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A New Method for Culture of Larvae Used in Diagnosis of

Ruminant Gastrointestinal Strongylosis: Comparison with Fecal

J. Hubert and D. Kerboeuf*

ABSTRACT RESUME Mots cl6s: nematode, strongle, rumi-

nants, culture, stades libres, diagnostic.
A study was carried out in order to Cette experience visait comparer
compare two techniques for culture of deux fa;ons de cultiver des larves de
strongyle larvae: the usual fecal cul- strongles, la coproculture classique en INTRODUCTION
ture and a new one where eggs were milieu fecal et une nouvelle methode
extracted from feces and larvae were qui consiste extraire les oeufs des The identification of species respon-
grown in a more defined medium (agar feces et A les faire 6voluer ensuite sur sible for strongylosis in ruminants is
plate fortified with Earle's medium une gelose enrichie de milieu d'Earle et difficult without slaughtering the
and yeast extract). The efficiency of d'extrait de levure. La deuxieme animal and examining the adult
"on-agar" cultures was better than that methode s'av6ra plus efficace que la worms. The diagnosis by means of
of the fecal cultures with a difference premiere, dans la proportion de 26%, coproscopical examination is extreme-
of 26% for Trichostrongylus colubri- pour Trichostrongylus colubriformis, ly tricky because of the similarities in
formis and 32% for Ostertagia circum- et de 32%, pour Ostertagia circum- the size and appearance of the eggs.
cincta. The variability observed cincta. La variabilit6 entre le nombre Only infective larvae are sufficiently
between the number of larvae col- de larves obtenues par chacune des different and have generic characters
lected from each culture was low (8% deux m6thodes s'6tabliten moyenne A which are lacking in other free living
on average) in comparison with that of 15%, pour la coproculture classique, stages. Infective larvae are usually
fecal cultures (15% on average) thus contre seulement 8%, pour la nouvelle obtained from fecal cultures. The
demonstrating a better reproducibil- methode, indice d'une meilleure development of free-living stages
ity. On the other hand growth of the reproductibilite de cette derniere; la requires a suitable environment
larvae was similar to that obtained in croissance des larves se revela toute- (temperature, moisture, oxygenation).
fecal medium. This new technique fois similaire a celle que donna la Fecal matter provides both the para-
avoids the difficulty of controlling the coproculture classique. La nouvelle sites and the culture medium.
conditions found in fecal cultures (par- methode elimine la difficult6 du con- Several methods for fecal cultures
ticularly moisture) and could become trole des conditions reliees a la copro- have been described (1,2,3,4,5). How-
a more accurate method for diagnosis culture classique, particulierement ever the conditions of these cultures
than the conventional methods. A l'humidite, et pourrait devenir une were incompletely defined and often
morphometric study of infective lar- methode de diagnostic plus precise que subjectively estimated. This may par-
vae derived from the two methods of les techniques conventionnelles. La tially explain their low efficiency (6),
culture was carried out. Despite the realisation d'une etude morphome- and the frequent selection of one spe-
more defined conditions of develop- trique des larves infestantes derivees cies over others.
ment in the "on-agar" cultures, it was des deux methodes experimentales In order to reduce these problems, a
not possible to obtain sufficiently revela, en depit des conditions de dive- new technique was perfected allowing
homogeneous populations with regard loppement mieux definies sur la gelose the eggs to develop after they had been
to their measurements so as to distin- precitee, l'impossibilite d'obtenir des transferred from feces to a better
guish larvae merely with the help of populations suffisamment homogines defined medium. This medium was
these criteria. quant a leurs dimensions pour pouvoir previously assessed for development
differencier les larves uniquement par of the mouse parasite: Heligmoso-
Key words: Nematode, strongyle, ces criteres. moides polygyrus (7).
ruminants, culture, free-living stages, To confirm its value, a comparison
diagnosis. between results obtained with the new
*I.N.R.A., C.R. de Tours-Nouzilly, Station de Pathologie Aviaire et de Parasitologie, Unite d'Helminthologie, 37380 Monnaie, France.
Reprint requests to D. Kerboeuf.
Submitted September 30, 1982.

