Barry's (1991) Article Managing The Bossless Team On Distributed Leadership

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Self-managed teams (SMTs) are becoming more common in the

workplace-but their usefulness depends on bow well people in

various leadership roles can communicate and unify toward a
common goal.

Managing the Bossless Team:

Lessons in Distributed

he use of self-managed teams (SMTs) in tion explosion. The logarithmic growth of
work settings not only has gained technologically based information has
momentum but appears to be at a record resulted in unprecedented numbers of
high. These teams appear in many forms, highly educated, self-motivated, self-
such as quality circles, task forces, commu- directed specialists; most of these workers
nication teams, new venture teams, and come to know far more about their given
business brand teams. They are widely used work area than their managers. For such
among such companies as Digital, FMC, specialists to work. efficiently and effec-
Frito-Lay, GE, General Foods, GM, tively, highly participative and flexible
Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, and Pepsi- work structures such as SMTs are neces-
Cola, as well as among many smaller firms. sary. This trend is gradually eclipsing the
SMTs have been credited with saving hun- need for close, directive leadership in many
dreds of millions of dollars, achieving con- settings.
ceptual breakthroughs, and introducing Another force is the increased use of
unparalleled numbers of new products. extremely expensive equipment and tech-
Increasingly, these “bossless teams” seem nology in all industries, ranging from laser-
the key to solving complex problems, based cutting systems in heavy manufactur-
increasing productivity, and heightening ing settings to high-priced delivery and
creativity. information systems in the service sector.
Although their proliferation has not The expense of interrupting such systems
been problem-free (especially in the case of mandates that groups of operators be able
quality circles), there are several basic forces to make real-time decisions and interven-
that will continue to make teams an increas- tions on their own rather than relaying
ingly popular organizational device in the problems up to a supervisor.
1990s. Lastly, many companies, faced with
One driver is the technological informa- growing levels of both domestic and global 31
competition, are turning to SMTs as a
means of reducing middle management
costs and fostering more rapid product
Despite the growing popularity of
SMTs, a significant question has gone unan-
swered: How should leadership be exer-
cised in these leaderless settings-that is, in
settings where differences in formal author-
ity either do not exist or are downplayed?
The demand for leadership does not simply
disappear once the boss is gone. In many
ways, actually, the opposite holds true;
SMTs require even more leadership than
David Barry teaches strategic manage- conventional organizational units. In addi-
ment and organizational behavior at the tion to needing task-based leadership (such
School of Management at Syracuse Uni- as project definition, scheduling, and
versity. He received his Ph.D. in manage- resource-gathering), they require leadership
ment from the University of Maryland. around group development processes
Dr. Barry has done consulting work for nu- (developing cohesiveness, establishing effec-
merous organizations; he specializes in tive communication patterns, and so forth).
holistic approaches to executive and orga- Without the presence of formal authority,
nizational development. In this capacity, he power struggles and conflict around both
has worked with both small firms and For- task and process issues surface more often,
tune 500 companies on issues ranging adding to the overall leadership burden that
from team development to strategic plan- must be handled by the group. Because
ning. Dr. Barry’s research centers on man- many members of SMTs never receive for-
agerial work, with a particular emphasis on mal training in group process skills, these
management systems that join logical deci- groups are frequently unstable, tending
sion processes with social, physical, and toward fission rather than fusion.
intuitive processes. An added problem is that most of the
existing leadership theories are inadequate
for guiding SMT efforts. Currently, most
leadership theories adopt a person-centered
approach, in which leadership is a quality
that exists in one person-the leader. In this
category are universal trait theories (that
interpret characteristics that all leaders
must have), universal behavior theories that
describe behavioral leadership styles (that
apply across all situations), situational trait
theories (that suggest that a leader needs
different traits in different situations), situa-
tional behavior theories (that advocate the
use of distinct, learned leader behaviors
depending on the type of subordinates
being supervised), and functionalist theo-
ries (that suggest that leader behavior
should vary with the function being per-
32 formed). Although certainly useful in classic
supervisory settings, these theories tend to
ignore leadership dynamics within a group Research on the Distributed
context where the development of the Leadership Model
group almost always requires frequent
shifts in leadership behavior.
Leadership theories that are more The distributed leadership model was de-
group-centered include the Robert rived from obsen/ations and interviews of 15
Tannenbaum-Warren Schmidt leadership SMTs over a three-year period and from
model and Ken Blanchard’s situational conversations with a number of other con-
leadership theory for group development. sultants and educators who have worked
The Tannenbaum-Schmidt model focuses with SMTs. Observations were usually made
on the extent to which decision-making is while I was in a consulting or training role;
centralized in a group. On one end of their thus I often expenenced the various stages
scale is the leader who dominates decision- of the model firsthand. During the course of
making activity; on the other is the leader the research, company executives and par-
who permits a group to make decisions ticipants requested and were promised strict
within prescribed limits. Their model high- confidentiality with respect to data collected.
lights the importance of focusing on a Thus, no real names are given here.
group’s decisional process, particularly in A qualitative, grounded theory approach
managerial groups, where decisions are the was used while conducting the research.
