Practice Questions

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Question #1: How do you make yourself physically fit?

Basically, I will make myself physically fit by having a balance and good diet accompanied with regular
exercise. I will also engage in activities that will challenge my body like joining sports and so on. With
this aforementioned, I believe I can make myself physically fit. Thank you.

Question #2: If you are given the chance to talk to the whole human race, what would you say about

If given a chance to talk to the whole human race, I would say that sports is something that each of us
should somehow engage in. Through sports , we could be able to somehow forget about our problems,
be amused and live in the moment. And not just that, sports allow us to be exercised and be physically
fit and healthy while enjoying at the same time. Thank you.

Question #3: With so many crisis that visit us today, how can you be of help as sports ambassador?

With all this crisis that we are all facing at present, as a sports ambassador , I can help others by
showing them that despite this uncertainties, no one can stop us in living our life to the fullest. Living life
by engaging ourselves in activities that enjoy us like sports. Further, I can help them by reminding them
that just like sports, life could be sometimes tough and we could fail but what matters the most is that
we keep on fighting and going. Thank you.

Question #4: How can sports improve our living?

Sports can improve our living by way of improving and developing our health, may it be our mental
health, emotional health, social health , physical health and our overall well being as a person. With this
so, I will be able to fullfil or do my chores and day to day activities efficiently. Further, sports can
improve our living as it energizes through relaxing and fun activities. Thank you.

Question #5: How would you promote healthy lifestyle?

I will promote a healthy lifestyle by way of first starting in myself . I will be doing regular exercises like
running, jogging , playing sports and so on. Then, I will encourage my love ones and friends to do the
same thing too and would tell them how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. #HealthIsWealth.
Thank you

Question #6: What is being healthy for you?

Personally, I have known people who have muscled and structured bodies , yet, died at the early age. So
for me, being healthy is not just about having a physically fit body but also having a good mental ,
emotional, spiritual and social health as well. Our physical appearance alone is not an assurance of
being healthy. Being healthy means being happy . Thank you.

Question #7: How can sports protect us from sickness?

Sports can protect us from sicknesses as it strengthens our immune system essentially. Doing sports or
engaging in physical activities allow us to be healthy and be physically fit. Thus, we are not prone to
diseases and illnesses . Thank you.
Question #8: How would sports make you a better person?

Sports can literally make me a better person as it could teach me a lot of life lessons and learnings to
reflect on . Furthermore, it would teach me to acquire essential traits like practice sportsmanship that
despite failing, we could still be grateful and thankful for the experience. Thank you.

Question #9 : Aside from the nutritious foods, what else are the needs of an athlete?

Aside from the nutritious foods, athletes need regular exercise . They also need moral support, words of
encouragement, words of motivation and most importantly athletes need faith in God. I strongly believe
that these are the secret ingredient for athletes to succeed.

Question #10: What is sportsmanship for you?

Sportsmanship for me is the ability to accept defeats and failures. It is the ability to overcome them and
still be grateful despite the odds. Thank you.

Question #11: Why do you think you will win the competition?

Well for me, I think I will win the competition because I have what it takes to be your Mr. Intramurals. I
have a great skillset essential for one to have which is being grateful and passionate in what I do. Thank

Question #12: What is the essence of Intramurals?

The essence of Intramurals is that it serve as an opportunity for us to gather together and have fun . It is
an opportunity for us to showcase our skills and capabilities in particular sports and proficiency.
Intramurals allow us to develop physically and socially , thus, providing us sense of belonging. Thank

Question #13: What do you think is the best trait you can develop in practicing sports and why?

The best trait that I can develop in practicing sports is sportsmanship and camaraderie. Sportsmanship
which means ability to accept defeats and failures, overcome it and still be grateful . And camaraderie
that means success is achieved through unity and solidarity. Thank you .

Question #14: Who do you think will win as Mr Intramurals and why?

Inevitably, everyone of us here deserve to win as Mr Intramurals . But I think I will win as Mr Intramurals
because I have what it takes to be your Mr. Intramurals. I have a great skillset essential for one to have
which is being grateful and passionate in what I do. Thank you.

Question #15: Who do you idolize in sports and why?

Without a doubt, in sports, I really idolize our very own Manny Pacquiao , our Pambansang Kamao .
Aside from being so good at boxing, he is so faithful and God-fearing. I am just so inspired by it and I am
amazed by what God had made into his life. Indeed , #battles_are_won_withGod. Thank you.

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