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PHINMA Education Network


PEN Code: GEN 003 Credit: 3 units PEN Subject Title: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY and SOCIETY Prerequisite:

A. Subject Description:
This course will introduce the field known as Science and Technology Studies. This is an
interdisciplinary field that examines how science and technology shape societies, cultures, and the environment
and how social, cultural, and environmental factors shape the development of science and technology.
Moreover, this prepares the students to live in good life and display ethical decision making in the face of
scientific and technological advancement in the society.

B. Objectives:
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
1. Compare and evaluate the historical development of Science and technology in the society;
2. Relate science to other disciplines and cultures;
3. Appraise the human condition and STS successes which deeply reflect and express philosophical outcome
that are meaningful to the student;
4. Assess and logically judge the impact of social media and other technological flat-forms to people’s lives.

C. Subject Outline and Time Allotment:


1 1 Orientation IN

2 Orientation IN

2 3 Lesson 1. Historical Developments of Science, Technology and OUT

Society • Identifying the interaction between science and
technology • Describing the impact of science and technology to
society throughout the history

4 Lesson 2. The Impact of Copernican and Darwinian Revolution to Society OUT

• Explaining how the ideas postulated by Copernicus and Darwin
contributed to the spark of scientific revolution • Illustrating ways by
which the Copernican and Darwinian intellectual revolution transformed
the society

3 5 Lesson 3. Quiz IN

6 Lesson 4. The Impact of Freudian and Mesoamerican Revolution to IN

Society • Explaining how the ideas postulated by Sigmund Freud
contributed to the spark of scientific revolution
• Illustrating ways by which the Freudian and Mesoamerican
revolution transformed the Society

4 7 Lesson 5. The SCIENCE in ARTS and the ART in SCIENCE OUT

• Differentiating Science and Art
• Describing ways how science is related to arts and vice versa

8 Lesson 6. Science and Culture OUT

• Describing the relationship between science and culture •
Enumerating ways how science affects culture and vice versa

5 9 1st Periodic Examination IN

10 Lesson 7. Science in Daily Life IN

• Enumerating instances on how science is observed in our daily

6 11 Lesson 8. Science, Technology and the Human Condition OUT

• Illustrating what is meant by a good life
• Describing how science and technology affect the human condition

Lesson 9. Science, Technology and technology to Nichomachean ethics
Nichomachean Ethics • Identifying and
explaining the Nichomachean ethics 12 OUT
• Describing the relationship of science and

7 13 Lesson 10. Quiz IN

14 Lesson 11. When Technology and Humanity Cross IN

• Enumerating the different technological advancements in society •
Explaining the effects of the interplay between technology and
humanity through the dilemma(s) they face

8 15 Lesson 12. History of Information Age OUT

• Defining Information Age
• Tracing the history of Information Age

16 Lesson 13. Issues in STS: Information Age – Automation OUT

• Identifying different issues concerning Automation
• Examining the positive and negative effects of Automation

9 17 2nd Periodic Examination IN

18 Lesson 14. Issues in STS: Information Age- Use of Gadgets, Web and IN
Social Media
• Identifying how the use of gadgets, use of web and social media
influenced our lives
• Examining how these issues affect our lives

10 19 Lesson 15. The Nano World OUT

• Defining and describing Nanotechnology
• Identifying the possible impacts of nanotechnology to health,
environment and society

20 Lesson 16. Biodiversity and the Healthy Society OUT

• Explaining the role of biological diversity to the development of the
society and the global environment
• Determining the interrelatedness of society, environment and
11 21 Lesson 17. Quiz IN

22 Lesson 18. The Ethics and Implications of GMOs to Human Health and IN
the Society Part I
• Defining and describing Genetically Modified Organisms • Identifying
and evaluating the ethics and implications of GMOs and its potential
future impacts on human health and the society

12 23 Lesson 19. Science, Technology and Climate Change OUT

• Identifying the causes of climate change
• Explaining the effects of climate change to people’s health,
biodiversity and the society

24 Lesson 20. Environmental Awareness Part I OUT

• Developing a high level of environmental consciousness •
Tracing the major causes of environmental problems

13 25 Lesson 21. The Ethical and Social Issues of Gene Therapy and Stem IN
Cell Research
• Defining and describing Gene Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy •
Identifying and examining the ethical and social issues of Gene
Therapy and Stem Cell Research

26 3rd Period Exam IN

D. Textbook: None

b. Grading System:

Quizzes - 30%
Activities - 30%
Periodic Exam - 40%
Total - 100%

The Final Grade is computed as follows:

c. Course Requirement
- Compiled Portfolio

G. Methodology: To achieve the objectives of this course, the following teaching-learning methodologies
shall be used:
1. Mediated Lecture-Discussion
2. Graded Recitations/ Student Engagement
3. Quizzes and Exercises
4. Periodical Examinations
I. Contact Information
∙ Professor _______________________________
∙ Gmail Address ________________________
∙ Consultation Hour/s _______________

Dean’s Name and Signature

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