main outputs. Only marginal mention is Thus interviews and observation sessions
made, however, of how leadership should were carried out in an open-ended way to fa-
change as a group evolves; further, these cilitate the discovery of new relationships.
decisional tasks form only part of the group Theoretical sampling was used to identify
leadership picture. Another dimension con- new field sites until subsequent observations
sists of social leadership roles that are acted failed to contribute meaningfully.
out in a group, such as the management of Specifically, 11 teams in manufacturing
participation and conflict. Current leader- and four teams in education were studied
ship research suggests that such roles are (see Table 1); all but two were located in the
critical for effective group functioning. upstate region of New York. Of the manufac-
More applicable to SMTs is Blanchard’s turing teams, six were from firms specializ-
extension (developed with Paul Hersey) of ing in electronics; the remaining five operat-
situational leadership theory to stages of ed in moderately heavy, more traditional
group development. This framework manufacturing settings. One of the teams
demonstrates how both directive and from education was part of an ongoing stu-
socially centered support functions might dent organization while the other three were
vary as a group matures. Thus, in the first comprised of part-time MBAs engaged in a
stages of a group’s life, commitment is class project for a semester.
likely to be high and task competence to be Four of the teams were judged extreme-
low. Here, leadership that is high in direc- ly successful, both by their own assessment
tiveness and low in supportiveness would and by others that had to work with them.
probably work best. Conversely, a style Five were considered to be good to strong
high in supportiveness and low in direc- performers. Six were judged problematic; of
tiveness is probably most effective during these, three terminated prematurely. The
the third stage of a group’s life when both teams engaged in a wide variety of activities.
morale and competence are high. Some were product teams, others were task
Though these two approaches are bet- forces, and still others were free standing
ter fitted to group processes than most, strategic business units.
both tend to ignore situations in which a
formal, legitimate leader is absent, thus 33
making their application to SMTs some- abilities within all members of a team; it is
what difficult. Indeed, application of any of assumed that each member has certain
these person-centered approaches to an leadership qualities that will be needed by
SMT can spell disaster as they tend to inten- the group at some point.
sify power struggles among those believing The distributed leadership pattern that
that someone needs to “take charge.” arises in an SMT is necessarily an emergent
There is a third class of leadership the- one. It normally begins with different mem-
ory, the leadership substitutes school of bers initiating directions in areas they are
thought, which has relevance for some naturally predisposed toward and that are
aspects of SMT functioning. First popular- needed by the team. Thus, for example,
ized over a decade ago, this school suggests someone having a strong organizing bent
that certain individual, task, and organiza- might suggest that the team develop an
tional variables can reduce a group’s need agenda for its meetings, or that a set of min-
for leadership. In particular, it argues that utes be kept. If, over time, this person is
the need for formal leadership decreases able to get the group to regularly follow
when team members are able, experienced, along with his or her suggestions, this per-
trained, and knowledgeable; when tasks are son will gradually be accorded leader status
routine, intrinsically satisfying, and results- in the area of organization. Similarly, some-
driven; and when the organization pos- one who is quite innovative might come up
sesses high levels of formality, inflexibility, with methods for enhancing overall group
cohesiveness, staff support, managerially creativity. If these suggestions are consis-
independent reward structures, and spatial tently introduced in ways acceptable to
distance between workers and managers. other team members, this person will likely
My experience suggests, however, that at come to assume the status of an envisioning
most this theory predicts when SMTs will leader.
require less formal task leadership; it virtu- As different people seek-and are tac-
ally ignores the needs that most SMTs have itly or openly granted-responsibility for
for other leadership forms, such as social different leadership functions, a dynamic
and boundary-spanning leadership. pattern of distributed leadership gradually
In sum, it is evident that each existing takes form. Over time, the predominance of
approach to leadership has certain draw- various leadership types shifts as the team’s
backs when applied to the SMT. In the needs shift. Thus, envisioning leadership is
paragraphs below, I offer a different model usually needed when project ideas are
of leadership that is uniquely suited to being developed; as the project takes form,
SMTs-a distributed leadership model (see this need diminishes and the envisioning
the box). At its heart is the notion that lead- leader is supplanted by team members exer-
ership is a collection of roles and behaviors cising other leadership forms. Distributed
that can be split apart, shared, rotated, and leadership requires that attention be given
used sequentially or concomitantly. This in not only to the type of leader behavior
turn means that at any one time multiple required at a given time but also to the
leaders can exist in a team, with each leader interrelatedness and availability of leader
assuming a complementary leadership role. behaviors. For example, SMTs frequently
It is this characteristic that truly differenti- need social leadership early in their lives,
ates this approach from the person-cen- especially in the area of conflict manage-
tered approaches described earlier. Also, ment. If no team members possess training
unlike leadership substitute approaches, in this area, several members having good
where attempts are made to reduce or elim- networking skills might work together to
inate the need for a leader, the distributed fill this need, as skills needed to network
leadership model emphasizes the active cul- frequently facilitate development of social
34 tivation and development of leadership abilities-that is, networking that requires
Table 2