Can J Comp Med 1984; 48: 63-71. 63

method and those obtained in fecal supernatant was discarded. A prelimi- Egg hatching requires low osmotic
cultures was necessary. Furthermore, nary study showed that no eggs were pressure (11) and thus water is a more
it seemed useful to determine the effi- lost with the supernatant. suitable fluid than nutritive medium
ciency and reproducibility of fecal cul- during this stage of development.
tures because only a few studies have Cleansing and recovering eggs -Five The nutritive medium consisted of
been published on that subject. Addi- hundred millilitres of a solution of Earle's saline solution concentrated
tionally a study of larval morphology magnesium sulphate (sp gr = 1.25) was tenfold (Eurobio, Paris, France) and
was carried out to determine both the added to the sediment remaining in the fortified with a yeast extract solution.
heterogeneity of larval size that can centrifuge tube. The contents were The last was prepared by adding I g of
result from these two methods of cul- mixed for I min and thereafter the yeast extract (Difco Laboratories,
ture, and, the value of using body mea- mixture was centrifuged at 1,000 g for Detroit, Michigan) to 90 mL of 0.85%
surements for the diagnosis of stron- 15 min. physiological saline and was auto-
gyle larvae. Two species of similar size The eggs were recovered by pouring claved at 1250C for 20 min before
were chosen intentionally: Tricho- the supernatant over a screen with a being used to prevent the development
strongylus colubriformis and Osterta- mesh opening of 0.020 mm and a of nonfecal bacteria.
gia circumcincta. diameter of 10 cm. The eggs were then Three millilitres of concentrated
washed off the screen with a gentle jet Earle's solution was mixed with 27 mL
of water. Since a lengthy exposure to of yeast extract solution. The pH of
MATERIALS AND METHODS magnesium sulphate will damage the the mixture was between 5.4 and 5.6
PARASITE SOURCE eggs, it was necessary to complete this and was adjusted to neutrality by
next step immediately. Eggs were adding bicarbonate. One millilitre of
Two four month old lambs of a gathered into a bottle and stored at this mixture was poured into each
Prealpes breed were experimentally 40 C. In order to extract eggs still Petri dish.
infected, one with 20,000 T. colubri- enclosed in the sediment, a second cen- Eggs as well as first and second stage
formis infective larvae and the other trifugation, similar to that described larvae do not survive in dry environ-
with 20,000 0. circumcincta infective above, was carried out. ments (6,12). Thus relative humidity of
larvae. These animals wore a specially The two suspensions of eggs were the cultures was verified every day par-
made feces collecting bag (8). In this pooled and allowed to settle for 2 h. ticularly at the beginning of develop-
study two successive pools of 24 h The supernatant was removed to ment. The pH was measured daily over
fecal output were taken. Before they reduce the volume to 30 mL. The a period of 13 days with a pH meter
were used, the feces were kept at 40C number of eggs was determined in 30 PSD 11 (Heito, Paris, France) with a
for no more than one day to prevent samples of 10 1AL and the final volume precision of ± 0.1 units.
egg development. of the suspension was adjusted to
obtain no more than 6,000/mL. Collection of larvae - To be certain
"ON-AGAR" CULTURES that all larvae developed to the third
Preparation of samples - Forty stage, parasites were collected only 13
grams of feces were put on a screen Preparation of cultures - Neutral days after the beginning of the culture.
with a mesh opening of 1 mm and a agar-agar (20 g/ L) was poured up to a Development of T. colubriformis,
diameter of 10 cm and were diluted depth of 0.5 cm in plastic Petri dishes which is optimal at 250 C and occurs in
with a gentle jet of water until they had (10 cm in diameter) and 1 to 2 mL of about eight days, could be delayed at
been washed with 2 L of water. The the egg suspension were dispensed on 220 C (6).
strained fluid was collected into a top of the agar. Optimal development Larvae were recovered by washing
beaker. Only large organic debris of larvae occurs in a shallow layer of the surface of the agar. Since some of
remained on the mesh. The large water. An excessive depth of water the larvae move to the lower surface of
volume of strained fluid was sedi- results in poor oxygenation and gase- the culture, the agar was loosened
mented prior to centrifugation. The ous exchange which results in a reduc- from the Petri dish and both sides were
suspension was allowed to sediment tion in embryonic and postembryonic washed over a screen with an aperture
for 6 h. This period was required to development (9,10). Preliminary of 1 mm and the washings were col-
optimize the number of parasites in the experiments have shown that to avoid lected. Both the agar and the dish were
sediment. The supernatant was then competition between the larvae, their washed profusely to obtain a good
discarded and in order to prevent loss number must not exceed 12,000 per recovery of parasites.
of eggs about 2.5 cm of water was dish. In order to know the number of para-
maintained above the sediment. sites that develop in one culture, larvae
The sediment containing the eggs Conditions for cultures - The cul- were collected in a bottle. The volume
was transferred into a 750 mL centri- tures were incubated in covered Petri of the suspension was adjusted to
fuge tube. The beaker was washed with dishes at 22-23° C in a humidified 15 mL after it has sedimented for two
approximately 200 mL of water and incubator (relative humidity of 85- hours. The number of parasites per
the washings were also transferred to 90%). In these conditions, eggs hatch mL was estimated by counting 30
the centrifuge tube. The contents were after 24 hours. The nutritive medium samples of 10 AL thus permitting a
centrifuged at 1,000 g for 10 min in was added only at this time. If added calculation of the total number of lar-
order to concentrate the eggs. The earlier, hatching could be inhibited. vae in the 15 mL.

