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advantages of using technology to support the learning process

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim


Good afternoon

Dear judges

Dear teachers

Dear parents

Who is always guided by God

And my happy brothers and sisters

Praise and gratitude I pray to Allah SWT who has given us the time, health and opportunity to meet at
today's event. Shalawat and greetings do not forget to extend to the great lord of the prophet
Muhammad SAW who has become the messenger of Allah and may we all receive his intercession until
the end of life. Let me introduce myself, my name is Dita Nursyamsiah, born in Jombang, November 26,
2005. I come from school at MA Hidayatussalam NW, grade 11.

This morning, I will read a speech with the theme “The benefits of using technology to support the
learning process”. We must be familiar with the presence of this one technology, which changes many
things today.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The internet is not only used for browsing, but also for profit, seeking popularity or finding information
from various parts of the world. .

Technology can be used as a tool to facilitate the teaching process by educators. In addition, students
can also use it to explore more knowledge. If the teachers and educators are able to use this technology
well, the quality of education in Indonesia will also improve.

In teaching and learning activities, it is not uncommon for students to feel bored with the subject matter
delivered monotonously. With technology, educators are now able to create alternative ways of
teaching that are more interactive. For example, by showing the subject matter through more lively
presentation slides or by videos that invite students to focus more on learning.

By implementing learning innovations that are more lively than the presence of technology, it will be
possible for learning in the classroom to be more enjoyable. Students will also be more enthusiastic to
receive the subject matter.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Do you know what other advantages of technology?. The advantage that can be obtained from other
technologies is the ease of getting information. Often when doing assignments or getting material that
is difficult to learn, students will tend to look for it through the given textbook. However, now there is
also another alternative, namely through search engines thanks to advances in technology.

This facility is often used by almost all students and students. In fact, not a few educators use
technology to find more information about a subject matter that will be delivered.

When in conditions full of limitations to get an education, technology is present as one of the saviors.
For example, when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred at the beginning of the year, teaching and learning
activities at schools had to be stopped for some time to avoid the spread of the corona virus.

Indirectly, Covid-19 has made educators and students rely on technology 100 percent in the teaching
and learning process. At first, it might take some getting used to because the online learning process is
something new in the world of education. But, if viewed from the other side, technology has become a
helper of learning media without any limitation of conditions.

Perhaps so many speeches that I can convey on this occasion. If there is an error, either from my speech
or my movements in delivering a speech, I apologize profusely to all of you, because in fact what is right
comes from Allah and what is wrong comes from myself.

Finally, wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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