Team Type of firm Number Team

of team lifespan
members (in years)
1 Electonics 5 2 4 SBU projects, some
policy making
2 Electonics 5 .33

3 Electronics 7 3

4 Electronics ,6 3- I 4 SBU project, some
policy making
5 Electronics 8 1.5 4 project, some
policy making
6 Electronics 4 1.5 2 Task Force problem solving
7 Glass Mfr 5 5 3 Quality Team problem solving
8 Machinery Mfr 7 1 1 Quality Team problem solving,
some project work
9 Machinery Mfr 5 3 3 Quality Team problem solving
10 Paper 8 1 4 SBU projects, some
policy making
11 Paper 6 1.5 t-c 2 Task Force problem solving
12 Class Group 6 .5 2 Project Team projects

13 Class Group 6 .5 3 Project Team projects

14 Student 4 .75 3 Task Force problem solving
15 City 6 .5 t 1 Task Force problem solving
i Government
* 4=very successful, 3=strong performer, Z=problematic, l=very problematic, early termination

the ability to quickly size up others and find mode from time to time), experience has
a way to communicate with them; these shown that collectively, these categories
same social leadership skills can be used to cover most situations in which SMTs are
encourage dialogue between members hav- found. Further, numerous observations of
ing a conflict. successful and unsuccessful SMTs suggest
The distributed leadership model that performance is maximized when cer-
applies to three generic classes of SMTs: tain basic leadership roles and behaviors are
project teams, problem solving teams, and differentially enacted at specific times dur-
policy making teams. While functionally ing the team’s life. Thus, SMT performance
these classes can overlap (e.g., a project is, in part, a function of having the right
team will move into a problem solving roles present at the right time. 35
TYPES OF LEADERSHIP Others on the team would become angry
NEEDED IN SMTS and would resort to a variety of retaliatory
gestures, such as ignoring or denigrating
The leadership roles and behaviors required the engineers’ ideas. This created a spiraling
for proper SMT functioning fall into four conflict that ultimately ended in disband-
broad clusters: (1) envisioning, (2) organiz- ment of the group.
ing, (3) spanning, and (4) social. The clus- The inexperienced envisioning leader is
ters tend to be mutually exclusive; skills likely to do most of the envisioning alone
needed to master one area often interfere and will continue to surface new ideas after
with mastery of the others. Further, each the group has committed itself to specific
cluster serves a critical function in maintain- actions. Conversely, the mature, more effec-
ing team dynamics; if any one is under or tive envisioning leader will help others in
over-represented, the SMT’s overall perfor- the group work through the envisioning
mance will usually suffer. process, thus fostering group ownership of
Envisioning leadership. Envisioning central ideas. This person will also try to

The organizing role is necessary in SMTs,

but it can become counterproductive when
a completely new and innovative direction
is needed by the team.

revolves around creating new and com- ground new ideas in what is currently
pelling visions. Leading this process known about a given problem or situation,
requires facilitating idea generation and link developing visions to previous ones,
innovation, defining and championing and ensure that everyone in the group
overall goals, finding conceptual links clearly understands those visions that are
between systems, and fostering frame- agreed upon.
breaking thinking. In terms of problem Organizing leadership. This role brings
solving, people with strong envisioning order to the many disparate elements that
abilities typically have many solutions-of exist within the group’s tasks. Behavior and
which only a few may be acceptable to oth- characteristics associated with the cluster
ers. Because they usually march to a differ- include a focus on details, deadlines, time,
ent drumbeat, these people can have trou- efficiency, and structure. People success-
ble functioning in a group, preferring fully occupying this role often have an
instead to invent and create independently. exacting nature and are usually concerned
As an example, an SMT set up as a strategic with making things predictable and clear,
business unit within Unitron Electronics getting the task done, and not wasting time.
had two engineers who were highly envi- They prefer well-structured situations.
sioning, especially with product ideas. When solving problems, they favor work-
However, because they felt they could be ing with a few, well chosen solutions. A
more creative when working alone, they strong organizing leader can help an SMT
36 would frequently miss team meetings. forge ahead once a direction has been set
and, then, can keep the group from straying needs of other members, requiring they
off-task. For instance, a product develop- spend time with the group, even though
ment SMT within a paper company floun- the natural tendency is to circulate in the
dered for a year, unable to launch any new outside environment. Spanning leaders
products. Its members produced many who maintain too wide an orbit will collect
ideas but could not agree on which ones information and make deals that fit poorly
would receive the most attention or on how with the team’s needs.
product development efforts should be Ideally, the spanning leader will pro-
sequenced. Recognizing the problem, upper vide the group with a constant source of
management added a highly goal-oriented reality checks, thus insuring that the
woman who had established a good track group’s outputs will be well received by
record as a project manager. Within six others in the organization. An example of
months, due to her organizing leadership, excellent spanning leadership was provided
the group had translated its ideas into three by a veteran salesman who was in an SMT
new product launches. responsible for a line of high-end audio
The organizing role is necessary, but it products. He used his contacts with several
can become counterproductive when a industry trade associations to secure infor-
completely new and innovative direction is mation about potential markets, competi-
needed. During such times, organizers may tion, and regulatory information, all of
become impatient with what they perceive which greatly shortened the time the team
to be an impractical casting about for ideas needed to create and launch products. He
and can consequently act to choke the search also set up team visits to trade shows and
for alternatives. Going back to the team retail outlets, which provided members
noted above, it accorded the leader consider- with firsthand information about how their
able power. The result? She strengthened products were being received.
her inclination toward “safe,” low-risk ideas. Social leadership. Social leadership
Responding to her guidance, the team grad- focuses on developing and maintaining the
ually ceased to come up with any truly team from a socio-psychological position.
innovative products. Related behaviors include surfacing differ-
Spuming leadership. Spanning leadership ent members’ needs and concerns, assuring
involves facilitating the activities needed to that everyone gets his or her views heard,
bridge and link the SMT’s efforts with out- interpreting and paraphrasing other views,
side groups and individuals. Associated being sensitive to the team’s energy levels
behaviors include networking, presentation and emotional state, injecting humor and
management, developing and maintaining a fun into the team’s work, and being able to
strong team image with outsiders, intelli- mediate conflicts. The effective social leader
gence gathering, locating and securing criti- is adept at slowing the group down if it is
cal resources, bargaining, finding and fore- working too hard, at talking about the emo-
casting areas of outside resistance, being tional aspects of group work and develop-
sensitive to power distributions, and being ment, at providing encouragement and
politically astute. As with envisioners, peo- reinforcement for individual efforts, at
ple predisposed toward spanning can be encouraging celebration of team accom-
self-centered, looking after their own needs plishments, and at fostering an environ-
first. In its extreme, this can be dangerous; it ment where individual differences are
can quickly sabotage group efforts. That is respected and constructively used. This
why spanning leaders are most effective type of leadership is the most exhausting of
when they perceive that payoffs for the the four. It demands constant vigilance and
group are directly linked to their personal activity. If other types of leaders in the SMT
success. At the same time, these leaders are extreme in their orientation, the team
must be well-informed and sensitive to the will tend toward high levels of tension and 37
Table 2