Study. of larval development in cul- measurements. Each culture included culture were put together, weighed and
tures "on-agar" - For each species 30 approximately 22,000 T. colubrifor- larval counts were carried out accord-
dishes were prepared: 20 of which were mis eggs (eggs/g, m ± s.e, 547 ± 23) ing to the modified Stoll technique.
used to study the efficiency of cultures and 26,000 0. circumcincta eggs The mean number of larvae per gram
and ten of which were used to measure (eggs/g, m ± s.e, 665 ± 39). of feces was estimated from the results
the daily changes in the pH of the cul- recorded from three samples of 5 g.
ture fluid. Into each Petri dish there Conditions for cultures - Vessels
were placed either 1.5 mL of a suspen- were kept at 22-23° C in an humidified BODY MEASUREMENTS OF LARVAE
sion containing 10,425 eggs of T. colu- incubator. The moisture of surround- The experimental design was similar
briformis (concentration/ mL, m + sd, ing air was between 85 and 90%. for the two methods (fecal culture and
6950 ± 775) or 2.0 mL of a suspension Oxygenation of feces was improved by "on-agar" culture). Five of the twenty
containing 10,300 eggs of 0. circum- mixing them daily with a spatula. cultures were randomly selected and
cincta (concentration/ mL, m + sd, The moisture content was esti- the first 30 larvae detected in each of
5150 ± 806). mated. Ten samples of 10 g feces were the larval populations of these five cul-
taken from the remaining portion of tures were studied. The total length of
DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF EGGS the 24 h output and were dried for 24 h the larvae, their tail length and the
LOST DURING CENTRIFUGATIONS at 1000C. The mean moisture content length of the tail of the sheath were
A study was done with ten samples on the first day of culture was 65% measured. Larvae were fixed in
of 55 g of feces. The number of eggs which is the optimum for larval devel- extended position by mixing them on a
per one sample was estimated by fecal opment (6). In order to maintain this microscope slide with a drop of iodine
egg counts made on three subsamples moisture, both the feces and the vessel solution (16). The slide was then put
of 5 g according to the McMaster were weighed. Water was added as the on a hot-plate at a temperature of
technique modified by Raynaud (13), feces dehydrated so that the weight of 30°C for 15 to 20 seconds.
i.e., 5 g of feces were taken instead of both feces and vessel was maintained.
2 g and were diluted in 70 mL instead The pH was measured daily over a
of 58 mL to increase the threshold of period of 13 days with the same pH RESULTS
sensibility. The remaining 40 g of each meter as used for cultures "on-agar".
sample was processed as described in "ON-AGAR" CULTURES
the paragraph "preparation of sam- Extraction of larvae - As in "on- The efficiency of the culture method
ples" except that three centrifugations agar" cultures, parasites were collected was defined as the ratio of the number
were carried out so that all the eggs 13 days after the beginning of the cul- of collected larvae/ the number of eggs
could be extracted. ture. Larvae were extracted from feces put in culture and was between 64 and
by the Baermann technique (15). In 71% for T. colubriformis and between
CHARACTERISTICS OF FAECAL order to obtain the highest number of 63 and 69% for 0. circumcincta (con-
CULTURES larvae, each culture was divided into fidence intervals with a risk of 5%)
A sample of 1250 g of fresh feces two samples of 20 g and two Baer- (Table I). A t-test performed on the
was taken from a 24 h output of the mann estimations were made. Feces efficiencies, expressed in terms of per-
two infected sheep. Feces were care- were maintained at a temperature of centage after arc sin /jp transforma-
fully homogenized and the number of 250C. After 12 h the whole fluid tion of data, showed that there was no
eggs per gram was estimated in ten including the contents of the funnel significant difference between the two
samples of 5 g. The Stoll technique was drawn off into a beaker and then species.
(14) was used so that both eggs and poured over a screen with a mesh From results of daily measurement
larvae could be counted by the same opening of 0.020 mm. In order to'col- of pH it can be deduced that for the
procedure. Some difficulties were lect all the parasites, the funnel was two species, variations were small and
encountered when the usual McMas- washed and the washings were also that the pH remained between 7.4 and
ter technique was used to count larvae poured over the screen. 8.4.
because all the larvae did not rise to the
surface of the chamber of the McMas- Estimation of efficiency offecal cul- NUMBER OF EGGS LOST DURING
ter slide. The Stoll technique was mod- tures - The total number of larvae CENTRIFUGATIONS
ified in order to have a more sensitive developed in one culture and collected The rate of recovery was calculated
estimation of both eggs and larvae. from two Baermann apparatuses were as the ratio of the number of eggs col-
The number of eggs per gram of feces put in a bottle and the volume of the lected after all the centrifugations/the
was evaluated from ten samples of suspension was adjusted to 15 mL number of eggs counted in the feces
I mL instead of 0.15 mL as advised by after it had settled for two hours. The directly by coproscopical examina-
Stoll. number of larvae per mL was esti- tion. To the number of eggs in feces
After egg counts, the 1,200 remain- mated by counting 30 samples of was arbitrarily assigned a value of
ing grams were distributed in 25 cul- 10 ,uL and calculating the total 100%, although the techniques used
tures of 40 g and put in covered glass number of larvae in the 15 mL. for egg counts were different in the
vessels (14 x 9.5 x 4 cm): 20 of which In order to determine the number of direct fecal examinations and in the
were used for estimation of efficiency larvae remaining in the feces, the two sediments after purification. The
and five of which were used for pH samples of feces corresponding to each results in Table II show that the mean

