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ELC 101

Observation of Teaching-Learning
in Actual School

The School as a
Learning Environment
Republic of the Philippines 

Mindanao State University 

Maigo School of Arts and Trades  

Labuay, Maigo, Lanao del Norte 

“Your life as a Teacher begins the day

you realize that you are always a

Submitted by:
Babasol, Yves Laurentt M.
BEEd- General Education IIII

Submitted to:
Prof. Margarita Clenista Paghasian

November 11, 2022

PORTFOLIO ELC 101- Observations of teaching- Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 1- The School Environment

Learning Essentials:
1. A physical environment conducive for learning is one that has consistent practices that :
 Keep the school safe, clean, orderly and free from distractions;
 Maintain facilities that provide challenging activities;
 Address the physical, social and psychological needs of the students.

2. Display boards can be powerful in communicating information about the learning

environment. They help in building and establishing the school culture. These boards
become one way for everyone to learn about the vision-mission, goals, and values that
the school upholds.

3. As a basic part of the school’s visual environment, display boards have four general
 Decorative. They offer visual stimulation and appeal to aesthetics. They
set the social and psychological atmosphere of the school.

 Motivational. They encourage students to perform better and have a

greater confidence. An example would be the display of students’
outputs that show that each output is recognized and valued. The
bulletin boards help celebrate the learners’ growth and progress.

 Informational. They are used as a strategy to readily disseminate


 Instructional. They move students to respond and participate through

interactive displays. They get students to think about and communicate
their learning.

4. The set of criteria for evaluating bulletin board displays includes effective
communication, attractiveness, balance, unity, interactivity, legibility, correctness, and
Activity 1. Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher: Jayson Lariosa School: Tacub Elementary School

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 3 Subject Area: Mathematics Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:

1. Look into the facilities and support learning areas in your cooperating school.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a. Descriptive paragraph c. Photo Essay
b. Sketch or Drawing d. Poem, song, or rap
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give brief description of those that are available, and tell how each
will contribute to the students’ learning and development.

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the

and development? Why?
Office of the The principal’s office is so Yes, with the good
Principal clean and neat as the principals office reflect a
principal, free also from good quality of every
pollution and papers, classroom in which it could
documents were arranged and help the students loves to
stored in proper places. go to the school everyday.
Library N/A

Counseling Room N/A

Canteen/ Cafeteria N/A

Medical Clinic The clinic is well-organized. Yes, because being healthy

The medicines are available, makes/help the young
provided and ready for the learners to be productive
students in despensably and and well participated in
incase of emergency. the class.
Audio Visual/ N/A
Learning Resource
Science Laboratory N/A

Gymnasium N/A

Auditorium The school auditorium is Yes, because it is used in

located at the front of the every school activity and
school campus. even uses every
graduation ceremony.
Outdoor/Garden The outdoor/garden is located Yes, because with the
at the back of the school. healthy environment there
There are a lot of planted are also a lot of healthy
veggies like eggplant, foods with the healthy
kangkong, green onions, learners and teachers.
lemon grass and even
Home Economics The room is good and Yes, because the home
Room complete of necessary things economics room I’ve seen
that are needed in the a lot of how to be healthy
student’s activity. in everyday daily routine
for example, the 3 Week-
Nutrition Unit, for-good-
measure, a peek into a
rainbow class décor etc.
This room would be very
helpful in the child’s
development to be
Industrial Workshop N/A

PTA Office N/A

Comfort Room for The comfort room for boys

Boys we’re clean because they are
taught properly to clean the
comfort room before leaving
Comfort Room for The comfort room for boys
Girls we’re clean because they are
taught properly to clean the
comfort room before leaving
Others ( Please

Activity 1.1
Resource Teacher: Jayson Lariosa School: Tacub Elementary School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 3 Subject Area: Mathematics Date:

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?


 Vision, Mission, Lupang Hinirang, Panunumpa ng Watawat ng Pilipinas
 17th President of the Philippines
 Thematic Board
 Peace Corner
 Motto of the Month
 Classroom Policies
 Learner’s Information Board
(Classroom Officers, Homeroom, PTA Officers, Who’s who, Top 10, It’s my
birthday, daily cleaners, Monthly activities, Anti-Bullying and Child
Protection Policies)
 Philippine Map
 Alphabet Letters
 DDRM Corners
 Gender and Development
 Attendance Chart
 UST of Pupils
 BEIS (Basic Education Information System
 Health Corner

 Apolinario Mabini
 Emilio Jacinto
 Marcelo H. Del Pilar
 Merchora Aquino
 Lapu-Lapu
 General Antonio Luna
 Jose P. Rizal
 Ma. Josefa
 Diego Silang

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table
located? How are tables and chairs/desks arranged?