Project Based Leadership Problem Solving Leadership Policy Making Leadership

Dynamics Dynamics Dynamics
Team __.___ ____~_____ ~_____~
Phases Team Leadership Team Leadership Team Leadership
Activities Requirements Activities Requirements Activities Requirements
-- ._____ -___

9 getting acquainted ?? Social ?? getting acquainted ??Social ?? getting acquainted 9 Social

??resource discovery ?? Spanning ?? resource discovery ??Spanning ?? resource discovery ??Spanning
Phase 1 ??develop goals & ?? Envisioning ?? finding & assess- * Organizing & ?? issue finding ??Spanning &
vision ing problems Spanning Organizing
??assess realism of ?? Organizing & ?? locating causes ??Spanning &
vision Spanning Envisioning

?? surfacing of differ- ?? Social & ?? finding solutions ?? Envisioning & ?? developing policy ?? Envisioning &
ences; conflict Envisioning Spanning & strategy alterna- Spanning
?? ?? ??
Phase 2 ?? scheduling Organizing getting ideas from Social tives
?? securing outside ?? Spanning everyone ?? idea clarification ?? Social
?? enactment of ?? Organizing ?? asessing costs & ?? Organizing & ?? assessing conse- ?? Organizing &
vision benefits Spanning quences Social
?? establishing con- * Organizing ?? summarizing ?? Social ?? tracking team ?? Organizing
Phase 3 trol mechanisms positions progress
?? presentations to ?? Spanning ?? interlinking ideas ?? Envisioning &
outsiders Spanning
?? maintenance of ?? Social
cohesion & com-
____ __.___
??project completion ?? Organizing ?? solution testing ?? Organizing ?? presentations ?? Spanning &
??presentations ?? Spanning ?? further search for ?? Envisioning & ?? coping with out- Organizing
Phase 4 ??getting closure, ?? Social & causes & sohttions Spanning side resistance ?? Spanning
looking at total Envisioning ?? presentations ?? Spanning ?? preparing formal ?? Organizing
effort reports
* team disbanding * Social & ?? disbanding ?? Social ?? disbanding ?? Social
conflict, making the social leader’s job even sizeable amounts of the needed leadership
more taxing. Because the social leader works types during critical phases. In contrast,
in a fuzzy and ill-defined area, other mem- when one of the four types was missing,
bers may question the level of his or her performance fell off, often dramatically.
contributions or may simply discount the Among all failed SMTs (those that did not
usefulness of the contributions altogether, complete their assigned tasks), at least one
labeling them as “touchy-feely” or “soft- of the leadership types was continuously
hearted.” Yet it is evident that when social absent or was diminished when a member
leadership is absent, decisions are made pre- enacting the role was transferred out of the
maturely, groupthink is common, and team team.
life tends to be shortened. This was clearly Within each phase, there exists a need
the case with the team at Unitron for at least one primary form of leadership
Electronics, described earlier. Although this and usually one or more secondary, back-
team possessed an abundance of envision- up forms. Because the leadership types
ing and organizing leadership potential, a require such different skills, there are nor-
general absence of social leadership resulted mally at least two people acting as leaders
in a great deal of unprocessed animosity at any given time. Thus, in describing the
among team members. The engineers in the different leadership types, reference is
group felt they were contributing by coming made to the kind of leadership required (for
up with new product ideas. The other mem- example, spanning leadership) and/or to a
bers, however, were so angry over the engi- specific kind of leader (for instance, the
neers’ frequent absences that they tended to spanner or the spanning leader). This is not
discount or even sabotage these ideas. An to say that multiple leadership roles cannot
effective social leader would have per- be handled by the same person; it is just
suaded these factions to talk through their that in high performing teams, they are fre-
differences, rather than letting the conflict quently person-specific.

