA
and Professional aspect of my skills, thus I literacy provides students
Development want to work on that. To with a comprehensive
prepare for the real world, introduction to computers.
I wish to. Students will explore a
variety of topics in

From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe are the most
appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.
This course is being offered by the courser. A platform for education called Courser works with
leading colleges all around the world to provide online courses to everyone.

Objectives of the MOOC:

This course will provide you with practical advice on how to prepare and deliver speeches well in
contexts that are characteristic of the United States. You’ll discover how to plan a presentation,
make it memorable, and communicate effectively. You can use this to hone your public speaking
abilities for business or education.

Content Outline
Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5
You will benefit from having many chances to practice the presentation skills you acquire in this
course. Additionally, it aids in giving you the experiences you require to speak with greater
assurance in a professional or academic setting. The videos that the students film of themselves
giving the assigned presentations will be uploaded for peer review.

Why did you pick this MOOC?

It will significantly improve my speaking ability as a student. This course might give me the
confidence I need to speak in front of a large crowd. This will improve my communication skills,
and it will prepare me for my future career by giving me the assurance I need to interact with


The MOOC provider is coursera, which was developed by UCI Extension continuing education.
A welcome message and an explanation of the speciality are presented at the start of the course.

Objectives of the MOOC:

The learning objectives are designed to help you assess whether the specialization’s goals and
your own learning objectives are a good fit. Determine how well you now communicate in
business English. Develop vocabulary linked to jobs and businesses while presenting pertinent
facts about yourself in a discussion forum.

Content Outline
This course requires a five-week time commitment per day and includes topics like introductions,
meeting arrangements over the phone, and meeting arrangements as its final unit (Email). You
will start to study terms and concepts connected to networking and socializing during the course.

Why did you pick this MOOC?

I anticipated that taking this MOOC would improve my speaking abilities and give me linguistic
practice. It will assist me in acquiring experience in business startup. By increasing my
vocabulary and developing my public speaking skills, I will also get ready for my future career.


The courser, which is the provider of this instruction, was created to support students in becoming
content experts. In-class exercises that are participatory and include difficult assessments are

Objectives of the MOOC:

The goal of this course is to help students gain the knowledge and abilities that are thought to be
necessary for success in scientific writing.

Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5
Content Outline
To create a publishable work that editors will take seriously, you will hone your proficiency using
a variety of academic literacy skills and self-editing techniques. To match the standards of
contemporary research articles, you will understand the unwritten guidelines of good writing.

Why did you pick this MOOC?

I chose this course because it will develop my writing abilities while also educating me on the
publication of research. To raise awareness of the issues with our environment and to try to write
a journal or essay about them. Writing down my thoughts will help me express them.
1. How can MOOCs help you in the future career as a professional teacher and as a lifelong learner?
MOOCs have helped me recognize that technology plays a significant role in both our lives and
our learning as a prospective teacher. We can explore more novel ideas through MOOCs that can
aid us in our teaching-learning process. As a prospective teacher, it is more easy for me to obtain
knowledge, and at the same time, it aids in the development of my computer literacy as I explore
online learning through MOOCs. Many pupils might benefit from using this instructional course
material. MOOCs give you the chance to receive a top-notch education as a lifelong learner. I will
become a more learned person as a result of taking MOOCs, and I hope to one day impart that
information to my students. Additionally, it aids in your job preparation. I employ it in my daily
work as a teacher to help kids pursue further education.

2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the MOOCs?
One of the things that Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) providers have taught me is that
technology gives many people the chance to receive a top-notch education. In addition, MOOCs
presently stand in for distance learning. Because MOOCs are group online courses, they are more
practical for folks with hectic schedules who can’t attend school. If there is an internet
connection, anyone can watch this course from anywhere. Although the course is online, team
members use interaction chances to build a learning community. Participants in MOOCs have the
option of taking an online quiz to gauge their understanding of the subjects covered in class.
Additionally, they utilize technology to give participants feedback on how well they performed.

3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCs, as a learner, and as a teacher who may someday
teach MOOC?
Through my utilization of this course, I will aim to prepare for Mass OpenOnline Courses
(MOOC). I plan to investigate their MOOC providers, such as Coursera, Edx, Udacity, Udemy,
and Iversity, in the hopes of learning more about this course. I’ll get a better understanding of
their offerings by exploring these courses. For me, trying out MOOCs won’t be tough. Then, in
order to be ready for future professors who might be able to teach MOOCs utilizing them once
more, I experimented with these courses. I’m confident that I will then develop my abilities to
operate more skillfully. Consequently, I shall successfully assist my upcoming students in their
academic endeavors. Online learning and conventional learning are both equally effective for me.
The location is the only thing separating the two. Both aid participants or students in their

Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5
learning in various ways. In conclusion, since MOOCs are conventional but accessible through
technology, getting ready for them is not difficult.


1. Include here the pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put your
comments/annotations about what you observed.

The progression of the photos above shows how teaching aids are used from the start of the class
to its conclusion. It is obvious from this documentation that using laptops and projectors to
engage your students in your session is effective.

2. Visit or the teacher resource websites. Print useful instructional materials
(worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, rubrics, etc.) and include them here. Indicate how they might
be useful considering your major or area of specialization.

Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5
The educational tools listed below are examples, and they are helpful in my area of expertise
since they help students improve their writing and reading comprehension abilities.

3. Visit
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe what you discovered and
share how these tools can be helpful to you as a teacher.

The World Wide Web, which is a part of My Learning Essential, resembles a limitless network of
information that keeps growing and growing—almost eternally. There are many different sorts of
electronic resources, including websites, WebQuests, blogs, social networking sites, online
courses, various tools, and various apps. The capacity to find knowledge and make decisions
about what to accept, use, and put aside are two of the most important talents you will need as a
future teacher. The goal is to improve your ability to evaluate online information.

4. Visit This a treasure box for you. Explore and share what you learned.

Various educational resources that aided the student’s learning were available when I visited the
website. Many instructor resources are available, including worksheets appropriate for the
student’s level, visual aids, flashcards, and worksheets. It’s enjoyable to look through this website
because it’s simple to use and includes lots of recommendations.

5. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you want to learn more
about. How can this gadget/material be useful in instruction/teaching?


The employment of technology in the fundamental structural changes may be essential to

achieving increased productivity. Technology transmission classrooms with digital learning tools,
Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5
like computers and mobile devices; course extension offers, experiences, and learning materials;
24/7 learning support; built 21st century skills; increase student engagement and motivation; and
accelerate learning are some examples of how it is used to support both teaching and learning.
Technology has the potential to revolutionize education by bringing in a new connected education
model. In order to help instructors become better teachers and personalize learning, this approach
links them with their students as well as with relevant professional content, tools, and systems.
By accelerating the rate of learning, lowering the cost of providing instructional materials or
programs, and making better use of teachers’ time, online learning possibilities, the usage of open
educational resources, and other technologies can improve educational productivity.

Reference: Maria Rita D. Lucas, Milagros L. Borabo, Purita P. Bilbao, Brenda B. Corpuz. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Copyright: 2020. Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Field Study 1 Learning Episode 5

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