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The Impact of Artificial Definition

Intelligence on Human Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned

Life with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require
human intelligence.
Example of AI

The Four Types of AI Artificial Intelligence ▪ Self-driving cars

▪ Algoritma in e-commerce apps
▪ Robo-advisors
▪ Game bots
▪ Conversational bots
Robots in various fields have begun ▪ Alexa and other smart assistants
▪ Email spam filters
to replace human roles.
A reactive machine follows the most basic of AI SECURITY
principles and, as its name implies, is capable of
only using its intelligence to perceive and react
to the world in front of it.
Brookings Institute
Limited Memory RESEARCH EDUCATION A new study of the Brookings Institute reports that
about a quarter of all jobs in the US are at “high
risk” of being replaced by automation.
Theory of Mind Human against AI The Effect

Kai-Fu Lee
We have no chance for competing with machine
A venture capitalist said that AI would increasingly
in frequency high volume task.
Anthony Goldbloom replace repetitive jobs, not just for blue collar work
but also white collar work.

Source: In TEDx says Machine learning is now capable for doing

complex stuff. Jobs like construction, driver, chef, even barber
will be replaced robots. A teacher might read 10,000 essays What should we do?
over a 40-year career. An ophthalmologist may see 50,000
eyes, but a machine can see millions of essays, millions of
eyes in a few minutes. Adaptation
We should not worry about the capabilities of the
AI machine now. But we should be worried about the

Learn about AI incompetence of the machine right now.

Deep Blue, IBM Google’s AlphaGo

Human Problems
How if we apply AI to find the solution of economic problems, social
problems, to find a cure for cancer that if humans find the solution may
Economic Disease
take thousands of years.

Social Population

There is one thing only The Differences

AlphaGo is incapable of evaluating future moves but relies on
Environment Education
humans can do: dream,
its own neural network to evaluate developments of the
so let's dream big. Machines have calculation, people have understanding.
Garry Kasparov, he is a chess grand master who has never lost present game, giving it an edge over Deep Blue in a more
before. In 1997, he lost a game of chess to IBM's Deep Blue Machines have instruction, people have purpose. Machines
complex game. AlphaGo also bested world-class competitors
Food Stock Resource
computer. He gave up on his match after only 19 moves. of the game, defeating champion Go player Lee Sedol in 2016. have objectivity, people have passion.

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