Perhaps the most important initial step in
It is not enough for different types of lead- all SMTs is the establishment of an accept-
ership merely to be present; for optimal able leadership pattern. Since, by definition,
team performance, they must be differen- no single designated leader is present to
tially emphasized during the various guide this process, progress is almost
phases of an SMT’s life. Although some ini- always difficult and occurs in a trial-and-
tial leadership activities are needed by all error fashion. To establish an effective dis-
SMTs, different kinds of SMTs go through tributed leadership system, members must
different phases, resulting in the emergence learn about the personal qualities of one
of varying leadership patterns. Table 2 sum- another; a working knowledge of the differ-
marizes these patterns, depicting the basic ent orientations, beliefs, and skills of the
phases encountered in each class of SMT others is necessary so that those with lead-
and the kinds of leadership required. ership skills in a certain area can gain the
Although this framework is certainly team’s consent to use those skills.
not definitive, my observations suggest that Unfortunately, we are often socialized
when these leadership types are present at in ways that prevent us from providing the
the designated times, an SMT is much more kinds of questions and answers that would
likely to succeed in its mission; the highest facilitate this process, questions such as
performing teams in my sample always had “How do you like to work?” or “In what 39
ways are you creative?” Consequently, the things each person does best. In more effec-
first few times together are usually awk- tive teams, others concur with this kind of
ward. Members end up trying to find out request by describing themselves in fairly
about one another in very roundabout comprehensive ways and by listening well
ways-by talking about sports, outside to each other’s comments. In less effective
company events, new hires, or practically teams, either the request to talk about one
anything that does not deal directly with another is never made or else is met with
the present reality of the group. In some superficial responses. It is common for these
SMTs, there is almost a taboo against talk- latter teams to jump immediately to the task
ing about personal and social factors; the at hand, skirting the exploration phase alto-
team norm is one of being “tough” or “stay- gether.
ing cool.” In such settings, leadership devel- As the various qualities and skills of
opment can be painfully slow, with many each member are brought out, the person
subtle (and not-so-subtle) attempts for dom- exercising social leadership can begin iden-
inance taking place. tifying commonalties between members,
This was the case with a quality control which can in turn boost feelings of cohe-
SMT in a firm that manufactured industrial siveness. This person can also point out
moving equipment. The team was made up how differences within the team can be
of very rugged, competitive men who had a complementary. This effort can be supple-
great deal of difficulty in handling their dis- mented by team members having good net-
agreements; either they would carefully works. These people, who tend to emerge
avoid situations that they knew were likely as spanning leaders, may have previous
to be conflicts or they would get into heated knowledge about others in the team and
yelling matches filled with threats of physi- can help to surface where different skills lie.
cal violence. An unstated norm was that the Since people with strong spanning skills
“winner” of these bouts would set the tend to be self-assured, they can also impart
team’s direction, at least until another match a sense of confidence to the team. In one
occurred. One of the team members tried to high-performing SMT, a spanner greatly
minimize tensions through the use of boosted team confidence by providing
humor, but, often as not, the effects were assurance of needed outside resources. This
short-lived. In contrast, the company SMT freed the team from being overly anxious
that came up with the most quality about resource issues and consequently
improvements engaged in more open and allowed members to spend more time get-
even-handed interpersonal exploration ting to know one another.
early in its formation. This resulted in faster As different kinds of potential leaders
leadership development and, ultimately, emerge, the team gets to a point where it
more rapid team development. must learn to use these differences effec-
Because so much of an SMT’s success tively. This entails developing genuine
depends on effective distribution of leader- respect for the diverse styles and learning
ship-and because this in turn is dependent when and where different styles are
on discovering and coordinating the team’s needed. From here on, required kinds of
untapped leadership resources-the early leadership become specific to the task the
presence of someone with good interper- SMT is working on.
sonal skills is critical. This person, who nor-
mally becomes the team’s social leader,
draws out other team members’ values and
needs and makes sure that everyone gets a
chance to talk. She or he might simply sug- In addition to needing good social leader-
gest that some time be spent talking about ship, project-based SMTs initially require
40 each other’s thoughts and about what development of overall team goals and a
vision or grand plan that will accomplish ship is also required. From a group devel-
these goals; this naturally falls into the opment perspective, social leadership is
province of the envisioning leader. needed to maintain cohesion and commit-
Secondary activities center on making sure ment, especially from those having an
that the vision is realizable and providing envisioning bent; once the project is well
various reality checks, roles occupied by the under way, these people are likely to
spanner and organizer. The spanner pro- become bored and may unconsciously sab-
vides assurance that the vision will fit with otage efforts by trying to impose new
the requirements of outsiders while the directions. The social leader can increase
organizer detects logical stumbling blocks. cohesion by making sure that the team has
Care must be taken, however, that these fun and that members do not overwork
individuals do not overly criticize alterna- themselves.
tive visions, especially while they are being In the final phase, the team completes
formed; this can result in plans that are its project and either disbands or goes on to
stale or status quo. The social leader can a new effort. During this time, there are usu-
often provide this check. ally many details to be handled: reports to
During the second phase, the team be filed, product transfer arrangements to
begins to experience differences among be made, final presentations to be given.
members, as various ideas on how to pro- Strong organizing and spanning leadership
ceed come to the surface. Social leadership are essential at this phase. The organizer
is needed to make sure that these differ- ensures that all the details are covered while
ences are constructively handled and that the spanner smoothes the path for the trans-
an emphasis is placed on developing win- fer of the product, and, should the team dis-
win alternatives. The effective social band, transfer of individual members. The
leader, recognizing that constructive con- envisioner can help bring a sense of closure
flict is needed to make good decisions, to the project by emphasizing the project’s
tries to create a climate where differences overall image and showing how past events
are openly expressed and respected. The contributed to that image. Lastly, the social
envisioner can assist by integrating the dif- leader can help members to cope with the
ferent opinions into the overall vision and feelings of loss or emptiness that usually
showing how each view has its use. accompany successful project completion by
During this time, the tasks of scheduling fostering times of celebration, by helping
and securing resources also become impor- members to focus on future events and out-
tant. Leading scheduling efforts is most side contacts, and by encouraging members
ably conducted by the organizer while to voice their emotions.
finding outside resources requires span-
ning leadership.
During the third phase, the team is
engaged in enacting the plans and sched-
ules created earlier. This phase often lasts In problem-solving teams, early work usu-
the longest and requires good organizing ally focuses on finding problems, getting a
leadership throughout. From a task per- sense for their impacts and urgency, and
spective, control procedures are primary. discussing their causes. Here, organizing
Feedback channels and ways of making and spanning leadership are most neces-
corrections need to be developed and sary. The organizer’s function is to facilitate
maintained. As the team begins formulat- detection of what things are off track and
ing its products, the results will need to be the extent of the deviations. He or she can
presented to outsiders who will either use also lead a systematic probe through proba-
the products and/or provide additional ble causes. The spanner helps to represent
resources. Consequently, spanning leader- outsider’s concerns and can facilitate more 41
realistic prioritization of problems. The POLICY-MAKING SMTS
envisioner can sometimes aid in finding less
obvious causes. Lastly, the social needs of Policy-making SMTs are less likely to follow
the team are much the same as in project- a clear sequence of team phases than pro-
based SMTs; consequently, social leader- ject or problem-solving SMTs. They usually
ship is required to bring the team together have multiple issues, events, and areas to
as a social unit. The social leader can also consider simultaneously, and they tend to
facilitate a more comprehensive search for build up relevant policies and strategies in
causes by making sure that everyone’s an incremental fashion. For example, one
input is heard. strategy-making SMT was comprised of
In the second phase, different solu- three division managers, a manufacturing
tions are sought. Creative, frame-breaking general manager, and a marketing vice-