TABLE I. Efficiency of "On-agar" Cultures colubriformis cultures was between 50
Trichostrongylus colubriformis Ostertagia circumcincta and 62% and between 45 and 53% for
0. circumcincta (confidence intervals
Efficiency Efficiency with a probability of 5%). A t-test of
Number of Larvae of Culture Number of Larvae of Culture the data expressed as percentage after
No. per Culture E n No. per Culture E arc sin vr transformation showed
Culture (n) p Culture (n) p
that there was no significant difference
1 7,900 (13.6)a 75.7 21 5,900 (18.2)a 57.2 in efficiency of cultures with respect to
2 7,400 (15.1) 70.9 22 6,800 (12.4) 65.2
3 6,900 (12.2) 66.1 23 7,300 (14.2) 70.8 the two species.
4 5,900 (15.0) 56.5 24 6,200 (11.9) 60.1 The efficiency of the Baermann
5 8,000 (11.6) 76.7 25 7,600 (20.2) 73.7 apparatus was defined as the number
6 7,100 (12.7) 68.1 26 7,000 (16.3) 67.9 of larvae collected/the number of lar-
7 7,700 (17.3) 73.8 27 5,400 (11.9) 52.4 vae developed. The mean efficiency for
8 6,800 (12.8) 65.2 28 6,600 (24.6) 64.0
9 6,400 (19.6) 61.3 29 7,100 (14.8) 68.9 T. colubriformis larvae was included
10 8,100 (14.2) 77.6 30 6,900 (13.1) 66.9 between 83 and 87% (Table 1II) and
11 6,200 (21.7) 59.4 31 5,700 (19.1) 55.3 for 0. circumcincta larvae between 83
12 7,500 (15.2) 71.9 32 7,500 (12.9) 72.8 and 86% (Table IV). There was no sig-
13 7,300 (10.8) 70.0 33 6,100 (21.6) 59.2 nificant difference between the two
14 6,700 (18.6) 64.2 34 6,500 (15.5) 63.1
15 7,600 (22.2) 72.9 35 7,200 (13.3) 69.9 species.
16 5,700 (17.9) 54.6 36 7,800 (18.7) 75.7 It seemed that there was, for some
17 7,400 (17.1) 70.9 37 7,300 (14.4) 70.8 cultures, an inverse relationship
18 7,200 (13.2) 69.0 38 6,300 (22.7) 61.1 between the percentage of eggs devel-
19 5,900 (19.1) 56.5 39 7,700 (18.9) 74.7
20 7,100 (20.0) 68.1 40 7,400 (14.7) 71.8 oping to infective larvae and the per-
Mean efficiency of cultures (%) 67.4 66.0
centage of migration in Baermann
Mean confidence intervals (%) 64 - 71 63 - 69 apparatus. The statistical analysis con-
Coefficient of variation ( 7.6b 7.4b firmed that a correlation did exist
for efficiencies between the two percentages (r = 0.57,
p = number of eggs/culture - p 10,425 T. colubriformis - p = 10,300 0. circumcincta d.f. = 18, P< 0.0) (Fig. 1), but was
'Coefficient of variation of numerations (%) only significant in the case of 0.
bCalculation after arc sin 1;ptransformation of data circumcincta.
Results of daily measurements of
rate of recovery was 89.5% after the these larvae in the Baermann appara- pH showed that, for the two species,
first centrifugation and 92.7% after tus. Thus, two efficiencies must be dif- variations were small and that the pH
two centrifugations. After the third ferentiated, i.e. that of the cultures and remained between 7.4 and 8.2.
centrifugation, no additional eggs that of the Baermann apparatus.
were recovered. The efficiency of cultures can be COMPARISON BETWEEN "ON-AGAR"
defined as the total number of infective CULTURES AND FECAL CULTURES
FECAL CULTURES larvae (collected, and remaining in Mean efficiencies were higher for
With this method the quantitative Baermann apparatus)/ number of eggs "on-agar" cultures than those of fecal
estimation of larval populations introduced for development. The cultures: 67 vs 56% for T. colubrifor-
depends both on development of eggs results are summarized in Tables III mis and 66 vs 49% for 0. circumcincta.
to infective larvae and on migration of and IV. The mean efficiency of T. This difference between the two

