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To ensure maximum effect and make it impressive and solemn, the ceremony should be held in the
evening in a hall where there is a stage or platform and with lighting facilities and adequate seating

EQUIPMENT/PROPS NEEDED: Philippine Flag with staff and stand, Institutional Flag with staff and stand,
Senior Scout Outfit Flag with staff and stand, Senior Scout Badge (oversized, with three candle holders on top
edge), Four (4) big candles (colored silver, green, white and blue-grey), Twelve (12) small candles (red or
orange), Rustic log with candle holders (1 for big candle and12 for small candles), Table with white table cloth,
tray for badges and registration certificates, match or lighter to light candles, and enough chairs for
participants in the program

 Entry of Guests
 Entry of Candidates
 Invocation
 Entry of Colors
 Pambansang Awit
 Words of Welcome


(Outfit Advisor officiating)

(Senior Crew Leader gives the command to Senior Scouts to stand at attention with the candle participants
taking their assigned places on stage.)

(All lights out, and Advisor proceeds to the ceremonial table to light the big candle (silver) at center of rustic

ADVISOR: “I bring to light the great spirit of Scouting! Let the Senior Scout Badge speak!”

VOICE OF THE BADGE: “What you see here tonight speaks of the past, the present, and the future of Senior
Scouting. I am the badge of our Senior Scouts who are the cream of our Filipino youths. I symbolize their
ideals, their interests, their desires and aspirations through the Scouting way of life. I embody the objectives of
the revitalized Senior Scouting program which are to make these Senior Scouts individually efficient, morally
and spiritually and further make them utilize this efficiency in serving their fellowmen.”
“I would like you all to remember that I am designed to represent all that Senior Scouting stands for.
The red double letter S embossed in a field of gold and represented as a winding road leading to the distant
horizon symbolizes the exciting outdoor trails of life which a Senior Scout must take in an adventure filled
journey to good citizenship. The golden field upon which the double letter S is laid symbolizes those golden
values that every Senior Scout must strive to possess as he goes through life. The trefoil on the emblem
reminds him that, as a Senior Scout, he belongs to a world-wide brotherhood of young people committed to a
life of selfless service to God, Country, and Fellowmen.”
“The double S also represents the three sections of the Senior Scout program. It symbolizes the
pathways travelled by Land Scouts as they wind their way through the woods. It also symbolizes the red sails
of sailboats that flaps in the wind as Sea Scouts go into an adventurous voyage along the coast. So, too, does it
symbolize the flight curvature of spaceships hurling into infinity as Air Scouts set their sights on a highly
challenging odyssey into the future. The double S is represented in red for the courageous spirit that Senior
Scouts must exemplify on their joyful journey to a better life.”
“Wear me proudly in your uniform and go out to the world and show the people that Senior Scouts are
ever ready for service to God, to their Country, and to other people. Keep yourselves fit to serve your

(Advisor takes the lighted silver candle and lights the center candle on top of Badge.)

ADVISOR: “I bring to life the greatest ideal of Scouting- duty to God and Country. Let all good Senior Scouts
strive to fulfill their obligations to their Creator and their Motherland. I now call on my Assistant Outfit Advisor
to light the next two candles.”

(Advisor hands in lighted candle to Assistant Advisor, who then lights the next two candles.)

ASSISTANT ADVISOR: “I bring to life the next greatest ideals of Scouting- duty to others and duty to self. Let all
good Senior Scouts do their best in helping others while keeping themselves physically strong, mentally
awake, and morally straight.”

(Assistant Advisor then returns big candle to holder at center of log and goes back to his place on stage.)

ADVISOR: “As you stare at the three lighted candles on top of the badge, you will be reminded of the
wonderful and high adventures that are in store for you in Senior Scouting. These candles represent the three
interest areas in your advancement trail – the air section by the blue-grey candle, the land section by the
green candle, and the sea section by the white candle.”
“I now call on the selected Senior Scouts to light the next candles to project the meaning of the twelve
points of the Scout Law.”

(Advisor picks big candle from center and passes it on to Senior Scout No.1 who the lights the candle, inner first
on the right, using left hand and executing Scout sign says..)

SCOUT NO. 1: “I bring to life the first point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Trustworthy.”