solutions can result from envisioning lead- president. For the first two months of its
ership. Other possible solutions can be existence, the team’s biggest problem was
imported into the team with the help of to figure out its focus-whether to upgrade
the spanner. If true breakthroughs are and expand the distribution systems used
going to be found, the social leader must by the product divisions, which of several
work to minimize early criticism of alter- related companies to purchase, what kind
natives. Where opposing solutions are of image they wanted the company to por-
developed, social leadership is needed to tray, and so forth. In the course of talking
allow the differences to coexist at least about these things, different ideas would
temporarily. constantly come up. Some would get
During the third phase, choices are dropped immediately, but others would be
made around the existing alternatives. This modified and expanded. By the fourth
requires determining and evaluating costs month, a fairly cohesive strategy had
and benefits. Organizing leadership is most emerged, and it was clear to team members
needed at this juncture, followed by span- where the strategy fit with current opera-
ning leadership. The organizer is typically tions and where change would have to be
adept at sorting, comparing, and passing effected. The team didn’t seem to follow a
judgement in an unemotional way; the clear progression of decision-making steps
spanner can help the team determine how in developing this strategy, but there was
outsiders may view different alternatives. evidence of some broad leadership shifts.
Lastly, the social leader can facilitate a com- During the issue-finding period, an
prehensive review of alternatives by offer- SMT needs to make sure that the right
ing everyone a chance to participate and by issues are being surfaced and that the rami-
paraphrasing and summarizing different fications of these issues are explored.
conclusions. Consequently, spanning and organizing
In the last phase, the team tests out its leadership tend to be somewhat more dom-
solution, and, depending on whether it inant in the beginning. The spanning leader
works, may move on to a new problem, is normally sensitive to what issues are
return to an earlier phase, or disband. The most important in a company and has the
organizer usually leads the first testing necessary contacts to get more information
efforts. Should the solution not prove on a given issue. Similarly, good organizing
workable, the envisioner and/or the span- leaders are aware of those things that are
ner may assume the search for new causes “off track” and usually have the skills
and solutions. Finally, the social leader can needed to quickly and efficiently audit a
help ease the tenseness that may surround given situation. Once the various issues
testing efforts; she or he can also help with have been identified, the SMT might
transition efforts should the team need to engage in issue prioritization. Again, the
42 break up. spanning leader can help identify how
issue importance is represented in other team’s outputs, the preferred ways in
parts of the company. which these groups get and use informa-
As the team begins to center on certain tion, and where different pockets of resis-
issues, members begin coming up with tance might lie. Where others might be
alternative actions, futures, strategies, and especially antagonistic, the spanner can also
the like. Here, strong envisioning leader- help in softening the conflict by approach-
ship becomes helpful, especially where the ing them informally. The organizer can
issues being faced are complex and the help the team put its proposals and deci-
future is uncertain. If current policies and sions into a more formalized form, such as a
strategies are not working well, intuition written report or memo. Finally, as with the
and an ability to see beyond the status quo other teams, the social leader can facilitate
are required if the team is to succeed. Thus the disbanding process.
the envisioner must be able to foster an
atmosphere that allows new and creative
views to emerge. Helping him or her in this
can be the spanner who might know of
alternatives that have worked well in other As is apparent from the preceding discus-
places. Good social leadership is also sion, developing an effective distributed
needed to help team members understand leadership system requires substantial, sus-
one another’s ideas. As more and more tained effort. The two cases presented
ideas begin to develop, organizing leader- below illustrate how leadership distribution
ship becomes increasingly essential. The can occur in practice (although both cases
organizer helps the team to think through are factual accounts, all names have been
the consequences of different alternatives disguised). Both SMTs worked in the same
and can help the group to keep track of its division of a rapidly growing electronics
progress. In a similar fashion, the social firm. The teams were charged with creating
leader can assist the team by pointing out products aimed at specific market segments
how their decisions might make others feel that the company was trying to enter; team
and how the social fabric of the organiza- members were picked by senior manage-
tion will be affected. In addition, different ment.
ideas need to be interlinked and cross- The first SMT, Team 1 (see Table 1) was
checked so that the implementation of one extremely successful. During the first year
alternative does not negatively affect of its existence, this five-person team devel-
another. Therefore, the skills of both the oped three imaging products aimed at
envisioner (who focuses on the big picture) heavy equipment manufacturers; one of
and the spanner (who can see how differ- these products revolutionized the way
ent alternatives connect to various parts of equipment failures were diagnosed.
the organization) become necessary. Everyone in the team had a background in
Gradually, policies and strategies are engineering, yet all five members possessed
shaped, and a time comes when the team’s very different orientations and skills that
deliberations must be communicated to out- ultimately translated into distinct, comple-
side stakeholders. Presentations, reports, mentary leadership styles. Specifically, Ann,
and informal hallway talk all become possi- who possessed a cool but forceful manner,
ble channels; if the team is to have its had decided to move into marketing and
efforts well received and implemented, it had spent the last year attending marketing
must exercise some control over what is seminars and reading up on the subject.
said. Thus, spanning and organizing lead- Henry was known as an engineering genius
ers are especially important during this and a social misfit. He was very inventive
time. The spanner is most likely to know but disliked working with others because,
how different groups might receive the in his words, “most guys here live blind- 43
they’re incredibly slow to see new things.” spark others to generate ideas as well.
Ken was older than the others and was very Chuck exercised organizing leadership by
easy-going and philosophical. Chuck, in keeping track of all the travel arrangements
addition to his engineering training, had a and expenses. He also would query clients
background in cost accounting. He was about where products and systems were
neat, precise, and methodical in his inadequate, carefully recording all their
approach. Lastly, Jeff was a natural extro- responses. Jeff, acting as an internal span-
vert, having a strong social bent and many ner, talked up the team’s progress to other
friends within the company. managers in the company and kept the
Distinct forms of leadership began to team atmosphere upbeat with his humor.
emerge during the first week of the team’s Ken, who became the team’s social leader,
life. For instance, Ken exhibited social lead- spent a lot of time getting the others to
ership by starting off the first meeting with share their ideas and summarizing the
the suggestion that members give each team’s progress.
other some background information about As the team moved toward developing
one another’s experiences and expectations a prototype imaging device, the amount
of the team. From then on, discussion that various leadership styles were used
became animated as each person opened shifted, though the type of leadership exer-
up. Later that week, the team met for four cised still gravitated towards specific indi-
hours at Jeff’s house; again, Ken demon- viduals. For instance, people began to rely
strated social leadership by making sure heavily on Chucks organizing leadership
that Henry and Chuck, who were the qui- for direction about what to do next and for
eter members, got their ideas out and that information about each other’s progress.
Jeff, who was the most vocal member of the Jeff continued to provide internal spanning
team, did not monopolize the conversation. leadership by initiating efforts to comman-
At the conclusion of this meeting, Ann deer needed parts and get the team addi-
began to exert spanning leadership by vol- tional funds. During the creation of the pro-
unteering to set up a number of site visits totype, Ann spent a lot of time discussing
with companies that might be interested in the team’s progress with the customer
the product ideas the team was considering. groups that were visited earlier, still work-
Within a month, team members had ing as an external spanner. Social leader-
visited the plants of seven different cus- ship became less important at this stage,
tomers; three of these visits were made as a and consequently, Ken remained compara-
whole team. By this time, a distributed lead- tively quiet. Largely as a result of the mix of
ership system was clearly in effect. Ann skills and leadership styles present, the
made initial contacts at outside firms and group quickly moved on to demonstrate
introduced the other members, thus acting their prototype and transfer the imager into
as an external spanner. Henry, exerting initial production.
envisioning leadership, would come up During interviews conducted at this
with different ideas that he would then try time, it was evident that team members and
out on those visited. His efforts would management considered the overall effort