The student’s table and chairs are well organize/arrange based on rows and the
teacher’s table is located at corner or right side of the teacher point of reference.

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

In terms of learning materials, the visual is present at the picture. Visuals is an

interactive material like charts, printed photos, or printed representation of things,
blackboard, and books. This learning materials helps the students engaged in
learning and coping knowledge.

4. Observe the students/pupils. How many are occupying in one room?

The students in this room are 15 or less. Students looks actively participating in
lecture also they look comfortable to their room and it is clean and well ventilated.

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

Based on a picture the classroom has wall fan, high ceiling, and an open window
which I conclude that the classroom is well ventilated based on the students
occupying the classroom. It looks clean, the chairs and desk are arranged properly.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record
your data.


Classroom Facilities Description

( Location, Number, Arrangement,
1. Wall Displays Wall displays can be seen in every corner in
the classroom. It is probably 30 plus. The
arrangement is very readable, clean and
neat. There are lot of quotations posted,
many quotations about the learner’s
information board, motto of the month/day,
DDRM corner, health corner etc. There are
also the vision, mission, Lupang Hinirang,
panatang Makabayan etc. an If you look in
front of the classroom, there is always an
alphabet letters, cursive and not cursive.
2. Teacher’s Table There are 2 teacher’s table in a classroom.
The one is on he front in which it is color
green and has a plastic cover. The other one
is located at the back of the classroom, it is
color brown and has a lot of family picture of
the classroom adviser.
3. Learners’ Desks In every classroom, there are more than 40
plus learners’ desk. There are in good
condition and all of the desks are occupied by
the learners.
4. Writing Boards In ever room, they usually use a blackboard
or green board. It is a simple blackboard that
is horizontally arranged and is in front of the
5. Learning Materials/ Visual Aids Their learning materials are mostly
downloaded on the internet given by the
DepEd and it is printed to be distributed to
the learners.
6. Shelf of the Story Books In every classroom there is a shelf of story
books or reading books. It is located at the
backside of the classroom.
7. Doors In every classroom, it has 2 doors, one door
for the entrance or in front side of the
classroom and the other one is in the back
8. Electric fan/ Ceiling Fan There are approximately 5 fans in every
classroom, and those are in good condition.
9. Comfort Room It has one comfort room in every classroom.
It is clean and in good condition.

1. How do the school and the classroom impact the learning of the students/pupils
going to school? What are your conclusion?
As we all know, the classroom environment serves as a second teacher for any
student, so it alters the concept of learning for any student. Students that study in a
favorable learning environment are more motivated, engaged, and have greater overall
learning ability. Students are affected by the quality of school facilities in two ways. For
starters, a lack of facilities inhibits a student's capacity to participate in numerous
learning and extracurricular activities. Second, a lack of facilities reduces a teacher's job
satisfaction, which reduces their enthusiasm to instruct.

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How
does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
It links to my understanding of child and adolescent development, which has
made me aware of the uniqueness and variations of each learner. I always have to
remember that children do not all learn at the same rate. In order to facilitate learning, I
must first understand each child's behavior and personality, then select and use
appropriate tactics.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you have just observed? Why?
Why not?
Yes, the facilities of school are all nice and good and also because Tacub
Elementary School is my alma mater and I know most of teachers who works there and
besides of that most of the pupils know me as their “ate” in our church. I also adopt
the environment and I’m used to it.

2. What kind of school is conducive to learning?

A school campus is conducive to learning if it is fully fenced. If it is away from the
noise outside like noise from cars or from construction sites. If it has enough space for
the learners to do their activities. If the school campus is non-threatening, rather should
make the learners feel that they are accepted, they are not alone and nothing is to fear
about. If the classrooms are well- lighted and well-ventilated and has the proper

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A conducive classroom environment is one in which teachers establish a learning
environment where students feel physically, psychologically, socially, and culturally
secure. Conducive school environment helps in creating a favorable atmosphere to
ensure an effective teaching and learning process to take place.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish you answers in number 3?
By Developing a classroom environment conducive to learning is a process that
entails staging the physical space, getting the students to cooperate, creating a
communal environment, and finally maintaining a positive classroom climate and
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.
Some schools are conducive to learning but some are not, it is a big challenge for
a teacher to make a way on how to make her/his own class conducive. Also, Physical
and socio-cultural environments affect students’ learning for better or worse. It is in the
hands of an effective teacher to turn environmental disadvantages into advantages. To
enhance the learning of students, improve the quality of education and produce vibrant
minds of high-level proficiency, what we need today are dedicated and motivated
teachers who can change the course of traditional classroom setup and promote
conducive environments of learning. Teachers’ attentiveness to the intellectual, social,
emotional and physical environments creates a classroom climate conducive to learning.
Activity 1.2 Observing Bulletin Boards

Resource Teacher: Jimmy Roflo Villanosa School: Tacub Elementary School

Grade/Year Level: Kinder Garten Subject Area______ Date ________________________

To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
1. Examine bulletin board displays in your cooperating school. Include those found at
the entrance, lobby, hallways, and classrooms.
2. Pick one and evaluate the display.
3. Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide to document your

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays
do you see?