TABLE II. Percentage of Eggs Collected After Each Centrifugation of Fecal Extract
Samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eggs/g 547 756 854 616 882 588 574 490 518 616
(9.4)a (8.3) (11.2) (9.3) (8.2) (6.4) (12.1) (7.9) (8.6) (10.1)
Number of eggs per sample (40 g) 21,880 30,240 34,160 24,640 35,280 23,520 22,960 19,600 20,720 24,640
Number of eggs collected 19,710 26,850 31,840 22,050 30,770 21,490 20,110 17,620 18,050 22,430
at the first centrifugation (6.4)a (5.3) (5.6) (6.7) (7.1) (9.3) (5.4) (7.1) (6.4) (4.8)
Efficiency (%) 90.0 88.7 93.2 89.4 87.2 91.3 87.5 89.8 87.1 91.0
Mean efficiency (%) = E 1 89.5
Number of eggs collected 760 940 920 890 1,160 610 760 720 810 690
at second centrifugation (4.1)(a) (3.5) (6.1) (3.3) (3.7) (5.8) (6.2) (5.2) (5.9) (8.1)
Efficiency (%) 3.5 3.1 2.7 3.6 3.2 2.6 3.3 3.7 3.9 2.8
Mean efficiency (%) = E 2 3.2
Number of eggs collected 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
at the third centrifugation
Efficiency (%)= E I + E 2 93.5 91.8 95.9 93.0 90.4 93.9 90.8 93.5 91.0 93.8
Mean efficiency (%) 92.7
aCoefficient of variation (%)

TABLE III. Efficiency of Fecal Cultures and Baermann Apparatus: Trichostrongylus colubrdormis
p = number of eggs per culture (21,880)

Efficiency of Efficiency of
Number of Lavae Culture (%) Baermann Apparatus (%)
Number of Larvae in the Number of Larvae per Culture

EC = n, n2 E _ n,
LB- +
No. Culture Baermann Apparatus (n1) Remaining in Feces (n2) (n, + n2) p n, N2
I 11,550 (24.4)a 1,556 (23.2)a 13,106 59.8 88.2
2 13,200 (13.5) 1,113 (25.1) 14,313 65.4 92.2
3 10,200 (18.1) 1,719 (18.7) 1 1,919 54.4 85.5
4 13,350 (24.2) 3,036 (26.4) 16,386 74.8 81.4
5 9,300 (20.1) 1,936 (20.7) 11,236 51.3 82.7
6 11,850 (15.6) 2,426 (22.3) 14,276 65.2 83.0
7 13,200 (21.2) 1,099 (18.9) 14,299 65.3 92.3
8 12,640 (14.3) 3,713 (20.6) 16,353 74.7 77.2
9 6,080 (19.2) 1,501 (17.4) 7,581 34.6 80.2
10 6,720 (20.4) 1,244 (23.2) 7,964 36.3 84.3
11 8,250 (23.6) 1,513 (25.4) 9,763 44.6 84.5
12 11,400 (18.9) 2,100 (17.7) 13,500 61.0 84.4
13 10,950 (21.1) 2,481 (15.8) 13,431 61.3 81.5
14 13,440 (19.9) 2,144 (25.6) 15,584 71.2 86.2
15 5,100 (17.4) 766 (23.0) 5,866 26.8 86.9
16 8,250 (21.6) 1,563 (19.6) 9,813 44.8 84.0
17 12,150 (15.2) 2,747 (21.1) 14,897 68.0 81.5
18 10,550 (13.0) 2,976 (26.3) 13,526 61.8 77.9
19 8,400 (22.1) 1,056 (18.0) 9,456 43.2 88.8
20 10,950 (16.8) 1,768 (20.9) 12,718 58.1 86.0
Mean efficiency of cultures (%) 56.1 (16.4/'
Mean confidence intervals (%) 50 - 62
Mean efficiency of Baermann (%) 84.4 (6.1)°
Mean confidence intervals (%) 83 - 87
aCoefficient of variation (%)

TABLE IV. Efficiency of Fecal Cultures and Baermann Apparatus: Ostertagia circumcincta
p = number of eggs per culture (26,600)
Efficiency of Efficiency of
Number of Larvae Culture (%) Baermann Apparatus (%)
Number of Larvae in the Number of Larvae per Culture EC= nfl+ n2 EB_ no+
No. Culture Baermann Apparatus (n,) Remaining in Feces (n2) (n, + n2) p n, N2
1 10,350 (17.3)a 2,055 (21.2)a 12,405 46.6 83.4
2 13,800 (25.1) 1,627 (14.3) 15,427 57.9 89.4
3 11,850 (20.3) 2,932 (20.4) 14,782 55.5 80.1
4 8,850 (17.9) 1,035 (25.1) 9,885 37.1 89.5
5 11,850 (16.8) 2,106 (23.8) 13,956 52.4 84.9
6 8,100 (26.4) 732 (16.9) 8,832 33.2 91.7
7 10,200 (22.1) 1,568 (22.6) 11,768 44.2 86.6
8 11,800 (25.4) 2,766 (14.9) 13,866 52.1 80.0
9 9,600 (19.1) 1,510 (24.3) 11,110 41.7 86.4
10 11,700 (20.8) 2,349 (22.2) 14,049 52.8 83.2
11 12,900 (26.4) 2,900 (27.8) 15,800 58.9 81.6
12 6,900 (27.3) 1,642 (19.6) 8,542 32.1 80.7
13 12,450 (21.7) 2,555 (20.1) 15,005 56.4 82.9
14 10,200 (22.1) 1,932 (20.7) 12,132 45.6 84.0
15 12,750 (24.3) 3,811 (24.9) 16,561 62.2 76.9
16 9,300 (18.7) 879 (17.0) 10,179 38.2 91.3
17 13,650 (20.0) 3,576 (25.0) 17,226 64.7 79.2
18 11,100 (23.6) 2,551 (16.2) 13,651 51.3 81.3
19 11,400 (20.7) 1,592 (20.8) 12,992 48.8 87.7
20 11,550 (24.5) 2,215 (21.8) 13,765 51.7 83.9
Mean efficiency of cultures (%) 49.1 (11.8/
Mean confidence intervals (%) 45 -53
Mean efficiency of Baermann (%) 84.2 (4.6)/
Mean confidence intervals (%) 83 - 86
'Coefficient of variation (%)

