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CIPS Principal Marker (external) Report:

Qualification: Diploma in procurement and supply

Module: L4M1
Exam series: November
Date of completion: 30/12/2020

These reports are designed to help tutors and learners understand the common trends presented by both
strong and weaker answers in relation to the module for the given exam series.

Learning Outcome 1:
The question addressed learning outcome 1: Understand and analyse the added value that can be
achieved through procurement and supply chain management. This question provided candidates an
opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the five rights of procurement. This was generally a very
well answered question with the most successful candidates linked their answers back to the scenario
provided. Where candidates performed less well, they either did not know all of the five rights or did not
link back to the scenario in adequate detail as required by the question.
Learning Outcome 2:
The question addressed learning outcome 2: Understand and analyse the key steps when procuring
goods or services. This question was focused on describing the contribution of key procurement tools. As a
trend, candidates knew this area well. Where this was well answered, candidates provided lots of examples
of how the tools contributed to the procurement and supply process. Where this was answered less well,
candidates only provided brief descriptions or bullet point lists of the contributions.
Learning Outcome 3:
The question addressed learning outcome 3: Understand and analyse the key aspects of organisational
infrastructure that shape the scope of procurement or supply chain function. This question looked at the
benefits of a particular procurement structure. Generally, this was a well answered question, candidates
provided the correct number of benefits and provided examples. Some candidates failed to provide the
correct number of benefits which resulted in lower marks. Other candidates discussed other structures that
the question had not asked for.
Learning Outcome 4:
The question addressed learning outcome 4: Understand and analyse the need for compliance with
requirements when undertaking procurement activities in different sectors.
This question focused on methods to achieve a higher market share and was generally less well answered
by candidates. Where this was answered well, candidates were able to identify sources of procurements
contribution towards achieving increased market share and relate this to the scenario provided. Where this
was answered less well, candidates were unable to link procurement activity to market share.


Leading global excellence in procurement and supply

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