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can
see them?

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images
and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

5. Do you notice some errors? ( misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the

6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

8. Take photos of the display boards ( if allowed)

Observation REPORT

There are two board display, it is located at the lobby of the school which is a perfect spot for
the viewers or visitors they can clearly view it when entering the school premises. The board
display is about the safety protocols of school it is important because we are in pandemic and
the other board display is about the mission and vision and the organizational chart of the
school. There are images of wearing a mask, alcohol, thermal scanner, washing hands and other
safety protocol images. The other board has an image of the chart and the mission and vision
tarpaulin. It has a curtain boarder design of dark and light blue color and material they used is
cartolina and tarpaulins. The messages is clear and easy to understand the design and content
caught my attention because its pleasing in the eyes and the contents are useful.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested in .
Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display: Safety Protocols

Location of the Board Display in School: School Lobby right side of wall
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write your comments to back up your ratings:

4- Outstanding 3- Very Satisfactory 2- Satisfactory 1 Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective It is effective
Communication and it conveys
(It conveys the that is useful
quickly and
Attractiveness It’s good in
(Colors and the eyes, its
arrangement catchy
catch and hold
Balance Its okay the
(Objects are objects are
arranged, so well arranged.
stability is
Unity They are all
(Repeated accurate.
shapes or
colors or use of
borders hold
Interactivity Its interactive
(The style and in a way that
approach visitors of
entice learners school can
clearly view it
to be involved
when they
and engaged.)
enter the
Legibility In this case the
(Letters and fonts posted in
illustrations the board are
can be seen readable when
your far in
from a good
Correctness Definitely
( It is free from there’s no
grammar misspelled
errors, words, error
and the
grammar is
words and
Durability It is well
(It is well- secure
constructed, because the
items are bulletin board
has a sliding
glass window.

1. What do you think is the purpose of board display?
Since its back to school this month I want this layout of bulletin board, I think this
can motivate students when they saw it in their first day of the school year. The display
reminds them that they are the future of the world and they are one who’s responsible
for their actions.
2. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? /
Why not?
I think yes, in this display the students are the target object. I think all students
like to be the future of the world because they are the hope of future. They can make
the world even better.
3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience? Why?/ Why not?
Yes, the words are simple and readable, and the language was use is English so
that everyone can understand the meaning of the display.
4. Was the board display effective? Why?/ Why not?
It is, because it conveys motivational message for the students and the display
are meaningful.
5. What suggestions can you make?
I suggest that school must use these contents to post in their bulletin board
because as a student I know we need a motivational word to continue and be more
responsible as a student.


1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
Instructional content can be dry and boring in a classroom setting. Creative
teachers try to present concepts and content in an interesting way.
Visual skills
Teachers are somewhat like interior designers; they must be able to visualize
the presentation and impact they want to create, then apply those to the
Organizational skills
This goes along with #2, but organization includes comparing and contrasting,
grouping, and arranging content in a meaningful way.
Teachers know that words combined with visual content can often
communicate more than words alone. As well, the teacher must be a good
Minimalistic views
Good teachers know they must minimize content to the basic building blocks
they want to teach. Rather than a display aimed at students who understand the
most, the best, or the easiest, the display would be geared to include students
who understand the least, the poorest, and the hardest.

2. What skills do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board
displays. How do you practice these skills?
All of the skill that I write I guess because when I was in high school, I’m one of
the students who volunteers and helps in designing the bulletin board in our classroom,
I remember were changing the theme every time that there’s an event in school like
nutrition month, buwan ng wika, Halloween and Christmas themes.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What steps will you take on how you can
improve or acquire these skills?
I think more on minimalistic view and creativity. There are lots of ways or
techniques that I am not aware of or that I haven’t try yet because I don’t know how to
do it. That’s way there’s a need for me to be expose to a lot of bulletin board displays so
that I can apply it on my own bulletin board.
“ A picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is
Life is all about learning
Interesting and informative within one
Fun is ever lasting
Everlasting memories for everyone

Adding is what we do
Tired is how we feel

Sunny days are the best

Laughter’s of the children is sweet music to our ears
Homework keeps your brain active
Optimism always helps
Over lunch we eat and chat
Leaving is the saddest part…

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