TABLE V. Comparison Between the Mean Efficiency of Fecal Cultures and that of "On-agar" tively homogeneous from one culture
Cultures to one another. Likewise, variability of
Trichostrongylus colubriformis Ostertagia circumeincta
tail of larvae was higher especially for
Fecal Cultures "On-agar" Cultures Fecal Cultures "On-agar" Cultures 0. circumcincta (mean, 16%).
Mean (%) 0.844 0.965 0.776 0.949 COMPARISON BETWEEN "ON-AGAR"
Standard-deviation 0.139 0.074 0.092 0.071 CULTURES AND FECAL CULTURES
Student's t-testa 3.10 4.10
Significance P < 0.01 p < 0.01 The statistical analysis showed that
for each measurement (total length,
aCalculation with arc sin v/7 transformation of data length of the tail of larvae or of the tail
sheath) no significant difference could
methods was highly significant (Table similar. The mean coefficient of varia- be demonstrated between populations
V). Moreover, if "on-agar" efficiencies tion was low (5 to 10%) and similar for issued from the different cultures
were compared to the net efficiencies all the cultures as far as total length (Table VIII). On the other hand highly
of fecal cultures, i.e. to the number of and length of the tail of the sheath were significant difference was observed
parasites collected from the Baermann concerned. On the other hand, varia- between the two species, 0. circum-
apparatus to the exclusion of nonmi- bility of the tail of larvae was higher cincta and T. colubriformis for the
grating larvae, then there was a 26% especially for 0. circumcincta (mean, means of each of the three measure-
increase in the case of T. colubriformis 15%). ments: 0. circumcincta being of
and a 32% increase in the case of 0. greater size on average than T.
circumcincta. Larvae sampled from "on-agar" cul- colubriformis.
tures (Table VII) - Results obtained
in these cultures were similar to those
Larvae sampled from fecal cultures observed in fecal culture. For each DISCUSSION
(Table VI) - For the measurement of measurement, means observed for the "ON-AGAR" CULTURES
total length, length of larval tail and different populations were not signifi-
length of the tail of the sheath, the cantly different for either of the two The high efficiencies on the "on-
respective means were very close and species. Coefficient of variation, for agar" cultures for the two species
did not show any significant differ- total length and length of the tail of the demonstrate the utility of the method.
ence. Moreover, extreme values were sheath were low (5 to 10%) and rela- Development in Petri dishes on agar
Table VI. Body Measurements of Larvae Collected from Five Fecal Cultures (Results for 30 larvae/culture)
Culturea Total Length (Mm) Larval Tail (Mm) Tail of Sheath (Mm)
Species No. Mean Range C.V.b Mean Range C.V.b Mean Range C.V.b
Trichostrongylus 9 649.5 620-713 4.6 60.2 47-69 9.2 98.0 93-109 4.7
colubriformis 11 661.5 614-728 4.8 62.0 47-73 8.1 97.5 83-109 5.8
17 642.2 566-686 4.9 62.5 49-79 9.7 99.7 89-119 6.3
4 638.4 594-713 5.9 60.5 44-69 8.2 97.3 83-115 6.2
14 641.2 563-686 5.0 63.1 53-83 10.9 98.1 89-106 4.2
Ostertagia 2 801.9 744-878 3.9 66.5 53-105 18.1 113.2 99-128 8.6
circumcincta 6 787.7 691-843 4.6 69.7 58-85 15.0 113.6 94-132 10.2
13 805.0 731-853 4.6 67.7 56-92 14.3 109.4 96-132 9.3
3 793.5 744-819 4.9 70.0 58-95 15.2 110.8 99-138 9.6
9 803.2 704-851 3.7 67.5 56-95 14.5 111.1 94-138 10.5
aThe numbers of the cultures were drawn
bCoefficient of variation (%)

