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Start of the fall semester with a group of extremely gifted children. Children who have the ability
to weld magic through history and ancient artifacts. The people who possessed these artifacts are
powerful royal families. I gained a scholarship to go here through my academic abilities at my old
highschool. The wind was extremely cold, the quiet town of the rich was filled with crinkled leaves.
Personally, I don’t speak very much. That was my choice, not because of some unfortunate event that
occurred in my life before. I prefer to be in my own presence. The idea that being with someone who
knows exactly who I am terrifies me. To my surprise my best friend Wren took an interest in me during
the first semester at the academy. Wren enrolled at the age of 14, but didn't care about personal
One day I took a book out called Wings of Fire, Wren being the extrovert he screamed “Dragons?!
OMG I love Dragons!!” I looked at him with a concerned face as to why he spoke to me. After that
instance, we spoke almost everyday Wren almost became tolerable for me.
Finally, heading to school after the busy morning I had. I blast my headphones with music as I
walk towards the hall to gather my things for English class. I watch Wren from across the hall advocating
for one of his family court events. Court events are where Royal or wealthy families show off an ancient
artifact they recently acquired. These artifacts contain magic that is able to grant a single wish related to
the ancient event associated with the artifact.
Wren runs over to me and grabs the side of my shoulder.
“What do you want?” I says
Wren, short of breaths, panics with a series of thoughts that cannot come out probably out of his
mouth. I stared at Wren with great confusion.
Wren whispers softly after trying to calm down “my family wants me to invite everyone to our
event this weekend. The artifact [insert name] was showcased to me yesterday and I overheard a
conversation about someone else wanting the magic for himself. Now, I'm panicking because I have no
idea what I’m doing. This is the biggest event in our family history!”
I am trying to comprehend everything that wren have spoken in the past 5 minutes. I realized that
I have never been to an event before.
'Wait you someone wanted to steal the magic?’
“Yes, I did and I have no idea who this person is. Even so I do not care if this is my first event I
am EVER planning!” Wren panics frankly.
“Breathe wren you will be okay. You will do just fine as long as you invite enough people to
make this a huge event for your annoying family to enjoy. You need to breathe.”
I watch Wren take a few steps back as slowly calms himself down. I embrace him with a tight
hug, smooth his back to calm him down. Taking care of wren has always been one of my jobs as a best
friend. I love wren with a part of my heart he will never know. He is my family, nor will I ever turn my
back on family.
“Thank you elke. But, I want you to come to our event." Wren says.
“I’m sorry what-” I say very confused, I don’t attend fancy events like this. Events are for people
who have royal blood or are extremely wealthy to invest into protecting an artifact like this. I am neither.
Wren says “maybe it will be good for you to talk to someone other than me. Also, I need you to
be there for my support so please attend this event for me.”
“Fine. only for you” This event will not be fun for me, thinking about it makes me want to vomit.
Realizing I’d have to ask my mom for something to wear.
My mom is quite extragenetic person. It is currently 5am, she already has the house on fire. I
walk toward the kitchen in my blue pajamas. She has the stove steaming all across the roof, setting off all
the alarms in the house.
My mom loudly said “ELKE! I NEED HELP!”
Very quietly I said “Stop yelling mom.”
I walk over to one of the green doorways we have in our house, grabbing a stool. I quickly shut
off the alarm as my mom walks over to say “Thank you.” My mom tried her best to accomplish tasks like
making steamed tea. Her job is an art teacher for one of the lower budget schools in the town, but my dad
usually helps her with the cooking or anything fire related.
This is a perfect depiction of my mom. Riding the bus back home was quite peaceful. I enjoy
moments like this where I have only my thoughts roaming in my head. My thoughts appear in big words
where I can pick and choose exactly who or what I am going to be. I feel the most calm when I am alone.
The bus window shows an image of a long grass field that surrounds my school. Nature is as dangerous as
it can be, it can present in the most beautiful ways. I adore every little bit of the bus ride back home.
I arrive at my house and walk to the front door. Opening the house my mom ran to me embracing
me with a hug. I smile just a bit just because I know she is happy I’m home.
“My wonderful daughter is home!!” my mother says
“Yes. Hello mom.” I respond quickly cause I know I’d have to ask her something she loves to
“So what did we learn at this school of yours?” my mother asked
“Nothing much. Actually I need your help to create an outfit for one of wren family events. I am
invited, as a member I need something nice to wear. So for the love of god do not scream, and help me
create an outfit for tomorrow night”
My mother has a shocked expression but is quiet. I am surprised because she doesn't say anything
else other than “what would you like in your outfit?”
“I would like a dark green emerald with a gold embrace on the side of my jacket so I can
somewhat match wren in what he is wearing.” I responded back.
My mother leaves the room, as a list of ideas are booming in her head. She slams the door
blasting music from across the hallway. I, as her daughter, am not going to question anything she does. I
walk back to my room to throw myself across the bed. Staring into the ceiling thinking about every
moment that happened in my day. Wondering what homework I will have next? Or what will happen to
me if I suddenly never speak to anyone again. But those are just thoughts.
Wren sends

My parents are those parents who are disgustingly in love with each other. They complement
each other well. My dad is alway taking care of the three of us. Money has always been an issue but, my
dad never let me feel it growing up. The thing about both of my parents is that they both get caught up in
their own messes. So, my family ended up in the weirdest situation ever. One of the times is how I got my
scholarship to the academy.
I was maybe about 11 years old. She made a deal with one of the interns' kids for me to beat
them in a spelling bee competition. The kid that I ended up beating was a part of a royal wealthy family,
so their parents offered me the money to pay for my admission to attend the school. My mom was
pleased that I nobbed their kid in the competition. Knowing her she wanted to spend the money on a new
van for traveling, or even buy a big unnecessary farm. My dad did not let any of that happen, and told me
that “Elke you are different, so when other kids try to tell you who you are, you prove to them you belong
here. You understand me?” I nodded my head yes. Now that I am older, I always try to keep that memory
with me which is why I felt comfortable being by myself. I waited three years until I could enroll at the
age of 14 for the admission. Then well, Wren came into the picture and gave me a feeling of belonging.

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