Team 2 was disbanded after 4 months of

endless bickering, low productivity, and only
44 one semi-marketable product.
to be an outstanding success. Management with Russ; Frank remained neutral. The
was pleased with the quality of the team’s meeting ended with Bill saying that he had
ideas and with the speed at which the team another appointment to catch and Russ
moved. Team members reported the work pushing for another meeting later that
to be exciting and satisfying-all remarked week.
that they really enjoyed coming to the plant During the second meeting, Russ pre-
on Mondays. All also mentioned feeling sented a partially developed product idea
very confident; Henry echoed this with his and suggested that the group develop it
comment, “Sometimes I feel we could make further. Since none of the others had
anything we set our minds to. This group is thought much about new products, the
that strong.” team ended up adopting the idea, after
The second SMT, Team 2, was formed hearing a number of criticisms of the poten-
about the same time as Team 1; however, tial product from Kevin. Bill ended up leav-
this five-person team was disbanded after ing halfway through the meeting, which
four months of endless bickering, low pro- had the effect of cutting the discussion
ductivity, and only one semi-marketable short. Once Russ’s idea was accepted, Kevin
product. became very withdrawn.
Like Team 1, all members of Team 2 During the following week, Kevin dis-
were engineers. Scott and Frank were both cussed Russ’ idea with several managers
somewhat quiet and neither had been on a and, for the most part, told them why he
project team before. Both were well orga- thought the idea was a bad one. On the
nized and methodical. Russ presented a basis of this feedback, one of the managers
friendly, outgoing appearance and had a approached Russ informally and suggested
number of important contacts in the com- that he get the team to look for a different
pany. He liked to be in positions of power project. Consequently, the team’s next
and was seen by others as highly directive. meeting quickly erupted into a blaming ses-
Bill had the most outside contacts of the sion between Russ and Kevin. Bill was
group and had frequently switched posi- absent and Frank and Scott said little. After
tions within the company. The fifth mem- a while, the argument cooled down. Kevin
ber was Kevin, an athletic individual who suggested that everyone take some time to
often served as captain of the sports teams think about other alternatives and the team
he played on. He preferred lots of activity adjourned.
and was a self-proclaimed enemy of formal Subsequently, the group had a great
analysis and planning. deal of trouble meeting. Scheduling con-
From the very first meeting, the team flicts were the most frequently given reason
evidenced discord. Frank and Scott opened for shifting meeting times; in reality,
by stating that the whole idea of an SMT though, it was clear that team members
was stupid. Scott voiced doubts about were quite uncomfortable with one
whether such a team could work very fast, another. Within two months, stories of the
while Frank stated that he did not like team’s arguments had spread throughout
working in groups. Russ interjected by say- the company, and team members privately
ing that the team had to work together for expressed embarrassment over their prob-
better or worse. He then argued that the lems. Finally, after three months of virtually
team would be best served if one person no progress, upper management asked the
was in charge and then went on to give rea- group if they would like to bring in an out-
sons why he should be the team’s leader. side facilitator. The team turned down the
Kevin agreed with the need for one leader offer but continued to spin its wheels, One
but argued that he could do a better job. month later, management disbanded the
Later, the group became further polarized team, transferring the members back to
as Bill supported Kevin while Scott sided their original units. In all, the effort was 45
deemed a total failure, both by manage- hence it was not accepted. Finally, although
ment and by the team members. both Frank and Scott had good organiza-
tional skills, the need for organizing leader-
ship never emerged. The team broke up
before a product was ever developed; even
exercising control over meeting schedules
Taken together, these two cases illustrate became a moot point after the first month.
the extreme differences that leadership can Overall, it is evident that implementing
make in an SMT’s performance. With Team a distributed leadership system in an SMT
1, all the necessary leadership resources can be time-consuming and difficult. Even
existed from the start. Team members having all the needed leadership resources
learned to respect and harness the different does not assure success. In fact, distributed
styles present and came to appreciate the leadership presents something of a para-
need for different styles at different times. dox. On the one hand, a team can benefit
Leadership normally surfaced in a volun- from increasingly heterogeneous leadership
tary, non-domineering way. One person styles. Yet these differences heighten the
would offer his or her services and the oth- potential for serious conflicts. The only way
ers, recognizing that each person would get that the paradox can be resolved is if team
a turn to lead, accepted the offer. Over members realize that different kinds of
time, this led to a fluid, easygoing sharing leadership can coexist if exercised at differ-
of leadership and a truly synergistic effort- ent times. When this happens, the team
together, team members were able to becomes positioned for breakthrough
accomplish much more than they could results. Envisioning leadership provides
have done working by themselves. creative ideas, organizing leadership chan-
In contrast, Team 2 was missing several nels and implements these ideas, spanning
key leadership resources, the most pro- leadership insures that the ideas fit with
nounced of which was social leadership. those of other stakeholders, and social lead-
This deficit led to an inability to resolve ership provides the interpersonal glue to
member differences, especially the conflicts keep the team together.
between Kevin and Russ. It also hastened Because of the complexity and variation
the flight reaction illustrated by all the can- inherent in an SMT’s leadership structure,
celed meetings. At least three members of an SMT’s existence can be chaotic. Without
the team were convinced that groups conscious effort, they can easily degenerate
should have a single leader and, unfortu- into political battlegrounds. And when one
nately, two of these people, Russ and member leaves or a new one is added, the
Kevin, competed for the job. team’s balance can be thrown off. Hence,
Although the potential for effective setting up SMTs should not be lightly
spanning leadership was present (both Russ undertaken. Team members should be care-
and Bill had good networks and image fully picked with an eye toward the varying
management skills), a spanner never devel- leadership skills required. The team must
oped. Bill was much more interested in his also be given time to develop a viable sys-
own welfare than that of the team, and nei- tem of distributed leadership. Management
ther Bill nor Russ perceived that the team’s external to the group should encourage the
success would result in significant personal use of multiple leaders and avoid jumping
benefit. Consequently, Bill rarely attended in and co-opting the team’s leadership pro-
meetings, and Russ only used his outside cess. With the right leadership mix, enough
contacts to bolster his own bid for power. time, and support from outside, an SMT can
Similarly, while some envisioning lead- achieve remarkable results. Without these
ership was exercised by Russ, it was per- factors in place, an SMT can easily become
46 ceived by the others to be self-serving, and one more fire to be extinguished.