(Scout No.1 faces the audience and remains in Scout sign position until the Voice completes meaning of the
VOICE: “A Scout’s honor is to be trusted. If he were to violate his honor by telling a lie, or by cheating, or by
not doing exactly a given task, when trusted on his honor, he may be directed to hand over his Scout Badge.”

(Scout No. 1 hands in big candle to Scout No. 2 who does the same action as what Scout No. 1 did. Scout No. 2
lights inner first candle from the left.)

SCOUT NO. 2: “I bring to life the second point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Loyal.”

(Scout No. 2 then faces the audience and remains in Scout Sign position until the Voice completes meaning of
the second point.)

VOICE: “He is loyal to whom loyalty is due – to his Scout Leaders, his home, parents and country.”

(Scout No. 2 hands in big candle to Scout No. 3 who does the same action and lights next inner candle on right

SCOUT NO. 3: “I ring to life the third point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Helpful.”

(Scout No. 3 follows same action as No. 2…)

VOICE: “He must be prepared at any time to save life, help injured persons, and share the home duties. He
must do at least one good turn to somebody every day.”

(For Scout No. 4, same action continues. This same action is followed by succeeding Scouts. Lighting the candle
is alternate, that is, from right to left.)

SCOUT NO. 4: “I bring to life the fourth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Friendly.”

VOICE: “He is a friend to all and a brother to every Scout.”

SCOUT NO. 5: “I bring to life the fifth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Courteous.”

VOICE: “He is polite to all, especially to women, children, old people and to the weak and helpless. He does
not take pay for being helpful or courteous.”

SCOUT NO. 6: “I bring to life the sixth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Kind.”

VOICE: “He is a friend to animals. He will not kill nor hurt any living creature needlessly, but will strive to save
and protect all harmless lives.”

“I bring to life the seventh point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Obedient.”
VOICE: “He obeys his parents, Scout Leaders, Senior Crew leader, Crew Leaders, and all other duly constituted

SCOUT NO. 8: “I bring to life the eighth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Cheerful.”

VOICE: “He smiles whenever he can. His obedience to order is prompt and cheery. He never shirks nor
grumbles at hardships.”

SCOUT NO. 9: “I bring to life the ninth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Thrifty.”

VOICE: “He does not wantonly destroy property. He works faithfully, wastes nothing, and makes the best use
of his opportunities. He saves his money so that he may pay his own way,, be generous to those in need, and
helpful to worthy objects. He may work for pay but not receive tips for courtesies or good turns.”

SCOUT NO. 10: “I bring to life the tenth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Brave.”

VOICE: “He has the courage to face danger in spite of fear, and to stand up for the right against the coaxing of
friends or the jeers or threats of enemies, and defeat does not down him.”

SCOUT NO. 11: “I bring to life the eleventh point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Clean.”

VOICE: “He keeps clean in body and thought, stands for clean speech, clean sports, clean habits, and travels
with a clean crowd.”

SCOUT NO. 12: “I bring to life the twelfth point of the Scout Law – A Scout is Reverent.”

VOICE: “He is reverent to God. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in
matters of custom and religion.”

(Lights on and the ceremonial group returns to respective formation. Senior Crew Leader brings the Senior
Scouts to attention while Advisor takes over.)

ADVISOR: “Young men, you have come to seek admission to the Scouting Movement, a movement which is
world-wide in scope and which, to some extent takes the place of the ancient order of knighthood. You have
known how, when a man wished to become a knight, he had to pass certain tests, as you have done. Then he
had to take an oath that he would be true and loyal to his king and to his order. In the same way, we have an
oath that you must take. This is solemn promise – a promise so big that no young man must ever dare to make
unless he means to keep it to the very best of his ability all the time. You have learned about the three parts of
the Scout Oath and the twelve points of the Scout Law.”
“Now before you take the oath, I must ask you one question: Is there anything in the oath or in the law
that you do not understand?”
SENIOR SCOUTS: (In unison) “There is none, Sir.”

ADVISOR: “Then will each of you execute the Scout sign and slowly and clearly repeat the Scout Oath and law
(Panunumpa at ang Batas ng Scout) before me?”