Table VII. Body Measurements of Larvae Collected from Five "On-agar" Cultures (Results for 30 larvae/culture)
Culturea Total Length (Mm) Larval Tail (Mm) Tail of Sheath (Mm)
Species No. Mean Range C.V.b Mean Range C.V.b Mean Range C.V.b
Trichostrongylus 3 655.4 614-736 4.4 62.4 53-86 8.8 97.6 86-109 6.1
colubriformis 13 643.9 614-713 3.6 59.5 46-66 8.2 98.2 89-106 4.0
15 652.8 620-726 4.9 60.9 49-66 7.1 98.8 89-109 5.9
18 655.3 614-726 5.2 60.8 49-79 10.6 97.7 88-112 5.0
7 656.9 566-719 4.2 60.1 46-69 8.4 97.4 86-110 5.1
Ostertagia 1 790.9 744-878 5.0 70.6 58-95 16.9 111.6 94-138 9.2
circumcincta 16 801.8 731-878 4.7 67.8 55-95 15.7 109.9 96-132 9.0
14 802.4 731-825 4.1 65.6 53-72 14.3 113.4 96-138 10.8
6 790.7 731-878 5.0 69.1 58-95 14.4 109.5 96-132 10.2
19 804.1 753-853 4.7 66.4 53-95 13.2 110.6 94-132 11.3
aThe numbers of the cultures were drawn
bCoefficient of variation (%)

any difference between these two para-
sites when they develop at a constant
temperature of 240C. In the experi-
Y: 1.436 -0.340x ment reported herein, a middle
m'U temperature of 22-23°C was chosen.
U r:O.57 (Pc0.01)
to This fact might explain the lack of dif-
ference in the growth rates of the two
m _ _ -~~~~ species.
0 The pH is a parameter which is
co t0 rarely mentioned in description of
method for fecal cultures. However it
uJ is one of the most important features
of a medium. Some observations relat-
0.5 ing to tolerance of strongyle parasites
' to this factor showed that all the free-
0.30 0.50 0.70 living stages are capable of adapting
Eff iciency of faecal cultures (a themselves to changes in pH between
pH 6 and pH 9 (6). This author also
(a) Calculation with arc sinVp transformation of data pointed out that acid pH stimulates
embryogenesis but that these eggs
Fig. 1. Correlation between the percentage of eggs developing to infective larvae and tihe percentage usually enclosed dead larvae. For that
of migration in Baermann apparatus. reason pH must be adjusted to near
neutrality before adding medium to
occurs in physicochemical conditions The results also showed d that the the cultures. Despite an increase in the
rather different than those of feces. development of the two srspecies pro- alkalinity in the present study, the pH
Theoretically the oxygenation is bet- ceeded at the same rate in I"on-agar" was always within the optimum range
ter, thus providing a more suitable cultures in which the relativie humidity reported by Gevrey (6) and the devel-
environment for free-living stages at was 100%. This observationbn was con- opment of the larvae was always suc-
the time of hatching and exsheathment trary to that of Parnell (18) who cessful. Reasons for these changes in
(10). observed that T. colubrifiormis pre- pH can be partly explained by bacte-
In addition, the nutritive compo- dominate over 0. circumcini7cta in very rial development in the cultures and by
nents for larval growth are more uni- moist fecal culture. storage of excretions from these
formely distributed. The fact that eggs On the other hand, parasisites have an microorganisms and strongyle larvae
were not sterilized and that a bacterial optimal temperature for t]heir devel- as Weinstein and Haskins (17) have
development occurred must be under- opment that can be define d either as reported for larvae of Nippostrongy-
lined. Although different points of the temperature at whichI the eggs lus muris. These larvae secrete amines
view have been expressed concerning develop to the infective sta ge in min- which might result in an increase in the
the relationships between the contam- imum time (19) or as the te mperature pH of the medium.
inating microorganisms and strongyle which yields the best effic],iency (20). A method which yields the same or
larvae of first and second stages, Since the present culture mmethod was better efficiency than that reported
Weinstein and Haskins (17) deduced developed for use in diah gnosis, the herein has not been published pre-
from their experiments that living or second definition would s ,eem to be viously. It is possible however, that
dead bacteria are of use for larval more appropriate. In these cconditions, rate of development could be further
development. Therefore in "on-agar" the optimum temperature iis 250 C for improved if environmental conditions
cultures the contribution of microor- T. colubriformis (21) and 21'0-22°C for are better defined. Nevertheless, it is
ganisms could have a positive effect on 0. circumcincta (22). However Cior- doubtful that all eggs put in dishes are
the development of the parasites. dia and Bizzell (23) did n iot observe capable of living and developing even
Table VIII. Results of Variance Analysis Testing the Influence of Culture on Body Measurements (Total length, larval tail, tail of sheath) and the
Difference Between Species (T. colubriformis, 0. circumcincta)
Total Length Larval Tail Tail of Sheath
Source of Variation F Sign F Sign F Sign
Between fecal cultures of T. colubriformis 3.295 NS 0.745 NS 0.439 NS
Between fecal cultures of 0. circumcincla 1.328 NS 1.049 NS 1.269 NS
Between "on-agar" cultures of T. colubriformis 1.036 NS 0.391 NS 0.498 NS
Between "on-agar" cultures of 0. circumcincta 0.658 NS 1.615 NS 0.726 NS
Between fecal cultures and "on-agar" cultures of T. colubriformis 2.818 NS 1.531 NS 0.203 NS
Between fecal cultures and "on-agar" cultures of 0. circumcincta 0.188 NS 0.243 NS 0.753 NS
Between T. colubriformis and 0. circumcincta 3123.943 P < 0.001 104.146 P < 0.001 365.991 P < 0.001
A logarithmic transformation (Ln) of the results of the measurements was carried out in order to normalize their distribution. Statistical analyses were
performed on these transformed data