For more information on different kinds of ship can be found in “Substitutes for
self-managed teams and their success rates, Leadership: Their Meaning And
see Brian Dumaine’s article “Who Needs A Measurement,” by S. Kerr (Organizational
Boss?” (Fortune, 1990, Vol. 121 No.10, pp. Behavior and Human Performance, 22, 1978,
52-60); “Self-Managing Work Teams- pp. 375-403).
Extending The Quality Circle Concept,” For some group leadership views
Michael Donovan (QuaIity Circles ]otlrnal, related to those presented here, see “In
September 1986, pp. 15-20); and “Working Praise of Followers,” by Robert E. Kelley
(And Managing) Without Supervisors,” by (Harvard Business Review, 1988, Vol. 66 No. 6,
William Wage1 (Personnel, September 1987, pp. 142-148); “How to Choose a Leadership
pp. 8-11). Pattern,” by Robert Tannenbaum and
Detailed case studies of self-managed Warren H. Schmidt (Harvard Business
teams are presented in the articles Review, 1958, Vol. 36, pp.95-101); and
“Teamwork at General Foods: New And “Group Development And Situational
Improved,” by Marc Bassin (Personnel Leadership: A Model for Managing
Journal, May 1988, pp. 62-70); “Work Teams Groups,” by Donald Carew, Eunice Parisi-
That Work,” by Patricia Galagan (Tvainilr?,o Carew, and Kenneth Blanchard (Training
and Development Journal, November 1986, and Development ]ournal, June 1986, pp. 46-
pp. 33-35); “The Cultural Revolution At A. 50).
0. Smith,” by John Hoerr (Business Week, Readings on leadership roles are pro-
May 29, 1989, pp. 66-68); and “Linking vided in “Leading Workers to Lead
Arrangements And New Work Designs,” by Themselves: The External Leadership of
Harvey Kolodny and Barbara Dresner Self-Managing Work Teams,” by Charles
(Organizational Dynamics, Winter 1986, pp. Manz and Henry Sims, (Administrative
33-51). For information on problems with Science Quarterly, 1987, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp.
SMTs, see “Quality Circles: After The 106-128); “Quality Leadership for Quality
Honeymoon,” by Edward Lawler and Teams,” (Training and Development Journal,
Susan Mohrman (Organizational Dynamics, May 1985, pp. 122-129); and “High
Spring 1987, pp. 42-54). This article also Performing Managerial Teams,” by Charles
examines group development stages com- Margerison and Dick McCann (Leadership
mon to SMTs. and Organization Development Journal, Vol. 5
Though a vast literature exists on lead- No. 5, pp. 9-13).
ership, the interested reader can find sum-
maries of past and current thinking in
“Managerial Leadership: A Review Of
Theory And Research,” by Gary Yukl If you wish to make photocopies OY
(Journal of Management, 1989, Vol. 15 No. 2,
obtain reprints of this or other
pp. 251-289), and “A Functional Perspective artides in ORGA~VIZ~~~ONMDMVMICS,
on Improving Leadership Effectiveness,” by please refer to the special reprint
Orlando Behling and Charles Rauch Jr. service instructions on page SO.
(Organizational Dynamics, Spring 1985, pp.
51-61). Research on substitutes for leader- 47

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