(Senior Scouts execute Scout sign and repeat Scout Oath and law (Panunumpa at ang Batas ng Scout) in
On my honor ,I will do my best to do my duty to God and Sa ngalan ng aking dangal, ay gagawin ko ang buong
my country, the republic of the Philippines, and to obey the makakaya; Upang tumupad sa aking tungkulin, sa Diyos at
scout law; to help other people at all times to keep myself sa aking bayan, ang Republika ng Pilipinas at sumunod sa
physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Batas ng Scout; Tumulong sa ibang tao sa lahat ng
pagkakataon Pamalaging malakas ang aking katawan,
A Scout is…
gising ang isipan at marangal ang asal.
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent
Ang Scout ay: Mapagkakatiwalaan, Matapat, Matulungin,
Mapagkaibigan, Magalang, Mabait, Masunurin, Masaya,
Matipid, Matapang, Malinis, Maka-Diyos

ADVISOR: “Very well, it is the Spirit of the Scout Oath and Law that lights our steps. I now direct your
attention to the flag of our country. As Scouts we have special feelings about our flag, which is the symbol of
our country. We know what it means. We have learned how to respect and take care of it. We honor and love
it next to our God. I now ask you to execute the Scout sign, face the flag and recite in unison the “Panunumpa
ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas”.

(Scouts execute Scout sign and recite the “Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas” in unison.)


Ako ay Pilipino,buong katapatang nanunumampa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas at sa bansang kanyang

sinsagisag na may dangal, katarungan, at kalayaan, na ipinakikilos ng sambayanang , Maka Diyos,Maka
tao,Makakalikasan at Makabansa.

ADVISOR: “As Senior Scouts, you have also your own code to follow. Let us rededicate ourselves to this code
as a confirmation of our sincere desire to become true and loyal Senior Scouts. Please execute the Scout sign
and recite the Senior Scout Code in unison.”

(Senior Scouts execute Scout sign and recite the Senior Scout Code in unison.)


As a Senior Scout,
I will live the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout motto and slogan.
I will be familiar with the Constitution of the Philippines especially my rights and obligations as a
Filipino citizen.
I will share in my responsibilities to my home, school, church, neighborhood, community and country.
I will deal fairly and kindly with my fellowmen in the spirit of the Scout Law.
I will work to preserve our Filipino heritage, aware that the privileges I enjoy were won by hard work,
sacrifice, clear thinking, and faith of our forefathers.
I will do everything in my power to pass a better Philippines to the next generation.

(After the Senior Scouts shall have recited the Senior Scout Code the Assistant Advisor calls the parents or
sponsors to stand behind their Senior Scouts, bringing with them the neckerchiefs. Advisor then hands in the
membership certificates to each Senior Scout and shakes hand with him.)

(After the distribution of the certificates, the Assistant Advisor gives the command of about face to Senior
Scouts who in turn receive the neckerchiefs from their sponsors. After donning of neckerchiefs, Senior Scouts
accompany their sponsors to their seats and return to their respective seats.)

ADVISOR: “As a commitment to your responsibilities as Boy Scouts, the SPL will lead you in reciting the
Investiture Pledge.”

(Scouts execute Scout sign and follow the SPL.)


I, (state your name) of OUTFIT no. of (state the name of your school), Cebu Council-Boy
Scouts of the Philippines, pledge to do my best to prepare for service to others. I further pledge to live
up to the Scout Oath and Law and the Motto of the Boy Scouts to the best of my knowledge and

ADVISOR: “Parents, let us hear your pledge of support for your boys.”


I ( state your name) parent of (state the name of your son),pledges to do my best to extend full
support to the Scouting movement, to the leaders who are taking and guiding our sons in the right
path to become men of character and better citizens of our country.

ADVISOR: “Congratulations to all of you. Thank you very much dear parents for supporting us in this movement. “

Part III
 Confirmation of Membership by Council Chairman or Cebu Council Representative or District
(In the absence of Council Representative the highest DepEd official)
 Challenge or Inspirational Talk by DepEd Commissioner or Local Government Official…
 Retiring of Colors
 Announcement (optional)
 Scouts’ Benediction. “May the Great Scoutmaster, of all good scouts, be with us, till we meet again.”


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