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The hour is approaching when the souls of man will hear.

A mighty shout resounding in the sky.
In power and great glory King Jesus will appear, and take
His children home to paradise.
It will be a celebration, for the ones who chose His name,
but total separation, for the ones who turned away.

Are you ready for the trumpet? Are you ready for the call?
Soon the angels will assemble to usher in the Son of God.
Will come and find you faithful? Will He know your name
at all?
Every moment brings us closer. Are you ready for the

The Bible speaks of two men, who were standing in the

Where one is taken and one is left behind.
Two women in the kitchen one goes and one remains.
So get your house in order while there's time.

In Christ there is salvation, through the blood there is a

to secure your destination on that resurrection day.

There's an urgency to reach the world. We have no time
to waist.
For within the heart of mortal man the burning question
now is raised.

Will He come and find you faithful? Will He know your

name at all? Every moment brings us closer. Are you
ready for the call? For the call?

Amen – Ladies only

Amen – Men only
Amen – Solo (assigned)
Amen - All

1. In the beginning was the Word

And when He chose to make the world
He didn’t have to leave His throne or lift a hand.

To make the light shine in the dark

Beneath the sun, the moon, the stars,
and every creature in the sea and on the land.

He said, “Let there be.”

And His Word was sufficient.

2. When Jesus walked upon the Earth,

His power shown through mighty works
He healed the sick and caused the blind to see again.

Sometimes He touched, sometimes He prayed, but when a man

was brought one day to ask for healing that his body would be

Jesus said, “Arise!”

(Ohhh) “Arise!”
And His Word was sufficient.

Inside a garden full of bloom, two women wept before the
tomb. Their brother Lazarus had now been dead for days.

Jesus said, “take the stone away”,

Lifted His eyes began to pray.
Then spoke three words that echoed through that place.
“Lazarus, come forth!”
And His Word was sufficient!

3. Three Roman crosses on a hill,

three men were tortured nailed and killed.
Jesus, the Word made flesh, was buried in the ground.
Would God accept this sacrifice? Would His atoning blood suffice?
He left no doubt when three days later He walked out.
He’s the Living Word, and the Word is sufficient!

For every question, every trial, every mountain, every mile.
For correction, for reproof, for instruction, and for truth.
It will never pass away, and it’s relevant today.
It’s God’s Word, and the Word is sufficient.

The Word is sufficient.

The Word is sufficient.

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