in optimal conditions and thus a 100% being without effect in a better-defined tion of larvae. Moreover, extraction
recovery is probably an unrealistic medium than feces. It could act indi- was performed at a temperature which
expectation. rectly by altering the composition of allowed the best mobility of larvae
Reproducibility was satisfactory fecal medium. If this hypothesis can be (250 C) for the two species studied
since the mean coefficient of variation confirmed in other experiments, it (24,25,26).
was only 7.5%. This low variability might partly explain why good repro- An inverse relationship was shown
might be attributed to the fact that the ducibility in fecal cultures is often dif- between the percentage of eggs devel-
number of eggs put in each dish was ficult to obtain. oping to infective larvae and the per-
relatively constant and also to the con- Usually, variations between fecal centage of migration in Baermann
stant environmental conditions within cultures can be attributed to either a apparatus in the case of 0. circum-
the culture. poor standardization of medium or to cincta. This relationship may occur
Important losses during egg extrac- errors in the estimation of the number when the larval population is derived
tion would be a serious drawback for of eggs put onto the plate for develop- from cultures with a very low concen-
the application of the method. The ment. In this experiment, the first fac- tration of parasites and therefore
results obtained with samples of 40 g tor was relatively well controlled but developing without competition
of feces showed that two centrifuga- the estimation of the number of eggs (especially for nutrients). These condi-
tions are sufficient to collect nearly the was more difficult to achieve because tions may yield larvae which are
total number of eggs (about 93%). It is of their heterogenous distribution in stronger and more active. On the other
difficult to know if 7% of the eggs were feces. Nevertheless, the coefficient of hand they could migrate more easily
lost or if the slight difference observed variation observed between cultures because of the lack of overpopulation.
was related only to the two methods was small (16% for T. colubriformis
used for egg counts in feces and in and 12% for 0. circumcincta), proba- BODY MEASUREMENTS OF LARVAE
suspension. No parasites were found bly because one sample of feces was Another part of this study was to
in the sediment obtained after the third divided into subsamples. Under the describe the heterogeneity of popula-
centrifugation. circumstances, physicochemical and tions that result from the two methods
nutritional conditions were undoubt- of cultures and to evaluate the criteria
FECAL CULTURES edly rather similar from one culture to used for the diagnosis of digestive
Results of the study of fecal cultures another. strongyle larvae. Identification of
provided answers for some of the ques- The most serious difficulty encoun- these parasites is mainly based upon
tions which have previously received tered when larvae are collected using a the morphology of larvae. The results
little attention, i.e. estimation of the Baermann apparatus is a loss of part of indicated that the growth of larvae
variability of efficiency and calcula- the larval population. In this experi- developing "on-agar" was similar to
tion of the number of larvae lost dur- ment the rate of recovery was reasona- that of parasites from fecal cultures.
ing the extraction procedure. Con- bly high and similar for the two species The results showed that only total
trary to other results, the high (84.4 and 84.2%). The number of lar- length could be used as criterion for
efficiency observed for the two species vae lost as a function of the number of diagnosis but the two other measure-
(mean, 50%) can be explained by the eggs put into medium for development ments are not reliable because of much
strict control of the conditions of cul- and of the number of larvae collected overlap between the two species. These
tures. This prevented high mortality can be taken as negligible. Neverthe- observations confirm those of Gordon
during the first and second stages of less one level of infection was consi- (27) who studied 1,000 larvae of T.
development which are particularly dered and so it is not possible to know colubriformis and 0. circumcincta. In
sensitive to variations in the environ- if the loss was proportional to the conclusion measurements alone are of
ment, especially dryness. Even if only number of parasites in the feces. If the little use as reliable diagnostic criteria
the number of larvae collected from number of larvae lost in the Baermann even in the case of relatively homo-
the Baermann apparatus is consi- apparatus was constant this could dis- geneous populations. However, they
dered, irrespective of those remaining proportionately decrease the effi- may be useful adjuncts to other criteria
in feces, the Baermann efficiency ciency when samples are only slightly such as anatomical characteristics.
recorded was twofold higher in the infected. The mean coefficient of vari-
present study. ation observed for all the Baermann
As far as moisture content is con- apparatuses was about 5%. It would
cerned, T. colubriformis predominate seem reasonable to suggest that the
over 0. circumcincta in very moist standardization of the culture medium REFERENCES
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